The Oshawa Times, 2 Feb 1961, p. 7

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Lo 1 "WHAT DO HIS BE BRIGHT EYES SEE?" |= This bonny young man is ( on January 4 He is the Troms Mark, son of Mr, and | grandson of Mrs, Zoflis rs, Lech Paterkowski, Osh aterkowski of Bydgosiez, awa boulevard south. Tommy | Poland celebrated his first birthday ~FPhote by Lili Paterkowski GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES church group "United Church (West Group) {Women', to be formed next The west group of Centre Ver Street United Church WA met! Mrs. Clarence Scott gave the! Tuesday, January 81 for 8 secretary's report and Mrs, Le "Chef's Special" pot luck sup: Roy Kellar, the treasurer's re per, followed hy the pofular port Mating Mm Leonard Gold: wooo withur Rusnell, the pres PMH pres ident for 1961, presided for the Mrs, W, G, Dickson opened ooo der of the meeting, the meeting with prayer and 4 the seri It was decided to have 8 night| Mrs. Earl James read th pr ol 0 rat io ve & HEY ture lesson Final plans were made for " the home hake sale and Valen: The next regular meeting will tine Tea to be held Tuesday, be held on Monday, February CENTRE STREET WA Jo Mldwinekle, Women's Editor isl RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Febrwsry 3, 196) Handbags Stand | East mests West Scone uss eame expanse of this spring's new Foreman os Song the pak mate {tude of om ithe Leather og ries (Week preview in New ork er § [were long, horizontal East: Ver necasions and ote Ao aw Weer BS {env in rich grained leath-| (new suede snd kid Lers, Other leather thet! pear in flower haes, wilh with {will provide color and ashion rose being the most {aeeents to 8 multitude of spring houetts, |enstumes were roomy eiches {in smooth calf, soft Wid or nep-|EATHER BELTS, GLOVES py suede leathers and # variety! Mig 190 are In lor & fashion of boxes, pouches, (ates and her, as spring's new silk and isntchel begs In antique, gAnER cont - dresses eal for ent and lustre leathers, ithe 2 inlshing touches of & wide {soft leather sash belt, The new East-West handbags whose simple, almost severe, BRIER leather string bella in lines are beautifully interpreted one €olor hue or in # comb vaerd in rich supple lesthers, hiend|lon of eolors are used to pick with classically tailored or high jo 4 light fluid spring coat - dresses, H keeping with the austerity of ©0908, oF beads for daytime the lines, clasps on the en. #nd often are jewelled with eel velones are usually small and ored stones or hrilliants for eve I handles are made of self-leath: ing, For more casual wear, er, One popular variation has athe "dog leash' type of siring| shallow cradle cut in the top DELS are most popular, frame, adding the suggestion of, The long and short of gloves 8 curve to relieve an otherwise Is just that this spring, as new {rectangular silhouette | leather gloves appear In shorty (versions, mid-length and long WHITE 18 RIGHT pull-ons, The Musketnire style White leather handbags gre ~-- the 12-16 button length glove making 8 big fashion point this -- Is returning to new popular: Spring as many appear in pure ity white calf, as well as In WEhtY| Gloves have & shim look, and grained and lustred leathers In) detailing is understated (no com hone, and off-white tones, {plement fashion's shim silhou| The small daytime cluteh, ette, Shortie gloves with leath long a favorite in hright lustre er "dd and discrete hows leathers, appears in sparkling offer ad d | fashion appeal, greens, deep coral reds, and) = - burnished gold. The Freneh HOUSEHOLD HINT od ers Look for bright inspiration in nt motif, These hand-| els are weighed with motil purses (or diessy B pe, wih the HONORED BY FAMILY TODAY Mr, and Mrs, Peter Pros. | thur Clemence (Kay); kin, Elgin street east, are oh- | Joseph Burke (Olga); serving their Mth wedding an- | Michael Meronek (Helen) of niversary today, and members | Ottawa; Mrs Reginald Avia of thelr family are gathering | by (Frances); Mrs, Michael at their home to honor them | Glowaski (Millie) and sons, on this eccasion, Mr. and Mrs Proskin have lived at their present address for the past 13 years and previously farmed at Sandy Lake, Manitoba, for 26 years. They have nine living children: Mrs, Harry Zacerony (Anne); Mrs, Are Panel Wiil Discuss Educational Issues "Fo what exient does em: ployment in the professions, the| Regional {business world, and government the conference ave the youngest who has heen | serving with the RCAF for nine years and with the oo den Hawks Air Show for {i past three years, The or the @lso have 14 grandchildren, from across Ontario | representatives ge 2 Te | Maurice, Walter and Edward, | =Oshawa Times Photo agree that the teen-ager Is # S------ TE pretty busy individugl tario, The conference being held OTHER JOBS in Toronto, February 17, 18 and 19 will have a limited registra: ™ tion of 400 association delegates for | (CP)=Girls from Mrs, Doris!town of Ferro are on strike ||'Teenagers Have High Rate | | Walk And Drive In A Nation-Wide Survey Safely All Year sn on 3 Ho Sov Fries of eters MW 8 oar, oso eee] Fetin"vro CEL MEAT MARKET 272 ALBERT §T, RA 8-247 L6G0'Pork hank Es. 8 PORK LIVER | GROUND BEEF Ib, 33° | 3lbs. 1.00 ® FREEZER SPECIAL ¢ RED OR BLUE BRAND HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF (110 - 125 Ib, ov.) Cur and Wrapped To Your Specitications, ' 2 Tl ae gE In every et: tion of the country, for the how {the results look pretty good | They conform (0 whet we Ihave noticed in the households (of our friends and neighbors, 50 Wr think it measures up gener: ally It is miso notable that pn people take & far large in community affairs these (then used to he the case And {when you add time spent on school homework, sports and socinl activities, you must The ¢ fact that | these youngsters, ON STRIKE RIO de JANEIRO, Brag! the college February 14 at 2.30 p.m New greeting cards were on| display and for sale he annual Strawberry BSup:| per will he held Wednesday, June 25. The annual fall bazesr| will he held Thursday, Novem:| her § Mrs. Leonard Goldsmith show: ed pictures of scenes ake in around homes and friends are now living in other Privy and a group pleture of a former pot luck supper group, Also pie: tures of the sunny south, Next regular Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 8 SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sly hon pA Home League sday afternoon, Tauary ry wih 78 members present ale 'Charles Cathmolr led in the singing of a few choruses Mrs, Willlam James welcomed everyone and made the an nouncements The minutes were read hy) Mrs, George Beard Mrs. Major Rankin led in the devotional period, her theme, "Let's Rake a Cake," She talk ed about cake baking In gen eral, and then directed the mak: ing of a Scripture cake, Mrs, David Owen mixed the cake and prepared it for the oven, while the others read thelr seripture verse and presented their ingredients: Mrs, Willlam Short, Jr., butter; Mrs, William James, sugar; Mrs, Thomas Salisbury, eggs; Mrs, Jack Lud. low, honey; Mrs, Willlam Stub. bings, flour; Mrs, William Alli. son, baking powder; Mrs, B Calvin, salt; Mrs, William Saun: ders, spice; Mrs, Charles Cath. molr, milk; Mrs, Charles Lang: field, raising; Mrs, John Dixon, figs; Mrs, Major Rankin then spoke on "Milk," the milk of human kindness, and closed with rayer, pture cake was served i the tea, by the fellowship group, Next week the Fellowship Group will be responsible for the meeting under the leader: ship of Mrs, Frank Buller, FRIENDSHIP GROUP The January meeting of the Friendship Group, of King Street United Church, was held recently and took the form of a pot luck supper, Mrs. Douglas Lander presided and Mrs, Douglas Redpath led in the devotional period and an swered several questions on the| SNOWFLAKE LUNCHEON MAT Here is a lovely pattern for a luncheon mat that will cheer up your table during winter | season. Many contrasting | shades may be selected: red (27 | SRD GROUP COMMITTEE The regular meeting of the ,|frd Group Committee of the {Girl Guide Association was held {at the home of Mrs. Eric Norris lon Wednesday, February 1 with ken" members present, Mrs, meeting. The secretary's report was read by Mrs, Kevan Howe and the treasurer's report hy (Mrs, Norris, The fee for mem: {hership is fifty cents and anyone interested in joining the group was dsked to attend the next {regular meeting on March 1 at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs, Joseph Hart, Chadburn avenue, Letters of appreciation were read from Brown Owl, Mrs, Thomas Pugh, and Mrs "Harold Sproule, Refreshments were served hy social convener Mrs, A, D, Mor: {Fison, followed by a game of bingo, Prizes were won by Mrs |e hie Dewey and Mrs, W, C, Jart, STORIE PARK AUXILIARY Storie Park Auxiliary held its regular meeting In the elub- house, The president, Mrs, Bert Fry, presided, Nineteen mem: bers were present, The secretary's and treasur- er's reports were read Members were asked to hand in all old Christmas cards, On February 22 the group will have a pot luck supper at 6.80, with elections and meeting to follow Mrs, Oswald Whitmee won the monthly prize, Refreshments were served hy Mrs, John Parson and Mrs Whitmee SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE Mackie and Rae Boyd Halleran took place in Oshawa on Fri: day, January 27, 1061, with the Reverend John K, Moffat offi: clating, HOUSEROLD HINT Banana slices, chopped dates and orange slices are a good combination for a fruit compote, | A little orange juice poured! aver the fruit mot only adds uiciness but helps keep the Mr. Willlam Laird, of the Osh- Norris presided at the org Preshvtery The marriage of Electa Grace M | PERSONALS Mrs Harry Young, My Clifford Naylor, Mrs Blakeley, Mr. James| Derek Bamnett and met with the other Preshyteries of the Bay of Quinte conference of the United Chureh of Canada and attended an audio-video skillshop at Belle ville recently, Teas, birthdays, parties, wed: ding anniversaries, coming and foing of guests, and your own holiday plans are always of interest in this column, Write, telephone or visit the social de: artment with your item of news or which there Is no charge, Telephone RA 35-8474 Shrove Tuesday coincides this year with Bt, Valentine's Day and to celebrate the happy event the Knights of Columbus are holding a dance on the previous Friday. Among the first to take tickets are Mr, and Mrs, Ed. ward Burrows, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Weeks, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Bzekeres, Mr, Ted Lan: nigan, Dr, and Mrs, Peter Rior: dan, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Rior dan Sr., Mr, and Mrs, Howard Reynard, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Falrhart, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs, George Price, Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Os: home, Mr, and Mrs. John Brady and Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Taylor, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald A. Peter: son, Courtice, returned on Mon: day from a motoring holiday In Florida, Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Salmers, Celina street, celebrated thelr | 46th wedding anniversary at a surprise dinner party at Club 401 on Sunday, Present were Mr, and Mrs, William Yourkevieh, Hugenia and Danny; Mr. and rs, 2, T, Salmers, Ravi and Kathy; Mr. and Mrh, I, 8, Sal mers, Stephanie, Natalie Mary and Eugenia and Mr, and Mrs 0, L, Nalmers, A delightful surprise part was held at the Guild of All Arts, Scarboro, in honor of Mr and Mrs, Robert MeNab, by the girls associated with Mr, Me: Nah in the engineering depart: ment of General Motors, Mr, MeNab, is retiring after 85 years RANA from Wraing brown. and white, hive and navy hive, brown and yellow, ete. It is a matter of personal taste, If you would like to have the easy embroidery dtiuctions, simply send a stamped, self with General Motors addressed envelope plus 10 cents for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting Snow climbing plant over the moldin land centre portion of the ail He sponsibility" being sponsored to the committee is Miss May have Bone home, dows, using curtains only on the by the Federation of Wom en garet Ferguson, Toronto, execu On-iLive assistant, FWTAQO, For an interesting new treat. Festrict the individual's ment of & double window, mount 0m today?' # plant holder on the centre molding and train & trailing or 'Education for Freedom and thy outside moldings, |Teachers' Associations of free- \Marontale This 18 the ques: Yates, Welland tion which will be posed to a MeDonald, Ottaws; Miss Doris them in the summer, when the panel opening the conference on IKearn Martin Windsor; Miss Belly against loesl boys, They say Mrs. Margaret the boys only pay attention to FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT REAR OF STORE and Miss Doro: Teacher's College Is closed and out-of Ag girl students Barri Toronto. Becretary Ihe Shirtwaists are perennial favor ites, and no wonder! Qur winter» into-summer collection is beau: tifully becoming to every woman + + + @lthough the style is famil« iar, exciting new fabrics in plain striped and printed give these classics a fashion freshness that is most enjoyable , , , easy slim and full skirts, comfy roll up sleeves, Sizes 7 to 15, 10 te 20 and 4 sizes 1412 to 2414 Choose now, Only | v i x a SALE ON FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE STILL CONTINUES ~~ at i 72 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Flake Luncheon Mat, Leaflet No, E118, Blacks. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH dy Fad i v hay H Nadi a SL HO 4 Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD, SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE YOUR CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SAVE MONEY | NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SLASHED PRICES SO DRASTICALLY! TOMORROW and SATURDAY ALL CLEARING LINES OF SPORTSWEAR SWEATERS = SKIRTS = SLIMS = BLOUSES = SHIRTS CAR COATS = DRESSES = KNIT SUITS = COATS CO-ORDINATES =~ ANGORA GLOVES = MITTS SCARVES AND MANY OTHER ITEMS -- A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD NO PHONE, MAIL ORDERS OR C.0.D.'s, PLEASE AT THESE LOW PRICES ~~ ALL SALES FINAL, PLEASE SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.1912

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