The Oshawa Times, 30 Jan 1961, p. 4

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A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Jonuary 38, 194) A COLORFUL CHRISTENING SERVICE MONTREA! Rev. Robert | suburban Montresl North. | General in Montreal Queen Vahinla of Belgivm wa Inttes emigrated to Canada in ening rites at Ste. Gertrude the child andmather hy 1959 and i is customary thal as rem the the seventh daughter of Mr ented hy Mrs. Emile Kasson comes godmoth r of a seventh | and Mrs. Nicholas Lelotte of wife of the Belgian Consul ' girl horn in Yerzeau (left) conducts christ Roman Catholic Church for | proxy. The Queen Gaitskell's Supporters Plan Drive LONDON supporters Hugh Galtskell as leader of the British Labor Parly are starting ers and political analyist & grassroots campaign to holster The hook i THE ANTHILL o. his strength during the + yu The Human Conditions in Com the nex! party conference in O« mun sl hina {Bip id f a tober. A confidential appeal Bani, Them $ 4 Se of the : # gone oul to his supporters to in J filtrate into their local Labor partie to lake aolfice in local organizations and work lo sup port the part ieader mutt lateral defence poli ing into Hm Kor This appeal has been sent oul fare than 1.000.000 have ted by what Is known as the "Vie tory for Sanity Organization under the name of ils secretary y Rodgers. His letter says; (he disgruntied foliowers of | In the next two months, new|!1e8 Opposin general mangement commit. [COMMON PEOPLE tees are to he elected in most) dnd fishermen and merchant of the 800 constituency parties @nd teachers who have actually fof book with an orginal aj ( proach to Communist China has of accounts of the refuges lists took over. The author point tout th ! the peasants of throughout the country, These| lived under Mao rule and|tance are the key bodies on which the!found Jt unhearahie il volee of sanity must be heard Author Labin did not get h Hast § "You must accept nomination information second hand he BVERINE = Or If local govern: hook in their own words, A to spare. For every serious sup: that Westerners have not heen porter of our campaign, this 1s permitted to se the first priovity of the coming Year The aim of the Gaitskell sup porters 1s to swing rank-and-file accounts of life in Red China from vefugee teachers and scho Of heen written by Suzanne Labin, gime one of Vrance foremost writ: recall s of these of the column and ends ahruptly greetings from the town council! School are hook | With the entry for June 26, when land introduced the municipal! Mr. Grant MacDonald, Prin officers were asked to retire ac ources of information avail: China able on Ife under the re y Lire Man Tse-lur the ' wintry hook {the county ince the Commun helf efuges re not CUSTER'S LAMY i ming Man, ht the ire Lieutenant "THE MARCH OF THE! scouts on hearing the first news the necasion MONTANA COLUMN: ment or trade union responsibil: result, she has ereated a vivid Inde ities seem to give you no timeland distrubing picture of a life| (Burn It tanding Incidents of the famous readers interested in the Indian ®"9 showed the splendid calibre! "Members and guests of thelof the Rebekah Assembly of On: There are also some startling march of the Montana Column! wars DUNBARTON BY IVY THOMPSON PANBABTON Mr. Victor New Annex School Opened \.z=7c. 7. x FORTY PERRY The official He was appalled #t the great Hososl last Thursdey, return opening of the S809 Cen pumber of students dropping owt ing home op Saturday tral Omiana County Port Perry of the schoo and wondered. Congratulations to Mr. and High Behook's new addition took ist what the cause of the mat Mrs, Waller Willis whe cele place on Friday evening, Jan ler was ~ siudents do not res brated their armen " Wary Wh, 1961. This was the ze the need of higher educa Aan. BW, by spending the fay n culmination of #& three year tion in this day and see Toroma visiting their son, Mr dream which brought abowt. Mi. J. 8. MacFarlane was Douglas Wille and arid through the untining efforts of given the honor of expressing The bid ia Auitliary » the present school hoard and the appreciation of gif assem holding ther ug esting 9 their associate under the Wied in the guest speaker, who i 1 your Bg fon i splendid leadership of Mr. Wil- had taken Gime from Ws busy taliation of sificers and 8 Fim bam T Beare chesuie Ino show such an Miracle of the Bees Extensive preparation and terest in the community wel Mr Howard MeClement had AHErDRtion went Into this tig: en ithe misfortune to (38 on the lee evening and 1 was quite 4 Warden Anson Gerrow Made! oi home and fracture his right appointing Io see about four bis first official speech When! yu rist on Saturday evening, The red people in this vast he brought greetings from the break was serious enough 19 gisditorium 10 do honor 1a the members of Omario County warrank suregery in Osh aw i men who were responcible for Council {Hospital on Sunday morning by this beatiful structure Beveral magnificent presemta-|a hone speriahist Among the dignitaries present ions were received by Miss All Congratulations to Mr. 6G were the newly elected Wardenileen Parker, on behalf of the Pitz who was presented with of Ontario County, Beeve Anson school. Mise Morwenna Herns, his wings ot the Wings Parade \Gerrow, Reeve Farl Dowsell, of |# former French teacher of the -- . | Uxbridge Township, Reeve Neilloid High School represented the mith, of Fast Whithy Town. |Beugog Chapler Imperial or ship; Reeve Samuel Ovier, of der Daughiers of the Empire en | Reach Township; Mrs, MeNeill, | when she presented two com {inspector of Public Schools fori Pele sels of flags, the plaques tral Ontario County High Schoot, The Student Council, represented sion to » Belgian. Shown in hy the president, Mr. Dongla the photo are Father Yer. |ALSO PRESENT ieMillan, presented a substan wean, gndi~ther Le pold La All members of the Central tial cheque Lo defray the expen { the Fireside Bar BQ, near hale, Mrs, Rasson. an unident- (Ontario District High School ses of the beautiful drapery 0 a 4 Y So a banque! was Wied nurse and Mr. Lelotie [Board of Education were pre-| which enhanced the hackgrmund| en ne The banquet was held | (CP WIREPHOTO) sent with the exception of one-- of the stage. The Port Ferry Hoi of Sister Lowise Clarke these were Messrs. H. B. Lockie ¥Vionsis and Eleanor Flower President of the Rebekah As ORONO Eighty three Be hekahs and Oddiellows gathered 1} ® " ' » Heginald Foster; Haymond Fra- Shop supplied the gorgeous fin embly of Ontario, Sister Clarke 15] n 11 V 1V1 Wek; W, HW, Gilfillan; Harold wer ecrealions which made anlis a member of Mystic Link 1 Y Holty; Edgar Johnson; J. 8, Me: excellent addition to the sihool Lodge, Torontn, and as pres) Varlane, A, ( Richardson, decoration dent, made her official visit to Lorne Tindall and Noman Alex Fhe principal, of the school, this district. Beehive Lodge, LJ Ll ander who is the secretary of Mi Grant MacDonald was Bowmanville, joined Heather 1 e n e ina the hoard. Chairman WW. T.\called upon in speak. His main! Lodge tn make necessary #r Beare extended a word of wel. remarks hased on the regrets|vangements. Directly after the the policing under command of Colonel John come and reminisced briefly on thal he had not ene ouraged the hanqguet the party proceeded to under the current re: Gibbon, to participate in the several details pertaining tn the students of the school to attend Orono to the 1.OOF. Hall a plowman what the policies of land ning on March 17, when five and the necessary renovations to, Those responsible now in car Grand presided with Sister Em ollectivization Bioux campaign of 1876. Begin construction of this new wing this memorable oceasion Sister Maude Cooper as Noble companies of the regiment left the present building. Re I. J.\rying on the wonderful tradi ma Lunn, viee-grand assisting Fort Shaw, it races the progress Gibson of Port Perry brought Hons of the Port Perry High First Order of business was receiving visitors. The Assembly Gibhon's command camped on representatives and the vice cipal, Mr. J FE. Baxier Mr. companied hy an escort. The Red the site of present Crow Agency, chairman of the Board of Bdu- A. C. Buchner, Miss ( atherine!| visiting brothers and sister were Montana, amid ahundant indi: cation introduced the member: § hristy, Miss Alice ( hrysler, Mr. given a hearty welcome hy the that help to bring that vast cations that Custer's Seventh of the Board and its associates. U. K. Cole, Mr. J, ¥. Jefford.| Noble Grand. Beehive Lodge of into clearer focu | a timely and invaluable A letter written by Bradley des: | poniesenting the Atlantic Con. Donald, Miss Norah MeCully,| making an arch, each holding a on! eribing the findings of the bodies siruetion Company, gave a Miss Yvonne Mek adyven, Miss! long siemmed carnation which Cavalry had met with disaster |The contractor, Mr. Wm, Smidt, Mr. RB. H. Litt, Mr, B. I, Mac. ficers formed a guard of honor on the Custer haltlefield on the prior outline of the work in- Aileen Parker, Mr. |. W. Park.| were later placed in front of the Little Big Horn is appended 101 onived and the Architect Mr. insan, Mr. J. D. Payne, Mr. M Nohle Grand provide a fitting conclusion George Tonk extended his W. Pashler, Mrs. Caroline 8aun The honored guests who were This 15 more than an account congratulations and declared he ders, Mrs, ¥. EB. Watts. Missi escorted in and introduced were opportunity in take full advant trict No. 7 West; Sister Edna incisive and was a gifted writer with definite B ' 4 2 it | fly y age of the facilities of the larg Jex, Port Hope, District Dep scientific and historical inter Rfe Of the laf os of the large owmanvi é uty President of District Num stage and auditorium in develop 2 " WH 8 ste et Pierce ests, He was also a man of In| c oe Saloni along the lines her §; Sister Violet Pierce, Lind to he made of Custer's finite curiosity, whe not anly re Wii R t M t say, Past Becrelary of the Re: earded the daily progress hui of dramatics, music and es 0 ary ee ] hekah Assembly of Ontario; Bis Journal was first publish #5 a delegate and then as aniwent to Hong Kong to interview ed in a limited edition in 1806 officer of your party, even if it! her uhject and, In many a new edition has now heen pub means giving up your only free case they are quoted in this| lished of pecially orchestration work. Mr Tonks presented a hrass plague to the school In commemaration! also added "historical notices the country traversed' His de eriptions of the grief of the crow BOWMANVILLE (Btaff--The|ter Ivy Arksey, Brooklin, Con varld today is going through an| ductor of the Rebekah Assembly Inustrial revolution, second only| Sister Gillispie, Lindsay, Mus- The 46-volce student ch to the introduction of the as.|ician of the Hebekah Assembly of the disaster of the Little Big NEE SHIAERY CROW, UR: | sonbiy ine, said "Slim" Par. of Ontario; Sister Mable Disney, | this ares, and Principal Peter Mo the ten provindal coats of Bernhard of the Uxbridge Cen. #IMe ani a speaker's leciern e e a 8 ee 4 of a military command moving hoped to see and hear that thelCatherine Sheehy secretary, | SISter Stonehouse, Oshawa, Dis-| Bradley through unsettled country again: students of the chool had the Itriet Deputy President of Dis Mest a primite foe, The lieutenant wt the Oshaws Mrport last WRK Congritiiations to Wr. and Mrs. Dongias Green whe were married in Dunbarton United Chwrch on Saturday, The bride wes the lormer Mentyn Bavey The happy conpie wifi fe Wn Halifax, B86 where the groom stationed with the BOHN b bridal shower was held pa Thursday evening, Jan. 19 # the howe of Mrs, Bran Me Combe who »as ont hoviess with Mrs. Jack Pinpos in honor of the approaching manage of Miss Marilyn Ravey Little John Barris, son of Mr and Urs. Athert Harms, was ox years oid Jan. 0 Mrs. Alex Gowrlie epleriained the §t. Andrew's Ladies Aid last Thursday afternom Mrs. Marjorie MetCombe and son Barry of Willowdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Me Combe and family on Sunday Mrs. Florence Quinton's fu neral was on Tuesday sfilernoom in Bt. Paul's Church, Dunbar ton Mrs. James Mcintosh relyrn der on these point Bister Disney brought greet ngs and good wishes. Sister Pierce brought greetings and congratulations. Sister Arksey thanked Heather for her invita tion, this being her first visit to Oronn Lodge. Sister Gillispie thanked for her corsage, dinner and invitation, Sister Jex thank: | ed Heather and Beehive for din-| ner and corsage and the eo operation she had received from! her district of home last week from Wie ex tended view tn Scotland INBARTON UNITED CHURCH Fhe regular mormeg service wis conducisd by Dr. W, Me Kay with Mrs. H. Stroud af the organ. The Junior congregation combusted by Miss Doreen Davidson. The anthem was He'll be Abie", The seriplure reson was taken from Watthew 5, verses 17 (9 4%. The text was Laken from Exadus I, verse 19, Thou shalt have no other gods before me'. We must lesen how 19 hive with the law. The Jews used the Bible by hooking wp the Md Testament to find ou how God would approve of bis ie. The 04 Testament wes # tower of strength In the Jews The law was written down for Wim. The. 19 commandments would answer most of e's or dinary questions. God's pre fection was seen as RB reward for gnodness and obedience and the Jew was very hostile to nie who did not ohey the law Today we have a different view of the law with the many types which we regard as & restraint or damper on our lves. Jesus leame not 19 alter the basis of ithe law hut said "I have nol come 10 destroy but to fulfil." DEAMA WORKSHOP BOWMANVILLE (Biull) - |New members are welcomed in altend the next masting of the Drama Workshop 10 held Thursday, Feb, 2, at the Bow manville High School, 746 p.m TRIAL BY JURY BOWMANVILLE (Btafl) ~ The Choral Bociety's presents tion of "Trial by Jury," will take place March 34 at the Bowmanville Town Hall, The lead roles have all heen cast but there are opentn % for 8 few more chorisiers {or anyons in terested | ue nme" PIAA Is OEBORAH NOBERT AHH L} Fe oh TECHMICOLOR® WARNER B08, > Times 1:88 » i) « hidb Last Complete Show 8 pm Disaster' | Horn 18 a classic in the litera iy y the capahls supervision | ester, Public Relations Dept, |Oshawa, Past President of Re Lid.) [ture of the American west Miss Yvonne MoFadyen, rend: ger) 'paranhone Company, Tor. hekah Assembly and Sister Lou: This book is a rare treat for|®"®4 four outstanding numbers gpg ise Clarke, Toronto, President of training they are receiving Bowmanville Rotary Club were|tarin, These guests were given (along this line, Greetings from fold Friday, that machines to-|a warm welcome hy Sister Maud {the Department of Fducation|day although incapable of crea Cooper, Noble Grand and were ' 5 hrought hy the District Se ) ; / 4 Heala By lars who describe the sad plight | Wan brought b l itriet Bee tive thinking or having mans! asked fo be seated on the plat opinion at the grassroots level : : ax a e ondary School Inspector, Mr, | logi si JRL mans) back behind official policy in|® the intellectual in a counts r 0 w I 0. en pply the same form where freedom of expression time fe ext October's annual ie for ne hers annua has heen ruthlessly destroyed conference Fowler number of answers to ques: Sister Emma Lunn, viee-grand The guest of honor, the honor: tions put to it, in one minute, gave a full report of the ae {able Matthew B. Dymond, MD, [that would equal the thinking! tivity of her committee since + > " and where the search for truth of i Saye lu litte litthood has heen submerged hy doeirin ( "ouncil Meets was Introduced hy Mr. A, C.|eapacity of man over a period| last meeting, Sister Irene Mur: y nis } | Madame Labin Richardson. In Dr, Dymond's ad-|of one year | vay, Treasurer reported the bal: opposing sides in the Labharp #7 regulation Party's defence battle is shown! learned from businessmen the in an announcement made hy Workings of the Communist ef Mr. Galtskell's chief opponent, onomy and the effects of rigid! Safely Frank Cousins, He says he will| economic controls on the daily report not compromise on his demand! ve of individual Pepsant ity that Britain should unilaterally men and women describe their ear of public its sixth In additional to the usual dress, he reminisced on the past| "Master Minds at Work", ance of each account; Secretary iervice, the Ajax Highway Safety Programme school activities in this commun-| Mr. Forester suggested, are a|Sister Mae Allen reported she Council held its annual{three meetings were devoted ity and stated that the school Necessity fo miuntain the ad (had sent out all letters which the to safety in the home. Miss originated or was founded in Vanes clence problems that Noble Grand had instructed her Judy Adams of the Ontario| 1868 and was brought to the ©XI0 in this Atomic age to send were Safely League spoke on safety ground hy fire in 1026. He He then demonstrated the! Initiation degree was confer serap (he H-homb, This was is-|roles in a collective "anthill" lected to serve during the 1061: measures to he taken around hrought offieail greetings from Phone of tomorrow which will véd on one candidate from Bow sued prior to an important meet. Society Hd term mg of the shadow cabinet, the Fifty-four vefuges peak national executive and the|throughout the pages of tS weiner Trades Union Congr lo dig: book and, in #0 doin EY liam Shaw cuss defence policy, Mr, ( ausins| form i Cross section of all cla Saunders and his fellow rebels were heaves Davis tly defeated at this meeting lo Five women tell of the libera: gang tion of Chinese women working under Mao, Ping, a student they intend to carry the fight to the party's annual conference again, as they did at Searbor:| carefully explains the technique | Ber of hrainwashing: a scholar nam: tion ough last year ana . IKE CHANGES LOCATIONS Farmer President Dwight | er US treasury secretar day Eisenhower pases ith hig | and Mrs, Humphrey at Mile | hunting rounds from { stone Plantatiun near Tham host G \ sarge Humphrey mn | asville, GA. lke arrived to { ganization the house; there was a panel| Premier Leslie Frost and his! "ein time, capable of allowing! manville Sister Betly Major, (Kay) |Mscussion put on hy members| fellow-colleagues. He fell a per: @ Person to phone anyone, any-|acting as Noble Grand during t Wii,|of the local Health Unit and a sonal interest in the school as hel Where on the North. Ameriean|this part of the meeting most informative tall, on firelhad been an active membey| "O0HNeNt without the aid of a) Under order of husiness "Gand A. p. [hazards and five prevention was!of the schoo! hoard for some rd party and Welfare" Bister Louise | given by Mr. R, Nicholson and three years before entering poll: | | Clarke was asked to address the H, Revers of the Ajax Fire Defies and was keenly interested BEGINNERS CLASNES {meeting she pro¢ eeded io five [Partment in the students of today and their) HOWMANVILLE (Staff) « VOY yp ly the ou | - The School Safety Patrols con: | welfare along educational lines, Beginners' bridge classes spon:| !* igi Bring a ) " 3 il 5 {Hnued their very good work, | sored hy the Bowmanville Reg:|'M' nh n hi mem ers {and as a small token of appre. | reation department and under| Nd train them What 18 your ciation the Bafety Council | : the direction of Gordan Adams, @ittude toward Grand Lodge | awarded certificates to all mem ourtice Ajax (who has for the past few (and your own lodge--Are we {bers of the patrols in Grade 8, years instructed classes at thel®ach doing our fair share--Co [both at 8t, Andrews and St Oshawa YWCA), will he held(Operation 15 sn essential in Hernadeties Schoals at the i WA M t every Monday at the Lions/everything=Vital point is sin of the school year, Equipment ee S Centre for 10 weeks commence: |cerity==Let us he sincere in acts for the patrols was provided hy | [ing February 6 and deeds to each other Am the Lions Club COURTICH Ihe regular] | setting a good example? Am The Child Safety Programme | ON Y meeting of the WA of Veteran Actor Chill Wills, born) I practising the Golden Rule? continued in the schools wil ourtice United Church was held [on a scorehing July 18 in Texas, | These were some of Sister lectures by Sgt. Shaw and Cor on January 26 following pot luek|got his first name as a sort ofj¢ larke's headings which she ! | [supper Phe president, Mrs, H.|wry comment on the weather. | stressed, each one should pon You, ton, will have a good "Mayhe I am, but that hasn't stopped me from having fun! At Arthur Murray's, there are lots of folks my age--younger ones and older anes, toa=and we all have good times together !® JAH, time at Arthur Murray's, hecause stu: din parties ave included in your course, And learning in danee Is sn easy when you put yourself in the hands of an Arthur Murray / teacher who guarantees your hes OS coming a wonderful dancer dios open daily 10 AM 10 1( Studios open daily PRIVATE PANCE LESSONS (Adults @nly) ARTHUR 1113 SIMCOE 5Y, § W. MARKS, , Sue ) I'M, 1pm to 10 pom, ia OFFER '15.00 MURRAY LICENSEE RA 8.1400 stable Stephenson of the Paliee | Vargo) presided. Several money Hepartment on the "Elmer | FAISIng projects were discussed | poe nafety Campaign, and on bisland a few made definite. Miss cycle safety, All equipment for|p ' ) ova PIS | d Jes the campaign was donated hy! hy Hers oh A shecia| fuest FIRST TIME ON NY OSHAWA SCREEN ! the Kinsmen Cub of Apak {And provided four lovely piano A successful Rieyole Rodeo, a setions The Reverend Harold A {alainton was present to take " , § ; wat Srganised by Ar be RAMS part ih the installation of offi } PBA: oaps for 1061, The acting pre ty Council on June 18. A total | don will 1 or hing, bres on Sluldren took pant PEAS The vice « presidents will inlude a "i AAT the ee presidents, of the both bays and girls, The prices val hg el to he Sieeied were donated hy the Rotary Sou roy Hh ha VOROLArY [secretary rs tol Club, the University Chapter | assistant secretar Ne Mrs Roh digg and the Student council aff ert Johnston; corresponding sec e High Schon retary, Mrs. George R Ms ge Reynolds tne meeting during the vear|pianist, My Clifford Ryan; sulla was devoted ta the teenage parsonage commitiee Mrs . . I -------- group with the Rover Scouts|Stanley Kinsman and Mrs. Wil vited aN special guests. A film liam MeKnight; devotional con Last Date" was shown at the! vener. Mrs. Kenneth Ellis and meeting which had a particular | Dower convener. Mis Lienrge - Apheal 10 this age group Tohnson { It was found impossible to] Mrs. K. Bilis led the devotion 4% 1 Shialn the Sptely Lane fram the, al period assisted hy Mrs. ( LA T & DAY usual source this year but the! Adams police department undertook a he Missionary AFTER-SCHOOL series af spot-ohecks of vehicles Mrs. W. E MATINEES DAILY AT 4:15 P.M, Se Cre lary | Warburton, gave [resulting in a total of 512 dopa of the y tudy of "Inte Al fects » | 3 ' ened. The driver ors asked ond oe ed : 10 repart to the police office eal a emmen Th {with the defects remedied, which apecial guests for the Fehr GREATEST in Almost every ease they did, | ary meeting will he Mrs, Rich ADVENTURE At the Sports Day held in July fardson, Mrs. Crowles and Mrs STORY OF {a float was put in the Parade Ives, executive members of the THEM ALL! | representing the work of the! Oshawa Preshvtery WA. The 4 {Safety Council, and a Child Sab | amalgamation scheduled + fo 1 ety Programme was put on 1982 will be the subject af their {September when the childvenitalk. This will be of returned to school terest to all mamhers Early in January the Safety World's Day of Praver will he {Council was honared when the held at Courtice United Church Feature at President was asked to sit onan Fehruary 17 at 2.80 nm. All 145%-4:20 a Pane! of Safety Council at members of the Courtice circuit 6:38-9:23 the Road Safety Workshops in and their friends are mvited to great in THE MADNESS Shamed in the streets, wAND |Tarante, sponsored hy the De: attend. The guest speaker wil partment of Transport be Mrs, Kenneth Werry fighting for survival pr. OF LOVE AND WAR! ., ii i i fia Sonne YT De OT

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