WEDS OS MSE Bo STANDARD POISON BOTTLE Inspector Thomas Green field of the Ontario College of Pharmacy in Toronto holds a type of six-sided heavy-gla hottle heing proposed a5 & titidard poison comamer in Canada and the United States Displayed on the (able are miscellaneous hottles in which Latter-Day Crusoe On Treasure Island ALUCKLAN a Treasure Island far civilization in the Bouth Pacific Hives a white man who wears ( ¢lothes only to receive Fare visitng I'hi cucumbers and watermelons, | | fish and turtles and eggs He was spotted from the al by a UR supposedly uninhabited island, |! then inquisitive people}! heen delving into why he alone in this remote spol, |» ome are asking whether! something ahout the! treasure supposed to have heen! huried there last A helicopter pilot from a UR naval ship saw a while man tending hens near a hut on re: mote Suwarrow atoll, 600 miles east of Bamoa in the South Pa! eific. Later the captain of the hip, Captain D, W, Porter, and nD, NZ (CP) On Pinee have Hives Now he knows He fram| fool hid I varied adventures in subsequent modern Crusoe lives on years and eventually was killed {Wrote navy helicopter on al Mair century stolen without Wheat Pool President Has Vast Experience By DON SCANDRETY " ian Press Sali BEGINA (CF) made Charles W Cikmings # logical choice for president of ce meh Writer: nore Expenence gram ing speney, nd which handles gong back to the farm "it than hall the province's my observations were that the Crp nay boys who were ptiending wi Because of our ay 10 pro- versity from the farm seemed larger quantities Ho be much hetier off finanaiaiy the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, sgnculursl products than we then those whose fathers were word's largest grain H-peratiye Fourth president of the yerr-oid orgamiation and first horn in Saskatchewan, Mr Gihings, 44, was raised on # Warm and has been connected of prices farm education Cons are concerned and deci: Hes with farming or wimost ail Wis hfe He had heen a second vies handling now are producing, my bebe working in oAher Geewpations is that we're gong 10 have to Vi expand the commercial and non al wrens of the world the! NO REGRETS He gradusied In sericulure in 1942 and has never regretied Decoming # srmer "While there side hth wn mer markets And hecause of the pressure INCEEREME As RF #5 RIE partum REgncuiure thet ng as 1ar as prices of agricul May We more rewarding finan tral products are concerned 1OaNy, actually there are many president of the pool for five WE Te wind 10 have 0 continue Anh es about farming thst years and a director since 1952 the Dati H.agricultural products in Wesson, president for 24 years, CFeased." SEA A FARMER \when he succeeded John in December {| With bis back (Gibbings is not only (with the dayAo-day problems the farmer, he siderable thought term of FARMER GUIS LEAS The farmer's share of tu constimer's dollar 1s declining he sald Therefore, i seem 10 me thet farmer selves Carry Clie ihe This will gong 1a have Lo mercial enterprise ing and distribution field Foung Lf has given con fo the long Ie view Reneun wou them are io 7 gong hays their own product 6 the consumer ay po mean 1 1 ger mare com in the pro of However, he say immediate on of he grower co-op which ha inal elevators al the We and the Lakehead and extraction he pla commercial 141.000 mi ih mh sold al Canadian Medical Poisons are present The colleges erm i Coast a Hour plant Counedl and American College mill hacking distine nl al of Apothecaries the suggestion tive hottie ore for a as a safeguard gEainst aceidental poisoning (CF Photo) SALUTE TOMORROW'S (17.1) 3S yoUR NEWS Your TIMES CARRIER Is Learning To Become A BUSINESS MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated carried the of a large retaining tn the where he only a few reassure free ans his was in 1875, Mair had n the New Hebrides in 15K] Two years before he died, he to his hrother, Gilbert in New Zealand, telling of he treasure and giving is lo ation But the treasure letter never cached Gilbert Mair, Nar has he Mair family ever tried to ind the treasure, Some people elieve the treasure letler was hy someone who knew {enry Malr's secret and went to iuwarrow and took the lool Others think the treasure Is tll onthe island, Beveral ex wditions have looked for Il AUUTERN the ship's doctor landed on the Island THERE TWO YEARNS A man who refused to give hi name met them, "Sorry 1 have not got any clothes on today viasn't expecting visitors Hi He told them he Zealander and had heen nearly two yoars on the island, once site of pearl fishing, When com mercial activities ceased on the island, he decided to stay on alone, he said Binee then only twa yachts had called A former resident official fram the Cook Islands later sald the modern Crusoe was Tom Neali a typical Pacific char who likes a lonely life" He sald Neale went to Buway row as caretaker when the Cook Islands administered pearl fish ing rights there, When the con tract ended, he had heen told] to come home, hut decided to slay on The story of the Nuwarrow treasure developed from a find made last century hy Henry Ab hott Mair, a New Zealander ho for a time Hyved on Suway Wis # NOW jeler raw He noticed a lavge turtle dig ging a hale in which to lay is eggs and heard the clink of metal FOUND DOLEAR PIECEN Investigating, Mar wa amazed to see large numbers af Spanish American dollar pieces, In the hole below them was a hoax which collapsed when he lifted 1 and from whieh fell jewelery and precious stones FINDS SEVEN DEAD CENTRALAQUARE, NY (APA mother and her six ehililren were found asphyx ited in their heme near this northern New York community Wednesday night, The father, Carmen Vitella, found them on his return home from work sheriff's deputies reported. Vol unteer firemen sald the kome was filled with coal gas The Grace Of Gratitude Nothing brightens your life and much as Sincere gestures af appreciation, says famed author A. J. Cronin in Fohruary Reader's Digest Yet same people fear 10 show their gratitude because they ford it will not de welvame! Read Ae tn give and reovie a gracious "thank you", Get your Read Digest today a8 # 8 of lasting interest athem 0 ra | £ | 4 hi APY EB TIRING, bas BREAK YOUR ROOM-BUILDING BONDS! Do it by visiting BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES now for competent n adding a recom to yeur home! Our quality materials are just what you'll need y+» and we'll help you eut 'construction red advice top tape' to a minimum Materials to Add a 10' x 12' Room to Your Home can Cost as Little as 48,00 a Month Organize your kitchen space mare efficiently with our cus " tom-made Kitchen Cabinets, See them today, Convert your basement into Low as $9.00 a month for materials to re- a useful room model an average basement, Your Satisfaction -- Is Our Success! BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH IAF near his hometown of Koselown in west hut hives in Reging with his wife an #0 Saskatoon, a livestock market | 'Weather be DIAL RA 5.4704 OSHAWA, AN) of 'ppegl 16 & person He later returned to the uni YEISILY RS BR partAime mst tor ip federal - provincial youth Lraiming classes in the school of agnculture and for & time served on the umversity senate In 1046 he was elected a {Wheat Pool delegate and al though he became a board member in 1952, he has had a wide range of farm and eo operative interests outside the pol to have prices Mr, Gibhings, whe still farms e central Saskatchewan and four children, grew wp in the Depression years I had always wanted to go 16 university and take further edu cation but in 1995 money was and | not ahle to Circe wa He is or has heen: A member of the policy commitiee of the ection of land and made ar. Canadian Federation of Agricul rangements with my mother to ture; a member of the Baska her machinery, Conse Chewan royal commission on quently, | had practically no #Erculture and rural life in and # fairly good crop nh, a member of the Canada ult 1 had sufficient United Kingdom (rade delega money ce me well on the Won; & regional director of the vay 10 & university education sc POWAY « Blering Frade Council During 1998 | vented half & TET! CRPenS As & re ty M1 decided in the fall of 103% to # board member of the Cana dian Co-operative ducers and the Research Council He Is Wheat pro Baskatchewan enter umversiy He recalls that when he en fered the University of Baskat chewan he had no intention of Whether the also president of Co Madel illustrated; Carvali 700 4-Dear Sedan operative Fire snd Caswalty Fire Insurance Company FARMS BIGGER His ohmervations, five yerrs Wier the royal commission, are that trends Miscerniie at thet time are In evidence (oday "That Is, the trend toward lorger fasms, which conse quently means fewer (Rims, # frend toward gresler speciah ion in production, Instead of having farms wilh a great pam ber of small emlerprises we are finding farms with fewer enter prises bt larger in eharacler "Fhe centralization that now is taking place with respect 19! services in the rural community is more evident now than i was then, and | think these trends will comme He pdded that M evident" that with changing transportation, there will be centralization in gran handling as well, "whether we hike it or nn He has seid in policy stale ments that although the pool en dorses deficiency payments on Western grain i will not press for them in the short run Chief emphasis would he on expansion of markets for Ca nadian grain although i could continue to press for some form of assistance as long as a farm income deficiency exists, This might he a modification of the Acrepge payment system The pool would also continue to urge a twoprice system for whet and not paid from the federal treasury but by us ers of bread is "fairly TELEPHONE TALK BURTON - ON - TRENT, Ving land. (CP)=A course for peopl who are nervous when using the telephone has begun in this Biaf fordshire town, Most of the stu dents are office workers enrolled hy- their employer St. John's WA Holds Meeting BLACKSTOCK ~~ $8, Job's WA met In the Vanish Hall Thursday afternoon with 13 REmners present A motion was carned 16 have Mrs. ¥. C, Young, Tor ote, show siudy slides at the regilar April meeting, There WARS SOME GISCHsHOn OR Ways of replenishing funds. Plans for a supper were until after Easter Miss Parr, Mrs, CC. Smith and Mrs. McArthur were ap pointed to replenish material for the bazaar Mrs, Ashmore will he host ess for the Chancel commities meeting wt the Rectory, Offer ing was taken and Mrs, BSeott closed the meeting with pray er Al the elichre party sponsor ed hy the LOBA Tuesday might prizes were won by Cora Cre ier and George Crozier and the lucky draw by Mrs. Dorothy lee About twentyAfive pupils and expupils of the local high school enjoyed a skating party at Millbrook Friday night spon sored by the Tri school of Millbrook, Orono and Black stock. Aileen VYanCamp and Sylvia Kowh were prize win ners from Blackstock, Refresh ments were served Bix student teachers from Peterhoroygh College of Fdu cation were recent guest teach ers al Cartwright Public Schoo) for a week, Also one of the Professors from the College sal in with them Thursday evening was teach er-parent evening at the local public school with a large num her of parents taking advant pope age A & apporiumity of mer viewing their children's teach Wg of Mrs weing the ohildren's work Glad 16 report 3 which was on Gisplay, while Bryan has retumed home from few waked for their inter Vert Verry hospital view, All enjoyed a» cup of proved } fee Congratulations to Mr, Friends are sorry (0 learn Ason on being elected as that Mrs, Charles Marlow is few warden of (he United a patient In Oshawa General Counties Hospital and 1inda Brown has Mrs. A. Caner spemt Tues tween in Port Perry Hospital fag, 947 with relatives in Foros, ten days. Glad 10 report Mrs. Mr. Lome Dean has return: Boy Taylor progressing favor. ©4 home after vieing relatives ably in Bt. Michael's Hospital, hn Saskatchewan Sunday callers of Mr. and Glad to report that Mrs. E, Mrs, Gordon Strong and fam. Mil aughiin is feeling much im. ily, in honor of Beverley Appel Proved and is the win. sinclairs first birthday were [er months with Mrs, ¥, Mur Mrs, Alice Sinclair and Mr! Ph in Tyrone and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Osh. Mrs. Koss Raby, Oshaws, Mr, awa, Mr. and Mrs. Clare and Mrs, Ross Hubbard snd Jewel and Carol, Cambray | Aanice Fremton, Mr. W. Sling Mrs. Murray Waldon, Oak Geriand, Oshawa, were Sunday wood guests of Mr. and Mrs, B, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Larm Wahbird er and Grant, Burketon were Miss 1. V.. Knight spent the Saturday supper uwests of My, Weekend with relatives in "For and Mrs, Ted McMahon and TOMO family Mr. Thomas Trick has been Mr, and Mrs. Melville Trad. C@ined 10 hed for 8 while, We burn, Saskatoon, spent Mon { howe his condition will soon be day and Tuesday nights with! "Mproved . Mr, and Mrs, Leith Byers Mrs. Jack Sinclair Is spend- Mrs, Taghe Vaweelt, Men | 8 few days with friends and ford; Mrs Harry Beckerey, "ives in Orillia 8, Catharines, ¥isited Mr, and Writs hort hat Bits Mrs " » Shirley Githank is . irs, Osmond Wright, Thursday vig) Hospital, Bowmanville, 3 ere snes Ww 4 100 TEMPTING Whe! h il undergo sur WALSALL, England (CP) Mr, and Mrs, Harold Larmer The council here has rejected a aiiended a chicken pie supper nude female figure carved in on her birthday at the home of wood, designed to decorate a her daughter, Mr. and Mrs, new swimming pool, Councillors Edward McMahon and family, feared youths might light Blackstock, and alse celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, matches on I whether the weather he Mr A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Any weather is Gorvair weather This is a car designed and built extremes of Canada's climate conditions, Designed to keep y bug in February=-cool as a cucumber in July, Built to ouistay a cold snap = to shrug off a heatwave, But driving's bel behind the wheel of a Corvair it handles Canadian weather conditions, to handle the and weather ou snug as a! ice up ieving! Slide and see how Made! illustrated: Lakewood 700 4.Door Station Wagon ALLWEATHER PERFORMANCE; Corvair starts with lively cockiness, The engine is impervious to freering rain or sums mer heat can't freeze up can't boil over! ALL-WEATHER TRACTION: Corvalr digs in and goes through winter's snow and slush, spring's mud and summer's sand, The rear-engine design gives it perfect balance for all road conditions, ALL-WEATHER ROOMINESS: Holds six with overcoats, Sedans and coupes have lots of storage space behind the roar seat and in their 129% larger trunk, won't ALLWEATHER COMFORT; In summer you appreciate the splendid ventilas tion, plus the fact that engine heat in behind you, And in winter, a hot air heater blankets you in warmth, ALL'WEATHER THRIFT; New engine air flow control speeds warm-up -- allows it to get to ita gas-saving ways even faster than before, And, of course, Cors vir needs no power brakes or steering, water pump, antifreeze or even water! Try it for size! Try it for price! You'll see Clorvair fits you and your hudget in every way! : Whitewall tires optional at extra cost * ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, HARRY DONALD LIMITED « WHITBY, ONT, 1