The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Times Published by Canadion Newspapers Limited, B6 King $t. E.,, Oshawa, fe: Pose 6 Saturday, Jonsery 28, 1941 Absurd Margarine Law Breeds Silly Protests Silly laws have & way of bringing out silliness in people, The Ontario law thet says manufacturers of mergarine cannot eolor their product but can provide housewives with the mesns of coloring it, is about as silly a lew as one could wish to find, And whet could be sillier than indignent housewives busily mix ing coloring into mergsrine on the steps of the Parliament Buildings ef Queen's Park? The housewives meke a. grest to-do shout the time snd energy they con. sume in the daily chore of mixing the coloring substance into the margarine use, The chore, they claim, takes about 15 minutes & day, and they want to be relieved of it. Those 15 precious minutes oould undoubtedly be put to more constructive use ~~ talking on the telephone, perhaps, or watching some dreary afternoon serial on television God, Money BY THE REV, A. WOOLCOCK Bt. Mark's Church, Dshawa Money is 8 token of our claim upon a share of the world's good things, Before money was invented people used to satisfy their needs by their own lebor, and by the system of exchange called "barter", As civilization became more complex fixed tokens of exchange with & commonly recognized value which were to represent the goods, be- came the practice, This leads us on to the important fact of the necessity of food, clothing and shelter, Where does gll the food come from? Either out of the ground or from animals, or both Where does all the material come from that we use in buildings? Out of the ground of course, Everything that we use comes straight from Nature (as some would say), but I would say ~~ from God Himself, Whatever money we possess is just a token, and is a part of God's creation, What an illusion money can be! It can hide our dependence upon God, or it can hide man from man, and blind one's eyes to the desperate needs of all those in dire need, In a world full of God's gifts there are still millions of people-- about two thirds of the world's people~ in desperate need, and at this moment dying of starvation, Think for a moment about the earth's resources, One third of America's fertile soil hes been lost since the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, The productivity of the land depends upon its top soil, and it takes 3000 years to build up just It would be so much more refreshing and effective if they orgenized s cam- paign of laughter, The telling argument sgainst the law is not thet it imposes # burden on housewives -- the mixing can be considered nothing more then # petty irritation -- but thet it is such on absurd and worthless law, The legislators insisted thet the manufacturers of mergerine add no coloring to make the product look like butter, on the theory, presumably, thet people would not est & spread thet looked like cooking grease; any coloring would have to be done by the house wife, This silly little gimmick did not work, of course, Housewives may resent the time thus spent, but not enough, when their budgets are limited, to stop doing it, The no-color law is a failure as well as an absurdity, It should be dropped, And Food exploiters, Hidden in the earth is enough food and to spare for the needs of all mankind, Nature's elements are very delicately balanced, and this truth is emphasized by scientists who warm us of the effects of nuclesr weapons, We cannot exploit earth's resources without remembering the reason why God has made the world as it is The will of God is for man to realize that the earth is His, and there are abundant supplies for everyone, if man will accept his role as a co-worker with God Hid in the earth is enough potential power to carry forward to a new and better day our whole civilization, if that power be harnessed to good ends, God has put everything we need for our physical needs in this world of nature, It is sll here; all that a starved and sin. sick world and sorrowing world needs to bring it back to sanity, and te God, A great responsibility is laid upon man today especially, in this "small world" of ours, Man must approach His gifts with respect and use them with reverence, Basically, money has little to do with the problem, except as man also sees that money is a token, and that it too has come from the earth, All things come of Thee O Lord, and of Thine Own have we given Thee, How can we give anything te God Whe owns all? The answer is given by Jesus: "1 was hungred and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me ini Naked and ye clothed me; 1 was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, OTTAWA REPORT Case Illustrates Yukon Situation By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Erik Nielsen, the able and ambitious young MP for the Yukon, has embarked upon an interesting and unusual action to assist one of his con stituents, which highlights (he present halfway position of Lhe Yukon---part colon not quite province Hans and Laura Glosiee left Prince Albert several vears ago to make their life among the visionary possibilities of our las great frontier. As a footnote of local interest, 1 believe that Hans' sister opposed John Dief enbaker at Prince Albert in an election a few years ago The Gloslees are lodge oper ators at Whitehorse now, They have an Investment of perhaps $50,000 in a new lodge situated at Mile 020 on the Alaska High way, According to information reaching here, Hans and Laura Gloslee each separately faces a charge, laid by the territorial government of the Yukon, on the grounds of operating a lodge without a permit, In the Yukon QUEEN'S PARK CCF Gains Seen In In-Fighting THE UN SAFARI operation of many ble to proceeding filling station and so on vanced on their behalf by Erik performance of an act which perform under given clr they sre entitled to & permit to operate a lodge. The commis sioner, or his agent, has so far refrained from issuing such per mit, The application for the writ of mandamus, It seems 10 me as a layman, would succeed if the court decides that the issuance of a permit is obligatory upon the satisfaction of certain prio requirements, Vor example, 8 marvigge licence must he Is sued to persons legally able to marry, upon payment of the re quired fee, Bul if the law al lows discretion in the perform ance of an act, mandamus would not be issued UNUSUAL CANE It would constitute contempt of court to discuss the Gloslee Case helfore (he have heen disposed of by the spproprigte courts of law, But they do serve to highlight the interesting gov ernmental set-up of the Yukon It wag crealed a separate territor in 18h---the ear of the Klondike gold rush, Pro vision was made for a local government composed of a chief executive (comparable to the premier of a province) styled commissioner, and a legisla ture" of five elected members The commissioner administers the government under Instrue tions from the cabinet or the minister of northern affairs, The commissioner in council has power to make ordinances deal ing with the imposition of local taxes, sale of liquor, preserva tion of game, issuance of Ul cences, preservation of property and eivil rights and similar matters of local interest. The commissioner 1s normally a ca reer civil servant, appointed to that post hy the federal cabinet through the minister of northern U.K. OPINIOH Expect Budget To Help Britain's Export Drive By M. MANTYRE §100D Special London (Ex 18.) Loriespunfent For The Oshawa Th mes LONDON ~~ With Pay Hiament in recess for most of the: month of January, political dis pions end comments have i centred very largely on shat is likely to happen during ihe ses sion which has just re ssmed During the recess perig'd, the men whe has been oce yng the spotlight more then any other in government aired es has heen the Bt, Hon. Selwyn Lloyd Chancellor of the Excheqy #1. On his broad shoulders rests' [he re sponsibility for pros nolng measures to stimulate 1). na tion's flagging economy, 16) build up industrial production ts hgh er levels, and 10 make pirssible 5 substantial increase tn the country's exports The fact that he has been closeted with Prime Minster Macmillan gt the latier"s (oun try retreat at Chequers has been taken 10 mean thet the form of the budget to he I ntro- duced in April hes been 4 nder consideration. Bo one ey ects that it is going 10 he a Wippy budget, Selwyn Lloyd hin 1self disabused the people's mind 5 of that idea when he said Un R speech in London "We intend Lo he readveio make sacrifices: at home that we Judge necest ary to keep inflation under com irol and to keep confidence sin ng in our euwrrency ahroad, We vill not hesitate to do this MORE TAXES LIKELY it ean he taken for gran'ed that Mr, Lloyd is sticking fast. 1 his theory that buying al hoi ne must be curtgiled in order to build up exports, For that v¢ a gon, 8 belief is growing th there will he some re-Rrrang « ment of purchase 1axes, @p that there may he the impot |} tion of 8 general sales tax, T) we sales tax would not be impos «A strict] for revenue purposes but rather to cut down the vt | ume of Duying of consume' goods by the British people Such tax relief as is given, 'in ome directions, will be direete d towards assisting firms whig h move into export market There may he a change In Hie income level at which suriax i 8 appind ~ BL present if is $960 0 to give. more ent ouragemen t to business executives fo de yvelon export busine But for the average working individual, nothing much 15 e% pected in the hudget If any thing nis pending power n more likely to be curtailed tha i increased HINT BY MAUDLING A veiled hint that there may be an easing in surtax was thrown out hy the president of the Board of Trade, Rt, Hon Reginald Maudling, in 8 speech which he made in Manchester Talking to the National Union of Manufacturers, he expressed the view that income tax and sur tax were too tough. He said Rates of taxation, particular lv on those responsible for the | direction and management of business, discourage additional effort and risk-taking Surprise has been expressed that a cabinet minister should choose the present time, when budget speculations are so rife to make a statement of this kind and express his views so forcibly. He followed this up by SAYIng periiciarty ie of Yemunsg into new export markets." Many commentators have taken this as # direct lint thet the Chancellor of the Exchequer ends 10 4s someting 10 ease the taxes in bis bndget TO WELP GAITSKELL William Carron, president of the million-strong Amaigameted Engineering Union, has sponsor ed a scheme 10 help Hugh Gan skell out of Wis troubles with the Jett wing untlaterslists, He hes called for a national ballot of wl) the members of Wis union on the question of hanning the H bomb, He is a strong supporier of Mr. Gaitskell, and he is con fident thet in a nations) ballet, the AEU members would come out strongly in favor of the of- ficigl party policy on which Mr Gaitskel) stands : At the Scarborough conference last October, the W700 voles east by this union wes respon sible for the defest of the offi- cial party defence policy. This was done when the delegates 10 the conference on the eve of the vote, overruled Mr. Carron, He is satisfied, however, that a let terbox appeal to all the union members would bring a large majority in favor of the Gait skell policy. On the other hand the left wingers on his executive are opposed ol holding a nation al ballot, but Mr, Carron can command & majority in that hody INTO COMMON MARKED One large British firm is steadily increasing its stake within the European Common Market area, Bowaters, Brit: ain's largest paper - making group, has just invested another $11,200,000 in the expansion of is Europesn subsidiary, Bo water, Europe, which is locsted in Belgium, where if can have free pecess into the markets of the siz Common Market cous tries, Bowater's investments in Enso now amount 19 over 25.900 599, making i probably the largest British investor on the continent, In addition 19 Hs Belgian factories, i has plants in France and Waly, and #iso » controlling interest fn & Swiss company which owns we French papermaking concerns Bowaters are not waiting for Britain to reach an agreement with the Common Market Six The company plans more ex spansions on the continent, and ie next move will be to shift its Furopesn administrative offices from Brussels to Paris Ir YOU have & wvere or shght loss, whether you wear a hearing sid or not, this informative new booklet is guaranteed 10 help you enjoy ving through better hearing. Send coupon. v o-oo MAICO HEARING SERVICE #50 Yonge $1. Toronte Whlnut 42317 reere OT /MV Ni) 8 SEE EE i. ------------------------ 135 SIMCOE 57, NORTH o RESIDENT PARTNERS Gordon WW. Rishi, CA, RIA Burt RB. Waters, €.A Hon, J. WW. Mantsith, FEA, MP Gordon WW. Rishi, CA, RIA Robert W, Lighttont, CA Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. Chartered Accountants FARTHERS OSHAWA, ONTARIO o TELEPHONE Oshawa RA 4 1 iid Alar WH 1.0 Bowmanville Thin 44780 A. Brosk Monteith, B, Comm, CA Georges E Tisthaway, CA Sunt BR, Waters, CA OFFICE OVERLOADED? 130 KING EAST (UPSTAIRS) Help is as near . . . as your phone! COMPLETE SERVICE IN DUPLICATING. BULLETINS, CHARTS, NOTICES, FORMS, RECORD KEEPING, FILING, TYPING LETTERS, BUSINESS and PERSONAL, ETC, "If It's Ottice Work We Can Do It["" OSHAWA STENOGRAPHY CENTRE RA 8-4071 By DON O'HEARN 1 affairs "It may well be that this is TORONTO--Most ifteresting policies and platform for the aspect of the nine weeks of party and presumably also winter sittings could be the pos ig litical in-fighting line With the CCF on the way to This forming a new party, the Lib one inch of this, The dust -- bowls and and ye came unto me, Inasmuch as ye the stretches of desert in the world are have done it unto one of the least of God's warning against failure to realize these my brethren ye have done it that we are stewards of His gifts, not unto ME" TRIN Of Course There riticism entence EA RL and younger leadership group if veally stands for. it needs co A Othe Kinds this 1s @ key political yea hesion, and it needs positive ob re r After this newspaper carried the attempt to pick up the vietim, replied And while the fury rages on joo i / f Sudl . the floor of the house over the iN y tical fight of the \ [+] , report of a Budbury trial arising from according to testimony given at the {ssues and there ie real political fight of th ) hould be gay of course, 1s hetween the Cl Bu Here in a fatal boating accident, we commented trial, "Look what he did to my beat" plenty of this because there are [iherals and the COR and if the on the extraordinary light sentence For that he was sentenced to 60 days plenty of issues On 8 IONE: Liheral leader can take his ha | term point of view the older ob party into battle with genuine imposed by the trial judge on the boat in jail, server will be looking beyond fighting ammunition instead of operator found guilty of criminal negli this to the political battling blanks and scatter shot the We were not alone in our eriticism od gence by the jury that heard: the evi NOT READY 1961 92 session should pe a very . aaah » As a random Uess as this Interesting one ndee dence, The man's power boat had serious offence. Indeed, most of the k \ newspapers in Ontario agreed that the #ay that the CCF will probably 18-year-old youth in the punt was in. emerge with apparently large jured and drowned; the man made no negligence by boat operators, Typical There are two reasons foi 10 YEARS AGO of the comment was the following in this A new printing plant at Har by a bystander why he had made ne the government are still feeling dian Watchman Press TT ---- their way and ave still inclined stances which supported leniency in umbrella of Mr, Frost (some. closed on account of an out News Ever De this case, it is to be hoped that they thing he doesn't particularly break of smallpox ToL WILSON, Publisher and General Monoge € GWYN KINSEY Editor mandate as leadey on the I§ the mast realistic step i 1 al least one observer has seen erals trying to revive their oame out of the Liberal ranks strength and the government in for vear Tyra rae of the lightness of the penalty for such battle gets under way one would struck a punt on Red Deer Lake; the BY GONE DAYS wl sentence was inadequate and invited gains from this winter's session attempt to rescue him, and when asked One 1s that the new boys in mony was opened by the Cana the Ottawa Journal; If there were extenuating eircums to stay well under the political The school on Park Road was @he Oshawa Ti hy haw mes : want them to do, by the way) will not set a precedenp. for light sen. This means the government is The Adolescent School Atten tences in boating offences. The. crown Mot really ready for full battle. dance Act was to come into E , i And the same thing applies to force on Sept. 1. It would raise Tha Oshawa limes sompining The Onawe ines attorney said that a stiff sentence would qhe Liberals. They still lack a the compulsory age limit for Nhl od 1871) and the fey Garelte and serve as & warning to 'waterway cows Platform and are somewhat school attendance from 14 to 16, (sstablisned 1863), Ww punined daily ponfused and disorganized le ) a nd statu mn 8 © 0 aa ¢ sed and disorganized and provide for part-time tech: RS Naiiiwy Nedew ete) bays' on Ontario lakes, At any water And the CCF, traditionally nical and vocational education Members of Canadian Dally Newspapsis # + i Association. | The Canadian brass Audit Buren of Tesort this past summer there was evi used to dealing in ideals and up to 18. The Act would affect reulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Asso be ol . 3 ed personalities rather than speci- several hundred students in O Canadian Press is exclusively entitied dence that such a warning 1s n led, fics -- and therefore always bhi Ingres Ji Osh $ alwe AWA jhibication at al ww dupatched Negligence that takes a life is, surely, able to launch an attack -- with fed to it or to (he Associated Ravters, Gnd also the. lose! news published as grave an offence on water as on the the added vigor of the prospe \ Senior Epworth League tive labor affiliation in its blood: was organized in the South Osh Al rights of special despatches are alse 1» road, stream should be really swing: awa Methodist Chureh with es: Thomsen Building, 42% University Avenus i " ing with gusto Miss C. Har i weside oronte. Ontario; 840 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PO The Peter borough Examiner was 8 8 Mis Pearl Wil Th President more severe: "Anybody who uses our '62 INTERESTING ; his 3 Ty i and L; Trick as treasurer UBSCRIPTION RATES waterways knows how many insolent This winter, however, will be ©" SAT " only the first half of the game I'he Hospital liar ' od by carriers In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, : 2 3 ; 10 Hospital Auxiliary report 9, Bowmanville, Brooklin, |ort Perry Pa] people there are in power boats, who And 1962 should tell a different ed a successful year, Over $3000 A - 3 0 3 ave yy ple rove, Lampton, Franchmany fev. do not seem to know the rules of water Story, and probably be even was raised and a large eleotrie ; o Hey mare interesting range installed in the hospital, one leskard, Brougham Burketen, Cloremant traffic, and wh , Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan Blackstock i ho resent lighter craft One reason is that the PC ang" an electric grate installed in the nurses' residence Pantypoel and Newcastle, not aver 45¢ whether urnider sail or rowboats , ,, When 'Youngsters will have another By mail (in province of Ontario) sutsigs year's experience behind them carriers delivery arean 12.00: eisewhere 1500 pe there are so many bullies on the water, ; h it » sel bi , and along with it move self fhe infant mortality vate was and self-confessed lightheaded judges dependence high in Oshawa in 1920, when 80 Average Daily Net Paid on the bench, perhaps the best thing th But even more InpoRant ad babies under one vear died ie announcemen ihera os of April 30, 1960 for sane people is to stay on shore" Leader John Wintermeyer made Edward Mundy, president of The trial judge was quoted as saying: On the eve af the session The Reformer Printing and Pub, *1 know the crown attorney will ti This wis Hat he inlended 10 lishing Co. Ltd, died ' WRK gall a poliey conference or oor I am quite lightheaded today, but that vention later in the year, prob On the Oshawa marke! eg@s ' ably in the fall were quoted at 70 cents a dozen 4 my sentence, And at this he would put his and butter at 55 cents a pound \

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