The Oshawa Times, 3 Feb 1961, p. 1

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Si THOUGHT FOR TODAY A Ziv who dresses Aollars shomian't wa enange VOL, 90---MNO Too pi \ Many arships For Rebel RECIFE (Reuters) Rebel Portuguese Captain Henrique Galvan gave up hope 1oday of satling the captured cruise line Banta Maria out In sea Galvan and his hand of appo nents to the regime of Porty uese Premier Antonio Balazar ARRIN were still aboard the Banta Maria, anchored: just inside (he breakwater of this Brazilian harbor But, Galvan (old reporiers Pit would he foolish (0 sail this ssel out against the now concentrated unarmed vi naval units #RaInsl us We are few," he said Wi cannot possibly continue Our voyage. The ship cannot he moved out of here Twn Portuguese de Spanish cruiser and four Brazil ian frigates were reporied to he LENyers, a lying off Recife, waiting 10 in tercept the Santa Maria should Galvan try In pul to sea again The rebel leader spoke 10 -re porters ahoard the ship a few hours after the M0 passengers and 360 crew members of the hijacked liner had heen hrought ashore hy tugs Thursday Galvao did not disclose h plans for himself and the hand of 70 men who seized the line 12 days agn after slipping CCF Group Criticizes 2 Officers WINNIPEG (CF) A CCF constituency association has ad cused two national officers of the party of dereliction of proper political hehaviar" in connection with possible leader shin of the New Party The executive of the Winnipeg South Centre CCF Association) sald in a press release that i views with "grave concern statements about leadership of the New Party made hy David Lewis, national COF president, and Stanley Knowles, former CCF member of Parliament whe is chairman of the New Party's national eommitiee In a letter to My. Lewis of which was released here, the constituency group said there appears ta he "an attempt to undermine and devogate from the effectiveness of Hazen Ay gue's leadership." Lex! aboard as passengers, They were expected, however, to ask for political asylum in Braz Tugs had chugged hack and forth across the muddy harbor for several hours, bringing the passenger ashore, The Dist taken off were elderly passen gers, mothersdohe and chil dren Their main emotion of relief coupled with a meas ure of dishelief that their 1} day ordeal as captives ahoard the liner was over Galvan told reporters the rea son he put in at Recife was "in save the life of a man who had only a 10-per-cent chance of hy ing." The man, a member of the crew, was taken off hy a Brazilian launch before the pas sengers and taken io a Recife hospital suffering from ad vanced cancer Galvan emphasized wis not a Communist Communist sympathizer was one that he noi a We have no affiliation with Castro, the Cuban prime min ister, and no Cuban has joined u he said Despite a court order here oy dering the Santa Maria 0 he handed over to her owners ni agents Galvan said he would not concede even as a hypothesis that Brazil wants tn take this ship hy forer TELL OF BATTLE Meanwhile, passengers (old of hattles aboard the ship in the last two days as the regula crew tried In stage a counter takeover against the rebels On the whole, the passengers sald they had heen well treated hut Duteh detective John Re mee said life aboard the liner was terrible walter and little food Canadian Open Money Boosted, MONTREAL (CP)~The 1061 Canadian open golf champion: ship will earry a record $50,000 in prize money, the Royal Ca nadian Golf Association an nounced today al is annual meeting The total price money for the 1061 open 15 an increase of §5 000 over last year's total The association did not dis close how the prize money will he divided The 1861 apen 15 to he held Tuly 19-15 at Winnipeg's Niakwa tinlf Club 'Act Together' Starr's Answer OTTAWA (CP)=Lahor Mini ter Barr urged labor and man arement Thursday 1a launch ioint, factory -hy-factor iach on the causes of unemployment The government has acted he sald "Now is the time far la hor and management tn acl He made the plea tn reply to a hreief fram the 1.100,000-mem hei Canadian Labor Cangry calling for a massive spendin drive hy government to reseu Canada's lagging economy and 10 rejuvenate employment He elaborated on 0 a few hours 'alee when he peplied ta a similar beef from the Can os oiition « National Trade Unions, S0.000-member central haddy of Quebed labo yighi cule CLO President Claude Jodain argued that no matter how well labor and management gel along tegetheor, they cannot salve the haste ls of the pres ent ecanamy that must he dane hy government MEET CARINEY he twa labor mel Prime Minister Diefenbaker and members of his cabinet for thely annual presentation of trade un ion views an domestic and far eign Issues Unemployment dominated the day Mr. Starr said labor and man agement must bridge the chasm that divides them and sit down tagether on an equal basis to deal with such problems as pro duetivity, automation, technical retraining, world competition the whaie field of labor-manage ment relations Only wm this hing about 4 marshalling of ow productive and distributive pacity in arder a make Cana CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 51138 RE DEPT. RA 36374 SRITAL RA 3.2211 | hodies Way can wy Ca dian industry competitive" hy ad I'he government cannot do this because this would imply coercion ernment of coercion WANTS NEW MONEY Fhe CLECs suggested remedy 1 powerful injection of a new money from the federal (reas ury=--oven i i means a defieil 0 that socially desivable pro eels can be undertaken im: mediately, thus providing jobs 0 counter rising unemployment Mr. Stare contended that Par lament has approved and is considering right now the mast massive social and ecanamic program ever inteaduced in Canada | and this is not a gov She Os Price Met Over 0 Canis Por Copy i 6 hava Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 196) BANCROFT (CP)=Fwa chil dren died and their father and sister were severely burned to day when fire destroyed a two storey frame farmhouse near here Trapped upstairs in the house and killed were Karen, 2, and Sandra Brethour, 10 months Garnet Brethowr, the father, and Elaine, 4, were taken tn Ban croft - Red Cross Hospital All were asleep on the second RELIEF PREDICTED FROM ZERO SPELL 1"Two Children 4 Dead In Fire Enowliurries tonight, doudy then depring Saturday and not / quite go edd, #5 _Gacons Claw Hon Gaswrisant, HiGwe en, SIXTEEN PAGES 11 West To Rescue Of Frozen East By THE, CANADIAN PRESS when the thermometer dropped The ey grip of winter seems (0 15 below, It was the coldest 10 he loosening winler day since Jan, 14, 1997, A moderating trend has hegun when it was 19 below, Unofficial in the Prairies and is gradually readings from outlying sress heading east, shaking loose the pushed the temperature as low the flames from spreading # they battled in weather 25 de grees helow erm A house the £ 1 hadly ise Dau whe opi Yas hone-chiling grasp of deep suh-as 23 below, caught five. Owner Archie Ber ero temperatures | hat has! phe mercury has dipped helow nard, his wife and their three fastened on most of Canada ex: zerg jn e City 14 21 days children were forced owt into the cept British Columbia for at and in Montresl for 17 bitter weather and Jost most of least two weeks But temperatures are ex: Forecasts indicate the cold in their belongings pecied to rise 10 the seasonal Eastern Comin hi Harvey and his wife, Janet Kwan anda may he re average within & day or twa were the only ones in the hotel Southern Ontario was expected! While easterners grabbed for fiutk where the firs satied When the blaze, of undetermined io have windhiown snow wl thers sarmutte, Brith Columbia Pitine 1 A Lig Au p yi Warren Emery of Toronto had y'/ We snow 16 vredicied for tended into Alberts, parts of Hy he 3 of A. ra AE checked out a short time hefore 0 i iii oii Nova Sco. Saskatchewan and was expected REBEL MEETS PRESS hg yg is tn eel pHs a v y Sid ha Wan Macping IH ean Th 0 warm up Manitoba today and cant, Henrique Galvan, | after passengers and crew had [Again to vescue the other two 20 006 0 HO Re oY | Overnight temperatures were Balurday leader of the Portuguese rebel | gone ashore This study of the children : through the woodwork, Twa! cold, hut not #5 BEYEFE RS wEgy WARMS UP hand which seized the liner | leader of the seagoing hijack: | Mrs, Brethour wis visiting the) gop "oe icq AMBASSADOR (Phursday night when (Wo Tee: "Syos of Winnipeg, which Banta Maria 12 days ago, ers was made hy Associated nearby home of her father " Firemen from Victoria War: ords Were sel the east » marked five shove, lempera! talks with newsmen aboard | Press Photographer Jo hn [Jaw Just off Highway ht and "har, Midland, Waubaushene Veteran diplomat David | In Chatham, Ont, early Thins: | ures phyrsday gradually ins the ship at Recife, Braz, | Rooney AP Wirephotn mie § northwest of Be Ihe vi Ie 1 #0 Fort MeNicoll strung hoses! ¥. Vi. Bruce was chosen hy |hoy the temperature WAS WW oreased to the © 5: Regina 13, Mr. Brethour works as a guide Aros a nesrhy Canadian Na. President Kennedy Thursday |Pelow, lowest in the Ared #Inee | go skistoon 27, Edmonton #4, Cal, in the sumer. There are seV«gonar Railways line from the to be ambassador to Britain, | Weather yecords began Veh. gary 56 and Vancouver 1 4 eral resorts at Baplste Lake, pohor after hreaking through! Bruce will be 63 this month, | 1004. AL Truro, W.8, the mer: "ihe wdmonton weather office ucation eu er fur Miles wes 4 the thick ice with axes | (AP Wirephata) |"47Y mhunged (0 40, lowest ever|yoporied January, 1961, was one Damage was selimated - recorded [of the mildest and sunniest in 85.500. Cause of the fire ) ' ' TR 70 years COLD TO LINGER? W. J. Dunlop Dies |. TORONTO (CF) William with little or m0 james Dunlep, 79, perhaps thelintention "To improve our edu contraversial education Ontaria's history in hospital alter mast minister in died Thursday @ long illness HI health had forced his vesig nation fram the provineial eah bast November, After ins) signation as edyeation minis: ter Dee, 16, 1958. he had con tinued in the cabinet as a min ister without portfolio During the eight years he held one of Ontario's heaviest, most important and fastest « growing portfolios he found himself en [determined VICTORIA HARBOUR, Onl The di-romm Vietoria Ho tel, a Yh-year-ald frame str | ture in this Georgian Bay resorl area, was destroyed hy fire early today Firemen from four municipal ities had a tough time keeping oviet Thrust | Double-Edged UNITED NATIONS, NY.! While reiterating Russia's oft ( h Ris Havigt Vg has repeated stand-=-ineluding harsh combined a new attack on UN nen Nars Rocket os General Dig Ham: | i Hammarskiolds Imarskiold with an attempt (ol 40Vin said he was awaiting an Midge the United States onto a answer from Blevenson on "new rod" toward peace in whether he was ready lo "inin The Congn "on # new road (n Congolese The Upiled Nations Becurily peace [Count] adiourned Thursday night until Tuesday with indica: SUPPORT LUMUMBA tons that the 1=member hody! Russia and many Afro-Asian is marking time in the hope that ountries declared in 1658 the province's cational syslem until the last shreds of this so-called pro gressive education are gone," He was also a champion of the status quo "We do not need to copy the WRONG HOLE aibeatignal sysem of wy othe; | on == POR COAL count ee told the leg islature, ""Ontarie's educations system is the best in the world," CHICAGO (AP)=A loam One of his first acts on he. of trugk drivers with 14 fons coming education minister was| of coal to deliver pulled up tn announce the department! In the alley behind the Boyer would pay half the cost of sup| building. They were con plying extra milk to childven in| fronted with two holes--one ronnd, one square UL] % 2 SRLS suds Elementary schools AH N support deposed Pre gaged ma long series of feuds "Ta tcp" TOS cantraves After some thaught they | goo iaon®iKennedy will come up : i La Wilh educationists, politieians coma Ee oreatian. off Nf ked the vound one and Loo pronosals in his cuprent pes! MET Patriee Lumumba as (he hig "wh : [8 i 4 L iy a ; and segments of the public hint coMpaee far \eachave. ia i) dump din ! in " ] oul 0 view of the Congolese situation, legal raler of The Congo over He provoked one storm of | Fhe round hole, It turned Adlai Stevenson, the new UR, President Joseph Kasavuhu whe protest when he said the "lithe ved schoolhouse was heltey suited to rural areas than mod ern schools, and outraged teach ers' federations when he denied Ontario had a teacher shortage A foe of frills in education, he ! DUNLOP DR, W, J THAW, SNOW, RAIN NEEDED* 'Drought In Ontario Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS On the dry, frast-encrusied roads of Southern Ontario water trucks are becoming almost as common as ail tankers A dey autumn, heavy ground penetrating frosts without - insu ating snow caver, and a oy elical lowering of the water table have caused scores of ral wells ta peter out fram Lake SI Clair ta the Otlawa Valley The shallow "dug" wells have been causing mast trauble hat even same deep-drilled wells are FURRIngG dry Some have trouble at eight feel and others at 60 feel, says K. Watt, supervisor of the Ontavia Water Resources Cam mission's ground water hranch I's a variable situation all wer the pravinee, . but wate: Average ta - than hese areas," he Optimism is havd to find Pr EA. Berrv. general man vel 1s law sand the Sava commission is doing all it ager of the oan to help, but agricultural rep resentatives in most counties Caminission means of easing the teacher shortage, The plan allows Junin | matrienlants and university nul, was the wrong one, It leads tn the huillding's sewey connection ambassador, has yet to make a is supported hy the U8 and | raduates to leach after a six ) ) 1 | i ates simmer eousse in: Coal overflowed nie he supe from Afro-Asian countries, [the "eolonialists" and apposed be AN alley, Water overflowed 4 ¥ i / / : stead of a full year's teacher) he building' pe [M410 Menton Russia Lumumba although supposed to | from the building's wash Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis: be assisting him rooms and cafeteria as the plugged sewer hacked up A printing company in the hasement stopped the presses as it flooded oul [training course ! To claims that the short courses would produce an infer ior heand of teacher, Dr, Dun lop replied: "At least there will he a teacher in every classroom when school opens this year," His strong philosophies on life, education and good humor prob 'DISASTER A ---- ably dated to his early child ter Valerian Zorin concluded an Sievenson did not reply In hour-long speech Thursday meh goin in the council Thursday hy noting reports that the new nicht hut issued this statement American administration 15 en: 4 he correspondents Shue in 4 Teibraisn) OF Ihe' "op rogret that My, ¥orin did nol address himself to the see relavy-generval's proposal for taking all of the Congolese arm od forces out of polities, 1 alse regret his renewed and unjusti hood in his native Durham | Ont, where he was horn hl : 4 fied AlIacks on the ser retary: | aldest of nine children to a 1t ric en general clergyman | | Indian. Ambassador C, 8. Jha He later attended public sald earlier he was in general sehool at Stayner, Ont, and Agreement" with Hammar: high school in nearby Calling wood, He commuted fram the Dunlop family home in Stayner ar Akh to Collingwood hy helping pump, By NATE POLOWETEKY a vallway handear | MUSKEGON, Mich, (AP) On graduating from Colling:| in the club and eafe, in modest wopd Collegiate he obtained fihame or luxurious, one theme B Plant Move skiold's proposal=--made Wed: Y [nesday=--1 al he he given au thority to reorganize the Congo: manufacturer of refrigerators 1058 Army and prevent it from and freesers, (0 Fart Smith, interfering in polities Ark, sometime early this sum:! But Jha said Security Couneil resolutions were pointless with: | out agreement hetween the In gloomy Muskegon today thivd-elass teaching certificate ated § alk: the dis | fram the Clintan, Ont, Model aotor all talk the dio ons girded for a lastiteh| U.N. and Russia, Nehoal, He taught for & year atl" fyoryane knew what that imi pL MAR ar . Ey hdd 4 p A ) od he HAN ) A rural school in Hullett Town lmeant. The news that Borg Vince Norge 16 ata) $36 Million ship before dociding to enter the Warner Corporation is going to University of Taranto transfer its Novge Division Borg » Warner Judson Sayre president, said ocampany [was moving to Arkansas he: | [cause of "favorable husiness or e 10 | | olimate, expanding south and [southwest markets, anticipated | growth in this general area, and| (#4 shifting of the centre of pap ulation which will influence fw TO (OP) -- [ture consumer purchasing," TORONTO (CP) = A §36,00,: If the firm moves, "we have "0 fload control plan for con: 1800 mare people out of werk," | struction of 14 dams in the Mets said one man, "Where ave they | ropolitan Toronto area is await: soaks Wp A goodly AMGUNt of BORA SURRIYING walter free to going to get new jobs? SOME ing federal government ap: water farmers and 10 Brantford Tawny: are ald men and employers proval, the chairman of the As (he fracen drought contin: ship five department, which car don't want old people Others Torani A vecion tut wos, well drillers and water haul: ried thousands of gallons fram have never worked anywhere Me ors are reaping dividends at the its awn wells to township resi else and don't know anything servation authority said today, Flood Dams 500 litte relief in sight before axpense of farmers--they pay dents else but warking far Norge Dr, G. Ross Lard told the the spring thaw anywhere from #3 to 815 for The five department has The Norge deeisian an Rotary Club of Toronto the Even a thaw won't help much! 1000 gallons in Western Ontario pitehed in as well as Port IN od Wednesday, me & 0 8 project is designed to eliminate unless there is a heavy snowfall] Diller Chavles Hatherton ofl Rowan in Navfalk County, It thi a. ig a Wh he flood disasters such as the one first, says Cralg Lauty, agvioud | Bimira says halt hs calls (his hauls some 15,000 gallons a day Siminates ww he, wake Wow tallawing Hurricane Hazel in tral engineer at Galt for the winter have heen for deopening'® TOA farmers ay Michigan ab] gd po | Bnei Seba: ot pn exiting wells There alia 15 4/SITUATION SERIO 3 ready plagued hy high unew: ton oF Tah Acton of Hoon pi rash for nowly-drilled wells In Porth and Huron counties ployment. According te intent jan tr ch oy od Mr Lauty's view is that in Farmers with access 10 lakes the SIUation is regarded as sorl:| figures, A500 persons are Wnem:| va Bil ne Ray Mirements the earth's present deep-frazen and ponds haul their awn water, ous although drilled wells, 100 to{plaved in the area. This 15 an! aia y Lon condition, melting tee and rain walld Just run off. A shaw blanket, however, would provide msulating caver and allow nat using milk cans or any other [400 feet deep, still ave produe: (11.8 per cent unemployment serviceable containers. Trucker ing. Renfrew County in the OF vale, and compares 1a the na William Melelland of London tawa Valley. report about one tonal figure of seven per cent . "a charges $8 for 1000 gallons plus itd of 1s farmers atfoeted, | The fall = off in emplay mont] Soh OF the out af chmervan Wy 8 cents a mile and has carried! F. Q. Dench, county agricultural has affected velail sales and the : PAYS the Municipalities in the conserva Hon autharily avea pay M ~ al rest ural heat wm the earth ta drive : the frost up and oul walter as far as Contvalia, da!vepresentative, says the situa general scanamy of the area Summary of Ihe Speech W Mr. Lawly says the water 1a: miles away Hon steadily growing \l addition 9 eliminating . N . he i Gib iy R SA h jabs, the SI will wean an ex. Sued to the press before deliv hie--=the level of subsurface Brantford public utilities com: Worse : AY mals ugg al one of the lows mission last mant hd wired R | y A p a), mated lass of 310.000.0001 Ratt ye Md ( h he . (a " 5 yA ho Re V A PORN Records al the Rellevitle fi} vOAr in pavialis: S30. 000 008 i Since 1HE 3 conservation oy ahaut every years. about gallons boing sought tration plant show that Januar Norge purehases of services and antharties have hoon estal On tap of that, there wa 4 ally hy farmers and trackers was the driest in 35 years. with supnhies: a loss of same S200. 000 lished tn Ontario, Dr. Lord said Scarcity of vain last autumn at The Burteh Industiial Farm, a total precipitation of anly ane in PIODOILY taxes, and some embracing 498 communities and & Ume when the ground usualivialse at Rrantlard. 18st wmanthiineh L100 O00 mare tn eather vevenues. | cavering 19 353 sauare miles 4 4 Weather-conseinus residents in astern Canada watched for the groundhog which every Feb hecomes a weather prophet look ing for iis shadow. The animal wis seep Lo emerge in the gold, look at is shadow and quickly disappear, According 10 super: stitution, this indicates six more weeks of wintey Thursday's overnight low of nine below in Toronto wis, the leity's coldest day of the year and the eoldest Feb, 2 since 1881 Police Decide | Mr, X Phoney | HAMILTON (CP) == Hamilion police have = whieh bilan {With & carpe! high in some areas, sped east wird, States Hit Hard Blow By Winter oon Ey i United States today, A Diowing, difing SnOwslorn eked midwest areas of white a fool Much of the northeast quarter given up on "Mr. of the country remained locked X," Ausistant chief Howard Mo: in a numbing cold wave = the rea sald Thursday [third week of sero weather in The assistant chief said (hel many horder sections department now helieves the| full-dyess speech at the UN and other Western countries, Russia man whe said he knew the mur: in (has no information that would he of value in solving the shore slaying or any other murder He said police detectives ins vestigated the ex-conviet's elim that after "stories ahout him were published his family was threatened hy telephone and he was taken on a ride te Torento where he was offered $1500 to keep quiet, with death as an}! alternative { Adirondack foothills night across wide areas In New Hampshire, Vermont, York, northern lower Michigan, eastern Wu r Bleet and jee storms hroke out southern areas as ley alr 15 coming under increasing pres: says Hammarakiold has served) depers of Kddie Shove in faet| dipped into the Carelings, Snow sleet and (reesing rain pelted Kentueky, It was 85 helow in New York's Thursday The helow:gero hell persisted Maine, New iehigan, ex veme northern Minnesota and he eastern Dakol CLOTHES RETRIEVED Detectives velvieve clothes | peratures alter he was sivipp belonging te five « vear + ald A di olathes hy an 11.vear Cameron Mitchell of St. Caine | ® WY Ina Wooded ravine, ' He 5 i haspital at 81. Cath, avines. Ont whieh were | avines where hs condition thraivn inte trees aut of the vibed as satisfaction haw each hv another hay Palpotives are trying 1a find Cameron was found wandering ahout naked Wm nearer om entity Ww lacker va TORS \ (CF Wivenhaio) /

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