22 THE OTHAWA TIED, IRamev], Freswmery 5, 1rwi THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll The Direct Clossified Mumber RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS BAM, 105 PM, MOMBAY 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 I Accountants WONTENTH, WONTENTN, BIR, #54 £8, Cnastared Ascswniapis, RA 595% Fimenm Giant Nosth, Qoaswi;, Ais Wi 14800 BE DEWAR pnd Co, and humiiovs, Coker Gien Bag tars Beet, Oseaws, Oars 823. WILSON snd Bersows, Chaviered Acconmiants, Wh Fo Slreet Bouts, Ossans. Roped F. 1. Wisen, CA; 6 Edmond Barrows, Ch, RA a Bon CLANCY'S Onisris Accomiing Services oiler compas pervices for small Business. § Siraer West, Boom |. Office BA $59 Bepdence BA 37666 YALE, FRIEDLASDER, BUSTER 0d C4, Reap ntants and pilings, Iicenses Tinsiae 5 Bankrwgicy, 84 King Sireet Fast, Oshaws; B. |. Y¥e, CA; Fy #dia pander, B comm. , CFA FT. BOFPEING snd Company, find Pubic Accountants 17% Street East, Owsvp, 0% H, ir TREAD IRS io» [1] Wr i SERVICES ~~ Compieia hovhaep £28 (08 PIE IBIREINEE, WEEN y Ar #6 Besiied Si piemenis Income tax returns. ME Bie hE ser WAR prepaied (477 2---Barristers MANKING Fr FWARTY Baviciar, Notary, Money wate, Broce V. Macks Wy Bing Sireet Residence, Theil RA 34028 HANGAN GC barrister IM BA BH Bas er och wi JOSEPH F 14 to lopn fishawa re BLAKE DODRS. Bay uw Bing Stree Welewh one: Business KA 1200) dence, BA BH 7. 7, SALMERS ¥ 4 ols Vi Simene Street on RA 59741; Residence, BA 5-554 ' ¥ F bons n » Fast 7 BA ylbenck $b ey 74 BA, bas oe 59 Mel IRAN nd PASTEDO Barristers ors, Chepts' funds avilable Ins ArLgnges mene Street Hor HA 3566, Charles C. MeGivbon, QC; ' F. Basteds, QL BOWMAN, David | Barrister t 4 Simeone South, RA 59592 BA B64 TORN A. CAMERON i and Notary Public BA 268 NEHA NOILEREES RET RERA " MPHEEYS, Boyehyn risters, Solenors; vb, QC; G. 8. Boyebyn, BA man, LLB; 385 King Street es: Office BA 81177; Bes 04 or Whithy, MO 8-218'; RA § Money ta loan GREER and Joly ols 7% KA 32278 Geer, BA Kelly f 2 § J Solis r Res barrister, soils #5 King Street md private ¥ Hillman Hum WA East HA at] and H Hesidence. Phone Be, RA 5:3368; Ter FA, BCI, 44 #5832 ALPE JONES, BA, apd eer, Associate Barristers 30 King Street East ake loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barristers citar and notary public, 284 Street Enst, Phone KA 81763 CREIGHTON, FRASER MURDOCH, Barristers. Solicitors. No ts Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg 8 Simeone Street North, RA 33446; 7. K ( wl Fraser, Gf doch HA Thomas H and Bol BA 36046 soli: g J eigen gages a RUSSELL J Barrister and § King East, Oshawa HA R297 JAMES A. MarDONALD, BA, LLB Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub | The Commercial Building, 288 King West wa, Ontario, Client parking avail ' T anged Le Street MURPHY, BA Solieitor, Ontario able SALME RE, BA, barrister, solic ele Bimeoe Sireet North Oifice RA ' ih Residence, RA 5.5048 "3A--Chirepractors i. EW, BEOWNLEE, Deeier of [i |A opractie, Moved (0 B66 Park on Bouth, Oshawa, RA 37443 B--Nursing Services GRADUATE nurse, availble for dut Telaphone RA 3.741 (ENARS home Yd Nursing PUINIRE srry surroundings Convalescent Home, 24-hour graduates lee. Quiet, beautiful Brookin, Of, 54631 BUNNYBRAE, of Oshawa, Care for ald erly people. BN su vised, inquiries invited, reasonable rates, RA 5.2350 FIDERLY folk welcomed In our home Nursing care If necessary. Excellent references. Telephone RA §-0286 6---Optometrists F.ORICHARD BLACK, Doctor Optometry the examination of eyes t lenses, 136 Simooe North af Evenings by sppointment NEIL ¢ HO Dundas Bidg MO 8.3671 RO optometrist 106 Dundas Closed Weil optometrist, Please downtown Daminion treet. invalids ex Dial RA 54087 MURKAR Bui Ihe West fn pa Har Whith: Tew pecounts i" al Burk home ned 7 Surveyors I HORTON y Land Bury Assagiates, On eyors, Professional En ering, 306 Dundas Street Weg! W ) MO 85081, Ajax 788. EVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On y Land Surveyor, commercial hlne 12 Biear Street East, RA and § Fand East Ontaria Avenus and 7 16 nllape FLIM ars Adelaide HA' 8 ~Building Trades PLUMBING Pps, fit gs. fixtures, new and used, chang from septic tank to sewer & tallations at reasonable rates mates free on an Dial RA 34M J afi and heating i i Ape eialt ! Information and e I plumbing | repairs and Te rooms, reofing Free esti ALL hams delling Wark males HOME Lan NIng Harper Ald walks PLUMBING Hn fixtures in pos of Hoeeveation inrantoed 2413 vanship RA 8 Owners roofing insilation Whithy. MO & building ghimney RA B0304 neating and siding, eaves patning 4558 repairs roaling, fireplaces, side Gordon May pipes, fit used, chang | type Laughs Hoops and new iN Installations al reasonable rate formation and estimates free on pia plumbing. Dial HA 34241 In supplies Stark engines; Tumbing and RA §aa8 Riu nhing i Simeone heating Harold heating and strest South W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE IN TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563 MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT T. W PO. BOX 329 R SPECIALIZING i pr ------ ---- 11---Business Opportunitie ESTARLISHED beauty parlor business 0 years old, showing good profit an Bas sleady clientele ahd Present vent $30 per | supplies included in ¢ $3000. $800 down. Call now Millen, Real Estate and ask fo ww Field, RA 81678 LUNCH counter, HarhQ A chips geod lecation ont, living Quarters 1h] Nath DISTRIRUTOR I company required nes cation eWioken. fish main street SAT Simoae hy 5 "i wanted, hacked ARpTaxLnalaly Apply Box ¢ capital 0 al receive 13 por pent Te Guaranteed equity each is warth inves iin a legal INVENY V 6000 in $1000. This appartunity Na gimmicks as with a long glans 1. Gower, RB 0g : farthes information. gating ED AD RATES i 5 lees Craigm i" 1m 8786 419 Adie td 7 19 KF IGE FATA, dd al G18r BRIE KEIWIIAN- 8 IEW SIIGIE Ges Profesor @ stings $760 month for 3 59 for tional fire $1.66 por Bosra 8iGE [7% $ osc word Box » f oi fon Wares lal » $8 ald #, Ce SW yy dal fed adaldes i pom. the sor a a re LS i 4 crge 16 css ih " ke , yaa s, Lovae of RA 2 Park HAIR DRESSING Al TERATIONS of rh f Hever ! ¥ ovsamee Fates INREEFOLD peop APRTLINER a ful section ping Centre sonabie Pp he i Tug brick home between AWROWR be sold of 3 po LAYIng Low Arik Res Road Weinhrrgey Fh HED IN LONG ESTABLIS BUS FOR SALE IN DOWNTOWN PETERBORO Riverside 5-5877 Teleph ne 12 Dressmaking REVERSIBLE skirts # special erations Kinkidrens AveRus DRYNAN and s70RE Aren's adiey oh corner wear, Also ol E on 534 Road South BA Fark adies HA md eh 02 Is (erations Telephone » went 4 mation for men dress RA 5 all dren # special FUR RIER and DRESSMAKER A Remod Prices 22 ROW STREET RA B.-6706 Je tergtions . Lo rdening & Supplies of garden work wy sEpent RA 51504 MELTER To melt ice and snow « where 30 times fast more powerful than Roc Labor costs eliminated, har less sidewalks and pave ment. Free Demanstratior DIAL RA 3.9020 ICE and ! t Se te SNOW REMOVAL SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME ( CALL LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 NOW 15 THE TIME TO GET MEN AT YOUR CALL REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL AJAX THAT RA 8.5103 KING 57, E., OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 T4--Household Repairs 8 WEATERFIELDS and old chairs avered like new, tiel the hest (nr | Modern Uphalstering, 142 auth, Call HA B6451 lor a | mate \ i Phil | stalled, males PAINTING rales {information ROOFING chimney repairs, Free fram septio tank to sewer a ane Huaranteed ST. JOHN'S HEATING OUR Joeal chimney cleanes ays built and repaired furnace vacuumed HA 3.300 Frew and Telephone paper hanging RA 8.7807 for Maing estimates Telephone HA & 2404 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE "RA 5.5054 ice pars Sery plus Cleanout $7 labor FURNACE SERVICE 23% Hous Per Day MO 8.2387 burner service for mers Free fuel CUste CARPETING WALL-TO-W ALL UPHOLS TERED FURNITURE CLEANED IN YOUR HOME Quality cleaning at low 0 RA 5.7488 SEGERS Rug and Upheolstery DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyplex Fall Wa Murals pray Paint 107 RYRON §1 WHITBY DAYS MO B.5231 NIGHTS RA 5.7424 pric Cleaners 14--Household Repoirs (20--Cortage CRESTERFIFLDS roti, racnvereh, BEOTIAN (pst ke mew. Why pov more! Osx rates service RBA sal BIR TRASEREIR. Bail Gation Ba aast, {fon atid 2 rome pati, a Wists. Rapswnsi taal densidad Wptisassnn rotpih, Fahawe | ohateiny £5, 16 Bond Bigeei Wes. iw I SWOW 197 vows Posey Bends the sep Resd Gsmawy Times (ipsntied YErIRRY for fas primer sioh Be JW 59 Wg or "Omens, vil me mae p 4 PRY ww y, B ph 44 PROFESSIONAL printer Banger Gupipnises work piwie Free eotigpies. MN ud ERROISTERY pt iis bast lor lave. We 2) Persons! Service poRsimiin IB cRepailigidy, rr-enveres,| Inmaheiion, peprised. Free sstimaias, pRYER Fon 407 Poissy, " 1 " "holt easy, lerme. BA 51864 doy B96 to $00. i Bimese North OSHAWA Times Closnitiad Ade win "A E160 anakly Bra Bin callie wears (07 (GENTLEMEN of Osaws #04 views! on. ial BA S401 198ay 18 Wart YORE As yaw #8 know. Rowmiehrrsvied sie wre me longer Wm sire. Take fii rom the EWiRORIR Row Ld ory nos Sa a ah BRerit, where i will be RANKER IB of |B Ioan sngia breasted Bihar 78 Chories Bnet | nahin iharge. We sian meke Ia Mer Ja opis, Brie gr Hacks. ve LL Ld Alirrniinne » » ELDS '* nas. sin yr i, W Prince Wiest iH Fe y dd aid og Brice KB. Delton Re 3 sgn RUGS B CHESTERF CLEANED Profe ( rior TRY OUR B-QUED CHICKEN gif ongh . £5 Pies the Metic Rug | 9 RA B-468) ns BAR or 4 2s rr IMIG of 4 ¥ Perrieis He NU-WAY plate char neti Fy ch ' nog, she MODERN ( VER 15--Instruction FRIVATE 6 As Arn FA 5 teache ape Ha " yREIN . * Fy wh TERED CRAFTSMA WATCH REPAIR HH f £ . J f ' dance pd ALIN dancing w pies te e, RA Fem DANCE AANEMY Boyel A °F La lealey RA 3.7476 JARANTES i or hatic Sety HARVEY da rr 4 Reg tei ( nd Teste -- we nEIave » ALL " less Simeos | est Chim Kas linings in esi winter further eaves roughing Wark hy clase Fi # P [TY LEARN to dance, eapeit rem RaRres Ep c Ma ' ale # 6 fie 16--~Insurence ALISTATE A con LAUNDERERS REPLACED gormer renewed SHIRT ZIPPERS e Save pe ance nhs gto Ins Em" cs » en of 7 fs home { se oar fs ond pocket ele f by GILLARD'S EAN tons 17 --Money to Loon FIRST and second ortgRge RETREMEPIE PUI assed win and Henn Barristers #) eet East. BA ii HAVE loans on f RA WATCH REPAIRS J. Cornish 299 King St. West Specis sutomel ie wal 1 AFERRE RA 3-4545 0 ii 32--TV - Radio Repairs repairs Flectionien B9762 (Fred) Ld ERY eo and He bing nick ¥ ents' monies avaliable st and second morignges of mortgages and #0 RA East, Oshawn Anyone ¥ ew down panies ified HOLIDAY bills got vou of the dependable ed in Oshawa 1 5 help sou #0) on ting nes Clas FIRST and Ww. Schatzn thy Professi second TLL onal mortgage o Building CLIENTS mone oan On gage, Mortgage and BEreemen chased HA mortgage gnton, Fraser Brynan BAKE and KA i MONEY TO LOAN 2,000 00 to $50 000.00 for nF d rigages ole, an property, SERVICE i WAL | BAY OR. NIGHT | TV. and RADIO CAL L RA: 8-5286 A WHEN Y( {7 n ret re cont @ reser OSHAWA El ECTRONICS SUPERIOR APPLIANCE SERVICE Televisior Radio » Range Washers ery and Oven Control Repair Specialists PH. RA B-4873 49 BURK STREET Service ible Rates SAMSON T.V. TOWERS OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST 40° TOWERS $45 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 ( qd ndustrial city, sub y, and Sum mer cotia Summerla tiled MONEY TO LOAN es for all types of mart gages, lor first d sefond martgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased, Apply Swartz, 2614 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone RA 13-4697 Dr Ser Fast Mor a 30 "1207 Tha--Mortgages S000 AVAILABLE MOrHRRE, Private PROFIT by reaching loan fail Ih 2 MEN Interest, iow payment Oshawa Times Classified hal HA 3.0462 now IMMEDIATE MONEY | Installed Warranty ampletely With 2:-Year LEN & LOU'S TY 1.Vv, RA 5.7844 B02 SIMCOE ST. § y Calls, $3.00 TN DID YOU SEI OR NEW ALL GAL VAN D RADESS TOWERS a first ar second S447 Prospects Ad for Telephone OI, hervice AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS BORROW $1,600 oer All Wave Antennas Did You Know That We ~ REPAY AS LOW AS Have Same Day Service $35.00 MONTHLY Employ expert Technicians Take Service Calls till 8:30 pn Interest Current Rates TRY T.R.1.O, TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. EAST RA 8-678] TV TOWERS A0-11 self-supporting tower Hot dip galvanized, No paint with Marina 6! all channel antenna Total price, installed and guaranteed for year $57.50 Also Us Fast Confidential Ser Na Hidden Bonus Ne Chattel Mortgages Ne Payments Budget Co Signer ta Suit Your Ta Al Absolutely Na You Unless Marigage ranged ALLIED INVESTMENTS RA 1993 Anytime Day or Evening Appointments st Complete new $1 KING Phar i For prompt set TV Enterprises "ua 40' TOWERS $45 30' ROOF ANTENNAS 20' ROOF ANTENNAS Leaving Osh Cs nA With service 17 AFFILIATED ACROSS QFFICLS ONTARIO W iad Drew 1-3 Me TARIO BROKER ber MORT AS Ob WAGE $30 1811 19--Personal RIDE 0 Taronta wanted AWA around 7 2 with any ELECTROLYSIS Reme Installed Warranty npletely v¢-Yea LEN & LOU'S CY LV, RA 5-7844 2 SIMCOE 57 "V. Service Cally, $3.00 0 7.30, Telephone eo! supe! Marie Murdutt Os Fel Phone do awe Ge al NY tor appointment, WAIARRIED man with ear NEW BUSINESS ¢ fo Med UNLISTED NUMBERS ANN'S FABRIC SHOP 3 BYRON 57, 6 WHITEY Mo BEIT SPECIAL THIS MONTH NEW SPRING PRINTS REC. 65 NOW 3c per yi ENVOY RESTAURANT HOME OF "CHICKEN IM THE ROUGH" ] OM RD FA £978 For app oll BA 8.23 23--Women's Column Fu Arsigned irs. John Hosa fr Hien ve RARIO8 anise pion ein ender SPENCER Iz Aividun farsetin Admiral 24 Market Bosker ORDERS taken In $2.00 to 4d hag Phe ne BA Ontario bi m8 Potatoes wind sal 25--Pets and Livestock THOROUGHBRED German Shepherd pupiies, bisck and silver colored, male and femule © weeks old, MOhswk SHoh f FOUR purebred German Shepherd pp ples (pot registered and» one sand and hiack, Good pets or watch HA 55955 or MA 350% two white grown females #lon eight week puppies, male apd 1» nile, All registered stock. Ressonihls Phone Cedarview Kennels, BA 55062 BEAUTIFUL baby hudg A (RIKIBE SLAIN 14 Elgin Slreet dogs FOODLE rend Apply East fr Mrs 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm Phone colles fargwill ¥ BALED wi 12458 HAY HA work picked Hampton Farm I p promptly COMax 32731 rane ent straw, Telephone COMax for sale 58188 even dod 27 --Fuel 8 Wood DRY RANCER lopa del) Me. per hale. Telephone hardwood slaves, ered ends, suitable for fur fireplaces, eic, 85 large Phone RA 80818 30-Swap & Barter WILL trade machine, equal HA b 1489 31--Articles For Rent FLOOR SANDERS CUPBOARD SANDERS FEBRUARY SPECIAL AT REDUCED RATES 105 famous make Enamel and Paint WEBBING HARDWARI RA 3-4873 32--Articles Want d nn Will Ihe n #l tele ie nr sewing Velephone SLL] LUE ; discount on 1840 Write 1560 "i in Rox movie magazines pay Kons price Oshawa Times PIANO wanted tmmediately, any or wee, all eash. HOward 6:231% minster 30478 1378 Queen Street Torontn make AX East, PIANO wanted immediately, any make sire, all eash. HOward 62513 minster 30479. 13780 Queen Sirest farantn PEOPLE Classified nifer 1s WANTED ditian. I ELIT} Fant, wha Ads there want fail Dial pets watch the RA plang, have 19408 now in gond ane en WANTED RAP (RON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 2043 RA 3 (collect) student enn you da RA ' RA 1374 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO for wrecking Parts for. sale, alsa scrap iron and metals, ete. bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone | RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR [38m Employment "Wanted YOUNG Honsewnik A a'elack WIDOW desires work, Lady's eompan lon, Eh housekeeping, weekends aff {or look after a home, HA 5.0860 [RELIABLE waman will children while mother is RA AA {RELIABLE woman will gare for olde ly ar semi invalid lady Driver's Hoenoe, OF will haby sil, fiveday week. RA 5.8423 [36---Female Help Wanted HOUAEKEEPER vequived Immediately for adult gouple, in small home, Must [he veliable, five dave a week. Wiite Box 100, Oshawa Times Wants cars experienced Telephone lady desires RA BIR afin take i | Telephone YOUNG couple In new vide home will pro vaam and hoard far working gh! tudent in exchange far a few house {hod duties and hahy sitting, RA 80708 [S100 MONTHLY, veliahle lady {mestie position Hye In private Must he fand of children. Telephone TT 37---~Male Help Wanted RIL house, Farase 4 Ay Telephone HA 5.6006 sales and Ajax, Whit Oppaiy on Hin {or for da nm HA onm Laughlin. Biv for serviee, in the distriols of hy, Oshawa and Bowmanvill My far lite Lime business Patty, Write Box 443, Oshawa ne RIVIng age and farmer IM BIAY MOR. N loeal ne WELL tablished Wis 0 en "| COMPANY alesman a This is a sale praduet. Exeellent Applicant must have same DUsiness hours Box 0, Oshawa ni local businesses A serviee, hol cammission during alse awh ear | me onlay Write TWO men needed. ane PATE Hime, nn sales AVY, AVOTANS 8350 pain nent, call LRA] full time eXPerionoe Recs an hour, Far ap Watkins Products, RA ane had AL estate saleaman wanted at once our new atfipe. Appl 12 Prines Bren) W. MeAuler, Realior, RA 33812° ! LANG'S MEAT MARKET 277 ALBERT 57 HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES UR SPECIALTY WE DELIVER BA B.747) WILLON, PLAZA SEA COVE ESTAURANT OLD ENGLISH STYLE" FISH AND CHIPS WE Df FAB 115 IVER J1--Male Help Wanted OVRaTEn dt all wie Ie eh RIERA pl nr & need pee nd» Fe pd wn #8 hoppy ge are ready r pan wightrey fime basis, see Ger Fri 10 am gf the O:howe ird ot ==Qpportunities For Men & Women PENTA home stud 499, Oshawa 41--Room & Board ROOM and hoard pri warm, comferiahle room space, Telephone KA 8.0504 lor particulars ROOM and board two couples, nice HA B BE A nesistant evening Placement sery HA 57110 or mes Awe 1 write Bo n ae home parking furthey for clean 1204 sentieman, or quiet home Felephone SIXTEEN dollars per week for hoard, newly decorated will find hospitality #t le Houge Mote ineated at Road South Highway 401 ROOM and board for gentlemen lunches packed, full week, home privil eges, single heds, five minutes from south General Motors, Telephone HA 1 4056 CLEAN quiet hame cooked continunus hat Ing, bus at door wo shire days phone room roams Moulin ih You German home, excellent meals, lunches water, good heds Bl Park park Road South gentiemen oi n three meals dail weekly, (win hed HA 58087 ROOMS, girls, willing o ftve ar seven laundi Tele If desired men, clase to downtown keeping, Apply 23 Elgin Ielephone HA 37814 HOOM and hoard, for gentlemen, with | hame privileges Apply 666 Kimonos Blreet South ar telephone HA 582556 ROOM for ane or twa gentlemen, sepa vale beds, breakfast If desired, Tele phone RA 54618 far mare information, | ROOM and board, gentlemen prefer ved, good meals, beds, lunches packed private entrance, near hospital and North General Motors, low rates. 708 Carnegie for Hght Street hoard Kent how East Make sue vo | 43 Wanted Te Rent ROLYE merchandise fant-action Oshawa Ads. Call now HA husiness rales WANTED apartment ar, Kround floor (eady reliable couple A4.--~Houses For Rent FOUR nm hose Mme storage, Inrge Vacant Fimes oy problems with Times Classifiod N04 far special three slave nol ayer ranm and § HA A378 unfurnished vefvigera onthi wilh cottage, Ka Hox partons LLL] Duplate nw Oshawa iriher "EVEN manthl AIAN andition, payment e No furnace MO 8 2684 room hoy Telephone FOUR roam bungalow nil fop rent or sale. Low down | Call HA AAAAH | YOU WOULDN'T DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE A COUPLE OF DAYS A WEEK because you know that good prospects might be trying to get in touch with you during those periods when your phone service is discon tinued It's the same with advertising. People buying every day Your are Don't let that business pass you by becouse your advertising ! nected is discon ADVERTISE IN Ir 0% in AIA e (ERATRMIAT Jocwinh, Fon inom honing packed, | A4--Houses For rom owes, B65 Clarke Sires Ld ma Bat anise {fm roe Areravie ¥en y 1% ing Winns Fam kia ficial are UE at asd Ay cat deed iid BIE AORIRINERERS, EARNEVY , IE (HBT Priaphome BA SHUS wa BREA» thas yopin wd, # SYRIA FES y Wawawie, BA |W] ws wR vemeans why Foiagpine sian Li Emena WaRrnmme), #i hewiaf, nent, com. 1oriamie, B05 maniniy. RA S15 or RA alld Ld ad haudd FR ies. Wi TEER. ERY ER ERR rae Fast sitar § 5m NEW howe for rent, two Bedioome Bk WRisr (RR, BW FORRES far BAR, BOARINE IE FARRER Iman WF Rian man. Apity #18 Werris iad ad i STORE fm town, Vwi Pr (Li BOWHABYILI slrast. Wii Aes Fine pring West, At. 7 Beating. ded Reel Jocation Bown ARIAT Einmei sn In one 71 yan hewied sore ahi wrt wnt Waker Ariat 39 Aes or pied seven EE ingr ry weniad. Foinphone wr men rd we Bing warn KA roniinily al POLK finhkwp Wahs mr ddd 1 #18 phitrne hipine Contin MO Rs ad i henian A brim ity Ll . Ion ehintie Lenape hy Vai hing y wr Cine avin ae, # f eA ¥ wie ilar Ps ORONO Ir © E00 RgRiow he seen piles 496 p.m wid §4A--Apts, & Flats For Rent Iarke 100m py CONLIBUINS Apity infurmishaf haw wiles THRE) ETRE henied wt due ' hath " nt ih INCLEDES wR mEnt iilitien, lovely two hed private en parking. Bis tt dow Broun 4 refifgerator, sine and telephone four twa four HONERN ent rem, piece hath Cedar snd Thomas naw. Business couple Telephone BA 3-468 i tin Aistivel pretey pilihie 'Y PM THREES ment, $65 Aowntowr neluded #1 Divi HOOM TRinigerniar private hath ng facilities phone KA Five Esiairs #yp at centy roan (large) mah) very heat, Lights, water small child welcome yee Appl sove witlet parking Wash terrace Tele furnished apartment ed flours, TS entinnce private 5-456 raom apartment floors. builtin cuphonrds, ng, Also three rom ground fons, veasonahle water included, KA 57577 TWO apaviments In Part and five ronms, both nodern, hented, dryer, Apply J Carnegie, Phone §-2613 NEW heavy partment Light Perr fou hol Pont wiley W Perry Yi modern hedroom apartment equipped, including free washey diver, Close ta Shopping Centre Fromenae Avenue, Apartment | MODERN, fon ment, se -contained Private evel eniyance. heavy wiring ing, One child welcome electrienl] aM groin TV, park: Ahstalners Fhornton's [RA 8 i867 ONE MONTH | FREE RENT two « bed $65 and Phone Modern ene: and room apartments, up, Best RA B-8676 APARTMENTS apartments, near Shopping Centre, electrically equipped, Available Feb, 1st MONTRAVE AVE APT, B lecation 2-bedroom i113 APARTMENTS let, electrically equipped large, and ve small RA 5.3815 RA 8-6485 APARTMENT n | all or 1. Lots of cupboard space 2. Modern | Excellent Balcon Paved kept go that hen \ floor plan y parking Complete laundry facilitie Central loegtion PLEASE PHONE MQ 8.4770 MONTH FREE RENT ADELAIDE TERRACE 129 Adelaide W,, New Mad. orn Apartment; luxurious 2 bedroom suites, broadieomed throughout drapes stove refrigerator; all-ehannel facilities and Immediate posses See Apartment 2 and Ty parking laundry 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT AT BUS STOP SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND Stove, refrigerator, parking RA 5-3302 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service New building, Centrally los cat Qren Me now aval downtown Leases din ate lable HE TIMES BUILDING vact TL Wi Phone RA 3-3474 oe rent N 0 THE OSHAWA | TWO BEDROOM TIMES CLASSIFIED SECTION EVERY DAY DIAL RA 3-3492| APARTMENTS Exg een location, New build with or without lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 \ wie fay IRetive we Aresie tor room hriek to Ay ii aie wh na Can Vuleghone Orons He Kitson Ronda nce and hedronm Isundry paki - hardwood wire heat, self-contained, professionally decorated and room hasement apart, Ab h--p & Flots Rent FIVE " ioom epariment, heww pis FY mbit, fowi piace 4 Aiwest Stra srins TIVE comtonigine fis rooms, furmahed oe ia weg SAE, Wan hres F RILament pull fo Wve. KA | A vd Pigs so whan, me Waren, Ld ROE NW fiawr, lowe - room Aime, IARETY FRO, Priveie Bei and i hats, PRINing, 5 Yarden Ress FA BAR LIER wrest level, dl dod IRA, BHaRen Sink snd spores, inners. RA S468 FWO - imom pusiment, Inky fermen £4, stewie for tos #entiamen oF VINRIRE sowie. Apoiy HIRE Ripa, pling room lor gi. a i TE a (MOOR REEFING | fing y w, Ave 1 pA gp | moh y oy iy A gird ot is hE spies Ades td |G, a wirkel Wed FUEEE - room welninished spariment, BHR Baht, hast and wale wile Iasi se cowie, rensnavie. RA 39091 SELEAONTAINER urtvrmished three FE RRILImERt, with Wail, B15 month HEVIBIIE Waki _id 1s Grm, Reky (Hie ENR, sniatie for boy sduite. RA 57414 FOUR - romm hespted speriment sie of Littie Britain, (hieswiece BEpRIRIE RRLTRREE, $45 inopinly on o's Hardwere, [ibis hit Ew, Wem, lor Wy Apity Britain waiern we A dl save, Hird Bain NEw piel £7 Wits mili i WEAinOm pa. Wing, rots Erved parving, MM Park BA 58:07 iaiataatd od new "a twp iw iad] nahi En biting, re sed parking Gonerwl Motors iulage Rond. KA ! Ww LL IN BROOGKIIS - FPRILIBER ht " 5 walk to Wy. 9 hie - room hapied RIE Epi ance and Bath WEIR cuihanide, Ren vy y Rid] Jor Wiles dts, OF we ment, ve oom (ares) frigersior, wk a, one wr twp 12 Cadiling Avenue 45 INCLINES heat, Wearoom, 1ve-rogm spariment, private emiranee, beth WEEE, Tange. OH Simene North, RA ' wis THREE room ed, two-piece hth Phed, central, reasonable, RA 54718 FURNISHE Pw 24 Apartment #, slave, washer radio, dishes pe linen supplied Fock olf Bim we North. KA DESIRABLE apartment, self-contained #nd hath, unfurnished hent and water, ady April 1, 860, RA #4 THREE: room spariment Wame Li CARVER oRS wil couple, Apply 303 or lelephons RA B-1778 son THREE furnished apart [PA Pace ih, | gentiemen wy Soith Ryden, water, twp apRrtinent wniurnish. reat and hydrn sup hom ry or 59m Ld nA second floor downtown ihree rooms heavy dial A Available! In private reasonable, Paciic Avenue its in roam APATtmant wink, cupboards in kitchen ERVY wiring, | PRTKIng space, suitahie fof couple, avail alie immediately, Telephone KA 53812 FOUR room, heated Upsiair apartment newly Aecorated private entrance, share hath, Telephone KA B8476 for further partievlars FIVE room whaler supplied PRiking facilitie phone RA 56648 tian CENTRAL, unfurnished haehelor apartment, son. 381 Arthur 7463 vy Apartment, hydro nfurnished, near #vailahle now or further informa " self-contained | Immediate posses. at. Bireet 80 MONTHLY three rooms snd bath | Utilities paid, heated, navth wf Brooklin NEWLY central Privale entrance, Telephone OL, $4622 Fenovaled apartment, very four rooms and hath Includes Beat, water, stove and refrigerator, See M, kozae al Street North FOUR and heat y J room slave Waker partment muin level, and parking refrigerator private hath, free, private "| enteanee, 8 Warne Birest, Apt, 6, BA EE; room apartment, unlurnish hospital AYER, on Bimeos Street, Y clean rooms, plenty of suphosrd Private hath, HA 8.0445 4 4 THREE unfurnished ground floor, fies paid 3 od ver ems, Privale entrance newly decorated, Dial RA 3.7197 MODERN wa newly decorated ' ii. 6h i i bedroom apartment, bamboo drapes, park nh facilities, NERF bus, north end. 'One hid welcome, Immediate p wid, wal Vm possession {THREE roam apartment Duplate, lights and water paid Fehruary 1] Apply MH nue, HA S418 SIMONE second three close fo Toronte | Wentworth, Apartment four-pie large bathroom spacious cupboards, sereen. | oid verandah, electiie stove and refi: | orator, closed garage, private entrance, | for adult couple, 8135 monthly, Tele: ! phone RA 5.5662 wo furnished district pentrally VIKING mothe RA 8608 NEW apartment Kilehen, sinve anthly, RA West bireet Bouth floor, large near unfurnished roems room Apartment lneated if aunt ehild care for | desired, abstainers | Iwo bedrooms bulltin aven, fridge A 0428, 91 Elgin lavas | 0s | Blreet 00M Upper NE: PAVRING, walter red iniluded Charles Nireet King Fast | THREE large roams and kitchen MERE, main (oor, privale en CORVeRiences at Aydre paid ¥ood | Deaton. bus stop at door, 875 menthly. | RA §.ipad S68 MONTHLY, (hree tained apartment, central (vigoraton, twa people decorate, tmmediate Bald wo ange duplex, heavy radistor heat fable . adulls = 30 south of Oshawa Clinie ream selfoon | slove and re only, Will re po sion, RA FRO apartment, private heated. hydro and water monthly, Telephone YUkon § further information [UNFURNISHED {ment ling, | duty on " for thes oem Private bath entrance Whlities paid, $65 monthly Wiring, Telephone RA #6 UPTHAIRS thres room PL oar | MER, private entranee and bath, near {bus, available now: centrally lnpated; (reasonable Telephone KA 58883 | |YHREE roam apartment in apartment |huilding, washer, aerial, parking, adults only, near Shopping Centre. Apply 213 Nlevenson Road Soulh TWO bedroom apartment In modern anaviment hullding, available now {Phone MO 83008 after § p.m. or apply 101 Craydon Road, Api, A, hithy BACHELOR apartment, complete with {all furniture including television awl [suitable for nay oy entlaman, central lnpation, RA #1 | MOBERN four « voom apartment, near {Rhanming 4 entre, velvigerator, alove ha mhia rapes, parking, Avallable. | [HA 34378 or RA 5018] |44B--Rooms For Rent | ATTRACTIVE [ahie In private North, &7 pom, ATTRACTIVE able in {Novtn, a ROOM {Washing | between ON} able Apply part Ll LJ Fr igdid furnished roams, avail | homie. 84 Park Road | HA Radel furnished Brivate home fF pm. RA for lady 48 ta wrivileges Tana § furnished roam, single beds fr twa gentlemen, near 3 Queher Nireet ONE large unfurnished room, wean | (ARIP FORL 36 Vinee Stree! sory avail ola Roag 1 FOOma, LL Kilohen And RA G6163 i, eohtial pon wits | Bineos. | for ent shed downtown harhershap sinall business after & pw Simeone 100A Tole stahl SWE athe RA S430 FURNISHED hodroom with Kitghen "le. alse large tarnished bhedroam with peivate washraam Adiilts, pentval, PACKING, Apply 333 King Street East FURNISHED light housekeeping telephone, wae of dover, elose to fal and downtown, Girl preferved plane RA §-3307 CLEAN, hoght, double furnished veams | twin beds, Alse single roam, furnished Conking privileges. Central. Telephone | RA B:8102 for further details | FURNISHED light housekeeping roam gentleman, near North General | Motes, stores, hospital, and hus, een Ig, olean and onmbartable. Apply | Elin East near Simops, | Hon or phone oa, hospi Tele fav heat, | hus, | Tele! RA 56184, HA | dohnston's Ad, 8 Bimeoe | ve ant | {Rovackespn " rr Beppe; wf hevied i Vision Sireet East, RA $2178, FURNISHED bed Prive after 4 on Faia hone FLERNISRER (wo large hed Hing FROME, BAAR ER as hotplate wwe rRirigeraore, on bus wap, Te ppenite dackoon Apartments, BA S495 TWO furnished howsrke: Inrge cionets, mitatie for eaming, fads or getiemen, on Hirst floor. very sentesd onntion. BA 3247% FURNISHED bedroom, wee of kitehen, BBG Rows, privels entrances, pith Ing spree. Teiephone RA B01 tween | snd 4 p10 EXTRA large furnished hovsekesping 0m, st Len REBLEMER BF KONEIe #8 Bimeoe Breet Borth. BA 3766 FURNISHED light hovsehesping room, Sahie for RERtieman, Iacaiad Rasy Borin General Mitais, Avy #1 Osho ps Bowlevard Darth or ielephone KA » POWNTOWN, twp comionably furnish od hodsenesping a TT speciable Eng SPE king persons 186, whe single eho room» TT Ontario blrest LIGHT housekeeping room furnished or unfurnished Fark Road South. KA $0489 Wh MONTHLY we lan roams, partly furnished water included, immediate Apply 8% Albert Street Bawt HOUSEKEEPING room, private en trance 16 minutes' walk to Bouth Gen. eral Motors, Linens, dishes, refvigerss tor, slave supplied fons Jove ip Also single room. |#5-~~Real Estate for § Mo~FIVE : room hriek hung low, Ya PEE cont mortgage, Iour-piece hath foresd air oll heating, An excellent hi "oa holes Incation Call Bow eVERsOn, A528 A Henltor 5B tyme, EXCELLENT SITE | On Glendale Ave 65 by 110, stores and man flaor Avily Ww close to schools transportation, Phone RA 5.4939 JOHN F. DE WITH Realtor and General | Insurance | Newcastle Phone 3341 | 220 Acre DAIRY FARM with large loafing barn, milking parlor, bulk cooler, 2 hames with conveniences Extra barn, 10 cans daily milk ques 16. Price ond terms arranged, 200 acre DAIRY FARM with oll machinery end stock os '] going concern Jorge Le shaped bank-barn, drive shed, bulk cooler, ste; 10 roomed brick home with all modern conveniences, Asking $33,» 000, Terms 120 acre farm, north Oshawa with 90° x 34' hip + reofed | bank-barn, drive shed, gar« age, etc, 6 roomed house with medern conveniences, Price $22,000 100 acre farm near Port Perry, with 70' x 40' benks barn, hen house, e1c; ? rooms ed home with furnace. runs ning water. Asking $12,600 with $1500 down 135 Way acre farm near Linde stream, hip-roofed banks barn, drive shed, hen house, etc; 8 roome brick house, Asking $18,000. Terms are ranged 150 acre DAIRY FARM near Port Perry, L.shaped bank. barn, slo, bulk cooler, Good milk quete, etc; § reomed home with all modern cons veniences, Asking $32,000 Terms arranged 92 acre farm, B87 acres works oble, L-shaped bank barn, water on tap, drive shed, gore oge; etc; B roomed house nine ning water, Asking $16,000, Easy terms 100 acre farm, with stream, bank:barn, ime plement shed, oie; 5 roomed ome, hydro througheut Asks ing $11,000, Terms Frank Hunter, RA 5.2974 Den 'Mountjoy, MA 3.3950 L.A Perrault Clarke 2231 $395 DOWN OIL HEAT $71.00 MONTHLY ONE N.H.A, MORTGAGE FULL PRICE $12,295 Don't wait till prices go away up. A limited number of buns alows till left at $12,295, »ee our models and have ene constructed in your choice of color near Kendal One N.H.A mortgage carries tor $71.00 menthly These bungalows are detache od with private drives These homes are oil heated, six rooms and decorated in dewers, schools, | shops Ping at your doorstep, AND $395 IS THE FULL DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-8831 LAMSON REAL ESTATR LTo, V Oils Ww