SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1961 : PAGE NINETEEN Recreational boating passed a historic milestone last year when the 2,000, Oth Johnson Sea Horse motor rolled off 'the assembly line, Johnson Motors was the industry's first manufac- turer to turn out its 2,000,000th motor, a production feat paralleling the unprecedented upsurge in family beating, - "No recreation in history has captured the hearts of the public as quickly and completely ag boating," said Peter McArthur, Vice President in Charge of Mer- all aa uw -chandising at Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada, yr. wy manufacturers of Johnsori motors, "So, in keeping pace, "gd A i 4 oh CONTROLLED it's not surprising that a production record is set." a Tant OYY L % Statistics show that in 1904, only 15,000 recreational -- b+ go" "4 boats were being used in the entire North American a continent, Within ten years, the figure leaped to 400,000 boats. By the depression year of 1930, recreational boats numbered 1,500,000, "This figure jumped to 2,500,000 \l boats in 1947" McArthur pointed out, "and today ~-- a dozen years later -- it has trippled to more than It's hard to raise the price of people, easy to raise the price of 7,500,000 boats," things. Is this why, despite the fact that many Canadians are producing more and more value at less and less cost, prices go up instead of down? ONTARIO TODAY \ When people want to raise their price --wages or salaries ~they can't simply notify their employer-buyer that the price has gone up, Employees must submit their proposals to scrutiny by government offi- cials and, if necessary, argue their merits before a public "Board of Conciliation", Clean air, fast boat, and beauty, Good way for young [ry to learn boating ABC's, Two new models of the 75 horsepower V-4, plus But there advancements in functional design, quietness, efficiency and convenience, feature the 1961 line of nine models introduced by Evinrude Motors, On the 75 horsepower Starflite III Evinrude Motors is no enforced delay, no argument before a public Bdard when large corporations increase the price of things. Customers are simply told that the price is up pay has introduced temperature controlled fixed-jet carbu- retion, additional sound silencing principles and a Jet- stream design that applies function to form, The Star- flite III with Uni-Charger is the luxury model which adds a high-output AC generator, with a fully transis- torized regulator, to the features of the Starflite III, The Lark III, Evinrude's luxury 40 horsepower model, ranks next in line, A broad range of power is provided by the other models in the 1961 line, These include the 40 horsepower Big Twin which gives big motor ability with the economy of manual starting; the 18 horsepower Fastwin, the trim versatile "middle- weight" of the line; the husky and trustworthy 10 horse- power Sportwin; the 55 horsepower Fisherman, a quiet trolling favorite; and the three horsepower Lightwin, the stowaway motor with the weedless drive, Improved fuel efficiency for the new 40 and 75 horsepower models has been accomplished by Evinrude through the introduction of the first perfected application of fixed-jet carburetion made practical by the thermos- tatically controlled constant engine temperature, The fixed high speed jets designed into the carburetor provide for proper carburetor calibration under all load con- ditions and eliminate the adjustable high speed needle valves, PICTURE CREDITS Cover, Kleinert's; page 3, Tor- onto Star Syndicate; page 4, Gordon W, Pawley; page §, CFTO-TV; pages 6 and 7, Miller Services, India Tourist Board, Bermuda News Bureau, Gick (Jamaica); pages 12 and 13, Graphic Artist Photographers, Tor: onto; pages 16, 19 and 19, Richard Matt, Toomey's, Ontario Today Publishing Office; 425 University Ave, "Toronto, Canada. or do without! « If government-required de- lays and public enquiry are necessary before Canadians can raise the price of people, why shouldn't similar delays and public enquiries be neces- sary before corporations can raise the price of things? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNITED STEELWORKERS + WRITE TO 20 SPADINA ROAD, TORONTO, ONT,