(90---Asticles For Sele THE OSHAWA TIVES, Tharsdey, Febreery 3, 196) 23 AHHOR sosophone. Coli KA EI, | FIER Gees oles and oye Fras ad play Ay i Jars foo we - Christian Youth pes i re ® Week Held Pare ov cet, ae BA 39421 iL a" al | BROOKLIN = "Christian District Commissioner of Boy Automobile Repos toe. A a A Wk ving. hth, 1m eo Wore, send " IHRER plese ite Sunday, January 14 educational ANDY NAGY'S enteral Tr Cod Ari b nchive, was theerved, "Ppniening and PR.. oP trad a 57 o's vee sty pre 13, li ot the morning worship held on talk on the work, riles, and reg 8 EOSIN SEIYIES, ar ideind Radiotor repairs and rer ey (Sunder, "1am, ol Broki of the Boy Fol. wen or JY SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clesn cory, Trade wp or down, Liens peid off DODD MOTOR SALES WEEKEND MARKET BASKET GLECOFF PAT AND PON'S SUPERMARKET | "47 scr son A351 SIMCOE SCAITH OSHAWN'S THRIFT CORNER 79th ANNIVERSARY SALE RITSOM RD, 5, and ADE BOAST, EULALIE AVE SE hor Blode bore ot WE HAVE NO STOP LIGHTS SHORT RIB ROAST WH BUT WE OUTSHHINE THEM ALL! v HE Hei [own payment yeie [sacmirey $ig0s down, Rew pons, Vis Mer Oh ad home Lt lds ea PRIVATE =~ fhvey - um loth, haETYy whee, (+4 To ice i tad : woh Avenue, hind | oF owronsin ~ one Vt mee [dia sew Siete, DATY. Wht meme (aRanfs | AEH IE COTM, ly he fio "Vito He ann, widdeden ! Nt I Arenas, A, i pisces, 75 2 | SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, a oi wih | hr Lor Lande tov farm LATE, STUDEBAKER, YOLKS MGEM SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSOM ED, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Vel: RAndoigh 3-346) CAR AUCTION Every Soturdey, oid or sell here, lection including Cheviclet and Corveirs, Oshawa Car Auction 25 Grenfell 5, RA B-5170 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 57, ~COSHAWA (ust Eost of Wilson Rood) RA 34494 Fes, 55674 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we desl up or down Liens poid off, NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK 57, N, WHITBY NO B 6001 CLEAN US our | THIS IS THE END OF OUR 1960 STOCK NO DOWN PAYMENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES INTEREST RATES AVAILABLE | LLOYD REALTY | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LOW PRICE $7,900 ~~ $7,900 B yor old bungsiow with large lot. Lend suitable for Port time GRIGEmng oF 161% wg of animals, A modern conveniences, Location, eon Oshons, Phone BN Miller ot kA B5122 wd feolt 78 RA 85124 "BA 6.5125 512 101 SIMCOE ST, b. 49 L774 FRESH LIVER, Pork, lo. Bic Besh, Io, 9c Clover Form INSTANT COFFEE bz, jor 79 GRANULATED SUGAR, 16 Hos 45--Resl Ei Estore For Sole Pn FULL wien for hie "x psy prod sorey home, oh leske ot, Owes wil | bala 0 Rows, belanse as rent $65 & Umanth, For toh peertiediars BA S448 Lor A 44507, Ask tor Ligvd Coren. B), |" Wilson Beslan Lid, Owhaws Wn Cewtss : I * LA sation 15 thrived {or yo work, wody shop pd a sell or trade hr This weekend of 2 Feier Fuddems, Resi, poise a ; Glecoff's, the store thot (manriie HERS Heashone WA $1604, or | ie, 168 feet By 145 fast ives you more for the I hr #9 east whaiwaed ares, Telephone BA #995 Aniiae) | Estate For Sols el alignment, |BEIAING Church, For the #p i lowing clusion of meeting, Frome ond whieh Hraighien. sir, he, EA oceanion, the COIE Growp #8 refreshments were served by its leaders ptlended service Wh committee appointed, 8 revemsons RO, § po , "wpriet freeier i EA BA445) | lathe saw ow nd gland. | *o"% i # body, NEW the sermon, "Ah NEWCOMERS (F wo, 50--Articles For Sale ! [Cg W mess," the, We welcome (9 ings Sapper Mr. and Ms Koster, , Vii, Rey, 8, J. /now residing on Bagel street, Toa pet, td lt ead Brook the dé. Mr, and Mrs, Yorke of Maple, FE hrs Ws TT FI as Te os -- Vie ew (a hg) RCA Victor, Md \Slephenson, Allen Jones, Wil-now residing In Rpartment ¢ Crh 3 Bett a Heron, Charles M, Wik shove medics! lime on Prin Lr Trai Hk son, Albert Wonnam, Heber cess wireet and Mr, snd beet West, "Down and Reiph Milner, (Pescock, now residing in. the hose formerly oecupied hy y ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs Se Os Sand 7, ¥ bes ry ass. Joi Gite, Brian Beeth i, WH 6 aura ne | and Mis William bel " the deat mother, Mrs, Matil- os wn ol | The Junior Choir will 0cewy| aq Wieming, at Port Perry Come the choir loft and lead in serv: punity Hospitel hlice of protec firected Aud Vins Sorry to report Mrs, Martin Holliday eto, 8 patient In Oshawa os Poo EA Ty dn, orn, General Hosial, following sre cil wes " gery on Fide, Jenuary 7, OUT MOTHERS AUXILIARY Cards we hi CHEST of 4 for sile, In good Condition, A HIF for, mare ntorme: | Tiree Wen The 1st Brooklin Seout Moth: Quite tion MEN'R sack ponie, mieely tailored Quite & large number of VURBITRE BALE Fiver tiaids, Must be clesred mit at this ow price, (68 Auxiliary met on Thursday adults and children are con gd I Cid 8: 82.88. Civans', 14 King Breet West evening at the home of Mrs, fined to homes with mumps, bedroom sales Kilchen sets, Aineties, chairs, mattresses, (abies, imps, oie. | USER lres, most oll goes, J a ww Yred Young The oo ent, severe colds and coughs, and ired the children's silments, Bpeedy re ME drastically reduced wp to % prick |B, F, Goodrich Mores, BA § for rl. eRranet! While hey Tost! | in v GOMMRIOR Blores tras, Tab Mrs. RL, Godirey, " " Barons' Home Furnishings, $04 Bimeoe [ier Kelvinator | reinigeraiors, (lar meeting, which opens with covery is wished for all sick Binith ie Thitlly Bedust Plan, BA 54590, Scout Mothers' Purpose and folks around, TABLE BAW = heavy duty B', 0ne:| Sugggy diapers, first quality, resins Prayer, Tentative plans were, PD | inked hp mater. Werlect condiion, $80, | 5505 0e Gal We por doren ih pr The Public Library Board of | hase os Carstage. Larue fun fOFmed for the wa "Pather| Whithy Township Becheol Area No, 1, extends a cordial invita: 1 FINE FOOD FOR LESS N Clubhouse PEAT BUTTER Voor, Abc ors, 3 for $1.00 BUTTER, first grode, poy more? Lb, TULIP MARGARINE 4 bs. ' iy won' Fry 54412 THRER hedtoom ik Tang wion vale, ness General Motors svth BN Cy ling prics A yrs S. D. HYMAN Realtor RA 8-6286 WOW! CHECK THESE EXTRAS Five-room brick bungolow complete in every detell, Equipped with storm windows, screens, four-piece bathroom, TY entenns, fruit cellar, heavy-duty wiring for stove and Oryer, recreation room facilities, foundry tubs, fenced-in rear garden, close 19 schools, bus ond shopping, located in one of Oshawa's choice residential ares, MI this is yours for only $1,000 Down, Don't delay, wee this excellent buy todoy, OWNER SAYS SELL Only $11,200 for this five-room bungalow with en attached garege situgted in the north-west crea of the £ity Inspeci this heme and you wil see g nest cory kitchen with abundant cuphoord space, 8 warm, comfortable living room, good-sized throughout, plus full basement, oil fumace, many extras This bedrooms and a home thot has hed goed core, spotiessly glean home Is priced right end should definitely be seen $812 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Five-room eloy brick bungalow built to MHA, specifications, Your choice of brick, tile, countertop, esler, ete, The follows ing items are included in the purchase price of no extrg com storm windows ond screens, mahegany kitchen eupr beards, stained trim throughout, ceramic le plus vanity in the bethroom, snk splash in kit de nk, exhaust fan, sliding elo set doors, hi itioned basement, y t cellar, slyminum storm door, front lawn sodded, Flue much more There are only fewr of these homes left ot this price, Act today, 6all== BOB STEVENSON GLEN MACKINNON POUG BULLIED HAROLD SEGAL Member of the Cshawe end District Real Estate Bogrd, STANLEY GUJDA BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR RA 5-9839 ON GLENRUSH A new bungalow with attached garage, three large bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, mahegeny cupboards, four-piece bath, twa extra rooms in basement, sodded front, Open for inspection every weekend ON LOWELL AVE, Nearly-new bungalow, priced well below the current market, five large rooms upstairs, two rooms with bath in basement, terrace floor, paved drive, sodded front ond back, fenced back yard, Asking price $12,900, #57 arms, Jones Ltd. Rasiiors Why bbe ORTH 4 ie Blade or Thick RIE ROASTS BEEF, Lb, Ac White MUSHROOMS, Lb, 496 CIGARETTES, corton , $3.09 AIRF ¥ binds, x £8 word 7 ld Cleve Yours #14 Himese Worth, rd el "weed fe visions lor swe, 317 W 77 sels, WAsy WeETERSY, Lem # ¥ Low's TY, Wi Bimese Bouts, BA 57044, ly iy GOON working combination cosl and Vine WA 17108. ! in o pres 117 enone $7e; 5009 tor fur: fda rat rr ri me A, Ji # ya it. Hekiar, ow, Tires, wo wre cieshime 10 E10, % Port Hor mare intimation #lment SIX - room house, uh PH res, pws sel, fae - AL Near pho and #haping phone RA GREY , condition ther information we FURNITURE asd sobiances for wie, 1 Wins Wella ther, bought snd sold, Bes some hwy the best for less Yompion,| (MEN'S otto work "aire Eid Klesring is BREE », "Ee fr wi . JOH A, J), BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE $1000 DOWN $1000 DUPLEX 8¢, == B rocms, 2 itr must be sold Call A ry # syle, low price MAKE AN | OFFER This lovely three bedroom brick | bungalow, four piece tiled both aluminium storms end Screens, forge fenced In lot, close fo Public end Separate schools, PHONE RA 5:5125 Céling chens, close In, Asking only $7,900 now, Jack Applety 5.6544 or 3.3398 ity dad MO) BET for more iEarm i panel cribs, Roxstone J patursl. . and Bon Banquet" , #0, €l h Ll # J Ll {Fehw Cormakss tom aopens On Tuesday evening, February tion to the public to attend the $6 66s strollers #98 gh ¢ chairs 706,21 In the 1OOF Hall, Bagot| official opening of the new i: Wilson's Furniture, 9 Church Street, | otroot brary building, on Vipond road, ELECTRIC sore, In good corbin | Ms, David Burleigh was 80 Erooklin, on Wednesday, Febru. phone BA 50558 for further interme: pointed as social convener, The ary § 1661, at § p.m, guest speaker, Graham Willan, The Hon, John Roberts, QC, -- y , RC, minister of education, will offi- WI Pl ciate at the opening ceremonies, Early Meet and special speakers will be in By GLADYS YELLOWLEES attendance, This has been a long await: BOLINA = The Women's In stitute will meet Thursday eve: ed event, eagerly anticipated hy residents of Brooklin and dis. ning, February §, in the Com: munity Hall, Husbands of the triet, KEDRON members and the 4H girls will KEDRON = The United Links be guests at this meeting, Mr Young Peoples' Class held their annual howling party on Satur. Douglas Barton will give a talk|day night, The highest scorer " he Darlington Provincial | ras Charles Sutter who bowled ar Congratulations to Pat - who received Jrevinial honors, | ni and to Doris Beauchamp on re ceiving County honors at] Achievement Day for 4H Clubs at Orono, As this is Canadian Youth SKATE ETehanie, ew od ved, Wii: | gest selection, jengihwise sharpening, | {Open Thuredsy wand Fridpy to 8 pin iBportaman's Corner, 105 Byron Birest South, Whlthy GOKARE, McCulloch motor, ¥I8, Tels. hone RA 36812 for further partieniars BEATTY wringer washer, in good eon dition, Please telephone BA 50768 for further particulars WINE and cider Darrels, sold osk, oll sizes. Oshaws Hardware spd Files trie, # Church, RA 37624 GUNS, ammunition snd hunting sup Pes, new and used, terms 10 per sent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, HA 56511 OFFICE, store and restaurant equip ment, We buy and sell, new nr weed Easy terme. Anyihing In rede Bi Hamilan, Ashiirn, Brook) SKATES, pew and used wid and = {hanged, Laruest = selection in Dravion's Cycle 204 Bond Street fr SELLING furniture? We'll buy It Re ngeratars, "8, Washers, pianos, stoves, ele. For top cash offer fon tart 16 Prinee Street, Phone HA B1151 FAINT, interior, exterior, $2.05 gallon All colors, Guaranteed, fat Lr) Oshawa Hardware an Electric, # Chureh Street, HA 3-762 URED parts and a for sll makes of wringer type washers, 14 hp motors 85 ta #6, gusranteed reconditioned washers and stoves, Paddy's Markel, Hamplon, C0 3-224, FESS oll hurner, complete with eonteel, 00 ! gallon tank, 875; and gallon tank, Telephone RA For REAL ESTATE Phone DON §, SMITH Mgr Vickery Reol Fale Business B-6226 Res, 7 BAB79 Member of Oshawa end District Real Estote Board, 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 STEPHEN REALTOR MACKO 187 KING ST, E RA 8-466) SACRIFICE SALE -- OPEN TO OFFERS Large y ki to you hen Lian, WANT THE VERY BEST FOR THE VERY LEAST ? THEN, SHOP AT "RELIABLE" THE STORE OF HONEST VALUES 14 6Va% Large Savings on 1960 Demonstrators two-storey, in goed residentinl area rooms throughout, Hot water baseboard heating; fem chen with double sinks; velance boxes; 16 x 24 garage; one block tc school, Owner has moved and this reduced pre can now be bought at $12,800 with ame zing! y low down poy: ment end easy monthly payments, Don't hesitate 10 see this one = gall now for en appointment COUNTRY LIVING Picturesque five-room modern bungalow with stone front, city nveniences, This compact home has many extras and is enly 00 yards eff King Street East, Large garage, paved driveway, picket fence, Selling at $10,000 with $2, 00 down payment, IDEAL FOR SMALLER FAMILY Maden b-roem, HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES 2.PC, "SNYDER CHESTER: BED Foam seat and back, reversible foam eush: lone $145.00 Smooth-top CONTINENTAL BED, complete with head: board ond legs, 3 foot 3 inch size $59.50 Full-size CRIB OUTFIT, Roxa- tone finish, teething rails, adjustable sprin plastics '60 FORD Fairlane "500" ddr, B-eyl, '60 FORD Fairlane 2-dr, B-eyl, '60 FORD Fairlane 4dr, bey, '89 PONTIAC 4-dr,, fitful style-tone green, fender mirrors, radio, whitewalls, low miles Tn newly formed 25th Brow. e Pack joined forces with the 1ith Pack to hold a skating party at the North Oshawa rink after school on Wednesday af ternoon, Wieners were served, A. penmanship contest was In beaus CLEARANCE hark cloth drapery ma $1,500 Down Payment with $60 monthly for this S-room med. m insul-brick bungalow en Drew Street, now selling at $9,300, ON JACKSON ST, ge 1998 teri clearing at 81 8 yard LL regular $4.05 yard, Royal House width, al, covered spring « "Hid: Hy tress 98 Week, several young people took part in the church service Bun. held recently at Kedron Public Bchoal to determine which stus Furnishing, 19 Celina Street WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and ends, some slightly marked, Costs for gotten, Tremendous savings pace saver davenport, reg, $68, special i arhorite top desks, reg, 830 sais $190 [1H spring Hiled mattresses, slightly soiled, values to 830.05, elear oul 816; arhorite calles tables 86; unpainted desks $14} unpainted chests, 817; unpainted hook cases $3.00; discontinued Jierns of floor coverings, clear oul 88¢ per fool; ends of hroadionm, scatter mats, 81.00 Fs home is In excellent state of repairs, situated on large fenced lot with several fruit trees, Close to bus end schol, Call New five-room bungels ow, mahegany ktichen cupboards, large living railing, sodded frent, heavy ty cable, Asking price EY 500, Inspect and make ws en effer, ON ADELAIDE \ Va -storey elder home, three bedreems and bath, upstairs, kite chen, dining, living downstairs, part basement made to recres ation room, new four-piece bath, ceramic tile, new General Electric furnace, floor sanded, attached garage, paved drive, FORD 2+dr,, tutone paint, in excellent gondition throughout $1645 FORD 4-dr, Sedan, im» maculate, spowder blue finish, radio, low mile: age $1895 CHEVY, Bel Air Sedan, day morning, Gail Baker and dents might compete in a Pro. Pat Davis conducted the serv: vincial contest, Those rated ice, announcing hymns, reading highest were as follows: Grade seripture ge and offering|1, Patti Rosnak and Roy Ped. prayer, The offering was re-ersen; Grade 2, John Weales, ceived by Edgar Werry and Sharon Hunter and Naney Ronald Baker, The young peo [§ 'alg; Grade 8, Anne Bharp, ple's choir contributed a pleas: Beverly Brown; Grade 4, Cara |Carr, Busan Brown; Grade 5, Thistle Pram - wie wn CARRIAGES, Lift = our bi for use as car bed $36.8 5:PC, Chrome KITCHEN SUITE, Double leg table, 4 sturdy hairs , $39.98 Living Reom and Bedroom MATS, TO CLEAR, V4 PRICE Jock Sheriff, RA 3:3778 Steve Macko, RA B-466) Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board WILSON Realtor 2,900 == reduced to $11,595, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 PRESTON ROAD -- ONLY $6,500 for this 15 acres of choice land Just east of Oshawa, Owner says sell, 990" of road frontage, Good terms available, THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE Brand new ranch bungalow with attached garage, on Hortep Street, Check! Full price $14,885, Many of the fine features of this home are rug brick, exhaust fan, double sliding windows with screens, 4-plece tile bath, situated on lot 185' deep, Lew down payment, ene N.H.A, mortgage for balance, For in- spection call today, BEST IN THE NORTH-WEST $12,900 full price for this S-reem brick end stene bungalow, with completely finished basement. Paved drive, situoted en quiet street, Close to separate and public schools, half block to bus, For inspection of this 3-year-old home call today, N.H.A, RESALE ON GRIERSON ST, Fiva-room brick bungalow with finished basement apartment, Large panelled living roem with bookease and natural fireplace, dining reom and modern kitchen, Immediate -pessession, Call RA 5-6588 for full particulars, ASKING $10,500 for this_6-room brick home, Just a stone's throw from down: town, The owner of this fine home has purchased a large income property and is waiting for us te put a sold sign up before he takes possession, A inspection call today, Any reasonable offer will be considered, Open Evenings and All Pay Saturday After Hours Please Calli Llayd Corson, RA 3.2537 Dick Young, RA 44 Was Elliott, RA 8.0581 Charlie Rankine, RA 8 WHITBY CLASSIFIED RENT = Large nicely furnished poo, suit ene or twa, me y aphansl, eontrally located, Phone M lockers, parking, FOR RENT ~ Now i Ag in Apartment, in triplex, hot "water | Rentals $85 ta $130 monthly, Alsa mad: ting, Hood parking. Phone MO ern three and four bedroom bungalows ihe 00 to $118 manthiy, A. J. Sehatz, Real: A, Daly, MO 84773, RENT -- Attrastively decorate wa bedroom apartment, well heale: featuring TV antenna, diver, paw parking, Would like nants oe a me conte PR Wh Me Overs n , Mra, Toms, MO FOR FOR RENT w= Whithy apartments and hose modern ane and two hedpogi sultes, electrionlly equipped, drapes, it five outlets, washer, dryer, oh Westinghouse 0° save tan, Contact J: A eo 0 exoellont oon i Ser. Ry 8308 || phone MO AL on Tem, rains and fan Hy Tatar pe for. Avail LE West, M UNTIL rr - EN allors woud lke tn give you without ¢ ae | & pair of trousers with each mada sure sult purchased af The Mey eantile Dept, Stare, Whithy, Ontario. FOR RENT -- Three roamed Wnhir: od downstairs apartment, heal, fis tneluded. Pilvate_shirance. Hult | KING alterations a Fl HL guarante Fon WENT - - = Modern twa hedroa am heated apartment. private bath, clothes closets, sink and Sdbhoards in Kitehen, central location. TelephoneMO 84411, FOR RENT = March 1, two bedroom siness couple, one me H 0 wi after 8 pW h a n Rit FOR NT = Lovely new #ix rool THREE room apartment, eentrally lg. |= cated, private entrance, avallable Mareh 1. Telephone MO 8.4487 or apply 617 Brock Street South, Whithy, new PER week assires ami o "| four itving, This inclu My duly Westinghouse Fresser and finest of 8 procurable, hy ai ors. Think of I, fale weather ar foul, your shopping centre in your Kilohen Your three months supply of food guar antens better planned wieals al far oss than vou ale now paying. The cost of . [Hving being such as if is, | is only | fair to yourseli and family, ha you | call BCONOMART, MO 88a, RA $3348, Na Down Payment No Obi Hon. Our food consultants will glad i explain our way ta heller Uving, and our many satisfied customers verily aur There are many substi. FOU 0AR he SURE if it's West hun Ba with garage, In Whithy, monthly, residential Area near ' Nigh school. Telephone MO. 8-519, BR RENT -- Bright room In private fo. privileles, single or twin fH) bus wa at door, Telephone MO #8! FOR RENT = Six room hriek a low Rb living ream and ning room, ree bedrooms Hig Naty nm ale possession, MO & SEPTIC tanks i an ™ sanitary way, few lanks installed. Waller Ward, 4 Cnestout West M, phone NO 388), FOR . SALE == Used boats, motors, boat trailers and canoes, FOR RENT == Box, boat and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, sanders, ele, WILDE RENTAL: SERVICE & SALES statement fea AUS nghouse ROOFING, siding, savestroughing, in nice backyard, Was asking $1 Inspect end make us an offer, §t, E, on Modelair Division, If see these model homes, 46--Real Estate Wanted HOURES, farms and lots wanted for clients, For "fast results eal Auley Realtor, 12 Prince Birest, WA 5.8512 or MO 8.6768 WILL pay eash, five voom hungalow, with all conveniences, garage, prefers shly north Oshawa No real estate please; Telephone OL 54773, 47-~Automobiles For Sale 1088 I MOUTH, cream and Lurguelse, good condition, Relling pripe 18, For mare Information eall RA 61606 1066 FATRLANE Vietorla hardlop, black and white, vadin, new Hires, power steeping, automatic, no Pust, ex: eellent pc i 111143 RA H-553 51 CHEVROLET half ton plekup truck, five nearly new tires, Jood mator, $184, Call HIE 418 pom, MO 84704 104 METEOR, good condition, $386) 1683 Chevrolet, ve-canditioned wmaolor, ood body and tives, $275, 338 Dovedale riya Whithy, MO 85110 1984 CHEVROL Hi station whion, $300 cash ar hast offer, four new tires, ET good, Telephone RA y 0 v nalkton, vecondition: ih " Ng Job ven ood shape, oAth §-3530, Avavard Aun a pr up to per oent, Bix months lo pay, Foy prota service at your home eall KA CUSTOM (In the dash) transistor ear iv from 839.08. Try Dominion Fire Atares, 44 Bond Ktreel West 1005 OLDAMOBILE #8, two door hard: top, vadin, hydramatie, windshield washers, tinted glass, Hood condition, HA B-4938 MUST BE "SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED Dream Car == New Yorker two-tone blue and white CHRYSLER, looks and runs like new, has eighty-dallar seat covers, fully automatic, power brakes, power steers ing, radio and heater, rlew license, snow tires, spare and tires new last Fall, eights eylinder motor develops twe hundred and eighty horses power, Will sacrifice, $1,900 or nearest offer, 488 Byron __Court (Apple Hill area), NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 pm. at 408 KING ST, WEST RA 3.7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT sulation, paiati general repair rps, MO & 1415 Dundas §, MO 8-3226 Winter prices, WH Tel: RAndolph 3-344) Down payment start at $1,082; builder, RA 5- 9839; or kleyd Realty (Irwin Cruickshanks), or | automatic, radio, ete, ON FAREWELL Two model homes for 1961 == and twa on Athabasca, King you plan te build in" the future, Prices start at $13,945 and up, for more Information, call 47 ~~Automobiles For Sale 1080 CHE VROLET pol Ar harden. [4 low m BANE, £X fellent sondition, $2800 or offer, RA bY) METEOR Rideau, Fr" "Cin, jeden, sutomatie, Fadia, 84000 miles, §1048 a sepond ear, '60 Anglia, $1085, Will "ne rifles, Can take trade, RA 68141 1088 OHEVROLET, good condition, In. side and out, good punning erder, price $265, Telephone RA 30814, PRIVATE 1081 Chevrolet deluxe, fous door, like new, good second ear, Ask: ing price 8300, HA 5/1668 1080 CUSTOM Envoy sedan, fully equip ped, Including crash pad, radia, heater, Wheel dises, white, bed ' leather uphal: story, HA B:6103 1085 BUICK Century sedan, Purchased new February 1066; vadie, white walls, exoellent eandition throughout, Owner purehnsed new Pulek Phone between Band § pom, RA 89608 1050 FONTIAD, low mileans, four door, Laurentian, many extras, best offer aver $3050, Telephone HA §-3370, WINTER CLEARANCE SALE FABULOUS SAVINGS BY BUYING NOW '59 CHEVROLEY Yedon '59 PONTIAC Foundocs, 3vs Sta: tion Wagon 'S VAUXHALL Super Seo. dan $945 '58 CHEVROLET Sedoa 1478 VOLKSWAGE N Window Van $895 Ch CHEVROLET Sedan $923 CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach .,., $825 BUICK Sedan , .. CHEVROLET Two, Hardtop x '$4 BUICK Sedan $355 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 'a7 1) '55 'ss 'S $798 door, $498 (Just East of Wilson Read) RA 3.4494 RES, RA 5.5574 "VB", auto, trans, radia, A very popular model, Sale Price $998 PONTIAC 4-dr, Hardtop, power brakes, power steering, radio, aute, trans, A real buy $1048 FORD 2-dr, Hardtop In top condition, beady and mechanically $6895 DODGE d-dr, Sedan, "VB", this Is a very clean car threughout, Exceptional value $748 CHEVY, 4dr, stand-out ear 54 positively @ L] $54 Many mere to choose from, Drop in and ask ene of our courteous salesmen for a Demonstration ride in a new 1961 FORD, You will be pleasantly surprised, Seaway Motors (8) LTD, 200 Dundas St, WHITBY 48--Automobiles Wanted 050 + 1000 pAT, gael " v, AM 0 vit = eines SoRMde 3 WANTED YX od A ny wl mater, Dave, RA CAKENIWORE Aula Wheokers Want gare dary wrepking, Highest prices paid WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD, E, Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a geod assortment of Used Cars, CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade up or down Liens Paid Off WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W, RA 5.0732 tele L ar wlae 1" Phen fy three flee 346, store sample $216, Wilson ture NEW oriental designed rugs sale, with doors, In exesllent condition, Tele Our vears of experience in the food and freezer business assures you of the highest quality brand foed and leading name made freezers of your choice, Complete vegetables, cery Items supplied, Budget terms available __FURTHER | INFORMATION All Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving, One contract, nothing down, For free estimates call w= Aluma Seal Co, On that warn eut bathroom _RA 5.5132 207 Simcos 8. EASY MONTHLY TERMS NO OUTSIDE FINANCING w= YOU DEAL PIRECT AT 4 4» RELIABLE FURNITURE CO, 96 KING ST, EAST (Next to Plaza Theatre) PH RA 3 7928 100K IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR or GARAGE SURE TO BE MANY THINGS THERE YOU CAN SELL FOR CASH Use lege bedroom suite $85; three rin foam sections Mite, Jol urn + 80 Chureh Street various s and colors, Low breed for quick Telephone RA 8505 after 4 p.m TELEVISON, Philea, floor model, ne HA 54081 for further partiouinrs the hest huy n TH and carpets, Nu-Way, RA B-460 20th Century FOOD PLAN ESTABLISHED 1953 raducts, Canadian line of fruits, meats, and gros Freezers ~~ $279 CALL RA 8:1128 FO aluminum products == "Person-to-Person' Want Ads AT THIS SPECIAL RATE Gowen iy 2% PHONE RA 3.3492 §a--Legel Twill not he responsible for any denis contracted In my name by Any, ol or after this date, February 1 ol et ny rie haben == usted Mergeuh, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of ARTHUR STEWART GAYNOR, Gentle: man, Deceased, RA 5.9365 ANYTIME GET THAT FREE ESTIMATE oday, phone: Guscott Plumbing BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL EXPERT SERVICE DIXON'S RA 3.4663 Aluminum Products of the best $18, Call now, All persons having elaims against the Estate of AR» THUR STEWART GAYNOR, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County eof Ontarie, Gentleman, Deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of November, 1960, are hereby notified ta send in to the undersigned Personal SALE quality the best rices, fully guaranteed, vble hung windows enly at Lymer Aluminum Co, RA 8.5388 CASH For any chalce clean car Trade up or down MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST, nN Ac a RP, 5.5743 HOUSTON! S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE. UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W, RA 3.7822 SEE HOME APPLIANCES Representative of the sald deceased on or before the 20th day of February, 1941, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said Personal Represens tative will distribute the as sets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of whigh she shall then have OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commergial RA 5.5332 ¢ « Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 notice DATED at Oshawa, One taria, this 31st day of Janus ary, 1941, VERONICA MARY MANNING, Executrix, by her Solicitar, MANNING F, SWARTZ, Barrister & Solicitor, 4} King Street Eat, Gshawa, Ontaria SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE walkers, bedsides, crutches and anes, alse rell-away beds, ammodes, ee | ViBILEA MP, Mr, and Murs, Bruce Tink visited Mr, and Mrs, O, Jack: son, Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs, Kyle Bquair, Bowmanville, Miss Florence Werry, Hampton, Mr, Lawrence Rqualr, Salem were Bunday visi: tors with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Langmald, Reverend R, 8, Sherwin, Mrs, Sherwin and David, Belleville, and Mrs, E, R Taylor, Mr, and Mrs, Rae Pascoe and children were Bunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, J, Dyer, Mr, John Broome and lamily, i key visitetl Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Broome and sons, Mrs, Harry Knox entertained several little boy friends of Dean's on his birthday en Fri day, i haturday guests were Mr, and Mys, Hilton Tink, little Marilyn Tink, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Tink, Brian and Lyn, Ebeneser and Mrs, Keith Shackleton and Barry, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Baker were guests of Mr, and Mys, Hosken Smith, Hampton, Satur: day night, My, and Mrs, Howard Ormis- ton and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Tom Haker and family, Miss Jean Cryderman and Mr, George Bittner, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, B, Cryder- man, Mr, and Mrs, Keith Cryder- man were Sunday visitors at Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hope's, Port ing number, Donald Werry, Margare! Maids |man; Grade 6, Dale Thomas, Gail Craig, Ann Glover; Grades 7 and 8, Linda Beolt, Beth Sharp, Bruce Hooper, Mr, Derek Barnett this weeks end attended a two.day Skill Shop in Audio-Visual Aids, This conference was sponsored hy the Bay of Quinte Conference, and was held in Belleville, Mr, Allan Wilbur has shown rapid improvement from his re. cent illness, He returned home from the hospital last week, and hopes to return to work very soon, On Wednesday Mrs, Everett Mountjoy attended an Executive meeting of the Oshawa WMS Preshyterial, for which she is Christian secretary, Plans were made for the Aird meeting of the Oshawa Preshyterial on February 22, On Saturday assistant Scout Master Roy Robinson coached a scout hockey game held on the rink at Kedron School, On Friday Mrs, Will Mount oy and Miss Beatrice Mounts oy attended the reception held at the Oshawa General Hospital when Miss Eleanor Mountjoy iy officially enrolled as a Jun. ior Student in the School of Nursing, having successfully completed her preliminary training, Mr, and Mrs, Merton Walter on Friday entertained a group of friends with an evening of bridge, Mrs, Emily Stover, of Kings ston, spent the weekend with Mp Perry, and Mrs, Lisle Noble, MERRY MENAGERIE Distributed by King Features Byndicate: ---------- "Well, well! So THAT'S what Fore' meanal®s