8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey { In the United States, & recent , Febewery 3, 1961 19 Senpie report leans hepvily on Basement COMERS 19 REWEVE o0sition = would probably the time ond freedom 19 » cast the WaIE Wo B_9o% sssnmiine thelr Prissy ey: LOOK TO COMPETITION mie #6 & mamdne freight op- vies wn the face of In Canada, where rapsport eration with # few maior competition, chiefly from treks has not reached the overpower- hianch lines, Frucks would wi glee from ships, planes snd ng density of the US., the com- grow 0 WRporiance, pipelines. 19 chart missioners are WRAerstond 19. In this light, the commission: The commissioners » dent of the United Blaies of neiency OM The SMce Bes ..» Varsity Chose 2 7.5m Make Money |= 5% "5% No Decision Yet her New Brunswick." cent My. Ney says one of bis top UNE President br Colin B : : Jack Kennedy ..22 "2% By Slimming | iat Rail Subsid FREDERICTON (CP)--When "I e thet Agi A pi pro NANAIMO, BL. (AP)--Em- | foo" 4 4s doTIEE P80 n al u sl Y John F. Kennedy was elected whic bre ad sed the Ployees of # Nanaimo real hin os president of the Upited State Wied A whi 7 | estate firm make money by | He paid ou mor OVEAWA (CP) = A federal Observers expect i some of the people at the Up MEmDErs oF THis umyersiy iosing weight, 5 his at Jur the subsidy for Canada's railweys'a new and far-reaching cowrse feel that guides competion an ers are wiersinod 19 he CoB versity of New Brunswick were And the UNE student news prong Ney manager of Na = VE#r ma ih ins will likely be proposed by the for the transport industry as # do the trick sidering how federal fmancial showid able to say "I told you so" Paper, The Brunswickan, the .oimo Realty Company, says MOREY fis MacPherson royal commission whole, not Just for raiweys Indications are thet any sub belp can he made avallaiie 19 ml - On Oct, §, 1957, when he was 87 of convocation published 8! the firm pays #25 for the first | Whet | paid out through Won transportation, The commissioners must de: sidy phan for the railways would the hard - pressed Tilways a senator (rom Massachusetts cartoon showing Senator Ken- 19 pounds of excess weight = Creased efficiency" a over informants indicate cide how Canada can get the be merely part of an overall, withow distorting their fuiare Mr, Kennedy received an hon nedy contipisng on Ws path 19. (ou and $2.50 for each addi thet 2 final decision has not vel most out of is entire anspor long-range rationale for Fans role in the entire LIRRspor-Com: orary doctor of laws degree tie White House alter 1aving tional pound worked off FOOD SHORTAGE been made on the subsidy idea. system at the lowest gost. They portation in Canada, # basic plex from UNB. the UNE campus "It makes for greater of: The White House ran short of The six commissioners are are searching for a longterm policy Tounded on the hehe' WOULD ALLOW TINE While conferring the degree After the election last Novem- ficiency all round," he #335. food last August when the Pres- drafting their report (9 the fed- remedy ~ not a palliative that that €ompetition on " the Tie atm of tH Chancellor Lord Beaverbrook ber, it republished the cartoon "Our sales have gone wp 15 ident invited 2000 extra people eral government alter wiping will ease the sy mo go most fee ive Feguli or of # h L, Jm4 4 Ad) said' with the caption: "local Boy per cept since my staff began to a garden pany--4oo late 10 up 16 months of public study of leave uncured the ie iis rms of transportation is finally appr fig "When he has he ome presi Makes Good 4 reducing and the over-all ef: inform caterers Canada' # transport troubles, transportation The rationgle -- a reasoned kely be 19 pve the railways 3 li CAUSED EMBARRASSMENT vernment's aetion believed 10 have embarrassed the commissioners, They would have preferred mare time 19 frame the new y of transportation i the Ye titude resional transport {troubles into nl pced ih "prime Minister Ra iar of March 81, he commission may decide 19 issue 8 "vanguard" report and then follow wp with the over-all blue: {print spelling out the details, No decision has heen reached on this so far In searching for a longterm answer to the difficulties of transportation = present and future--the commissioners went to great pains to hear all the views of everyone interested in the problem. They held 1534 public hearings, went to every provinee and compiled an offi- cial transeript of testimony that stands some 12 feet high, From the mountains of evi: dence, and also from 8 numher of confidential research studies undertaken by special teams of commission economists, a new approach is expected to emerge (for transport, MAY EASE REGULATIONS Lill A 4 If put into effect hy the fed- eral government, it could have an enormous impact on Cane ada's overall transport system, letting competition reshape its various components, It would likely relieve the railways of some of the eum: hersome regulations that bind rols, probably maximum rate control as protection for the so- called "captive irathe that hears a heavy hurden of present * freight rates; There would prob: "yl RACH ably he a greater emphasis on J President t Spetial! HOSTESS EELLO BAS BUDS them now, freeing them io run A ' their operations as a business, President Ky eeinl! not as a quasi-publie utility hare £30 J LOBLAWS a freight vate strueture based on costs, There may be a plea for more nessed hy government as an in strument of publie poliey, Yel there would he some eon: | [)} Ee Xx T R A government and industry efforts 1 [1] fo holster seanomie research and long-term planning, "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS A coordinated program for With This Ceupan er Coupen Received with ahandoning redundant and un. Record Ne, | and Purchase of Record Ne. 14 economic rail services and WEBSTER CLARLICAL RECORD hranch lines may also be ad: COUPON EXPIRES FER, 0, 10) voeated LAWYER 18 CHAIRMAN The commission is headed hy Regina lawyer M, A, MacPher: son, an authority on the impaet of freight rates on the west, Its 25 EXTRA members include Arnold Plait, LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS a Lethbridge, Alta, farmer With soup A and purchase of with Wide experience in inter; ! if § national grain marketing, an Alpine Club Ginger' Ale Howard Mann, former ex pan 149 ecutive manager of the Maris times Transportation Commis sion, Moncton, N.B,, now vice PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB, 2, 3, 4 LOBLAW GROCETERIAS 0, LIMITED 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With coupon and purchase of 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With coupon and purchase of 25 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With coupon and purchase of LOBLAWS "KITCHEN PRIDE" PIE io #66... S68" 39 President t Special. verident t Special! Praidots Social! Prsiint: Special! 4 ' FROZEN FOODS ~ HOSTESS AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPARKLING FRESH PRODUCE VALUES! 25 EXTRA 28 EXTRA hake ina mall Lak pickaie af package of : / : / Little Pig Pork Sausage FRESH PARSNIPS CELERY HEARTS ref f 74 d Le Coupon Bxpires Fem, § X L3 Coupen Expires Fah, # ¢ L4 Coupon Expires Feb ARIZONA NO, 1 GRADE! CRISP AND TENDER! chairman of the National Hare 3 EX1eA ' 3 gna "LUEK mL bore Board. ETT™ With Eola and cub pig of With fupan and purchase of per Members Je A Rene Gabell, Quebec city for estry engineer, and Herbert ol Anscomb, a Vietoria business. ' wii EKY GREEN. STAMEY with SRbEN: ATAMMS The Feaedveh sige Fo the tom: FLORIDA GROWN! COLOURFUL, TASTY SALAD IT 08. Pie package Shops fav Jack and Ji wo AAfl op. HDS CINFK'S Mission's 1Rveatlgalion g i : 1AD Timi Wighliner Fish and Chips All Beef Frankfurter Peanut Buiter Fancy yo He iy headed hy F. W. Anderson, a CELL . C L108 Coupon Expires Feb, 0 } b1% Coupon Expires Feb, § L13 GoUpen Expires Feb, ¥ TOMATOES .:. HAT 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS At-A-Glance Penn bid Mixed Pickles PREM Beer Stew, "i Gattuse Spaghetti Dinner Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS L14 Gowen Expires Feb. 9, 1M) LAE Gounen Expires Fel brlé Coupen Expires Feb, 3 19) Wednesday, Feh, 1, 1861 Trade Minister Hees ane . nounced a national oil paliey ins C valving the Derodie setting of production targets designed to 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA reach 800,000 barrels a day in soon "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS 1963, ss POZEN With coupon and purchase of Wit Song pan and purchase of With coupon and purchase of He said if the voluntary sys + place aatting Wh Eihadian Ne, | Grade Two 150%, pkgs, Snaw Crop tem doesn't produce the ex. Snring Blossam Dinnerware Now Brunswick Potatoes rane Sliced Strawberries pected results the government RE y require' = including regulation of imparts and exports, Lionel Chevrier (L--Mantreal Laurier) challenged Mr, Hees WESTON'S COOKIES A 29 FANCY PEAS TIENT IITA FEAT BAD AAA ALA 25 EXTRA F LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS MLUGKY GREEN" STAMPS HEAD One 13:02, Jar Robertson's B08 package Walkers 0 301, os A , official with intimate knowledge man and former finance mine Regina professor of economies, . , 5) / With upon A and purchases of With Faupan and Srehase of With coupon and arehase of tr Special. (%1) upon Expires Fab, 9, 104) LI Coupon Expires Fab, 9 1M) LI Coupon Expires Feb. 9%, 194) will take "whatever further dont t Special! resident + Special. TEA-TIME i EE EE EEE EE EE RARE AEMEKY GREEN" STAMPS With eaupan and purchase of With eaupen and purchase of ne packa; LULOSK Golden Shred Marmalad Checolate Chip Coakies LEY TUCE GARDEN 0 attr Chia LL : he Tove Api Fob, ¢ ¢ LA Goupen ire Fob, 4 of railway working problems; FRESH RERETY 25 EXTRA 25 EXTRA ister of British Columbia, Parliament oF jan Twa pkgs, 5¢ off - with plain sauce NOW AVAILABLEI LUSCIOUS NEW CROPI DEWY FRESH! steps the eiroumstances may "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS sence between his announces 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS 50 EXTRA With egupan and Jurchae of With eoupan and purchase af Ach 4 2 ment and the oll policy veeams Ane 703. Aqusess Bottle - 304 off hat} BL a PUA mendations of the Borden raval REDD! PAPER TOWELS Ipana Plus Dental Cream SUPER SUDS commission on energy in July, LM Coupen Expires Feb. 9, 1M) 31 Coupon Expires Feb. 9, 1941 LM Coupon Ry Feb. %, 1M) CCF Leader Argue said the ement is undoubtedly an A one for the lageing Canadian oil industry, holding out hopes of renewed activity 30 EXTRA 30 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With oon aon and purchase of . oF LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC L3 Coupon Expires Feb. % 1M) "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With coupon and purchase of 40 er tin with 4 RES Hawes Floor Gloss "iad Was" LM Coupon Expires Feb. § Wh 30 EXTRA "LUCKY GREEN" STAMPS With coupon and purchase, of Twa 136. a1. tins « 5 oft FELS LIQUID DETERGENT LA Coupon Expires Feb. § 1M) and expanded production and markets, Revenue Minister Nowlan ves jected all suggestions that the | cabinet has exerted any press [sure on CRC programming er | financing. | Thursday, Feb, 3 The Commons meets at 3:30 p.m. EST to debate budget reso. lutions, The Senate meets at & pm,