i : Faith Healing Plea Rejected TORONWED (CF) ~ The On tere lepoisture's legal Wille Commer Beath al WRSHILESS fl eoperl Wednesday for rec Ady Recrefie oenition of "healing throweh prayer' in the provincial Cor ners Act $ sought by Leshe A the changes soa Fults of Toronts, Ontario Christian Science com the change Proposed Fults might provide on oppor: miles on bbication Mr, Tolls complaint wes om an amendment Providing thet CYEFY person whe has reason 16] believe thet anyone Bed "from desth or sickness for which he was not tresied by # Gly que) ied medics] practitioner' shall notify & coroner of the facts and circumstances of the death, He seid seversl laws in the United Slates give recognition 14 hesling through prayer and asked thet i slo he pecepied wn mane THE BEHANS ARE AT IT AGAIN LONDON (AP) = Anybody here seen Anybody Here Been Kelly? Dominic Behan~pleywright Brendan Behan's brother made the rounds of downtown | pubs Wednesday asking this | plaintive question Anybody Here Seen Kelly? is Dominic's autobiography, It vanished Tuesday night while Dominic, an selor- writer, was | celebrating its completion with | what the Behans call "a bit of FATAL NURSING HOME FIRE a fire least seven all be the fourth floor of the building | thwe. 2, lieved to he elderly patients in the northwest section of the ng persons Firemen fight Washington nursing home ~AF Wirephots which brought death to at) Seven hodies were found on Communist Radio May Be Heard Here Soon By JACK BEST Canadian Press Stall Writer OTTAWA (CP) Radio rams from Hussia Bnd ommunist countries of ep | by local rvehroadeasts Canadian programs it 1s iy n sald there were pected that the actual number anomie reasons' for the cur. of listeners in the west Euro largely resulting from pean countrie concerned will 1 | service to Canada's remain substantially the same Europe may soon be earried onl popthland and might even Increase the CBC, Revenue Minister| The service te Arica, "where! The revenue minister rejected! Nowlan indicated Wednesday inlihere is not such an extensive all the Commons | knowledge of Canada' as in has exeried any pressure on Mr. Nowlan estern Furope, was being ex- CBC programming or financing, | Parliament tended substantially. Shortwave and sald the matter erviees to eastern Europe were intention of abandoning amming of ER shortwa being maintained, | Rrasent ystem of annugl par broadeasts to eastern Europe . . | iamentary grants for the publ has declined substantially in the MAY BE SAME ak #0 2. H | liely-owned corporation pub ag y 1wonth | ¥ KOWIEnNn sa " LE} I" A } f 4 - last few mont ult reception madi I. W, Pickersgill (IL-=Bona "In Poland there is of hetter visla Twillingate) and suggested Court District shortwave broadcasts to west ern Rurope possible of ex yowla peo he taiiment lern| expanded who reports to on Broadcastin also disclosed (hal 8 appar The revenue minister, answer INE questions and suggestions) from the opposition, also 1, Bald he is prepared to ree: unanimous ap on hroadeast lan's disclosures con ently no jamming now." that longer « term grants be Mr, Nowlan, noting that pro {made grams have heen exchanged he tween Russian and Canadian stations, largely on athletic Pl d events, sald there Is a move Survey anne afoot now *ta hroadeast pro x . {ommend that the CBC hoard of rams which might he an | TORONTO (CP) == A SUFVEY| directors he enlarged to provide neg from Russia." ¥ill he made to determine greater French-language repre-| Through tape » recording and whether it 1s advisable to en: sentation other techninues, eastern Fupo|/AVEe county court districts to| 9 pean programs will also he provide greate r mobility of | newspaner interests to hold 1 available in Canada. he went|/Vdges, Attorney « General Rob: land radio licences could hardly on. "It 18 not now a closed! ®rts sald Wednesday at 8 meet: | he changed, because "I can im area." {ing of the standing commitiee agine many newspapers in this on legal hills country which would have to di APPROVES RESOLUTION Ho sald the study to he un: yore themselves from radio Mr, Nowlan spoke just hefore|dertaken hy Erie Bilk, assistant |and television." the House gave {deputy attorney -geneval, willl 8 Expressed doubt there is proval to a government resolu also look at the possibility of ap:| any merit in the charge that the tion to establish a special Com: {pointing a senior judge for CRC is he ing used as a vehicle mons committed toounty and district courts in On: for Communist propaganda ng tarin "But the CBC is a national Mr The committee approved a bill] organization,' he said, "and one cerning radio program from {amending the County Judges!of its purposes 1s to present behind the Iron Curtain came Act which provides for the ap {views whieh cover various i the course of a reply to Paulipointment of (wo additional | facets of our activities, political Martin (Le=Fasex ¥ast), wholcounty court judges to serve|and economic, and I do nol hpd expraesed misgivings about| when and where required, There | think anyone can take objection the decision to curtall CBClare six such judges at present,'tn that," INAS i 0 2 a STOLEN BONDS RECOV MONTREAL Detectives | end lane, Detecfve Sergeant 106 Up 8 Tat of Molen honds Leo Brunet, Inspector Joe found, after a telephone tip, in A cardboard box in an east: | Bedard, and Sergeant Adelard ERED Pigeon add up the bonds, re covered just before a garbage tuck was. to pick Me the box, ' «CP Wirephoto Downs Bomarc Deal ii fore Congress with a warning gargle,"" whisky snd such "I lost it," said Dominic | "somewhere beiween the pubs in Lelcester Square and my home in Belham, Drunk? | was hind." A racy aecount of his youth, the autobiography puts Lady Chatterley"s Lover in the shade for gaminess, Dominie said "If any young women finds it, she should hand it to her mother without reading it" BEATTLE, Wash, (AP)=Cen- pany of Canada, Canadian AVIA: 1gs0 had not solved the suggestions that the cabinet (ral Areraft Manufacturing tion Electronics Company 1rd, of Downsview has signed a contract with Boe a base near North Bay | [ ng N . The contract, announced hy| Boeing ordinarily uses 160 per: ione copvioe Boeing Wednesday, calls for "management assistance and technical support' in preparing the Bomare hase for delivery to the RCAF, The contract price was not disclosed The North Bay base Is one of two to he built in Canada for the advanced model B Bomare The other is In Quebee prov-| ince [ Central Alreraft Is owned oF sprites Christion scientisls (ae) they RIE many peoie of head of the plied, without elaboration that ahbidren tn study aeademie sh view Co : ! He wound have bad the sec liom EHERALA 19 Incline, 7s WEN RE BR WEGALRL PrRcHIOREE M reli giong pra titioner of & well known charek OF BEBTBInE In, YTHRER Hay ET Mepns wone beng predied by the wording bil, he said Atorney Generel Boberis re Ww Mr tunity for fraud, Committees held the spot light Wednesday ps oAher mest ings were held on Consery ation education, and Bghways ne Wghway safety A. HB. Richardson, chief con servation officer of the depart ment of commerce and Aeyelop ment, said SOME CONSErYRIOH authorities pre not dong enough and other Rress pre ly need of conseryation Erowps, PAYS HALF While the provindgl govern ment pays half the cost of the suthonties, the imtigtive must come from the municipalities There now sre 48 authorities in Ontario and three more are he ng planed CCV Leader Machongld seid the government should take the initial step. I 15 not GIVIRE BRY leadership, he maintained William Stew art, minister without portfolle, suggested thought be given 19 the estah lishment of & province-wide plen for land use In the highways commitiee Deputy Transport Minister Alan Macheh seid every driver will he given at least Bh partial test from time to time "i and when his department becomes completely mechanized Vernon Singer (L~York Cen tre), noting many drivers de velop poor eyesight hut refuse to stop driving, suggested drivers he tested every five years, Mr, MacNah replied that drivers with deficiencies hetter drivers on the average The committee was told 38 per cent of driving leence appli cants failed on the first test last year Ad, and Fer ranti-Packard Eleetrie 14d All companies three parent government has noling Aipplane Company to assist| will supply personnel for work the in installing Bomare missiles at| called for in the service con tract with Boeing sons during missile and equip ment installation at a hase, hut will send only shout 50 to North Bay ply the rest Boeing will hring a group of Canadians here for training, and the combined Boeing : Central team 18 expected to report to North Bay in June Clerical help and employees who do not need specific Bo mare training will he hived in Bald the policy of fining jointly by the de Havilland Com:/the North Bay area INTERPRETING THE NEWS By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Ball Writer The ery of national peril voiced hy President John Ken nedy seems to have fallen on a lot of deaf ears In Congress, The narrow victory given his sup porters on a parliamentary strategy move Indicates Ken nedy may he forced to hend some of his far-reaching plans to the will of political realism, On Monday Kennedy went he that the future of democracy 1 in doubt, that the problems of free socleties ave critical and the tide unfavorable, It was a vervent plea for national unity, inside and outside Congress, Hvents that followed Tuesday indicated clearly that there 1s disunity even in Kennedy's own Democratic party, and that the determined coalition of Republi eans and southern Democrats is digging In to wage a major war against Kennedy's legislative Programs, SEEK BIGGER COMMITTER The lssue before the House of Representatives was enlarge: ment of the House rules commit: tee, which detemines if and when legislation reaches the House floor for legislative ac: tion, The Kennedy forces sought to incense the committee mem: bership to 18 from 13 to break the power of southern Demo orats and Republicans to block or stall legislation whieh might ehiarge Negro vights, inerease social welfare programa or pro | mote other programs whieh| might find disfavor with the ement of coalition This battle for hn committee membership=to in elude the addition of iberaltype congressmen--also involved the restige of House Speaker Sam ayburn, a highly respected [year-old politician. Kennedy May Have To Yield sented southern states or states hordering on the Houth, The rules commities, headed by Virginia Democrat Howard Emith who waged a foreeful battle against enlargement, now will he expanded, But there are many gimmicks a eommitiee chairman can use to stall the flow of bills, Including demand: Ing (hat extra witnesses be heard, a time-consuming pros cess which already is holding hack a Henate vote on a Ken nedy-type bill to aid depressed Areas CONSIDER MERCHANT WASHINGTON (CF) wo White House source sald Tues: day Livingston T, Merchant, one of the top United States career diplomats, 1s under considera. tion by President Kennedy for appointment as ambassador to Canada, This would he a second tour of duty for Merehant, 9, in Canada, He served as ambas: sador there fn 1066-58, SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER. .. CARRIER Rayburn squeezed through with a victory of 217 to 213, a mere fivevale margin in a House of 261 Demooerats, 1M Re publicans and two vacancies, Of those voting, 2 Republicans | sghported expansion of the cam: | [See and BH Democrats ap posed enlargement, All of the opposing remoe rats repre Is Leaming To Bosame A BUSINESS MAN ® Your Nelp Will Be Are Canadians Called | Beademic Snobs TORONTO (LVP)~hudrew F Thompson (L~oyeremiit) 194 the legdlatnre's ehurztion (om. wiles Wedneshay, Canadians gre spose when efucaing their ctidien because they wad them 19 susy only Wademis Fl A "This is a shor on vocations education," he sid, riding thet seem 19 fee that 19 take vocationgl (raining 16 # sign of lenox ieiigence Most Capadicns want their jects and gy OB 16 WverSty Fhucation seid "there Is Sificulty Wn 4 reiting people Is techies) ireimng hecanse of soir wb tildes," but added that "i 1s mast unwise 19 Girect piudents tally wwey from serdemic suhiects," a, Mr. Robars felt the combing tion of the two would be the educations) fdesl Jr. B. McCarthy, depsriment shperimtend e nt of exrniestum and Lexthooks, said I was pos sible tn keep more students in school MH courses were geared 19 their abilities, and rdded that local authorities rire responsible for developing courses for mors direct benefits to the vocation ally -minded student Barry's Bay Ottawa Line Loses Money RENFREYW (CP)~Witnesses for the Canadian National Rail ways testified Wednesday thet the 112-mile Wine hetween Of tawa and Barrys Bay had gone 870,000 in the red last year and that there was no prospect of is ever becoming a profitable ventire Counsel ¢8 for the railway VW. G, Macdougall asked the Board of Transport Commis sioners for permission to dis continue the one-coach service on economic grounds and said that alternative means of trans portation available to the towns serviced would justify the move A similar hearing in 1068 was suspended after railway repre sentatives agreed to municipal {requests that a revised schedule {he Introduced in an effort to make the line pay Mr, Macdougall said the new chedule, introduced March 2 lem and that the appeal should he granted Speaking for the affected mu nicipalities, James W. Baskin, Conservative MP for Renfrew, (blamed the deficit on Inconsis and poor publie re {lations by the rallway | He sald much husiness was being lost heeause inferior Central Aiveraft will BUR: ooaches were often wsed andl time schedules were unrelighle | The hearing continues, ¢ prob: | Jobless Insurance Law Due For Big Overhaul OFTAWA (CF) ~~ A fesstic fund's slate came in the Com ™ " overheat of wacmployment w- wmons from Vieanes Wimister With Stick bessntion was pro- Fleming, whe sid sale of se sel Wehnkiha #8 back cwntics 16 BEY pry WoRNIRRCE a Re et Nelnésday by UP and benelits have 1eswied in iosses TORONTO (CP)~lemes Fl Liberal members exprasied \athng WIO016% Ww the lest wry Young, charged with mer: warm wt & further Grop IR the 9% months ering Wis two-year-old Hepson, means f Y DEMANDED Fer, Brown, Progress Liber whe hey dye Conservative - member or wi, will mer Vancouver Kingsway, ave Ro . tice of & resolution ceiling om ihe Government 19 set 49 # Pew ' a Hit Child Minister Robaris HIRE WORKER'S COMmPEnsation The Unemployment Tne | Commission apnouwnced that the fund, which had stood st $921, # J NE DE (ee reports cember, 199, and reached & opal developed yerr-end figure of $978.99 99 fot Io pro Dhuls defomed i tocks, thet This, the commission seid, was Under Mr, Browne's wien lower Left o Rormel sensonst bind, the #VETVORe In the working lores Wioken, thet # JUIIEr Indication would contribute, ut benefits of 6418 OB Big Hi ] A é rkened, and thet he Two Men Freed us 1a he So Th hovel ne fered a foe Lg ii On Mischief Charge whe were ready, willing end the right he ible to work, and whe had not. Crown counsel ened $4000 & year, jand Wid Vag we | 4 seeived benefits More that ¥oung LRAT on pT A ts 66 fre pd gg oid pal ter: 4.904 the balance of the year "hile his wile Ethel worked, ming! lest March were se. OWA have to repiey the full, The hearing was Adjourned auitted Wednesday alter # gen. PMownt of the benefit by toxes to Feb, §, eral session Judge seid wit nesses at the trisl were afraid of something William Westaway, #1, snd Fdward Gregory, 84, both of Toronto, were sewiitied after the jury Aelibernted four hors and three minutes The fire at the Gill Interpro- vineigl Lines Limited occurred the day the company gained sn niunction to restrain picketing al the plant by the Internations! Brotherhood of Teamsters (Ind) during a labor dispute, In his address to the jury Judge Donald Maclaren seid the appegred (0 he afraid, Crown counsel Alex Hall had an unusugl amount of dif fieculty ndducing evidence from witnesses, the judge said The two men and Paul Knoll of Toronto, were originally charged with arson, Later the charges against Westaway and Gregory were reduced to mis: chief and Knoll wes held as material withess BACKACHE? oonof mel | For relief from backache or thet tired rout feeling | I depend one Dodd's , Pills iF fale NE i! BN PA Labi} ! 73 2% LEAN RIB STEW, BONE IM Plate Brisket 1b. 23¢ PRESSWOOD'S, BONELESS, CRYOVAC WRAPPED Smoked Hams Ib. 85¢ SWIFT'S EVERSWEET RINDLESS ~~ 1-08, PKG, Breakfast Bacon 1b. 65¢ FIRST FOUR RIBS, SHORT CUT, BRANDED BEEF, BONE IN » we Prime Ribs lh. 69¢ ROASTING OR PRYING, FRESH KILLED ~= B:314 LB, AY, Chickens 1b. 39¢c AC OE § witnesses w OSHAWA woop iobucts JL_CSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Introduces , + » HAROLD WILKINS (seated) Despateher In sharge of oll truek deliveries, He has been with the firm meny yeens and is well trained to see that trucks ere loaded sscording to schedule with the quelity building materials you have ordered and delivered to your door as quickly as possible 4+ FREE of Charge, HERB BLAIN (standing) Is @ member of our sales staff, and assists In checking loads and soning that proper materials are delivered quickly and efficiently, - SPECIAL! ARBORITE ENDS IDEAL FOR COUNTER TOPS 6.40 PER PIECE Size 4' x 6' @ PER PIECE FAST, EFFICIENT FREE DELIVERY 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU OsHAWA wooD ¢eoDUCTS JI OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS BEE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Si>naosa_coom vmviso MEM sionooss coom vaviso BE Sionoosi GOO VAVISD Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH---~RA 8.1617 BOWMANVILLE=MA 32130 Main Office and Showrcom COURTICE---RA 8-161) AJAX---~ZEnith 2.9600 Appreciated AWA WOOD PRODUCTS