rr FP PRP EF ry FF rrr 0 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 1, 196) ; Threat Of Revolution | Hangs Over Brazil | 2 in mach of the nation's sgricw | By WILLIAM L. RYAN strength of 1ihian, whose fohow ture, from RoTiR 16 soWtR } RECIFE, Brash (AP)--Here tre believe 1 1s he who forces in tiie corner of the Americas, he Faves The northesst undergoes | THIBRTY "RA SININIAETING TESERNT Juhian 16 # Socialist party maior Growght at lest once ' the VRIES every Seven JeRrs and many wt wre challenging Brant s ero ' prin BB - i slate legishatiure. He has Ween lesser Arougts in het etn AVE IN FIN ay x gah re here are Willions of Wangry Hog We AFERIIRLIOR KR Bm Hn narthenst Brasil, A 1009 107 #% years and the move fiery amines of Cuba's Premier Mem hes heer stimilated by the Peasants can work only # few Fidel Casirn has meen among Can 1evoion onthe & your In hy ory fd y abd S&H FY RIRRS or © I them. He warns Jamo Quadros, orGANIZER FARWERS months they Hive # hands MOLE RESIERCE, HRALTIOWE | wha ook office Tuasdor & Tukian moved in on the weak Brazifs president, thet the and ineffective Figas Compo : ¢ " | mands he makes on Benal of poses (farmers leagues) and or: dohed, thier lothed and hosed the peasants must he met OF ganized them for Relion, AWE B cose hearing filth they will resort 16 TEVOMIOPREY year ag he was ready (or LAER Governor Cid Sampaio of the, ReHOn nuasion of & PIVRLEN ownedl ie of Fernambmen 1608 me; | Heyolutionary e110 n under form, The slate Subsequently ines people are hecomng, 4 Franciecn Auhan, 4, already bought the farm with the Wen concious of the ides thet they hae had @ lew (nial runs, Julian tion of trying ordeny RUGIMEN uc rise to thelr own defence often called the Communist of land, But there Were 190 prey sre handing together to de leader in Brazil's northeast, He many pessanis for i and Oe (ond themselves, denies being B COMmunst slate hough twa other IeFms J Julia's threat 1s regarded #0 neprmy to take care of the ex wid he Viobioms of the puny, seriously that the stale govern: eens erty makes thelr situation un ment 16 (aking hasty Mesures. 'the 1igas grew In MIengih pec chile, they will reach the) to counteract it. This simply and numbers, spreading 10 other point of "desprir ' Rds to the rapidly GrOWINE states, Bampaio, mse & Vandowner Iuline'& REUVIES BRA IMPREL | oo in crn iist, save the area's Shi S t hi both Jn the eoumisy "y Fu iy woes Bre & heritage of 3 years fisery -1aGen ims Hl LOE : 3 4 4 1p- naic ing hall of whose 500,000 people live of Ay ve ave : ai hare subsistence level Old War Trick |" wi sessni sir nae 0 sesometis, 5, gos, tos te By JOSEPH MacSWEN he nr, And foi #lmast oy . yerr program of land reform FE Canadian Press Ball Writer sysiem ol land nergy by ah and industrialization NEW YORK (CP)=The wand that wey. Today, however, the But five years 1a & long time erings of the Portuguese liner Go on auravated hy eon- in Latin America's new ers of Santa Maria started & search of gions of crisis or near erisis popular revolution history for similar incidents in the past--notably the Spanish Civil War end the American Civil Wai The 10.8854on Spanish liner Cristobal Colon was en route from Vera Cruz, Mexico, 10 Vign, Spain, when the Spanish! Civil War hroke out after Gen. | Francisco Franco started his ve-| bellion against the republican! government July 19, 1086 Vigo quickly fell to the rebels | and Capt, Edouard Sanos of the Criskohal which carried 480 PASSENEETE was first ordered to head for Southampton, then La Havre, where 104 passengers left the ship, and then Bt, Na-| galre | \ nine-man delegation of left-| ists from among the crew was appointed to assist Banos In his) decisions and by Aug, 80, 1036, | the Cristobal made It to govern ment - held Bantander, Spain, after eluding a rebel blockade for 10 days I'he Cristobal, however, came to grief the following Oct, 3 & | Fast:North Rock, ofl Bermuda, | while carrying only 8 crew | | STORIES DIFFER The Cristobal story differs | fram that of the Banta Maria in that the Spanish ship was merely the victim of & war al home while the Portuguese ves sel hecame itself an island of rebellion against the Lishon gov ernment Nearly 100 years ago the American war between north| and south produced an incident of derring:do similar to Eapt,| Henrique Malta Galvao's take! over of the Ranta Maria on the high seas Vi A group of Confederates led| by one John C, Bralne, earry:| ing concealed weapons, boarded the coastal steamer Chesa:| peake, hound from New York| to Portland, Me i Braine and his men #scted| | Dee. 7, 1868, overcoming the @ Chesapeake skipper a Capt Willetts--and killing the second bi engineer. After taking aboard more confederates off Maine, | f the Chesapeake sailed for the|: Nova Neotlan coast, pursued hy several steamers and gunhoals I'he U.N, gunboat Ella and! Anna finally surprised thel Chesapeake alt Nambro near Halifax and Braine and his men | were later eharged with piracy he Confederate government disclaimed responsibility for the Braine exploit but he and his crew escaped, The ship was re turned to its rightful owners, Lawyer Can't Leave Ontario TORONTO (CP) Stanley fichonbrun, 88, a New York law ver appealing his eanvietion of theft fram Hrilund Mines Lim ited, Tuesday was refused per: mission to leave Ontario while on hail Mr, Gerber Apple-Raspberry STRAINED APPLE RASPBERRY Justice R, ¥, Latdlaw| told Schonbrun the eondition that a convieted person' shall not leave the jurisdiction before his appeal is heard Is Vof great! substance." Schobrun was one of four men convieted of stealing #940. | 200 fram the HRrilund Mines treasury. The others were Tor onta hotelman Ren Smith, 47 New York lawyer §. R. Raunch 43, and North Ray businessman Charles Stuart, 88 The four were each sentenced to six years in penitentiary, All but Rauneh have appealed Big ditterenss in this fruit duet? You bet! Your own first taste will tell you that here is flavor the way nature meant it 10 be, Add to the superior flaver, eve-appealing colar and a wonderfully smooth texture and you get AppleRaspberry , ,, a Gerber "gourmet" treat hath vou and baby will enjoy, Gerber Strained Apple-Raspbarry is made from top quality Canadian produce and prepared by specialists wha know all the seorets of processing fruit, Like all Gierber foods, it's designed with your baby's pleasure and well-being in mind, We invite you te taste Gerber Apple-Raspberry, soon. And don't forget the other 14 luscious fruits, including superior Pears, Apricots and many other delightful fruit combinations | UNDER GROUND BAYREUTH, Germany (AP) An old labyrinth of tunnels walkways and cellars has been discovered beneath his medi svil oily, Officials say the sys} tem way have heen built duy ing the Thirty Years' War (18158-1848) as an escape route in case of attack hy shemy) troops a i " nha DISPLAY | Babies are our business . . , our only business! {E DISPLS An exhibit o alntings hy ' wwe 0 (GOD EX BABY FOODS Vincent van Gogh, largest dis play of his werk ever in Can AE ARR SARS. CRIAEA ada. runs Feb. 11 to March Hq at the Toronte Art Gallery . , 8 N//// 7 AAP FANCY QUALITY TOMATO J CHOICE QUALITY CASE OF 34 TING 5592 ~~ BAVE Wis A:P PEAS ASP FANCY QUALITY APPLESAUCE Frozen Food Features A«P" POTATOES 3.247 Reg. Price phge Ble = BAVE Bs Fancy Sliced A&P STRAWBERRIES Reg, Me~BAVE Bs 15-07 phy 3 7 AMB . SALE - LEGS or LOINS SHORT CUT SHANK FLANK ON YOUR CHOICE LAMB CHOPS +59: More Savings at A&P! Bole Reg: 1 Ibe MaBAVE 11s MARGARINE 4hohe B89: Wheaties, Chesrios, Frastyos, Ries Garnfiakes, Twinkles CEREAL oma mus we 25¢ Chef Bay Ar-Dee Reg: MeaBAVE 10s MEAT BALL STEW round 9c Golounpd Reg pkg Me BAVE be KLEENEX 2 vhorol 400 3 ec Ann Page Reg: bil BeBAVE Me CHILI SAUCE 2 nobis 7 ¢ Clark's (In GRIN Saves) Rois 2 tine B8e--BAVE 11s BAKED BEANS @ sori 39¢ Grown Brand, Golden Rog. Me BAVE & CORN SYRUP ihe dl Se Brave Reg, tin BTe~BAVE Bs SPAGHETTI SAUCE vwen23¢ Ohristie's Reg, pkg Me-BAVE & CARLTON CRACKERS 16-02 pkg 35¢ Miller's IAL) CUCUMBER SLICES 64.02 jar 69¢ Good Lusk (de OF Daal) Reg: 2 ths Me~BAVE AN EXTRA #4 MARGARINE 2 1:lb pkgs §5¢ Jane Parker Bakery Specials BAKED IN AAP's OWN BAKERY BY MAATER BRAKERA JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE -39: Reg. SAVE STOOK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRIOR Jane Parker CRACKED WHEAT Jans Parker JELLY OR LEMON ROLL Jane Parker JELLY DONUTS Jane Parker VERMONT DELIONT ROLLS Reg. loaf 10e-8AVE BREAD 2:-33. Reg, Ne BAVE each 29% Rep. phy SoBAVE pkg of é 35¢ Reg. php 00 BAVE te 12.02 pka 29 HENLEY CHOICE QUALITY Come See... You'll Save Cash on CASE OF 24 TING 058 ~~ SAVE 4s Hy HD BART -- Reg. 7 tine BeBAVE Te UICE 4:43: Rog. 2 ting We--BAVE Vo 349: CABE OF 24 TING $3.54 ~~ BAVE $s Reg. 2 tine Be-BAVE 1s 4:59 CABE OF 24 TING 9840 ~~ BAVE ¥e FRUIT COCKTAIL Reg. tin We-BAVE & 3d Lean Shoulder Guts GROUND CHUCK iper Right, Hest 'n Berve, All Mast, Park SAUSAGE PATTIES Fancy Quality LAMB TONGUES Fancy Quality BEEF LIVER BOLOGNA CHUB Small Link, Pure PORK SAUSAGES Burns, Yee Pas RING BOLOGNA Ready ta Conk GRADE "A" FOWL Bliged MAC, & CHEESE LOAF Bea Beald, Fish & Chip Canada Inspected HADDOCK DINNER Tasty Chip VEAL CUTLETS Banquet B DINNERS Allgond, tied SIDE BACON smoKeD niNDLESS Super Right, Blised BACK BACON smoxm Bwest Pickled, 2 ta 8:1b End Cute ih 8s BACK BACON Contre Cuts or Sliced bh 79: Super Right, Thick Slised SIDE BACON sMOKED RINDLESS 21h pho 9 De SCALLOPS cOoOKID & MREADED hI: ON SALE AT AGP! MILD & MELLOW = GUATOM GROUND 8 0'CLOCK COFFEE 1+lb bag 3-lb beg 351.61 SAVE 4 SAVE 10 » 59: borpkg@3e *» 35 Yh och 69 a ' h #9 h#9: wh phy 37 bor pkg B87 ¢ $.0x phy 27: BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 11.02 pkg 39s 1b phy 59 "lb pkg 39 SKINLESS SLICED Lib ne de 54h aver Non Food Fealure Man's Gelabrity, Assorted Colours and Desigm NYLON STRETCH SOCKS 2-99 HOY CROSS BUNS Walsh's GRAPE JELLY Fanay Quality pkg of 6 33¢ 12.08 jar 27 DEL MONTE PEAS 2 1501 tine 3% Stokely Fanay Quality CREAM STYLE CORN 2 15.01 tins 3% New Beauty Bar (8c ON Sale) 8 bars 2% WOODBURY'S SOAP alant sive 49 Tooth Paste = 14e ON Pas! PEPSODENY These Super-Right Meat Features GRADE "A" OVEN-READY TURKEYS 3 to 7-Ib average ONE POUND 19 Fruit & Vegetable Features GOLDEN RIPE, NO, 1 GRADE BANANAS 2-29: SALIFORNIA NAVEL, FANCY GRADE, BEAT FOR RATING ORANGES eu Fe California, No, 1 Grade, Full of Jules LEMONS Florida, Marsh Beedle, No, 1 Grade, Size 0 GRAPEFRUIT Mexican, Firm, Rips, No. | Grade 10:59 TOMATOES eello tube 19 Ontario, Ne. | Grade, Yellow COOKING ONIONS si coionns 29¢ Fresh, Groen, No, | Grade y.1 FLORIDA CABBAGE sach 3 3 California, No, 1 Grade, Large Original Bunches Xb cello bag 2 S5¢ BROCCOLI 24-01 cello bag 49: Bradford Marsh, No, | Grads, Crisp, Tender s 2% wohorbe 19¢ CARROT California, No. | Grade, Frosh Tobie DATES Ne, 1 Grade, Cooking IRAQ DATES THE BUIAAL ARANTE & MOVEE Ta PRUMWT \Te, AN Prives In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday. Fab th 100