3 » r y "Hr » " o EEE dd reer erry rev » OE | 12 ™E OSHAWA Times, Thondey, Pebruory fd i" meee: Deaf Doctor 'Quite Happy' VANCOUVER (CF) Dr. io do resesrch work on dest Pierre Gorman has heen desf ness. He joined the institute in isince Wirth bt, he says, "Vm 1097 snd received his Ph, D quite happy as | 2m last yesr for » thesis on psy "If | were given the chance chological problems facing the I would not want to hear, § 0€sf don't want to legin to live alll He says the first step in over lover again ee a hearing per. coming the handicap of being son def 1s for the parents 10 ge The 36 - year - old Australian cept the fact has done well despite the hand | have always accepled my cap. He speaks fluent English deafness hecause my parents Sd land French, can read Nps gecepted i, Many parents willl {faultiessly. In fact the only in-ipot accept deafness, They he Idication that he is deal is the come emotional and frustrated near-monotone of his voice and when the child grows wp He talked about the proviems he becomes hitter and cannot of deafness while here visHIng giways secept his own deaf g friend en route from his Mel ness" bourne home to the National bo Institute of the Deaf in London 3 England, where he works oe , hig LAY Dr. Gorman said his mother AMILTON (CP) Pigott detected deafness when he was Realities 14d, announces that it ROUND, SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE, WING or RUMP ROAST ' 2 baby but resolved to treat him has purchased a 126-acre tract i Bio ul MAY RESTORE FORTRESS as an ordinary child, He was of land in Etobicoke in Metro taught lip - reading and by the politan Toronte, and plans 10 aught lig ading # M y ar Han Tourist authorities have ex- | Harbor. Some believe the self- | structure slong the lines of [time he was 10 he was able tolfurn it into an indusinal park pressed interest in restoring | contained fortress, linked by | New York's Statue of Liberty attend regular school full time ll is expected, the Company t 18th ¢ fortress on | #8 maze of tunnels, can bhe- | should be built there, In back. land keep pace with his class- states, that modern plants em ' fe 19h century ion | come a major tourist atirae- | ground is downtown Halifax, mates playing about 8.000 workers, will George's Teland In Halex | sion Others Sugeest a huge (CP from National Defence) ' He went to England in 1952 eventually be built on the site i AB a > 10.01 size c TABLE RITE c wworess LB, OAK LEAF OR KENT CHOICE ~~ SAVE 9% LA 'C TOMATOES 2+33 SPECIAL NIGHT UNTIL [| 'GA--SAVE 9 SAVINGS PRICES | peTAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 9 P.M. BEANS PORK Dai to} TINS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA with SIZES 4 T0 9--G. G. CORDUROY OXFORDS FRAY BENTOS--SAVE Be 1.59 VALUE! SPECIAL V A CORNED REEF SMART! STURDY! $ we 0 SAVE 6c ON Featured in gold loden green, black, b BE Wy with white rubber f pia » 11.02. facing and white / wg | BTLS, laces, Arch-cust rh WD y ly f ye lon insoles; rubber FIRST QUALITY [| soles. Buy now .. i ( a _ FRASERVALE FROZEN save over 37%! oy STRAWBERRIES F REE § retu 38.00 ¥ PR. |r 8 on P eh Sot Toy GOSSAMER-SHEER Seam ' . hy PKGS CIGARETTE BONUS v4py wiry - less Micro-Mesh. Sizes 9 AM : _ SIZES 7 TO 12 -- Chinos! Ay ES Alt rom, to 11 f ble ne y, : wir, J in fashionable new A i AD, 1 LETT] \ 3 LL oo fONUS ¢ tl RIERA 1, in sete | vie Grapes Cg lh RNG 4 CHEESE STIX 1. 39" | Ayin spi ETT ofton sheens! Novelty fab tra-savings, buy mere then yA \ ' 1 check and other smart pot tin | BLACK DIAMOND OLD = COLORED OR WHITH PICNIC STANDARD PEAS 2% 28¢ CHILDREN'S POLOJAMAS a -- TEA KETTLE es & SLEEPERS SPECIAL ! yr a WHISTLING 1/00 sq COFFEE Lh gg | 49 Values! Ove SITES 1 TO 4 Girls! Practice al Bh \ wing place styles ® after * § t 1 MONARCH % : MEN'S white || PIE CRUST MIX Lo 330 TARE my TSMATS || GiGi ERE mix np age LLOTATORS uy CR 2 | Ae OFF REGULAR PRICE WE RESERVE THE e || QUAKER MUFFETS 2 ,., 29° X80 Renew ALL FEATURES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 2, 3, 4 BEG VALUE #9: $A knit syle tural be i ~ - || DELICIOUS AND aaa | NUTRITIOUS ; FLETTE NIGHTS 1 3 | Woks pretty pink, pastel bi and white. Specie QUITER PADS = 39 FIRM CRISP SOLID HEADS Us NOY DIRECT FROM SUNNY ISRAEL -- SIZE 120% FREI ork IIL TETTUCE™ 2s 25: JAFFA ORANGES "50 jr -- SI "wy y oN | GARDEN FRESH CRISP & CHRUNCHY Us NO, ADD AN ELEGANT TOUCH TO YOUR MEALS NO.) GRADE LINGERIE SPECIALS , wi I | FLORIDA CELERY 2:29 MUSHROOMS ~~» 49: LADIES" BRIEFS 5 Acels ale n wi "oink. b - 4/ J} wood, lotus green, : Cd DYL'S 1.G.A, STORE SOUTH END LG.A Special! 36" DRAPERY PRINTS | | cos rans -- cco WE 166 ADELAIDE ST.--OSHAWA BROCK ST WHITBY REG. nr YARD | mo. ie rnin in mo en ew || WANSDOWNE LGR. HOPE LGA. STORE 2 s fe ee | BECKSTEAD LG.A. TOLLEGE HILL 1.G.A. "vis'§ SAVE UPR TO 37%! Qualiny 0o0e Kitchen -drgpery pattems COURTICE, ONTARIO CUBERT §T.-OSHAWA DOWNTOWN L SHOPPING CENTRE 21 SIMCOE §T. § 226 STEVENSON'S RD. §. | PHONE RA 3.2294 TELLER S IMITED : PHONE RA 3.2209 | {BILSKY LG.A. STORE 120 WILSON §, -- OSHAWA Sart Bu f the woman wh