WHITBY and DISTRICT Whithy Bureau Office: Manager: 1lovd Robertson ER BT 111 Dundas $t. West Tel. MO, 8.270% i] Usa (Ouront now fs the only Cana THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thendey, Febraery 3, YOY § Mien lesnces and the first such mesh js befng made fn Whithy The first such mesh was in New Plastic Mes HIGH SCHOOL HALLS Produced H a roauc ere for packeutng produce hut the mesh may be used fn Canada Members of the Whithy Ki the usual procedure. Generally for belts, fences, spying crates wails Club were told this week new methods are tried owt in for baby chicks and & multitide that one Whithy industry has US. plants, then come to Cana of other allied purposes taken the north American lead dian plants Mr, Richards had news for the mn producing a new plastic ma MESHED POTATOES ladies 1600. The method for ex terial which wit shortly hit the The idea for the mesh, Ke iruding the mesh may be adapt: market in Canada and the said, comes from England od for nylon and the day m USA Gordon Richards, man where a member of the Mercer pot he far off wi ager of the DuPont plant Bere, family, a world - famous (amily he wearing told of » new polyethylene mesh in the weaving ndustry, Brot ings which are being developed at the Whithy developed it, He said that Mer- they are plant in an address 10 the club cer first stumbled on the method the end of at thelr weekly dinner meeting of making » plastic mesh, rath On other in the Hotel Royal er then Weayng One, WhiLE oo dust The mesh, as yet withowt a watching Bis wife put potatoes coo igi, trade name, js being made and through a mest grinder, Exper: petitive ft is, The general pub Se |tested at the Whithy plant, said imenting with & notched ruler, Le 4 | rig bpd Mr. Richards and is now being he said, he found he was able the tried in DuPont plants in the (9 make & mashed potato mesh, Then, he said, i was but » ry cation v some of is secrels get out 19 son's semiformal, held on Fri-ifiom Oshaws ond Commities President, and the plas Denise Bowin (Oshawa), Lichards gave and Mrs, McGee; Mr, and Mrs Lioyd Gibson, members of the will not be invited to tour Mr, Andrew and Mrs, Andrew,| fant in the event (hat greeted the guests as they en fered our gymnasium that had Hawaii Holiday First Semi-Formal "Bawalian Holiday", Ander {High Schosis and oven students aroma , dan, 21, was a huge suc schools were present, BASKETBALL line, composed ol "0 aeron Girls' Basikethal! teams got inte action last week Wy | Thetr first game on Jen. 75 wee ut home against Oshaws CCI. hool Board and our principal, the Juniors by the stim of 1812 As an aside, Mr Richards step to extrude z thermo plastic competition "This is a business where we been transformed into a scene from a Hawaiian beach com-| teams : noted that this Is 8 reversal of resin and make a plastic mesh Seniors, under » handicap of in plete with palm trees, & ht, ARRANGE CWL BRIDGE Wednesday night. Prizes for the games were donated by Whithy and District business men, Shown here are the The Amnuzl Bridge and Euchre was held by the Cath olic Women's League at St John's Parish Hall, in Whithy, Hillcrests Win Whip Canucks 3-0 pass from Mackey. The Peter Whithy Hillerests racked up borough team while holding an their Sth straight win here last edge in the play again in this night 8s they whipped the front period were unable to dent the running Peterborough Jr an- riggin behind Godridge, Tuke ues 30. The game was high- was in the clear to flip home 8 lighted by the tremendous goal three-way effort with Middleton tending of young Cliff Godridge. and Tran getting the helpers Cliff played one of his best The local missed a couple of games we have seen him play other good chances in the final this year and racked up the first minute hut Goddard in the los shutout of the for the ers' cage was right on his toes local team. Dave Nicholishes The Hillerests held the edge Ken Robert and Gord Luke did in play. in the final frame as the goal scoring for the red hot their extra weight and speed Hillerests who are making a big started to slow the visitors run for the top rung in the down, On the other hand the league standings. The Hillerests Whithy team were unable to get travel to Cobourg on Friday a scoring rally organized, but night and play back here on had a 340 lead to work on Saturday night against the Pic-| ICE CHIPS , , , Despite the ton Merchants sub-zero weather a goodly The first period was a fast number of fans took in the hard fought affair with the game and were treated to some locals not showing too much in mighty fine hockey God the way of defensive work, The ridge who has taken over the Petes held a decided edge in number one spot in the goal shots on goal but were not as lending ob for Whitby played| securate as the Whithy team. very well in recording the club's Nicholishen scored the only goal first shutout Big Tom of the period at the 7.30 mark Chasczewski was bouncing the #8 he took a pass from Roberts opposition around and taking on and drilled it home, all comers last night, , , . Even The locals made it 20 at the Scotty Bowman, the coach of $5.54 mark of the second period the Peterborough Jr. A team, as Roberts found the mark on a' had a few brash words for big Install Warden At Whitby IOOF The Independent Order of Odd| Feb, 6 and asked all members Fellows (100F) held its regular|of the degree and baseball Tuesday evening meeting in the/teams to be on hand at our Odd Fellows Hall, Noble Grand lodge room by 7:30 p.m, that Brother Swain presiding to an! Monday evening in readiness for average attendance the journey to Brooklin, General business was dis-| The following Tuesday, Feb patched in due form after intro-|7, Whitby will he hosts to Port duction of visiting brothers and! Perry in a scheduled dart game By CLIFF GORDON ( season | minutes of the previous meet. | ing The membership committee reported on several visits made on brothers who had been ne glecting thelr lodge obligations and favorable results are ex-| pected, It is hoped the previous absent members will find it con venient to attend future meet. ings, The visiting ecommitiee re ported the illness of brother Horace Simpson trusting he will be able to be in attendance next week. Brother Stevens, while in attendance this evening, is still unable to take part in activities to any great extent as yet Brother Darling, while still in the Toronto General showing great improvement and further good news Is to be expected dur ing the next couple of weeks Officers of this lodge, absent for three or more consecutive meetings, was discussed in de tail, Brother Harold Wickett, the recently appointed area officer for districts 41 and 42, carried out his official duties this eve ning and was complimented on the zeal displayed, Brother Har old was officially appointed hy the Grand Master Hro, Ralph Yager recently and this evening is This evening Bro, John Brem- ner was duly installed as war. den by DDGW Bro, Harvey Att wood assisted by DDGM Bro, Wickett Special reference was made to the Sunday morning benefit breakfast held on the past Sun day, Dec, 20, which once again proved to be a huge success, Starting early Sunday morn- ing several of the lodge mem hers were on hand and hy 8 a.m, everything was in readi. ness awaiting the first custom: ers and from that time until shortly after 11 a.m, approx. imately 76 persons were served a very substantial breakfast of bacon and eggs, toast, marma- lade, tea and coffee, as well as the necessities for the small children, Among the many attending this very popular breakfast were Grand Master Bro, Ralph and sister Yager, DDGM Bro, Glenn and sister Wannamaker, DDGW Bro. Harvey and sister Attwood, along with Brothers Charlie Stainton, Maurice and sister Winters, William and sis ter Sim, Gord, Barton, Lorne and Mrs, Kemp, Ray and sister Greentree, Albert Carr, also AND EUCHRE PARTY persons responsible for the Mrs evening, from left to right ald, Mrs, J are; Mrs. P. McDaniel, con- | Mrs. G, Carter | vener, and her commitiee Oshawa Times Staff Photo . Facing Future 8th: 'Sermon Topic | M. Machon- Corrigan and members "Facing the Future" was the minister's sermon subject af the Whitby United Church on Tom and had to be restrained g. 400 morning. The choir for taking a swipe ang the anthem *Paise, My player The home goui The King of Heaven" by game for the Hillerests is this) Andrews | Saturday night when the Picton : Merchants will he the visitors The Evening Hour L, Then comes the big one ducted hy Misses Gina Van fans have heen Duren Shirley Skinner and waiting for, The Guelph Royals Marion Price, Miss Anne Cuddy of the Jr league will play ave an Wustrated talk on her| here in Whithy next Tuesday <Xperiences as a medical stu-| ssistant at Bella Coola might, Feb, 17 in British Columbia SUMMARY past summer. The Bella Ist Period Coola Hospital is one of 18 Nicholishen operated by the United Church| , 7.80 of Canada's Board of Home Missions It was announced that three newly elected elders, Mrs. H.| T, Fallaise, T. Farndale and R.| Bareham will be ordained next| ' Sunday morning at local next Was econ that all the 1. Whithy RODREE +o0eeeteereers Penalties--Bobhie 4.54, Watts 5.23 2nd Period 2. Whithy: Roberts, Mackey 8, Whithy: Luke Middleton, Tran Penalties Middleton y A Luke 7.28 Milburn 9.07, Tripp BEARDED PRIESTS 9.07, Nicholishen, major, 13.09, ATHENS (AFP) ~ Archbishop G, Nichols, minor and major, Theoclitos of Athens, primate 18.00, Chasczewski 15.48, of Greece, has ordered all drd Period Greek priests to grow their Scoring = None beards to the required length Penalties -- Bobbie 8.17, Chas. Within two months, Greek news- czewski, major 8,51, Eckert 8.51, papers say they fail to see how Milburn 10.26, Watson 11.17,/the length of a priest's beard Middleton, 2 minors, 14,25, Eck- will assist in his spiritual du- ert 14.25, Watson 10,00 ties WHITBY PERSONALS Those attending the funeral of children, Miss Connie Nedrey, the late Miss Coulson from out|of Bowmanville, The hostess {of town were: Mrs, N Coffey) served a buffet lunch, The two and son Peter, of Byron, Miss|couples left from the Reeds' Helen Coffey, Mr, and Mrs.|residence for their honeymoon Jack O'Connor and family, Mr.|trip in the Southern States and Mrs, Frank O'Connor, Mr.| and Mrs, W, Sims, Mrs, E | Susan, daughter of Mr, and Spong, » Mrs, ¥, Boyd, all of mo. Mrs, Ted Wright, celebrated her ronto, Mrs, Kent Chadwick, La (eighth birthday, For the occa: chine, Quebec, Miss Florence|®10n & skating party was ar. Coulson, Hamilton, Mr, George|"@n8ed and the young guests O'Connor and Mr. Basil 0'Con.|Were afterwards entertained at Susan's grandmother's, Mrs, Florence Tavener, of Brock St | Mrs, Charles Ferris, Dundas |N Present were: Wendy Suther |8t, W., left by jet from Malton land, Bonnie Johnson, Debbie Airport to visit in London, Eng-|Willes, Irma Dickson, Judy Livy land with her daughter ingstone, Wayne Howard, Wayne Blanchard and George of Mr Sherry, daughter and| Mrs, George Purdy, celebrated] Mrs, Frank Allard, 712 Athol her fourth birthday, For the oe-|8t,, Is celebrating her birthday casion a family dinner was ar-/today, For the occasion Mrs, ranged {Allard will be entertained at a party at the home of Miss Mil | Mr. and Mrs, Mel Reeds, of goed O'Dell, of 381 Green St (Mary 8t. Ii, Recently entertain: Mombers of the bridge club will ed at their home following the attend marriage of Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd| Cornish, in Oshawa, brother of, Miss 'Ruth MacMillan cele: Mrs, Reeds, also Mr, and Mrs, [brated her birthday on Wednes- Pat Banister, Guests present day, Her school companions of were. Mr, and Mrs, Wreford| Colborne school and friends wish |Cornish, Mr, Tom Marion, of her many happy returns of the Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, Scott and day, 6.24 nor, Dearborn, Michigan Reserve J udgment In Damage Claim Judge De N. Kennedy reser. posal of the drainage from Car. {ved judgment till a later date|(ref avenue. y "have to run all the time, just sufficient girls with many others from Oshawa, AjaX/in a civil action by L. and Whitby lodges with their|jjarford against the City of During the hearing the de- WHITBY SPOR PARADE By GERRY BLAIR ito stand still," he said | He also told the Kiwanis lof the process by ch the | ployethylene packaging material and 8 lovely shell throne, Sh he Everyone entered into the gay spirit! Cheerful greetings of "Aloha" and even leis around 12 by boys' necks added to the festive marks, the gap of the score to ftwe points, but were still ipped 4 The final sppearance of the reunited Whitby Dunlops sgeinst the augmented Hull-Ottawa Junior Canadiens wes a huge success, with 1600 avid hockey followers in attendance. Both clubs gave a sterling performance from start to finish, It appeared to us that the H~-1 victory by the Canadiens came as no surprise to anyone viewing the contest, The majority of the Dunlop followers were content to concede the well conditioned Habs the vietory prior to the big event, and were just content to once again have the opportunity seeing their favorites together in action Charlie Burns was given rousing plaudits every time he touched the puck with intention of making an end to end rush, Even though the Whitby Dunlops were not in good condition like the high flying Habs, that tremendous drive and team spirit which was so evident in their many claims to fame was obviously there, The fans helped to close the books of the Dunlop hockey club in befitting fashion with one final "Go Dunnies Go," minutes before the completion of the memorsble occasion. Those 1600 hockey fans attending the game will be pleased to know that the Whitby Dunlop hockey club grossed $2300, and netted approximately $1800 after expenses were deducted, which included transportation and meals for the Hull-Ottawa club, Also Charlie Burns flight in from Boston to Malton airport was taken care of by the hockey club, This money will cut the 3700 deficit practically in half, of Bobby Rousseau, the pint-sized speedster from the Hull-Ottawa Canadiens of the Eastern Profes- sional Hockey League, and part time employee with the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey Lea~ gue, gave a superb hockey display, He reminded us of a kid on the pond the way he enjoyed his evening's efforts, Sam Pollock sald he had trouble getting Jobby off the ice each time he needed a fresh line change, This bears the true sign of a dedicated athlete, when you can play for the fun of the game, After the game, the Whitby Dunlop players and their wives were treated to a splendid buffet luncheon served up by a group of hard working ladies, Later the players held a stag party at the Royal Hotel, and talked over old times till the wee hours of the morning For us personally, it was a great experience to be around this hoceky club on many & road trip, special event ete, and listen to their sharp wit and hillarious antics, The main instigator of laughs was Tommy O'Connor, who was quite handy at telling stories and impersonating personalitiés, You had to be around this group to really appreciate the tremendous team spirit, as we mentioned many a time, so great an asset to their winning a vast array of championships, TOWN AND COUNTRY . , . Oshawa Majors have a stern task ahead of them on Monday night, when they host the Orono Orphans at the Whithy Commun« ity Arena, Orono are OHA Intermediate "C" defending champions, and appear just as strong this season, with the four West brothers providing most of the spark, The Orphans defeated the Majors, 8-7, Jan~ uary 8 in their only meeting to date, Last Sunday afternoon, Toronto Macedonians, just barely squeezed out a 6-4 decision over Orono at East York arena, Oshawa extended their winning streak to four games on Monday night, in Whitby, coming from behind to down the Lindsay Lumbermen, 8-8 in overtime, Since the acquisition of three players, Wills, Smith and Arnold, from the UAWA hockey league, the club appears more balanced, which they'll need to carry them any distance in OHA Intermediate "A" play= offs , , , , Stan Westfall scored his first goal in Junior "A" competition with Niagara Falls Flyers against St, Mike's last Sunday afternoon, Stan grabbed a loose puck in front of Cheevers and fired neatly into the far corner, He promptly retrieved the puck for a re- membrance of his first tally , , , Cliff Godridge, goal« tender for the Whitby Hillerests came up with a superlative exhibition on Wednesday night in Whitby, shutting out the Peterborough Canucks 3-0, as the Whitby club keep rolling right along , . , , Kingston Frontenaes continue to play inspired hockey in the EPHL, downing the highly touted Hull-Ottawa Can- adiens, 4-2 Wednesday night in Kingston before an enthusiastic partisan crowd, The Frontenacs have been undefeated in their last two outings against the first place Habs, tying them 4-4 in Hull two weeks ago atmosphere Dancing to Bill Richardson's orchestra lasted from nine tl one with an intermission at 11.36 when a lunch was served buffet style in the cafeteria. Naturally there were sandwiches, cakes! is manufactured here, This was [he first product turned out at NEW FIM the Whithy plant A new packaging material has been developed here in |Whithy, he said, and this, toe, lis being manufactured in the U.8., another example of the re- versal of procedure. The new material is called two in one and is & clear film that Js stronger than other clear films In the past, he said, clear glossy films have been weak and strong films have heen neither clear nor glossy. This new film, he said, is ahead of anything on the market today but in six months will be in common use everywhere Closing his remarks, Mr | Richards noted that his com- pany owns 160 acres in Port Whithy. At present, two and one- half acres are used for the plant that it operates. But, he said the DuPont company has never yet allowed its plant acreage to lie fallow and there is every indication that eventually that 1680 acres will he covered with plants manufacturing DuPont | products Mr. Richards had been intro. duced hy Vern Harris and club thanks was extended to Jim|also to the tremendous turnout | Wharrie The teaching staff, many par Earlier in the meeting, past| ents, students from both Whithy president Harr J Simpson had presented a past president's WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY and cookies but the main stirac-| tions were Hawaiian punch and "kabobs", an orange section, # grape and a piece of pineapple on a toothpick Voting te choose the Queen and two Princesses also took) girls from Grades 12 and 13 and Special Commercial were elig ible At the magic hour of 12 Carole Dart was crowned Queen and took her place on the pink, shell throne, Jean Lofthouse and! Helen McKnight were the Prin-| cesses, What a charming trio! | The Queen received a bouquet) of roses, a set of crystal beads and earrings, a compact and lipstick set. Each Princess re ceived pink and white carna tions and 8 compact and lp-| stick set The success of this, the first dance at ASHS, was due to the| intense planning of & "Formal! Committee" under the direction of Mr. Murray Fallaise, a mem ber of our teaching staff, and | be place during intermission The| 120 won their game easily # score of 19 £. This was due mostly to Care lyn Beatty's securacy of fres throws. She has 8 perfect tech Cheerleaders have finally en chosen and uniforms of Anderson Tartan skirts, red sweaters with a grey A, red sneakers and white sox have been decided upon, Senior cheerleaders are: Cap tain, Isobel Ouellette, Mary Thornton, Lois Kenny, Paula kson The Junior captain is Helen McKnight with Joan Conibesr Susan Bell and Marg Fisher completing the quartet With this added support the teams should improve ' N Day Of Prayer Planned For All Saints' The Women's World Day of Prayer will be held at All Saints' Anglican Church new {educational centre on Friday, Feb, 17 at 8 o'clock. Mrs, Har- old R, Hare, of Whitby, will be the guest speaker. Her tople will be "Forward Through the Ages in sn Unbroken Line," theme for the World Day of Prayer in all churches. The following centres are ob serving this annual "Women's World Day of Prayer" Africa, plaque to immediate past -pres- ident Robert Cawker, He also! {presented a fishing outfit to {past secretary Don McQuay, . Serene | | DUPLICATE BRIDGE FIGHT POSTPONED North and South: Mrs, Wilson BOSTON (AP) ~ A wildcat and Mrs, Spratt, 75; Mrs, Hunt strike on the Boston Metropoli- er and Mrs, MacGillivray, 78; tan Transit System forced post- Mrs, Freeman and Mrs, Bow: ponement of Tuesday night's!man, 68%; Mr, and Mrs, heduled 10-round boxing bout! Th , 63%, East and West: between Ralph (Tiger) Jones Mrs. Barrons and Mrs, Butt, and Joe Denuccei of Boston, Pro- 68%; Mr, and Mrs, Wilson, moter Sam Silverman picked 67%; Mrs. Chubb and Mrs, Thursday, Feb, 0, as the new Maundrell 60%; Mrs, Watts and date, IMrs. MacDougal, 56, India, Burma, Japan, Trinidad {and many other countries, Can- ada observed this day of pray- {er for the first time in 1020, |" The eollection for the day will be sent to the various countries for the purpose of spreading the Christian Gospel. All ladies are cordially invited to attend ARNOLD'S | 115 BROCK N, Just North of the Four Corners | OPEN THURS, 'TIL 8 « FRI, 'TIL 9 ~~ WED, 'TIL 6 PM, FRESH CUT PORTERHOUSE Ib, Ci WING OR SIRLOIN STEAK or ROAST CHOICE PORK SPARE RIBS FRESH PORK SHOULDER ELESS BON PLATE POT ROAST SMOKED WIENERS ROUND BONE SHOULDER ROAST 1 5.65 39 ROAST BEEF Ib. 50° | SLICED FRESH FRESH BUTT | Hamburg Cooked ; Country { Pork | Steak { Ham {Sausage { Chops LI. 35¢ 10.89c3 1b.29¢ Ib. 59 COLLINS Mid-Winter Sale PRIME RIB Sal WINTER IS N ONTARIO. Just a few hours from your door Georgian Bay Jor any of Ontario's reset areas and enjoy winter sports for every carefree mood. You can ski on some of Canada's finest slopes , , . ice skate on lakes or rinks, ., toboggan... sleighride . , . bobsled , , , curl + + + SNOWShoe +r fish through the ice! Plan now for a week- friends, as well as others to whom are extended as gracious welcome as those belonging to Brothers Attwood and Craw:|the Orders ford announced the 2nd degree! To all, who in various ways and a scheduled dart baseball helped to make this event so game would be held at Rrooklin| successful, a hearty vote of ap: on the coming Monday evening, 'preciation is extended, our lodge was honored by his first handling of the duties of that office Plus 3nd Feature "CRY TOUGH" with John Saxton and Linda Cristal A Bali E Baw Raph Themen Praduetion EASTMAN COLOR DARE ORRANATION PRESENTATION STAR MICHAEL CRAIG ANNE HEYWOOD JANES ROBERTSON JUSTICE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT (Whitby) oR = d * 7X9 rock RR Oshawa, The action was started|fence brought in raspberry ex: by Hartford when he claimed|perts from the Department of $2300 in damages from the city Agriculture while the plain. for erosion on his property iff's counsel asked the advice which he claimed had been|/on profit from raspberry crops caused by Cartref Avenue, a!from local raspberry growers. elty street, When the defence was asked | The hearing, was held in the Why the city had finally con. county courthouse and lasted structed a ditch which would jor almost three days. Counsel "A'TY drainage from Cartref for the plaintiff, G. Murdoch venue to Rossland Rd, Judge {was given until March 1 for Pe N. Kennedy explained: "It's his written argument, Counsel the crying baby that gets the for the City of Oshawa, E, G, Mik" McNeely was given until March 15 for his rebuttal { The action was started by! CHICAGO (AP)--Edgar Bur Hartford when the city con ton, a Toronto industrialist, has structed Cartref avenue in 193a been elected to the board of [Since then, the plaintiff claimed Sears, Roebuck and Co, He has he had been receiving the been closely associated with the [drainage from the street which| Years organization since 1952 {had eroded his property and when he then was instrumental |washed up his raspberry patch, | 1 forming Simpsans-Sears Ld He claimed $1350 for {of Canada, Burton also is chair. 8 i ti or 108t man of the board and president raspberry crops stating that he qf Simpsons, Ltd, which oper would have received this had ates department stores in Can: the city provided proper dis: ada. HEADS SEARS |" SEERA RRERRREREERRERERDS this Sunday, CONTINUES end or vacation of healthful family fun, Ontario offers you nd ENDS OF Clearing 75 pairs Ladies' shoes. Narrow and medium widths. Values to 10,95 | [good hotels, motels and many LINES [restaurants serving just the Now 1.99 TOTS' SKATING OUTFITS Sizes 6 to 13. Reg, prices 5.95 HAPPY WAY TO START THE DAY... golden-brown toast topped with sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine, Ideal for active people of eve == nutritious because it's all a " ALL-VEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE Men's, Women's and Collins 119 BROCK ST, Sour (FIR RERRRETE Many other wonderful values in Sobuie Dartut of Tove ed Feil, 1 Pukeme! Behe, Toreets, Btw Please and me new folder iting Outerie's winter resorts, Boivin bona d ports tacilition SM etem-- Stresd. CRY reser PR ee -- Now 3.99 Children's Shoes Shoes H WHITBY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PM BLICITY ee hope Lb Cotes, Shits