LH EA Fred Roberts 'Red Cross | Ne Fhe Oshawa Times ! : t Presiden Fred Roberts wes elected | president of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So iety ri Ms Ath annual meeting Bin Adelaide House, Thurs E2 [day night, Mr. Roberts succeeds Don Howe who served as presi- dent of the local branch for the past twn years Viee - presidents elected In "hud H. Tander, Dr. A Halam Andres, Pastor Dar: ren Michael and BR. H, Stroud N. W. McAlpine was re-elected treasurer CHAIRMEN APPOINTED Committers chatrmen appoint: ed include: |, H. Stroud, Wend donor service with Mrs, C. C, Murty as eochairman: ¥. J, Weir, disaster; P, W, Kennedy, First Ald serviee with eo-chair: man C.K, Anderson; J. G, [Cetke finance; Mrs J. 1, (Burns, Homemaker Bervice; (Miss 1, Millson, Reg, ¥., home many nursing; J. A. Cameron, indy. dug! emergency aid; Mrs, J, Shields, knitting; Mrs, E. Hoy, nan euphoard service; W. Ford Lindsay, publicity; Mrs, W Baldwin, senior citizens with en-chatrman, Mrs, 1, BR, Currie; Mis. It. Cook, shipping: War: ren Barton, water safely ser: vices and Mrs, J. Swindells women's work Speaker for. the nccasion was W. Douglas Johns. superinten dent of Hillsdale Manor, Osh awn's Home for the Aged Mr. Johns said that the old age popultion is on the increase and will eantinue to he on the Laughlin Public Library Board increase. He sald the increase responsibility to both congrega- Church at its annual meeting Thursday in elderly population will he han community, and must Financially the ehureh night. Dr, Telford has heen a come more of & problem With ninister g ana old alike, strengthened its position during member of the hoard since 1940 the increase in elderly popila building well for future genera (yu. Ihe grand total raised hy! and served ehalrman|tion there is po decrease in dis tion the church and all organization nee ease among older person wis $76,640. OF this The ef Therefore, it is not necessarily $15,274 was contributed to healthy population ons and henevolences Milne, treasurer of the M M Fund, announced that amoum Foronta yn I5 An Inerease 40 per cent over last Mrs, W. Harri the WME organization aid total of $2608, was raised hy the b \ Hundreds oA Simcoe Pub out for the anna $76,649 RAISED King Street Church Had Successful Year well ait TUMES AT who attended are they pose for the Times cam erg. lee are cur ICE CARNIVAL shown . as | rently being held at Oshawa public schools Oshawa Times Photo Service At Library Is Expanded Rev, Dr, George Telford wa re-elected chairman of the Me v 4 MANY NOVEL COS that Wit Osh Some of those the void this al the Senith turned #i schon iis Bi & CRIMYEI Wi Wk Carmmvals as as In the hool gregation downtown church he sald has a worship Jan King An assembled in Centennial enthusiastic cm Wedns 2% Hal Street United Chureh the of 1h and arganization The the delicious dinner Hundle presided for hymn B¢ day § of 10 receive mn and to young ha as 1043 budget for 1661 B40 83 compared with $87 for 1960 40 the PF. Hart MeDuff of dur Osha and H Congregation 1960 YEports it lanie WA amount Mi il and Harr Vins erved a Hazel plang ol Was EXCELLENT PROGRESS B NEED TRAINED STAFF "Providing the hest possible for elderly loved ones is VETyOni responsibility I ould be a erime to put loved|, in hospitals that are staff}, secretaries and steno graphes rather than highly trained nursing staffs Hike there), four affiliated societies, Church SERVICE EXPANDED are hosnitals and old aged), extension work received $1000 come to our homes," My, Johns said 0 HW ) ices have! He recommended homes such Ent Ronn i rat Hillsdale Manor, not only I'he church treasurer, Hobinson, outlined (he points of interest in his report. | sock {Indebtedness on Centennial Halll 172ither has been reduced #21400. or a bookmobile are needed now |spected Payments on the parking loll to cope with the rapid growth of, According to Mr, Johns, el are heing made at the rate of the The children's depart-|derly people like to talk and al $260 per month ment is running way find people who are will: The session report was pre. At top capacity,' commented ing to talk with them in a senior|, sented by BK, H, Brown, clerk|the chief librarian, Miss Jean citizens home, He sald young |y of session, who intimated that Vetterly, in her report the church roll had again been purged of disinterested people and now stands L342, Bui this will be Increased when the large confirmation are received prior to Easter Grease r aver I'he Woman's Assocation] py, (mr Jack "nd the th Fh indicated that report United Church vara hoard in PRE hy the! 2" tion; ¥.|" CPATale F hy the ng K Af antinuing to the ' ing Bireel vi Jain elude Ginpanied xcellent vi rin make ¢ ent in to i w ot f and a Boa I th reporting for) Board alBastedo and "1 city count 11] una in VAFIOUS "ren I erving and wit Kingdom, Al JETYICeR and fre the public i which Osha Cli prog ise of Wo nipping for the Lendunces chureh the Ak Ald Greer yeur rke | and He elected Pierson in i conducted Wanle "f Nessing ane ed halrman W il whoo! with eCrelar ry lerowd facilities \ y led In devotion nti I into the i Chureh addre f school A MEmMorinl servi OOM o provided large donation hy the prov church ord the the large ul Bines nave mitlined by in report ury pertormed The his past yi duties, Mr many tasks Calvary Baptist Raises $52,779 The annua! meeting of Cal-|groups of Pioneer Girls with a vary Baptist Church, Oshawa, total average attendance of 48 was held on Wednesda weekly, while the boys meet in 26, when the reports and finan two groups of Christian Bervice clal statements of every depart: Brigade averaging 61 week! ment of the work were present-| Physical, moral and spiritual ed. After time of thanksgiv- training is given by consecrated ing for God"s goodness through: | leaders at the regular meetings out another year the members and in the special event listened intently to the such camps throughout the aging accounts of the fl People's Meel Amongst young and old spiritual and far for There has been & net increase) ON of 14 in the membership, bring . ing the total to 831, During the WOMEN'S WORK i Ihree groups are organized to Winter, was appointed to ease cater for the needs of the ladies the load of the everdncreasing|'® the church, There is a live work, The general work of the/"Msslonary interest in each church has heen well maintain Broup which has added $533.72 to the missionary giving of the church, and there has heen great deal practieal worl done ta help individual mi through a fine panded new building er ( § ( ' § Double lub, | urprising As beneficial Happ P al n Ng most in I ( from 42,000 to 69,000 [the residents of these homes plans for new hranches/are among friends and are re IY 1" h lo in particular year of growth in the adult de- land as a direct result of (his|g | Dart nt with the book eiveula- problem, homes like Hillsdale tion increasing to 17,000, There have heen huilt in the province | was a substantial circulatio In " I of more than 800 records| INE BIG FAMILY 1 "No one at Hillsdale Is ever|lv the previous in the he pl iie department ton hu y fo talk to the resi achievements were outlined by| Idents, They are never told to sit Mrs. Herbert Porter. Two hun-| OWN 141 FILMS down hecause they are ton old|( dred and four members raised] With the Oshawa Film Coun: nor are they ever made to feel|d and spent $6711, giving $300 tolell, the library has bullt up althey are too old to he helpful ora the M and M Fund, $3000 tollarge collection of 16 mm filmsiwanted, Everyone at Hillsdale|( the committee of stewards, and @nd filmstrips. It now owns 141ivegards all 178 residents as part (W $1268 towards the completion of films and a filmstrip collection|of one hig family and a personal [bh [the chapel of ¢ friend," Mr. johns said, It during the! "Senior citizens should Gom: A CHURCH BCHOOL GROWING last were mand the respect they deserve, [If Blanjey Gomme, superinten-| added to the adult library, Al:{Peaple should come to Hills |D dent the Church School, told| together 2718 non-fiction vol {dale Manor to visit these senior|# of the attainments of this or-lumes were classified and cat |eitigens and participate in theiy 8 {ganization which operates every|alogued, 185 pamphlets were aptivities nunday morning of the ared for the shelves and $1ljust an old age home on Ross and showing a steady i were processed land road. It isn't a long way|C membership During the year from any part of the elty running ind 984 magazines 15 just as near as 20 #470 was given | Jan fil Clanses fi year also encour work near! ing and Hs Fhe ha Af Y Oung provided recreational facilities rising generation also 04 was noted vear 4040 volumes that year an assistant pastor, Ernes ol veal 1 $d ed throughout the year and the| special ventures, such the Bible Conferences and Evangel Istie Campaign In the spring were blessed of God. The total Brie income of all phase of the Oshawa 1s church amounted to $52,776.01, [and Calvary and all our financial needs Is mel MISSIONARY INTEREN There has alway NISSIONAT)Y hurch and this the misslonary 145,12 Tor the ary famil vhen Mrs. Beulah alled to he va last I'wo the church this fall when Mi Jealous ter flew to Kenya to the Africa Inland Mission church have 14 wil es serving throughout the and each one I " H 1442 hooks were loaned|it of crease in wus ralsed for 80 orp while ion pense and missionary societies | General Hospital, The children'sione," Mr, Johns sald department veported an in| crease of more than 12,000 in circulation The statistical report showed there are 27,245 members com wared with 25.576 in 1050, Of the embers, 0470 are children growing very fast|"inons Baptist Chureh re allze responsibility te pro vide adequate facilities for the spiritual needs of the people of Oshawa, An extension work was heen a keen started in a house at 1851 Cedar interest in the greet the lake, at the end ihown bylof A Sunday School of §33 in the afternoon and The mission meetings for children! received a sad blow teen-agers throughout the Alloway A Sunday evening servioe reward from vill ecaommence on the first Sun in Fi ind regular vill begin Winter, Assist heen largely pe this venture The Young People's Union enjoying inte esl, Miss Marilyn Scott is th (new president, $100 was raise in 1060, The expenditures of th Benevolent Fund to various [charities and needy persons, | were enumerated by R, H Hrown # resurgence of Vere Near October moets wa chairman, recely In memorial and to complete the| Several weddings have heen W ed Pogson White Gif $6424.40 special gifts which is so active Christmas time, Mrs, Doug chapel Hedputh related the exten: baptisms Of ansistance given to needy in there to date dividuals families y ind other groups assemble there for worship, Mr, Pogson mentioned that there were sev oral new articles of furniture offering now By EARL GREEN n An excellent play hy the N O'Neill Collegiate and Voeation:| held) al Institute Drama Club was Year far the two other ind week nPeaking Commitiee, al las new nd Wi Ko i wring | day ruary IN new IRissionari night, by the sparkling perfor| mance of the leading lady, Pat] Payne (A y | This 17-year-old was econvine | available for memorials and}ingly charming, then shy and! Special gifts [later serene with maturity. | [Though this was her first stage) chairman! experience, she acted with pro.|* fessional smoothness | the new el Miss Payne has heen in Osh! who will belawa five years, She previously A office January 20 [lived in 8, Thomas h lated yrarning and family shortly after Ray ant Pastor NL spansible under he \s the city continues to grow (ORR Its the church's desire to share slong in helping to meet the needs of world! | its fellow citizens ery Mi has for over and My ttle erve (a) (Gi {the Eraphig won aeolor Hawker, chalrman ol Cammitiee, gave a #ecount heclor's al comphlishments in strengthening the spivitual and financial life of the church, He was accorded OFFICERS ELECTED a of appreciation] ©, Jackson Wray tor efforts In mak the nominating ng suceessful read the names of a. : . ders and stewards YOUTH ACTIVITIES installed in Bette Lynn Osborne, ably re and thelr dau ol Now sincere Vole his stellar this project | qd subs siantially by the church. During OFFICERS FOR 1061 thi the congregation had he following officers the privilege of seeing three of ppointed for 1061 Ls missionaries on furlough, Th $ rk, 0. Sharrard; upporte of committee ell were Church cle RISSionary from IE " Oshawa Circulation has increased from because they are staffed with\g. chinese Government, then!iNg the year COIEE 174,000 to 800,000 and our hook well-trained nurses, hut because pio (he that {people don't always have time with neoper velations we could It was noted that 1960 was a(to talk to their older velalives|inovoage that trade a f) sald the two revalutions now going on In fgepvice is continuing to grow |Assistance from other organiza Hillsdale Manor isn't) 0! hut {Wednesday patients at the Oshawa/40 years can place it fram any: (ried in Thursday's issue of The | Oshawa Times Drama Club Play Of High Calibre Church Schoolljifted beyond praise, Thursday] Ried ECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1961 PAGE ELEVEN ident Don Howe, second from All committees reported an left, is going over a brochure increase in service and effi- | of the branch achievements ciency over the past year, In | for 1060 with President-elect the above photo, retiring pres: | Fred Roberts, Norman Me: Alpine, treasurer, left and Mrs, Ei. A, Mounce, executive secretary, right, are looking on, ~Oshawa Times Photo THE 1961 OFFICERS of the | laide House Thursday night ranch of the Cana: dian Hed Cross Society were elected and installed at its 40th annual meeting at Ade | | | | Would Admit Red Cross Increases Red China To The U.N. ervice To Oshawa hudget was 5.7 per than the 1050 hudget 0 ARTICLES SEWN Mrs, Isabell Swindells, ehalr man of the less given to 18 adult students and {in April 12 Boy Scouts comple: {ted an Intermediate First Ald Course, 4 | Another 25 adults registered WOmen's work com-\for g Public Standard First Ald mittee, reported that during thel Course which is now being cons vear, Wil sewn articles, 2lducted at the OM Training Auilts, 16 completed layettes and| Centre on Richmond street, 4200 blood transfusion wipes Pwenty-five First Aid kilts were were completed and shipped to|gunniied to the CRA for use in the Ontario Division Head: |the city playgrounds, quarters | fewn items consisted of 125ATD THREE FAMILIES pairs of pyjamas, 40 boys shirts,| ¥, J, Weir, chairman of the ih girl nightgowns, 88 pairs of disaster committee, reported childrens overalls, 25 girls tun] that no major disasters struck ies and 25 blouses lin Oshawa during 1060, The Bixteen new Homemakers hranch assisted three families, were made for that eom:|the vietims of fire, with elothe mittee, 72 diapers were made|ing groceries, shoes, rubbers for the Welfare Department and| and other necessities handages were made for the] Mrs, T. K, Creighton, chairs First Ald committee, man of the individual emergens Mrs, Myrna Baldwin, chaip.|cy ald committee, outlined sevs man of the senior citizens eom-|eral different cases her commits mittee, said during. the fipstitee dealt with during the year, seven months of 1060 the eam. This committee works in cons mittee carried on its regulap|junction with several other service at Fairview Lodge, | charitable organizations and Whithy service clubs in the eity Warren Barton, chairman of » "ie OREN TUCK Sor ened it the Water Haloty fervice coms Took BhoT (LO M flmittee, sald 0000 water safety Br a of cards were distributed in the daily service for Hillsd ipl hulie _ Achools to publicize dents the oo te a nN 8 Water Bafety Week, i the committee solicited! Financial assistance was given to three persons who took the Instructor's course and Junior, Intermediate and Renior eards and erests were provided for the committee of the Osh "Of all the insane things that awa Branch of the Canadian e of the western world do, our (Red Cross Society showed an 105! act is our refusal increase in service and effic and admit Re dlenoy during the past year, the United Nations," | retiring president, Don Howe ald Elmore Philpott, of the sai at the branch's 45th annual ancoyver Sun. He was speak meeting Thursday night 1% to the Canadian eluh of on IK. H. Biroud, chairman of the Hotel Genosha,|p10od donor committee report ed that 12 clinics were held in Bt, Gregory's auditorium dur Through the 12 very hest ambassador €linics, the Oshawa Branch pro have, and get him over cured 116 per cent of its quota y China fast, "By doing so we of blood for the Red Cross blood av get the Americans off the hank, he pointed out ank, he said." Altogether, 4212 hottles of "The trade possibilities with blood were collected at the 12 hina are potentially very monthly clinics, Only at thres reat, Last year BC Mills sold (clinics were less than 800 000 tons of aluminum to China bottles procured, Three times! more than 400 hottles were do 10usand (nated hy volunteer blood donors 6," Weiland at the July clinic, the Osh awa Branch set an all time ut it is more Important," \yecord for the province hy col fpeaker noted, "to try to lecting 440 hottles of life-giving ike 656 million friends than 10 piaad, The Oshawa elinie has he nd 650. million customers." come recognized as the hes | The speaker who has heen 10 organized and the most success hina twice In recent years ful elinie in Ontario, nd who recently returned from fact finding tour of India and CUPBOARD SERVICE GROWS hina, noted that the fate of our| Mrs, Marion Hoy, chairman arkd 1s likely to. he decided of the loan cupboard commit y the comparative outcome of tee, reported her commitiee's LYery cent insant 1 Fecognize hina (0 the arin Count al hur adian day speaker suggested the Ca Government recognize 2% v4 We CHS id on innumerable iter and during 1000, it was_ neces: Hons in the eity and § such| sary to add new equipment to[OTRANIZAlIONS are now assisting meet the increasing demand for|W!!h the Tuck Shop service IW, Kennedy, ehalrman of Somerset Swimming Club During the year #1 beds, ane|the Pivst Ald committee, sald 24] At Camp Kamae RAwimming hed table, 11 bed pans, seven|first year student nurses at Osh: Pool 146 Beginner Pins, 100 rubber rings, 42 wheel chairs, [Awa General Hospital were sue:| Junior Cards and Crests, 58 [two sets of hed sides, six canes, [cessfl in passing the Blandard| Intermediate Cards and Crests [71 pairs of crutches, one vapor: First Ald Course in January and 28 Benlor Cards and Crests iger and one commode ehaiy| Puring February, a Public were awarded in July and Auge {were loaned fram the loan cup: Standard First Ald course was | ust, My, Barton reported, Wire committee sok AT MONTREAL Westmount Club sia, India and China have al st one half of the world's opulation, Both are engaged in titanie struggle to raise the tandards of living of their peo @ Mr, Philpott addressed the anadian Club at Bowmanville night. A detailed re his address was car. art of committee to purchase one com mode chair, two wheel chairs, arts as Lavinia Penniman and| Miss D. Millson, Reg.N,, who Pr Irs. Montgomery. [was appointed chairman of the er Others in the play were: Mar: (home nursing committee, ve: yn Markle, as Maria; Robyn(ported a home nursing class has| On Tuesday of this week six|service for others less fortunate as Hlizaheth Almond; been organized, Mrs, Lorraine Burns, ohair [mon Ho Kivamam was held, countries, A dd OI; {in the Sale Bonaventure, at the| Kiwanian Stroud econgratus Sets and costumes were he: [Man of the Red Cross Home [Queen Klizabeth Hotel and lated Governor MeGruer & hi and the call of duty for a high{maker Service committee, noted | ked eas res ApDOING rol In Ne a eo 3 Nn caniiderable expansion af| marke the aceasion of the pres: appointment and offered him, on The entire action ¢ [Homemaker Service in Oshawa| ok place in the bi during 1060, The greater par loper's Washington | ouse, in the year 1830, Stage management the play woof Dr | two beds, one mattress and rub Thirty-one stu: members of the Kiwanis Clublin a friendly fashion, with no lichael Bell, as Arthur Town: dents enrolled in the first class of Westmount, Oshawa, paid an!thought entation of the "Governor's behalf of all Kiwanis members Square | the increase ocourred in the ber sheeting to meet the in creasing demands from the cup hoard HOME NURSING ) | of remuneration, Kis end; and Eileen Kowalski, as/@nd lessons ave held Tuesday|inter-elub visit to the Kiwanis|wanis clubs were doing a tres favian Almonds, All played evening in MeLaughlin Hall, [Club of 81, George, Montreal {mendous job in helping to build ell, right to the sophisticated, | Miss Millson reported, |The meeting, attended hy al:| better communities in the twe enetrating end Home Club Banner" hy the Osh: in the distriet, hest- wishes for Awa oh to the Montreal elub, [the coming year, The banner, whieh is he | y \ last eight months, the home club of his id lead able guests pncluded | During the year, the Home (Vice-president J. A. Farquhars {maker staff increased from hee, Maritime Distriet of by [Governar of the Ontario, Que-isan of the St, George's Cluby was Elders -- Stanley Pilkey, Roy| She played the part of Cather:| presented the Explorer Girl treasurer Pearse, George Twiddy, Hugh giving a y 3 E. R. Stacey: mis $49 ine Sloper in the play, "The Ron Mitchell and Jelle Visser seven in J Robert Stroud, immediate past anuary to 14 in June. \wanis International for the year » year this staff work: during which the governor is in ed 81 per cent more days than|office wi Source This Upparl iterature dual missionaries vorid. Six of the allending Hibl train for Christian services Watson hers are studying Lan ites who are not clear as to Hooper thelr sphere amounted $42 {governor Arthur Burns, presis rho {dont of the 8t, George's Club; 1% in the possession of David MeGruer, governor of the it did in the previous year, the Oshawa elub when Robert Ontario, Quebee, Maritime Diss to 10.12 has enabled the church to wnt oo ; Ni N Ruth assistant pianist, Miss Lane; praver meeting Mi Sharrard; choir Walter Lane; Bible superintendent, R social convener, Mrs tre plan A 0} and gave an interesting desorip: [Hutcheson and William Nichel [Heivess", hy R. and A. Goetz, Students, Set construction Was puping the Hon of thelr mid-week aotivities [son [Tt was directed hy Rrnest Win-(d0ne by the students of the in a verbal report, Miss Pal | Stewards Frank Burrows, (fer. head of the English Depart: | Woodworking class, under their Hel hpi stated at George Harding William Gras iment at OCVI, The play will hoo he h Avia Hilts, En Although total Costs of this Stroud was governor, {trict and Harry Ross, lieutenants Hie di #4 ved a pret | h yk Bre ar ding. atic ajLresented again tonight and aster d alg was by Carla service increased 67.7 per-eent,] Tt was taken te Montreal and governor of Division 8, ii He Sveilih ; paling in | ford hunk entianed| Saturday night {Wehber, The art department the amount of fees collected in (resented by Henry Reed, presi; | To honor the dist hed pendid givls' program that there was a vacancy aon Not only Pat, but the vest of 1d the scene decoration, John|ereased 84 per cent, Mrs, Burns!dent of the Westmount Club, to] nox 'i istinguishe he Boy the trustee board, Erie Baothlye"oast "the scenery and: the| Liston, a teacher, and a student, said, This vesulted in a net cost|the St, George's Club through |STOUR at Kiwanis afficlals, the flower Mrs. J. mittee report next, Mp, Was the unanimous choice forfaaciimes combined to make it|70¢ Kalnay, handled lighting. 'per day worked of only $2.83 as|its president. Art Burns, Presi. Presidents of the Quebee City, Ari benevolent fund{Harold Pascoe traced the de. this position [a spectacular performance. 1t|71operties were taken care of compared to $3.69 in 1950. [dent Reed mentioned the trai. ake 8t. Louis, Lakeshore, Mons H 1 yons; envelope velopment of the bays' E'OUDS. [RUDGET APPROVED must be seen to he appreciated [by Ada Kelly, a teacher; Kath-| At the request of the Wel [tions associated with the banner treali Lave l Maisonneuve, G. Ranstead; clerk tolAt present there are 0 Tate DGET VE aR wy at 3] le {ryn Lakush, a student, and Jim [fare Department, Homemakers and offered it ta President Rose mere, St Hustac \o Sur le church council, E, Jack g ) { A, Tresise, speaking for(ANYORe Who misses this play is A Homemaker WF AEREON Lae, St. Lawrence and Wests PAR a [foi one far Cubs and oneling finance committee of the|MISSING An important expori:|Minett, a student agreed to service all welfare HUIS With the best wishes and) fol, Me afar CHL BRE H. Gascoigne, V, H.[for Boy Scouts. Money ralsed ono han e DO \ doe o ja} Sh Costumes were handled by cases, Much of the increased|[COnEratulations of the West LTR ubs were in BE. W. Johnston, § (10 finance this important phasoloq tho ude av ho prs uo i: : (Joy Thomas, Phyllis Ferguson, [activity is the outcome of Mount Club interes orn KE. Moore, W, Relm.[0f Christian Education. is do Be \ die Wi " anprova [300 ATTEND (Lorraine Murphy and Mrs, R [this arrangement, Homemakers! Immediate Past Gavernor, An interesting experience for H. Seoloy and 0. Shareard; vived principally through paper] on. a naerabie discussion Ith wore than 500 peaple saw it| Heard, members of the teaching|serviced a total of 168 families, [N70Ud, Who was the main/the Oshawa members was their council, G. Delaney, J. drives Wie Wiitevey "mn Sandton hati Phursday night. Many more] staff, and three students, Joan 83 of which were welfare fan [Sneaker Pilined the §overnar s| LG IRTLALGR, tier the Rinehent, Sr a larger sum be included to prosl¢ha / soadenti Keilio | by the . wtton on the lapel of the new| Atarey, former NHI, 3 l Hurlbert I \ new group appearing at theleuve additional pastoral shoul tend | hi Rigg wi I} Satiott, ¢ TP ae at: Shella ties 7 . . governor David MeGruer, of|referee, who is an _enthusiastie V6 Nicholson, congregational meeting was the! ance | pa diretel \ Percentage increases shown the St. George's Club Kiwanian in the 8§t. George's it rs 5! R. Stacey; stew: Hi qroup for youth 13:16, Miss| Before the meeting concluded Hb th # mature and sensitive in . Business Management, house in the homemaker committee re In Wig Re Ca Kiwanian Club, Storey is vitally interests : ok per M Rei Gail Glover spoke on their be-!W. L. Pierson voiced the appre hee, Mf Catherine's fathe IARAHSMEN and Iblieity Were port showed during 1060 thelgiraud mentioned the arduous(e in bays' wark, During the anning Poulter half CIAHOR Of the mec bs he ® hart of | rine's father, | iree 1eachars, Jean number of families served incfwark facing the new governor, [meeting he announced a pros and W. Tonkin: ushers: © dies who served the d W1Dr, Austin Sloper, was a very|laird, Murray Hofstetter and creased by 20 per cent, the NUM: [saving he Nwsell had visited allgram of entertainment, at one Alen, M. Arnold, D. Churchill, SERVICE PROJECTS nd: ta th Ppl x Rip {if fowl ane. The doctor was of Alleen Hall. Make-up was done ber of days worked, per cent ost 150 clubs last vear h swoon [of the largest Montreal arphans Callen, G. Delaney, ¥ he AOTS Men's Club vide \ the " Ly 20 Kindly Ofimposing character, David Mae: (hy three teachers, Mrs, A. the number of calls made by the western ont NG 24 Ay Mart Ages, wonld be attended hy year(Way, § Green, A. Hooper, R.|/® busy your with many service uti enamine (oviLead filled the part more than/Hiltz, Atleen Hall and Eileen supervisor, 23 per cont total ost times ws, "NATE many Kiwanians, He now refers Jeffery, Bud Johnston, D. Lag projects including the annual x r HE 8 a aaptegation adequately Rusk; and a student, Pat Kerr, lof service 67.7 per cent, total Basing his remarks on the ees games between young bays erquist, F. Lesage Lyons Turkey Dinner. New clubs have ro * Rhvadid Wil to choir di] Howard Swartz also perform: [Katie Schell and Alan Dewar!fees collected, 84 per cent and fifth object of Kiwanis, teams in Montreal y : and C. Powers Also boen sponsored in other Mrs. Williams aine wad ocd well in the role af Cather prompted the net cost of the service insKiwanian Stroud stated that Kis! Members of ihe Westmount churches in the city. $1652 wa junior chulr . Moris Townsend. | The drama olub been creased 40 per cent Wa Clubs offer to men, Club wha made the trip ta Mon. the amount realized by the men!" path My N polished, with a taste/ working on the play No. | There was a 23.8 per cent des through the United States and /treal were Robert Stroud. Cy. in thei Lerprises Myers on June, ngs. .. . vember It is the first major crease in the net cost of service Canada, a most practical means Pawell, Henry Reed Darren The withiol to A uy oe and Glenda Slessor production at OCVI in three pdr day worked and the 1960/10 farm enduring fNendships. He Michael, Harald Davidsop and {deserve special credit for their! years |Homehaker Service committee went on to say that by doing John Howson, missionary radio and Akinner work RAL Rranda the planist director School #5 well as around oung people to while Colleges scout Group Com al univers convene Was of future SOFVICO. [ipoasurer two Oshawa men from | secretary Hible Colleges have undertaken the pastorates in the dur the BIBLE I'he school the young provinee Deacons Henkelman Lagerquist ¢ ng year SCHOO Minday grew api vith a of 40 The missionary has been maintained ible School and this flected in the mission $3,170.03 ! the Daily 18 held each Tuly. The aver attendance réached 331 pu led by very enthusiastic band of teachers headed by Mrs Perey Bible reciably durin morning ureh Ho Jackson in lW. P inlards YOar re \Verag wr assist i I attendance a start of necessitating i terest . is re. inedy ATY offer nder the Vacation! Mn of Hible School School in the month of wo Gallo spent Hible of W ag pls a the!line's suitor ming has since Audit Tahnst rel on, N nek: account ST Hopkisg, Ushiawa f i { : 8: Q fu AV io ¢ WM Wil 1) 4 he! A Plerson and Stanley wke ahly of the work minister ut ayed th A 5 andl a iditors » Yarous en blessing of God. There are two'and Company, 4 Chapel Committee,