---------- CAPSULE NEWS WE TAWA TIES, Thendey, Vébvrery 1, 196) § wo Arabs Vote Rebels Arms RAGHDAD, brag (Rewters)-- me of these (el into the hands The Rab Langue Connecti of Win A police soters Wehneshay WRRIVIBONEY revived to ive the Memon oS IVR BAR SONIEEETLS TONE AFIS "ab SOU WF) ~ The tederal govern Lv tals * 165% oF Ws 18 mmerher owntries mE did wily nat gsi i By, § vont INOTRIOTY, SEVER IRIE Wes AR for the IRSwIgen here. was sheet down SAeOmtess ¥ ednesday Iohowing a fire that CRE AIRMAN. Aemaovished the control row UVTAWA (CPI="The gricin Weert of the tapeecrel project nent has decided ts see wrmai The fire Tuesdoy cased hewvy fiom now OR 16 speed old age damage helore being Wiomght Dension Chen es to Tecipients wn Aer control the United Kingdom, Vostmas WANES LEADERSHIP $67 onuial Hamilton suid Wed TORONED (CF CLF Lender neshay Wn the Commons. Be yo obioncia calied We dnestay sold ainary mall may Wilt 8% (or the establishment of & sep _--, Eh a EVI Baye OF & VIARS crate division within the depart ling I . 7 atlantic ship and SENS WP 16 gens of education "tn give vig. THE WEATHER OFFICE | tures it no significant mod- | from the Arctic Circle, Sides 12 days ot sen ares leadership in the develop SRys Clmdiness snd Bem snow: | eration Is expecied until late | will remain mostly clesr to STABBED MATRON emt of trades and technical TWImies are expected (omght | Friday, Some parts of Guehee | day and there i6 some hope of y : reining." He old a meeting of Wh SOURETR OMare as & slorm had temperatures ronmng 19 | moderating temperatures by FORONEO (CR)=Mrs, Jean or oie Beaches CCF Rid. Centre passes well sonth of the | 16 29 degrees Wher last mght | Saturday, ~(CF Wirepholo) Hall, 3, wn inmate of Foronts's ing Association that one of the, rent Lakes This will mean | hin Tuesday wight Aue 16 - . ---- id Wii os, Sharpe With maior failures of the depart. ® SHght moderation of temper: | milder gir that waved down ment is the total absence of id ou Know Wednesday #iier & Woman went : a ' I iid sabhed # mation "REFN In trades (raining WEATHER FORECAS j 0M ¥ $e with 8 pair of sclssors, Mire SUPPIIES FLOWN IN Rin the mein Dining Room of oe Matilda Kimber, the matron, YARMOUTH, N85. (CF) ] i tne A HOTEL you >" a 4 vullered wneineh gash on he od Bn wel supplies were g FIRE DEMOLISHES RADAR STATION CONTROL ROOM atts Woh ong roa snd fuel supplies, wet Extremely C (o d hove o buatone Disney p I low wimed gt her face wesday ao Kilenwood island, 14 Ey Boientific eqiipment used in | study of northern lights litters | ed from the burned-out main | Prince Albert, Baskalehew st MES IN FALL mw south of here, where five boientif) i pmen 7 ' 5 radar station ' 4 5 : I ib oki vr | horator ildin at the IRIBINES Have DEER IRRFOGHES eq unn ! tracking satellites and the | the ground pfter Being remo lahoratory i £ J (CP Wirephots) TORONEO- (CF)~Blesmiiler several days by ice, The tamil | . Thomas Brownson, #, of Tn ir radined gn pppeal hel said |, Soha 7 } oto died Wednesday might 10 the group had food suificient to TORONTO (CP) Official; Thinmine Kapuskasing re. tat 4 J [J tel 1 m fle ig J forecasts issued ot § a.m gion: Clear and cold today, In LOO Religious Teaching CITY AND [ie im lowe wir i ri' tr it wiih "i ets, ss ovat htt sot 8 OORAPERIES, sat an ' 1 MW feet while working ahaha d was probably the coldest night! Snowilirries but milder Friday Critics Attacked INTERIOR DIS I CAN WAIVE BIGHTS of the winter thus far for mest 11g winds, becoming southerly | TORONTO (CF) Critics of TR C1 Ld HEADS BAPTINTS FORONTO (CF) Boerd of localities In Southern Ontario, 15-20 Friday afternoon, . TORONTO (CR)--Rev, Leland control Wednesday ordered where 18 16 14 tempeatures ¥ p TREK y dl 4 oid Lh é : orecast Temperatures ions iauior hs, vavee! Sut JTC TL Found re "TERTS CLONED |." Gregory, assent minster bess of civic depariments wt vee, common, Temperinee ofl 1,,"unl, "Cpls | DECORATING are making "an assault on the The following streets will be of Toronto's Yorkminster Bap to discriminate against women! 30 to 40 continued in Northern Aw tonight, nigh ay ! foundations of Canadian educa closed i trafic {olay Seven tist Church, has been appointed over 45 and men over B seek: Ontario. No signifi ont modern indir PEEP RERES y son road south, from 1m STEEL general secretary. of the Baptist ing ent Sob, Temporary tion is expected until late Frio i8t. Thomas ,veeee 8 M ET olf"! savE V { o srg Ly d y ne paps WE PETIRRNER hE emparary f tion itself aye b Heth " k ; ih go MIsKEY » ' on fife 40d ht 4 full cargo Hin the CPR: Stevenson South vention of Riana and ee employees of Had ages untill day CHIR arses % | co PL 4 tary of the hoard o anadia ress Ba rite asoline threatening 16 Wow Wo, oiosed ; A sty : 1 . d Pottle, secretary of th Oar nl an bri ET MI tanker oa. ordered: ADE closed al the ( H Sthol reel hee, it was announced Wednes- recently were refused perman lake Erie, Lake Huron, Laks Kitchener , hips 1% SERVICE ' y y "ht br doned by Capt, G. Waite # fram Chari to Mary day. He succeeds the late Dr, ent positions because they could Ontario regions, Windsor, Lon o Red Ensign being sought by "al Gon id Ld 4: NH 8 Mohawk street, fromip p f not qualify for the civic 1 y with cloudy Wingham rreeveees 15 Cadudian woman has turned up heavy shells continued 19 poun PB. FP. Q Ziemann and will as- Not Guan Wh wie pen: don, Toronta: Bunny with elo . N Poli) former New at the In erial War Museum. her, vond avenue to Bedlordi sume office March | sion plan, Now they can obtain! intervals and extremely cold to- HAMIKOR tre iree PHONE ' yp IE pe a y f ] 1 Ww oe] Dr mitle, & 10 npena i ELH Bediord avenue closed permanent employment hy day, Cloudy and slightly milder 8i, Catharines .,, ian AE vas flown hy Afle n all-night gale, on H toundland commissioner for ed WL "ng Ay y San ia of the Topurtiis. s life Inky 30 al Mohawk street APPROVES CENTRE waiving nights te the pension] with snowilurries Longt, CERT Toronto ...vveesees RA 58-4681 ue writ [| rrent] i A ER ry 4 ' nN 8 an p p Zasterly 8 ucation, writes in the Ei Demetrin: whose heroic war: mained in sight of the still-float FROST DEEP TORONTO (CP)--A bylaw au- Pal ing Friday Easterly wins pee morouey issue of the United Church Obl ioe" adventures provided aling mass of flames, The 16-man Due to the lack of & snow! heriang construction of & §1 FORD OPTIMIST 15-20 Trenton. carrer BErVer stirring movie and were de-| crew agreed to rehoard the ves cover and the prolonged cold "W000 Balvation Army training LONDON, Ont. (CP)--AR &% Niagara region Hamilton Killaloe He says the critics "parade as scribed as one of the greatest! sel weather experienced in the dis centre the largest m anada, ecutive of the Ford Motor Com Variable cloudiness hy " on i Addadiiag NUVWAY amplons ligious freedom]? S6A SALAS trict, this month frost is reported Was approved Wednesday by the pany of Canada Wednesday Sonal SNOWHUFFISS 8 \North Bay champions of religion y Mary Preston SAILED AGAIN i have had cord depth. |ONtaEne Municipal Board in spite] night expressed optimism at the| localities snowsqualls today and NOFth Bay | RUG SALES and in doing so they use thel of Crs Suehee City They succeeded, Flames were Ai ele i y oy lof opposition from homeowners i ls for Canadian industry in| Friday, a little milder tonight Sudbury 4 | ianguage J! fhe Sonilian 19 lieved that her hrothér, & mem. extinguished, the engines re pis Hoang Hn 4 ine ne Residents feared the proximity] 1061 John King, vice-president, | Easterly winds near 20 karlton ... 174 MARY STRERY seve! But the y were "compel er of Ban Demetrios crew staried and he erphed oy of frost to instal new poles of the centre's proposed col-| sales, said 1061 should at least! Georgian Bay, Haliburton re White River .. ling more and more of us to had left the fiag with a Belfast was guided wi / ho Jecandary| 3 lege, school, church, nursery equal and perhaps improve onl gions: Clear and very eold to-| Goo tu mt frome ask probing questions about the| family after it had heen pre steering pear and ithout, eon . DEFENCE CONTHALY and cadet residences would de- the past year as far as Cana-\day, Variable cloudiness and # quality of Canadian education sented to him passet IF Charis ! The Department of Defence preciate the value of their|dian industry is concerned, He little milder tonight, clearing Hoping to preserve it in the|the Clyde Production, Ottawa, has an pomes said 1060 "was an outstanding Friday, Easterly winds near 18 family, she wrote to sources In About 10,000 tons of her Bas0- nounced the award of a contrac! vear, contrary to many schools Kirkland Lake region, Sud COMING EVENTS {Belfast in an effort to trace It|line cargn were saved in the amount of $24 516 to Koe | FINED $306 of thought." lry, North Bay: Clear with F RICHARD BLACK 0 D | Inquiries revealed that for the] Mrs, Blanton's brother, O85 io waiting Mills Limited, Ajax ' / WN COOKSVILLE (CF)=A boom BAR TO MEET [little change in temperature to information nd stewardship of the United Church of ( anada last year the ensign Fk ocin-|wald Preston, a Canadian who "0 4 | l RANE, Ssurdey night, 8 ow. W.|pled 8 Wstinguished spot in the signed on at Halifax, was the for the supply of scrubbing loth. |i, business, complete with bus] NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (Cp)|48Y snd Friday, Ensterly winds| 136 SIMCOE M. AT COLBORNE Jo's Hall, 31 Bloor Bireet Bast, 400 \iyicourn among the war relies first to reboard the blazing § AMBULANCE CALLS iness-card advertising, came 10 Legal questions ranging from) "e8 1 oT ig neh, Teron | of the past--each with & fasein- tanker, For his courage, thel The Oshawa Fire Departmen [40 #hrupt end Wednesday when sex offences to building regula » eh The Examination of eyes YRERE Will Be 3 rummage wie i the | ALing tale to tell \cvew presented him with thelnad no fire alarms since Wed |/ames McGill, 40, of suburban tions will be under discussion USE ICE ON HEART Il c.f Contact Lenses - Army store, basement, Thurs Now worn and frayed at the San Demetrio's flag and he was nesday morning. The ambulane tobicoke was fined $200 on ul here Friday and Saturday at the] LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Barb-| 14] day day, February § edges, the flag forms the hack | later awarded the British Em crews answered five routini | 'harge of bootlegging, MeGilli mid-winter meeting of the On lars Wilding, 14, born # blue! And Glasses nig Bg Auxiiary ele | ground for the San Demetrio's pire Medal ambulance calls, during the | md printed cards advertising| tario section of the Canadian| co. = woes out of hospital Avhlon Thurkisy, 2.3 {model which was used in the) Preston, who has since died, | jn, as wares as "furnishings" and| Bar Association, Leaders in the "AY . 3 Children's Visual Training movie and Is also preserved in| deposited the flag Feb, 6, 1641 | profession from Canada and the here Wednesday to face & nor-| POP CONCERT a showcase, along with part of for safekeeping in & strong [United States will he among mal life after undergoing a rare EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ! bana ontarie | the ship's steering wheel room of a hank at Pie adiily| OBITUARIES | those speaking or taking part inf gneration during which her By the Bond of Ontarle | "mye tanker's story of courage] Circus, It later found its way tol | panel discussions [heart was cooled with fee packs. | For Appointment Please Call RA 3-419) Regiment, In O.CYI1 Au hegan the night of Nov, b, 1040, |the ship's owner, Fagle O11 an SAYS FLY TO CUBA A team of surgeons at Victoria)! -- - A ------] torium, this Friday, Feb She was in 8 87-ship convey in| Shipping Company Limited, and FUNERAL OF | He was horn In Kerns town a: | i hnique of 107] =m i hg SEM i ( he TORONTO (CP)--Enrique Ca Hospital used a technique of lo ot B p.m. Tickets at Henders mid-Atlantic, escorted hy the Was turned over to the museun MIE. JOHN B. LIDKEA ship- Dee, 17, 1017, the son of woh iy b Aw ue Ea a ing developed at the hos | PF p . ervisin December, 1068, when the 3 ; " thet | armed merchantman Jer Jb mpAny was amalgamated The funeral service was held/the late Mr, and Mrs, Herbert pilot, said Wednesday Canadian| pital two years ago tn lower the 1 | a voy yl ll 0 t the Martyn Funeral Home, Jibb and Cuban interests have heen|temperature of her heart (oj G 0 h NOVEL BINGO oie convor was attacked by with Bhil i heen recondi-| North Bay Tuesday, Jan dll On Bept. 30, 1086, he married| exchanging tomatoes and tur. about 1] Aegress Jerenhett | reater snawa THURSDAY EVENING, 8 BM, |8cheer, sister ship of the Graf|tioned and continued to ply the for Clara Lidken, of 202 Worth-|the former Selena Mary Rose keys for some weeks, Cadenas|thus r A Ang ie OXYEEN | T, GEORGE'S HAL Spee. The Jervis Bay went| Atlantis until March 17, 1042, (Inglon street east North Bay, Kulakoski, of Hudson township, | sald he didn't know the names| needed In the hlondsteam Community Chest ert and Jackson Sis.) down and the San Demetrio/when a German torpedo ended who died Saturday, Jan 28, in|He is survived by his wife and of either the Cuban or Cana ames $6, $12, $20 then became one of the targets| her herole escapades less than her 88th year five daughters, Anita (Mrs, Bill|dian suppliers hut said the 6 doubled or tripled for the 11-inch guns of the 100 miles from the United States] The widow of John B, Lidkea, Martindale), Elk Lake; Elaine, | flights began several weeks ago FOUR SEASONS Ma y | 140 JACKPOT INCLUDED! Admiral Scheer const the deceased is survived by Marilyn, Noleen, and Dianne. [and this week hegan on a | Dor adie 313 mre sas three daughters, Mrs, Meron! He is also survived by seven twice + weekly basis, Cuba ex TRAVEL , Taylor, of North Bay; Miss brothers, Joe, Morley and Clar-| ports plane-loads of tomatoes & I son's or 50¢ at dog " | Viola Lidkea, of Oshawa and|ence of Kerns township; Mervin|for 1,000 turkeys a trip CONFIRMS COME | oronto ( alled | Mrs, K, McDougall (Phyllis), of of Kenwood Township, Walton| OFFER PURCHASE YOU ON ' e Home Baking Coke {Oakville and two sons, Elmer, of Mosseley; Lyle of Sault Ste, | T( Ld Cp J Salad THE Friday Feb 3 1961 of Ferris and Harvey, of Detroit,| Marie; Chesley of Vancouver { } Aka] spay ' ' ' fale, Friday afternoon, Feb ary 3, 130 Alger Building | Interment was in Tervace|B.C., and one sister | Shirriff - Horsey Lid, Wednes ' + 4 ' Ma A d ) ent tee Uninteresting [Lawn Cemetery, Norih Bay. | (Mr, Dallon Beach), Sarna, Gla, 'Yong Products Lid, eon gow , ADELAIDE HOUSE -- 4100 P.M, r | He was a farmer all his life f he Kings apg ol 0) J ' |mon shares on the basis of one [4 ) Rin Rai ug ngs FA. | ? GEORGE Jinn [He also spent some time as & share of Salada for two shares| OTHER ¢ Neighborhood Asseciatien By STEWART MacLEOD Although it 1s diffieult to Residents of Kerns township trustee and councillor in Kerns of Canadian Foods, The offer TRAVEL | » Canadian Press Stall Writer [make a direct comparison with were saddened with the death township {which will expire Feb, 22 is con: | ARRANGEMENTS Chairman; n nn NDON (CP Torontoni: another group that went to the of George Wallace Jibh, who| ! 'ond | | LOCAL 299 LONDON ( Por antant United States, it appears that|vessed away at the age of 43 The funeral was held Monday ditional on Canadian Food RA 8-620] F, JAMES SKINNER ans, hang onto he T Jat 2 pm, Jan, 23, from Per: shareholders holding not less G University student is/generally students were more|l0 the Toronto General Hospital hg J a sid AA i GENERAL Rtith blk t ith both|impressed with their reception Friday, Jan, 20, after a short Fins Funeral Chapel with inter (than MA.000 shares accepting {about to biast you with both h {lines (ment in New Liskeard Ceme:|the offer MEMBERSHIP {harrels {south of the horder § ie [tery ! The city: "Clean and hygienic] But often their brief com.| . | The pallbearers were six | MEETING [but impersonal, soul-less and ments didn't cover the same 8nd Alan, Mr and Mrs, G, Me nephews, Melville, Richard, | . [astonishingly uninteresting! [points as thelr counterparts In ' aay hie High find_Hob, Mr. Bert, Larry and Fraser Jibh| A : " POSTPONED | The men: "Bluff; self-assured Canada ane Mrs ugald Thompson, | snd nennis Beach | \ and capable; breezy, hoisterous| For what it's worth, here are Christine, Barbara, dim and Relat fn t of [and t : hi dynamic and pros: Observations of Canada region John, Miss Nadia Kononow and| MHeIatives irom out o town UNTII FER Oth |and tough; dyn ¥ by veton. hy the student wha G€0rge Kononow (were: Mr, and Mrs, Dalton n ' perous; Informal and friendly, ¥ © # Tan ie student Whe Hl re ; {Beach and Dennis, Sarnia; Mr But also shallow, unsympathetic '¢ (4 at oranto : MR a to feport that and Mrs, Walter Jibh, Mosse a srshin will bo in Ottawa [ANd iustering Rritish Columbians live in Mr, KE, G, Code i$ In Heaforth ley: Mr. and Mrs, Lyi Jibh and leadership in f x "an another world far heyvond the| Hospital after suffering a coron f 1 2 Marie ; Feb. 2nd for the Lobby on The women Generally VEIY | distant towering Rockies; the ary thrombosis amily, Sault Ste, arle; Mrs (attractive, very expensively po tice ndors think that they| For 4 bl " Orville MeClelland, Hethel [dressed; nothing spared on; JW entre. of avervibing [aaah an thjovuble evening Wir | Grove; Mrs, Keith Harper and Executive has found it neces | maioun and hairdos, Consider: fe (18 CREE 0 ne don you plan an attending the afr, Rob Jib, Cold Springs; sary to postpone the regular |ahle self-assurance, sophistica [Mig KINEIR pam i ds Thy three act play, "The Little Mesurs Milton Jibh and. Allen | membership meeting fram [tion and poise. But alse very ! og Laughed" at the Dunbar fink Raltimore; Miss Sharon | peaple of Ontario think that they ton United Church on Friday 3 § y y 18 8 | 4 'BR ) k- Feb. 2nd to FEB, %1 hard and cynical; AgETOSSIVE con and mun the place (with| evening, Feb Tihh, Oshawa; Mrs, Max Dick h dat BIG poi Tar and emulative; nervous, erratio, | oo cdo vaniy 8 ¥ {inson, Toronto; Mr, and Mis ola He greater Justifiea:| Sponsored by the On-We:Go \ BINGO lumatisctionate and inexcusablylijon); Quebec remains stub | Auxiliary, the Leaside Chueh an Mrs. Fone Tollconr Ne HARMON PARK ASS(X J |harnly foreign, and the Marl: Drama Club will present this! Clifford, Mattawa and Mr. and! . 57. JOHN'S HALL |THE KIDS ARE RRATS times browse hapnilv and quite comedy for your enjgyment, |\rs, Tom Taylor, Doble | Bloor and Simcoe) | The children: "Overfed and lowt in & world of thelr owt=h| February 7 is the 75th anni:| FUNERAL OF 1 HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS » NO, | WHITE 49 ewing to the fact your top full employment the (Camer ' FRIDAY, FEB. 3rd gross; arrogant and insolent; versary of the Women's Assoel 8PM possessive and selfish; undiseip ated n the late 18th and early aijan A birthday party is plan: MRS, WILLIAM J. LORIMER 'THE ARISTOCRAT OF ROASTS Mushrooms : " 18th centuries i $6 and $10 [lined and undisciplinable | ned fu the congregation al 8 Funeral services were held Ib ' $40 Jackpots | The student's opinions appear (o'clock with & program, games Tuesday, Jan, 31, for Mrs, Wil Pv ME RIB id ay , {in a questionnaire filled out for DUNBARTON | and refreshments fiam J. Lorimer who died at the [ 4 Christies 34-05, Loaves p a travel 'organization which] | Mr, Walter Nicholson was in-Oshawa General Hospital on BREAD Old Time Dance sent a group of college types to valved in a car accident right in| Sunday, Jan, 20, She was in her CUT FROM RED BRAND BEEF for THORNTON'S CORNERS North Ameriea last summer on Ay IVY THOMPSON front of his home at Liverpool! 6th year MMUNITY HA a working holiday, The arganl: DPUNBARTON Dr. W. A. [Corners on Saturday, January! Funeral services were held at SIRLOIN, T-RONE & WING CUT-RITE 100 FEET Gt VY : sation showed the results of the MceKay: conducted the vegular!3%, He was thrown out of his{the Armstrong Funeral Chapel RED BRAND BEEF Lh, & ATURDAY. FEBRUARY 4th [questionnaire to a reporter inlmarning serviee at Dunbarton ear and was taken to Ajax Hos Interment was in Mount Lawn Wax Pa er GON chasing return far a promise that no United Church, assisted hy Mes, pital for observation Cemetery, Oshawa. Rey. Dr , names would be disclosed i. Stroud at the organ. Miss, A date to vemember, Friday, George Telford, of St Andrew's ] 0 nts 50¢ \ AN MEATY MB 0 Toronto, which gets the most| Ann Lennox conducted the Jun. Feb, 10, is the night for the United Church, conducted - the LIAN KIA oy i BLUE RIBION -- 100° criticism, also got the student|iar congregation Vaughan Willard masquerade services BLADE i EGS (Halt or BINGO earning the least money on the dance, There will be doar nd Pallbearers were W. Cowan, | Whole) ea ags AT three-month trip. This fellow, PUNBARTON PERSONALS spol prizes plus a prize for the|Jd. Daney, J. Hunter, J. C. Liv employed as a youth camp coun: | Miss Lois Davidson was Ul in hest costume. The master of/ingston, A, A. Larimer and M LEAN MEATY POUBLE LOIN DOMESTIC sollor~miade $20 a week Faranto Bi, tne Week While Yi ceremonies, Terry Ryan, pram:| Wyman A student worging as a la. [iting with Mr. and Mrs "arises a number of Paul Jones. | " SHORT RIB L bCh Sh i ni UAWA, HALL borer in northern Alberta made Qtewell and Hil Hp Otte: Rofreshments will he on sale. | HONOR AUTHOR am 0 § or e ng of R the most=--8100 a week, Mastivell's mother rs almes, Tickets are $1.00 per couple or \ A ? i -- FRIDAY, FEB 3rd [V \EQS Were around $50 who was also visiting, was ill(31.00 per single ticket. Comey Moscow { AR) wn exhib LEAN BONELESS MAPLE LEAF SMOKED D li . 0 GAMES $10 A GAME "girl wha worked as an as: With the 'flu and join your friends for an en: C10 ak op the Rh ahniver 1 T PICNI S e very Service 1 ® lsistant cook in a Northern On! Mr. A. J. Thompson of the jovahle evening i '} i. held tH N t wy Shop for your $20 4 GAMES OF § $3 tarie lumber camp claims to Baseline celebrated a birthday| Miss Mary - Beth MeClement %0% 18 being held at the Latvian Mil and over FREER have had a wonderful time. lon January 28. On Sunday, attended a reunion of the Glen State library in Riga. Tass re Sh and Toh 59 FRESH LEGS OF PORK 59 ond bhvave ib $10 to $20--235¢ ' 4 3 hits include Lal making 'fabulous': wases--3$13 birthday cake and refreshments Mohr Senior Girl Campers in Ports the exh Yel ared a dav. "But 1 would! only advise were served hy Mr, and Mys, Toronto on the weekend, alsa Vian transitions hy the Anti PRIME RI HAM Halt anywho in $3 to $10 33 sontoane nhvsicalls. and men J. H. MeClement to My. and visiting with her grandparents, 1040 author's works and & Whals howe Under $5, -- 45¢ SHARE THE WEALTH tally strong to takg it on" Mrs, Ross Thompson, Linda/Mr, and Mrs, J, MeClement, [(0gvaphy by bis we |