The Oshawa Times, 28 Jan 1961, p. 9

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' pensing the elements should be cedure generally followed. An #YGARG other rwbric provides for the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jonsery 38, 1961 § BE As # minister, In consuls pigs iyi yf Bt a By RU -- - f ¢ 4 un Religions Cosmetics, an my "FEB ! Wy fey jon with Wis session, may de Wi Refigion Ass swig poy Fubar Bgriani do omit Magistrate Seeks Yif= to OF OE TRO ord Rey, J. C. Melafland of Other innovations recom Pvp Preshtertan College, Montreal, mended in the new book in Further Evidence Change Planned % pe os oe = Vi rh fo, iv, i Further Evidence | : 3 I, " . ave Ele, versicles and responsive 3 (CF) ~ Mag A in cases where seriplural Gio ~~ Dedham i that we have seripiure readings, the knesing trate Joseph Addison Friday re|. ridten the General Assemily of 99 taticne are wed at the conse Worship -- meaning what suits|DISUTE 107 Prayer with SHURE fied (n les: 4 CRs BERNE A The Canadian Press approved our stand that the cration of brsad and wine in the thers own pouches hast, We pride #5 an alternative; a form of ah man charged with procuring By HILARY GORDON Word and Sacrament Rother and at other ser Sreadom. as Hf 5 MWIon 16 We pronounced by ipending further inv TORHTO (C1) ~ sig am wong "Sn ak Cot mito. See om is. orn ner oli sere sone Gert Sopa he oo Pp $ CON ESSIMN RYE NR A ment "hanges proposed in the Book jauceq as Presyteians are le thought, insatnee, that Uohringing od sensipities Wl ands by the minister at con pi decision came of Common Order of the Pres (qo toe auarterly communion-- ministers might {ie mati roi | irmation services rg I byterian Church in Canada now)... ' . ; pay 77 the oppesite error--- trial of Melvin Jackson, 16, y accepted by Calvin as 4 com eral confessions would ap) GFE tormalism 16 Sunday! the - ' ie ne PFOMise because of opposition tol phy to thei an wha worship, | am asking for an service in (he to submission for final BPProvell sure freq . tions byl We nat lave the desl wdequate theology of worship' | Record, Key, Walter Jackson of eG A hy which Wiss civic authorities at the|pure worship that has always BEBE CEE ORY Be also Waterdown, Ot, says the WY te Sarat manly WICH, time--~the vevisers hope thas injanimated the Reformed LUCENE COMIC race Preshyterion crear meals here In June, future communion services williehureh," ssid Dr, Way, "Our|Me%* ; her rient) directions for the conduct of "is theologically ignorant j The ok 98 pet ain ard be held much more frm y divine service--set forth in the in ¢ m , t URGES N draft hook are not Winding on experiment he wed 1 resiore gah " lo wow NY mien ministers, whe have liberty in) posed communion service with oe " leach ini hip 1 der 16 promote 5 more service set out In the draft! FEARS DISTRACTIONS these matters, But it is stressed out introduction, explanation or De" # Wenching po Brit ha and to give hook, adoral confession that the sacrament of (hat they are accowniahie (of, warning in eight different con 7 face. She was treated ip He the i | patiatn 8 -- thanksgivin, , pi intercession that liberty, The hook is offered gregations and no one Com hospital and later released poo tims, e Sdmilied, Wiwerss, Han veh ices fol % cal e,| © as "an #id to guide clergy in mented on any part of the ser 3 ' esl part In church services low In Blurgieal sequence. Rob ck asked questions until je Montreal, Carmen Mili "7 employm While still incomplete, the These divisions are also fol sad Ms Jha otis giving a good account of their ne = ad 4 eng Posing the NES in some categories, coma § ' ivi conti ig p "" J " ) ' . \ primi ing Joviig To adm In Howie What ours ir Guna syer rather than the stewardship Other members of the ve Innes, and Bryant Robinson, n. Was ¢ holy communion and baptism, Presbyterians and others as the) divisions recom wouLD CHANGE ORDER vision committee: Rev, tf, i, B,| Smiths Valls, Ont; Rev, Robert hg {selection can he made pccord Church Order Written for Wiiting on Hits! : i In the revised draft which registration fees orders of morning and evening worship on Sundays and other major services The revision was sent to the preshyteries after its presenta tion to last year's General As b sembly, but the reaction of the church's rank and file is not yet REY, w. SCOTT DUNCAN HOLDS COMMUNION! known. While there has been Gets New Touch Tob By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Stall Writer LONDON (CP)=~=Arnold Smith the Canadian diplomat who heined "brits ind the United Arab Republic hack on speaking terms after Suey, sel out today on a new and even tougher assignment much favorable comment a of the number of critics say the draft smacks of formalism and cleri calism Llewellyn Thompson United States, and Sir Frank Roberts of Britain, Smith was stationed in Russia in the clos STRESSES COMMUNION ing years of the Second World, The committee, headed by War, and his stay coincided Rev, David W, Hay, professor with earlier tours of duty for of systematic theology at Knox Thompson and Roberts College, Toronto, and president of the Canadian Comeil of HAD UNLIKELY JOBS Churches, stresses the import Rhodes scholar from the ance of giving the holy com University of Toronto, Smith Munion is proper place in has had some unlikely Jobs and wit Bap to restore what severed a lot o round. having John Calvin, the. 16th century the Middle Vast and Russia reformer, called "the true face of the Catholic church," the re! "long" prayer is not given # place in the 1960 draft, Neither did it appear in previous hooks, Rey, W. Scott Puncen of Tor: onie, secretary of the revision | commitiee, deplored the mod | ern tendency (o-ignore the sen tural pattern in worship, We said the revisers had aimed grounding the: whole of he chives worshin on the author: pre souk 10 Feplore the iurgy of the church 10 its doc: trinal position whereby it be. comes & functioning power," he said Rev, William Mchoberts, min ister of Cooke's Church, a con gregation in downtown Toronto established in 1851, expressed wpreciation of the research done hy the revisers but said he opposed a formalistic type of service as being foreign to the spirit of Preshylerianism FAVORS SIMPLICITY the in the communion should rament first, followed hy the Bitchie Bell, Prof, J, C then the con lelland, . This reverses pro kenzie, all of Prsehyterian Col Rev, K, J. White, Edmonton, Christ-cenired and anything elders and drawing ettention to those dis' gregation A rubric in connection with Somers Cnariotistown Rey, V.\ MacMillan, Goderich, Ont; "AL the time of the consecra- the communion service calls fori, Bearn, Kensinglon, s of the partici- the minister to receive the sae | Prof H, Keith Markell, Prof, C\Ont; Prof, Allan Farris, Knox sre required to pay 8 Me | College, Toronts, Mamock, Kenora, Prof, ¥. Seolt MaclD PA; \Rey, J, B, Skene, Port Credit, ore Wmited to §2 and Rev, James censing fee and post Ont; bond, The regulations "for fines for violations @ " #liso allow hes 1,000 Smith, 48, is to take over as He once edited a newspaper visers state in the introduction ambassador in Moscow alin Estonia and was a profe S807 to the new hook 'neither we nor time when Western attitudes (o lecturer hoth in Estonia anyone else has power (lo Russia are undergoing reassess. And Fgypt hefore joining the change the primitive fact that ment, He succeeds David John. Anadian diplomatic service inlthe Word and Racrament 10 son, who left in November and 43 gether provide the true and only is awaiting another post Cana. form of a complete act of wor With a new, outward looking dan ambassador to Cairo. Dip nip, Hay believes Preshyter. Mr. McRoberts said simplicity administration installed inllomatic reports credited him ' ians have tended io lose the should be the keynote, Formal Washington, cold - war policy With playing a behind - scenes| ol ae anding of the sacra ism tended to make for a me may take a fresh turn, and role in restoring harmonious re: ones" which have not fulfilled chanical type of worship and Smith will have some advan ations between Britain and) (ho vole in church life that the undue ministerial prominence tages in keeping the Canadian President Nasser's republic, dis:| Reformers intended them to The introduction to the hook | viewpoint to the fore rupted by the Anglo-French in| play says services recommended ore) He Is an old friend of two tervention in Suez four years I feel that we have made a not elaborate and alternative or: leading diplomats In Moscow, ago "To me the teaching and preaching of the Word should he the primary function of di vine worship," he said, "The greater part of the service! should be given over fo that! purpose and His last posting was as remarkable step forward In that! ders are offered from which a \ | me ! I \ vit ed BRIDGE TO GOD'S WORLD The bridge, what a miracle! Tons of steel hanging In alr, ,. spanning miles of water , , , supporting an unending line of cars like 50 many ants, THE GHURCH FOR ALL + +, ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship, Tt is & storshouss of spiritual values, Without » strong Church, neither demosracy nor civilization an wrvive, There are four seund reasons why every pevion should attend services regularly and wippert the Church, They aret (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sabe, (3) For the sake of his community and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church Meslf, which needs hie moral and materia] support, Plan to go church regularly ond reed your Bible defly, Book Chapler Verses Sunday salah LL Monday Jeremiah 10 Tuesday Joalma 14 Wednesday 11 Corinthians 1 Thursday Psalms 1" Genesis Friday 18 Saturday Matthew 1 And what a boon to man! The bridge saves untold hours and opens wp new vistas of life, Day The bridge of prayer, what a miracle! Spanning Heaven and Earth , , , carrying the needs and hopes of believing hearts, What a hoon to man! The bridge of prayer opens up new paths of creative living and vistas Into the realm of Heaven, 1 1113 1118 2 08 In Church you ean discover prayer nn God's world, : the bridge which leads to Codyright 1961, Reto Ade. Servier, Strasburg, Va RIE yo THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE BROWN'S LUMBER AND NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING RA 5.3480 288 Bloor St. W, SUPPLIES LTD. 52 Wayne Ave, 463 Ritson Rd, N, NEW BRUNSWICK NO. 1 POTATOES '1LI9 50 Ib. bag MINCED BEEF 31.00 FRESHLY GROUND -- Save 35¢ PEPSODENT -- 24c Off Pack TOOTH PASTE ".:.:- Values effective at your DOMINION STORE at Oshawa and Whithy until 6 pom, Wednesday, Fabruary 1, RA 54704 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE 47 King St. W A. W, RUNDLE GARDEN JIM HURVID, 1018 King §t. PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5.8563 215 Wilsen Rd, § RA 3.7822 LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5.1044 758 Mary St, BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION HAMBLY TIRE LTD, 1154 Nelon St, RA 8.6221 534 Ritson Rd. §, OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL 877 King St. EK, KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8.8412 857 Garrard N, LUDWIG DEZS| Painting and Decorating Contractor A 1.945) 736 Eastbourne Ave, N. H, EDGAR & SONS LTD, PAINT & WALLPAPER RA 3.7351 3M King SW, STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS R. B, REED & SONS MO 8.3552 318 Dundas St, E, Whitby FLORISTS RA 5-113) 1044 King St, W, ROY W, NICHOLS G.M, SALES & SERVICE RA 3.7242 MA 3.33583 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD, 1089 Nelson $t ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 34 Athol St. E Courtice Bowmanville RA 3.4412 Sil As RL A, HEFFERING'S ESSO 39 Attend the MASTER FEEDS 54 Church $t GENOSHA COFFEE SHOP 70 King St. E, RA 3.2229 Church of Your Choice am are TH

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