FORECAST CLEAR AND COLD The we day Is the sther office says 16 heginming of the third week @f contininie eae wenther In eastern Canaog Most of (mtania and CHenes WEATHER FORECAST CAVSULL NEWS Too Busy For Marriage SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AF) betes Jome Allysom Mverced sector Dick Powell Tuesday with testimony thet ke was so Tey THRARE iE Leleviaion production smpire he Mow't conie home (6 dimmer. She wise gi a 1.58 M8 AREY settlement wid stony of thelr chiideen, Pamela, 12 and Richard. 18. The couple were married in 1947 pnd sen arated Sept. 1, 1960. He is 5 She 37 PREAS TALK DELAYED WASHINGTON (AF) ~ Presi det Kennedy has ehifted the time of Ws press conference 16 day from 10 am. to 4 pm. EST White House press SeCTRiary Pierre Salinger said the change vas made hecanse Kennedy has chediled 8 meeting of the ng tional security council for 19 m Thursday, Winds will increass 1a 15 ta 25 miles per howr Wn tad! ald Werther 166s Some Hant snow is 1eling the southern fringe of Ona ann forecast In der mud end #nd Thursday in n wi EHievies LF OBITUARIES Wirephota move 1% # SEEKS FUNDS TORONTO (CF) The Cans dien Heart Foundation will seek Continuing Cold : Furerast ather office TORONTO (CF ssued b i Ba. | Synopsis lea 18y end para southern her the we vi fan to Pruspect cold wea Hie Her most of Er Fhursday I fringe of y aw 18 and OyvEy t ein Hs Ontana ane fits €% peeled Thursda Lake lorie Huron, Nia 0 ane clouaine lurrie tinuing asigiiil IS today western Luke Foronto: Cloudy sunny this afternoon COMING EVENTS LIAL sOFRer of Yedneaie BINGO Thursds Lake wing ira Ie iH on onde 0) ih fey Cloun Vhursda wing 20 Thursday Ontario region SOW and con with narihes Win cold on ay easter) hecaoming Fhureday Bag Allert Bathe 8 aad v ar ge's Jackson Ha Sireet a8 pw Avenue M Fark ali welcome POP CONCERT By the Bend eof Ontarie Some Light Snow 0a 5" at f ts NORMAN STANLEY REFSON £1,766 060 ir February cam VE ah gi femoral MINI 22. #f the pee Bn, 2: He-4# survived » ter (stella Maude) ad of Palsle be 8500 666 Door te daor canvas he ed ar brother I ASKS DECH Ig with #f "wi ny $4 ABRATION i idk el Orin in the git eid rt Lahay rly 40 Thursasy (414 son, Lo : ' f i J ¢ es i is Er Winds iW ile ue north 6f 0 He nung Er avi BecHyiing ea § the son of the (ale Herb Beeson his | in Osha decir afternoon hen Lake Huron veglon becoming sunny Iginly clear & cold tonigm here Filirsti Winds hgh he Yampa ? iiidir east 20 Thursday : » tn i } tern Lake Chanel 0 § i Vea (NN BCNOOT BGUEE Cloudy amd shold attending Toledo iH Bley EFNOm School in (ning ery toda factor Ontario region LINES WOLLD MERGE WASHINGTON (AP) Funeral services I Aeroy es - Bo Lougheed |} onmda elearning during the tors oon ode i Rr Wh fl £ cold tonight and rd 14 ght today Combing ry Hie HhEFa) ted Tneed in MOVE Fhiiraae gun ! northeast 15 Thursday tern Leorgian Ba ith snow and con very cold to and Thursday, Winds light east 20 Thursday Northeastern Georgian Bay Kirkland Lake, thn Midhin far of United and ( ia th officiating Grovdon 7 Further ¢ ' were held at the Park Lawn Cemeter Chapel where Lem entombment took n conditin ite h cer n mithwe Cloudy would make | the | ed to sat sh firm fd region he 8 In pi isf irline rit nung day 177) rn IL WAS AI DOTA? MRS, EDNA MAY GALT The death occurred thie regions, family residence of Mrs, ¥dne Mainly [May Galt of 120 Thomas sires cold! Osha Fuesda i Wind In her Galt liad heen for the past tw Khe hand plac a 1 CITY AND DISTRICT ATTEND CONVENTION MeFeeters ident of the a and District Real Estat Board, will hesd & group from the tending the 80th annual eonven tion of the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards in Wind sor Feh. 18 to 31 action » Haliburton al ming Lapuskasing Wdury and continuing vei and Fhursia saith. Ba om Ian ith wear in falling 0 Years clea a dH] ght Mrs health To TORONTO Forecast W Mperatures (CP) pre survived Clarence LL] her hus Pap Galt The deceased was horn in Pi ton, May §, 100), and was the daughter of the late Charles and |#dith LaLone, She was mar vied at Whithy, Oct, 25, 1817 and was a resident of Oshawa Osha Low High large 10 in ( qanization al Windsor .seeseves local organi ni tL, THOMBE srs London 4+, Ihilhener 5 8 it Vickers hemstrongs 144 $34. 006 98 sved 19 fatal WAN COMMITTED HAMILTON (CF) ~ john D Harrison, 45, Tuesday was com mitted tor tral at the emdnsion of & pretiminary hearing here He is charged with murder in the death of Joanne Slockiom, with whom he had heen Hoing She was (ownd battered to death in an sppertment egrfier his a Ll DEFENCE POSIBLE TORONTO (CF) Defence against imereontinental ballistic iseiies is possible and is heing developed, the United States Army's chief of research and develooment said Tues d ght, 14, Gen. Arthur G. Tru dean said in an Wlerview that the Nike Zeus missile wold he weed auainst the Titan pnd Al las ICEM's snd "we expect to knock them down." WOULD START MILI SAINT JOHN, XB. (LF) inson, retiring Bosrd } wesident sid Tues fight the Rothesay Paper ration is prepared to stan ruction of & multi-mithon er mill in Fast Saint i next June if & sritable sie lable, He eaid the fire of the deve 4 feet M0 Herzog adry in noid. Toy nhee THE left Canads 1 Yeaheov Israeli Ambas and Dr. Ar ent famed British eof 8 at he ah @ f endl ent gn ext | annie! # $13 disiniet of Yvonne Dionne Becomes Nun BAIE 8T. PAUL, Que, (CP ( Monne of the 1 quinty the 1ajore wine 38 deficit in the the Lindsay Tumbermen, 846, in overtins last night al the Whithy ( for thelr nine OnE nening a penod 0 down on Vine Ler an LA i INieE northeast muni senna straight victory The Majors scored five su sive goals, twe in the third period and thee in the ten min ie extra session erdict Maloy ng wes In they eompletels ceedings hiehee ( Lovette. sings the convent, sald Miss arrived Thureda after she announced her vould he postponed (or ge of "noisy ter Marie fe ar of Manne hortl enLrance ' " v AAYE hei i" the lesd all eve avertinme dominated pro held Wie wnied by of Mont friends fl arin he girl hh nurse rie de Loretie said girls have joined postulants In the or der, Nine he to don the habit within a few day and begin thelr two-year novi:| ciate, The eight others, inelud ing Yvonne and Claire, willing one accom Claire M also 26 rem 11056 Maclean for the Majors Gerry Vis threat scoring assists, Art Rennick Lawson added a Ernie Mills tallied a singleton pal of groun pre Vor Lindsay, Larry Neal pro vided half of thelr goals, sco) each in the second and overtime periods Historian gre shown as they prepared to face each other in # debate or Wak from the third! 2d ened things up neg the game the fh received se MacLean ta clinch the out of his hand to prevent any Ihe only time that the Hurther damage when victors 8.6 I the main| FAndsas three goals and picking up two highest and (iary|that while! play-off time | The debate House on Israel held tn Hillel Oshawa Majors Top Lindsay, 8-6 Majors. | Pearson ly the end of squared off in ietory for the ards and Alec thes end uk Oshawa en nunules in pen ities for their part in the fray 'eurson tried 1o at ards with a stick promptly gel hut anked This was a most unportant for the Mapors. Their In Increased thelr our points over the fourth place Laimbermen, as thes their battle for the ihe standing for home game If last night's con Indication of what the OHA Interme mtinue iE extra esl 15 an store "A two in clubs, then fans ean expect quite a series Both players| kd Gerry| i lead to come semi-finals between 12, Oshawa Oshaw i (mE MAW A TIMES, PRINCIPALS IN DEBATE the eampus of MeGili Univer sity in downtown Montreal CP Wirephota Garrard, Lawson Arnold, Maclean Fran and Myles SUMMARY Ist Period Dart fills 1. Lindsay (Jewel) TT 2. Oshawa: Maclean (Renniek) soervees Penalties Burns, 16.54 Graham nd Period Jewel Maclean Horton Crawford) ,,.: | Lindsay (Dart) 1 Oshawa: Lawson (Garrard) , Penalties Iindsay Oshawa Lindsay (Jewel Neal frd Period Lindsay: Neal (Dart) Oshawa. Rennick (Maclean, Tran) , Oshawa: Lawson (Garrard, Mills) .,., Penalties Wills 10.15 son 18.57 " ] 10 Myertime Mills Smith) Rennick (Tran, MacLean) eres Oshawa: MacLean 1 fishawa (Lawson 18 150 10.47) 4, 2.1 5 IIE, 18.50 Hennesey 10.24 12.52 Law 7.18 Wadnesdey, Febvwery 1, 1961 J Ghana Orders Otter Planes ACCRA (Regters) The Chanson E67 -IRMERL aW nownesd today 1 Bas ovdered aight Carbon twin i ind planes and 17 Ofer Wty planes from the de Havilland Aireraft Co. of Canada for Hs wir fover ' The order follows ak agree ment last September Between Ghana and The Canadian com pany for the purchase of MW Beaver planes 3 | Bob McDonald BUS, RA 5.6564 RES. RA 5.7973 69 KING 57. EAST o FAMILY SEGURITY Tres: o MORTGAGE INSURANCES Renniek 0 EDUCATIONAL INSURANCES o PENSION AND GROUP FLAN OF CANADA ESTABLISHED 1849 7.04 16.00 9 i] RUG & CARPET SALES Broadioom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runne Installation by our bwn mechanics {Wingham THaINOn ireree Bt, Catharines + Yaronto Peterborough Lenton seers Killaloe +,» MUBKOKR 1ovnnre North Bay +» pass from postulant to novice inl third August Fred Dart, Hon Jewel and John Vinal vows of poverty, ehas- Horton rounded out the Lindsa and ohedlence are taken SCOVINE the two-year novieciate The first period was dull with i hath clubs checking closely, Ae NIlt12] | LINDSAY goal fence, Williams, Hennese Burns Crawford forwards Graham, Horton, Grozelle, Dart, | | Neal, Jewel, Pearson in OQV! torium, this Friday, Feb, 3, ot B pm. Tickets ot Hendes son's or 80c gt doar Aud 7.00 0.07 Regiment, Kemp; de} (Rennick) +, Lindsay: Neg (Crawford) PERERA Penalties Graham 1.12,! MacLean and Jewel 815, Pear: 174 Mary Street RA 8-468) hh A far the past 5% years | Surviving also are two daugh | "etd ters and one son. They are : : § Mrs, Stanley Fice (Vivien) of Oshawa; Mrs. Frank Baum {gartner (Laurena) of South {Hiver, Ont: and Irvine Galt of (Oshawa, Thirteen grandehildren Kapuskasing 1. {RMD survive 8 TEMAINS the Amstrong Memorial service LOTS OF MILES in the Chanel Friday, Feb, 8, at] The following streets will be TO GET BUSINESS ln Interment will be in closed t6 traffic today: Kleven ont Lawn Cemeter n road south, from Gibb street Mileag HARRY to the CPR, Stevenson south IDA ALTON ELDRIDGE tl at the CNIL Athol street : Harry Alton Kldridge died al trom Charles: to Mars is home at 67 Montrose #4 south, Whenever possible enue, on Monday, January 1 streets will he open 10 He had heen seriously 111 for the local traffic past six months In his 80th vear, he was the GRARS FIRE son of the late Burlington, and| que Oshawa Fire Department Alice Eldidge, Ye was horn allo soared a call 10 & grass fire Carlton, Yarmouth, N 8 There wee no othel Married at Yarmouth in 1084 ines Tuesday mom to Letha Ryerson, they maved Ambulance erews answered to Oshawa eight Years ago The deceased has heen routing iploved at Pedlar People [Tyim-Trend, and operated Kast End Texaco Station | Darlington Twp He was a member of -the Prospects Seen Good [ier Rw $20, $30, $40 THE WEALTH | [¥ legce, Port Maitland, He was a F \ JURhEr with the th ant.atrerant she had left there, Nhe reported or alr by wife the theft at 5.45 pan, Tuesday \ EXTRA = Y SPECIAL ~ £50 EXTRA EXT hattery, Yarmouth, N§ CARDS FOR 25¢ OR He is survived his | Members of the South On Lethai one daughter, Mrs, R| REDCLOTHES STOLEN tarlo Agricultural Society were Gould (Alice); two sons, Ro¥| only a set of sige 10 foot " Low-Low * Weekend Rates 10 PRESENT PRIZES Prizes in the essay and poster contests, sponsored by the Women's Christian Temperanee Union, will be presented at a gathering In KBimeoe Street United Chureh Hall 7 a7 pm this Frida) A short musical program will he presented STREETS CLONED | iL] NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, B PM eT E'S HALL Truck Swerves Ss.) 4, ¥40 & F a tripled | JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 ting al y Aare re Funeral Home will he held| Approximately dane i morning fa seh W $140 VEE I MARY'S driven by salesmen husiness 1s run BINGO ning at least 10 per cent high er than last year Average | WEDNESDAY, FEB salesman's mileage for the | BPM | first six months of 1060 was | 1061 miles Make the miles you drive saf er and more enjoyable with a hetter Shop Oshawa's complete "auto marketplace', the Classified section of Oshs | awa Times today Ight ein I'l owned by Genera these THURS, TILL 6 PM, FRI, TILL 9 P.M, SAT, TILL 6 P.M, ST. MARY'S PECPLE AUDIT OF TH RIUM of) Fuesday fire plarm ng ol King ee! by J By will be after binge 16 GAMES OF $8 | GAME EACH OF $10 vaiting at auditerium Is ave SALUTE TOMORROW'S (1311)13 |S 137, 430, 130 Black and White 137, 620, 120, KODACOLOR, Hach Bmm Ferrania, Black and White 40 ASA fmm "A Ferrania lor 25 ASA Smm Kodachrome, Daylight or "A" son Road School, Tuesday when was driven by Kenneth Smith, | [supply teacher Mrs, K. Foy, of 26, of Bowmanville | 1508 Simoeoe street north, van into the school to get an arti lef \\Y " ry 69¢ 1.98 1.99 3.40 5.28 Fach SHARE tion pleked up in the middie] OSHAWA goal, Robinson; son (ecross-checking and major) frame with Lindsay holding a defence, Edwards, Ashton, Fdwards (slashing and major) Avoids B vol 8 us ied spiritedly to tie the game] $500 damage yp, sending It inte overtime. | 0] truck Tuesday |iiynie Mills scored the eventual when It swerved to winner, twa minutes after the| ol hus and struck a extra session was underway ley street, Port Perry, The a REAL ROLE cldent oceurred Tuesday at Chuck Conners, who raises a 11.55 a.m, at the corner of coun: son without the aid of a mother | ty roads 1 and 87. The driver of fin TV's The Rifleman, has four the truck, approaching County!sons of his own and a ( anadian thee calls light standard of a service em: | station owned by J. Stockton of | BEY CARE NTOLEN igmplon ALL KINDS OF CAMERA FILMS hel A brief case and contents I'he school bus, owned hy valued at 840, were taken from| Burley Bus Lines of Cobourg, SPECIAL PRICES 22¢ 35mm, Black and White 20 Exposures AE 1.20 20 Exposures 35mm Kodachrome, 20 Exposures 35mm Kedashroms, 36 Exposures 4-8 margin after 40 minutes | Smith, DetGray; forwards, Wills,' 7.487 | standard Then two quick goals hy Ren Hoad 087, saw the bus, ap: [whe in [the bus stop opposite the Ril loontalned no passengers and | 35mm Kedacolor, 2.18 The Majors fell behind B43 trek nick and MacLean within four Apgregates of Oshawa, was plied his brakes, lost control 20 Exposures 3.10 {early in the third stanza but ral: seconds of each other sewed up| PUBLIC driven hy Earl Cook, 47, of Stan | the vehicle dnd veered into] 35mm Ektachrome 3.45 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION [told at the Genosha Hotel Tues of Courtice and Burlington of niinty mark the spot where two 25¢ PER CARD day that prospects were much Oshawa, He was prado eased bedspreads and two sheets were brighter for the Oshawa Fair (DY one son, John, Also guns {hang to dry behind the home of This year despite bad weather| |" iN to Sistere i 0 R, of RB. Mitehell, 258 Cordova road {the falr hoard weve able to pay Hol! Muntarel and Mrs N Hid (Tuesday. Mr. Mitchell reported off $5000 te enable them to burn nih : tame, hoth of the the theft at 4 pam, Tuesday. | their 86000 mortgage. Also debts| the ay resting Fo "elhe hedelathes were valued W which were not cleaved up fram tb OY uheral Lhane! for S6t/coy oa vices on Thursday, Feh, 2 at previous years weve pald offde 0 "interment will follow in Despite these added expenses|ine 'Uinian Cemetery | the fair was able to show a neti Services will he conducted by profit for the year of $131.35 path Williams, both of N.§ Past President Heber Down Rey, William Aitken, of Calvary told the members of the seclety|pantist Church " ' that now that the fair was com:| Pallbearers will be brother Was driven by Walter James pletely free of debt they masons from Temple Lodge How ard, of M0 Somerville {should put their shoulders to the| AFAM, they are: John Kery, Street The driver of the athe wheel and make a sucoess of Tames Jackson, Charles Wal oar was Wiliam 1, Javdine, o it lace, Ab Hele, Thomas Gross:/H Patricia avenue. No one wa The amount of money paid in hart and Jahn Carnish injured prizes was increased In 1940, | with possible increases in the near future, Prize money paid) out this year totalled $0040.35 compared with $4508.38 for the! Previous year, Total expenditures for the fair this season were $12,620.63} compared with $12,218.33 for the | previous year Salaries which could not be! paid in 1958 were cleared off in 1980, and a total of SITOD was paid out The Oshawa Fair is in a much | better position financially than it has been for a good many! Ci LDREN UNDER ADMITTED 16 NOT SPECIAL INGRAM Sunburst CLOCK NYCAT. Brass-Hinished. Sun Flostole Clock Retail wisHasuouN TRANSISTOR RADIO Bulitsin antenna pulls in dis tant stations. Plays hundreds of hours an 4 sconamisal Ne Hadhlight batteries burst 2915 | For 8.00 FILTRO COFFEE PERKS MUSICALE Fully automatic ELECTRIC RAZORS NSON ELECTRIC RAZOR Model CFL. Giver you the fastest, tightest, closest touch of oll. Retail 30.50 LY SPECIAL 13.80 LADY SHICK Patrician Rasen. Retail 10.9% SPECIAL 7.80 COMI 3 \ CARRIER 1s Learning Te Became A Your Help Will Be Appreciated 196) Madey ¥ TILDEN \ rent-a-car 43 KING ST, BASY HAWA AA 5.6563 YA TA ¥ fF fn eh Alger Building Stove (next ta the Biltmore Theatre), Under the auspices of the Kingside » Apple Hill Neighborhood Association, $000 DAMAGE An estimated $600 damage re [sulted from & two-car collision] at Gibb and Centre streels, al| 11.55 am, Tuesday. One car / rua i 10 WHITRY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday, February Ist 36K. Jockbons 81 and 56: Ba leaves Oshawa Terminal, LOCAL 222 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING POSTPONED UNTIL FEB, 9th owing he Ret your op leadership will be in Ottawe Fab for the Lobby on full 5 _OLOCK RADIO : en wey Mea Retell 4 ar 40 axtra winks WHOLESALE 36.45 h "w 2 te 9 ups Retail 14.3% DISCOUNTED TO 9.50 Greater Oshawa Community Chest ANNUAL MEETING Friday, Feb, 3, 1961 ADELAIDE NOUSE -- 4:00 P.M, Emergent Meeting TEMPLE LODGE AF. & AM, 649 FOLDING 13.9 Qur Price 7.95 BALL POINT PENS Made in Canade 25: PER DOI BATTERY BOOSTER CABLES To avoid unnecessary delay due to battery failure, Use on 6 or 12 volts, Worth 5.95, Al OSHAWA ida HOUSE, 2.00 OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 ALBERT ST, RA 8.03 £ AN Masonic brethren are wigently requested a attend Masonie Service for aur late BRO, HARRY ELDRIDGE 7:30 pom, ot Gerrow Funeral Home Tonight, Wed., Feb. 1st, 1961 Masonic Clothing V, Wer, Bre, 0. D, Friend Thomas J, Grosent fecretary War. Master With ten positions, Warth years An attraction that could com | celvably increase the sarnings of the Oshawa Falr and other fairs Hke 11 could be Harness racing al night. The provincial Government allowing small fairs to have aight haraess rac ing of Wi M ¥ : Ind » ¢ amploam Chairman: F. JAMES SKINNER Execut wy W membenhip mesting Foi 3nd w FER Pn, ® PORIPK reguie Batwaen Gib & Olive) trom