The Oshawa Times, 4 Feb 1961, p. 12

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12 Tv omaw VINES, Sesidey, Pebraowy 4, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM, fo 5 P.M. Savon 's'78 Coll The Direct Classified Number RA 3.3492 37 Male Welp Wonted _ (Ad--Houss Vor Bout TOMORROW'S 14--Housshold Repoins | 1Ba~--~Mortgages lL CWERTERPIELIS robilit, recovered, seaes AVAILABLE fox & foot oe Rew. Why sey more? Ong Shay | movigage, priveig Feietnone 1. 5 aie saasahatie. BaliH action Wat anise i Accountants 7 HOPKINS sad Compoty, Covi Public Accountants, 1732 BIiBK CL & Figs po le | SSIFIED AD RATES worse or less Cash Charge C wn al NEW BUSINESS /E Siahes Vereds 7-4 Eset, Oshawn, Ontario i FRIEDLASDER, WE IER, | Aecountanis nd Auditers weed Frustes Io Bankrugiey, o" ing Bernat Fast, Oshawa b. Vale, A; ¥. FPriedisnder, B. Comm. CPA fa HONTEITH. BIERL, #74 W aria Aeeonitamie, RA +3921, 5 Simene Re Worth, Oahawi; Aje% LE BFE DEWAR snd Cs, #84 Auditors, Cedar Glen Bing fare Street, Oshaws, OWENS | 4s AON and aad i On RA Burrows, Chariersd Lapis Ringoes Brest Roun, vu. Ronwd ¢ U. Wilson, CA; G 5 arrows, CA, RA $571 PERYICES # Loe Esp & parviens (68 omall Bash k manthly or as desived wpered ie returns #197 i CLANCY mira Acopiriing wo ff Breet West Hi Beridence, 2-- Barristers ERFIGRTAN, FRASER, WEYNAN snd WURDOCH, Bars ory ' tery F 35 Simeone Birest » KE Cre ' 6 KD pare MANNING Office RA 56007, SWART " Mikey Street ial BA 34029 MacDONALD, BA, LIK d Baiteitor and Notary Pub. § 2 King Tent park ¥ Barrister ' ey 10 10 B . hig Re gate Bock King * Hu Ontaria, ( 3 COMSRCUT IERT ICS 6 COMBECLIY IMCERT IONS 375 4.1% iH net peg within 7 doys Whe Charge rate will opply Mov 16188 Gpply onky 15 Grighngl graders Vor achive insgriions. Surnequent insertions crowed 61 4 later date constifing & new Grigingl erie Priftessional gs $7.50 per month for 3 Wines donly. Each edd tional ling $1.60 per month Business cords 0) x 1) $18.00 per month Eager imitial 5 and & won 225 14 ld fisting latin Gl rovianion figus, conte 6% & sige 186 aadtionol wligd Adve isgments by & pm. the doy be cation sxcept Bum ] Memerigms, Cords of Thapks whieh be tad ntl ¥ om Lua dine for Lost ond Found ond Cancellations B30 am Office Hours y 8-5, Setwdey B11 REGAATIONS ' The Oshowas responsi Vor #7 ments wir writing nec rect fiserment, charged the adveriise Times will not be 7% In edvertie insertion i any advertisement omaned herein ae LLB, g Street Ontario, RA 82971 MANGAN MUKFHY, BA 3 5 Ki Osnawe JOSEPH ¥ QC barr sles fone Office ' Oshaws, RA B8292 a4 BLAKE month. Equipment Barrister | gull price of $2000, $804 DONA n nonps ¥ Street Fast ing BA 32361. Rest SALMERE, BA, harnisier, solic: oe Street North, | Difice WA 5974 dence, KA 55542 Heaiana snd AS TEND, Bart available rh for | , ACH! siterations on |adigs dren's AveRus Baliet Resi Barrister BOWMAN 5 RA $050 tor, 6 dence, RA 4 JOHN A. CAMERON tor and Notsgy Publ East. RA pr mOrigages Rive HUMPHREYS oe Bouth 54 barrister, sol 4 King Birest |! i | tA é } MO 8276 RA Money to loan GREER an tors, ete. 1 Disl RA 32278 J M Gresr, BA gnee V, Kelly RALPH JONES, Greer, Ass eitors, 190 Mortgage lo THOMAS M. RUNDLE eitor and notary publi, Phone RA 31763 Stpest East EV. asigmua, BA, barrister, soliel hes ia du [Wag A FH 3A--Chirepractors WFTW RHOWNLEE, Tosier of Ohir. | opractie, Moved {a 8% Park Road | Bouth, Oshawa, HA 37443 Barristers Street jence | be, RA §3 FA, BCL, RA BA, and Thomas H Barristers and Soli Sireet East, RA 8.6246, | available d Kelly i barrisier; sal: | #4 Ring | S--~Nursing Services GRADUATE purse, avaliable for heme duty, Telephone HA 3.7413 CEDARS Convalescent and Nursiog Home, 24hour graduate nursing serv: | ie Quiet, beautiful surroundings, | rookiin, OL 54031 | BUNNYBRAE, of Oshawa, Care for eid: | rly people N supervised, (inquiries vited, res ble rales, RA 523830 ELDERLY folk welcomed In our home Nursin if necessary. Excellent Telephone RA § had 6--Optometrists FRIORARD WEACK, Doctor of | Optometry, the examination of eyes, | gontact lenses, 136 Simcoe North at 'olhorne venings hy appointment RA 34101 URKAR, NEIL ©, RO, 8, The Dundas Bldg est, Whithy, MO 83671 H, TUCK, RO, aeoounts at or 74 Burk pmined at home I---- 7 -- HN, FPLIM and Trollope, fiirvayors, 216 Adelplde Avenue Punone RA A6881 u. tari Land Burveyors dhe 06 Dundas ! hithy, MO 88001, Ajax ih INEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN arin Land Burveyor vipting. 18 Hioor LLL] VE references optometrist 306 Dundas Closed Wed optometrist. Please downtown Daminion treet. Invalids ex Dial RA 5.4587 Surveyors Ontario Land Kast T. HORTON and Associates, On om commercial hie Street East, RA BW, PLIN and Trollope, Ontario Land prveyors, 218 Adelaide Avenue East hone RA 56-6681 8---Building Trades WE have aguipment for the thawing of froan water pipes in minutes. No five arard, Soero Welding, RA 51374 LUMBING and Ings, fixtures, new and used, chang ng from septic tank to sewer a Ape tally, Installations at reasonable rates nfofmation and estimates free on any foe of plumbing, Dial BA 5-441 Foley ALL types of home repairs nodelling. Reereation rooms yarkmanship guaranteed, Free mates, RA 3.3413 OME Owners--roofing, siding, eayes roughing, insulation, painting Phil | Harper, Whithy, MO 84358 | ALL type. bullding repaies, roofing, pavestroughs, chimneys, fireplaces, side walks, sthaps,. RA 8.0304, Gordon May PLUMBING and heating pipes, fit ings, fixtures, now and used, hang ng fram seplie tank to sewer a spe ialty. Installations at reasonable rates information and estimates free on any ype of plumbing. Dial RA 54841, J Foley ALL lumbing and heating supplies Ke RA 5.3881, Wareld R Stark, heating pipes, fit and re roofing esti id, plumbing, heating and enginesr 343 Simeoe Street South, W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" THE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. PO BOX 329 Y1--Business Opportunities THREEFOLD Income through business. partment ving quarters, Heautl 1 ral brick home at a very busy inter fection between downlown and Shap ing Centre, will be sold al a very rea fonable price, owner leaving town. Can e seen hy appointment anly. Contact ira. Irene Weinberger, RA 83143 or A F784 Arthur Weinberger Realtor, 2 Park Road North BELF « EMPLOYMENT on a full time or part. time hasis, No merchandise to buy. Possible earnings In the $15,000 te [30,000 category. Welle for free details Consolidated Industries, Box BE, wiaville, 1 odd ME ALTERATIONS of all ANY king of SNOW REMOVAL ICAL [PAINTERS & DECORATORS 11--Business Opportunities | ESTABLISHED haauty parler business) 10 yewrs oid, showing ood profit on nvestment, has sesd downtown lacation Present rept 83 suppling down, Col now, v | Harry Millen, Heal Eaaie snd ask John Field, RA B-1576 [LUNCH counts and eh i] 15 Dresmokiog REVERSIBLE swirts » ay f Bimes Kuke Minor || r of Kimgrove ih fA 53473, oop Fark Rosd B eh! 2 for Ind er RA #lterations and IT elephone more infarmation kinds for men Fe pee Hi "BA BARE | fo nen and childrer Leyersible shirt 0 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER Altgratio Low Prices ROWE STREET RA B-6706 al |4 I! Mew, Remodelling 22 % 13--Gardening & Supplies MONEY TO LOAN AFaEn WOK By SEPT RA 81524 | ICE MELTER To melt ice and snow every where 30 times faster and more powerful than Rock Salt, Labor costs elimingted, harme less to sidewalks and pave ment, Free Demonstration DIAL RA 3.9020 rERsONRDIF rate SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 NOW 1S THE TO GET MEN AT YOUR CALL REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL AJAX---~THAT'S ALL RA 8-5103 110 KING ST, E,, OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED TIME 14--Househeld Repairs CHESTERFIELDE and old eohalrs re covered like new, Gel the hast for less at Modern Upholatering, 148 Slpieoe South, Call BA 6481 Tow a free ell mate. YOUR |opal ehimngy eleaner, Chim neys built and repaired, gas linings In stalled, furnaces vasuumed, Free est) mates. RA 3.2007 i PAINTING and paper hanging winter rates, Telephone RA 5.72307 for further Information DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex Full Wall. Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST, WHITBY DAYS MO H 523) NIGHTS RA 5.7426 Industrial, Commercial, domestic Repairs and Alterations Wood Finishing Home and Office Furniture T. W. PHILPQTT CQ, DAYS MO 8.8729 EVENINGS TE 9.2364 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE M. Magkipg Co, Ltd "RA -5954 Cleanout Service 7 labor plus parts FURNACE SEI VICE 2334 Mours Per Day Call ST, JOHN'S HEATING MO 8-2387 Free burner service for customers fuel CARPETING WALL: TO.-WALL and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANED IN YOUR HOME Quality cleaning at low prices RA 5.7488 SEGERS Lingle. Fens aptimatan ad LEARN is 4 ANTATE FIRNY pETEEMEnts WE | Hot IDAY bills got Maurasens retnill, Owhgwe 1 [C0., 18 Bond Bitrawt ol a PROVESHON A, hangar CGund sian el BA winter sad poser work wna Insts M Coney, BA ERRGIATERY of is bopt for less. We sper alize no ehestarfinide, re coyerad, somnieiled, repaired. Vise sstimaies, hoy Worms, BA G0804 FURNITURE ropniced and Hain ing. Bruss BK, Dalton, 75 Eharies Mn [HA Aisa RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS | CLEANED Professional Cleaning Home Plam Members of the Maetionel Institute of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY «RA Br AGH) 15 --Instruetion FRIVATE 16 your ot pow LILLIAN Mas Marsh, dane dancing school, Wallet, tay pre-set Masons DANIY of naeiion ww wily teneher, Madept ro anew, by intary » dus ing balan ay eharistar. # Temple, HA AL ANEMY Batuiday pan yey Wi, HA ne Asnres pw ' ! HA LEARN HAIRDRE Ww Ww Insurance 16 Aut [17 Money to Loon LIENTN un Hirst mort Marts srehased reighion, foe NHA Fraser nha ge aly Hen King Eke, sola isters 3) and second HAVE clients' - monies avalighls or loans on first and second mortgages snd wisn purchase of merigages and greements of sale, Vous i 17 King Street East Anyone iste | will ou down? ' companis Th Classified you solve your problem oan oh of the depen d in Oshawa ilckly help dab and second mart gey arrang | Broker | IRs iW at? i Whithy P rofessi onal Build be Mo LEE] $50,000.00 for immediate on First and Marigages Agree ments for Sale, on vacant and impraved property, residen tial and industrigl city, urban and cauntry, and Sum= mer cottages $2,000.00 to Second wb Lim Street RA Securities Simcoe Phone Summerland tiled 112 North, Oshawa 5.3568 MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of mort goges; for first and second martgages on all types of real estate Including vacant lands short mortgage for builders; and second martgages and agreements for sale purchased, Apply M, Swartz, 26Va King Street term first pAslary | FROVIE Wy ro uphol | CA YT RISE FaREWIRG lawn gow daly with » Meh terest, lv payingnt Gahawy Times Wael Ad nal BA 33408 now 19--Personal BADE to Toronmtn wpnioh Laaving High 1 around Ti Velephane 8 with amy Intov mating ELECTROLYSIS Famewal of supertlpinig hile Mais Must will be In A1et ard Fiod shy Min l in Hospw Cshawa, Feb Fi ne Laer dates | 20--Cortage £1, bi Moving and Sierpas. (hans Whithy Wessnatie ates Fully ped andl anid Fhune BA §ibni LL HD BUOTIAN CC uilans swivien HA KWH a" ow bor bart Aegondabis Pa Job tow big we 4 i ring Fs al] Kikg norile the Sabi Fines 4 Inanilied # fhohawa hal inn Maving ahd Bars Winthe. Beasrpaile sate ped ahd wl Fh SHOP for gar byes 7 Pas ahpws ) Personal Service FEVER Van da ' KS» Woe AW BENILEMEN 2s i s #1 Bie Ha Hare ol Into hig ' wl In anbed olan imake wr slash Oh ailime Wf wit Vinee Brust shin Adis " He her iil HA Baia HAPEL HOLMAN Tk RVICE KETURM 686 OSLER STREET OSHAWA, ONT, RA 5-9953 TRY OUR QUED CHICKEN half fries, BOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX { BAR-B Cr € fres n chicken fish and hat ie Imburgs, dogs, k MODERN GRILL DELIVER RA € & ] J8687 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED |! Shorten or lengthen garments | Culls and pockets renewed Complete stock of buttons GILLARD'S CLEANIT SES /ICE LTD, WA 5.3555 WATCH REPAIRS J, Cornish 299 King St. West Specializing autamatis watches RA 3-4545 22-TVY « Radio Repairs IY, BARIO, car radio repairs makes Thompson Electronics, Eillott Avenus, RA 34762 (Fred) | Mi LU SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT my v PAY OR NIGHT | and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Werk Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SAMSON East, Oshawa, Telephone RA CASH PHONE FOR A LOAN $50 to $5,000 RA 8-6283 Seaboard Finance| CO. OF CANADA LTD, 29V4 SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA | 180--Mortgages IMMEDIATE MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS BORROW $1,600 REPAY AS LOW AS $35.00 MONTHLY w=Current Interest Rates «~=Fast Confidential Service weNo Hidden Honus ==No Chattel Mortgages Na Co-Signers ~Payments to Sult Your Budget ==Absolutely No Cost Teo You Unless Mortgage Ar ranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY KING ST, E Phone RA 3.3993 Anytime For Day or Evening Appointments 5 17 AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO Member ONTARIO MORTGAGE Rug end Upholstery Cleaner BROKERS' ASSOC T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA TV, 361 GIBBONS ST, SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE Television Radio Range Washers + Dryers and Oven Control Repair Specialists, PH. RA B.4873 49 BURK STREET Fast Service - Sensible Rates TV TOWERS 40-11, self-supporting towen Hot dip galvanized, No paint Complete with new orina 61 all channel antenna Tatal price, installed end guaranteed for year $57.50 Also prompt set service TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3553 40' TOWERS $45 30' ROOF ANTENNAS $30 20° ROOF ANTENNAS $22 Completely Installed With 2-Year Warranty LEN & LOU'S CITY T.V. RA 5-7844 802 SIMCQE ST. § T.V _Servies Cal Calls, $3.00 25--Women' ' ¢ Column SPENCER Foundation garments n dividually designed, alsa Spirella Reg, Corsetier, Mra, John Hendershot, 384 Admiral Road 24--Market | Basket ORDERS taken for Ontario Potatoes, $3.00 for Vo-pound hag. Delivered Sat urdays only. Phone RA 5.2000 25--Pets and Livestock THOROUGHBRED German Shepherd Puppies, blaek and silver colored, male and female, five weeks old, MOhawk §-5380 POODLE «= two white grown females Als eight week puppies, male and fe male, All registered stack, Reasonable Phone Cedarviow Kennels, RA 550643 BEAUTIFUL baby budeies ready for training talking strain, Apply Mire al [PIANG wanted lor size, UNLISTED ANN'S FABRIC SHOP tid BYROM BF & WHER Ay BRIG SPECIAL THIS MACHITH MEW SPRING PRINTS BEL 65% HH 19 pul yd KESTALIRANT EAE i CHICKEN IM THE ROLIGHY id RETSUH BH HE DELIVER BA RUDY' FASHHON HAIR Abily BARBER i | ENVOY LEBY/R 1] BEY IG EHilap i i | bigest In ho ahd family 1] cull BA B 2361 wl Vin buptiilin 3 I Hi f 2] i winigi | Hin ik 26-Farmer's Column BEAR fain LN Vi Hating furgwill Fue Fain BALLER whant sine il HAY (ud sale, Mie por bole. Tolsphanse (HA SWIM wrbiings | 27 Fuel & Wood ney suitable tor hr nanos, Moves, Hieplaens, sie. 86 large Lond delivwisd. Phone HA BO8IS (37 ~Articles For Rent FLOOR SANDERS | CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED RATES 309% discount on famous make Enamel and Paint WEBBING HARDWARE RA 3-4873 phy ish lt upp Filing Telephone E00 nn hardwind ends | | 32-- Articles Wanted WANTED wood Iathe, Must be In good condition, Reasonable, Telgphons HA 3.7547 with any information WANTED « diver's lung or aqua lung n goed condition. Telephone RA B-4086 or write Box 837, Oshawa Times 40 te Write Box 1860. il, ob movie magazines, I Ia goog price ne haws Times immediately, any make all ensh, HOward 62315, AX mingter 3-470 1578 Queen Btreet Ean | Toranio | PYAND wanted Immediately, any make or size, all cash, HOward 62318, Ax minster 50479, 1978 Queen Street East, Toronto PEOPLE wha want pets waleh the Clasmified Ads dally ake sure your offer is thers, Dial RA 3-392 now, WANTED SCRAR IRON, ROULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3:2043 RA 3-3374 (colleet) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, ete, bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E, 35---~Employment Wanted YOUNG ady desires housework § o'clock ELIABLE woman wil y or semi « Invall lioence, Or will baby he) BA 04a, 36--Femole Help Wanted LADIES! Delight your friends | Peighhore by introducing 8 new mathe Heller fine Kieening", For full Yay and instruction, with free demonstration an how to BAER Money at home, telephone Kleener Service, HA 2041 EARN 88 WEEKLY fobe in your spare flme, Just show Fashion Frocks to friends. No Invest ment, canvassing, experience neces gary, Write North American Fashion Frooks, Lid, 3425 Industrial Bivd,, Dept, G.0583, Montreal #9 BOOKKEEPER Experienced on payroll, typ ing an asset, Apply fully first letter, including salary, ta Post Office Box 331, Oshawa SECRETARY TO THE ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER, experienced Telephone R ghee far elder Indy, Driver's at, five-day lug a free ward This position requires a per son with previous secretarial or stenegraphic experience, familiar with dictaphone squipment, able te answer correspondence, arrange ap pointments, ete, Modem office with cafeteria, Trans. portation available, Benefits include paid medical and hospital plans. Paid vaca tion this summer, Apply personnel office DUNLOP (Canada) LTD, MO 361 wr | MO A026 afler NUMBERS LANG'S MEAT MARKET | 173 M.BERY ST HOME FREFLER SUPPLIES OUR SPECIALTY HE DELIVER ! WILSON PLAZA SEA COVE RESTAURANT behing 1 sree CHD EMGLISH FISH AND CHIPS HE BELIVER-=HAA B-318) [LE MOULIN ROUGE | JAASTER CATERERS BOWLING BAMOUETYS WEL HEA PRIVATE PARTIES KA B-436) RA 8247) | NAVAL OFFICER COULD BE YOU ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY STUDENTS The Royel Conedien Mevy wach year mokes avgilghle o limited mbar nav 6l officer cardetships 16 Cong dian high school gredustes, Applications ore beng accep: ted NOW from senior end Junior matriculation students desiring 1a enter the Mevy officer cadets under the terms of the Regular Officer Training Plan or the Yenture Fign THE REGULAR OFFICER TRAINING PLAN is sommon 10 the three Services, If pros vides & university degre education, ot the Canadion Colleges or 0 versity, laying the foundation for a prolessiongl cqresy THE VENTURE PLAM is 0 course of sducation ond as Corvices nie 3 YOUNG lay tor seeanunia snd enerel | Whee work i ok hdr d benelits, goud Femi he ply awn handwriting | to Box 348 iv wwe mes WOUBKKEEPER required immedisiely for uli "pie mail home Must hi ve five dave § a ih haws Times $1 MONTHLY, reliable lady for meskle position Wve in piivale room HL be fond of ehildeen, Felephone BA 70 (37 --Male Help Wanted TOrNOTOH slesmen We need two slesmen to sad to our present stalf, {Com those peed apply who own late | model car, free to travel and willing ita werk fran Earnings for the right men, All eustomer leads supplied {Telephone MO 83501 for persons) in erview MARKIED man with ear for sales snd {service in the districts of Ajax, Whit wy, Qshawe and Bowmanville Opportu {nity for Hfe Hime husingss te right |Party, Write Box 443, Oshawa Times, |Wiving age and former employment BEAM solute Apinsman wanted at once for our new office, Apply 12 Prince Blewet, W. MeAuley Rebltor, RA 52518 ACTUAL jabs BL Canadp, USK, Bo Yurdpe Top pay mplaymant information Centre, Room C8, Boylston St, Boston 16 Mass WELL established local company wishes to engage part time salesman to contact lacal businesses, This (5 8 gale of # service, not a product, Excellent gammission Applighnt must have some time during verular business hours, sito own ear Write Box 918, Oshawa Heh WANTED two men, part-time flop os tablished Walking route, Far appoint [Ment Jhone BA BABE for further par wim Experienced farmer with large hoy for modern dairy avy ply Ringwood Farm, Whitby, wm, Ap: "Fnone LiL) CAREER OPPORTUNITY National Finance organiza tion offers a career, oppor tunity through planned ad- yancement 10 mere respans sible positions, Applicant must be single 21-25 years of age, ond have completed senior matriculation, Good starting salary plus liberal employment benefits CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE CORP, LTD, RA 5-4777 B-1880 alter Mr, W. H, Heran For Appointment ACTION-MINDED 4 AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN for FOQD and FREEZER PLAN Inter Top commission paid, viewing Menday, February 6 11am. tol pm, HOME ECONOMICS FOOD & FREEZER LTD 1670 EGLINTON AVE, WEST, TORONTO WONPERFUL OPPORTUNITY IN WINDOW DISPLAY AT REITMAN'S Canada's leading Wamen's Specialty Chain has an open Ing in this district for an ex perienced Window Trimmer or Young Man with aptitude who wishes to learn good trade, Will receive specials ized training in Toronto. Apply in own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary expected to; Display Pept, REITMAN'S, 660 Eglinton Ave Toronto, Ont 2,500 FOR THE $12 ht MAN IN RIGA OSHAWA AREA. Take short auto trips to contact customers, Write C, 5 Swallow, Pres, Southwestern Petroleum Co, fox 789, Fert Worth I" Texas E, Female Help Wanted | week. Wie Bow | FM training wspecially designed for young men who went 18 fly with the fleet gs navel aviators Ma fees ore charged under | either ¢ Officer cadets are paid $63 0 month end | receive other allowances end benefits, including full medi col and dental core, Uniform Is supplied The next ROTP and Venture courses begin in September 1961, For full Information on com missions in the Royal Ceng« dian Navy, visit er write te; | RCN, Recruiting Officer 27 &t, Clair, East TORONTO 7, Ont Telephone: WA 2-9492 Recruiting Officer will be of the Armouries 9-5, Menday, February 6, WHEN ANSWERING HELP WANTED ADS Send copies only of references and ether papers, and aveld possible loss of originals BOOKKEEPER Experienced on payroll, ing an asset, Apply fully first letter, Including Salary, te Post Office Box 331, Oshawa typ ~ WANTED SALES PERSONNEL OSHAWA Due to a large expansion programme e our well established manufgcturs ing firm, we will require immediately several aggressive sales people to sell fast selling most pop» lar products, Fully guars anteed, F or interview phong-- Whitby MO 8-586] These positions offer; ~=Steady Employment ~=Highest Commissions -=Steady or part time ~Closed territory Required Immediately 2 DRIVER SALESMEN for Oshawa, Whitby, Ajex area FOR NEW HOME PRODUCTS $65 WEEKLY Salary guaranteed with com mission, applicants must have late made! car, have smart appearance, Aged 22 35, All eustamers and routes supplied. Far appointment BAldwin 1-5538 5586 Younge St, Willowdale Al---Room & Boerd ROOM and hoard, gentlemen to share foam, 818 wopkly, Telephone BA #3883 YOUNG gontloman preferred, rivileges, single or room win hdd, parking sphon A B6368 for further hlormation. 00! nil by I YOUNK ¥ fend y Mine wd od, it oh oi, single ub 0 Colborne Bast, RA LAL Sie 4) |BINGLE room, baard nal downtown, home yo " ae Jo Feisphons fas! Hi M10 Arthur Btvest, private i Room ob PH RR ahishy Mo PA lei one A for Aehlisman. ot Ly partiouls 00M n hoa Ww A Mee I quiet home LR 0 poupl elophpne and EN AL ag week 960 Ly Hoan BEOT ALE amy ly» onlin 4 pt south ltt Hho Road DION'S and hatred Aealismen. 32--Articles Wanted tion helps | Classified advertising does Broad, M4 Elgin Street Bash, [T2--Articion Wanted YOUR FRIEND IN NEED Want to sell a house, car, stove, diamond ring or what-have-you? Want to buy ene? The Oshawa Times classified sec- ou whether you're buying or selling. YES! A FRIEND INDEED CALL RA 3-3492 saxophone, bicycle, dog, not cost--it pays ROOM a , wnt hud WE lunches a hed, hom on Jung y continuous hot wal 1 Park: Howth, ¥ ing, bus 84 door. Wl bank B i TWO gentlemen > irl, willing share, three meals dally, "hve OF days Rit 7 dott" beds, IAA, y phone RA ROOMY, oa [h § U3 4: Ean, ith ® FLEAN 4 {1 FN Apaired, wali i ii 138 1s ih yg Ly WE. RA men, close kee Tele ROOM and board, | A home privilege Street South 43--Wanted To Rent BUSINESS gentleman refined, de sires furnished ronm, Breakfast aption al, Central, Please state rent A Par Hewlare Wille Box 34, Oshawa Times A ANA Fil 24 ri ro bert hi ry suai three i Ea bids om dg - an ation, [ea pte' oh iar amen ronoiesrid wt of bow BOWMANYIAE ~ seven - room detached hose, off furnace, poll ric ALL nian, Phone MA 3-599 x ol Rented, seper we conpies. Avi Ply 45% King Sirsst BX + room, three + 4 hme for rent, sll conveniences, available fm' son medialely, close to se Felephome RA 54310. IN AJAX, six - roam enasien low Bum worms, three yesrs fedecorniing, wyailabie ¥en ary TelePhuts Willowdale, BA 1997, AAT lospied, five room Arpome), " hegied, neat, re HA $50 monthly, BA B15 or bars, oom pry gy hid us ones Jor Sevroary 5. Ap y POUR - room house, ol Fosiing, |Fage MOBEFR CoRvERIERCES {Atha Blast East atter § p a {#108 for sent. Best location dewn-| \ewn, Port Ferry, App # iaher. Vels vhane vi Fan (BowMAN VILLE ~ hapled plore, main | rest, Wi A decorate to sult Ying peiking, lav rent. Walker, | West, Apt, 7, MArket 55008 NEWLY decorated seven house, paved drive. garage, Ba, cenlrally S998 Bller S p.m FOUR bedrowin briek house, close th! Oshaws Bhopuing Sons. March |. Welephone MO § 4 SIX: room bungslow, ry reason. #hle rent to relishle tenents, Apply 299 Vacifie Avenue FOUR « room house, cottage, for fiorees large joneed 1p Var Duplete, "Vacent pow, Wil 2, Oshawa Times lor burther Partheuiars, AAR FOUR : room pole Low' in food condition, for ry os payment. Call KA 8 CENTRAL ~ two » fuk SEVENTO0IR house, heated, new furnace, garage, im. medigte posses Heasonphle to re Hable tepants, Telephones KA §-99% Wi el i iva the Jorege 44A---~Apts, & Flats For Rent FOUR . room apartment, hegvy duty wiring, TV outiet, four-piece hath, Take, water softener. Phone RA ith Available March | TWO room apartment, fully furnis ed, heavy duty wiring, TV outlet, he pedro mui sipped, clean, close ta hospite we Lo . srtment, on §i Ira, North, gh Fquioped rlevhons RA 66345 between § 6m, snd 5 p Le Ni THREE large roams, ph AL or, Woy vale entrance and hath, heavy w oll hented, coptingous het wat slap, #t door. Apply 788 Hilson Road uth $6 INCLURER uiilities, lovely two-hed. room apartment, private entrance and bath, TV putlet, parking, Bus st door, HA ap room brick TY ante rage 1 REAr shot [on WO ciean rooms, for Indy, mround HE mg ve: jsorms i I for furthy atmo wid room hoves, 225 Clarke Bireet, trance, close 19 son --, meter, wallahie (of oie possession, Telgphome RA BI ¥ H pes d 1/1 pla 3 {ren MAL dirustive | sie i ith [8 | Apartment i, A {PRIVATE = unfurnished Rouse | maden RF 4 8 To vp A LL Fou iy Ei merwh In {lage of Little iid J 98 BERle EplEaRes Roms' § Phone Amant | NEW, modern two + § | ment, {Af Have, Hosa Bouth loested, Telephone WA| NEW maniern [ment 15 hve 1 HIN - : | BpRriment, thine hot walter OL § ity ment, ile [] A home, park wily are lt Whie [hans newly B-0028, i wi 120 Chk a aud fer A macrs VE Fon n A and slave, JHA 0) fi ™wo . Slt cou wy B80 INCLUDES heat, hydro, bedroom, ehtidnce, Simos North, RA RNISHED 24 nen sy hk rid cor North Wr b y RESIRABLE § ariinant, fy] ir host on i hater, eo wilt eon o. or telepho hg = THRE euphessds ER NE space, suit eos | Elie immedistery, ¥ # [FOUR room, heats: further Parson ars FIVE . bark king THREE « Foo i a iad us. Ayailaie 7 py pig isd cal Close 14 i Ete RA 84508, room 0 i BA #4 [irs avy rikigh tee pa ® floor, four + a Vi | yoo hested 8 | al ] Herdvere, £2 WR apertment bul ne, Ae oA ri 8) iy bedroom spent In new apartment ling re wis walk J} died H nly, 256 AH od A Tivale ent foi } Thnee VIR cuphos yi wh hy mh NA oi water, two ETL oR 2k fi om (ian Feirieraior &, one oy "adiliae Avenue ive-roem # fat } 4 i Move, w thse {downtown jo AR $60, = op ANYERIEnce Ai AA he Vacille: hepvy fii ha a 4 upsialr apartment, none" he wl hydre AAA i bath, unburp all Kite decorated, bath, Tele room partment, Suppl fll" el (i; 00F, Including steve, Feirigeraior, use iA hd machine and telephone, KA OWERN Tour Foom, two bedr hen, four piece bath, lsundry (] 8, Cedar and Thomas distrief, Ht, a ALY souple prefer | A room i el THREE . ment, #68 mo) upaial ry elude eth i) u ht i nelude mall el we howe" i Division Breet ply iRoom "furnished WT parma, wi + i Tels: rator Wed i vate hath, A -- Arian, "Tar boards, hi 1) i" ies, vate one' HA 3.4580, a huilt-in A hist § three i ul ARariment, Wrqund floor, repspnphle ¥ oa water included Wa"S 750 4 : TWO apartments in I Perry, four and five nome both self-contained, modern, pled od, 1 "0, water, Apply Port Perry, Phone w gis, NEW, modern, professionally two + bedroom apartment, equipped, (neluding free wa fryer Close to Shope {1 Conjre vontense Avenue, Ap MODERN lyon, ranm po | on , private Ahr heavy w ring, Tv, Jerk: rom TE Fo wl a . i had how, Wo trance, ment, tained Li p. heat, very po newly tigery dasarhte room and slave, waler and entrance, 68 d | B-0938 THREE, room od, hosplipl apes, private bath, BA 80445, MODERN (wo - hedrosi [1d ng, fail ies, near OHELA nding, oi fi v2 5 | il L/ Hud ds did Vi FOO) A hea oa," ih UNFURNI bil ing, wilt duty _wirin 0h MONTHLY, (ives PRE np, wrk Ld King free, priv Wrest, Apt,"8 : | 0 Arial, unhurmio ofthis of euphosras) om APAFIMEnty 8, PA ena." tng 16an room de parated, bam Vib hi RA B88T, © ODERN dr + 700m APAFIMENI, Near opping tre, refrigerator, stove, bamblo fia Rating: Available, RA 3.4870 or RA 5010 ONE MONTH FREE RENT and two « bed. apartments, $85 and Best location, Phene RA 8-8676 APARTMENTS 2:1 Modem ane room up wdroom apartments, near Shoppin Centre, electrically equipped, Available Feb, 1st, 213 MONTRAVE AVE, APT, 8 APARTMENTS to lat, electrically equipped, One large, and one small, For Information calls g RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 APARTMENT In well kept bullding thet provides; + Lots of cupboard space, « Maden kitghen, . Excellent floor plan , Balgony, Paved parking Complete laundry fasilities, 7. Central logation PLEASE PHONE MO 8-4770 | MONTH FREE RENT ADELAIDE TERRACE 329 Adelaide W,, New Med» orn Apartment; luxurious 2» bedroom suites, broadieomed throughout, drapes, stove and refrigerator; all-ehannel TV, laundry tagilities and erie Immediate posses oe _Slon, See Apartment 2, 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT BUS STOP SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Stove, refrigerator, parking ment HA for Phong 100 Kl ing, Fanveniences, heal, location, bus stop at hii §:108 LS THREE duty wiring, couple Telephane RA § TWO bedroom apartment Apartment raydon Hoa OFFICE SPACE Passenger New building, cated Moderate rent, available, fA % ity HHER Yuplate, lights an February 18 nue, KA S418 THREE ly 00m "oo Avply 4 Toronto Ave Ev Fiteh opr, yf HS on ool mon h main hh + roam TY rm "Ti modes butld ng available MO #3008 FOR RENT elevator service, Centrally log downtown area, Leases new in THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSON Phone RA 3- 3474 "TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Excellent location, New builds with or without lease, LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 RA 5-3302 RA Quiet, Stoves, drapes, Rents from $90 oe PARKWOOD MANOR "APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING §T, DISTRICT) residential street, 2-bedroom Apartments, figs, T.V, outlet, parking, ete, PHON 12Nn A 5

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