The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seterbey, Jensery 39, 199) GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN COUNCHAORS BURN MIDNIGHT OW. Official news was hard to come by around City Hell this week, but big news appesred to be in the offing. . : 1 This was especially so as City Councillors burned the midnight oil long he yond the prescribed period and wrestled with 8 major problem that hes an early deadline for decision, one that could drastically im~ i prove the industrial de- velopment picture in this city, This problem hes to do with & proposed offer to i option (later to purchase) 1 the city's remaining Indus~ y/ trial Park land in the south i end, (some 130 aeres of it), L for the construction of » $7,000,000 warehousing and A distribution service centre y : development SAM JACKSON IR. The city has besn buz- ving with rumors about the potential of this develop- ment, and most of them are true, : The offer was made early in Janusry by Shorthill and Hodgins, Toronto industrial realtors, on behalf of undisclosed parties, ' There has been & hush hush stmosphere surround ing the official talks thus far (and understandably so because sll meetings between the city and interested parties have been held at the City Council commitiee level), Despite this necessary silence on the part of our officialdom, considerable is known shout the proposed project, thanks to & news story in The Oshaws Times of December 15, 1960, which stated in part The centre would cover 1,234,000 square feet and would open June 1, 1062, Labor employed would be about 95 percent female with B00 jobs available for the second year of operation, Similar centres are located in the US, Belgium, the Netherlands and London, England It would include a» 477,000 square foot buying centre for retail merchants only, # distribution centre buflding totalling 376,000 square feet This is only 8 minute part of the story, The proposed plan stirs the imagination and there is no doubt but that it could have & tremendous im» pact on industrial development here Despite this, City Council should move with ex~ treme caution and only after a most thorough exam- ination of the proposal (that involves heavy financial committments for the taxpayers) The announced need for haste Is understandable but Couneil should not be stampeded into action on such an important matter, There is every indication thus fer that it is being most careful in its examination of the proposals There was encouraging news out of Ottawa in regards to Oshawa's industrial development, That was an announcement by the Public Department that the sum of $480,000 has been in the budget estimates tabled for development Oshawa Harbor, Sam Jackson, Jr, chairman of the newly-formed Oshawa Harbor Commission, said Friday that the $480,000 figure was a 'conditional ene" in that it re~ quired endorsement of a House vole after the budget estimates were brought down, At least the stage is set for some big developments soon in the area of Industriel Park, if present plans materialize, DON'T FORGET THE MARCHING MOTHERS More than 1100 Marching Mothers of Oshawa will he canvassing Monday night en behalf of The March of Dimes, so don't forget to leave your front poreh light on between 7 and 8 o'clock, Don't forget to give generously to the local campaign, ane of 200 similar ene<hour "blitzs" across Ontarle, objective of which is $680,000, The Marching Mothers collected more than $10,000 here in 1080 and $0700 last year, Mrs, Michael Starr is Oshawa's ehief Marching Mother this year Friday Works placed of the WHO SAYS IT'S COLD OUTSIDE? Thirty members of the rescue service, Emergency Measures Organization, Ontario County Civil Defence, didn't allow 0 below zero weather to deter their out» door exercises at the Oshawa Alrport Wednesday night, They searched rubble for more than 48 minutes outs donors to "rescue" a mate and remove him to "safety" Joe Garrett was in charge of the group that included several from GM , , , , Lawrence Engholm announced this week that he will resign February 28 as industrial commissioner of Peterborough, Criticism of the city's failure to attract new industry and an imminent econ~ omy drive at City Hall were given as two key reasons for Mr, Engholm's resignation by the Peterborough Ex aminer , , , , Reginald Lancaster of Oshawa was elected secretary of the Ontario Hotel Association at the recent OHA convention in Torento , , , , Signs of Spring: "Nick" Hall has been appointed publicity chairman of the Ontario Regiment's Military Ball, a gala affair scheduled for late April, TENNIS CLUB GETS NEW LIFT Don't sell the Oshawa Tennis Club short, The grand old lady of Hilleroft and Ritson may be wobbly (and badly in need of a spirited membership drive), but she still has plenty of life left, She has good assets too, She could still be around, hale and hearty for many years to come (as she should be) if all parties concerned piteh in and give the executive a helping hand, Thanks to the foresight of some members at a shareholders' meeting Tuesday, the old girl was saved from an early (and what appeared to be permanent) demise, This is another way of saying that the club's prop erty has been removed from the "for sale" list, that the plans for establishing a board of trustees has been indefinately shelved, that play will continue this year, unless present plana fail, Dave Attley pointed out, and rightly, that the sale of the club's property would be "a backward step", In asking that the courts be used for winter skating, he also stressed another important point = with 200 paid-up members the club would have no serious finan« cial difficulties Perhaps Vice-President Samuel Venn summed up the situation when he said: "The whele problem of tennis is that when you are old enough to play the game, you don't have the financial wherewithall = when you have the money, you are too old to play." This may be true, but the club has survived for more than 38 years, Including a depression pepiod that was really grim, AFTER INSTALLATION wlter his in Metropolitan of Veclesiasticnl Most Reverend John WH Dixon, Anglican Archbishop of Montreal, holds the metro Old Mysteries Come To Life Two almost-forgotten mysier (persons who were questioned al ies exploded into prominence [the time of the disappearance Priday in different parts of now have provided new inform Ontario ation Police charged the husband of} Kendall remarried last March a long - vanished woman with after his wife was declared le murder, and an ex conviel | gglly dead, His second wife was claimed to he able to name the Beatrice Hogue, & widow with Christmas-season slayer of six children, who knew Kendall (wealthy real estate operalorige Monkton three years ago An out-of-the-way aspect of | Arthur Kendall, 90, & Care wondall case is the lodging penter and laborer, was Charged or "uy der charge without the with murdering his 33-year-old alleged victim's hody heing| first wife, who vanished eight found. But there have heen years ago from the hush cabin similar vases before in Canada where they were living with their five children at the tip of HAVE NEW INFORMATION Bruce Peninsula on Lake Hu: At Hamilton, assistant police ron Chief Howard Moreau said the On information from the ex: department is investigating "ad convict whose identity was ditional information" about the {concealed ~ police at Hamilton Shore killingg "olice sald they| {reopened the dormant investiga: have heen on the names of tion Into the bludgeon-strangula-l two person tion death of Edward (Kiddie) ihre was feund Dec. 28, 1957 fihore, a hig dealer. in reall omy time after his death, and (estate, in his Hamilton apart [it appeared he might have been {ment around Christmas Day, killed Christmas Day 047, ! Provincial police arrested) His wallet was missing, and| Kendall as he reported for work his opened safe was emply of at Clinton air base near his|money but stacked with deeds home at Bruceville, seven miles/!o Hamilton and Toronto prop: south of Goderich, Taken to jail erties, However, it was uncer: at Walkerton, he was remanded|!ain whether he kept money in sreliminary hearing Feb, 2, [the safe ; for preliminary f The Hamilton Spectator says | [SEARCH FOR BODY "the ex-convict told its reporters Police dug in several places|that early one morning hefore [for Mrs, Kendall's body, includ:|Shore died (wo men in a big {ing around the Kendall's Monk: car picked him up and sald they [ton home, Investigators said Fri: wanted him to be the "heavy day a new search will be made, |muscle" in a robbery at Shore's While Inspector Graham|place, would not indicate the nature of| He had refused because at the the new evidence, he said it is/time he was a "square John," { political cross faliat'on as the Anglican not circumstantial and that wit-| "I know their names, he nesses will be called, Police sald added Quieter Tones For S. Africa | | By DAVE OANCIA He compared it to a League Canadian Press Staff Writer of Nations that actually works, | Little more than a month ago|The United Nations, as it now the belief was that the common:|is, he felt was little more than wealth tles would be séverely|a propaganda sounding - hoard| strained, if not snapped, when used by all with this objective the prime ministers meet in/in view London in March, | Expelling South Africa now The rock on which some|Would probably lead eventually thought the Commonwealth to the dissolution of the only ef: might have floundered was the| fective forum 'in which mem: question of South Africa's con: bers participate voluntarily and tinued membership in the club achieve results, he said, { "We must work to strengthen| and develop this association | and Commonwealth diplomatic| Ve should strive to reach a circles now is that the South Point where we are an inde African question now will not| pendent force in the world, free erupt into a major {ssue of the two power blocs." - \ \ y Various leaders may make TC Rh WR flery speeches denouncing| nant 250 Canadian signals men Prime Minister Verwoerd's pol: ince the force was formed ley of racial segregation last July, 1,340 men have been TRY MODERATION withdrawn, Mali and Snegal But influential African diplo pulled out 577 troops in Novem mats now are spreading the ber, Yugoslavia 31 airplane pi message that moderation will lots and technicians in Decem. be the theme when the leaders Pe" and Burma nine staff affic gather They say this unusual family| as a republic The word in official British INTERPRETING THE NEWS | ers this month; In a rotation Congo | Metro CD Seeks Enlarged Budget TORONTO (CP) ~ Metropali- tan Toromte civil detones rian. funtion today proposed a hidget hs times Fronn then last \yenr's --~ including costs for a | planned shelter for the organ | zation | "The budget of $907 $44 includes an estimate of $400.90 for an | grownd shelter to he built iin the Aurora district from which civil defence th | woud origingle in #n emer: goney, | Metro's civil defence is financed by three levels of ernment | per cant by the wl government, 15 per cent 7 by the province and 10 per cent by Metro, CAPSULE NEWS | Tuesday Picked | | For Siren Test TEST DAY CHOSEN OTTAWA (CP) ~ Tuesdays have heen earmarked as alr (raid siren test days across the | |eountry, army he riers an t nounced ¥riday. Inthe case of a Tuesday holiday, the public will he told of an allernate date ARSON RULED OUT TORONTO (CP)=A fire Jan 16 at the Carson Hotel which claimed two Nves was not the work of an arsonist, the On tario fire marshal's office an nounced Friday, A statement from the office said the fire began in & small shed on the south wide of the building, It was filled with cardboard boxes, rubbish and lumber and could have been ignited by # careless smoker Province of Canada. Beside him, Bishop Brown of Quebec City reads the invocation Market Closes On Strong Note REDS MAY COMPETE TORONTO (CPy=The stock TORONTO (CP) »~ Russian market closed on a strong note farm machinery will be shown Friday, making up for its three. #t next year's Canada farm and day correction industrigl equipment trade On index, industrials Jumped show. The announcement came 874 at 539.50. base metals were after the close of the 1961 show up L1G at 170.97 and Western Visited by 11,000 people in its ( noroved 1.66 at 80.82. Golds first two days, along with a So eased 06 at 92,70 viel delegation, The Russians ! 1,014,000 shares said they would return next compared with the 1.840.000 year to compete with American traded Thursday British, Canadian and perhaps Bleels were strong among in- German exhibits dustrinls, Hayes leading the way with a two-point gain at 24, A REPORT UNCONFIRMED Ins and Nationa! Steel Car were! TORONTO (CP)~A, V. Rm up % at 24% and 11% Canada Limited will soon begin gained | manufacture of automatic vend nlume was Anglo-Canadian Pulp 1% at 42, Bathurst A was offing machines at its nearby Mal 15 at Ak Crown Zellerbachiton plant, reports in Toronto fi gained a point at Bil4 nancial circles indicated Friday (Giant Yellowknife had a one:There was no confirmation from point drop il 12%. Among base Roe officials, who sald only metals, Cominco and Interna hare will be an announcement tional Nickel had half «= point Monday of 8 new manufacturing gang at 21% and 61% enterprise Denison was the strongpoint among senior uraniums, up % TRAFFIC VICTIM DIES at 1114 TORONTO (CP)==Mrs. Erna | Berner, 00, died in hospital Fri Skills Needed day night shortly after being By Newcomers GUELPH (CP)=Immigration Minister Fairclough sald ¥riday night fuure immigration to Can. adg will be limited to persons with a eraft, skill or profession, She told the graduate stu. dents' club at the Ontario Agri cultural College that there Is go: ing to be little room In Canada for the unskilled or half-skilled worker whether he is an immi- grant or native-horn It was quite proper for Can: ada B0 years ago to welcome to this country immigrants without any type of skills, It was taken for granted that anyone who was healthy and willing te work] could find a joh "Today, however, such simple qualifications are hy no means enough--either for the native horn or the immigrant." Canada already was con cerned over the high proportion of native-born heing thrown on the labor market without erafts or skills of any kind 'How much more difficult is it going to be for those new: comers from other lands who, in addition. te having no skills or trades, lack even a knowl edge of our language, customs and way of life? FIRE SWEEPS PLANT RRANTIORD (CP) = Fire caused about $25,000 damage Wednesday night when it swept through the concrete block and brick manufacturing plant of the Paris Dunbrick Compan here, Cause of the hlage, hich caused heavy damage to plant machinery, was undetermined, All Simcoe St, buses nort most northerly terminus extended South on Park aperation, Ireland has reduced Its contingent hy 783 It was announced Jan. 23 that the 1,235 soldiers of Guinea and the United Arab Republic will gn home, cutting the force to 17,658 soldiers, troops and toch: | nicians | Cylon, Ghana, Indonesia and| Morocco have heen threatening to pull out anoeei 6,213 men, The six countries support des posed Premier Patrice Lu mumba for leadership of The During the hours 8:30 The Public Utilities Commission CITY OF OSHAWA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN BUS SERVICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 30, 1961 Increased Service -- Monday Through Saturday All Simcoe St. buses Southbound (except those destined Bonnie:Brae) will operate to Harbour-Lakefront, All Ritson - Park Rd, route buses operating Westbound on King Street and Southbound en Park Rd, will be Service Reductions MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY -- Bus service on Simcoe Street, King Street, Ritson----Park Road routes will be reduced from the present half-hourly service to hourly between 9:00 p.m, and 12:00 midnight, Technical Institute | D ibed As Mode Br eins of Fai (enol, Moone on ome wiib{ond thet. expenditures. wl he Minister aity -, w Ld Just prior 10 the r (these commitments | had the of the 5 I returned (rom opportunity of meeting veriow # trip to the Province of Bask: gr of people and address stchewsn where | had been in| public meetings, vited 10 address the Kinsmen's Institute © Club in the city of Regina, and the students of the University of Saskatchewan, | also Wad that | have ever had the ples the pleasure of participaiing 0. sure and opportunity of vi the opening of & new Here they give young a etl 48 fs wa plaid A ry, on ty tn learn & trade thet will help) fit them into the labor force | mare effectively and more per manently iy in jhe | og A niin that we other PrOVINCSS siNISTER'S TENT will undertake under the new "ii ig of this time that the offer of the Federal Government minister whose estimates sre tn pay 75 percent of the total! erat } under the scrutiny of the House cost of buildings and equipnient! of Commons must account 10 knocked down by & car, Mrs incurred by he proviness, nd Parliament for these expendi Berner, of suburban Searhoro the simosphere In" Boskaiehe: ts nd Met Dt Hrward was the eighth person to die Inlwan very good and the climate lone me nh hese expenses Metropolitan traffic this year, that week was most agreeable! gre necessary, , and pleasant, Each and every dey durin SEXY UP CENTRES Ld QUEBEC. (CP) --distice Min! of iors B78 40 by the House\ihe Session, as in the past, the of Commons is settling down 0 Ministers are subj 7 ques ister Davie Fulton sald Friday he normal routine business of the Canadian government will J tions on the Orders of the Day, £ h the country, The Indget Debite nut (0 them not only hy the wet up centres for rehubilitation|is still going on In the TIouse hampers of the omsition and treatment of drug addiets| and h f members of the Opps in British Columbia, Quebec and ana we have some two MOre parties, hut in many cases by Oniario the three provinees das of Hix dente In order 10 members on the Government most affected by drug addiction Cental committees of the ie an I de " This Fd These would he part of & Pro- gouse : Co iA 3 161 test 14 Ma 4 A i Auiater s gram to rehabilitate addicts iy Ammons have now knowledge of the functions heen set up, such as a commit- his Department and the govern PHOTOGRAPH REACTOR 'ee for me purpose of sugen. ment's policy generally y ' ing any changes thet may be 1 PANO FALLS, Vdaha, (AV) ukigubie to aswure the mare ox. STARRED QUESTIONS The Momic Ynerky Commis oodiens despatch of public bus AR opportunity Is also offeret fly nuclear Jia Rg which ness h 1 Jat his point to the membory of p 4 nother commitiee is sel up| exploded J on. 3 2nd willed oe (0 consider Taio snd television, Avest from fhe Government fhe building housing the reactor still and another 0 go info the uf-| Production of ceriain papers it I Or a | fairs of the Indian administra-| Which the member Is interested Hon, and this has evening . ton, This is & joint committee #nd to have certain question rls from making personal the Senate and the House of Asked under the heading of i AR The Wid said it| Commons |"starred questions" which ma) hopes to install elosed-cireuit| The setting up of these com:|Pe useful to him as 8 matter of television cameras in portholes|mittees brings into the orbit of information or as material for # of the resetor contained tothe work of the government the Speech he may he preparing "" gather further information | various private members Iho deliver in the House of Com ve hee ed 10 A TRIPLETS DOING WELL |e, heen appointed fo work on| Ve ihe moment this looks like ARVIDA, Que, (CP)=Triplets| The government business bus-|#n ordinary session of Parlia were horn Thursday night atliness is of a routine nature now|ment, faced wiht ordinery bus Saguenay General Hospital toland the Order Paper contains|iness of the nation. However Mrs. Yvon Caron of nearby|amendments to present Acts in|that cannot he depended upon Kenogami, The triplets = twolorderd to widen their scope as many issues may oceur dur hays and a girl==and the mother ing the term of this session were reporied doing well ERTIMATES TABLED [that will add a flare to the pro I d ' The estimates of the expend: ceedings in the House snd wi BEGIN AFRICAN SERVICE |Itures of the Government for theimay he presented with prob MONTREAL (CP)=The Cc fiscal year 1061-62 have heenilems of a national aspeet, upor announced Friday Ws interna-|Lrepared for tabling in the which the eyes of the nation as tional service will begin re ular| Ouse of Commons a whole would be fixed. : R CRUIRT| when the Estimates are tabled, = -- daily shortwave transmissions| kisi Ned, to Africa Sunday, The service will he in English and French, ahout 45 minutes each fre. #0 miles north of Edmon:| FIRE CLAIMS TOTS ton, Keith Charles Shaffer, 22 DAPPER, Alta, (CP)="Two in- months, and his nine-month-old {fants perished and the parents brother Donald Allan, died, Mr, of 10 are in hospital following a and Mrs, Shaffer suffered face fire which destroyed the farmland neck burns. home of Mr, and Mrs Patrick] Shaffer Thursday near this cen: ORGANIST 9-12 NIGHTLY Johnny MeMann NOTEL LANCASTER of the announce hbound (except those destined Five Points - Taunton Road) will operate through te (James Park turnaround), Rd. to Phillip Murray and Cedar St, areas, a.m, to 6:30 p.m, all Ritson--Park Rd, buses will operate into Shopping Centre via King St. West, Eimgrove, Park Rd, in both directions, of nations hold out far too much) hope for humanity's future to! risk its breakup through an in| transigent stand on South Af rica's readmission. They're not happy with racial conditions in South Africa, But they're willing to allow South Africa to remain in the club) and are prepared, at the same time, to continue increasing pressures to achieve abolition of | the policy of apartheid | "The Commonwealth is one of | our best hopes for the future."| | sald high-rankng Afrien of ficial who makes no secret of his antipathy towards the pres: ent South African government a J MRS, MITENELL Going SOUTH THIS WINTER? Let experts arrange your winter vacation ,' for you, PHONE . , , Donald Travel Service Over 25 years' axperiense wiling travel WHITEY ~~ OSHAWA ~~ BROOKLIN ~~ Ph, MO 8.3304 TORONTO EM 3.0958 Eulalie--Applehill Bus route, . / H. F, BALDWIN, | NOTE: No change in the frequency of bus service on the Oshawa Blvd, I | SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -- Bus service on the Simcoe Street route will be reduced from the present half-hourly to hourly service between 1:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight, FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION ON BUS SERVICE, A COPY OF THE RESPECTIVE SCHEDULES MAY BE SECURED FROM THE COACH OPERATORS OR TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 5.1011, G. F. SHREVE, General Manager | Chairman 4

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