a EE EEE 16 THE OAWA TIES, Thawiey, Febreery 3, 196) svostouTooons -- 3 lec sos | 17€N@ Has An Idea I | Viestria Jep) ~~ Diver Irene! stopped sending teams made wp! MacDonald of Vancouver plans of & bunch of people who iof Canada's sports writers i & chance anyway, and stared she makes good In the British concentrating on sports wher ithe Olympic Games twice, and of gymnasts with us when ev: ihoth times | blew it," she said eryone knew we didn't have = Donald will do this' or 'Can- style swimmers had to he left ada's chances rest with Irene st home because the swimmin MacDonald," All the pressure team is limited to 19, (was on me ing two divers, Ld But It Better Work! ; } suggestion y for improving Canada's chances ito stick owt her tongue at some sports in which we don't have in the 1964 Olympics; ! fet a standard for each sport © that teams must meet before | Empire Games In Australia In we do rate & chance [entry in the Olympic Games in 1992, SWIMMER STAYED ROME | goad of sending & "little bit of "I competed for Canada in "Last year we look B 168M everything." : in an interview, "I carried the chance, Quite frankly they were 4 ot '" (weight for the entire team he- terrible, Tight out of thelr class, Sree "00 Set up & comin {cause it was always 'Trene Mac: "Yet, one of our fastest free pool and diving tank on esch! "For what they have to work, ith Canadien swimmers and) "My big aim now is Aus. "And In swimming our Givers did wi , But) tralia in 1992, I | make it no chances were fairly good" (In the way of training facili) one will expect anything of me, Irene says she knows the feel in the mont Joi faci | because they think | always ing o [being left behind cause there is no money, lose anyway, "I think I ean win." In 1952 she won the Canadien In be. tie As for her own plans, Irene And if she is successful, she diving title but was cul from says they extend to the lsaid with 8 grin, "Vm going to the team to make room for a Olympics but not as 8 compet: |enme home and stick out my, swimmer, : or, tongue at 8 lot of sports wril-! In 195 she was third in the ""Vve got # class of six div:| ers," diving at Melbourne and fin- ers thet are promising now and| | The 28 - year - old Vancouver ished sixth at the 1980 Olym- some of them she be ready! | Amateur Swimming Club star pies, She was third in the 1054 by 1964 | Ihas some definite ideas on Ca British Empire Games and see-! "IL want to go the the lym inadian sport, ond in the 1958 empire games pies again but this time Vl go "Is about time Canada at Cardiff, Wales, las & coach, Diamond 'D' Prize OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS * | 4 S ] SERGEANTY MESS LEAGUE y Hus So (%, Yimsiamerss On a . . - k on ai points from the Eahoes an RIIRE J eo y EL ome Ing pecia PUG isin vy Ths (A norars Only three scratch bowlers for the 08 Mechanics 78, Grant's Wireless 70,|100ie8, Marg, Jackin had & nice Bigh| lemon Tesuie = A Hoor 8, 6 crn Insteetors #9 Borrowdale's Sngle of 257 (625); next was Evelyn Cormie #5, G, Brown 90 snd B, Watson Hawley with 243, snd Belly Grandy 208 v LL MONTREAL ~~ A new sports nadian sport and Canadian fine Gunners 66, Wright's Commanders #5, ] , " 9 RE ax aM y a 's Fi Pearl Cooper wis hgh with hands Teom Standings instigators 17, trophy symbolizing for the firstiart, The trophy, he said, was a YieCormack's Loaders i. Wichil's Wie) ear omer as ot ons. "210 avers Rams 17 tend nts Bivens time national championship in truly Canadian symbol of the "3 Fries -- Betty Sackett 665 (211, Stella Bammer 24 as oo; Muriel in Gar and Dolls 18, Eighthalls 18 snd i'n fa h ra RCO 26 513, J ack. Maunder 243, Gladys Clan 1, Alleen! Bix Aces §, Canadian women's curling was game which rapidly was becom ai), Los Melaun 640 (0, dnc Bae | SLES" 6M ton con tha, 'Hen HOt| 0 Group ~ Blowers 19, Dolitien 13, unveiled here today, The trophy ing one of the country's most 5 0 ere Tus aha), Hey land G01, Nancy Mood 216, Ethel West (Lucky Bis 18, Tasers 11, Unimehahies was executed by Sulvia Daoust, popular sports bare WA (gdb dogs, Loyd Coren 6 like 310 Vio Role th Marl, Garki?, Mims 7 and Renters 7 A y ol", a o (287 nd George Wright 604 (248) 4 " of Montreal, an internationally: Mr, McCormack told the wi and George Wilh 004 288). va | 10 BUSH LEAGUE CNR Piyers started off the third sec recognized sculptor, wound wp ll Z a | hs SAETOR ire TELE Cliff Davis had the highest ¥1 scores with Kuch "iee" ¢ his company's choice of sculp- 4 A / stop & harmonious "lee" wink pany Pr Grant 211, Bill Borrowdale 211, Vi M Gold Bhemilt 231, Roy Corman end of & 31 count with of Port Ar. Fliegets 201 and Lorraine Murphy 200 06 bX Norm Marnien 214, Mark three from Evans Sand and Gravel snd Stores Limited to the winning/thur, Ont, president of (he mekiniey's Operators 4, Murphy's Me: (Hl 811, Lisson aulage, Kthel Westlake heads our Lamon! Standings: CNR Flyers 4, Ashmore Ww iekwiek v k i he 150.000 w , ¢ ships jointly sponsored with the pions of the 150,000 women eurl- get's Driver Tuvlor 63 and Rita Code b) | Gravel 1, Beatty Heulage 1, Ten and " § § cele rl elation, The championships take Miss Daoust, who Is celebrat NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE Foints taken -- Whites 4, Mitchells) None of us broke the 700 mark hut at the Ottawa Hunt and Golf province of Quebec sald the! with the Tankers snd Mixers leading dersons 0; Glaziers and Burns split) 2, Johansen 681, J. Randle 600 (297) wn represented a departure for her, out of the race yet, come the Auto: section snd Whites and Subway Tauneh| game were J. Wrubel 2985, BR Brown The familiar Dominion "D"|I f 4 oy recint of the!the Mixers 8 to 1, a4nch tall trophy in gold-fin:| Phy and her appreciation of thee Mp eT Burns 13, Hendes | McGee 97 and P. Daniels 7 h ane 1 Greer 640, Bert Cole 616 Olive| Team No. 10, 4 Whithy Auto Wreck: e awarding o e | Canadian Drama Vestival tro- bury 640, I. Morrison 634, V. William: | Bint 257, Anne Gummow 239, Mildred Wear 1; Mackies Van and Borage 4, The 200 or better games outside of Ethel Toppings 229, Shirley Sargent 322, | Subway Lunch 8; Goch Supertest Sand i ember va] | Lhe minate a series of Dominion/She i8 8 member, in Montreal, 16 TE TERR BEE Co tk 201 6. 'Care| Lemon Leasners -- Glad Blythe 9, - 1 J contests jointly sponsored by|tions in O'Reilly 207, ©, Wiliams 203, J € Ane which open next week, Just the ene Lemon League with D, 683, B. Audley 676, DD, Bnelgrove 848,|M. Dicesaro 830 (193), High Bingles = D, Lehman 256, W, 606, B, Powell 506, PF, Dale 52 (203), proud to have this opportunity Sweden has dropped to ahout| ition ve find that the Fals, Canaries | Smith 286, 1, Jacenty 223, M, Taylar|F, Smegsl 408 (104) MeHugh 493, throwing a small bronze stone dian art was a major factor ins ne g Garson 215, Halle Fox Bil, S11, Betty ¥7, Bd Hawley was next with 2/0, 80 and Lows coming out on the hort : 27, wi 1627); Alen Venema 215, 207, Cleaners, Ashmore Paving sneaking will be awarded by Dominion, Mrs, Hazel Watt I ehanies 4, Borrowdale's Gunners 4, Me. | Hurst 208 and Perce Bent 206 "py J y ion- ting accolade for the cham. 3 Wright's € adv p D" women's eurling champion § ; tors 4, Wright's Sommanders 3, and | CUI Davis 85, Luva Allman #2, Mar). ers 5, Kuch Shoes 8, Evans Band and LADIES MAJOR "B' LEAGUE |i of all 10 provinces participating ularly In liturgical art In the|section, the teams are well bunched, |bitts 4, Bints 0; Motor City 4, Hen | A, Joynt 687 (273), B, Strutt 690 (266), the and Club February 26 to March 3, [athletic subject of the trophy posers and Shiners with 16, snd not| One night left to #0 In this second | Helping thelr team with a nies single She expressed her happiness at) "aud S50 TEIN by the Gyros and | second in line with 18 points, then T, Hammond 267 and A. Hamblyn 284 ars on the walnut hase of the and the Polishers Saywells 15, Mitchells 15, Glaziers 15, ing Into the lemon League were ns 12 Ww embedded in the leaf Miss Daoust, professor In ter class this week, with " Yyl- lovely triple of 749, Marie Hogle 686, | EANTWAY MEN'S TENPIN e789, Beaux Arts, executed five of the Fitches 684, G. Dawson 666, B. Thorn: | Top i Betty Turner 958, Vera! tors 1; Houdaille Ind, 3, Black's Men's wet at the Chateau Laurier | Alexander 225, Donalds Williams 883, | Laughlin Cos! 1; Les Eviness Sales 3, guests on March 8 and will cul: the Royal Academy of which "py |Toronto Silver "D rovineial curling New York and Rome, | Walser 08 J. Catton i, V, Vasey sof / me J % UNITED STEEL WORKERS I e , e CLCA and Dominion Stores be th have included her sculpture, |Besch 800, | Righard 746, L, Arp 710, J. Snelgrove dor B82 (1 B, " (814), - -- oConks to, president of Dominion Stores, | FEWER THEATRES Don!' 618, B, Spencer 614 and G, Ross 605, |(104), D. Price 808 (199), J. Lamont Canadian organization, was number of movie theatres in| Wih the start If our third and last 234, M. Brudek 226, F, Watson 226, Welsh 406, KR, 'Germond 455 (106), ithe Invictas, Beavers, and Blars, The Wilson 217, M, O'Neil 212, ¥, Hoar 8i1,'B, Courtney 201, bronze figure of a woman curl {game of the night with handicap with Shoes taking three from the Aces, Len of greenlaced white marble, 1t/tor Cormack 204, Wick Nichols 209, Hud | 90) Paints taken ~ Corson's Armaorers 6, Yarks 210, Brice Tria: TY winning three from Beatty ad CLCA, saw the trophy as a fit rink of the Dominion Diamond CLCA, pois dy I a Commandery 8 File. Langue with #8, 69; Verna Haight 86, paving 3 Tria TV 3, P Clean Canadian Ladies' Curling Asso. ers In the country we Viren | Lous TV'1, Aces | and Oshawa Oise place with top women curlers ed for her wood carving, Pare: wus wo weeks to go in the second 0; Subway Lunch 4, Saywells 0; New: | coming through with eed triples were why with 17 points, followed hy the | their points, 2 apiece Bent 680 (343) | i leaf {| matics and Gyros with 15 apiece have the top spot with 20. Bints are | 268, Howard Norton 280, A. Kush 258, veloping a maple leaf ap- oh ping ! . being selected to create the (ro shiners splitting, the Automatics taking come Neshitts with 17, Motor City 16, 'Cursing at the corner ping snd (all: ) ished silver, The diamond is challenge thal was presented, find eight names in the 66 Over B00 -- dune Simpson with a! By x Wo schatt leading the way hy virtue of 8 14 rophy sculpture of wood at I'Ecole des | geasit, ort eon 661." | Vaillaneiurt 601 urs 0; Parker Blectrie 8, Robinson Mo will highlight the victory ban bill son 626 and ¥. Taylor 602, "What hap. | Turney d36, Mildred Witterick 235, Bes |Team No. 7 1; Arts Vending 8, Me: otel to be mitended by 800 Phies She has exhibited with! oe qd te Smiths" A high triples are: L, Gibson 216, 218, 200; June Poliard 282 Pument. Aluminum 2 and Ottawa, Exhibl 224, G, Mathieu 215, B. Talbot 218, |, Belh Shorts 78 hy y M | in the Tate Gallery, Yondon, | Fe 208, D, Bsunders 201 and W,| High Triples A. Bottcher #79, holm [11 T. G, McCormack, of Toron- Guisale getting 6 "Almost made It, [FHL 620, 1, Keeler 616, M. Andrews | 81d (163), G, Hornby 816, D. Vann (14 sald his company, an entirely] Between 1066 and 1061, the. apmenr sv, onunom LEAGUE [704d giz, B Lynch 87, B Humetka | C, Baxter 468. (306), D. Tevior tte (31D), ' RB A {and Suckers took all four points from 421, D, Wilson 220, G. Brown 218, N.|R, Clarke 212, M fruteheon 93 a» of supporting in one project Ca-12,800 from 2,501, JF ee Sw Western mp-wintr GUARANTEE OF QUALITY A WESTERN AUTO PARTS are guar onteed to perform better than, or soul to original equipment, We will cheerfully REPLACE WITHOUT CHARGE any Western part thet fails through edfects in materiel or work. manship, POLYETHYLENE Western 18" POWER MOWERS ROLVFTNTLENG Pre-season salell Save ever 20% . » « and enjoy faster, easier lawn sarall Ruggedly built for years of service, Powerful 214 HP, 4 cycle Exceptional sa n tpreaf, rush engine, Adjustable cutting heights, Recoil start, 1 piece solid steel oy ony ngs hss 4 V H safety type blade, Smooth running rubber tired wheels, 10 DAYS ble, Hinged dogproef, locking lid. ONLYI Handles, 158" x 1613", 10 DAYS 9 A688 OMY & 3 VALUE MAT SEV THERMOSTATIC COFFEE PERCOLATOR HEATER DELUXE 18" SNOW PUSHER Priced for quick clowrancel Ton | pares & work saving shovel ot A real bargain at this low price, Torrie savings! Smart styling Meo div, piece mar ae, quality Jn Py. men and Western's may Ming wie ty, pliable rubber, women, boys and girs, ice, Just "walk™ Smart piece wet, 9 cup chromed with fan and thermostat cone vy duty pliable rubber, Hip bind Ho x Tov steel fig and bakelite serving stand, flush te floor in any ear, ve $1.10, wel, Set It and forget in, # Anorted colors. 10 DAYS I" 8 48" long handle, \ ONLY wr 5.88 wi] 2-88 3.44 n= (winy99 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER REG. 30.90 $14.50 VALUE a VL moons Where you buy QUALITY for LESS Cesilern VRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO, «= ASSOCIATE STORE ALUMINUM TOBOGGANS Absolutely free , + + 8 colourhul comfortable cushion with the pur chase of any Western aluminum toboggan!! Big savings, Hl TOBOGGAN WITH CUSHION ¥ $4.90 (Reg, $5.97) h) 4' $5.90 (Reg, $7.47) HH 10 DAYS ONLY 10 Mag. $12. ¥ BOWMANVILLE 85 KING ST, WEST MA 3.3134 RA 8.1607 AL BOYD JOHN KENT OSHAWA 145 KING ST, WEST « TOR, A p ITH TH of OMINION BRINGS YOU ANOTHER ONCE-IN-A- LIFETIME NATIONALLY FAMOUS SAMSONITE Available in twe popular colours: Tan with brense frame and Grey with black m8 with $15.9 worth of cash register slips covering purchases made at DOMINION, By popular demand, new you will be able to get matching folding chairs for your Samsonite Card Table, Strong enough to stand on because of Samsonite tubular steel construction, Seat padded and uphelstered in attractive vinyl, Frame and legs finished in chips resistant baked enamel, Wipes clean with a damp cloth, Folds easily, compactly, Don't miss this amazing offer! Nationally advertised Samsonite quality! You'll want to get a complete set of four chairs, Just save your cash register receipts every week! With every $15,00 worth you can get a chair at this low Pse. \ NOTE: Samsonite folding card tables still available at $5.48 with $25.00 in cash register slips, Offer good until March 4th, Available only at DOMINION STORES LIMITED