RECEIVING EXFERT in struction at the Whithy Curl ing Club is 17-year-old Jim McClelland. Jr, His first time | finer HIGH SCHOOL - @ Vv many of the new members every Monday and Thursday pliernomm {shaw ia at the club, Jim is shown the points of getting rock away smoothly by Nell Bhort reed. Mr. Shorireed teaches Phota Times FIRST SOLO THROW by novice Jim MeClelland, Jr, is watched by instructor Nell Shortreed Jim's throw Ba STUDENTS LEARN CUBLING SKILLS githough a little wide of the mark, shows trophy - winning form in the way he has lel the stone leave his hand with | WHITBY And DISTRICT City Denies Loss AT ROTARY CLUB i "Public Relations and the Small Business the sub ject of & speech given hy J, M Redditt to members of the Whit hy Rotary Club at their Tuesday dinner meeting at the Whith Arena Mr the Public Was Redditt is 8 member of Helations staff al the Imperial O11 Company Limit dled. He told the members how { public relations could he applied to the smaller type of husiness "Public Relations means many things to many people and while my company does not subscribe to some of these definitions, there are quite a number of people in the profes: sion wha helieve that what they! \are doing is the very essence of PR For example, there Is the fact, provide some Very enier taining reading Lastly, there are those In the public relations field, whe ther as employees of companies or acting as consultants, who see as thelr main role the pro vision of factual information ahout the company's affairs to pre radio, TV and the public at large. Their function is that of an information centre from which flows information about the company and through which the company receives Informa tion about the general area In which it operates. It is in this category that my own depart ment at Imperial likes to feel it fits, And without depreciating in any way the efforts of those agencies 1 mentioned previously | helieve the long-term interests Public Relations In Small Business agecomplished in the same ratio by the smaller organization hy using the proper approach "There are probably many times when you can help your self hy supplying items of legi timate news Interest ahoul your husiness to the local press. But you must he careful that what you offer as news Is not, in fact advertising. After all, the only thing the newspaper has to sell Everitt owns propert is space, the only thing the radio station has to sell is time." "For example, you may de cide to make an addition to your place of business, A short news item at the time yon decide to make the addition iit is a fairly extensive one, will prob ably he welcomed as news. You might include in the informaiton your reason for the expansion {thing on his land since Cartref {for Whithy Township | Canucks Seek Third Win Here By CLIFY GORDON in firm place in this league is Peteriorongh Jr, Canucks will het yom the extra home ie periing their third win of the game in | plavolls snd you Iseason over the Whithy Hill ket 10 name whe you went 19 lerests Jr, B team here lowight, | Diey Into the bargain. The Hill The Canicks out the whitewash crests will be seeking their sev: brush 10 conch Gagnow's team! enth win in & row tonight as lon their last meeting in Veter- they sre currently riding & six iborongh vig # 19 count and the game win string {Hillcrests are still smarting: We chetied with mans ger from that one, The other defest Ivan Davie last night for 2 few nod pia / I make it 7 fate 1H Gn Whithy ere gimme when the Werchants wil handed the locals by the Cane minutes and be said that he feels lucks was 8 53 Aelent earbier his is 2 really Wig game for the lin the season, The locale won Hillcrests and thet they will) their first meeting of the 190 have to win i if they expect tn] teams here, via # 77 score. take thet top rung. He expects | The Canucks ecwrrently hold io have a full team for to {down first spot in the league Night's game istandings and will be out to. He has heen getting some make sure of i here tonight mighty fine goal tending and The Hillcrests have n chance of good defence work plus some big taking the top rung away from scoring from Wis forwards ithe Peterborough team provid-| What mere can g coach ask for? ling the Hillcrests win all their) The Hillcrests are & resl remaining games and the fact hustling team and are worthy of that Picton must tie or defeat enty of support. We took in the Canucks is aise 8 big IF. |the game here on Monday night Family Monuments Crented To Indhvigust % Feguirementy STAFFORD BROS, Monumental Works IB DUNDAS EASY MO 8-3552 The hig advantage of finishing Petveen the Dunlops and the . Hull Ottaws Canadiens and NEW SLANT BUDAPEST (AP) ~ Com munist Hungary's Roman Cath ole newspaper Uj Ember siys movie actress Brigitte Bardot the Is a girl of "natural purity snd optimism The French fim ster recently appeared on Hun garian screens for the first Hime O.H.A. Junior TONIGHT, Many of the rudiment saa instructor a smooth ghae ads pick ery quickly Bhortreed {1shawa up Times Photo By Land Erosion the City hy L, P. Hartford Tuesday in - County Whithy. Although 11 were heard the trial continues today, Judge De N - -. spill over onte Hartford's land He said that since the gravel pit had been filled in he had had no water problems on his property Another Civil of Oshawa contiied Court al WILNessEs BeLion mRgsinst Adults 78¢; Students with Hartford neighbor, | ng Hockey FEB. 1st Peterborough JUNIOR CANUCKS vs Whitby HILLCRESTS 'Whitby Community Arena cards ond Children 50¢ Kennedy of Pelerhorough is pre ing Ihe Was he from K Jd. 8 Waller, 920 Carirel ave-| nue, Oshawa, stated that sinee| CV Hartford had cut the trees And hy When brushes along the horder of his $2000 AGMALES| property he was receiving more) tor damages 10iwaier hoth from the rosd and his propert which allegedly | adjoining land oeeurred when drainage from A Department of A " Carre A h nue evaded his prob ROB iid Webeter. filo erty whieh 1s situated in the J oun o Wilh adjacent tn 1 cowiron. ir with atin the City of Oshawa it 4 : I'he first wine during Tues berries, He said thal the net | day's hearing was W. A. Everitt profit from one acre of rasp of 1006 Rossland road west herries would he $168. He also! adja ent | Said that when he examined the| to Hartford in the Township of | PIII s land in October of | Whithy., Everitt stated thal 1660 he found no Sighs of erosion | after Cartref avenus was econ or gullying on the land, He sald) structed in 1956, water would actin started claimed the #gainst the hy Hartford mn city run into his well, He also said| An employee of the Federal that he was unable to grow any Department of Arieultire who f had visited the Hartford prop: erty along with the joe | 3 for avenue had heen built A former hullding Inapesios Ww, J, Bal Reach ous witness said he saw no re serablance of 8 raspberry patch lard, 6th Concession, and nothing that resembled | | TROPICAL FISH SPECIAL SERPAE TETRAS, GOLD TETRAS that the alleged patch of rasp | FAN run across Hartford's land and berries had disappeared, I oY GUPPIES 40 | | Club New man who is purely and simply alof most small businesses ean PRIZE WINNING FORM is displayed hy Henry High stu dent John Shuttleworth, The 17-year-old curler hopes to take an active part in the , Behool Curling members are most welcome at the club, sald Club President Boh Danie! ~Oshawa Times Photo Student Curlers Train For 'Spiels' 'Skill not brawn" I5 the re quirement of a good curler says youthful Beh Daniel, president of the Schoolboy Curling Club The 18 - year - old president slong with 24 other high school students are scurrying over to the curling club every Monday and Thursday afternoon Mostly pupils at Henry High School the youngsters are coached by two members of the teaching faculty 5. T. Smith and Vinee Elliott "We are also receiving & tre mendous amount of help from Neil Shartreed Daniel 'He comes down the olub avery alternoon we @rn here Although hers ave rink played in Ontario Playdowns in during the Christmas holidays "They won two out three games, but lost the last one the last explained Daniel Asked why he liked stated I play almost but with curling there is It's strietly a sald 0 that the mem four-man the All Oshawa of n Hany novices well of an rock curling he all sports no individual hero team sport It's an ideal and girls Because quired in curling strength, 1t is a good for those who are nol towards body contact New members are wanted in the Schoolboy Club, said Daniel "Many people think ourling requires a lot of money. All that a student has to pay is 8 per year YAn additional couple of dol spot far hays skill 1s nat muscle activity inelined re sports Ps Ind Feature "CRY TOUGH' with John Saxton and Linda Crivtal tn OCK ( lars Is needed for broom,' he said Currently, the are training for several bonspiels which they haope enter near the end of the son Aside from another loca spiel, we hope to enter a couple mixed bonspiels before the Is through sald the a young eurlers to SEH of sCason president Anyone interested in joining the younger set al the curling club may obtain additional in formation from Bob Daniel, 113 Centre street north, 'ress agent'. This ehap's main jab is to see to it that his client, a movie or TV star, for example gets favorable mention in news papers and magazines, as often |as possible." "Then there are those who might be categorized as publi cists, Some of these practitioners {spend a great deal of their time thinking of ways to publicize {clients interests by means of gimmicks or stunts." "Each of these categories of persons, often included loosely lin the over-all term public rela tions, has among Its numbers many competent, hard-working BIE men and women whe do a good ganizations publi job for clients and who do, in Jail One, Commit Two | hest he served hy this more eon servative approach to the prob lem of public relations." I believe it is quite possible for any business, no matter how large or how small, to have a PR program that is effective and economical and which will be of immeasurable value, It is this idea of special public rela: tions departments and consult ants, as they function in large organizations that seem to dis suade the smaller business or ganizations from actively consid ering public relations on a for- mal basis for their operations And vet, all that the large or relations ef fort accomplishes for it ean he some physical detatls of the im provement, when the job willl Township, stated that he had he completed and whether it will cultivated the land now helon {mean more staff, When the lab} ing to Hartford in 1058 and 'H 18 completed you will probably| He said that during the time he take an advertisment and, ifihad cultivated the land there |( the alterations you have made| had been no erosion or gullying|1 are extensive enough, you may on the land wish to plan an official opening! qyve RE of the new section,' sald Mr GIVER Al RE YIELD am 0 Reddit John ' hyn, Lot A Con Honored guests al | easinn ownship o Whithy, 2 were: Wren Blair. Boh Af to ie court that one acre 0 ing d raspberries, on a good planta tersley, Bus Gagnon, H, Binden tion In an Average year and A. Treen, members of the HB Whithy Dunlops hockey team the meet [all expense had been paid, He Other members were invited) gp ir thal the pric o of rasp but were unable to attend thei poo 0c" aq dropped in recent] meeting, It was reported that | years Inst week's meeling had 100 per| "av other raspberry grower, ent attendance Steve Kichak of RR 2, Whitby, {sald that he made a net profit nf 8360 per acre of herries in 1060, He had growing| raspberries for 10 years and| lives ahout two miles west of | Hartford's property heen erosion, ¥ nue had heen graded hy Vet evans Land Act in 1085, He also [stated that west of the Hartford were higher than the property would | produce berries worth $450 after) ADDITIONAL WHITBY PAGE Fined $100 On Driving Charge PN rows PUMP & FILTER SETS (1 your pusrantes), , 8.95, SPE a" antes. May " Oshawa's City Engineer, KE, J, Crome sald that the ity had first spent money on 'artref avenue in the fall of 066, He sald that Cartref ave: land east and =| Sportsman's Corner | 105 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY | I block west of four corners then turn seuth Open Till 9 p.m, Thursday and Friday the I : ON PAGE § FEBRUARY MID-WINTER An Uxbridge man, John Henry | aylor, 26, of Bascom St, was County Assessor Gordon Hep-| Tuesday fined $100 and costs on ditch of Pickering who checked|a reduced charge of impaired the plaintiff's land in the spring|driving when h> appeared be: of 1060 said that he saw signs|/fore Magistrate F. 8, Ebbs, in of erosion at that time. On his| Whithy police court, He appear second visit he saw water run:|ed charged with driving while ning along the diteh on the side|intoxicated In Whitby Car Theft One man was sentenced to six had heen used by Cornforin far trunk, The car, he sald, was SALE OF GOODWILL USED CARS " months in jail, another placed Builder Sent To Bahamas PORONTO (CP)e=A bullder, accused of skipping hit walling trial fraud charges laid in the ordered Faranta ah three salina Fuesda returned to the Bahamas Theron H dered returned Donald Graham gitive Offenders' Act he court was told Jackson jumped $1,500 bail last summer after three fraud charges involy ng $3.012 had been laid agains him Ihe extradition vied out for he has a right to apply writ of habeas corpus The fraud charges allege Jackson sold lots and houses to two different persons, taking a deposit from each Vis Tackson ol hy Magistrate under the Fu Wis magistrate told Jackson would not be 15 days and that for Car HH ABE Ben Maat Thames Boades EASTMAN COLOR oT PERT TT MICHAEL CRAIG ANNE HEYWOOD JANES ROBERTSON JUSTIOE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Whitby) Evening Showy 00 and 00 on suspended sentence for one and two others committed trial for their part in the theft of a Whithy man's ear which was found burned in a field near Oshawa. All four ap peared before Magistrate ¥, § Khbs In Whithy police court an Tuesday Robert Carnforth, #1 stock, who had teld last week that he was visiting friends nn Oshawa when the theft took place, was jailed for SIX months Eugene Waltner, 80, of Elgin Oshawa, was placed on sus pended sentence for one year He is a farmer Woodstock resi dent Committed far trial an a Joint charge of stealing the same Cay owned hy Arther Cavers, 608 Harriett 5t., Whithy, were Ken. neth Charles Opis, 230, of 23 Mantrave Ave Oshawa, and Herhert Dermo, 34, of Bridges St, London, The pair was also committed on mischief. charges in the same incident Orrds also faces three charges of obtaining gasoline to a total [value of $7.85 with a stolen {eredit card, These charges were adjourned until next Tuesday Waltner and Carnforth were sentenced hy His Warship be fare heaving evidence in a. pre {liminary trial for Opris and {Dermo, who elected trial hy judge and jury. Placing Waltnex lon suspended sentence, His War [ship told Wm that he cold see no reason why he should have heen involved in the theft of the car at all since he had apparent {ly derived no direct henefit USED CREMT CARD \ an 1 Veal far of Wood the court at that the evidence, heard last week, indicated that the credit card stolen from the Cavers car willy! damage en Jan 13 the purchase of four new tires and gasoline He also noted that Cornforth's car had been used in the theft He also sentenced Carnforth to six months concurrent on each {of three false pretences charges involving the use of the evedit oard PRELIMINARY HEARING Hearing evidence on the pre liminary for Orpeis and Derma the court was told hy Arthur Cavers that he had looked in the driveway on the morning of sept, 24 and his 1950 Buick was missing, When he next saw it, he said, it was completely burn ed out and all tires and wheels were missing, Twa credit cards were missing from the glove hox, he said, and camping gear was alse missing from the WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY FINED £10 UNDER ACY Jesse Maisden, of Sougog 1s land, was fined §10 and costs ar| 10 days when he pleaded guilty hefore Magistrate FP. S. Ebbs 10 a charge of being intoxicated on an Indian Reserve, contrary to the Indian Act, PC Michael Mallon, of the Whithy Detach: | ment of the OPP, said that Marsden had been picked up at a neighbor's home on Jan. 3 following a complaint of & dis turbance PAYS FOR WINDOWS William Ihbitson, of 108 Wel ington street, Whithy, was fined $18 and costs and agreed 1] AN M10 reanair two win avs In the hams Nichola Kuihnioky, of Plekering Town ship, He had been charged with i considered a total write-off of Cartref avenue which ended, A motorist told the court that Waltner told the court that allan Hartford's praperty four of the acetsed had come 10! dite hohecked the Whithy about 2 a.m, Sept. 34, | again in August and November in Carnforth's ear, with Orvis ati of 1058 and also in April of 1060 the wheel, He said thal he acted) He said that on each occasion as lookout while Owis andithe gullies had increased in Dermo went to the Cavers car {depth and wore erosion had He sald the car was pushed |aken place out on the street and then start Records of vanifall in thela od and that Oyrls and Dermo|City of Oshawa were produced iy left in the Cavers car while he hy Edward Grogga of the | and Cornforth followed in Corns ppetment of Transport forth's ear showed that Oshawa SAW GLOW IN CAR -foived loss fventually, he said the spring than it had during|q, the Buick i . I i was driven into a field, jacked 'h® Spring af the following pg Years i | up, and the wheels vemoved The camping gear was also DEFENCE taken, he said, and he and A, C. Christy, an Oshawa oily(a Carnforth went in Copnforth's | employee, wha owns the land be oar back ta the road and left to the east of Hartford was the Oris and Dermo at the Ruiek I witness for the defence He said this pair came ta Carns Christy forth's ear and he looked hack and could see a faint glaw in the stripped Buick in the field Corpforth, now under sen tence, also toak the stand, He OF had re WITNESS land this thaws on his little of spring sald very He would Hep: lon Jan property (te make a left turn off Chureh [Bt in Pickering Village, when his left bounced off his car and struck De: fsaid that his car had suffered These | $250 damage rain in 1068 duringiihat he had talked with the ae {the influence of liquor to such) Suge sald that a gravel pitjwould be to the east of his properly would duced charge of impaired and averflow during heavy rain or|His Warshin agreed and levied the fine suspended for six months 2 he was attempting At WHIT SOME OF THE FINEST CARS OFFERED ON THE MARK ARE READY FOR DELIVERY ---- 1960 Models in RICE PONTIAC; 1959 Models in 2. and 4-door jobs; Automatic Transmission and Standard Shift 1960 LE SABRE, Madel 4419, autematic, radio, P/steering, P/brakes, W/ wally; 2008 Like new 1960 PONTIAC 2. rentian, automatic, ised and found that. he had radio, heater en drinking. He sald that in 1960 VAUXHALL Env 5 opinton, Taylor was under] dan, like new 1 oy; se 7.000 miles 596 1959 FORD Country Sedan, automatic, radia, like new, operates like new. § 096 Priced at 1959 PONTIAC 2.door Lowe automate, radia, Taylor's licence was| very clean top car, in 1959 PONTIAC 2.door Lew: Std. shift, vary ear was struck on the rear hy a truck, also pros eding south The truck, he said, then 1956 BUICK Station Wagon, A splendid, clean, reliable unit, Goad tires, ele, 1956 BUICK 2dr, automatic, mdie, NT a '908 heater, Priced at 1956 PONTIACS == Deluxe models, Clean, serviceable ears 1957 PONTIAC 2-dosr NH. Top Peluxe, Heater, radia, clean and choice 1 200 At 1955 BUICK dudeor Seden; | owner. Std. transmission, A choles ear in maroon, See it y at $200 smh & 353,70 '35 PONTIACS, 'S4 & '03 hydrant, A passenger, in the uck, he said, was injured. He Chief Howard Nickling said degree that he should not have | on driving a motor vehicle, | Defence counsel John Greer ested to the court that he satisfied with a ve: sald that the tires from the Buick were later put an his car Then, he sald, he used the credit card stolen from Cavers' ear and purchased a new set of POSTAL BUICKS, good serviceable san at low prices clean. Choice ALL CARS ARE PRICED TO tires and gave the stolen tives to Derma $3,270 DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST, §, WHITBY MO 8.5231 Your C.I.L, Paint Dealer Paint ng & Decorating Contracton ha +3 Paperhanging wil Wall Mur WHITBY, East, TORONTO 7, Ontario Post Office Department For full particulars as to residence, qualification re- quirements and application forms, see Posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Office, Apply before FEBRUARY 10, 1961, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue, Quote: Competition 61.7592 CLERKS [ue vonrae vo vow | BE $4,320 SELL w= EASY GMAC TERMS Buy wow before high Spring prices are on wa; Ses about Your sar today == and Seve! Save!l Savellll t and judge for your 1958 BUICK dear, Made! 4411, automatic, 2-tone, Sh/ lass, mirars; factory exees utive car 1958 PONTIAC, Model 7149, Adv, A clean top Priced at 1958 DKW Sedan, Nice clean job, see it tacky 700 at 1957 BUICK d.door Soden N, Top, a splendid operating sar, well tired and 1195 clear At USED CAR SALES... [new CAR SALES ...... pecial notice to small car buyers; we are offering new 196) VAUXHALL cars and BEDFORD 10-ewt, Vans at prices far below the new prices just announced. Get in while they last 1106 BROCK 3ST, §. 103 DUNDAS §T. &. Ontario *