- (d8==Reuk Heute For Sole 45---Reol Ustote For Sole 45--Reol Estate For Sols (45--Reol Estate For Sele (47 --Automobiles For Sols |B0--Articles For Sole | TIE OANA. TI, tures February 4, 196% 13 0 woh be peony, tae . REE PE El Wh tien pA at (50-- Articles For Sols | "MAPLE GROVE Ars de) ti hptiogd Harry Millen Fu i Err HEE Yn + - is G1 Kr rl Sle 8 Tg To We large lot. Owrer wi] MAPLE rh e, Rew Rd Need, fo me oe Mr 8, o8 RA 40591 or § Conon. F | REAL ESTATE 7] Visi hol Biden 11 ONTARIO STREET "i [1 Fo ry ae rt ul ot i 79 LA ret 4 OPEN HOUSE | RA 8-16 oA be bo oe er va -a wir ne THIS WEEK-END F BRUCE ST. [ene Vindwi pe 2 rs rg i 3 4 arn HE PE © i pred a Vridey 10 8 pa. BTV Westin last {rb Lo 12,800-817 00 down, coh 16 ong Geen isi 'd §76 month: | FWA , Thiey - 4, wae 419 ADELAIDE §T A ; ug gb} iE Bd Hp drive, 9) hess, [ha So A [3d a RA 55100 Fron for con, ay Older, b-1oom, rick, grid FR, wis, Yar bE % re hime, Go 4 GOOD LOCATION A far his Tl rt TH 4 A sonay is ad pM i hd : fg thie fo Garis "on 1 ha tor face Phone yogi d a0 ye lad Ag W "A $t, yg condiion, $1,500 down, $19,800 = 1800 squors fest, pis etiragtive hmisngd recreahion oe ¢ spormetin Vom os) erm, Solesmen Jock 190m. Three sutra 16rge bediecms, dining room, GHeched garage. J jos oer FOTIA yx LA wh Ay ¥ Je WINGS, chm A "eerie, ecreiarys TeDOTIS Were Eivem Acuity will be thers 16 Brosdioomm, $8000 down. ww :. by wid Wid a seltle eniele. ROTOR (sa reuss, many fi. Fey fh, 5 i whch passe oi 1] his, We es 11 ew wu [7 Mrs, William O'Neal! HE GLENWOOD CRESCENT frei, Hears i A yom a Fase ts a iL ii ih ist Hi eo A ay a ming on. show you rough ond give information, first JOHN A, J, Six room wpithevel, attached gerage, brasdionm, wane fireplaces, [7 "vir hari, a Tan: i wken patie, newly decorated, down down peryvent, attractive Noa ofa A pHa ok nA aig, new fi ool 'om poi jin BOLAHOOD | terms 10 repsonsible buyer 134° [pach Boman s, po Pos, OK BLE AE nti y FOUR BEDROOMS Fi Mir dl i li, Ee dade frie Ra LIMITED , 1 ) ir i SURANCE | wing hh wit tly, . SON INSURAN $17,900 = Bevin rooms, split-level, of Hreplocs, we al ps price 96 : ie f w BEE 8 a, 48 pore Hare, In goed schaals, bus and shopping, Two baths, full dining rem, oiside |THRE 7" "Tri k Feet mo 1 condition, K shin Wd Vests To i as Freon wo dl i Be Toh Wo entrance 10 basement ich possesion, font Iromtage, Wh miinned iH "ew i Doveasts, i447 i SELLTW isin, rl hovel ALA Wd pt i { (rh yo ws | _&¢ "hls Ws A. Bp Wen To att rh rl " Foam a WOODCREST ~-- NORTH-WEST WING, 8 feet x 1] fast (| 4 CHEVROLET ao "won, 4) I ip #ilaet Ax tT A wilh | A A delicious Juisiod | srk Ro Excellent condl: A Tall do 13,900 -- Three yeor old clay brick bungolow, Entre large |Lanioely 846 ALA i) Xa ond, "Teermens "RA | Kio ti Veo Nien inner was served af bo Wns il itchen, thise good-sized bedrooms, aluminum worms end TWO MA appre ed FAs fa id "WA Sail Half sare, A an da how when 21 ladies sat down. i ly sont BA bo screens, Owner tronslerred, Sr bo er, md A "A bd rnd d i p LL Fd ha hardware ond + $Thres large quilts snd one crib ® Isr ehh {ih Tis, W hig Bo uraws Jon whe Bles yong, were done, wr Eg tt Too, eh Ed Realtor = Insurance LARACOR AVE, atid tern hg bel hedivom bus STATE (7) noire, Wave up Ta | 116, B Coarch, RB "|n pee fan at compiele fa 04 modmy low, § Tent, down © 67 KING ST, E 5% "Fairieih Avene, to pay or | GON i ay fr piony od $13,000-~Wih $2500 down, Desirable north end losation, Bix hi, $600 down, HR shone! service ab your home ell BA plies, new and # Mi 1s ,- Maple Grove Girl Guides and wor | oF mot small business, Tels RA 5-7732 room brick bungslow, completely decorated, nicely lendssopsd, i $15 monly. cleat, 1% |B280% dowd Dominigs, i hone BA A-4340 shies b pIn m dd 4 4 ' Kony hk nome eieinone | WA i RL RT fr _cor| virest Vest, Wor aiding machine, wads And wei Boy Beauts en ayed a skoting FURNISHED bedroom with mo $1675 DOWN INCOME HOME rd (Eda ful on pe Daminion Fire orvicy wie "ih aa "aul net, $5 cash reginier, Watlons} narty at the Courtice rink on edd . fi Stalk" Juris urnianedd hidroom " BROAKIIN = three « edgoam Bunge | Mares, #1 Ae i. Bony terme. Anything' Tree" B (if ih Hy V0 196 Simcoe Breet BOD. muesday evening, Those In priv washroom. Adults, esnbral W y n 1 , WRF £6 two Aogr h parking. Apply 495 King Mirest 3. Mrtrastive -bedrcem brick | §12 600--5ix room income home, Oshewe Blvd, Neth, Twe [low yh add er etd 14 nMOS , ns A Wamition, Askiwirn, Br HATES, ia "oid sed. sid aod wy (Charge were Girl Guide Cap: FURNISRED lint hovsekes poor | bungelow with carport, lo kitchens, separate entrances, fenced-n yard, garage, ei heat, [Ha of. 64718 4 (gamers, tinted glass, wood condition. | FOR the best big 18 rigs i carpels, ganged est selection In Lowp tain, Mrs. Jim Geddes and ; el wee of dryer, £lond to 0 ho Cd coted close 10 public and | low toxes A BH ty WuWev. BA B40 Previon's (4 B04 Bend Bless Bast, |g ft Tole Malker and bal wad downtown, Girl preferred. Tels . haols, convenient bus | £ y C EVEOLEY Bel Alr four door | WE fenial designed Fuge. various ' Phone BA B80 high sehaols, convenient by AFTER 5 P.M. CALL TWO- STOREY BRICK {poo CHEVROLET Bel Alr four door | WEW frignial destin pre for witch | BV Lost & Found Mrs, Ken Slalker also Be out af, Ye | fully equiped, Wie | sizes service. Included of no ex. " ! 3.900 P lL x | F 9 ane ' : / EXTRA [free furnished iy Winse Brodley--RA 3-2006 Charles Smith RA B-B254 $1,000 down, balonce of |Bew, fhe euner, low mileage, prvete| sls Retephone BA SH05 alter 4 §.. | TAN Toker Taner. ie. Toit Thon leaders, M. Bruce MeDonald i G56 ", aed S 4 Pi ki Koom, wit" two gestiemen or coup; ro co, divided baosemer wr RA 32874 Loreen Kellst == RA 3-3770 | $6500 on one mortgage of |8e'e BA p67 1 TEVEVISON, Phils, flour moth Masy wna Grierson, Osnsws Weense and Dick Bafley, Bveryone had #68 Blmegs Bireel Marth, RA 3746 | fully desorgted, landscaped, | John Field --r0 Bh LAB M14 W MESGTO sedan, ox exude: orig: | with daors, In hh CanaHIon | $70 manthly. This heme hos wal frit grees, body and cel | ihime HA 54091 Bor Burther prrletre| 1, Jelephons shy IROFIRALON 1 ia fond time excepting for an FURNISHED igh! housekeeping room, coloured bethroom fixtures, | ifm 4 THEE able fo gentlemun, located pest pohcacny cupboerds, ceramic | furnase, bathroom, garage, [DE RL Shsotuiely beyond pi URED parts and rebuire for a 4 |aceident when Mrs, Geddes dis orth General Motors, Apply Bi Osh nega ip / , . and Is very central, Needs origingl spotless RRANETY, radia, of wyineg type was % My rt $e { Incated he vist and fractured Hy Ruvievped Worth or iéispmons WA) ROTI, Some and sérpens. - | decorating Coll Charles [heck sent speaker, exirs gaod wale: 165 "to BURT AR vernal Ld Hd hd fracture One NH.A, morgage Rankine, RA 5.6588 or RA gle rte Wo fina. vie Ring Wert | shire | # loves, Peady's Ms ef Twill nat be responeivie for any the largest hone. Bhe had it set BOWNTOWN, two comiortably fyrnieh: w 8:3682, Wilson Realtor plo _oppasite Shopping Hampton, CO 3804 devia contracted 1h Ay by my and a cast nut on at Bowman: we} gekagpint rooster oete re LOTS LOTS LOTS | Real Estate Limited er dt oni AAT 1 tonal wll He TH ty erase my "velo con, Yio Woupital Viv 1s English Lid akin FSOng, pn ne $k! J dq Pdf tres, $275. 98 Dovedale? lab awe Whig he (A Gm # Lorge ravine lot located in 40 King ot, Edst Dial RA B- 4678 REALTOR | Ag WH ho ARE a | hi me HA 3-54 A ore particulars Berry Marin Milne PERSONALS NT 4 Toms, est» | north end of city, 98' front | #6 DODGE, excellent mechanics] Maps, HAR" oe ahd Wap Fonts Eo ------ Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Snowden ny included, heavy duty move, woul age, has stream and wooded 100-ACRE FARM (Fadia, pew snow bres; pesds lithe body | 4 illed M Bill suit gouple. Apply 33 Erie Brest area of rear, Coll Earle Allen, | | work 448. WH 4007 Hiv aa # Hi APPLICATION o i hs 4 an Mn I FURNISHED fron room, workii F od fats 44 miles narth of Fort Perry -- first-6lass |0-r66m heme with #6 FORD custom sedan, AL mechan: |ahorite fon devks, Fok LTE TO PARLIAMENT Mre . man A yop on souple oF gentiemen, Nght housekeng ully serviced city lots in 1 h C aod b with water ond hydro, 65 PICKERING esliy, radia, $380 or best eifer, Coll spring filled mattresses, si rs. James Fwing even Ing, refrigerator options), two minutes north and east ends of Osh oll ity eonveniences 9 arm Dave, WH E4028 or WH 21021 valises to B30 05, clepr ou ha Islands Quehee who Is vist! from four earners, BA 55460 me % acres under eultivetion (mined crops), 7-acre pig run, 48 aeres | . 1s = eofles tables 88; unpainte Wier (i NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN ' ' ni owa, All lots close to bus | Total $500 Down $6500 #4 OLDSMOBILE, In excellent condi painted Thests, S11 unpainted. book / in Bowmanville, on Monde; , WAN 1akge room single beds, milk | haols heaping | Bush and pasture and running stream, Low down. payment, Tete i} side (Hom, Elenn. extins, must be seen to he 108 PP tinued patterns of| tha! Ontario Ladies' College or {wo (a "snare, Ase ght] Servis, schools, shepping | Co TET ne a0 After 8:30 call John Kemp RA 8:2392, five-room oil heated, insie ppheciated, private, 1096 King West ot! 8 Hacpntinied PAMEImE oti | intends 10 apply to the Legis: Mr, and Mrs, C, Russell and Bg: 1'e hd Ulreet evolve, 'WA| areas." Avolloble on easy | F conveniences, workshed, Car 4 ih + of Gi seniier mats, 91.00} lative Assembly of the Pro- (family were dinner guests of in * A y 4 id 4 €line Brest terms. Attractively priced | RITSON RD, N, ries $65 monthly, foxes [1 I i new fires gout, wai, | pre plese hedrogm silts Wi! these vince of Ontaria at the next |My, and Mrs. Don Brooks on ED © sillipg rod for gid, private " 166 t otier, Telpy one 7654, | ple ria fo sestions y ath, * wrondiom. cooking Privtenes | Suburban let close to school, | $86.98. Pickering aren ' J ar hel 3 . 4 a nm | hy sare it Rg 14 Wil ison Fu session thereof for the passing |Bunday evening, prarening wipifiéa, near hospital, WA 70° x 218, $999.00 | 4 bedroems, | a-storey heme with gerege ~ paved drive = | oc 00 oo $6950 -- |ibt mier on oY miles | Hire, 80 Church bees, of an act providing for rer Misses Sandra Snowden snd LL! very large lot 333' desp, Upstairs renfed = low down pay our raems, three-piece both, (Ger gen Gusraniest W6S, Kink |OUR ARANOE bark sll ospary mg | incorporation os o eorporation | LANES SRRdTe Bowden LAL TING priviigses, five min. INVESTMENT ment, Total price $13,800.00, furnace. Carries §78 month. | West Motars, apwoniie Shopping Conte, terial, 107 "wilth," vegilay. S698" ybtl| without share capital and for |SMITIey Sanders chener 4 LL Furminh hog, 19 I Brest providing that the cerparation |WeTe weekend guests of Mr, B57 Wingsisle. Telephone RA 4007" PROPERTY | HUMBER AVE. lv, Vox ilued. Ajo NAGY MOTOR SALES BF GRORRICH Fares - fies dif shall be deemed to have been [And Mrs, Alan Snowden and n WO furnished housekeeping rooms \ abl rca ci Brick house, centre hall plan, . tories, Kelvingtor relrigerntars, and shall continue to be a |Mr. Bob Goodmurphy was » igi] a Lichen, with walneal Valuable King 31. semmurcial 514-ROCM NEARNEW BRICK bungalow, In geod aanirel four hail living roam, MERCEDES - BENZ » DKW vislon. Thitfty Hdget th J) corporation witheut share |guest on Sunday, LE Ay sD LA building with ample parking | lesation. Paved drive, brick garage, londsconed, fenced pauser separate dining rom, modem Sales and service, Bhewreem BEST QUALITY capital, And 10 amend Chap- Mr. and Mrs, ba Whittick, oa Iarge, warm furnished room, ry facilities, Attractive finan ated, storms, ihe V4 ts 30 we b/ Mago of 5.9) A kitchen, four-plese bath, Pow. open until # pm, et i ter 68 of the Statutes of Oshawa, visited and Mrs. oc nails tis gi br vo finite] cing on Pam. Ave >y AY del rom SONATA | 408 KING ST, WEST FURNACE FUEL OIL DATED. or Wiier aut. y, [Ken Mayberry and family on 0 ' ' ar , Street for further lo TRADE YOUR HOME TODAY APPLE HILL +5800 reg! ed, hig STOVE OIL this 18th day Wy ih Sunday, ; SE 2 AL 1961 Mr and Mri Som Snowden an CLEAN, bright double furnished rooms, N win beds. Also single 100m, Tarmhed, CALL PON HOWE 3-bedroom brick bungalow in ideal lacotion, priced at $12,800.00 Residential lots, eommergial EXPERT SERVICE Rinckstock, enlled yileges. Ceplral. Telsphong a A i WA Rs for urther deta) REALTOR for quick sale with $2,500,00 dawn, eluminum sterms end and industrial land, Whitby, DIXON'S CREIGHTON, FRASER Bae piled" on Mr. an fi ¥, a phous a Ty decorated and landscaped, wired for drysr, After 5130 Pickering, Ajax, SABYAN MOTOR RA 34443 DRYNAN & MURDOCH, Mr Jn I ening LL fried iY Tat oping Il desir After haus please ell soll Rick Barriage at 5:6243 Erick 8 Barristers, otc, Mr, and Mrs, Christy Hard five iy he f he it Earle Allen RA 5:-7782 AFTER 5:30 CALL is Toy $80 A hu SALES LTD, SALE 5 Simenr Street North, called on Mr, & A Fred FURNISHED (wo large hed + siting pred Holand Tiomey ; STURERAKER, hy KEWAGEN | Aluminum Products of the Oshawa, Onlarie, Gow en route " ¥ home on Polrilhrearh, on Wut lon, | gi RA 5 Marien Brew §:7610 John Kemp 8:2393 Dick Barrioge 5-624) Diet line to Pickering AR and JERVICS best quality of the beat [mee SEE EE mm Rouga Toland "from 8 holiday eopotlle decison A itil ALLY » i A 92 Tou Moca B21) MO 8-47 al TAWA © views, © lly Wg TOWN OF WHITBY [trip ta Florida, H urnished tabi. 10: 4 rah indy indy of pada al Gruen Bens 200i ten B "1 Whithy wi ds Tol! RAndoloh, 3-346! $i. I ow Notice of Or vid y Jor Pigkering .. . L Aluminum Ce, y on Mr, and Mrs, » YR AN Fausnng 11 9513 [AB----Automebiles Wanted | Lymer Alu ip [AlEn Snowden, Jim and David, LLOYD REALTY ARCHITECT'S TR fo or OM Tord pdt RA 8.5385 Partial Redemption |g Friday evening, wi Rg ol - DREAM MAKE AN OFFER va: i gerd, Tim SEE HOME APPLIANCES | 1+ Te the helders of Deban: | Mr, and Ms. T, A Day, Ou: THEN CALL his lovely three bed brick : A f Ne, 114 to 120 in. (BWA, were dinner guests wit LOW PRICE HARMONY VILLAGE Tia lvety Wives lupin bath | Wt or bi i duit a A QiNAWA L a ehriive nnd in accord Mr. and Ms. D. & Bailey on | d screens, |mew iL 0s OF § gnce with Wy-law Ne, uesday evening In honor of $7,900 -- $7,900 AT HARMONY RD, SOUTH large. fenced In lot, clove: fo [iA ini] TOAMCOE SOUTH 1997 In the Town of (Freddy Belley's birthday, | large fenced In lof, Al ale ' veo! Ra bungalow with OPPOSITE DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL | po and Separate schools: hg ik wrecking. Highest prices paid EG A ICR Whitby; Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Wager args lot, La SALES od dole bt JB San or ray 3 and 4 bedroom hemes with ota ached garage, all lendscoped PHONE RA 8- 5125 Domestic end Commercial 2 76 the holders of Fata and family. Qthawa, wire luneh "he yt tha shopping Con| ng of animals. Al modem lots, beautiful tri-level and bungalews featuring large living and CASH RA 5.5332 ? . 1, and Mrs, Ron conveniences, Loggtion, east dining area, 2 ceramic tile baths, Thermepane windows, briek For BA Nddvé elusive ued, n aceord Hogers on Sunday, TE fae. n peter of good la i Oshawa, Phene Bill Miller at ond stone sonstruction, plus many other extras, See them REAL ESTATE Far anv chelée clean care SICKROOM EQUIPMENT gree, with Bvlew No. | "My. and Mrs, E, Wihiidal en: fits Just ae hniow: on RA 8-5123 naw, open this week-end, aii Trade up or down : Whitt tertained several neighbors and first Martane awher willing " okt RM TRADE 4 ane : FOR RENT or FOR SALE hy) friends at a party in their home back secon Id he used as pom: hey, "Hh, a Ltd, fealion CASH «= TE ME DON 9: SMI TH MACKIE 5 MOTORS Hospital beds, wheel chairs, 3. To the holders of deben on Saturday evening, merels! site. WH 26410, Alas B-5124 ; hd OE! b COT Tor sin 100 teal br ies CALL BILL SWARBRICK Mar KING pl TY RD, Invalid 'walkers, bedsides, Mute No 200 Jad in Mrs, 6, C, Ashton has return. Kendalwood area, Telephone TX Vickery Real Estate sommeodes, erutches and od home after thi H 101 HiNGOr So ® woh RA 5.6544 RA 5-8342 - EI I hier three Weeky visit ET et Juve vs #1 canes, else rall-away beds, Whi of the Town of with her daughter, Mrs. Stuart JOHN A. J, ' adele . SPOT CASH Phone Aid Rentals RA 8.1644 | + ; Rodman, on Beugog Island, WHITBY CLASSIFIED BOLAHOOD EXCELLENT SITE | "PAID FoR STAT | edorict nen da do Ro 4 Good clean cars, Trade wp 'REE ESTIMATE tends to redeem and hereby |Mrs, George Sommerville, all BOOM and hoard for gentleman, wash: WANTED, a lady to sieaning. on Hel CE 65' hy 110°, close to schools or down, Liens pald eff FREE ESTIM calls for fpdemation 44 of Oshawa, called on Mr, and 8 Moma away tram Nema, | Friday If paseibie, or 7 radar, Tone REALTOR NSURAN stores end transportation - On that worn eut bathreem March 15th, 1961; Mrs, Ken Mayberry an ha (0h #3 F RODD MOTOR SALES Toaiar them ig) yberry and fam LA 1, Debentures Neo, 114 to [WV Ast week, conurel, shatainer Telephone 4708, Phone FOR BALE = 56 Rennull, one owner | FOR RENT--One furnished oom sen BE SURE TO SEE 4 314 PARK RD, § sf , inelud 1A | y ¢ Mr, and Mrs, ©, cay se, wind hg lh Lepr ll RA 5-4939 --A II Guscott Plumbing arcordance. wit Blow Mr. and Mik IG. Froemas 0 § pom, ta 7 pm ; " RA 5.5132 207 Simepe §, No 7 ALE = Hanusiie, Giehas BEF (now rane Hole. ams for Toni hit 1] 46---~Real Estate Wanted HOUSTON! S GARAGE nn TH or ei HOI0 bumst pints of Mh ry hed with tren and » : La WI aires wring jis" only. 98 Walson Street MO GOLDELL S Jnegie and ais waned foi AND SERVICE STATION 20th Century , Debentures No, 246 to Harold Macklin, in Oshawa last FOR BENT = Two furnished house: ROOFING, siline: "eavesirayghing, in At nation is A Yirer. Mh| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM» 248 Inclusive Issued in | Thursday evening, ¢) : o0oD AN Hat cn he Da. Prasie en. Rian od ih nasiarel Crest 1961 Lila or Mi th ST NSTE TRAE pekvice, 0 F PL gceordance with By-law | Mr, and Mrs, Orville Ashton MO §hude I tre, Tortus, Boul | QENERAL REPAIRS, ESTABLISHED 1953 Whitby. an ered "oc! [and Charles, Enniakillen; My. FOR RENT = Vroom house, oll heal: JOR BE NY ~ Whithy aparim WY And ably parth Oshawa 0 Teal estate Ou Whitby and dated OQg- a fn r years of experience In 7 ing, pring have, good Jogatian, 868 (M0 od M Ba lrann please, Te elophone Oly 54778, 67 KING ST, W the Wan nese business tober 1st, 1976; Ira Travell Oshawa; Mrs, L. mont mediate "possession, Telp:| Killen, eeeirichlly equiphed, dranns, TV : Satmire, Toronto; Mr, and Bhatis Mo $4900 afer §. p.m Rental wi 1 J anil "Ake HOMES OF GRACE and SPACE 47--Automubiles For Sele [= RADII assures you of the highest Debenture No, 200 issued (Mes, William Bragg and fam: #60 and 840 for two one bedroom apart. [ern three And nedragin Wha alaws quality brand food products, in accordan th By-| ily, P ments, In Apri ont hullding, close te fi ta $118 monthly, A Nenals, He NETTING or buying "Alew rh WwW | L L | S and leading name &oncdion N a 197 ie hi bi ylaw y, Providence, were Sunday schools, shy LLY parking. far, Contact J, A, Daly, Mo airs $0 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED trying, Cagh for your gar, made freezers of your cholic 8, 4 of the Town of guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brookllh, OL DREAEM off ar payments redup od wl nh 0 de freezers of your choice, White and dated July von | WENT New Tora Two Hr ING oo aiui, soats end or dow aller and HT fh MOTOR S Complete line of meats, 1b74) eech and family, Pai ont A JJasation, Phe foot #1 WAFER eed. Mrs, Tams MO wr | Nooo Easy terms H/ Yegetables, poled "boda S pi toca) Jit - Mrs, Alan Snowden i EA hy TAUNTON RD. E, y : ayment of the principal [visited her parents, Mr, and FOR RENT = Modern (wo Bedrod® G F S CAR AUCTION i terms available moneys of the face value, te» |Mrs, Ernest' Wilking In Port WHIT in Laund : a , A ST! Aghia ) wo "ho Dy Ih hia roy tar free Son Shanate. ak and Rai Rg, iden, BRAEMOR ARD N Eveiy Saturday, 10 am. Your, ALS N Fregian RA he far gether with interest to March [Hope on Baturday: FOR RENT Fares eet ERATE OR RENT = Mare fun boc wan Buy or wl here, Good i: ealer FURTHER INFORMATION _ | 15th, 1961, will be made ot | Miss Ethel Axford, Bowman: ENT = alte wo "i Brathay edt, Jedecor (Stevenson Rd. North and Annapalis) lection including 1961 RA 5.0331 Tn TT the Canadion Bank of Com. [Ville, was a Sunday guest of her centrally logated. Fhots MO b tafrigerkiop, washing faollilion, aking OPEN DAILY NH.A, FINANCED Chevralet and Carvairs, al olan roduc -- meres, Whitby, Ontario, or of |8iSter, Mrs, Charlie Snowden FOR RENT -- Now Jesiiable, five | #dults "Bren 'elephane MO 8.38! WF HA LA a8 Oshawa Car Aur tion We have ¢ good assertment 00rE, windows, shower doors, any branch of the Canadien and Mr, Snowden, roam APAFiment, ox, hot water (THRER tment, centrally | awnings, TV towers, paving, Pita parking. Phone MO cated, prieate anv nde ber laie 23 Grenfell St, RA 0:8170 |eeem tf bied Con | Skningh TH WT a Bank a Commerce in Tor For fren estimates coll w= ' F ontregl, prove IN FOR A PENNY Arh 1. Telephone MO 84487 or apply . ¥o i= "Westinah 30" slave, [917 Brock Wiseel South, Whithy CASH FOR Y¢ OUR R Inge of Quebec, upon presens fo eh tant rey prin Moi 180 on B Taek ase 4 Saini ol MUST BE SEEN TO Trade up or down CA Al S | C tation and surrender for can. | HARROGATE, England (CP) Sou. fon alr 4 A Wi is iil iy vB vin hur 'rth i a BE APPRECIATED ns Bolt Off uma ea 0. callatien ooh he sald deben- | Ludwik Jentas disputed a walis vind room, chen. hitb wl fof Bears hy cid rear €or wn: Netw Yorker WILBAK MOTORS |___ RA 5.9365 ANYTIME | 4 sotpons ated ahr eres [ress' claim that he had given twostone blue and white 137 KING ST. W Sh her a 10-shilling note, saying it owe : Pebrmary 10, Rex Nan Taine foe boron Manoed heals a far oh 8 different styles to choose from, iike new, has sighty-doliar measure sult fe at The bentures shall cease to acerue ence as he was assessed £15 in JOR RENT Ry Perineal hawt | [explain ou Hp hatter fying, ng t cylinder motor develops twe frigapator, parking and law oll: | 4 her § fr, Tie Th fn, lg, mpl i fy at Solid brick, 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows CHRYSLER, looks and runs RA 5.0732 LOOK Ana was 8 pound. The argument ined 3 - nd notice is further given 4 » haTHe, a n [C08 ould We do Kive you witha hii i dt ih a FA uy Down Payments as low as ls Bg 8 tomate, 49--Automobile Repeins | N y UR that interest on the said de- [€0St him 30 times the differs oa i 4 ------ . I ! , Whitby, Oni ; ing, radia and heater, ne 0 on ond after March 15th, Fi Vy, ui eo our Mri. 0, ge ropan, sow Hew: spare ANDY NAGY'S i "(tines and damages for throwing Sd trey how lost Fall, sights 80DY SHOP ATTIC Dated at Whitby, Ontario thi iy i oi ho a ap ul sotles othis al © waitress, smashing a P61, J J npluied tivath (Fanee, our Many nil B vefify o Are many | yahstiiy: ne onild weloams, | wr you SA be SURR i i's Weal hundred and eighty horse Complete collision servige, 26th day of January, . AH Radiator repairs ond per W. § Martin John R, F display counter and using ob . L ------------a------ m y 9 arti ohn t i wo wll _-- one NHA ortgage only, carrying paver: Wil scree $1900 coring. Wheel alignment, ( ELLAR Mayor, Town Clerk scene language, 4 JP da hear Neh SECRETARY $7 72 MONTHLY Court (Apple Hill area), Fn he NY or GARAGE [e=Amier™s [§0--Artisles for Sule FOR WENT -- Bright oom {8 privals| TO THE ADVERTISING AND STEVENSON'S RD, § Bib at WA. bite fp PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER | No spe dich in tn nary parnwd and ng sonny | SALL CASH$ TT RA 844s] SURE TO BE MANY "INSTANT HEAT | POR BENT -- Six Jom brick bung: | This position requires a per located Subdivision with new schools, shopping and bus line, For ¢lean cars we deal up or down | 50m . i law. args living roan To on with previous secretarial Paved roach, curbs Yéawalky, storm and sanitary sewers, strget Liens paid off 3 Aol) for Soho E THINGS THERE YOU OPERATE FOR 10¢c A DAY p 0 My R ole Possession, NO br jlene araphie experience, Ights in and paid for NICOLS MOTOR SALES sed nitive han s Used RE CAN SELL FOR CASH For Any Room in Your Home or at Your Cottage == Ideal tor SEPTIC lanks a + the sanitare| fomiliar wit : ictaphane Wateh for the sign en Dundas St., § blocks east of Breck St, 3 \ fore, RA 33001, 444 Simeos Sou "a nt Fishing Huts = No Smoke » No Odor == No Pipes == Uses Wont nis installed, Water Ward! equipment, able to answer Whitby 512 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY LADY'S fui coal, many overcoat. Just Use "Person-to-Person Stove ON or Kerosene. hestaul West, phone MO §38 correspondence, arrange aps MO 8. 8001 ike ats Tolophone RA $0881 for Ine Want Ads --- paintments, ete. Modern af mn re ihe raat PORTABLE 100% SAFE H thar inh | mimi i | NORTHVIEW CONSTRUCTION | ams on sans 8h aan oo ) idl ty 0, 0% SAFE NEATERS fannes, ir Neb d include paid wediea! and C0 T GOOD working combination coal and | Swedish made with British Made -= Box, boat an ospital plans aid vacation L D My Consecuti wed « \ rity ad Sabin trailers, chain saws, this Summer, Apply person \ . MOTORS AAAS Saas Tor "fen | Bays only Cooking Grill Fully Automatic Lighting Al IWitol hit AL By ANADA) LTD Broker; 407 KING ST. OSHAWA PURNITURS a Sivan PHONE $39.95 $49. os (Just East of Wilson Road) MER and so 00 All the resi WRITE FOR FOLDER 1418 Dundas EMO 8.3224 MO 8-336) H, D. Birk, MO 8-8734 - AM 1.8520 RA 34494 Res 5.5574 (GUUS. he Bost for loan, Huwmplon, RA 3.3492 * | E GORING = 75 SOUTHLAWN AVE, -- RA 5.5508 od