The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Videy, Jonuery 37, 1981 BIRTHS FROEW pocents Wassned Event san he ppnownees pone friends nd rwiatovns in The Ow ovr Times lov oly $56 Fast (nie Prose RA 140% The news of yon HF Bad and Bey (gee (orm ow FEE RRPPY B RRGRREE Re B I EN, Angmar, Kah Jean, on Weanesde {alin + a Mo aws ARE d Honpital. » sey tor Bim. We amps iu od Mamiay EPI Melhor Larne snd Baibars [pen HE BOPP 16 PRRIRaR The sie pervs of (Reis Racgnter. Linas Aenea, on Wedsesdps, Jomaey 75, 106 # the anaws General. Hori» FORGNIN 11 AW. SIAERS By The Epnadion Frese wisp Bal ARIE I0%, 1 Today's Stock Market Listings Sains pis Vin IAT E BRIE SESE FREIAeA § ' Gad Int, a8 [ry " I a dad isd INDUSTRIALS Wigh Low s.m ¢ Web bAY Mr snd Mes Wm 6} Welaah of Wiahesing, #e Ropes to MH Rownes he Wirth of her Ravgiie $oioia Anae on Wegesds. bawdy 7 # he Aiwa Fienaring ener ® Fivisgine and Ronin (Ber Ed dd PRROIBER (RE BIER Saiz son. Dagine Werne, wn Fr ¢ fanuary B6, 1981 at the Coma s (ranarni Howptal Waiher pak son AGRE weil. Ehanks to Dr. Spragge DEATHS AVEESR Entered nt rest 0 Apia Manor. emaws. of Thirds " WEA ER Heginwa ' ens, Resting yner sl Wome. © emaniel A Rey, January B Maint Lawn (emeier 2 LOCKES FLORIST gl arrengements fiers sairaments 161 @ 74 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL beyond price within reach of all RA 8-6226 190 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM COCKERTON -- In loving memory of # dear mother, Emily Cockerian, wha prasad away Janus What would we gi hb hand to clasp Her po To hes As in the ined to he Same sweet day we will meet sgn Bevond the (all and sine And clasp each other's hand once mare In heaven t happy life Sadly missed by daughter Dolly; son inlaw George grandchildren and great-grandchildren e her smile (COCKERTON In loving 4 dear mother and grandmother {ockerton, whe passed awa) : 4s Remembrance ts a golden chain Death tries lo break, hut all in vain fo have ta lave, and then te part Is the greatest sarvow of one's hear! Ihe years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out neve; Ihe memory of those happy days When we were all Logether sadly missed and ever remembered hy daughters Elsie and Dorothy, son inlaw Jimmy and grandson, Dennis TREVAIL ~In loving memory of our dear father, Garbield Trevall, whe pass od away Janunry 97, 1958 January | FORESTRY PRESIDENT 6G. W. Phipps of Toronlo was elected president of the Ontario Forest in Toronto Thursday. He sur ceeds J. B. Matthews, also of Toronto. Mr. Phipps, a pro fessional forester, is assistant general manager, woodland for Kimberly-Clark Canada Iid Association (CP Wirephoto rt Bot Ly Bank Rate Takes Drop OFTAWA Canada imere (CP)=The Bank I rate dropped (no 8.20 per cent Thursda from 3.47 last week with the sale of $05.000,000 in 91 day ern ment treasury nil The rate, an indication of con ditions in the markel, ha around the the last few Ihe rate the central short-term mong heen fluctuating }ol-per-cent Mark Werks minimum charge » hank on is infre quent loans to chartered hank is set al one-quarter of one per ent above the average yield or the week ale of 91-day trea ury hill I'he hank announced that $85 000.000 of the hills were sold bh tender al an averages 800.249 for an average eld of 1.04 per cent The hank also announced sale of $25,000.000 in 182-day hills al an average price of $08.55 for An Average ield of 3.36 per price of cent boris ve ii "| BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT There is not day, dear father, That we do net think of yeu Sadly missed and ever remembered by your fami! WILBUR In loving memory of » dear father, Harrison Wilbur, whe pass od away January 27, 1048 He is gone hut not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of him are always near Always remembered hy son Frank ond daughterin daw liens WILBUR In loving memary of au dear father and grandfather 1] on Withur, wha pi away Janumry 1048 You're not forgotten, father desr or aver shall vou he As long as life and memory last We shall remember thee Always remembered hy Peggy and grandson Bary Weekly | Livestock Review TORONTO (CP)=Trading was active and prices 50 cents per hundredweight higher on all classes and: grades of slaughter cattle except bulls at the On tario Public Stockyards (his week Veal calves higher. Hog even, closed Sheep and teady Cattle receipts, estimated at 7.100, were same 500 head fewer than last week and about the same as this week in 1960, Re ceipty from Western Canada numbered 558 head, 236 gore than last week, There was one load of slaughter cattle shipped Fast and no exports to the United States Slaughter cattle: Choice steer $24.5025.50, odd tops ta 25.70 good 2034; medium 20.22 50 common 16 0: good heifers 21.00-22.50, a few choice ta 23.50 medium 20:21: common 15:19 choice-fed vearlings 25-37: good 32 good cows mostly 16 16.50, odd taps to 17: medium HA015.50: common 13.50.1450 canner and cutter cows 11:13 good heavy bologna bulls 18 10.500 common and medium 15 18 daughter were fully #1 Prices, very un $1.75 - 2 ower lamb prices were Replacement «a tte: Good light steer stockers 32 14.50 heavy western steer stock calves to 26.50; common and medium stackers and stoel 20:22 with off heifer calves stockers down to wed daly 1 Calves: Choice vealers 313 odd extreme taps ta 368.50; good 0-3 medium 36:38; common N25, hoaners 14:19 Hogs: Grade A closed at WE heavy sows M: lights 26 1 18 an a dressed-weight basis Sheep and Lambs: Good han lambs 21.30: good 18. common and med good light sheep 18:20 some peariings up to 14; com mon and fat sheep 38 dvweight heavies 12-30 Slow Business Year Predicted TORONTO (CP)=--=A moderate but slow:paced improvement in business conditions (his year was predicted Thursday hy | ( Gill, president of Canada Life Assurance Company, at the company's annual meeting However, he indicated the over-all gain in activil 1066 would be in the realm of 1060's gain over 1058 "Karly indications of husines outlay in new plant and machi nery point to little over all change from 1060 level Tatal expenditures of $400,000.000 10 5500.000.000 on construction of natural gas pipe lines, plus re newed growth in hydro-electric construction, should offset ye duction in other areas. Exports to Europe will probably decline as the economic tempo (here slows, but exports to the United States should turn up again A gross national product of £36.250,000,000, a gain of around two per cent over 1860, does not eam too unreasonable to ex pect," Mr. Gill said Canada contin ues to combine large scale nro duction of raw materials with a much smaller diversified soc andary industry NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Brawn Company, vear ended Nov, 30: 1060, 81,347 468, 51 cents @ shave, 1950, 8714.20, 27 cent Bruck Mills Lid, vear ended Oct. 310 1960, $64,714; 1058, $176 124 Lake Ontario Portland Cement Co. Lid, vear ended Nov, M 1960, S207 207 1950, net loss $375,408 over FORONTO (CP)y==Sull in the throes of correction, the market closed lower across the hoard Thursday==the third we cessive day On index, industrials were aff LOG at 535.75, golds 1.26 at 92.75 base metals 39 at 169.78 and western oils 1.96 ar 8.17 Volume was 1,840,000 compared with Wednesday | 975,000 Roval bank was off but Price BRrathers jumped 2 al 46. Slater dropped 3 at 23 and Canada Packers A and Southam gained 1 each at M and 23 Dome influenced golds with a drop of Tat MH. Rase metals moved lower behind bridge's 3% drop at 39% Senior uraniums moved in a narrow range: Denison up 5 at 10%. Gunnav off 15 cents at } 1] Western aid followed Pach stock share a At 73% Falcon We have (oo few secondar industries," he stated, "and many. that we have were huill under conditions of ahnormal demand, and costs were allowed no rise Canada must have access (n the European trading areas, he added, not only for extractive resources, hut for secondan manufacturing MUST EXPLOIT MARKETS I'he only way to overcome the limited size of our markets and to achieve the economies of arge-scale production is to ex plait new markets This is a time for aggressive ielling and cost reduction, Gay ernment can do its part hy al tempting to create a favorable economic climate for industry hut industry must do its job and not regard government as a prop"! Mi Gill sald government make:work programs can he nothing more than a stop-gap hut such measures would he ye quired in the early months of the year because of unemploy ment level Many seem to feel sald Mr, Gill, "that the easy way to provide more jobs and incomes Is to enlarge government spend ing. They seem to forget thal government cannot create cam tal. It can only transfer money from one person to another In 1860 Canada Life wyote SOAR. 000.000 of new business and Insurance 'in farce at the year-end totalled §4,487.000,000 Huge Sums To Be Spent On Airfields OTTAWA (CPY=Almast $10 000.000 more 15 expected to be pent an national amport ter minal construction during the A162 fiscal year, the ment disclosed in the main esti] mates tabled in the Common Fhursday Fhe transport department's areoanstruction program amounts 10 S65 853.200 far the vear stavithg April 1, compared with $50 118.300 far the yea he main estimates show $36 W000 for runway canstraction in the new fiscal Vear,. cam pared with $22 083.500 in 1960-61 terminal butldings ave expected to cost $26,008 000, up fram $18 govern current Petroloum's drop of 3% to 1015. (148.000 in the current year \ ¥ » 3 Wigh Low om. EW ge i Be ' Lia Sook Soles Wigh Low om. go Sock rr " Pres Wie po v add on Toronto E WHITBY SPORTS Badge PARADE By GERRY BLAIR spec Oshawa an op Ihute 1 } | y Dun xeiting cluded two Bg emom night comparable ei d an OHA We I he } competition al created Hull=Ottawa Canadien Remember back one Baturday--+1gnt Habs featuring such Ralph Bob Boucher, J I ip a lengthy 6-2 fis riod when Lhe Dan trom, Bill arte I'remhlay, ele, built Rach embla Lille lead (never hefore accomplished against he Whithy at thal time co come Dunlops) dered a from=hehind club rallied final two spiritedly and outscored the Canadiens 8-2 in Lhe periods to take the contest 10-87 The Dunlop: t final four goal tions foi ible to overtake received (remendous ova vhen IL was apparent Pollock ample of many lale drives b their proteges the Dunlops that it was po Just one ¢ netted which them Week in Whithy Arena this minar all=Htay Hock Communit Wihith club In the opener al I'he elima tn Mino lakes place in the Whith Saturday night when three teams host three fine hocke team from Oshawa tack pee=wee all=star club, At 8:00 p.m, Ht Michael's College Bantams and Whith Bantam all lar team meet I'he final 9:00 pom, pits the splendid Midget OUNgsters (100 p.m, a pee-wee all=-Blar les Whith game of the evening al Whithy Midget all-stars player against Oshawa's top Parents and friends of these should make a special effort to get down and see the stars of tomorrow in Prior to the final game of the evening at 8:00 Hock will be following Mini most towards the betterment of Whithy Hawes, Ed and Harald Congratulations gentlemen! Christie, Minor Hockey Week in Canada will be an hand to make the presentations, Following games, buffet luncheon will be served to the coaches of the six teams, referees and Refreshment Hats off to organization for action p.m, Mino plague presented to the contributed. the hockey in hockey men who minoi Cordon Bowman, Vernon Rowe Boys secretary ol Jack the three players and honored guests, Murray Silver service catering job Hockey hockey far the youlh will handle the mammoth officials of the Whithy Minor their unceasing efforts to a ne of Whithy TOWN AND COUNTRY Oshawa Majors next home action takes place next Tuesday night at the Whitby Community the Lind sy Lumbermen at 8:30 p.m, Both clubs are battling landing possible in the Intermediate league for the extra hwne game Intermediate "A" playoff pattern arena, when they host Lakeshore in post for the highest SOasON Pavento, if they continue their present will receive a bye in the first round and will entertain the winner of the Lindsay-Oshawa serie On night, the shart etback, sided victory, In the. last I'uesday handed Majors handed the Lumbermen a 8-2 far they hivd straight ane three games, Oshawa have accumulated 35 goals Tom Thurlhy, defenceman with the Kingston Fronts enaes has been sent to the Winnipeg Warriors of the Western Hooke Fhurlby, 22, has proven un 8) Frontenac A he Hull-Ottawa Canadiens hurlby and Ashbee \RS1ON had managed Fhurlby and Ashbee With the de leaves Ki ton with anly Alf Treen and Barry apportunity for League alistactory Ws far with the week took ad Vit ni akaway goa Bath a period Sine would make a perfect Fronienal I he could I'ed has t week Major the Juvenile All-Stars, trying to take « i We pound 1e0e Ay lo Profess been pract with the Oshawa compete onal Hock ev League § Bet Boies Wgh Low so. £0 ps» wow # "ws wy 4 "di id shy Fine xchange "be Baier Wigh Low p.m. 60 9 Reports Whitby Guides Following is the NHI hadge report for Whithy Gis Guides and Brown INT COMPANY Fire Brigade Donna Bradley, Jacqueline Gor Heard, Sarah Ink lcLean, Mary Ellen Lovra Priteh Linda Balson man, Busan pen, Ellen leQuay FT ard, Susan Heed, Margo Ro Jennifer Rowland, Sandra Ry croft, Rosemary Snow, Jennifer own, Lyndd Town, Kathryn Well Margo Wilson Fester Fire Chief Bruce Corner, Whithy Fire Brigade Pioneer Patsy Coutts; Test ers, M. Griffin and ¥. LaTrohe Haste Patsy BiLace lester, Mrs, 5, Rycroft INDECOMPANY wimmer=Niknka Smit, Lin da Majcher; Tegler, Mrs IRISH Hostess Joy RR. Pritchard mn COMPANY Hoste Maria Bavdoel, Su anne Burkehart; Testers, My Polite, Mrs, Parise Laundress Pat Bloye, Wil ma MeDonnell, Francine Clair Judy Kuzie, Meme Ver jel Maria Bardoel Festers Mrs. Polite, Mrs, Pritchard Foymaker Brigid Arm rong, Caryl Allan. Suzanne Burkehart dacqueline Hen Owen Foster; Tester mont dick Fest Mrs. Parise rs. Polity wale Vester, M Hikey 1. Griffin {IH COMPANY Laundre Virginia Elliott Tester, BR. Pritchard INT BROWNIE PACK A Golden Hand Busan Young ludy Allan; Testers, Mrs, I | LaTrohe, Mrs, R, Pritchard Minstrel Palsy Melean; Pester, D. Booth ALCM, ATCM nM | IST PACK B | Golden Hand -- Caroline Fry el Tester Mrs, KE, LaTrohe and Mi I. Hawkins IND PACK Golden Hand Shirley Milley enne Allen Tester I Burkehart Y acobosky Susan Miller, Tester anne Karen Hood Busan Heed, Viy Patsy Lunney; Green, H, Winters Collectors Brenda Harris Cathy MacNeill, Patsy Lunney suzanne Tosh; Testers, 1 Green, H, Winters | TH PACK House Orderly Barbara Kl liott, Nancy Kirk, Patti Willard, Gall Bouter, Bandra Scero, Don na Pindar; Testers, Their mo they Awilmmer Tester, Mrs Writer Tester, H Gall. Bouter; Owens RLSB | Barbara Elliott Pritchard Minor Hockey Need Fans Too! By D, WARREN BARTON A disturbing rumor is spread ing throughout Whithy and dis triet this week! Parents are huddling on street corner whispering lo each other are discussing the rumor in the murky hours of the night in order that the children will not overhear us What is (his rumor that has HOssIpe) longues wagging? What 1s hehind this "terrible" tory that is separating fathers from mother children from parents? Now in. a Times exclusive whieh could place us in a severe libel suit, we are publicly dis closing this harmful rumor 'Don't Send, Take Your Boy to the Arena!" Sound harmless? Does il seem possible that such an mnocent APPeAring statement could cause rife in the Town of Whithy? Consider a small boy whose greatest aspiration is ta become Frank Mahovlich, The lad not only wants to hecome Hig Frank, but when the tyke is skating down the ice, eves glit tering and teeth set, he 18 I'rank Mahovlich I'he "rushing blur" seen on the vink has one aim in mind he wants ta be recognized and acclaimed He doesn't want the public recognition that is heaped upon the High School or College Olympian. Rather, he desire praise from his nearest and closest friends his father and maothey Where is the average father when "future Frank" is playing shinny in the rink? Where is he when the hoy skates ta the play ol bench, wretched with ex haustion? Unfartunately for the wee lad he is not of age to understand the subtle plats of Wyatt Kamp and The Rifleman. No, it takes the mature mind of an adult to grasp whether Rig Matt Dillon 15 going to outdeaw the Denvey Kid Father is Ky Fortunately for the wee lad thore are men who take an ac tive interest in him. Some of his linemates are fathers SOme have sons pushing their way through the corgidors of the adult warld These men are, of course, the homie glued to the Ry ne who make up Whithy's Minar Hockey Association Men like Harold Boys, Vernon Rowe and Gordon Hawes who organized minor hockey in Whit hy hack in 1043 I'hese men will. he honored Saturday night at the Commun i Arena when Whithy celebrates Minor Hockey Night secretary of Minor Hockey in Canada, Jack Christie will pre sent minor hockey plaques to three dedicated youth builders Minor Hockey Night would he incomplete if hockey was absent from the program. Thus, three hig games have heen lined up which will give a cross-section: al-age view of Whithy children playing hockey Whithy Pee Wees (up to 12 years old) are pitted against an Oshawa squad at 7.00 pom, At O00 pom, a Whithy All-Star team will take an the Toronta St. Michael's Rantams \ Midget team from §t Michael's will face another Whithy AllStar team at 8.00 pm Admission price for the gala night is a0! Grain Freight Price Increase Postponed OTTAWA (Ch Effective date of proposed increases hy Canada's major railways in freight rates on export grain moving from Georgian Bay ele: valors to eastern ocean ports has been further postponed to March 1 he postponement, from Feb 1, is the second one made by the board of transpart commis anes I'he were arigimally due to effect lan, 2 Opposition ta the praposed vate increases came fram the Alberta and Saskatchewan gov ernments, the Mavitimes Trans wortation Commission and the Canadian Federation of Agricul ture Nereases lake VARIED DIEY Fhe armadillo eats grasshopper and may down as many ants at a ailing grubs worms and as 40 000} i 1) AN

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