The Oshawa Times, 27 Jan 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jenusry 27, 194) Coll The Direct OFFICE HOURS = THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE RA 3-3492 SATURDAYS 70 13 1 Accountants fr gp 14--Houschold R 18e--Mortgages [38--Mele or Femole Help (44A-- ob Flots ct gf n « --- ' nd a 2% D RATES ROOFING Wy sd Vag Wand Bo bermn Cit jest Yctimnay revi. Free estimates. Work WELFARE worker wigently needed for ROWNANYIAE = Free ron fo Feb THREE som spertmept ermet Nort gusrantand. Telephone BA 824 [ombars. District ope whe cowid have | yay Hesiad, thies roms, Wickes 64, contswi, (we peee fr i ¢ 235 14 FURNITURE repuired and re-wphol : -- lol po diol ve] Tete Wh Soi, BE DEWAR and Cs commtants Maras. Ste Sur Matentie Jor 1b om rr En b1oas Wks ox 32 Gover. UA Sows Ash To 8 440 ad commen EER f wee itan h ' 5 re e-- Bow manyiia ARGE 1 ea] and Aaditors, Cedar Glen B i On ' 9 378 4.13 Ing Brus Bb» aries Street MONEY ------ Hing Wes, Va im oF Loo pede Spertment, rad dread - med Pim, Some Orbe Onan WAN nde row ough NOUR eile dr ov UNLISTED NUMBERS SALES ity, elo Fd Terni a sin WHAON and Barrows Chartered on ch oF CONSE tIve rfid, stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Frees seth o.. Accountants, Wh Simao Street South, | 5 sent insertions ordered of @ | mates. RA 3299 AVAILABLE TO SO F AITRACTIVE coninvionie ot | SECOND York f mba sp. Ronaid { [3 oe som, CA; G. constitute © new crigned § BRINTING and paper h 0g winter AILA of cL = - ena - a i PER NN L five rooms, fusniohed, oh yg ps od revs 40g 0 rom SR Edmond Burrows, CA, BA 85571. rales Telephone BA 87057 fn . 4 H F OWNERS . come, Meo hres oper irem j42 Sevens, BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Aceosating| Potent betings $750 par |intormetion | HOM I ANN'S FABRIC LANG' S We woukd Wie 16 0d to our |{5rsindd, ne chien, ove os bok. WA | Mow wiv A - Foom BpRITReN, per Services offer compiete bookkeeping oT -- ' CREST RFTEIIE reli, reeoyRr present staff two experienced Laptee, ref or, wove, wrvices 1 nell business. 184 Bond ' dst p like new. W y more? 0 SHOP BRAND pew apartment for rept dy Aebpes, po Available. Street West, Room 1. Offices BA 50097 usiness cords / are FRASOBaINe Satisfaction waren red BORROW MEAT MARKET sclespeople, to sell segsongl {oppriment puwiiding, we Tusdinint KA 349 or RA S418. Hes BA 3760 ont Matt itt, Ozpawa Upholster 5 0) 4 ee. South Generel Motars, nats ot PA ewos "HUNTER wil] § od « sign, fron A CE 4 WHIT df 4 8 F ERT ST fastest selling items. Must LiMn. Stent oy » oo oe fre nd £ wgn . 3 : J SoAfds 277 ERT | 4 we Ca, Accountants snd auditors, Licensed ll word Box chirgs 15¢ o : ! \ SPECIAL THIS MONTH endl h ALBERT © pL have lete model car and be rd REISHED thiee - room ii wend floors very ciesh, ava So: Acotuntants and auditors, Lisshusd hirgs > ert isements | PROFESSIONAL pointe ' 9] 600 HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES free to travel, Telephone for | mest, on Wiliam Street, newly | |i location. Prone KA 57998 East, Oshaws; B. 1. Yale, CA; F ap y te doy bes | PERREr. Guaranteed work » ale 7 NEW SPRING PRINTS | OUR SPECIALTY rated, suitable for couple PUR THREE . room Friedlander, b.'comm , CFA ; 1 hes . nals. Free estimates. AM EGC. 5¢ oN 39 oF yd WE DELIVER--RA B 2471 personal interview {welcome pov Pag Reispions RA 4 Rospital " " Ads BAWE a c K > v ye YE DE - | 8 T. BOPEINS snd Company, Cert ora Tha iia we. REPAY AS LOW AS | -- ¥ ' | very cies sums. plenty of copmosris 4 UPHOLSTERY & best for Jess wi --_---- = " Hour > Tom Bpariment,| prs ate bath flad pusie 'Acsomaants. 117 XK} adie 7 Found 'snd | eeseiue 1m chaseriieids, recovered, oo Antly [ENVOY RESTAURANT WILSON PLAZA MO 8-3501 Et "aoa Sin, rib ale bath Re SO #3508 ; i ied Carceilotic ) > . : y ma $35.00 MONTHLY | SEA COVE ------ . FACE, PRIDE, 65 Verdun Rosd. RA fuy ecorated, private, Th very coun: 7 SERVI oy b 7 Hours: Daily 8 ---- . HOME OF J wis - howe, 15 minutes | pV ghis 4 Tele w= Complete bookkeep ' , ® 10 » Puli small bisinesses, week ig | W : not be WALL-TO- WA CARPETING Current Interest Rotes He "HICKENM In RESTAURANT YOU AND Bind od iad i it Pte, Ores WRE for 8s desired, Statements y 2 ad erties Fast Confidential Service § street level, slave, refrigersior Income tax returns. MC ' A and " estyring 0 MONTHLY -- three "te he omitte 5 THE ROUGH Wied, kitchen fiat ond cyphosras | ent, welyrvished Tres dX A wip > UPHOLSTER JANI Hidden Bonus 'OLD ENGL 15H STYLE" sainers, BA # oy i . y ide 7 : pore, #nirel, heat, hyd, Include 2--Barristers r tom > sebver- { oY HO No Chottel Mortgages 577 RITSON RD. § FISH AND CHIPS YOUR FUTURE AITRACTIVE - three roomed, "held | #4 Vasinens Saupe "os - n & 4 - 7 w w ' vi wv . ip & 3 & contain sparse "vy ty ww ane MLGIBEON snd BASTEDD, Barristers orged for 9 ' we ' ¢ v lo Co-Sig WE DELIVER --FA 5-B978 WE DELIVER--RA B-315) 1g, Bulomatic washer, ol hesting, en! |APTRAL TIVE sparimeni : + sd vertis " x --- " ' Hable Salichors « ents funds Ad ay a ne y : ; " / 4E8 4 nt D a NUTRI-BIO world's lergest ro Fos 73 "A Avs plex, south of city, modern de Ars mortass , it Worth, | occurs, : the rg EGERS Payments 10 = UDY'S 32--Articles Wonted ond fastest growing food sup: {pe kiichen snd dinatie, manogsny fin. 5 Cha 3 o p : , Budget é . H N A) ail DOWNTOWN ten or three rooms fer i cuphosrds. Four-piece tied bath Edgar F. Baster 2 : R snd Upholste eaners FASHION HAIR STYLING PANDY wanted immedi pis ony 1a Nement compary ONers you wished on third finer, for clean, re: mom, colored fixtures, bullidn vastly . i oY & " ° AND BARBER SHOF sil cosh. HOward 62313 Gg tremend wiunity 19 speciale persons. English speaking. (One large bedroom plus slorsge room . Linle Aoriae 4 3-04 318 Mueen Street East o nd floor of At 77 Ontens Street or small bedroom. Lots of closets, Dee ' y DODD & OUTER A d offers the newest and Lest in Toronto ( the fastest growing |BOWMANYILLE -- Free rent to Feb fried Parking. Phone RA 32077 iss JOHN A. CAMERDN, harrister, solic ARTE hs our PAINTING CORATING / hairdressing for each ond [PIAND wanied immediately, say make bt ios in the world. fo wuery |. Heated, thiee rooms, kitchen |® P.M tor and Notary Pul 84 p $ oll adve y 4 . every member of the tomily or size, all cash. HOwerd 62313, As usb Fol Mi a elie and bathroom, wether, wlectric | $oh MONTHLY --ihree rooms snd bath, East R 9 NF nd at " 'p 4 hy ih I Al LIED y teed ster 30419. 1978 Queen Bireet East day. Start your own business dryer, $60. MA 35096, Apt. 7 or 463 utilities paid, heated, private entrance, MOTIERgEs AITENgE ddd = Ry 7 1D LS a HIT | RA : Toronin with this new product thot Hing West, Bowmanville north of Brovkiin Felophons MN. e462 ( : or Gpp > call 8-238 HUMPHREY 5 a 1 € J 3 irals - everyone needs. Retirement TWO partly furpished housekeeping | THREE - room apartment, private bath ; H : : ov Pa INVESTMEN TS Lo : | 35--~Employment Wanted ond marketing plan, second |FO0ms, wink, uke of WASHING machine, and enirance, perking. Available Bow I OF : W, 0 TV - Rod d Te Rp } 3 Miohest COMER couple preferred. Apply 48 Drow Btrest | aelerhons BA 82958 Ask for Mrs COMPANY 22 Redio epoirs wus £ dp ears for Shlidpen Gar 7 none ghee! « 19810 plier 6 pw Btysik, 364 Windsor Avenue Gs OY. £ | FOIA Road ares. Telephone 62488 and bonus paid. For inter Ho MONTHLY three oom spest- (MODERN self contained Jugle GH TI 4 a ING 5 " - WHEN YOU NANT TRUCK driver desires steady position, For interviwe, be wt ment with hath, isundry wnd Aryer fa range, refrigersior, washer yg X - y a {In or peer Oshawa. Reply to Box 335, eliiies, in Fort Perry, Tel Bun 4, Located at or, w 15-- Instruction 3-3993 Anytime == DAY OR NIGHT ! Oshawa Times deriand 99R3 15492 MODERN ORCHESTRA -- Caley Amadic Joy or Evenly and RADIO YOUNG retail executive desires to Genosho Hotel $0 MONTHLY -- four - room apari- (WRREE unfurnished rooms, vacant, t F 11--Business Opportunities # mad tments change positis 0 years sak a ¢ ; obtan and Americas 4 5 [ r | ange position ) perry ales wr . ment with bath, newly. decorated, 1aun: (ground floor, privale epirance, Barb CAL! RA 8-5286 retailing experience, Telephone RA Corvair Room--8 p.m dry and dryer facilities In Port Perry, lies paid 8 Aecoraled tor ths" man eh 78 79 : SERVICE fone TA 3 AFFILIATED OFFICES All Werk Guarontesd 8-479 Telephone bunderiond $9R3 v, Dial fA 9 RALPH JONER B honda PRIVATE teacher, sludent eounseiior ACROSS ONTARIO OSHAWA RELIABLE young Dutch woman de Friday January 27th TWO - room apartment, self-contained, 865 MONTHLY, three - rom sell son pod 1 tH i A 4 6 years esperis plerview on od | sires housework, lve out, good refer mmm | POTUY furnished. One child welcome. [tained spariment, central, stove and ree Mort Act mow. RA 184, Mb ELECTRONICS ences, For information, telephone WH 41--Room_ & Board Apply 978 King Breet West |Irigeratar, two people only, Will re orig age je ' ps I 5 (CN LE STATIONS HARY? ¥ "DANE F ACADEMY at AR TEAL A ame | VHREE . oom spartment in spart decorate, immedisie possession. RA FHOMAS M. REND i 1 ey Bova Balle ; ONTARIO MORTGAGE DUTCH girl would Ike Bousewnrk BY ROOM and board, gentlemen, single Ment building. washer, serial, parking, #415 eltor public, | ¥ oid G4 oP od 4 t BROKERS ASSO he dey oF five devs » week, Telephone and share, lunches packed, Parking "37 adults only, near Shopping Contre, AP [AVAILABLE now -- three-room spert phd FOR LEASH 612 rm-- ree RA 54708 Albert Bireet, Telephone RA 4457 ply 818 Stevenson Road bout ment, DErdwoos floors, Pci up GREisuION. FRASER, D i ~ » fa7 i --Per | FIVE - room spariment, wr month. |Posrds, heavy wir Ground floor, uunnACH n A ae Ma Eat 19--Persone 40:0. si Sepporting . tower {36--Female Help Wanted 100M snd bosra, for wentiemen, withijy "ociudes hes, hyirn, woter Pi [Fensanable. Api 46 Howard Firent, tar f ( ' 4 iA GHP i s supporting to 4 08 wil v vite enirance, bath, TV outlet, Range, |COFNer 0 eatly $5 . A £ in Oshawa and Aj batic, pre-sch Arde . a Hot y galve d. Ne paint FULL or part time positions open fo Street South sr telephone RA 58266 " Creighton, Qf anes Districts baturday, Masonic Temple ) CHILD FOR of di Qa variaed. ie Beis indies Interested In cosmetic eavesy Off _imene North, BA 8-287 (PRIVATE -- unfurnished hres - room : p A : Jis 5 EARN area wpart inskrastion in mplete with new WING |Full training. good remuneration. For FOR TWO gentlemen or girls, willing to $46 MONTHLY (hree-room apartment, | ™ 4 ¥- iment, upstairs, wages arrang ballroom dances ate or cians, For APOP TION 61 all + channel antenna. |appointment. Telephone RA 34684 share, single heds, three mesls AMY, private entrance, heavy uly: wiring i wih, heey wiring, adul ; d ' J APO ERT. A 4 Tot stall . five or seven dave weekly, laundry, 141 Immediate possession. Parking space, | 40) Fairleigh Avenue, KA BUSSELL | MURPHY . ' 20013 f ppointment. Ih hapa { a fun-loy r tal pric . insta ed " ad GIRL (0 help with housework, good Brock Street Fast Telephone RA 35-7808 ™wn oom apsriment E § oy y ! } mse ------------------------ 4 lk ant guaranteed r year $57.50 with ehildren, live in. Telephone RA A f J 16--Insurance / f nd y 5.7864 for further details ' BOOM and board for gentleman, TWO - room apartment, furnished, re. |/Fonce. heated, hydro snd sib id } ' ¥ | Ale | - meals, lunches packed, laundry done, frigerstor and range, very central, |MOnthly. Telephone YU farDONALD NSHAWA'S newes ' ¢ and nt P TV E {arm or woman | tom tnd shila while $15 weekly. 547 Montrave Avenue RAI|Close to bus. Apply 148 Huron Street further information surance 2 | mother works, to lve in preferred bu rhiinging of lawirane " Jrowing J eeds, | nterprises [ant necessary. Write Box 343, Oshawa ® 0% = TWO oom apartment, tulls Furnish. FIVE = room apariment for Font, Bove, Ganersl Insurance. RA | testant © | Times CLEAN. nuit German home. excellent 0: suitable for two gentlemen or [T/T erator, parking, weshing facili jeneral Ir | 53 x | l ¥ om working couple. Apply 116 Adelsige |128. Available now, near bus. Apply 71 pr i ¥ prompt set service - | ¥ i Drew 5t Training provided, oll lessees ALISTATE Aule Insurance oF ! f | is | n AY $25 WEF KL Y for wearing lovely home cooked meals, lunches packed, Coho, dn La Salle Avenue pi Riss ii bi MB For hands iwtl ue eves and tA 3-3553 Aresses Rive vi ay bonus. Just show continuaus hot wales, good beds, park N - Bo _ Fai MR. D. BLACK pes ny vie pb vOur DM ch H } eng} Rinses Riven vay ov bonus. JUS Show (us at door. 81 Park Road South, |TW = bedroom. svariment In adorn |ENFURNISHER thse ; room [4 Contact ol WI | Persons J ! " ang ih i' TOW P 5 rierds. Ne: SRR asaing. Sveastimaml. Ra apartment building, available new. | met Bri hth entrance, And pork HA 57 SERRE jh-spirited personalit 40° TOWERS $45 erience necessary. North Ameiiesn BOOMS. bowed if desired for gentle: |Fhone MO 6306 alters pum. or aowly 108: utili 7h sos Tw Heavy ee, 6 C La ntelligence aver 0 BO Cc an Fug Tt, 3425 Industrial | Men: close 1 downtown, Apply 5 EIgn| 10} Crayon Rasd, Apt. 5, Whithy ily win ephone 3 Ivic --- ROCF NTENM 3 y DONALD BLAKE DODDS - Cities Service Oil 17- Money Yo Loan age. His healt excellent 4d Ro ANTENNAS $30 alt nent G dios. Montreal 38 Blreet East. Telephone RA 37614, (CENTRAL, unfurnished it comtaiied | WHER pram aparimint, hes vy duly feltor, 26% King Street Fast FIRST and secono f y are Protestant and [20 J NN WANTED st once, woman with pleas $186 FOR full week suit two, separate | bachelor apartment, Immediate " £1 7 Company Limited agreements purchased and sol feel this "i gster He 1 $22 NE REFSORANLY, re vaman- ability to beds and bathroom. five minutes to (sion. 351 Arthur Strest, BA 56184, RA |COUPIE. Avaliable immedintely de Telephone Business RA Fa sl Completely Installed f responsibility ta mapage [south plant and Houldaille, 1223 Wecker | b-7423 phone RA 63812 dence, RA B8-5373% " 4 sires t 2 " c A i | to 4 . JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. barrister reet Ea ¢ child , 4 would ike by With 2-Year Warrant (rug and notion, baby's needs. sic, de. | Drive, HA 59984 6 --_|¥W0 bedroom spariment In modern TAREE furnished rooms, » fn ar aw ve, WE HAVE clients ales avallahl ado ¢ i quiry [partment in Oshawa store, Please write " ; == | apartment building, svellable now, | TERY pg 8 Osha for loans on f second ! {full particulars as to age, experience, Room jor ons or we ry n mes, sepa | Phone MO §-3093 Rr 5 p.m, or apply | fewniowh and Mabel i y L f CTF lary expected, ele, to Box 433, Osh: | V8le heads, hieakiay desired home and also pul mons TH MINISTER OF LEN & LOU' S | lar ae Sin 19 Yon "HV | ohane BA 54614 for more intor ination, |b raydon Road, Apl, 6, Whithy iE ebine A HH 1 SAI My RS, BA, barriste ot 8: King B Da "R UBLIC WELFARE | PARK Road and King, two-bedroom i tor, st 8 e Stree Toronto y ih. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS Cl TY T Vv {or FICE clerk. Musi he good typist, [ROOM and hoard, gentlemen prefer: |apariment In new building refrigerator, | PEAVY duty range, TV : A 4943 horthand optional. Stale age, past ex ond beds, lunches packed, near South General Mo . A 5.3741; Residence, RA ' " | a f Ee, Po red, good meals, beds, lun J stove, free laundry facilities, ved | Qifice R : FIRST and second morigases Aang TORONTO _ ' perience. Marital talus, salary expect: \privale entrance, near hospital and | parking, $95 RA 89971 immediately, RA 83703 and H -------- -- -- FIRST nc second pd Re Rho: a -- a ed, Write 421, Oshawa Times | North General Motors, low rales THREE - n * i THREE . room spariment, 3A--Chiropractors HO 5.35] ] Whitns Professional Building. MO 8 i 20--Cartoge RA 5.7844 WANTED ediately, capable girl #4840 . Ry AR mnt 00, S7Vans aor, sare hath,' 1b Fal FW. BROWNLEE, Doctor of Chir. CLIENTS money to pan on first 1 » for general housework, two ehlldren, lypupE or four gentlemen, single or vite hath, separale antrance, close to t of of foved #6 Park HRoed [Bage. Mortgage and axies ¢ BCOTIAN Carlage, for fast dependable ne y e live in. Steady employment, 820 weekly , 816 per week, hoard optional, shopping and bus, RA 35-2050 FOUR - roam armen refrigerator sth, 0 HA _ 12--Dressmaking | sed, NHA mots arranged, #ervice. RA 84014, No Joh too big or 802 SIMCOE ST, § Telephone 01, 53621 ive or seven days, five minutes trom | EARGE Three room self-contained. un: (8nd stove, main level, private hath ---- snd Mug. [100 small T.V. Service Calls, $3.00 HOUSEKEEPER required immedis N General Motors, Telephone BA [finished apartment, all conveniences, |"e8t: Water md arking free, 5--Nursing Services ALTERATIONS of ail kinds for : JOHN'S Moving and Storage Oshawa, 4 ------ for ault souple, In am Al home Musi f - - {five [indies from downlown, #70 a Ta : oe Street women and children. Formal dresses Whithy, Heasonable rales. Fully equip ' he reliable, five days a wee ite Rox - manthly A 54344 . GRADUATE nur 361 Svalishle Me | coversible skirts a specialty, HA 5-3486 MONEY ro LOAN ped and insured. Phone HA 8-366] 23---~Women's Column 3, Oshaws Times Bo, 1, Roe UL 0,00 pn «= room unhuirnished spari-| FIVE - room "WpAriment, hydro, Wonks ol, - 2 : ws : SPENCER Ration tatments Tn INTELLIGENT, capable seeretar Fittings. Telephone RA 53685 er 47 ment, ground floor, Earage, children |¥aler Aubplied, unfurnished, Tele cena escent and Nursing FURRIER and + 121-Personal Service ral qaaund ation arments, In: stenographer for Oshawa machinery kena Kirvel | welcome, 410 King Street East, a RA _5-6040 Hon rad n v a : Fi 4 babii ill ig Bee Re ud 4A manufacturer, Must have shorthand; ------------ ante immediately. Apply 34 Charles (NORTH Oshawa, large modern twos foe. et, nl unding _ DRESSMAKER [PETER Pan day nursery, all or half| Admiral Road hookkeeping not required ini | 43==Wanted To Rent Street after § p.m, hedroom partment, four-plece Path, ok . 19] : day 6.50 to 5.30, 881 Simecos North working conditions. Salary commensur:| ! y A {ot VERN four-room SpAFiment, new. |[Efrigerator, stov asher and Ary BUNNY ,. Ca eld 1 an HA 8.2604 LADIES, you and your friends will en, Ale wilh ability. Please send complete gor F™ merchandl wiih 1 4 decorated, close to bus and Shop. 0 Bonini BA ili" Aly 8 o | Alte: ations, Remodelling | 4 details of past experience and capabll " + Ove perty, residens | jny & Tupperware party in your home fast-action Oshawa ified | ping, north --- Bl Ty PREYY 2330 ow Prices | y Earn gifts, have fun. Good Housekeep. 1168 to Oshawa Times, Box 428 [Ads Call now RA 8-3498 for al 1 on old rive, privele | WAN TED -- 4 couple - for Be nat 0 | WE SREY | ond ml ee wie | \W ATELY REPAIRS [he Abit Huge oti Boks rte i; LAT Nursing' sate X cells Joan Gambell WH 33015, Alan col (37 --=Male Help Wanted -- ---- Nursing sare 7 ho ; RA B.6706 feet p [WANTED -- spprosimately M0 tuusre 1 laden dbisien he Tele L L " L i . Cornish ---- COMPTROLLER = required hy manu. (leet for Ri manufacturing business " ME ------------ ER ------------ | r | -- facturing company, located 25 miles RA B-5620 "6--Ontometrists 13--Gardening & Supplies . 299 King St. West 24--Market Basket east of Toranta. Pasition offers diversi WwW FR WARD WEAPK i | 1 ' ol CARROTS, ibe. per bag. Eyman Bros, fied responsibilities, and therefore re. |@d--=Mouses For Rent R M WO BEDROOM Optom et A J Ai VaR ANY kind of garden work uy expert a ' Specializing automatic north of Whithy on No. 12 Highway and Guires varied experience Remunera ---- - Optom: ; Xam ves reasonable rates RA 61534 1568 wotshes 4 mils east on 3rd Concession. first Lon open, employees' benefits, Write | RAPHELOR apartment, compiele With ; i . - - - atch farm on lefl Box 86. Oshawa Times all furniture including television set, $85.00 monthly, Heated, APARTMENTS Colhorns Fe 9 BAK ) 4 i RA 3419 ICE MELTER RA 3-4545 ORDERS taken for Ontario Potatoes, VOUNG man, capable of accepting re tion oe dentiomen, coniral Mary St, Available Feb, | MURKAR, NET] phe : le melt ice and snow r T - 180.00 for T8maeund pag Delivered Sai. |sponsibilities as well as a keen interest | cation, RA 8-130, Excellent location, New builds Rain : v . y . d 4 urdays only, Phone RA 5.2020 in selling furniture, Junior Matrieula: FIVE - room two bedroom brick 8 ing, with er without lease uh \ » 4 A " ) times fast a | SC "HAP E | I \( MAN -- Lion an asset. Write Hox 431, Oshawa hungalow, Cadillag Avenue, all conven Rt wy Pd 8 | whore 30 tres Tate 3 MAN |e TE Hy a2 | LLOYD REALTY €. NH. TUCK. RO net "a% | Labor costs eliminated, harms AN COMPLETE BOOKEEPING ets an vestoc EATON Tn Grane venuive™ young | #hle February 1, RA 8.3113 after 8 pm, pe nts t downtown Dominion ivi trol ond | po 4 . SERVICE, INCOME TAX RE PUPPIES part German Shepherd, nan with at least three or more [SIX - room house, complete hath, #68 ONE MONTH ank o | TURN six weeks old, reasonable fo E00 years, retall hardware experience. a month, close to school, Apply 7 - amined RA S457, ote Free Demor Ww ; | homes. Telephone RA 8-0814 Telephons HA 8.7373 to arrange inter. liberty Street South, Bowmanville FREE RENT dnd IAL RA 3 50 0 y f ' 686 OSLER STREET ENGLISH painter pups for sais, Tels |View [LOOKINGlor apartments, houses, du 7 Surveyors y : 1G fir ana } OSHAWA. ONT phone Franklin 23156 or write 189 PART Gime steward wanied. Apply in plex, stores? | have new and oid ones| Modem ene: and two - bed APARTMENTS Chapel Street, Cobourg writing to the seeretary. Canadian! lo sell or vent, Call me anytime. Jack room apartments, $85 and Land hr th + SNOW REMOVAL uding 3 : A LL | i w " PFOODLY -- tw \ Corps Assi tion, 30 Riehimand Street; Appleby. RA 5.6344 or 35-3308, John A ' periy ) ' Shin's 10 diy i RA 5-995 FE weer mnie wrown femates vr ARAWE as "| Holahood Lid. Realtor up, Best focation. Phone 2-bedroom apartments, near a puppies, male and fe | . 'a : [a ef ) | male, All registered stack, Reasonable, SINGLE man th work on dalry farm, (8IX room house, oll heated, Hot water RA 8-8676 Shopping Centre, electrically PONEVAN AND FPLEISCAMAN. On SIDEWALKS CLEANED | builder ; { secor {Phone Cedarview Kennels, HA 53062. |5iaie experience and wages required, [tank, two-storey. 181 Celina. Apply 381 Ad equipped. Available Feb, 1st tario Land Surveyor lie. . | agree TRY OUk |BEAUTIFUT, batiy budgies ready fof Reply to Box 433, Oshawa Times |Alhert, RA 3-4786 | 1 printing 12 Bloor Street East. R EAST SERVICE pureha A BAR.B-OUED CHICKEN |ireinine taixing strain. Apply ~ Mry {$IX + roam house, 335 Clark Street, oll 1 MONTH FREE RENT 213 MONTRAVE AVE, 5 N ) p 3-4 4 {Broad (14 Elgin Street East | Fi | [heated, convenient for two couples, Ap | ADELAIDE TERRACE H. FLIM and Ha " { \ One Chicken plate, halt chicken |(PEKINESE registered dog, female, $50 181C ply 33h Wing Street' East 329 Adelaide W., New Med EE Sur A 14 : vith dy Telephane RA 66027 or apply 1138 FIVE - room apartment, class In North { Phone HA 5 "| OSHAWA HOME \ french fries, fish and Igioteratic Street | . | General Molors plant and down at en Apartment; luxurious 2 APARTMENTS z hamburgs, hot dogs, | | Representative stove and refrigeraor if desired. Tele: | bedroom suites, broadieomed phon RA 8.8188 throughout, drapes, stove to let, electrically equipped, TB Building Trades shakes {26--F i ~=Farmer's Column i HOME Own eaves LANDSCAPING MODERN GRILL | RATED wheat sivaw. Teisphana €or | Excellent opportunity for ad Et room apartment with hath 870 | and refrigerator; all-channel One large, and ene small, Harner, Whi ? ? RA 8 6366 WE DELIVER RA 5.3887 [fax 3-843 vancement with national manthix. #4 Simoes North RA Valin ofl TV, laundry facilities end For information calles 4 - { ~/ DEAD § ooh Bich ti consumer loan company. Age : parkin Immediate posses - il TITY - Radio Repairs Bh be OE | Gh ah schol grade | NINE wie gaia Rowe Ga | yon. See Apariment '3 RA 5-3815 or poste PA A Margwill bur Farm, Tyrone ate. Good starting salar ROSBItAL, ARPLY x Leslie Street for a A 8. we ST ' : 14--Household Repairs T0 Y LL rv. radio, car radio feral 4 Al 27 --Fuel & Wood with company car, liberal more information 2 BEDROOM --~ R 8 6485 J Poa . f ' {makes ompson lectronie M4, ' w benefits | NT = RR Tous oy hd "ust chars CHESTERFIELDS and old enairy Te {Elliott Avenue. RA 3.9793 (Fred), : oer: | Plan of company FOR RENT = In Whitby. faut bedroars PARTMENT 0 " 9 ik 0 sows el ed like new. Get the best |! | -- a i KI thungalow, immediate possession, $100 ofan sewer 8 wana te YOUR BILLS | : APA APARTMENT ins fer ahalstering, 1 neo e Ww Box 387, Osh Cal RA SME Har & tree so SAMSON i Phone A sone | Telephone RA 3 6534 [Time BRIE Wier, Wel Po 9 tam AT BUS STOP | | 400 MONTY. six-room house, double SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND In well kept bullding that You can Borrow $50 To 1 V TOWERS 31--Articles For Rent | HIGHEST COMMISSION |garage, venstian hinds, ample "cup Stove, refrigerator, parking provides; FURNACE SALES | 5000 To Pay All Your PAID |vanient Chl Winn A RA 5.3302 , Lots of cupboard space | . FLOOR SANDERS |tlon, RA §-0861 - , Modern kitchen, AND SERVICE | Accumulated Bills. This RA 8.8180 JANUARY SPECIAL UNLIMITED TERRITORY [FIVE + om house; GORE MAP Goa | =m | 3' gC CLE ! ackie td AY ( b | 1 educe rates, earance lap hoo ol UImace, I. 0 M. Mackie Co. | Gives You A Fresh Start OSHAWA T. V. Reduced rat Cl hool, all inside water, no RA 5-5954 With Only One Eas prices on basement 100 | 1f you have ever sold any. [iainroes wxtures. Teishane Ra Sie | OEEICE SPACE | 4 Belen. Monthly Payment 14 361 GIBBONS ST. paint, All kinds of hand and thing in your life == look int NEWLY decorated seven + room hriek . Paved parking, lea a rvic y 00 4 4 bd ©, Pav 7 age, TV e i { leanout Se viea= y | Adah bi gover tools on our Rental this brand new Hem thot [RTUse. Raved drive, Qarfes bind FOR RENT , Complete laundry facilities -- plus paris SUPERIOR OWEHBING HARDWARE everyone needs. Full and part [30084 after § pm. Central location » y $50 --- $5 000 » RA 3 i73 time people accepted Age no MODERN hriek ho carport, handy p i I FUR NACE SERV ICE / APPL IANCE SERVICE 3 barrier. Be first in your area, 10 schanis, Shurehe HH] SAnkitg_ sehtres Naeger d ate \ bi is PLEASE PHONE 23% Hours Per Day Television - Radie + Ranges | 32--Articles Wanted with this fabulous multi-mil 8.3883 p | ew building. Centrally lo. MO 8.4770 TW J = a " 4 - cated in downtown area Without Endorsers Washers - Dryers and Oven |soavid She was --a| lion dollar business Only 6 [FIVE Tonm WREAIOW = 40008 B01 Moderate rent. Lemos now : \ Call A J : . Or Bankable Securit Lontre : Sp p ts | Walch menths in Canada == com roams, avallanle March 8. Reasonable -- TT mp o rm : ST OHN'S HEATING ) aecurity i ( "oh RY Clasntind Ads fait nalske Sire your missions up to 609%. Excel Tent 10 reliable tenants. 443 Park Road| vailable 448--Rooms For Rent Joe Pp unities MO 8.2387 ; North. RA 8-893 HOUSEKEEPING roam, suitable Tor i m-- - wes | lent retirement plan, Parts » EATANLIE El } heauwly parlor husiness| Free burner service for fuel SUPERIOR Fast J? BURR SYREEY | time $80 to $300 per month NASH ROAD Courtice, five wToom THE TIMES ne or ko patiemen, close 0 L eatin 3 Lows tie and | Customer ast Service - Sensible Rates | WANTED Full time $600 and up. The pn, pic ag Id 39638 or apply 4 eel. fo wn vent $30 per - -- FINANCE LIMITEC | organizer $1,000 and up oll heat, hydra, close fo schools, RA BUILDING HOUSEKEEPING privi 0 . fed in ADD A ROOM? The F G All DID YOU SEE QUR | scRAP IRON, POULTRY for' inarview 0 ' vale hedroam, in toih : - | New 152 J | i 1 -- 1 | ment. Suit quiet, refined in arey Mullen, eal Fatal 3k fo KITCHENS aL ene Tain Growing Al | NEW ALL GALVANIZED | AND FEATHER TICKS ear pare ly RTT " Contact T. L. WILSON Raat raed, Pitep Tare PAIRS OR 3 : \ Genosha Hote STORE | itahle for bark CLEAN, Wright, double furnished rooms RESTAL RANT 1 a Mair EPAIRS OR : Loans Life Insured R A D E S S I. TURNER \ TRE Fe Tor ARE ae 0 Phone RA 3: 3474 tia beds, Also single TOM, EN ai Bal wg' oh 00.0 REMODELLING RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 Corvair Room----8 p.m. [by 41% RA 56197 reorere Cooking privileges, Central, Telephone Exe ] ( t REMODELLING SNC oN 43 RA RA 88402 for further details. ear NSE OR BALL RA 5634] TOWERS LL : | _ Friday, January, 27th _[37--Mule Help Wanted | PARKWOOD [fone or to "downtown simoss ton or sult other small business. T RA 8.5103 Open Friday 'Til 8 PM - o workmanship SHAW | MANOR phane HA 34343 after & x gpa i Gouna | FRESE | SH TE fw | auto Whtckia co. | BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT Fv \ 2 | tic hroughou nt i Nid You Kn hat W. or gentleman, near Nord AJAX REPAIR AND A Bliss : id You Know That We Wants cars for wrecking, '| APARTMENTS oe He etal: {STRUCTION LIMITED | 19.--Personal I Employ sapeet: Technicians Parts for sale, also scrap iron | Applications will be received for the position of Build He Ca an camforiable Aves" ADD en RIDERS wanted 10 Toronto, leaving Take Service Calls till 8:30 and metals, etc. bought. Open ing Superintendent for the Ajax Public School Board ON FURNISHED - DD A ROOM Oshawa m. For information, tele Saturday all day. Phone | L 4 1961 | front ream, ~werkl ITCHENS? phane RA 8.563¢ ' up to February 4, | . {oouple ar gentlemen. light housekeep- KITCHEN : " RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E | SAGUENAY AVENUE ng, reirigerator optional, twa minutes PANEL. A WALL? YOU drink a Sur Business. 1 TRY US Li ew | FPL =| QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should have a tharough know a i from four corners, RA 58460, EPAIRS OF Write PO Box #4, Whithy ledge of building construction and maintenance, a mech: (PARK RD. & KING ST, WARM large room single bed REMODELLING - : T R | 0 !1 CASH FOR SCRAP!!! anical aptitude and experience in finish carpentry | DISTRICT) [able far IWe ta shate, Ala Re x if desired, central \ARGE or SMALL | ELECTROLYSIS. 4 WE BUY : i {8-568, 361 Celina Stree! STEEL. METALS. BATTERIES APPLICATIONS: Should include a resume of experience, age | Quiet, residential street, lia " ------------ A -------------------- AJAX THAT'S ALL! Removal Ls Lis, TEL EVISION PAPER RAGS, Etc references, salary requirement, address and telephone num 1&2 bedroom Apartments, KARGE vom. eingle bedn wilable ~ 12--D k emaval of superfluous. ha f $ ber and should be addressed + Stoves, 'frigs, TV. outlet, |without beard, parking, home privileges ~Dressmaking RA 8.5103 Marie Murduft lt 171 BOND ST ; Open All Day Saturda I drapet. parca. 'ele [reasonable RA 86687 REVERSIBLE skirts 3 ' wh ' SHAWA Oshawa, Jan. 3 and' Fe BONL EAST M. GREENBERG & SONS The tela easure Rents from. $90 monthly RED - sitting room with Kishen, com. allarations on ladies' wear a \ N Blas p a . ~ \ jax Pub cal Boag plete) furnished alse light OW dren RASS ornar Elmgrov AJAX RERRIR AN Ist, Phone ( $ Hotel on % RA 8.4781 LTD y PO Box 34) | A PHONE [Keeping roam. fully furnished, v Avenue, Fark Road Som CONSTRUCTION LIMITED | these dates for appointment, | | RA3.7333. 308 Bloor §t. E Ajax, Ontario. BA 3.7272 RA $5707 [sR 34 Dearbare

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