(Plan For famiiy Mt Oana Mee. K. Een nglieh on Mes. WW. Bamilton Mr. ond ivel of 8 Waly Asughisr wm Aer Hosoital on Jen. 23 wh fs ow fon; Sud Roney Barks mania tion, Welisr Carton The asl meeting for these REI IDRERE 0 TRE FRET. (RT TR The Thivs Mesl", met #8 the £ Seturdey sfernoon, Jon. BW Wiss Diane Carter spent the weekend with Kay [rn ge faflore tn get fhe enmmiscinn garnish The United Kinghom ead E.o se wers on - chairmen of he Geneve conference of foreign 'Green Sees 1 Ae Svindiay Mis CEE REE TRE Congrats minisiars wich estalilehed a sriginel tenes on missions for Viet Nem, Taos and Cambodia fn 197 To reestablish & commission wine of Mes. B. Blackman on fucsday sfiernoon, Jen. 2% The repilar mesting of Joy Rehekah lodge wes held on UB with Nobie Grand Ss f in rharge aesist Eillentt, Viae Grakd. After various Hems of imgness were Resi with lodge vas closed, A wamher of the isters gre working on the mem oration of the secret Work lunch wis served By Sisters Michell snd Phyllis EN BOWUANYILLE (Staff) Citizens atiendes the figs open Siscnssions held #5 the Town Heli Wednesday mgt on the Seng Wo 9B "prhiiahie esd pictorial" wasenm Wn Bowman viii Yeyor Wiklred Carrithers re Rotel that the members of) LL er Connell chosen for the Museum" 00 Blac rd ee Leprssenting the Vows | oted her Wirthizy on Sunder \Goneted 16 the Town by bes, 4.1170. 16, With & family We (Withams were Cownciliors Ben 577 Wicks snd ©. J, Preseon Mayor CarreiBers WiIGuees IS. J. Gooding of the Dept, of Ld | Travel and Pumiicity, Toronto Lhe wee RUPIOR. hed by Counc! to help direst them a the or |ganizing snd eqipping of # | mRsan | Mr. Gooding seid that the po | tential of weing the Jury esfipte for this project was & good start i due to the construction of the) | ullding end grounds which | would need Little renovation He noted thet the competition of museums Wn Ontario, which | putnumbered any other province iin Canada, wis keen and ia Lorder 10 make this one & Puc cess, those whe sre thinking of helping 16 cregte nis pro et he res] "go-peliers His first suggestion to | choose & subject relevant to this gren in order to draw crowds and compete favorably with OLNEY museums Mr. Gooding giso mentioned thet the grounds of the estate eould be used to help the pro | Jeet because of the potentighty| the mistory of hot! #lLEERON i. of BS WG Genrge Were) OVIAWA (CP) Entarnel A fairs Minister Seren Supnsied renames hope nesdey in the Le sini that pn intarnationas 7 14s, the United Kinghom commission will be re - estab REA & letier in consultation fished for troubled Laos and "Wh Canada inviting Inia ts said Canada is ready to he # 9 #6 chairman of the commie mensher sion pgsin, and submitted the A dealt lesser was wesw in the TH 10 Russia, horn to Mrs. Lotrsine Chenard,| --- 4 Ee of the Bassian govem- 17, Jam. 28 now is ible to take for more then & Week. CREDIT CARDS LONDON (CP) ~ The Britisn Restaurants Asso on Hrs makers |andays Tiwining Soho #t Uzhmidge on Jan, 28 snd 7 one 0 Mrs Davie w 4A / hey Mm 2 friesds Arepped in for sf erneom (£3 w enh cs on the Wirth a Writ CAN TAKE FOOD TORONTO (CF) ~ Authorities wt the Hospital (wr Sick Children said Wednesday the baby pill Hes LA LH 2 WIE food by mouth, The baby, horn tor aoorovel helore be with # mailormed guile in [4% oa i Login of Hotels and tr ry, was operated on HIER (nde sugzesting the convening ation is to introduce 8 eredit days alter Wirth. Following the of the commission card system which will emalie operation, the infant wis kept 18. Ur. Green described as "quite travellers to stay #8 hotels or #n incubetor and fed I0traven inaccurate" a radio report that Aine #i resipurenis, Sign the onisty India has Wamed Canada for bill snd pey later dik 7] £2 H nd, Mrs wi Ben 1a the winners group commitiee of the Frock Pickering Cub and Semit troops held & successful bake sale spd sficrnoon 16s u- the Wickering Township Ball on IviES Caritem wins Wk H 10640 sh Mrs. W Davie {Hollinger RAMA (lems is WEW ARRIVALS FROM SUNY ISRAEL EXTRA WEY... EXTRA SWEEY ! ; Ha Exhibition and st On was | teria County Black and White | Show, and stood second at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto ! Ho Friesis Association of Canela Cans HG named Beserve Al Haistein hull first prize senior ¢ Boywronk Symbel, bred and exhibited by F. Boy Ormiston, Brooklin, and now owned by White Plains Farm, Mount ville heen Bowmanville HS Teen-Town Seniors Win, 13-12 Dance Set BOWMANVILLE (Btatf) The Bowmanville Teen » Town hi dance held at the Lions Cronked (ony Friday, Feb, 17, follow ng 8 Monster Skating Party at the Mill Pond. Skaters will re t to the Centre for refresh and dancing t for the Wnprove of these activities will be y any member of the {. Bymhe and re nem £5 ONTARIO GROWN NO, 1 ~~ SNOW WHITE , MUSHROOMS IMPORTED VINE RIPE FLORIDA TOMATOES u 294 EFVE hig Pets Ehisrw Sra ' fn rhgrmnigl first Gam as 8. Carding, has it the Ci Ih. 49. of Wisplaying MPORTED FRESH GREEN CABBAGES wd RHUBARB wd54 IMPORTED FRESH CRISP ONTARID GROWN NO. | CELERY sss 3/254 ks the audi put By FAT GILL BOWMANYILLE Last dey, teams from Central to play BHS Senior and Junior! Creek Dra ( Girls' Baskethall It was They were thrilling games for £irl named those and .participat-y ouian't atien ng Home Feb Our Seniors 100 ThiCH #8 15-12 vietory They turn the junior game 1 B slidents galLered in Fri-\torium to waleh a skit came! hy the Starkville and ose in mtlendance at this miceting Were Mayor Carl | ruthers, Depuly - reeve 1v "a | | Hobbs, Councillor O. J. Presson Helen Van Dusen, Bill Porter ¥. A. Dilling, Mr, snd Myre, J Meachin, Mrs. 8, Buttery I. Munday, Ms, BR, Lun f ney, Miss Apha Hogins, sll 0 ALi Bowmanville and Mrs. C. R Yeen Town Lovekin of Newcastle ie mm cer Win Match By One Point the Community Cen AJAX # al tH Alax its v he » re Ld THE STORE WITH _BETTER VALUES a the wm Legis story of & Wik GRADE A' OVEN READY ERYOYAL YOUNG TOM TURKEYS oO) » a 10 het work to a's ern with Prince hn Al haa nderell An watehing Hie MEnLE long H do pl Ms OVErLNoK theirs in f ter 8 pri supervisin f Hive ir PEG Us In| of am on oui € ar A SCOTE TOP QUALITY + LEAN 'N TENDER PORK { Loin Rik END FILLET END BiB, AVE, SLB, AYE, 40 5 LB, PURER TOILET TISSUES AGUA PINK YELLOW Ean 4 mm 2/49 5 4 rey | AYLMER This Friday, Feb, 3, HHS Sul teams play O'Neill at O'Neill Since Seniors and theirs were are tying for first place in the! Hallo series, these, too, should be ex eiting game BH vs DONEY BH h SNOWBALL } in The Courtice wi Dance last Friday Snow:-Ball proved to he cess for all who attended Prize winners for the broom dance were Jean White and|is Dan Marshall |seent There were lucky door: as our irea ren Tt 4 de. a ) Bn an Unbeatable for value! 4 Tender, lean, meaty. 4 LB. ! oir Cherie Trim sno MOOR B&W the Girls regular schedule. In played last Mon seal the Violets! the won are completion or dha : i D ; The Stetson Team of MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS IIb PEG Hod and Club first match hy one Members of this team - SEEKING - a ---- are, Doug Parliament, Ken| RUPERT BRAND os tt out of he five wearer | RAINBOW TROUT... 494 Lhe game Dal i tl any Gun AN ho 0g the EL I th ZiT in Lone r Feb ind ho snot A 1] £ enampion Done he fal Fridi at O Higr yhoo! entitied the sl alm yell i 1 start Mon vs. Roses Bow wil 4 et Daisies The art division busy paring for the "Emp formal f 1] Feb, § Found. Out dantam Teague playoffs | oe four highest are used each) underway this coming ek | TOF QUALITY ONLY Feb, 4 The sem "wpe moun works Department WALIBUT STEAKS .. 8 he in the form of a f | ympleted floor repairs in| prizes, The first a free ticket to] year ' in. periea Ah | has com pr I )| year round-robin series, where each the range pemises, and floors _- the At Home won by John Oke. HHS artists have al team will play every other : De dn road The second was a pass for two|a beautiful job of decorating the eam once, The two teams with Are now restored 0 | : y condition. Members say 11 1s to see the Tee Follies, won hy| auditorium, and from what line most points at the end of | quo, SUMNEIE SAY 1 Tow Roy Chant hear, It is to be the best €Ver|ihe round-robin will advance to] for ath their feet in this area, An amused assembly of BHS|this year Minar Hockey Night te play for| "Enea : The Town Council has grant the league championship The | " + | ver aining teams will playoff for! ed permission for » competi Rival Gas Companies Slug Out Court Case "The Mug" tion shoot on Sunday, February | Last Saturday also saw thé is SKiarts at 9 am. and will |eompletion of the Midget » Ju {run all day, Many Central and WASHINGTON (AF) Two evidence rival firms in a northern New hearings York natural gas case traded cember showed substantial |venile regular league play, The | , X Ins offs okt got BY this | Southern Ontario Clubs will he | carr ing Saturday, Feb, 4 legal punches Wednesday Inlover-all improvement in the briefs filed with the federal firm's gas supply Power Commission | A Federal Power Commis:| Missionary The New York State Natural sion Examiner recommended) G Meet Gas Corporation of Pittsburghilast year that 8t, Lawrence be roup Ss wants to sell gas to Niagara|permitted to serve northern) Mohawk Power Corporation of |New York state. New hearings) BROUGHAM Ihe Women's|last Saturday Syracuse, N.Y. for resale inlwere scheduled on the vequest|Missionary Society met on|eold weather northern New York state lof New York Natural's lawyers,| Thursday, January 17, at the] Miss Diane Carter spent the Bt. Lawrence (as Company who sald ene contract between) home Mrs, George Bhirton,| weekend with Kay Duncan Ine, of Ogdensburg, N.Y., wants|St, Lawrence and a supplier had| with a good attendance, The| wie and Mrs, Roy Carter of to import gas from Canada to|not heen reviewed by the com: secretary, Mrs, H., PIaxlon| green River had dinner Sun serve a smaller northern New! mission read the minutes of the previous day night with Mrs, F, Carter York area : 'The Lawrence's meeting, The reports for 1060 Ar. ani M M. Ellicott, Mr Lawyers for New York Nal: proposal," New York Naturallwere received with much satis A Price of Dunbarton, Mr, and Mrs, W. Chisholm of of our scenl| The vill gel 4 aA Orienta Pre we For saturday two illed 18 fir will mane scon FINK ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE - 2/29" SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUES PINK WHITE YELLOW ScotTowels | in attendance presented al earlier which ended in De weir AYLMER BOSTON BROWN BEANS with PORK 15 OL TIN AYIMER AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE MOL TIN 2/55 AYLMER ASSORTED SIZES CHOICE PEAS 15 OLIN 2/29 ore SEAL ALVACORE WHITE rr n TUNA 7 oz. nn 3/1.00 GOOD LUCK REG '3¢ OFF DEAL MARGARINE i+. rxe 30 ¢ TENDERLEAF '12¢ OFF DEAL TEA BAGS «0s 674 ST, WILLIAM'S ASST'D VARIETY AM vo: SLICED CHOICE PEACHES 15 OL TIN CHOICE TOMATOES 20 OF. TIN in spite of the ol Ky extra PINKY me? STAMPS 7] WERE op |] Liquid Detergent el HA ul 25 fi, STEINBERG 'S KIBBLE OR MEAL DOG FOOD s uv vo. 49¢ SPAGHETTI 1 1». vv. 194 LIPTON'S CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 21 oz. ree. 4/454 MONARCH '20¢ OFF' DEAL 32 OF VEGETABLE OIL 45¢ Hib, | 25 HE K | MPS THE GOLDEN BOOK PICTURE ATLAS OF THE WORLD | fieont volumes In full sole ONLY 99' EACH your at SALE Yt and 3 avellgblel fault in } ' dd Rev. A, E, Cresswell acelaim:| available prapasal Ld samp! ON wk 4 a volume a w # VOLUM lumes | ¥ Ve 1 HA 25 I EXTHA Ali STAM 'PINK TAMPS 25 task, Open, Thun, Until 9 p.m, APA ISLAND ROAD ROUGE HILL wana DUNDAS STREEY WHITBY to Mr | hs ESMOND _ BLANKET 1] [& onan LiRN SOUR ] oaks ary $0 LS p St XTRA Coun MY § ¢ ' { ! LL RY STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS Ane wild 1h or Instant Milk a" IMPORTANT NOTICE! Due to the recent Fire our Ajax Supermarket will be closed. Customers are reminded of the Modern, Friendly, STEINBERG'S stores con. veniently located in WHITBY and ROUGE HILLS. 500 EXTRA | "PINKY' STAMPS } \1 1AR QF GREENWO ODS PICKLED WHOLE Marmalade ALN] § SARDINES [1 CIA ¢ is evesting | | were motionless angle ment already [MEM un rush COMING SOON! . . , A BIGGER AND BETTER STEINBERG'S IN AJAX! \ ural quoted President Kennedy's! said, "is that leaves a dis: | faction state of the union message tribution area ly dependant ih Sond al which took notice of two seri-lon a foreign supply when there| oid ek Oshawa, were Sunday night din ous problems facing the United |is an economically ol ghd Hite mem yi ner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bui Slates the bleak domestie|feasible alternate for A. p LY ib he inp Mrs Ellicott The occasion was Mr economic situation and continu: |gerving the same area from do nis M ii dnERn | Plax Price's birthday ing outflow of gold from this/mestie sources a : BaRcen Ad Boo At the annual meeting of the eauntry : hog Ti 8t, John United Church Sunday " tam president, has given Interesting There can he no question,"| v devetion ta the society. Mrs |Sehool the following officers the company's hrief said, 'that| Thomson Stock P| Piaxion has heen a faithful and| Were acclaimed: superintendent, authorization of he . JAN | " [profi ent seorel AT tAlan Ellicott; assistant superin rence project and denial 0 0) | J : Itendent, Grant Johnson; seore New York Natural project would dhams Dropping {Cong ratulations andy Pat Harden: treasurer, have an adverse effect upon| | Mra, W. Carlton who celebrated LENe D " i: LONDON (CP) Thomson | ERIM , M. Ellicott; pianist, Doro hoth of these problems L their fiftieth wedding anniver hy Will slang per Newspa shares gained on January 21 thy 4 ton Missions r) y CAUSE GOLD OUTFLOW three-halfpence to 30 shillings bb y intendent, Mrs ler; Tem fmporting Canadian gas will seven pence halfpenny on the| | Ms Ww, Wilson is home from perance superintendent Mr A not only fail to stimulate the stoek exchange Wednesda {the hospiia i lieatt; 'radle oll supt,, Ameriean economy but will alsa, Odhams dropped one shilling] Mrs. H, Malcolm 1s siek in Mrs. Ken Pascoe; Bible Class cause @ further outflow of one penny halfpenny to 47 shil:|bed. It is hoped that she will teacher, Mr. Hugh Miller; erican dollars and aggravate lings seven pence halfpenny, soon be able to be out again, [Young People teacher, Mrs J meri the gold problem, it added fhe Dairly Mirror remained The fivet Hroek Pickering White; Intermediate teacher, Lawyers for St, Lawrence sald steady at 11 shillings nine pence {Scout Troop enjoyed a cook-out|Mrs, F, Carter; Primary teach er, Mrs, BE, Campbell; Kinder: . . garten teacher (girls), Miss Margaret Roberts; (boys), Mrs. | e585 un 1g, 00 ing R. Ellicott; Junior girls teach er, Miss Carol White; Junior . boys teacher, Mrs. H, Rlack:| man ur n rea 0 jax It was decided to carry on] giving a certificate or seal for | By GRACE MILLS jhut could not find & trace ofkept many people indoors, but those who had attended Sunday y - K them in the area, Whether!as usual, with an hour or two School for forty-four or mare AJAX = Ken Smith, Windsor Avenue. 8 member of the Ajax|there was any conneetion be- ta spare, our bird - watchers, Sundays during the year. Tt was | Rod and Gun Club, Is also an/tween the visitors and the ewls Ken and Harry were casually also decided to present a Bible | avid bird watcher, so his or not, the owls are missing, inspecting the lake shore, with to anvone attending fifty or son-in-law, Rarry Noland {all seven of them hopes of spotting something in May | " . } : R i " ; Four large hawks e Young eople o t Ken reports, that while, With regard to Hrearms, ow ne 1 By a a John's United Church held their searching the wooded area nearilocal Police Farce have then ) ating he schon 4 st tv zor § hinds fol tol Ae 1 wings. TippIng to moet ng in the school on Wed uffins Creek recently, for long hands iw patroiiing Pesl 4 4 y nesday, Jan 25. when the elec eared owls, Which had been lo-|dential, Industrial, and Com. [One side to descend In the highf Uo toy | A wind or with a slight change ioers was conducted | cated there, he came upon anjmercial areas of the town, inf EH 4 ig \ ¥% hy the Rev. A. Cresswell | unocoupled car. With a movie(a lone cruiser, without having ® WINE they would rise) : i | without any further wing move.| President, Daorathy Willson; | camera and binoculars, he was/to perform the duties of gam wl : ial] 8 vice-pres.. Paul White: sec'y walking towards the woods, warden, They have WHER Their VIgHante Waki. i "Wiite: asst. see'v.. Ran when thres men appeared, walposted many notices forbidding[rewarded by some small spot ste. Pat (raw d lof mevement o lash of bara Masters: treas., Pat Gray of them carrying what appear hunting or shooting in the south Revement of ap ¢ st P a in the 1 arass and] Manist, Pat Harden; asst, pian ed to be 22 caliber rifles [ern area. Most of these sign By one 'ra Wh ist, Allan Johnson: group lead: | When accosted and asked why have beem defaced or destrayed ' oni Mh My o ea wth ers. Diane Carter and Barbara | they were carrving firearms, since ry \§ Speed, and breaking Mast 9 y D $ d N ASers, press reporter, on hey od Lh hunt thelr rush of speed just above! ot i they Were MAHAR! The subject has been dis the ground, rise again with pow Peteh rabhits helt they were In nm | RE & u ' cussed with the Red and Gun'opriul g beat \ : formed that ft was an offencel on a. ho \lerful wing beats, taking up a/HOLD MEEY ta discharge firearms in Ajax, [Db and the Police, With he nasition on a nearby pole or] The executive of the Women's | they showed surprise and quick |e, Mat & representative ofjirge. Here they would proceed|gssociation met at the hame of | iy drove AWAY the Lands and Forests depart-itg literally tear into bits the/the nresidemt, Mrs. G. Willson, | " jment could be stationed in Alax!ynfortunate mouse, rat or hath fn Wednesday evening, Jan. 18 Not knowing it the visitorsite cover this area, in (he near grown hare, which had besnyAt this meeting plans were had shot anvihing, Ken dec ided| future seized In oruel talons. The s \ ade for the meetings and pro- to go on searching for the owls,| Sunday January nd, was beak and sharper talons a grams for the coming year which had been sighted and unusually biting the careless rodent in the Congratulations to Mr and photographed the week before, (west wind haveltield {Mrs. John Harvey en the arm: | oald with a This would |