The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwridey, Jonvery 29, 196) Jesus' Authority Challenged ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY iy YAAAVL TL Yoda aL 2 YW 5" BE at [ww THE POOL OF BETES OA SEAR SL OVIPYRNS OME | "Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, hav ing five porches' John 5:2 W BIBLE LESSON God's Evidence "In these lay # great multitude of" Among them impotent folk, of blind, halt, with- ered," walling for an angel to move the water and heal them ~John 5.3 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS -- The monthly meeting of the Home and School Association was held in the Jun ior School Room with Presi | dent Mrs, Mary Tucyk presid-| to him, "Rise heen there for ¥ years walk,' SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buesciny "And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked," John 5.9 GOLDEN TEXT~John 5:24 was # man who had Jesus said take up thy hed, and 'edobn 5.58 INSIDE YOU Vitamin Dosing Can Be Harmful . Tr h hrist [ive Mrs, Anderson read the u \minutes of the last meeting, they By NEWMAN CAMPBELL when the water was troubled "Jesus went up to Jerusalem, Jesus said to him, 'Rise, take Now there is at Jerusalem by up the bed, and walk," the sheep market a pool, which. "And immediately the man is called in the Hebrew tongue was made whole, and took up Bethesda, having five porches. his bed, and walked," John In these lay a great multitude 5:59 of impotent folk, of blind, halt, It withered, waiting for the mov. Christ healed (his poor sick ing of the water, For an angeliman, and when the Jews went down at a certain season learned of that they persecuted into the pool, and troubled the Him and sought to slay Him be water; whosoever then first af-| cause He had done these things ter the troubling of the water|on the Sabbath day, They also stepped in was made whole of persecuted Him because He whatsoever disease he had." "said that God was His Vather John 5:24 making Himself equal with And a certain man was God," ~John 5:16-1% there, which had an infirmity 38 Jesus said 10 them My vears. When Jesus saw him lie,| Father worketh hitherto and | and knew that he had heen now work For the Father loveth a long time in that case, Hel|the Son, and sheweth Him all saith unto him, Wilt thou belthings that Himself doeth: and made whole?" He will shew Him greater work The man told Him that he had than these, no one to put him inte the poolivel." John 5:20 Mrs. E. Acton | was on # Sabbath that loch attended the funeral that ye may mar. on Jan, 14, of Mrs, Isaac Hardy were approved shortly there after Mrs, Donald Rice, Oshawa was the guest speaker for the evening, Bhe spoke on recre ation and had with her, her but ton collections, hooks and dolls The meeting was closed and fine lunch was served hy the committee consisting of Mrs Murray Faton, Mrs, Mary Dyer and Mrs, George Hayes PERSONALS Mr. Merlin Hephurn ha turned home after a short at the Oshawa General Hospital We wish to extend our sym patky to Mrs, Pereman on the death of her sister-in-law Mrs Florence 1, Foster whose funer al was held on Saturday Mr. and Mrs re stay George MeCul held Bowmanville The funeral of Mrs, Rupart Byres, Bowmanville was attend ed last Wed, by Mr, and Mrs Wilfred Sanderson By BURTON MH. FERN, MD | Do you want {6 save money vitamins? A radio announcer asked this the other day between pitches for a specially hréwed beer and finely blended cigarets To emphasize the savings, he told how little you'd have to pay for tablets comaining 260 milli- grams of vitamin C, Few listen ers knew nobody needs more than 75 milligrams of vitamin OC eact- day; that 250 milligrams is more than three times the usual daily requirement Fortunately, these elephant; doses of vitamin C can't harm you, because your body can quickly rid itself of any excess CAN BE. POISONOUS But when it comes to vitamin A and D, your hody can't dis pose of any surplus, After giant daily doses, these vitamins can accumulate in your hody and) poison you As a rule, 5000 units of vita min A each day is more than enough for any adult, but many| vitamin fans insist on daily rap-| on without being absorbed, Vitamin D acts like & magnet to draw the calcium through the intes- tinal wall into the blood stream where it can be carried to grow ing bones Almost no one, nol even grow ing children or expectant moth ers, needs more than 400 units of Vitamin D daily, Yet self prescribing vitamin faddists often gulp down daily horse capsules of 20,000 units or more The more vitamin D, the more calcium drawn into the body Giant daily doses of vitamin D can soon draw in more calcium than the body can handle, As the extra calcium circulates around dissolved in the blood the vietim feels sick MANY SYMPTOMS His head aches, he becomes nauseous and he loses his ap petite, He pales with anemia Gradually, these "pep pills" make him weak and tired body tries to flush the extra cal cium out through his kidneys and intestines "Verily, verily, | say unto you, He that. heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life," John 5:24 when you eat every "fortified food" sold in the supermarket hard kidney stones which can damage kidney tissue and stop a Hai 4 ROUND ROOFS (roofed houses, #0 condiructed to Veryan, & village in Cornwall, keep owt the devil, says » locsl has many conically | tradition Branch of The Mother Chueh, The First Chueh of Chet, Seientis wn Boston, Mauacr ens SUNDAY SCHOOL--1100 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. --SUBJECT: LOVE" Wedresaoy eveming Resting ot $00 oclock includes testimonials of healing through Christien Science, READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, Monday 7:00 pm. te 900 pm Tuesaday ond Thursdoy 2.00 pm. te 4:30 p.m, £ ING HOLIDAYS SOUTHMINSTER United Church 1109 CEDAR 57 [A 1 bowls, Shuders Minister 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP REY. J, K. MOFFAT COMMUNION SERVICE 11:00 AM, == SUNDAY SCHOOL A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP FLEETWOOD ROOM Hotel Genosha Sunday, 8:30 pm, est § £/ Professor BILL PETERS Ryerson Institute of Technology "A Canadian Mab f the Middle Eost" Everyone Is Welcome Subject looks . also, Most vitamin | ing stems from self-medication by people who know little about vitamins and nothing about the dangers of overdoses up the "human plumbing" ap- paratus The usual vitamin prepara tions your doctor advises won't cause vilamin poisoning even Ww. A 17 ERIE ST, Dial 5-3872 REY race METHODIST CHURCH World Wide Interested in you SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL MORNING WORSHIP McMILLAN, Pastor Canteran Christ in Scope 10 AM HH .AM AGES His! Mrs, Alex Casey, Whithy, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs t Role Harold Davey for a few days n (0]:] ess Mr. and Mrs, John Flett, Can dace and Julie, Fraserville; and BROOKLIN - Mrs, Ernest closed with Mizpah Benediction, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Fle Acton was hostess for the Janu: PREPARATORY SERVICY, Murray and Linda, Boling were nary meeting of the Brooklin A preparatory service will be Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs United Church, Afternoon AuX- held on Thursday evening, Jan, Thomas Fletl iliary of WMS, with the presi: 26 at 7.30 p.m, in the Chrisgn| Mr, and Mrs dent, Mrs, 2, Kay, in the chair, Education Hall, Junior Choir were Sunday The meeting opened with & under direction of Mrs, Ken: Mr, and Mrs verse "The New Year', by neth Holliday will meet for|Westhill Mrs Kay ymn "Come practice in the church at 6.45 4 ¥ ( . Vi Thou, Almighty King" was followed by Senior Choir prac Wo Hugh McCulloch 1s visit 7 " p g for a week with Mrs, Walton sung and Scripture read Dbyitice at # p.m, directed hy Mr Pascoe, Bowmanville Mrs, Hodson I, A, Winkler i ye Enfield , How local leaders are being CHRISTIAN YOUTH WEEK Bobby Grills, Fnfield, visited trained to use the media of The week commencing Hun. |r ently with his grandyakents communication best suited today, Jan, 29 to Feb, 4, will he Mr. and Mrs Charles Grills, their particular needs, or "New |observed as Christian Youth) Sunday visitors of Mr, and Ways of Speaking" by use of Week Mrs, George McCulloch were radio, TV, audio visual aids and The CGIT Group of Brooklin Mr, and Mrs, Filsworth Parish, flannelgraphs to illustrate the United Church and other young. Uxbridge; Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Bible, was told hy Mrs, J, H. er groups will attend in a body Hardy, Bowmanville; Mr, and MeKinney, Mrs, W. G, Doidge, and occupy front pews of the Mrs, James McQueen, Maple) Mrs. William -Medland and|church on Sunday Jan, 20, Dur: Grove and Mrs," Roth, Taunton ! Mrs. Hodson, representing Af-|ing the morning worship the| Recent visitors at the home of rica, Burma, the Phillipines and Service of Holy Communion Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson Northern Rhodesia will be administered hy Rev, were Doctor and Mrs Mrs, C. 8, Thompson and let (8 J. Hillier Sanderson, Oshawa ter received from Mrs, Armi- ANNUAL MEETING The annual stead, Bowmanville, Christian, A "pot Luck Supper' for meeting which was to have been| Stewardship secretary of Osh:| members, hushands and friends held Thursday, Jan, 26, has been awa Presbyterial, in which it] of the Brooklin Horticultural! postponed to Friday, Jan, 27 was revealed that the allocation|gociety, will he held on Mon to missionary work for 1061 |day evening, January 30, at 6.50 would he $1000 an increase of |p m #0 over 1060 This event will be followed by Mrs, K. Kay was appointed annual reports and election of as official representative from | officers. all members are urged Afternoon Auxiliary, to the of<|ys attend. Mr, and Mrs, Frank ficial hoard of Brooklin United Wells, Whithy, will show film Church on trip to Canary Islands, Ma Supply secretary, Mrs, Charl: deira and other points ei Iilliott, stated letter received| paca] slides will he shown hy from Mrs, Down, supply secre:|members of the society tary of Oshawa Preshyterial,| Committee for supper Mrs requested "Vacation Packet" 10| Charles Pilkey. Mrs. RVI he sent to Archer Memorial Hos: young, Mrs, Krnest Nesbitt; pital, Lamonte, Alberta; and [FM COMMITTEE Mrs babies and children's clothing, (Ww, A, Heron, Mrs, Kenneth Hol footwear, gauze for bandages liday and Mrs, Cyril Davies ete, needed for overseas relief hale for 1061 An executive meeting will he called at later date to make plans for World Day of Prayer on Feburary 17, this service will be held at 8t, Thomas' An glican Church Mrs. R, McCoy Kindly con sented to act as assistant lead. er, in cooperation with Mrs Kenneth Arksey, as leader, of Mission Band for 1061 | \ cabinet meeting will be | held on Wednesday evening, January 25, at & pm, at home of Mrs, Ray Hodson, to plan work of WMS for the ensuing vear, Mrs, E, Acton was ap pointed representative to Units - ed Nations joint membership will be taken, with chosen part. ner from Woman's Association Mrs. Charles Wilson will be convener to plan programs and places of meeting for the new year A special meeting for moth. ers of Raby Band members will| he held on Thursday evening, | February 8, at the Christian Education Hall Miss Millicent Luke, Osh awa, will be the guest speaker, | The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, KB Kay with Mrs, 8. J. Hiller and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley to plan wor ship and program meeting Clifford Naylor, dinner guests of Peter Hanney, congregational BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH we RA B.2426 V, G A phor CARROLL Téle Fastar: RE 10,00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11;00 AM MORNING WORSH Speaker at 11 o'clock se N. B. GREENWOOD 7:00 PM VANGELISTIC ip rvice SERVICE INGING and Christ the Great Healer The Christadelphians | TVERVONS CHRIST'S BRETHREN SEE NATTHEW 12:46:50 Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature NO OBLIGATION Write | CHRISTADELPHIAN | ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa Ontario WELCOME GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH E. A Lovell School John & Centre St Carl A. Kartecher SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 AM 215 AM SUNDAY Hebron Christian Reformed Church One hilack north of highway 2 Thickson Rd. and you see church! SCHOOL "THIS IS THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON TELEVISION an the "Back to God Hour i pm, CKLB Church of the every Sunday ERVICES, SUNDAY Rev ) JAN, 22 10 VanHarmelen am Rev. J. VanHarmelen KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blacks from K The Rev. Robert B Milroy Ministe Jenkins, Musics 9) MA Mr, David ™ Christian and Missionary Alliance Rav 2:45 AM Church School YOUTH SUNDAY Speaker Mr. Fred Johnson | trom Rowland Youth Cen Toronto 7:00 PM YOUNG PEOPLE Will CONDUCT THE SERVICE { Churgh with a Filendly Greeting Richmona 51. § «a1 Cadilas CV. Freeman Pastor 11:00 AM --"THE VICTORY OF FAITH" 7 PM, "THE HEM OF HIS GARMENT" Another Case Record of the Divine Physician ROD PM Mid-Week Prayer Meeting sules containing as much as 50,.| 000 units, Several of these pep pill enthusiasts acquire vitamin| A poisoning which causes symp. toms ranging from shrunken ap. petites to swollen bones Organs == . tissue HIKE A MAGNEY THREATENS LIVE Vitamin A helps the body get, Vitamin D poisoning can be calcium to make strong bones. life - threatening when calcium Normally, calcium tends to pass) settles out in the kidneys, These right through the intestinal tract lumps of calcium grow into iron BAHAI'S BELIEVE . . . Religion 1s Human Growth Lelieve that within any human seul are enfolded those quad pintual", love, courage, generosity and honesty Soon his blood can't hold any more calcium, Lumps of calc um gre deposited under the skin muscles, around internal in just about every Boha the world calls or religion We do accident in ehildhosd have anything else For Bahai's the world aver one of the greatest gifts their Faith has fe is this new understanding of the limitless perfection open 19 not believe that man is a sinful creature say f birth inte this religion er that Fear er keep man from God 'than ed only by th wl Guilt planted done more lu Mmaost For further information Please Write 29 GLADSTONE ~~ PHONE RA 5.7578 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PIERCE, MINISTER REV, JAS Telephone RA 3.4477 SIMCOE STREET 245 SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation number 11:00 AM.~""THE GLORY OF THE LORD" "WEIGHED IN THE BALANCES" dth 10,00 AM 5.4558 7:00 P.M Next Sunday, Feb Farewell Services extend a cordidl invitation te worship with us KING ST. PENTECOSTAL cHurcH 611 KING ST, WEST Rev, J. M, MacKnight--Pastor RA 5-1661 Residence Church RA 8.5371 11 AM. = 7PM, REV. I. D. RAYMER TRURQ, NOVIA SCOTIA YOU SHOULD HEAR THIS MAN OF GOD We are in the Midst of Revival 9.45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL SED NURSERY = TINY TOTS CHURCH == IN BOTH AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING UPER ERVICES THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA [HE CHURCH OF SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELISM ST, PAUL'S KING ST, E. & WILSON Rev, Derek Allen, BA, TCD, Minister 443 Beverley -~ RA 8.8014 Mr, Frank Walter, Qrgenist and Chair Master 9:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS AT WOODVIEW PARK 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Special "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK" SERVICH it. Paul's Team Member Taking Part Nursery Class at 11 AM ST. LUKE Meeting now In our new port able church, corner of Nipigon and Rossland Rd, W, REV, KENNETH J, MATTHEWS 9.45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL 1] "THE WATER'S OF MORAH" ie fa AM | | 7 P.M AM THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 945 Sunday 5 rou are always welcome af the Friendly Church of the Light i & Lite Mow ten Every Sunday, 9 am, = CHML. Hamilton THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOHN 576 MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers CORPS CADET SUNDAY HOLINESS MEETING EVANGELISTIC RALLY SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES 2:30 PM The Le , B:00 P.M,Prayer and Praise Meeting 11:00 AM 7.00 PM 2.00 PM Home Jgue 1ST CHURCH HORTOP Al GLENWOOD N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A, Minister Mri, H, Philp, Musical Director FEST BARI § Rev HAM "I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE I AM COMING TO You" 7PM "THE GOSPEL OF LIFE" WEDNESDAY, & PM FESTIVAL OF MISSION hoo! for All Ages at Rossland Regd WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD SY, AT GIBBONS Marie Tovier, ARL.I., RMT, Organist and Chou Leader REV, FRANK HW, WARD, 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Care during the morning "arvics. 10:00 AM, Junior & Senior Sunday Scheel 2:00 P.M Primary Kindergarten, Nursery EVERYONE 15 WELCOME HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. M. T Holmes BA BD. Minister Ross Mefcalt, ARLT ACCM Organist and Cholrmasier 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM KINDERGARTEN CLASS 11:00 AM "MORNING WORSHIP" A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL --- -- ml -- NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD MINISTER == REV, H, A, MELLOW, B.A, ORGANIST == MR, J, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM, & 11:00 AM, 11:00 AM. SERMON: "CHRIST'S CHALLENGE" Baby Sitter Service by Come Double Club 6:30 PM ~~CHURCH MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7 P.M. =Hymn Sing and Discussion in the Lodies' Parlour B15 PM--~"THE SOCIABLES" A new club for the Young Adults 9:50 P.M, FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB 8, R, ROBERTSON king Street United Ghurel REV Mr MERVIN A BURY MA, BD Minister Rhyadid Williams, Chelr Director and Organist "EASE INSTALLATION OF ELDERS AND STEWARDS 11:00 AM.~"PRAYER" Read; St, Matthew 6; 5-15, Solo; "Wear My Prayer" (James) Mrs, Gordon Hawker Anthem: "Seek Ye The Lord" (Roberts) Soloist: Mr, F, Densham ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH YOUTH DEPARTMENT 10:00 AM, MISSION IN INDIA Carvany BartisT CENTRE AND 1OWN STREETS Affiliated with the Fellowship ef Evangelical Baptist Churehes In Canade Pastor: REV, W NIVEN AITKEN 9:45 AM BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM~-"AIR MAIL FROM HEAVEN" Vi TO PHILADELPHIA - 7:00 P.M, ~--YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED 8:30 PM HOW MANY ROADS TO HEAVEN? ROUND THE WORLD WITH THE WORD OF GOD 100 Slides and Hi-Fi Commentary A. Klingenberg, Secretary World Home Bible League Wed 4! Prayer Meeting in the Book of Act 3 LAKEVIEW CHURCH 1351 CEDAR STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 3:00 PM Rey Sat, 8:00 Studies ALL WELCOMI NURSERY TO ADULTS ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Stréets ton D, Cross, BA, L.Th RA 5:2386 SEPTUAGESIMA HOLY COMMUNION MORNING PRAYER REV EVENING PRAYER == REV CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hilleratt Streets The Ven, H, D. Cleverdon == Phone 8.00 AM, == 11:70 AM, == 7:00 P.M, 2.00 AM 11:00 AM 1.00 Pm CROSS WILSON ( D, 5 579% Rector HOLY TRINITY CHURCH | st Andrew's United Church Prayer & Fellowship | MINISTER; REV, GEORGE TELFORD, MA. D.D Organist and Cholrmaster; MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM, 11:00 AM --"WHAT WE BELIEVE" 9:50 A.M.==Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes 11 a.m,==Nursery, Beginners and Primary Classes 7:00 P.M.~--"THE IMPEDITIVE MOOD Joint Service in St, Andrew's Chapel REV, G. TELFORD will preach CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Warren G. Dickson, B.A. Minister R, K, Kellingten, Organist-Choirmaster 0 AM. Sunday School 7 P.M.~Young Peoples Union 11:00 AM.--"FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS" Esther 4:13-15) A Sermon on the three-fold task of the Church: Evangelism, Worship and Service, Rev Ar Everyone Welcome Comer Court and Barrie Streets; and Blok East of Albert Albert Street United Church REV. § C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist ana Choir-Leader 11:00 AM --~MORNING WORSHIP Subject: "THE POWER OF THE NAME" 7.00 P.M THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR BROADCAST CKLB This Service conducted by the Young Peoples Union Soloist: Miss Heather Webb 9:45 AM. Junior to Senior Sunday School 11:00 AM.~Nursery, Kindergarten, Beginners' Primary REV, H, G, D. RICHEY,, 9.00 AM~--HOLY EUCHARIST 11:00 AM. SUNG EUCHARIST 4.30 PM ~EVENSONG ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD, SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE Incumbent; The Rev R, A, Sharp = RA 5.7064 8:00 PM, == 11:00 AM, = 7:00 PM ST, MARK'S CHURCH STEVENSON RD, NORTH ON BEURLING AVE, Rav, A Woolcock == RA 8.3058 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 7:00 PM, Nursery Facilities at 11:00 AM. Service SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the Warld on its heart MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, BA, Director of Music: Mr, R. G, Geen, L.T.CM, -- "11:00 AM~--~MR, CHARLES LEWIS Student Minister of Southminster Charen Oshawa 7:00 P.M. --JOINT SERVICE IN ST, ANDREW'S CHAPEL DR, GEORGE TELFORD will preach, SUNDAY SCHOOL M.=Junior, Intermediate, Young People, M.==Infants cared for in the Hall M.==Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary,

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