16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jemuery 38, 1987 pris Member Queries Remitting Fines A NAFFY sespvion The Wirth of pies cid. Tu tell the good pews 6 frienda and REIEROOTS Tne Oenaws fimes & #0 RENE pe Iw pd ut / The dey of Bieth, joel telephone RA F401 The ris is iy W108 CEILEN oo Frank GIREIOR] Wish 16 ARRGVReE (he # # of 8 deoinier, Dans Frances We. 7 win, on denuary T1981, # franann (ener Hanpital and hans (pes frame her SARGIRCR TRE MOORE Wr oni Jonnsion: sie Wappy il of their devgmier, Larne Lamm w We, on Friday, denunvy 77, 106) othe Oshawa Genersi Hospi sl Thanks ta Dr. Todd DEATHS FOTRERGILL, Charles M. W A Omawa, on Friday, Jenunry 5, 196) Eharies MW. Fotherpill, in Ms "9h gaenr, beloved hashand of he Idle Fentrin Chutm and dear father of Mis AR. Gerrett (Eleanor), fahswa, nd Wigther of Miss a ¥Fothergint Quehes City. The Inte Mr. Fothergill is resting #t Melntonh - Anderson Funernl Home, Oshawa. Service 6 (he chapel! wn Monday, dapaniy 36, at 2 pm. 0 terment Riverview Cemetery, Wallace Wisk, on Tuesday morming #t 11 a.m The family will reesive Friends at the Funeral Home tonight from 7 ta § snd on Sunday from 20 4 p.m ee reel In Ficker ng 1961 hire Entered into Nursing Home townemip on Friday, danunry o Th as Stewart Parker, heloved hand of Vilda Ogden Thoraton, in We Th sear. Resting #1 the Armstiong Funernl Home, Oshawa, with memes " ce in the chapel an Monday, Jan 1 #t 2 p.m. Interment Lion (Ceme PARKER Faselann i" er KTAFLEY Entered inte rest In the General Hospital on Friday Wi. Carman Maples, he hushand of Ellen Kirtley, In Wis | ear. Resting #t the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawe, wilh memes inl serviee in (he chapel on Monday January 30, st 3.90 p.m. Interment Osh awa Union Cemeter LOCKES FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for oll 74 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price vet within reach of all RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM CHRISTOFY dear wile, Ianunry 28, 1958 I have lost my soul's companion life linked with my awn day hy day | miss her walk through life alone Lovingly remembered hy hushand John In loving memory of Emily, who passe more memory of » who passed (NOK in dear sister, Edna (ook away January 25, 105% You are not forgotien Nar ever will you he As long as life and We will remember thee Ever remembered by i sisterdndlaw Elens and niece, Donna loving sinter, memory last brother Asa Alexander In loving memary of ao Mrs. Earl Conk, whe me Taninr 2, 1054 In our hearts you memory lingers tender, fond and true is not a day, dear mother not think of vou missed hy daughters and Joyos and son-in-law Conk mother Daris Al i HENDERNON of a dear Dad and Henderson, who passed away 26, 1660 In tears we We watehid Our hearts You fought Rut when 50 peacefully In loving memory granddad, Dave Januai sinking AWAY hroken HW you | fade were almost sa hard to sla we saw you sleeping free fram pain We eould not wish vou hack To suffer all (hat again Ever remembered hy daughter paret, sanindaw Bill and faumhter Mar grand HENDERSON In hushand AWAY cannot tell 10ving memos Dave Henderson fanuary 26, 1860 how | miss him cannot tell what to say knows how | mn that is lonesome evening shades are in quiet alone there comes could pome home think | have forgotten they smile Know heartache al while lovingly mins toda falling my heart longing he onl Friend When at Hut the \ miles ma Hime little hide vind mi and hered hy wife, Me remem HENDERSON In In nema Dad and grandad, Dave who passed away Januar ving fa dear Henderson ont wn wold wealth heart of than a dad with & more ous intold Without fa th only me have of the fell well he movies for but God dads the us to has gained world von Jost esl dined Ever Holl dren daughter grandehil remembered hy sunn-law Al and HENDERSON In loving me father and grandiather whe Passed JANA of a doar Hed "n W awa puuld sa piel wee id gi if we 'in Ane voles, and it 1 wa Hello Dad Ta hea mile Te I with and Wo who have # ehat awhile Dad by I never know PH ven see WW the heartache vaeant eha soit, John, daughte grandehildren ed hy and indly m inlay Helen In loving Andrew Kno a 1554 meme hey who wh \ ep thelr Wateh un (here Kaa not ANEbIN Ke just let him Reve da e Cod dawn and remembered hy Flavence Thal we fargel oved svingly and daughter in-law In loving memery of a Andrew Knox, Wha pass January 20, 1933 nal Need & special AR You ta our mind the days we de not think of you ve very had to find All this world were quis to give We'd 1 yes and More : face of father dear sling through the remembered hy Eda day daughter Come Lovingly Marie. son-indaw In loving wmemary of a grandiather, Andrew January 3 and passed away think of bygone days together in broken now live for ever HORE AWAY he travelled far od God's elernal the gale ala aed by daugher Edna and arandohildren Aly chain were hame son ndaw Lester KNOX and and | In loving memery of a doar ather, Andrew Knox, whe January 3, 19 ave falling od aw A OVERInE shades I Wwe sit in quiet: alone hearts comes a longing, he could enly came home Friends may Ink we have fargolion When al times they see ua smile, ¥ hey little the heartache Mae smiles hide all the while b fo Annis Roa and Know emembered hy Ww faughtegpdniiey and son Wallet ---- TORONTO (CF) tario legislature will serious business of debating departmental estimates nex week, [ollowing fowr days of routine work designed to pt legigiators in the mood afier a lengthy recess Most of this week was voted to the throne speech de hate and a question-and-answer game hy the opposition and the Progressive Conservative gov ernment, The legislature recon vened Tuesday Highlight Friday was a charge by Albert Wren (1, Kenora) that the government was act ing contrary to the courts hy re mitting fines lo persons con vieted under the Game and Fisheries Act Mr. Wren referred (0 newspa per accounts of & hunter who killed a wounded monse to put it owt of its misery, was fined $100 because it was his second moose, then was remitted half the fine by an order-in-council He asked Lands and Foresis Minister Spooner whether the practice was widespread SIX GOT REMITTANCES persons received remit tances in 1060 and one this for a total of $2,150, My aid, Each case was studied bh the department on is merits The. On Pesme he de Yer Spooner Remission of fines is author zed under the Fine and Forfeit Act hy recommendation of lieutenant governor-in-coun ure the vil Mr law sald It was a had permitted a depart ment of government to reduce penalties handed down by the courts, He said there should be recourse to the courts for an ap perl Lieut Gov. J, Keiller Mackay gave royal assent to five bills among them acts to reconstitute and enlarge the department of commerce and development, (he department of economics and federal and provincial affairs and the department of the pro vincial secretary and citizen ship Wren which ! | I i i i Commerce and Development Minister Ministers WCTELRTY ministers Heform Institutions Minister Wardrope tabled the annual re port of his department, which! stressed the importance of (real ment and training Fhe Ontario (raining at Brampton has treated students. and 5% per cent not hroken the law since were veleased, The Burteh training centre at Brantford has! trained 150 students and 40. per) cent have not broken the law since graduation A statement hy the Ontario Parole Board showed that 1055 paroles were effected during the | ear ended March 31, 1960. Al total of 764 men or 75 per cent) and 33% women or 7% per siiccesstully completed parole and 206 men and seven women iolated the parole Thomas D. Thomas (CC) Oshaw called for ern ment Increase ments mean the He placed hand V.eonami Pro remain A ViekKle Allan and incial Yaremko CELLS 4.000 have they cont | | a) the go in As A wellare pa to stimulate | aid mone of the un pent Ceonom in the watlld he and im more employed mediatel job SHOULD MAKE tene Brunelle rane North) said nrve hould he ario"s North to Create SURVEY (Pe an made of determine Coch eConomie Or the developed Minister that the Com can he Affair announced aley fe take vest way i Municipal Warrender Ontario 9 sion getion on projects invol 000.000 and 700.000 yOrk I'he ured federal loans of two-thirds of the| cost of sewage treatment instal lations and trunk se An additional $47,000,000 of project providing Kia man day work planning he said, Other projects with a value of 86,300 000 are heing developed and will provide another 115,000 man days of work ures mi would immediate Ing som man da ol new program a wel worth 0 of slage are in ihe Bid For Odhams By Daily LONDON (Reuters) I'he London Daily Mirror newspaper group made an estimated £31 00,000 ($88,200,000) offer Fr day night to acquire all the stock of Odhams Press, which two days ago announced if planned to merge with Thom son Newspapers Limited in the United Kingdom, nwned hy Ca nadian millionaire Roy Thom son A statement from the Mirror group hoard said they offered to acquire all 11,771,044 units of 10:shilling ($1.40) Odhams stock The offer is nine new ordinary fivesshilling (70-cent) Daily Mir ror shares for each two ordin ary 10-shilling Odhams units The hoard said the offer was submitted to Odhams Chatrman Sir Christopher Chancellor Daily Mirror ordinary five shilling shares closed Friday at 12 shillings three pence (81.72) placing a value of 55 shilling one pence halfpenny (37.7 each Odhams 10-shillifg share Odhams closed Friday night at 43 shillings (86.02) hut in later inter-office dealings 1 4 shillings (86.16) WOULD FORCE SALE The Mirror said that if its hic for Odhams Pre Was acceptec after the Thomson Odham merger came into would use Its voting power u force the sale of all the Thom an Interests including the participation in Scottish televi on that would he a part o 2) on Mirror the new I'he nesda Odhams newspapes Lid u | announced Wed | Thomson Odhams linkup would make Thomson interest the bigae periodical and print Ing business in the world The Daily Mirror, controller of Fleelway Publications, which claims to be the largest maga (ine publisher in the world, said} it had made offer despite the announcement of the pro posed merger I'he Mirror set IS mnsest al £50,000,000 ($140 000.000) The Mirror has a circulation of 4.700.000, the biggest-selling dally in Britain Under the merger plan 1 Christopher was named deputy chairman under Thomson of the proposed new holding company homson Odhams Limited, with ansets of L£A67,000,000 (S187.600 000) ROLE WOULDN'T I'ne Mirror hoard said if it offer is accepted, the London Daily Herald's political role will , hot be altered, Odhams pub lishes the Daily Herald under Heence from Britain I'rade Union Congress, The Daily Her | ald as well as the Daily Mi I ror pro-laboy CHANGE nre I'homson own or controls numerou papers in Brit dain, Including the London Sun day Time He also exten: ive new radio and tele] vision holdings in Canada and I the United State I'he Thomson-Odham new ha paper mergel IN MEMORIAM plans aroused a flurry of com ment in Britain and abroad Mascow radio called it a ste) memory of wha passed KNOX In loving father, Andrew A Iannary 98, 1933 with we path vou memories trod the hours we had with ye with God daughte; mill leave the pest May sad missed hb gavel and songin law PALECHUR In loving memary « A hand, father and eclik, wha passed a CO LA do nat forget you wend | wraniiathe you alten and will te ond anil some, yo forgotten hy 10 OU MEeMOKY, You eve wife ach ane vhored hy his nn law lack Janel rome ne, daughter b and grandehidien Chuck of a fea Who pass MAW In loving me wife and mothe Addie od away January Maw 1060 AY ws doar today 0 hour she pa remembered son John, daughterindaw Aunt Januar wha Atha Kay In memory of Lottie passed away Unele John Stone April 13, 1860 thought of STONE stone wha 19860, and od away dust hrance Just a pass aweel remem sad and true swael devotion Memory Tist the and OF those wha think of Sadly missed hy Verna and children ave Leona "im Wishand monopolization Hritain "the further of the pre mn In Neweastle-onTyne, the lo , cal branch of the National Un ion of Journalists called on the union to membership nd public to halt the I'hamson merger and 1a get Parliament tigate the trend onl marnin avenge hn ROWSPRPOY in Ne owned hy Thomson A Liberal and a Labor mem ber of the Commons have an nounced plans to ask for an mn vestigation of the mergey Both Sir Christopher and 'homson have said the merge: did not represent a monopoly of the British pre | rouse apinion Odhams 10 inv I'he Sunda monopoly ind weastle an \ Executive Fired Plans Own Group I'he Na an organ aims at getting more atten fired then hay (Cr Canada TORONTO tive Sons of ization which Canadians to tion to then public relations PAY country divectoy CARD OF THANKS day Bernard Glaum promptly RYLAND Mere wards nade QUALE 10 express sineere @ relatives, friends and neighbors wh nave hoon a0 Kind 10 me while in hop many thanks for the lovely card antl Howe andl 1a Kinsale WA, iw their love flowers alse) a specia hank you Wo Reverend # AN and salt of Ase deciors © Contre Nis ot hi A the AuTaes Oshaw General Hospita Hrookliin Medical Annie Ryland The family of the Mrs. Pearl Waduek wish ta thank friends and neighbors for their flawe and sols of Kindness, Specia Lg AT RES CON palibearers he Waduek family WADUCK VAR anks 1a ¥ voids and ae gratitude the late the started up the which he nounced he had awn arganization oldian Citizens' League predicted would A withering sewing circle Na HVE Sons in two vear + Vice-President Arthur Hardi | man of the Sons sad Mr. Glaum was thrown out for disrupting] harmony Mr. Glaum accused ranization of hoaxing the and said hw membership hgure stiucuons replace the the or public] FoRoNTH By AAv ances ow The the Tarawa ™ ¥ (alia 194 enanged fn the previews Anis marked § Werks # to WEER'S Moy By Block Bales sil. Corp wim fiom Tar LAL fine AY Vemwina Mh and PR 614 7506 +50 san ad sanwell Cant Fore an Martin Vals Horn 1 235050 Air 217875 197600 fee From Anni pre MM The ddd dl wask wan hit 0% ATIVE Five V2 LL 721.000 Werk ines Wy this Ld fotul FiRONTO Canadian Prem Industrials Aand B 6170 0 Prod Burlington id 162 Alum A wis ] F460 LEE) ) $i) 14100 Chem wis Calieries Hi 13669 Coll pr Car Gan on TT) Mil Cresthrk Crawn Trust Crown Zell Crush Int Crush pi (V) 1 | 13082 1 Beige ELE 1 Coal pr 0 1010 Pham 1418 Dan Wh hob 4am 0 Magnes (00 om ot | a in hin ay 0 ny Match Eoan Fddy Fd \ \ Fam Play Fanny |} Fed Gramm Fleet Alig Fleetwood Foard US Foundin Hone Mt Sin Li #2 VI $9204 45 EEN [EAL $10 sg 8 #0 S160 §itity $105 20 LL TES 100 9 160 fil 104 104 fit i 1" 90 174 i! iit LLY A "W 200 in " werk 4 Aww snies 1o (Gust ations WEEKLY WEEE GUOTES Canadian Prem te Mh Iosuins Ei Rs ann #1 Wigh Law Close EW ge Wigh Low INDUSTRIAL " Ld if fiom the Epis Slik Hales HW Smith 4 Hur Fre Re np Bank » imp Fin ' imp Inv ' imp In ' Imp Inv ' Imp File tmp Imp Tow simp Toh p ind Accep Aeiiar son Jouk { Josh (9 Jack CK p Joh € w Kelly DA Kelly win Kelvinator abate Voalarpe Latarge A Ialarke Brick M Cont A fulson A falson B iolson pr font Loco Toni rug vil Drug wm Grog wi Hos B ft Car Nal Trust a Wie B rth Blar pr 0 Nas 4 Pao Nor Phone ar Phone w thid Luli YW Uni mr Hin H iia wm 13047 Bh 250 10 Ocean Cem ant Laan Oliavi A Overland Overland py Page Hers Peimbing Penmans Photo king Pow Corp Premium Pies Klee ] Lh Gy Ge Wy Ua 150 Heivhold LE] Reitman 0 Heilman A i Hohertson 130 Hoe AV © LELTE] Hoh A mm LU] Hoe AV 3% p Hoynl Bank il, Com A Huswell Corp LCp A pr Miniics Wn wis Wo TAK Tak Vid] LIE 1425 § Wi 0418 BI PSONA hid Mig Mater Ind Aparian Spartan wis A200 watford 1100 al Pay 11h i Wie | (i Stedman Ho veel Can BY] Hi 10 100 4iind wilson 700 Tamblyn LIL] Tamblyn W lexaen ( i] Tenatur did Faninelf 140 foi bom KB Adib lai Eley HO Tor lon 14 Tor Mar p [) I Fin A LIE) I' Fin K 1 I Fim a 450 FF Fin w 1h I'v Can PI Aibun Liany Mi FPYAY) ean PPL, Hi 'w CC Gas ou Ave 4p 14 [IT 10413 Carp in i Aly Hal 100 Corp p nates! Wad ones Iw ones Bi Vie G4 Ty Walnwi Walk Gw Wal Equip mWehh Kap Westool Weal { 147 20 16008 1700 Hiew 10 Fh 100 nny Ho a0 Weston A Weston HB West dlp West tps West Aw 1304 While Pass Ol Wood JA 3a Woudwi A Ad Wand A w UL Fonith 3300 Cuih Andian 100 EY Al 1a fi 1a Rinb LL Ha 110m had io Ch ny Ave Gas APR Cans All Hox Alinines A Ledug Ane hot ANElD Am Asaineia Hailey 8 Haley N Hall 5 Hani Via Homeswd Superior ont Del hatter Oil Dragon Mic Mag An West Poly Dev Pal 2003 Doms Pele He Won 1300 fan ThisWeek "i oy Tite yi 24 CL] iia 24 §20%4 §h 180 §iil4 $1704 fils bite 0d) 51004 $id $10 io ai 10084 {o Maly silly ¥ile bldg LE 0 vi dd hh Ah i Mu | YH] ] x ERT) §l6le alu Mit so Midlh 140 Mite Sid 1) Mig billie Shute Nig Ty Ming yu Sli aly LIU $i su LITE 5 10 1 Ma 0h Sut di ale Shady Sila a 40 810614 FIN 5 si y ia Ho LL) LAL) $3044 a LENE boii LIEN [i 31) Ma a ow é " 44 1 106 00 "" i" iby | "Oils Aad B a A on \ \ LL 13 0 1% 17) 9 or iL n ' ll ig TN ) 10 20% Via bow Close C0 ge ) ih ) 0 1 Al 1s \ y \ 1960-61 High Low 2% [1] Ll in ho ih Ll " fi 1 a 17h ho 254 4 Ho LJ LIA ny ia Wi 1444 » Wy .. i. Polymer Plans x] 13 ne an 14 1] Il I] do ia daly [1 Why iy \ bi) iy TI [H i 18 \ | \ 230 0 00 rtd High Low ww TWH Hla mmr Bales Wigh bow Close OW ge 4475 4 » : pis. 72 Hl i] Ein K ie wy Vs vw ioe 8s La aa $v: 19 ®lork 1G spam v9 ad wm ao ia in Biss Yim id 1418 9% i 1660 ad Fargo Fr Pele pr Gr Plans Home hi A Home OM B He on 6 fump Pad duplay #4 8G wi ow ko ¥ ue iis rd 217m ad Lad 720 Wis Landa Ii Pele Ling FPoimt Marans YM arigain avi mie Seda Medan Mil City val Peis Canc 3 Cont AA Davies 450 Barthes Ed Oils 1d CO wis 1% Mavihid aad Ti0 Yael win oh kaltn Vac Vein Pac Fete wis Vamull 4 Permn pr 11500 Peru his 2400 mm Ih He Bim 1 A Ee raid 2 ys oz 102 a 3 3 us wl " 6h 4 1% Fi] on ) 4 ] #75 80 vi 1) vl $46 46 AS 17 4 1] Bape Bapph dens n OG Lin OG hii ne {ules Ww Decalls WwW Navn indiall Yon Can fark Dalhousie A Abacus I Acad Uran Advorute wh FU 7 7" "wo 4 4 10% 0 i] 10] LAEE)] 197600 Amal Rare Am Nephe Anioon Anglo Ansil Alea Hur Vion A Arcadia 2 Atlan CA 138130 Atlin Ruf 170000 Aumache 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Aonsmith, dowsey Kenvilie Kerr Add Wilembe Kirk Min Birk Town Kaopan 1 A tindd I Duin Lake Ling bo Osu L shore I» Loe Lampg Langin Latin Leitch Lesingin I1, Ioae Lavi win Varun Am wis Mardon Masi ie Maul eod Madsen Iagnet Mulartie Maneast U Man Bay Maritim Matin Matateh Matagami Mayhrun Melntyr Merl Meta Up Midrim Minds Min Corp Mine Moneta ML Wright Multi-M Murray Nima CR Nal Kap Nealon rene A | Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity | Wether IW Seies High Low Close OW ge Wigh Low vise 7 15500 4 iwi6 $i 1 2s Bn 7 os i" 4) 7 17 =i 2 ia 4 Ld Wa a 1h 1600 WNT is #4 LL to N 2095 $204 28 650 44 4 wm 50 17 4 we 5 Ws i» 41 390 She 40 iim ws son. 13790 1500 i] Ld 2% 25 7815 Ml id . 70M ih 778% Li] yy as LL 100 10 TI] 17700 a il} 84 wie » 1509 Wa 1065) 28 1 12 12653 18 5000 12 ns 41h 7 Bis is Win 6% Ha 400 Tin / 494 Zig is Wh h 5 UK 431% + By = bg 660 6 M0 7 i f 4 We Ms + 13s I ~3 Ws sg 10 20 18 $70 2] nes 13 6500 43 4000 4 0243 §idly LJ Woh 70 2 Mn AhOH al] inh #2 Bou Li 9300 130 is 000 4 Wise 5 $000 7 #500 a9 0500 10 7000 00) 8 Ah 1akez #2 #500 "4 20680 & 14020 13 fo 22 ing New Rouyn N Senator Nuk M § Nik Rim Nipissing Niste Novands Norbesu Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norpax Norsyne N Glderst N Hank Norse A w North Can Norvalie Nudul Opem Orehan Orenada Ormshy Onisko Pag Nuk Pamour Paramag Patino M Pato Paymast Peerless Pervon Piok Crow Pitch Ore Placer Pow Rou Preston Pros Air Purdex Que Ascol Que Chip Que Lab Que Lith § Mela) Qunston Suemont Hadiore Rayrock Reeves Henabie Neoxspar Rio Algom Rio Rup Rix Athab Roche Hockwin Rowan Ry anor Nan Ant Nand Riv Nalellile Nherrid Klima Nil Miller Nil Stand Nisooe Atanrock Steely Sud Cong Nullivan Sunburst Sylvanite Torvitor Thom ¥ Trin Chin UIE Shaw UU Mining Asbestos Un Kenn Un Fort Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Vent debs Veapay Vielam Waite Am Wasamas Weodon Werney WW Malar W Suet | Willely Will wis Wiltaoy Wineh Wr Hag Yale Load Yeollovex Yi Bear Young M G Yukeno fonmae Hulole Gaspe Pond Cop Ore t the Con 5500 5 4000 7 #00 A Wie Ba 2700 38 A200 #7 1500 3 LLL] $24 27203 ol] 12500 #600 Ae aes 6300 8 2000 6 414 2014 13108 25 10100 LL] as 300 1000 478 60 MN W000 21100 12404 18000 18% Boon 7 nig al 8] LI] 1s 2 n Li S000 LL is 1a 0 "y Hig 18 535 460 iL] } #0 1 hon Ll] 450 25 4100 1 mn 1500 #6 Bh 10625 93 LL) Ho00 Bon 19303 T'4 160 200 Is 800 200 10 460 +10 250 wf 184 =I 600 43000 13 1] A340 700 18 fan a 277 i600 13 1] 0084 64 UL) LE] 4600 LIE 700 40 in 40 Ul 10400 LILIA) -} y §16% i 1844 i 4 105 = 0h 16% 10V i a b MA MD M30 #o Me Ihe 04 1 1 i Als & L} 4% ay i i #00 208 ih 205 f 1] 05 #50 10% Haw Lh] U1 in 1" uaon 17y 1] 16 20 10 2200 Bion 53 i al B60 B00 BOO 11s 700 RiG30 67 64 66 200 200 1800 18 10758 #74 Mal 1d 170 163 114 174 830 #73 104 11 110 163 163 168 20000 a8 a0 an 21650 1068 18 goo 7 #500 17 7430 19500 Hig 16s [1H 14 lala 134 i Ho Li) RL] 24200 97 n 7860 400 1000 a80 Ho 4 24100 an aM 200 1] iin uy #260 90 A A L] " 10 143 un oa HA A 83% AW - W T 0 & M00 67 a Wa LA) ow 0 1 14 18 = 184 th Ho 17 Ha 178 134 am a0 8 8 RI 7000 1000 ih 4 4 if LJ | SY WG MiG BW + W 100 13 13 13 1300 9 Mian 10 oun iw 400 ion #000 12 1 io 4500 HOTH sadly PATIL 0 204 1 1d He TW 8 We 405 30 a 101% 90 | 11 1 Wr Ww i" 3 Wn 48% 0 ly Ny 17 22 20 8034, LLL. 1) "w ¥" a dt oe 3 93 630 104 fina 100 a0 100 a 2000 ] a200 i CIEL] LY 136 2300 18 Mato 10 1000 110 ly EA] ae 1 1000 233038 i He 1 al000 6 18300 11800 4 MW iy 18 WE HB OWN an 16a 1330 Yukon Con 27500 33 31 § Banque de Paris et des Pays project with an estimated capital re The onan near Strasbourg, France, OTTAWA (CP)=Deofence Pro Dr. BE. R duction Minister O'Hurley Fris| and managing dir day night announced formation mer, : of a company in France build and operate a tubber plant he company was organized, president, in by Palymer Corporation off pgesent responsibi Sarnia; a crown «owned com her divectors pany, in partnership with the| Fontaine, Banque ectar to lities will be J, Rowzee, president of Poly will be chairman of the| 0/hoard of the French subsidiar specialty and R, E, Hatch, vice-president for sales of Polymer, will be addition his Pp G83 &30 BRS 408. $18 18 8 4 20 3 W0 +12 des Pays-Bas; F, Vernhes, So ciety Francaise Polysar; and 8. Wilk, Polymer vice « president for finance, Mr, O'Hurley said in a states ment Polymer must sustain growth in future years. More capacity was needed to meet strong demands for special types of rubber as a result of industrial expansion in Europe, especially within the European Common Market Mr. O'Hurley said the Stras bourg site is well suited to sory. de Panis etjing the Common Market,