The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1961, p. 4

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4 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Februory 5 6 7 is dat le t ---- i [Clerk & [Lotz] $400 990, 1968 tax ppprovel ~ | |eollector was 10 lake & more 1 |ngid stand, backed by the Coun | ail, it would effect future debien S that with these figures present Sidney HAMPTON (Salf) ~ An "wa the ¢ backAauns igre position Council would have Wim totaling appronmately $5 M8, Like was brought 1 the aitention of. 16 wes further mentioned by the Darlingion Township Coun Mr, Rundle that 1s date 184 Gog owners (ait meeting, Thursday sllermoon. (ax collections owt of & total of Walter Rundle, Township 1991, Were in prresrs 10ld the Council that as Council had been collected, leaving # intal of 990.060 outstanding fvi the year, the rest being the full total of sil back taxes, He said thet wniess the fax PORT PEREY--The January meeting of the Scout and Ci P A. Mothers' Awxiligry was at Rickard nos the home of Mrs. Harry Eden ed, at the growing rate of the borough, with 21 members pres (population of the municipalities ent Co in time, more momies would be. The president, Mrs. Jack ipaid out te the various hoards Cook, presided and opened the l(which now use up approximate. meeting in the regular manner lly 78 cents on each tax dollar), With the Scout Promise. "The ithan would be at the Councils Secretary's report was given hy| |disposal, thus putting them in & Mrs, Gordon Prentice in the eh | pos of having to borrow sence of Mrs. BN. Mairs, The monies from the bank for their treasurer's report was present 'own debentures, ed by Mrs, Harry Edinborough 0 asi Mis. ( "As it 15, approximately one|for the treasurer, Mrs Howsam, who was unable Lo at tures and cresle meny other | profiems Reeve Garnet aire mill was paid out last year for to (hank charges alone," said Reeve," "Rickard During the business session Cornish, thet further notifies tion he published of this bylaw in order to clarify B 1» dog Councillor even with the raise in this Dog carried a move made Tax, this total showed an m- yet omy 18% per cent of they Deguty-reeve Blanchard, ni provement over past years, out Mothers Hold Meeting The kitchen ecommitiee Was authorized 1 obigin the Pecks SREY new equipment which was discussed and voted wpon, No plans as yet have heen made for the sonusl party or getAogether The meeting closed by repest- ing the Scout Mizpah A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess with the assistance of Mrs, Hoskins, Mrs. Smith and Mrs, Siephens All members pre psked to make gn effort to atiend the ext meeting, The per for the Scouts glong with WRYS the main year's work gnnu and Cubs ir leaders, is al event of our i SHp- Founders (Only 78 PC Of Taxes Paid|_ WHITBY AND DISTRICT Darlington Council Told (Pressing Forward Presbyterial At Hilltop The regiigr montily mesting of Four Lest Clover Wome and Schorh fssociation was held #4 Hilltop schot on Wedneshay evemng. I was "Founder's Night" and alse the fifth birth Ay of the Association Theme "Pressing Forward" was thecalled "The monkey people", 86 Tre president, Wr. BR. Grover, merting Cornish noted thet theme for the 51th annual meet potentigl citizens ing of the East Toronts Pres bytenial of the Women's Wis sionary Society of the Preshy- terian Chwreh in Cancda heid Chwreh, Miss Ruby Walker, regions) secretary, seid in the presenta. tion of reporis, "These repons show wondertul advances in mr work but let ws not become ieomplacent," Onby 18 per cent of our church school children gre members of our mid-week groups, could not this figure he changed 19 BL per cept?" A total of SHAR eon tribisted for all purnoses was re- ported by Miss Mina Fuller treasurer, Gifts and clothing for overseas and home missions were valued at $4075.27. A lively discussion of this aspect of the work was eondueted hy Mrs. € i, Yetes and Mrs, J. W. Jon- elon The speaker for the evening, Miss Irene Stringer, of the Phil Field, India, deceribed the Bhi neople as primitive, provd, in dependent and still in the how nd-arrow stage, India has shown great rhanges in the last was in the char. The "Our work is 19 educate and spencd with the Lord's praver, train these people as Christian Aller the wsiness meeting wee fenders of the future. Mission: conducted, Musical selections aries may not he allowed to were played by Larry ond iin Willowdale Preshytlenan the , evangelion educationsl work must not Brown sang, "The Red Red wense." the meeting wis (old, Robin" Budy and Herold Kesz Native Pastor i Tal and vigved pecordion snd mandolin other leaders sey "Tell the pes- duet, ple of Canada thet no matter Two films were shown titled what havens in India the "From 19 to 127 snd the other, chirreh will continue if they pray "Spring Comes to # Pond." Mr, and send the workers and funds Grover presented the past pres so urgently needed" dent. Mrs I. Wicks, with # past . | president's pin NEW OFFICERS Mr, Grover then cut the birth. The president Mrs. Howerd sou coke assisted by Mrs, C, Hogg presided. Officers were in peyis whe hed kindly baked the [stalled by Mrs, 1, C. SInEIRIY #5 poke The meeting sdiourned follows: President Mrs, Howard oq o social howr oh with (Hogg, first vice president, MPs. u. mothers of Hilliop school IA. B, Manson; second vice pres: coping ident Mrs Jnck MeBride; ad epart men secretary, rs WHITBY BOWLING NEWS Jack McBride; assistants (ety), Mrs, W,. B. Durward, Miss Jes sie Pollock, Mrs. Robert Craw: ford, Mrs. Sam Johnston, Mrs, | WHITBY LADIES CANDY Bruce Davidson, Mrs, D. A, Wil-. Points for the day --~ Allsorts son. promotion assistant, Miss 4, Gumdrops 3, Humbugs 3, Viera MarDonald, girls' organ: Jelly Beans 2, Lifesavers 1, Lol W. 1. Thomson: Assistants (rural), Mrs. Wm, C. Moss, Mrs "We can't give these boards pit WAS ARRON. ed thet a new hardduck story when they ap-|stove was purchased for the proach us for money and al- Scout Hall kitchen and ack though there are a few hardship Powlegement of a generous and cases we will have to allow for, | Substantial donation from the ithe only step left for us due to Guide and Brownie Mothers HE SEES AN EARLY FEDERAL ELECTION Ithis report, is have the tax col-| Auxiliary was greatly appre W MOR, Ont, ~ Return of election w iis spring. He say J a P Q : ciated, ' f e | cig literature which he | this spri F says he has lector use all means at his dis ; | m " BE wy Fei of | says an the federal in been ordered to complete poll (posal to bring this figure down Thank-You cards were re ng officer Ba § p p 20V- ee | 1 4 revisions by Feh, 15 ceived among which was one Essex East looks over a ton | ernment will call an election few wears. The Bove mment I ization denariment secretary, lipops 3, Maple Buds § and Pep- looking tn these Natives, ONCE sree pf, Smith; recording permints 1 : secretary, Mrs, A, B, Manson Fritles over 0 -- G, Wiles corresponding secretary, Mrs, J, 686, H, Bastarache #74, T, Shaw hydro 5; Kerr; treasurer, Miss Mina #71, R Peleshok LA A 7 { Fuller: home helpers, Mrs, Rob: Hewis 63, 1. Mothers , ¥, a ire 4 NOrwa flee fe power In Fasl Non oY ert Crawford, supply, Mrs, J. Greenley 633, B, Pascoe 607, M, average of 57 per cent in the W. Johnston; assistants, Mrs, Pope G58, M. Bentley 63, KE, {last 10 years \Wm. Pemborton, Mrs, Fred Walker 54 ene | RYE, M¥S J. Hevon; glad tid-, Singles over fh BaMar ' / : : ings, Mrs, Robert Best; litera- ache 317, 258; A. Hewis 34, G, open to all branches in the prov: worked on ig ivjeet will ook ture, Mrs, Henry Rogers; assis-|Wiles 301, B, Pascoe w. g ard with erest, Mrs. G 4 0 alke . 7, This being a new venture for display of their work, at the bak. Yn Getrue Lawrence; dopo fl Mi 1 Mothersili the Hon vdale Branch, much next regular meeting in Febru \welcome and welfare, Miss 247, 'T, Shaw 24, 21, 6; R ay y credit for the "Hookers" ae-iary, This meeting will he held| Flora MacDonald; life member Peleshok 241, 208, 27; H, Moore ge : sugRested to Coun that they it the Seout Hall, on Peh, 20, complishment is due to the dili [in Bt. John's Preshyterian! ship Mrs. A. W. Reid; Petorian, | 240, M. Bentley 224, A. Labano- Part of the insul-hrick siding take time to consider the hest|after which preparations will gent and patient teaching of | Church Pointers of construe Mrs T, J. Trotter; pianist, Mrs. \vich 211, 1. Stevenson 211, G, and facer hoards were burnt or| wssihle procedure to enforce: | we made for the ¥ather-and-Son|Mrs, Louise Patterson, a veter-|tive eriticism will accompany]. 8. Kerr: social convener, Sandford 207, A. Anderson 206, badly scorched ithe collection of these taxes and hanquet an of the art Members wholthe return of dhe chair seats, 'Mrs. T. J. Trotter. 17. Hilliard 205, HONEYDALE Wi The Honeydale Women's In stitute have heen advised by the PWIO office, Torontn, thet they have won third prize, on their entry of six hooked chair iseats, that were entered in the Tweedsmuir Competition last November, "This competition was a group project and was MORE ELECTRIC The consumption o ~CP Wirephoto, |COMMUNITY GROWS from the family of the lat . "It's obvious as the municipal | Mrs, Norman De Shane, Greet . : . ity grows," said Reeve Rickard,| ings were received from Mrs ju fir roa ported darted: that we will have to hecome| Allan Craig, of Lambeth, Ont, if ho iid . ache aga ig that | more business like," 1 former member, side of the ome earier Wat ponuty.-reeve A. L. Blanchard The next meeting will he held done to the residence of 1, Travis, RR 1, Enniskillen, one mile north of Bakers' Public wg by fire The Bowmanville pumper ~|squad was called to the Travis House F ire Damage $50 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Approximately $50 damage was home at 3:40 p.m., Thursday WHY WAI |FOR SPRING? en and Materials Are Now Available! CREATE EMPLOYMENT DO ITNOW GIVE A MAN A JOB! CITIZENS OF OSHAWA The unemployment situation here in Oshawa and district is, sorry to say, not of the best, DO IT NOW! Wi f H ly SLOTTED ANGLE & ACCESSORIES FOR HOME-OFFICE " IF YOU have in mind to have something done to your house or place of business, CE PLEASE, We Urge You to Do it Now While men and materials are plentiful, which means no waiting and a better job, So, GRAB THAT PHONE, HAVE IT DONE TODAY or TOMORROW, NO USE WAITING... 0 IT NOW This message Is sponsored, the public Interest by The UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS of AMERICA LOCAL 222 YOU CAN BUILD ALMOST ANYTHING ¥ Trucks ¥ Racks » Tables » Benches ¥ Conveyors pg gg gg ¥» Rec. Rooms | SEND IN THIS COUPON W Storage Cabinets | O MORE INFORMATION ¥ Easily Assembled '" Wu ©) Desion Cam, Messenines Tucks, Dollies ¥ Economical V7 Dexion Partitions [7 Other Dexion 30... Dexion handbook 86 IT Now | Ei me (OME IN... SEE IT IN" ACTION A.E.MERCER LTD. INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 184 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA--RA 85127 OPEN SATURDAY MORNING 9-12 AM, We Stock . . . Aeroquip Browne & Sharpe Deveon Gray Bonney Norton Shurley Dietrich Atkins and many others HY WHY WAIT FOR SPRING? During the winter months, unhurried tradesmen can do better jobs--and often far more economically, & Another good reason for doing it now is that Home Improvement Loans can be financed now under the National Housing Act, up to $4,000, with up to ten years to repay, The Act also covers rental dwellings and apartment houses, Special Farm Improvement Loans are also available, up to $7,600, with up to ten years to repay, © Make a point to see your local bank and investigate Home and Farm Improvement Loans right away, FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICER ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THR MINISTER OF LABOUR, CANADA BUSINESSMEN - ENQUIRE ABOUT A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN LOANS OF UP TO $25,000 WITH UP TO TEN YEARS TO REPAY ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR BANK FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT; AND THE RENOVATION, ALTERATION OR EXPANSION OF PREMISES, ENQUIRE NOW AT YOUR BANK, 1 M send free kl lease and The UNITED STEELWORKERS of AMERICA LOCALS 2784, 1500 and 1817 AFTER HOURS CALL RA 8-447 MO 8.2347

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