COMING EVENTS BEEING of Whe Swwyside Fark WETRY Com Lewndey KX Speed Guess Weasgnimpirnonh bagi ondaoy Fel. Wash Reng this ah. wn for free Wee, Sk gt 140 8 Wely Clibhoves i Benen Binet, Lady priass hi San FECRRE (owight, Feoniill Fark of wae, Fermnili Wok. Admission he DANCE Senn, ey Vag Ta 1 pats Sai aE, b Saturday Might, & p.m > Veh Phpesdoy, Fewwwry 9, | lowes ppenier prin V ST. JOHN'S HALL I BLOOR ST. E TEAuanling fav Raum ad GOL MSE, REFRESHMENTS burch == Evaryone Welcome ibd : we, BINGO | corRONATION [F i ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, FEB, 4th J:A% P.M CPTA NIGHT of CARDS St. Gregory's Auditorium 20 Gomes ~~ $8 FEB, 8th AT 8PM SHARE THE WEALTH Admission 7% k 4 $40 Joskpots To Go Prizes ond Lunch ! $150 Jeckpot To Go THE WEAMHER OFFICE says cloudiness and snowllisy- ries may persist until this sf LETnOOn OF eVERIng Wm Omans 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 | and only & few furnes ere | WEATHER FORECAST expecied in Quebee regions north of the Bi, Lawrence river. The eastern townships of Quebec #hout 7 tn 4 inches of snow SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, FEB. 4th ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS TORONTO (CFP) Forecasts issued by the weather office gi Ex Synopsis. Snow has all but let vam 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 10--2-LB AS VALENTINE CHILDREN UNDER BOXES OF 16 NOT ADMITTED up across Southern Ontario, bul cloudiness and flurries of light snow may persist until this af iternoon or evening, Skies will clegr in all logalifies tomght Lake Erie, Lake Huron, |ake Ontario, Georgian Bay, Halibur ton, Kirkland Lake regions CHOCOLATES DOOR PRIZES Snow Will Taper Off Tonight Timmins- Kapuskasing region Mostly feir and milder today turning colder with snowflurres Sunday, Light southerly winds becoming northerly near 15 Sun aay Forecast Temperatures Low tonight and high Bunday 5% % Windsor Bt. Thomas ++, in London ciesvevveer 8 could anticipate | | caught. fire in (Hatt) ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdny, Febraery #, WY J I. Boucher, 18 Elen street, ot Hem Fndey, A petition chen when & blow torch wae weed in thaw froven water pipes. Damages were estimeled # $6 CHIMNEY FIRE Oshaws Fire Fighters extin # chimney fire ot the pm, reps TO SEE FUM The members of the Rotary Cy of Oshawa, #t thelr lunch nn ' will see dealing with mental retardation. The film wis recently produced for the provincial government TRANSIENT FINED Etephen Sweeney, & transient was fined $50 or 8 month Wn iil by Magistrate F, 8. Ebbs, Friday, when he pleaded guilty to Hilegal possession of wine, It wis Wis second offence, NU-WAY RUG & CARPEY SALES Broadicom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, $ tor Runners, Installation by our own mechenics 174 Mary Street RA 8-468) (held ot the Armstrong Funers | Home #t 1.30 p.m, Monday, Feb. L8, followed by interment in Osh BONSPIEL BRAIDED awe Union Cemetery, Bev, Pi An OPP lauor squad raided Zaparyniuk, pastor of Stig. snnusl Lion's Club curing Mary's Ukrainian Greek Ortho po dox Church, will conduct the PONSpiel, a Cannington, Thurs | services day. Eight bottles of lauor Prayers will be were confiscated Canmingion funeral home ot 7 p.m Police Chief Douglas Bryant sid a charge of having Hauor MRS, CLARENCE GALY may be laid against the man The memorial service for Whe acied as har tender. The tre Clarence Galt, whe died at| curing elib is in & Gry Aree the family residence Bpecial hanquet licences are not Thomas street, on Tuesday, Jan, Permitted #1, in her S0th year held held #1 the Buniay 126 | tle G 'Newcastle Garage NEWCASTLE Al Mp, Aigesed 1914 & Times re garage nd body 1 porter thet "ent members by John Alidrezd, Begyer 7 fully had Veen sleeging, srest, Wewewstle, wes com Vi vetted thet Talbot pletely destroyed by fire early € Rie ae he us" sald |Fridey morning. Demege was od y rly; hts . hare | estimated at $29 599 wd Allan ved" : The fire, which destroyed two The sparks set fire and por Wucks na three DRISERZer| woily burned the back pore of CRrs, wes first noticed # 3150 pty home : wm, by Wr Aldresd's Wiel Cor yepair equipment and me ie |The, Talhoh, who Wives BBE cpinery tn the garege wes de a (cent (othe building. - | strayed Newcastle firefighters, who! Mr. Alidresd, the owner, re {were on the scene at 3.98 &.1m.,| pored the fire mey have start | notified the Bowmenville pum-led in a ears electrical system) | per squad as the fire, helped by thet men had been working on | fiemmable liquids, raced qoick- earlier thet de ily through the garage Mrs. Alldresd voiced ber con | Both fire departments left the, cern shout & welchdog who was . scene at 545 6.m, but were eall- locked in the garege Thursday) today, Colder pir will Hove | od hack at § 2.1m. to fight & fire might end hasn't been seen since, to Quenee Sunday Wit. OB | hat had broken out again inthe, No one fighting the blaze wes tario temperstures will nob | gutted remains "reported injured change mach mn CITY AND DISTRICT Ontario Shorthorn Club, held recently ot Guelph, Lance Benth, Oshawa, was elected to the presidency, First viee-presi dent is John Rickerd, Neweas tle, whe was also elected to serve on the board of the Cana dian Shorthorn Association CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS Collections of customs and ex- cise for the Port of Oshaws dur ing Janusry of this yesr amounted to 91,154 05285, The total for January, 1960, was $4,545 468 85, The breakdown of Was RESTITUTION MADE at the Armstrong Funeral Home 2 pm, Friday, Feb, 3 Rev, James 8, Pierce, pastor of Simeoe Street Pentecostal Church, conducted the Services interment was in Mount Lawn al Cemetery The pallbearers were Norvalle Sweet, Leonard Manhing, Mui George Weiss, 64, of 1504 Ev angeline drive, was fined $100 or two months in jail, by Magis-| 4 trate ¥, 8. Ebbs, Friday, for drawing public welfare under false pretences. He had heen found guilty, 8 week previously and was remanded in eusiody the follows sBIES lax Windsor, London, Toronto, Sud ray Brock, George Reid, Ralph! The court was told he had made collections for last month import duty, $1041, excise duty, $446.50 tax, $104,200.08; excise 19.50 Help us to meet emergency requests for clothing, furniture, etc. CALL SALVATION ARMY OSHAWA RA 3-7422 (residence) RA 3-376] (office) PICKUPS ARRANGED $6,628.72; sundry eollee-| $1,597.24 ons, FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS The city ambulance made) Kitchener Wingham Hamilton ... pt, Catharines \bury, North Bay: Mostly cloudy with a few flurries of light snow today. Sunny with cloudy inter vals and not much change in Burton and Allan Snddard full restitution of the $208.97 ALBERT JAMES GROBE JUDGMENT RESERVED Albert James Grose, of Rag Magistrate ¥. 8. Ebbs reserv {temperature Sunday, Easterly Foronto ' lan, died after a short illness at ed judgment Friday in a charge {winds 15 to 25 today, light on Peterhorough os the Toronto east General Hospi- against Clifford George Hood Sunday SEGHION 11erereres ¥ ltal Friday, Feb. 8, He was in\28 of $01 Phillip Murray av Niagara re gion, Hamilton: Killaloe his 68th year ene, who is charged with the (Flurries of snow and in some Muskoka iors The son of the late Joseph|theft of 8 radio from the Simp [localities - near Lake Ontario North Bay .. Grose and Fanny Hezzelwood,|son-Sears store, Hood admitted |snowsqualls today, Sunny with Sudbury ,, he was born in Raglan July 2.ithe theft in & statement taken [cloudy intervals and little Earlton ,,, 1672, He lived in the Raglan dis- hy police hut Friday claimed lehange in temperature Sunday, Kapuskasing . itriet all of his life with the ex-!the statement was false | Easterly winds 16 to 25 today, White River ,, ¥ |eeption of a short period in To becoming light Bunday Moosonee , i ronto NAB SUSPECT | The his John Bigelow, & former vesl:| | town Insurance business f1or|dent of Oshawa, Was arvested | | OBIT UARIES {many years and was also 8 rep-lin Hamilton ¥riday on two] ] {resentative of the Maple Leal charges of attempted murder | | | | KINSMEN BINGO 20-520 GAMES $150 Jackpot--%$20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5---$30 Games, 2---%250 Jackpots JACKPOT NUMBERS 55 and 55 Extra Buses TEAM | JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th I BINCO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M, four routine calls, including one} to Sunnybrook Hospital, Toren to, on Friday | TORCH FIRES PARTITION | Oshawa Fire Fighters extin-) guished a fire at the home of Home Owners YOU CAN $1600 REPAY AS LOW AS 35.00 MONTHLY SALUTE TOMORROW'S (17/1)13 [SO deceased operated w--lInsurance Company He has heen charged with at er, counsellor and trusted friend Active till his retirement in tempting to murder Walter Me- The sudden death occurred of literally thousands of Indian|ig54, he was a member of the | ylloch and Fred Lemire as the Saturday, Jan, 26, at his home, |ehildren, many of whom have Ragian United Church, and for) result of a shooting at the West: RR 1, Newtonville, of Lorne C.|become famous over the years [many years took a very active pury Hotel, Toronto, last Mon Todd, Born in Manvers Town-| Pauline Johnston, the gifted In part as secretary of the. Bunday|day. MeCulloch 15 in St, Mi LORNE C, TODD ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL 85 NUMBERS $100.00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES ~ 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE ship, he was in his 80th year Mr. Tod was the son of the late Wiliam Todd and Annie MeCarthy, He wus married in Pontypool, Feb, 14, 1012 and has been a resident of Starkville for the past 47 years, Also during his lifetime, the deceased has lived in Manvers Township and Oshawa, He was an elder in Shiloh United Church, Mr. Todd is survived by his wife, Lottie 1, Todd, a son Carl, at home, a daughter Mrs, Don Stapleton, (Eileen) of RR § Newtonville, & brother, Fred, of Newtonville and a sister, Mrs Robert MeGahey, (May) of Osh awa, Seven grandchildren also survive, The funeral service was held from the ¥, ¥;, Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Monday Jan, 80, at 2 p.m, Temporary interment was In the Lang dian poetess; the only Indian Senator ever appointed in Can ada; Tom Longhoat, the grestithe Raglan Court of the Cana his liver Olympie runner; the first Indian| dian Order of Foresters, and for had & bullet crease his head, lawyer; the first Indian doctor in Canada and many, many others were among her pupils and friends On Thursday evening Bishop Hunt of the Diocese of Tongnto, and life long friend, made a special trip to Oshawa to pay hs respects and conduet 8 brief service of devotion for her al the hospital She began teaching at the Mo- hawk Institute in the 1660's and retained her interest and alert: ness about education until she passed away, Only last year a beautiful stained glars window was installed in the Royal Mo. hawk Chapel at Brantford de pieting the association of the Bix Nations with the Anglican Church and emphasizing Miss Vault, Orono, Rev, R. C, White conducted the service Pallbearers were H, Robin son, Clarence Gilmer Orme WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE Falls, Len Falls, Harold Souch SUPER BINGO |" uss n | n poo he fo some MONDAY, FEB, 6 "0 Mrs, Kligabeth i Ame $100 00 GOOR PRIZES bell, 94 Brock street east, died JACKPOT NOS, 52-54 at the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, Feb. § pi N x A daughter of the late George 2--$500 JACKPOTS IF WON IN 52 NOS, OR LESS, (IF NOT, THEN GAME IS REGULAR $250 JACKPOT, Mos, 52.54 Consolation $25) Milne and Mary Murdock, the | --$300,00 JACKPOT Scotland, to Oshawa, Mrs $2,350 PRIZES EXTRA BUSES deceased was born at Turriff Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and IF WON IN 52 NOS, OR LESS, (3150 CONSOLATION), Must Go p - P Campbell had lived here for 48 20 GAMES AT $40 Sam; RED BARN ADMISSION 1,00 TICKET GIVES YOU FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 wai married in Ottawa in 1011 17 NOS OR LESS. ($20 CONSOLATION) A DOOR PRIZES CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED IF WON IN member of Knox Preshy terian Church, the deceased's main Interests were in her home and her church Predeceased by her husband Duncan Campbell, in May, 1947 she Is survived hy two daugh ters, Mrs, Eric Pym (Isobel) (and Miss Catherine (Kay) {Campbell hoth of Oshawa Also surviving are two sisters, |Mrs, Eva Ewart, of Galt and Coming directly from Turriff, 5 GAMES AT $30.00 "THE NEW" ADMISSION Hardie's life with the Church and in the education of Indian |ehlldren The window was presented to {the Chapel (the oldest non {Roman Church in Upper Can lada) by a group of Miss | Hardie's former pupils, and ded leated hy the Bishop of Huron {In the center of the window is a pleture of Miss Hardie as a {young lady instructing her pupils, with the cross and the school In the background. She herself unvelled the window at | the dedication, | She was honored by the Min ister of Education at last year's isession of the Ontarie Publie {School Trustees' Association, and was made a life member of the Teachers' Federation of Ontario in 1050 | Funeral services will he held at Her Majesty's Chapel of the Mohawks in Brantford on Mon day, Keb, 6, at 2 pm, Canon John Zimmerman will eonduet ithe service | She will be buried in a place {reserved for her on the Chapel | grounds where Chief Sir Joseph HArant and other great people of her race are now resting It is fitting to say that no school, chureh and steward of the He was 8 member of! many years was financial secre tary of the lodge He Is survived by his wife, the former Nellie ¥', Kester and one daughter, Mrs, Charles Fox (Hazel), one son, Frank H Grose, one sister, Mrs, D, Thompson; two grandchildren, Brian Fox and rd, Donald Pletcher (Barbara) all of To | ronto strong Funeral Home commene: | ing Sunday for memorial serv: ices in the chapel Monday, Feb, 6, at 3 p.m, Interment will fol.| low in the family plot at the Rev, Robert Love, of Columbus, will conduct the services PUC Approves Big Main Project The Oshawa Public Utilities Commission Friday night, ap proved a $186,000 water - main project, frgm Gibb street, past the Stevenson road project, to south of the CNR tracks It was recommended that work be started as soon as possible on that portion connec ted with the Stevenson road Highway 401 cloverleaf, to aid the progress of elty work in that area The city engineer's plans for the project were brought tol Friday night's PUC meeting by R, A, G, Simmons, of Gore and Storrie Ltd, consultant engin eers for the commission Any work that is done before April '1 will he eligible. for grants under the winter works program, the commission was told Charge Four Youths Robbed Pay Phone I. The body will be at the Arm |promated, distributed by sues | Ennai Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin,| mrss chael's Hospital, A bullet enter: ed his stomach and pierced | and spleen. Lemire BREEDERS HONORED At the annual meeting of the TIMES CARRIER ALLIED INVESTMENTS 51 KING ST, EAST OSHAWA Looking for @ PUBLISHER Your beak san be published, Is Learning Te Bosom A Your Help Will Be Appreciated Suony ANYTIME FOR DAY OR EVINING APPOINTMENTS reliable company neted for prompt, persona! service, All subjects, Send for Free Booklet, Yaniage Press, Dept, €-28, 120 31, New York RA 3.3993 17 Affiliated Offices Across Ontarie Member of , ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION ign. ¥ Of Course There Aro Other Kinds Of Good Media ". . . But, Here in Oshawa and District it's THE TIMES That is Read for World and Local News Every Day very, Lay Everybody Reads WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 8 p.m. Bus leaves Oshawa, Terminal 25¢ Return SPECIAL GAME OF $200 (Must Ge) $20 each horizontal lime == $100 a full card $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $150 IF WON IN 52 NUMBERS 5 games at $30 0 $250 JACKPO 2nd---57 1st 52 20 games at $20 GAMES $30 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD Door Prizes == Proceeds go to Bullding Fund Club To Sponsor Fashion Show Kiwanian Ted Wildgoose, of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club's 1961 Ways and Means Committee, announced at the club luncheon meeting this week that his com: mittee will sponsor the famous Canadian Industries Lid. "Tery- jene Division" Fashion Show, at Oshawa Central Collegiate audi: tarium, on Wednesday, March 1 This is the same CIL Fashion Show that travels from Vaneous ver to Montreal, with an entire cast of professional models, An: ticipating a heavy demand for admission tickets, the commit tee has announced that tickets will be available from Oshawa stores--as well as from mem: hor of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. Mrs. Jean Sherwood, of London, | teacher in Canada, or no great England and three grandehil patriot had a higher sense of dren, duty and honor, She was a The funeral service will be|friend of bishops, clergy, states. held from the Melntosh = Ander men and was presented to three son Funeral Home at 2.80 p.m. generations of the Royal fam. Monday, Feb, 6, followed hy in-|{ly, but she never lost the com: terment in Oshawa Union Cem: {mon touch etery, Rev. R, B, Milroy, minis a ter of Knox Preshyterian ALEX RUDYK Church, will conduct the serv.| Following an iliness of three loes months the death occurred at the Oshawa General Hospital MISS SUSAN HARDIE Friday, Feb, 8, of Alex Rudvk, A great and gracious lady|283 Monash avenue, He was in passed on to her sure reward|his 64th year, today after a brief illness in the] Born in the Ukraine on Aug Oshawa General Hospital, Miss{2, 1887, the deceased had been Susan Hardie, perhaps one oflin Canada for 87 vears and had Canada's outstanding teachers lived practically all that time in {of the century, who taught for| Oshawa, He was an employee of over §0 vears at the Mohawk|the Oshawa Roard of Works for Institute in Brantford, Ont, and{ more than 20 years prior to his has received almost every con-| retirement in 1087. ceivable honor for her work and/ Mr, Rudyk is survived by his dedication to duty, was a guest|wife, the former Pauline Samen: at the home of Mr, and Mrs. veh and two sons, Michael! of George A, Fletcher in Oshawa Sudbury and William, of Osh [when she suffered a stroke.!awa {Mrs, Fletcher's father, the late] Also surviving are a sister, Rev, H. W, Snell, was principal| Annie, in the Ukraine and a and chaplain at the Mohawk ih grandson, Joseph Rudyk, of Sud stitute for many years, bury Miss Hardie had been a teach:| The memagial service will be Four Oshawa youths were ap- prehended by Oshaya Police at 8.95 p.m, Friday affer they had broken into a public pay tele phone at 288 Bloor street west, Charged with theft are John Smith, 17, 175 Eastdale street; James William Burgess, 19, M4 Elgin street east; David John Rockbrune, 16, 88 William street west and John Pollard, 18, 407 Humewood About $150 damages were sus tained hy an automobile driven by Gaston Henri Strasbogh, 31, of 246 Conant street, at Ritson road south and Rloor street east, when it was struck in the rear by a city of Oshawa Works Department truck driven hy Ralph Campbell, 44, of 1M Guelph street | CALL OFF WUNT HALIFAX (CP) = RCAF |Search and Rescue headquar {ters sald Friday the search for a downed United States military [transport plane with 33 persons {aboard has been called off, The| | C118 airliner disappeared Jan. | | {3 off the Newfoundland "at const,