Fhe Osharon Times Published by Canadion Newspopers Limited, B6 King 5 E., Oshawa, Ont, Page 6 Thrsdoy, Februsry 2, 196) 7 Greater Need For Study and anglers, both resident snd non. resident, is going up st a rete greater than the increase in our population , , , We now know thet about 700,000 hunt- ing licences of all types are sold. We can expect thet number to reach a mil- lion in the next few years, We are not sure how many anglers there are in On- tario since residents usually do not require licences, but surveys indicate that there are shout a million and a quarter now, This figure, too, will increase steadily, The question is, where are we going to continue to find space for this hunting and fishing?" Surveys have revealed the obvious; Hunting pressure is greatest in those townships where the percentage of land Demand For The increasing demand of our time is for skilled people and for people with the trained intelligence to absorb new skills covering the whole spectrum of human endeavor, from mechanics to municipal government, If there are enough of these people, our civilization survives; if there are not, it dies, Educators are sharply aware of the pressure that the "new society" is begin. ning to exert on the schools, They see the youngsters who leave school with. out either skills or disciplined intelli- gence doing nothing but swelling the numbers of the unemployed, They see other youngsters who have been content just to get by in school failing to measure up to the increasingly tough standards demand in responsible jobs, Inevitably, although perhaps almost imperceptibly, the result of the new demands of our society will be tougher school courses and higher standards ex- pected of students, These will apply to both academic and technical courses -- and it may well be that there will be substantial revisions in both course content and attendance, The process is, in fact, already under wav. The better Canadian universities In Ontario open to hunters is lowest, and fishing pressure is greatest in those waters most easily accessible to the lergest centres of population, At the same time, these lends and waters sre under the greatest pressure of the demands of urben ex. pension. And in many cases they are also smong the country's most fertile agricultural areas. Thus there sre thres gest demands on the land, and the water resources of the land: Urben use, sgriculturel use and recrestions] use, It is unfair to municipalities or groups of municipalities to force om them the decisions concerning land use thet only can be made rationally on a provinee-wide basis, The strictly local decisions must be governed by the harsh facts of local economics; a municipality in dire need of assessment revenue could scarcely be expected to give up to hunters, for a small annus! fee, land thet might produce a thousand. fold more revenue if put to other use, Yet thet locel decision might well affect the general well-being of the province ot lerge, What is required, then, is a thorough study, to be followed by appropriate and enlightened government action to 'assist and direct the best possible use of land in the general interest of the people of the province, Skills have been quietly raising standards, and en increasing number of secondary and elementary school authorities have been expressing their concern about the lazy pupil -- more of a problem than the slow-learner or the "bright" student. in the current issue of Imperial Oil Review, for example, Robert Warren, Calgary superintendent of schools, charges that thousands of mentally com. petent students in Canadian high schools are getting disgracefully low grades simply because they are not bothering to try, He attributes this to various causes, and suggests that other schools could adopt the "laggard" policy now followed in Calgary and some other communities, Calgary high schools dis. miss = on February 15, for the balance of the school year -- students who are still failing after warnings in November and at Christmas, Academic pressure is being exerted, too, by colleges in the United States, Several of them have notified parents that "under-achievers" (a nice soft word for lazy students) are going to have to buckle down to their studies or get out, We are going to hear a lot more of this kind of talk in the next few years, Tons Of Information Records of information on earth, sea, air and space collected during the inter- national geophysical year are running into many tons and many years will be required for their study and diges- tion, From stations in the antarctic alone, more than 18 tons of records are on hand, This vast accumulation results from the work of between 20,000 and 30,000 scientists of 66 nations, with innumer- able supporting workers in "the great. est. co- operative enterprise for peaceful purposes in all human history," Although a number of outstanding The Oshawa Times The Oshawa [imes cembining The Oshawa Times {established 1871) ond the unity Gazette and Chronicls (established 1863) is published daily (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted) Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishers Association. The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cueulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Awe: ciation. The Canadian Press wu exclusively entitied ta the use for republication ef all wws despatched in the paper credited ta i or ta The Associated Press or Reuters, and alse the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are alse reserved Offices: Thomson Bullding, 425 Umiversity Avenus Toronta Ontarie: 840 Cethcart Street, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Atbert Liverpoal, Taunton Ovone Leskard, Brougham Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsale Manchester, Pontypoel and Newscast per week, By mail lin provinee of carriers delivery areas 12.00; elsewhere | tana) outside 500 pw Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 16,999 discoveries were made, any more doubts less will come from the gradual assimi. lation -of international geophysical year data, This is revealed by Capt, Elliott B, Roberts of the United States coast and geodetic survey, a member of the national committee for the IGY, in the annual report of the Smithsonian Insti- tution, In spite of the far from finished status of the project, Capt, Roberts says, the IGY investigations already have brought much new knowledge of vast importance, For the first time, for example, there is some awareness of the nature of interplanetary space, of the true extent of the earth's atmos. phere, and of various earth-sun relas tionships, "The store of knowledge already amassed is great," he reported, "It in. cludes the story of Antarctica's striking geological history shown through the evidence of petrified trees and coal beds, We have learned that the oceans may become a primary food source, farmed' by man, and that their dark reaches may deliver up vast new riches for his benefit; that knowledge of solar processes may revolutionize our ap. proach to energy problems; that space is far from a vacuum, but that despite its logistics problems and radiation hazards we will complete its conquest, The list could be endless, And we have yet far to go with the digestion of IGY data" Of even greater significance, he added, are some of the intangible benefits, "We now know," he said, "that men of all races and political faiths can work together,* oh a »" TOUCH FOOTBALL, ANYONE? OTTAWA REPORT 4 - New Party Fight For Leadership By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA~The national com- mittee for the New Party, des tined to ahsorh and succeed the CCF this year, held 8 signifi- cant meeting in Ottawa last week In a two - day meeting, it drew up the basis upon which delegates will be selected to at- ted the founding convention at Ottawa in July, and also ex- panded the basis of the com: mittee itself, The convention will comprise shout 2000 voting delegates, thus matching the January con- vention of Liberals and the planned March Conservative gathering In size, Such large: scale meetings of three political parties all in one year and sll at Ottawa are giving our cap ital an unprecedented year of political hoop-la, The National Committee hith. erto consisted of 10 representa: tives of the Canadian Congress of Labor and 10 from the CCF, There are now being added up to 10 representatives of New Party clubs, There are at pres: ent 150 such clubs across Can- ada containing an estimated 2000 "'Viberal + minded" inde: pendent supporters of the party, LEADERSHIP QUERY The hottest question at the founding convention will almost certainly centre around the na- tional leadership of the New Party, The present national leader of the CCF, Baskatchew- an's Hazen Argue MP, will he a candidate, Bo, it seems, will be Saskatchewan's CCF prem. ier, Tommy Douglas, who was formerly a federal MP, Bo, per: haps, will be the CCF national president, Toronto lawyer Dar vid Lewis; but he says he would not run if Tommy Douglas does, Claude Jodoin, president of the Canadian Labor Cone gress and the most powerful figure in the off-stage hierarchy of the New Party, will definitely not he a candidate; nor will the former Winnipeg MP Stanley Knowles, INSIDE YOU Answers Queries On Tuberculosis By BURTON WH, FERN, MD CAN YOU answer these tuberculosis questions? Simply check Yes or No! 1. Tuberculosis Is still a major problem, Yes-- No = 2 Many children recover from tuberculosis without any- one knowing they've had it Yes -- No, -- 3. A child who coughs all the Ume probably has tuberculosis, Ye No, == ney skin test can tell which ner § tuberculosis, Yes No = 5. You can be vaccinated against tuberculosis, Yes = No Here are the answers! 1. Yes, TH strikes one person every seven minutes and kills another every 50 minutes, To these vie. tims, tuberculosis is still a major problem! ONE IN TEN 1 Y es. About one child in ten -- some say one in five -- catches tu herculosis before growing up, Most suffer silent, symptom free or fludike attacks which pass unrecognized, Later, chest X-rays reveal the typical ealeiumfilled scars of healed tuberculosis, A special skin test can pick out other children whose tuberculosis is too small to show up on X-rays RARELY COUGH 3. No, Tuberculosis rarely makes children cough. 4. No, Any bout of tuberculosis stirs up antibedy production. Some antibodies provide mild immu. nity, Others make you allergic to the main chemical ingredi- ent in TV germs, The doctor tests for his aller: gy by injecting a drop of this chemical into the skin or by taping in onto the skin with a special Bandaid (pateh test), He'll tell you when to look for the reddened blisters which show you're allergie to tubercu losis germs, WHAT TESTS SHO™ Since the allergy lasts for years, the test tells only wheth- er you've had TH germs in your system at some time. It doesn't mean you have tuber culosis how! Itvast year's test showed no allengy and your test is now positive, TB germs must have entered your system recently, Chances are you're still fighting off this recent TH invasion, CAN BE VACCINATED Yes If you were constantly ex. posed to dangerous tubereulos sls, your doctor would vaecel: nate you with TH (BCG) vae. cine, But he won't inject thege tamed, harmles: TH germs if a red, hlistery skin test shows that you've already had a nat. ural vacelnation, What was your score? Did you pass this TH test? QUEEN'S PARK i and sat down, Organized shor would hack Tommy Douglas; politicians in the CCF would mostly hack Hazen Argue. The big question marks concern the farmers and the unpredictable , number of independent liberal: minded supporters, Both these groups would find their politi cal Philosophy, most accurately reflected by Hazen Argue, But it remains to be seen whether the New Party will not tend to he dominated hy those who pay the Diver, namely the Big Bosses of ganized Labor, ONE CANADA ITS AIM While the unborn political army is miready rent by this leadership dispute ~~ "I think it's & pity that we have to ex- pose these disagreements," con. fessed Claude Jodoin at a press conference~its aim Is to prove the unity and singleness of pur. pose of all Canadians, The most significant but least reported episode at this press conference following the meet. ing of the national committee was a heartfelt outburst by Claude Jodoin, He was asked general questions about the re. ception likely to he accorded to the New Party in the province of Quebee, Would Tommy Doug: las be an acceptable leader to Queheckers? ould the New Party be able to muster a can. didate in all Quebec ridings? Will the traditionally Conserva- tive "habitant" vole socialist? "I don't know why there are all these continued references about my native province bein different from other parts ol Canada," was the literally ex: losive retort of the former Aberal MLA Claude Jodoin, "Whatever our racial ancest or religious beliefs, we are all Canadians", And as an illustrative aside, he told me of an experience whilst he was a Liberal mem. her in the Quebec legislature, An ultra-nationalist MLA made a long impassioned appeal for full recognition of the rights of the "First Canadians," and this 50 sickened Mr, Jodoin that, when he rose to speak after him, he discarded his lengthy and laboriously prepared speech, and merely sald in ef feet: "I entirely agree with the previous speaker's plea for full recognition of the rights of the first Canadians and draw his attention to the Red Indians" Harness Racing Change Approved By DON O'HEARN TORONTO == The long, hard fight aver night harness racing has heen won, Under continuing pressure from C, BE, Janes of Lambton Hast and some other veteran PCs Premier Frost finally changed his mind, He agreed that the trotters and the pacers should be able to trot and pace under lights something he had once sald he would never permit, MR, TAYLOR T00 The victory also, of course, is a considerable one for E, P, Taylor and his associates in the Woodbine race tracks, Hamess racing has been growing into quite a popular sport in the Toronto area. And the fact there will be lights on in the pari » mutuel booths will do much to boost the take, It also opens the prospect that the Woodbine organization may be able to move out inte the province and hold meets in other centres CHARTERS ABAILARLE? This largely depends on how many charters are held by the Taylor group and how many may still be around for the picking up Even Mr. Janes who is a ree: ognized authority in this field doesn't know just what the sit vation is, All meets where pari-mutuel betting is legal operate on old racing club and fair charters that were issued prior to 1909, There is no legislation to is sue any new ones. So these old licences are quite a prize, And nobody seems to know just how many might still by lying around, IT LEAKED? Incidentally it would seem that a leak from the Liberal cauous may have spurred quick government action in this field, The Grits had intended to put on a strong campaign on the night racing question this winter, And their benches were very startled indeed when they heard the government announcement, Of course it is nearly impos sible to keep a matter of party policy such as this absolutely quiet, One member will mention it to a friend in the business and the secret is really out, Of course there is much more gossip around a race track than even a ladies aid The industry thrives on it, What would a track be with out tipsters, And when a piece of legitimate information happens along ev- erybody is in heaven for a day, estern ; i 4 3 in of the city were destroyed by fire in below zere weather, City Council decided to spend $300 on Improvements 10 the market building The Oshawa Ben Scouts, Sir Francis Drake Corps, was or: ganized under the sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club with Jack Worrall as chairman of the eom- miliee Thisty-etht boys were enrolled and outfitted with naval uniforms Rev. Father Bench resigned from the Oshawa Board of Edu. cation after serving on it for 19 years as Separate School rep- resentative, = i : i EH F383 | al i drastic overhavl of financing of the country's welfare services, SOME PROPOSALS butions paid hy employers and employees should be increased, The increase suggested as he: ing close to the mark is a total of nine cents 8 week, seven cents to be paid by the em- ployees and two cents by the employers, A second phase of the econ omy move suggested Is the linking up with certain major benefits under the health and 25388 el SE 58 ahout 100 Conservative back: henchers demanding that 4 for private patients be on the same terms as patients on the national health service. It can be fronted that Mr, Powell not giving in to this pressure, that the motion from the , henchers asking for this will be completely ignored, SECRETARIAL OVERLOAD SERVICES Are Pleased To Announce That We Have Now Opened Our Main Oshawa Office At; 67 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA COMPETENT HELP IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE DURING PEAK PERIODS, EMERGENCIES, SPECIAL PROJECTS, OR ON A REGULAR BASIS, WORK DONE IN OUR OFFICE OR YOURS, TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT PLACEMENT, Let Your Office Problems Be Our Responsibility CALL S.0.S. AT RA 5.7052 Charts" , , , and at "DECORATING PROBLEM?" Why Don't You Call PRESTON'S DECORATING SUPPLIES + + + they'll Send @ men to help you! Yes Mam, it's a fact! PRESTON'S will send a TO YOUR make professional decorator Hh tions with his amazing "Slide Guide te Color Harmony 0 CHARGE TO YOU! Make an appointment with men who know their business, and handle quality "TONE-CRAFT" paints, Why don call today! (23 PAINT and ENTERTAIN THE SAME DAY It's true! PLLTONE Plastic Flat Finish Paints dry so quickly and without odors, too, Dries without streaks ing even when you touch a uniform professional job every time. (948 oxgiting decorator colon te choose fram) PRESTON 19 BOND ST, WEST OSHAWA RM ualified representative OME and help t you wp, You are sure of RA 3.4922 s--------------