THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharséey, Jonvery 26, WH) 28 WEEVEND- MARKET BASKET GLECOFF'S LANG'S SUPERMARKET | MEAT MARKET 174 Ritson 4, § WEEKEND SPECIALS | 272 ALBERT ST, Open th 10 PM Ceily RA 8.247 WE DELIVER Tulip Margarine 4 Vos. B9¢ | MAC CHEESE Cigarettes, 309 Eggs Grade A Lorge | LOAF | WIENERS IEE Sn oa. DO. New WHA bongeions, § edinoms, Wil 19 yor "i [rid hes time Your o ig mada] poy TR rg id 7 i Lue) wh low ®' Row selling» AL Bip Bl jo wets Shen, 744d By LOW =~ Five moms snd goross |Proin Cubert Street, meaty Aecraied, vd "op i 15's me ones Rent Eorttd, SAAS 4 ry ot Insornce Sore Wy, "w | ios |RA_S441% -- 7 alibidediadindiadel JOHN F, DE WITH Realtor and Generel Insurance 9c dozen SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S LOW PRICES EVERY DAY PAT AND DONS CLOVER FARM MARKET 432 SIMCOE SOUTH We give free gifts with Gold ogi is weler) pe A ii " LB. 43¢ 3LE 1.00 PORK LIVER 3 LB. 1.00 INE. Bra, soacions, easing room wis medern Fame CRMR home, coming Iacilities Aesives one TH i oft Bary Jasemen only ¥ room 1s worey brick home, coh: vy (ocpted, heated, low fase | immed ple pRssEsEILn saerhi Hest offer. HA $5971 19) ACRES, good soll, Wan [#0 copveniences 2998 Warn "Has al (water, $12600, Terms oF Fxeh: Ara {ova oo Tons Roms wmmutic; 16H | nd ok for Aoor. plomptic Tadin; 195% HAD hae pin A 8 dobrs 19% Merswry lows 18; b Church te, ose 3 mores, ils Roper. rd "o's fant Shimane Wort, stroth saith oA Bationsl Aer | Bind Form RA 8512 Ap 1956 DODGE har [#8--~Real Estote For Sole | (45--Reol stots Vor Sole (47 Automobiles For Sole (47 Automobiles For Sole (50--Asticies For Sole ah ements of 0 age, swminnin Sore Sah pereshe Geneve Avene. RA 81699 oo o baymants resend, Wl rade wp raishatin, Teiephone RA saat IONno { TOUp ig Ai re, ? pone wir Wer oh Te EVEN ars Roe, "central, ve shed for $1559 Hf sold this week. Low ee wails, Dostor's sae TT Tew FEMWILERE past sink, XA tags, ed one , PRIVATE trom, [og Jo lyme vanes G4, modern fvn room heiak | 198 ME Ye tow, wil wh or rade tor many Bling, ERE i Tn oiler comudered. MO BAWE iow dows Sent, shor TORRY DRY. \ 1s Cher rel meer M9 oH) the Aegerd ie loon companies hot Het | Witenes! ing of the Women's Association n Jenuery 1, 17 "ho (REMY ech ing ra url A oncor, | NORTH end, Want lor tongs Family (WIV rrr | COLL ager adi, wiles' Wo im : hd the Sunday School room, The| It was ony eniine. 168 Colborne Blanes a ry ¥A bien, present. and Mr, Lonel Ted" Woodyard has been sp meeting with oinied alent condom, Vice $1100 of Wow. BEATE Bl hrs, Long gave. the devotion ri SIh segion. won ke PVEF Ry mERS ) verses 1 (0 12 and iniZC les Foph <n Feb Aepa to their own operated Lest pr "Al ide 1 The wil CHEVEOLER, 0 Is, 05, Tee! . oo ki 410) Con's 16 Be" and closed the de Cada, Limited, was A 3 yy many BEAAAN "Haw" 6 worth GIRLS Wewens, skins, pts and ye ote oii dows PAIR Pood /y1 PRIVATE ogrbics Se ot ah oy Vador 23 52 ot ih wi aid Cok gs A prs fiepe pod low pylon pred se WAS, Bie pew, or? oh. Call rnadioom, MAteTRing Ros rmeh | or Aown. Retier goed se, V5 sown OFFICE dashes snd choirs, Eniezsng a th 7 S50 hr pl, ring room, baceieh on bores] {1600 CHEVROLET 300 or pesiest ser. Evey terme BA | eee | WPHETY, WY, ad Cihans | inmitad. yr servieed ---- - r Phone fh PW hana -- tor duihen WH Br BEL en aoeriet Ain Matis, TA, Fame x or Fwater with oi hesting, ew goriie. BA down payment sod ore Fue Choe (ses, Ka 54008, infection, odpieid Rg BR Re Rp Br (®) ] op we Pre seranged. RA S905, : gs om 5, nr | fogs; ae i re peg I rv a Anlow, FREre, EHIRES, [ ae SIRENS G00, Teraphone MO WW1H, (HHI slat § pm CTE ORONO -- The Jenuery meet (4 the Congregations aso, Tacreion | Vo, GF ernie, n he Foe. igs pp HOLIDAY Wiis gi yon hows] hyons, irigerslar, Vi; dorons, orp hoo | meeting Vienne so duck Shesitt bias 4 up wa ne fost, V5" ud "aids ww BA WE of Orono United Church wir meting closed with the o Hdriet, Mirsetive Hive Ti%, 6, Wecks Wesker, Wh S466, |ion ser Wess, BA pi it Bg gio oto pr held on Thursday afternoon, iv Benediction, sigs er % oh, a Led EREVROLEN feline i 7 annmincet rg 4 by ranch syle * . he Inv Syndi [58 FETHOVIN scien, pew tres oof ents Pre president, Mrs, H, Alban, wes ir estors Syndicate Frteed to seh, Bh 51265 ROUTH ston, ey Troe 208) ryt Mt or Pry, EAVY Suky WBA dadris LY uv § th |e Limited thet Wr, E. Mi, very Lone £Me snes . 15 A B95 or mors 15 TOA ION -- Va ed ue opened the of AE i 4 * dite orm Ri aid Voiep prayer, els organization the y oid . foil a TH Adeline with radi, RA F190 Eu Peter ; sont . rip wig Ad ra 4A pot ny 4 vod, 1.4 x woh oer Seripture read VOLKSWAGEN, one owner, Bio 94% Fi 8 aft in this area for many yeers, Helephons CX ns, sng was from Melthew, a ined the Investors Syndicate 547 Wtate" helpiul comments, Mrs |? A VI fod 2 liana due on the 12th verse Mery, svi he had Lom at BOI, FRASIHEE 7 A. dv Bowmany y Tih Adetside Avenue Wer | Sr id Fook | country another way , rm ail Be Manville. of #7 read a poem entitled "Why! Ud 1 PONG GWE, IE od Banting BLADE SHORT RIB yr a parm, rated ps a station "oinien, | Star Stomps Round Seak Sirloin or T-Bone . Steck All meats cut 10 sui Grapefruit, Flo Seediess rida Fresh produce er gl) himes Ayimer Pesche half cr sliced Purex Come In 5 Other Sp A45---Real Estate NHA 6 per cent tres bungalow. 170 1 subdivision payment HARMONY, me ren Bow ad tn [it ment Make a nar 8, Macks Bealls Sherif, BA 43775 porth ares REA! DON Mgr VICKERY REA! Business Res f Paul J. Bolahood 228 BRUCE North District A & brick bungalow wi with enly $1,000 lan with fiving room, large decorated, divi fully lgundry tubs 75 feet by plan at 6 principal included GL Intere A parameunt heme in a delightful area. $13,000,00, down pay 2,000.00 ene marigage and Arma 19 suit the ] Ilignt & Fain in basement, oil heat corner, Possession | This home has to | Park Road $2,000.00 - down going to USA of home was $11, 2 storey brick and King Street § $11,500.00 payments session in 30 Cantrally located near Adelaide end Simcoe Street north, room, £ Sloe take $800.00 do monthly payments Bugkingham Ave brick heme. 3 bec large kitchen, cen down payment $2 A 20 'year establi bar and drive in located in particulars office We have choice rent in nice locat PAUL J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE Residence 5-6382 Office R Open Daily 18:02. And Pie For STATE Phone MITH 3 large bedrcoms aluminum ran laden e sold, On Gladstone Ave, Priced for @ quick sale at $10,000.00 with enly Open to all offers, 2 family home, new oil heating, garage and private drive Owner Phone to see this real geed buy, Original price one mortgage for balance of $65.00, days downt of this 73 Ib 79¢ Ib ft customer BEEF ~ Lerge 6 for 29¢ ) 166 of 2 tor 39¢ Fresh ROAST SHOULDER 59¢ RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF HIND QUARTER 110- CUT AND WRAPPED LB, §7¢ EVANS FOOD STORE | 314 JARVIS and Cot 125 LBS STREET led Meats and Poultry Red Brand Bes 5 4 for 4% For Free De Up for Sole g br WAVATE, madern § ow, wall ] need of 45 Fairleigh Avenue Fert i NOwWN walke ont of 866 h 4 age, TELEPHONE ESTATE corner RA B-6278 RA B-4879 REAL ESTATE STREET OSHAWA acrifie th ftached garage Asking prie 00 d ears old featuring 4 pe, tiled bathroom magern tiled kitchen storms and ded high cement basement wn, 4 stn Immediate possession hy ow agturin Khan arge | to all seheels an mem ri n 30 days near 500.00 6 room immaculate family heme, close to Drew $1,000.00 down payment, ast including the | at enly ortgage possession Priced to sé One heme wn payment Immediate Just roams, liv tre ha ing and dining roem, | plan 500.00, 40 days possession hed meney making grecery business and to inspect, building lets for sale ion A 8-417) Until 10:00 p'm RA 5- 45--Reol Estate for Sole | tw well hroadioem, near schools, BA #1528 t clean bungalow £ment RA 8-417] ywner must sell this ap pealing 6 room with @ dinette, SCIEens, Landscaped lot 200 feet deep, balance on a 10 year one mortgage wnthly payments ar $70.00, interest and 4 wryice of storey brick, for 10 years at menthly interest and principal af off Simeae Street North, A 6 ream family d-piece tiled bath, Oil heating full basement, paved drive and garage, Asking price $12,500 00 modern snack dairy bar with plenty of car parking space, Oshawa business distriet please phone the alse several homes te for Your Convenience f Exclusively very Call 1137 hedroom LJ three cent new FA oil monthly ney bin 0 Must. sell, Call Bon tev: RA B4660 or duck 00 0 A" soe 6, 1). Hyman Haakon, | | FOR SALE Storey and half home, bedrooms, big gar- lot MO B-3076 | $12,900.00 a centre hall Spacious beautl oll heating ity Property Tindall Res! Esl SH, so 8 pus haser, ng rem hl King 5t, and 6 reom asking price Pos 6 $10,500 will reasonable modern tiled For full WHITBY CLASSIFIED JOHN A. J, LAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE §, RA 5-6544 NEW -- $12,900 Brick and stene bungalow Medern kitchen with bar, ceramic tile bath, large Led coms ond lots of closet space; top north-east |ccq tion, Call Bill Ratcliffe, RA 65-6544 LARGE DUPLEX Mave right in end collect rent for one apt, or stay where you are and collect rent from apts; either way, it's 0 smart investment Fach apt has 4 rooms gnd bath beautifully decorgled cated en ag lot 60 just outside of Lshowe Darlington Blvd, The price Is right, call today for inspec tion, Anthony Sibleck, RA 56544 or 5:4362 of Real LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MUST SELL DIEPPE ST ond Board Oshawa Estate Member District DOWN $1,500.00 DOWN Owner has built new home, very. anxious to sell 3 year old brick bungalow (1150 sq. ft), Large kitchen, liv ing room, and three bed rooms with 4-pe, bathroom Aluminum storms and screens. Taxes only $225.00 For more information call Gerry Osborne at RA B8:5123 Lloyd: Realty Ltd, Realtors RA B:5123, RA B-5124, RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST, N, ED. DISNEY Realtor--Insurance B82 SIMCOE ST, §, RA 3-2333 10 ACRES Modern § room brick bung: alaw, very large modern kit chen, Hardwood and tile, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe, tiled bath, forced air with eil, 1 acre raspberries, tractor, plough, harrow and cultivater, Logs ated near Courtice, Will sell or exchange for hime in Osh awe Call RA 3-2333 Evenings lose Wannop, RA 5.1396 Wilson, == hardwood throughout a good family heme tien and shopping ares offer briek, in nice clean condition OR RENT = Six ron aw, large living roam a three hedranms 5100 iate PASKOREIAN MO #8334 HOUSERKEPRPING ron eanveniences far light als garase far vend LEM] FOR RENT = Small three furnished, self eontain eORIral, heavy wiring manihly FOR RENT Single veniences, good parkin phone MO #3160 WHITRY Cain Laundry, Altalars, wash 25, ary af in for free wash Sewn SEPT WAY, new FOR RENY Four 0A! (ane bedroom) LAL) phone MO FOR RENT new home 7, 8 weekly, 7 § Telephone MO #3340 FOR REND Aparim furnisned roams, hed si ahsiaine elon, relvigeraior and stave heal, ght water supplied, Private sairanee | an 1 Palace Sirest AFARTMENY Ihrer roams, Reavy dub y 300 monialy avail Ankenes HA va 4 FOR Re NY Fy FIFA aniE n all AiG &42 nw" DEALER in live polite Contact Jake Parker, FOR motors, ganoes FOR RENT = tabin skill saw WW WILDE nn arant "8 SALE boat hail REN SERVICE & SALES 1413 Dundes § Ad Telephane Mo #3797 cleaned ¥, new tanks installed. Walter Wap, ' 3 Chostnut West, phane MO 8 2560 eohtral TV outlet, immediate possession, Tele: | We Daeamber | (ONT MARY satis raished MO 450M Solieet | ---- Use trailers = Box, hoat and m hriek hunga RELIABLE gin) nd dining roam, while 1 i} Tmmed: 'weekly. Clas furnished al FOR SALE - housekeeping: Telephone MO loxeallont canditia 155 Dundas Street Ba Wout ol apartment 5 Only, $381aRe. experience al oan. FOR RENT - Tele. | Menty in close ta sehaals, PATS § space Speed Queen ation Toe his |g MO the Po or sanitary roamed apart heated, 1310 ay four good iving duty Westing\ouse Rus hy tosedale Drive, Pr anly anides holler + onl, Hing ream, kit Twa nieely fale to yourse call RH AME. Na Wh huliding, | Hon ment & [PA inia aw hot 4 Ww edt ¥ wirind, park tatement There tes BUT you can be mam With finghouse AelARIe Rome y and feathers dhe, abst. Dame all M0 ibd salation, Witter dd he ho and painting prices. WN n de oa al area, NGO Wait, hear in saws ele TAL will mather works 14 ouble foal fridue, and Apply Box 413 Oshawa Times, Whithy, Twa headroom apart apartment building, shoppin Aranklin, OL 3.3611 for tt Belin, 106 Brock Brest wn RENT «= Thee roam PER wool assis his Meta Payment Our oad consultants will gla I sustamers ver are ner al Hever Loy FLY new Groom ¢ S100 monthly hgh sohoal mind ehildven five or six days 0 1a Dundas Stiest Sehaal |Yelonhine MO ALLE nehause 50 stave, args deep fronse, Rest offer. Apply A oamed un: EXPERIENCED sooretapy required for aw affien in Whithy In relly state Salary expecied heated, paTking, rihey inform. Apartment, Sentral, $65 monthly, Telephon = Thise roamed wnhir Aishod downstairs apartment, heat and Habis included Private entrance. hone MO 84232 after 3 pow, Tele: a fAmily ks des a he Froeser and - One faraished hedranm (Rest of ods precurable, by Ahaied: M "hy O08 Think of 1, fair weather ar fol, Lou SHORE contre 18 vaur Kilehen Your three months supply of food guar 1anned meals al iar eas hal vou are naw paving living helng bY A 1 "is, he cost of in only , hat Ram, Na Onl Ami 0 holler living, and V aur Many | suhstity SURE It #'s West [ARRAN Shepherd hunples, oham four tamales, hy Sire Kislnjanans Adel Vemens AIM after & pw, siding, Parenting, Hi weeks Haus Asta in Al repairs, MO S455 hungalew with Ton WANING. an and Roy done al Ne MO 8.3224 iia Bl vg oond. | Poses market price, morw, spect and make us an offer room, laundry, dining ream, Rater T.V, aerial, this one. and house, Asking Charlie Rankine RA 8.3482 Lloyd Corson RA 3.2537 Wes Ellion fle, FA OSHAWA SHOPPING dR ESTATE SALE -- An excellent appearing é-reom, red brick home on quiet street A real buy for semeone whe needs close to schools Closing of an estate == Paved drive and garage living room and kitehen rooms and bathroom on second floor, Paved drive and garage, Private back yard with tiled barbecus, LOW DOWN PAYMENT FARM 150 acres of potential tobacco land == Newtonville area. Bam $15,000 = name your own terms! Open Evenings and All Day Saturday After hours please call NEWCASTLE PHONE 334) 200 acre DAIRY FARM with oll machinery and stock 9s 6 gong concen, large L shaped bonkbern, drive shed, bulkeooler, ete; 10-r60med brick house with ell modern conveniences, Asking $33, 000 with terms 972.0cre farm, BT acres works able best of land, L- shaped bonkbern, weter on top, drive shed, garage; B roomed house, running water Asking $16,000, Easy terms 100-6 re | I ae bankbarm, woter on tap, drive oh gorage, ele; 7-1 med house with running water, 3-pc. bath, Asking $13,000 with $2,500 down the form with streem, farm at Myrtle, L- walter on hen house, with Price 80-acre shaped hankbarn tap, Impl. shed, stream, ⁣ large h le living quarters and terms grranged Ld 150-gcre farm, located | mile from Mo, 2 Highway, bam, garage, ete; |) -roomed home Hydro in house and barn Asking $15,000 with $3,000 down 150.aera farm, west Port Hope, with large barn, water on tap, hen house, garage, stream, ete; 7-roomed new house with medern conven iences Asking $22,000 Consider house for down pay: ment 40-0cre farm, all workable, 100 x 30' bhankbamn, hen house, garage, ete; 12.-roem brick house with furnace, running water, ete; asking $11,000 with $3,000 down 100-a¢re farm, Perry, 70 acres stream, 70' x 38' bankbarn, hen house, ete; 9roomed house with fumace, running water, Asking $12,500 with 4 500 down acre for wel, " fo, with Dos barn, silo, hen Rok pig pens, drive' shed; R-roomed house with all modern eon: veniences, new oil furnace, Asking $16,000, Easy terms south Port workable, owman- bank. 6-roomed home with garage, hen house, on 24 acres; lo cated near Port Hog Ask ing $6,000 With 1% 500 down 45 acres Lakeshore land with: out buildings, Asking $300 per acre 10 acres land en No, 2 High way, east Newtenyille. Price $2,300 Frank Hunter, RA 5.2974 ton Mountjoy, MA 3.3950 A. Perrault, Clarke 223) Realtor RA 5.6588 ROWE ST, churches, transporte make an ON BRUCE ST Close to commercial area == 6 rooms, older type home, red Could be used for income pur: $2,000 down will handle, GENUINE SACRIFICE This nearly new bungalow is priced well below the current Six large rooms, decorated, as modern as tos Asking price $14,200, In GIBBONS ST, $1,600 down =~ $75.00 menthly interest and principal, puts you in this lovely 1)3-storey brick home Finished recreation 2 bed: Bill Norris Dick Young RA 8.0581 RA 5.4588 RA 3.7183 TRE, radis, a. many fin Sireet rg A daca '% OLDE, bardiop, btm, test, Birnie North radio, twa lone, whitewslls, RA Vin {yom {nd | | Street © SAL CASHS Liens paid off NICOLS MOTOR. SALES $12 BROCK ST, N. WHITBY MO 8.8000 CAR / AUCTION Every Saturday, 10 am. Buy or sell here. Good ses a, lection including 196) Cheveolet and Corvalrs Oshawa Car Auction 23 Grenfell St, RA 8.5170 CUSTOM in 0 he dash) "\ranaistor oar | ids from $8 Toy Dominion Fie Pond West, For clean cars we deal up or down A7--Automobiles For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale --|SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT Tel: RAndolph 3.3461 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 pom. at 408 KING ST, WEST RA 3:7132 ue w wh, a WAM, B49, BHOmBIE LEARSIISS oh, pi fi A fod conmion. "Velevhome brome suting, Rew od wRrrRnly, ries, 4 fully equ ped, md mow radio, (Wen 7% of est whler, RA 5955 ations) |W VAUXHALL super, miles ah ow owner, show ies, Al condith Hr Terme, Ih Swi sutomptie, tende ar finance, Smith's south oA Biud Farm, BA B9015 152 DORGE sedan, I ene Ka TO toi WAKE, 1661 wove ens x, ROE GEAR pt Yiter iD in hot Here Times TW CREVROLEY Tai, Toa maiin | hessified ection ed hoGy, weit Job. Very od haps, $ Wi DODGE, Regent, radio, whitd wills, viz eat, OL. bine. Region n pa Mlppiad condition, Ask for Jw BEL AIR Chevroist, (our oor BA 6 3 i sardlop eight Wh es, aslamat'e wy pa Frais 1954 14 » 8 ¥ dd poi v i. condition, BA Pr £ondiion, Telephony BA 0 PONTIAC Vike pew, whitewolls, two OSHAWA Times Classil ed te Will one paint. stardard WL, twa Aer hy nd sn cbr workers or Wun, "Avy 368 Drow Street, BA ha Dial BA 35492 today to start your '57 FORD tudor, wx eviinder A shape, radia, hesler, white walls, $150 down, Lake Byer eralia BA 81192 CYPARING = "63 enr, rain, $195; oi Ford, 995; "52 Ponting, radio, $166; ral'n, 865, Ask for Ken WILLIS Ford Well M 0 T 0 R S | mans RA 54491 = - TAUNTON RD, E BUYING OR SELLING SEE Your AUST'N | TED CAMPIN Dealer MOTORS RA 5-033) | 607 KING ST OSHAWA We have o good assortment | (Just East of Wilson Road) of Used Cars RA 3-4494 Res 5574 NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH NO DOWN PAYMENT TO RELIABLE PARTIES 1960 FORD DEMONSTRATORS FAIRLANE "500" Sedan, Y-B, automatic with radio, wind shield washers, whitewell tires, ete, Finished in Chesar peake blue with matching blue Interior, FAIRLAMNE "500" Sedan, 6 cyl, automatic slveld washers, ete. Finished laurel white roof, matching green interior FAIRLANE Coaeh, VB with standard transmission mountain rose with a tewny beige roof FORD 6 eyl. Tudor, This is a low mileage, ) gar, Tutone marcen and white 1795.00 PONTIAC Strate Chief 4-door Sedan, beautiful green and white styletene paint, eustom radio, washers, white: walls, baek-up lights, ete VAUXHALL Vigter, finished in black with whitewall tires, radi, re "hanes, #16. One owner, deal cor for the, ¥% "90 of Ne Bel Alr 4-door Sedan, automatic, y ; ra dio, whitewall tires, ete, Very clean throughout, $795.00 FORD Fairlane Tuder Hardtop, Here Is 9 rare model, This ear has radio, power brakes, whitewall tires, ete, This Is a ear anyene would be proud to own DODGE Sedan, V.B, Here is a HONEY, This ear Is in Al cendition throughout, Don't miss it $695.00 CHEVROLET Sedan, radio, Finished in powder blue, This car was traded en a new Falcon $595.00 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN AND SEE OR PHONE ONE OF QUR FOUR COURTEQUS SALESMEN TODAY KEN QUINN, BRUCE WESTMAN GORD CAMPBELL WILF COLLINS ALSO TEST DRIVE A 1961 FORD, MONARCH or FALCON OPEN FROM 9 AM, TILL 9 P.M, Seaway Motors Limited 200 DUNDAS ST, W, MO 8-3331 48---~Automobiles Wanted CARKENWONE Ante Wheekers want|™ ply 3, Frecking, Highest prices paid nove us Ww power Lavy Chey. Ww GME halfton ek 5-5 wind with a with radio, in green Finished in 1089 om owner 1969 1958 1986 1958 1958 1954 WHITBY MO 8.3623 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP Complete collision service, Radiator repairs and res coring Wheel alignment Frame and wheel straighten. UW] STEVENSON'S RD, § RA 8.4451 " 50-~Articles For Sale FURNITY LL) SALE one erfields, tiedraom suites Kitehen sets, dinelies, ohalrs, mattresses, tables, lamps, ele All drastioally reduced un ta priee for quick clearanpe! While they last! il Home Furnishings, 484 Simeone Sout SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA: LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5.5332 BRUNSWICK FIBRE GLASS BOATS FIBRE GLASS BOAT COVERING KITS Brass screws, anchor fast nails, Boats repaired, painting ond vamishing. Mater stor age HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 RAY ST, RA 8.8853 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT or FOR SALE Hospital beds, whee! chairs, invalid walkers, bedsides commaocies, crutches and canes, also wllaway beds Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1844 BAN + 188K ear, OM or Foard product pee HN others considered, Phone RA ER = A oneowner, undersosl or 8) GMU alsa Ga Wart les molar Dave, HA 53836 SHOP for your furniture needs the easy way, Read Oshawa Times Classified ads ny hy, HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE. UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, W, 'RA 3.7822 CASH FOR YOUR CAR Trade ve or or down Liens Paid WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W RA 732 CASH For any choice clean ear Trade up or down MACKIE'S MOTORS KING ST. E, VARCOE'S RD RA 5.5743 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade wp or down. Liens paid oft DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.942) Lg | OHEVROIRY "aeden, reconanion | | ANKE) votional with prayer. The eorye- sponding secretary read notes of F rom Miss Pmme Mor: 4 ris and Mrs. Chas, Wood, Others ho ing Jo thaw, fe WA Jor management services (0 inves time were Miss Allie Wood, |!" Including installation certl. % AA resanrant enwip-| ficates, a balanced muting) on Mrs, J. Hall, Mrs, W, Elliott, rg Bog og rinse | Mr W, Rowland, Mr, Crossley fund, 4 mislual fund for groath, Hamilkon, Ashirn, Brookhn, ' land Mr, Farrell, tirement savings plans snd ATES, | w and sed, sold ond ox y el The secretaries gave their jon plans, Arkon pole ttl "wh, group pension pl ered 4 Bond Strest East, (annual reports showing 8 DUSY." Fhe oreanization has experi: '(GUERER hoster with wipers "ie and suceessful year, 104 Vis enced fantastic growth since its 414 lg ABR po f ship AR, were ade during the year inception currently being re ticles. Apply 196 Nussnu Bireet Rev. Basil Long conducted the sponsible for the ad (ration "oy AODIRIH Blaves tires, J Installation service when the! of the savings of Canadians well terie vinslor refrigerplors, isle! p g vision, Thrilty ludast Pion, fh 54548 | OIOWIng officers were Install In, excess of 8400000000, WELLING furniture? We'll buy I " led for 1961; Past president, The annual meeting of the (aerators, TV's. washers. pianos, Mrs, K, Rainey; president, Mrs. Orono Horticultural Society took toves, ele. For top cash oiler eon |H, Allen; 1st viee - president, place in the 100F Hall on Janu aes 1 Pine. Suet. Pons uA LE (Mrs, Bb Long; 7nd vice - presi- ary 11, 1961 washer, stainless steel tb, Widens Mys, ¥, Rainey; record: At 6.30 ahout 130 people set on ing eond wa | dent, ' pe Sons tn maar ormation PA ling sceretary, Mrs, R, ¥.down to a bountiful dinner, The corresponding secre: tables were heautifully decor Mi colors, Guaranteed, fist, gloss [tary, Mrs. VW, Trwin; treasurer, rated with arrangements of yel- (Charen wureety WA 37 and Electric, #1 ars, A, Cornish; devotional see low chrysanthemums, After (SED parts and repairs Tor aii makes |TELOTY Mrs, B. Long, Commi ley, Long sald grace the guests of wringer type washers, % hp motors nity Friendship, Mis, M, J did justice to the many good Christian education, things on the table, 5 to 8, Busraniesd seeonditional Tamblyn washers and stoves, Paddy's Mark "Mr ¥d Millson; Christian. The business meeting 0 Mamata, CO yu Mrs CREST of Arawers for sole, Ih wood | lendership, Mrs. 1, King; Chris: with the singing of The hat psi RA 58755 for more Informs: tian eitizenship, Mrs, W. Robin: Leaf, The president, in her re- | thom ison: Christian stewardship, marks, welcomed the Buests (LEAVING country Shiurdey, Bm Sell Mrs, M. Sherwin: parsonage and gave a resume of the works \room wile, 3 tables, room lamps, | Mrs WwW, Irwin; Mrs, 0. Chal: accomplished by the Society in fan kitle WIEFOr, KA' eA cans, Ml lice and Mrs. George Carson; 1960. She thanked all those who ves an war M 13 [literature secvetary, Mrs, Carl|during the four years that she ¥. yer, month y iran gp Tens Moiinl ramus. 2 wears dd. ax. Billings; pianist, Mrs, Geo, Car has held Difice, have eo-oper- {eelient condition. A B-2266 evenings. |S0N; press secretary, Mrs, BR. F ated 50 splendid ly (PIANO, Mason Risch. upright, in good | Logan: kitchen, Mrs, W. Hoar, The Council af Clarke Town: condition, $125, Telephone KA 37201 Mrs, W, Miller, Mrs, ( Taylor, ship met on Monday evenin [LADY " fur cont large sie, pissy | iMrs. H. Goode, {with all members present, A Ly led {! [dl x |} d'tion 3 Rietevhons WA 1.9870 Tor farther inform.| Following the - installation, [the me ting ( 'owned gave thres |Rey, Tong told the ladies how|'eAdings to a Hyiaw in ation GENDRON baby carriage, Went rev, much he appreciated the help|® vote will be held in the Towne AM wel or / ship of Clarke on the question gond condition, AM FM twelve transis | of the WA during the past year # / year) the sale of liquor under 8 tor portable radio. Telephone RA B-50656 he had 1 uit one 4 ie had ee quite q WASHING machine, rood condition; |SAYINE he hi "4 |dining-room licence with consumption of food and alse {oinge char A Stools lawnmower; couraged at their ready re: ot water Lan 7 sponse on more than one occa: ai PRIVATE Sal, 47 OW sist, 130 son, The president thanked My |Wnder lounde licence, 'hie vote automatic washer and dryer, 217 tele: | LONG and said it helped a lot Clarke on March 20 Vislom 17" froaser, fontinantel beds, to know we were instrumental Council took action of this wrought fran six ehaly dinette sel i ' v ) 4 4 (wed rug, Skier chesterfield, ole, OWN: in doing so much for the ehurch matter from a request from in oF leaving eountey, KA § and community, terested parties in the towns JANUARY Bale! Large Foy ~ baby | During the business it was de:| } erihs, Roxatone or natural satin smooth ship who, It was stated, will finish, on eustors, naf price 880; clear, |CIded to cater to a banquet for | hover all the costs of the vote, the Farmers' Co-operative ony." goaiing with the hylaw a March 7, Also a hanquet for| 00004 date of Friday, March the Holstein Friesian Assocta:|yp "ec" ovtonded to March 29 on request of the sory _ ance of all 1060 model hahy earviaies, from $28; play bom OO oArollacs, tion In December, It was de- cided to have a pot luck supper oh ron { at m ed to comp Tote en a od. water y fled, A Eee", (7H 50---~Articles For Sale lg system In the new sub-division roekers, gammeda chairs, } dorunrten ots, i eons Paras, fur » Breet, "Warrough STEREO: electronle HIFI's for "sale 1 Bidens i slentronie Wibe lor sale A bylaw to establish a was given first and second read, ing and will now he presented Chureh TYPEWRITER, #90; |to the Municipal Board for thelr decision, M trie adding machine, 8100: affie A bylaw to appoint A, WANT THE VERY BEST Johnston as. assessor for the Township of Clarke 'was also FOR THE VERY given three readings, Mr, John» LEAST? THEN, SHOP AT ston fills the vacancy left hy the retirement of Mr, Foster, "RELIABLE" THE STORE OF HONEST VALUES A resolution by Councillors Foster and Chater requested the counties to take over that portion of the road south of 0001 anytime Newtonville to Highway 401, R, electric, vonsale, A.1| Foster stated that this was piti- Maoh i " $0. ful that it was not held by the oF W30 Athol 8treeet| oo unties and that improvements were not made to this small section of road, A motion by Councillor Stone and Deputy-reeve Savery ine structed the clerk to advertise for applications for a person to conduct the warble fly spraying this year, In discussing this mats ter J, Ftone felt that all eattle in the township should he spray. ed, He could see no reason why some powder was allowed to just lay around, Councillor Stone in referrin to the Mosport development a the north end of the townshi asked that the entire ecounell view the area so that they coyld define a section which eould brought into. a planning area whereby they could control building adjacent to Mosport, He alsn stated that the construes tion of roads for this develops ment would have to he setup separately, "We can't let the = | phlas, new and used, terms 19 Aown, one #, Sireet Wert, h X, A # nal 50 Ha "orande| A 85044 for mare information PAINT, Interior, exterior, $2.05 gation, | LOgAN | rs houk, UNPAINTED chest of drawers, hrand new, Ingludes five 'drawers, Telephone RA B-1560 or further information BROWN Alarka seal coat, sige 20, In new condition, never been worn, Teles phone HA 5.6065 for more Information ADMIRAL upright: freezer, § months ald also table saw and stand, 8 blade, tons arsepewer motor, Telephone RA 000; MoKesty combination oash regi: ster, 860; Berkel Sheer, #75, 196 Bim: eon South, RA #1811 VAOOUM cleaner PRPAIFR, | i makes, arts, attachments, brushes. guaran: eed pehullt machines Hstimaten free ioe," RA Vacuum Cleaner R viel HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES; 2.PC, "SNYDER" CHESTER. BED Foam seat and reversible foam cush: |FEWING $145.00 |} East Smooth-top CONTINENTAL |gLeaviomoms ROA Vielar. Ad BED, complete with head: miral, The finest in TV, HIN and ser board and legs, 3 foot 3 [Vee highest tradedn = allowance at inch size $59.50 back, ons 3 rentals, ust TELRVISION Addison 17" Oph band saw, Dedvir, ineh planes, phone RA 4640, THE teal hedtime staryi1l Bd Wilson's spectacular hall-price mattress sale, a whale earioad Just are ved, never he fare such a saving hy the makers of famous Sprinswall mattresses, "Orihe - Sodio' smooth tap mattresses, twa fap © prige of ane, vesular SS080 each, id mattress and hox spring or twa mattresses hath for $50.50, wor $118 alsa full 30% pontinental We With head: Board, half price $60.95: deluxe smoath fap mattresses, regilar $19.80, halt rion $30.95. Hundreds of hargaine dur | fn aur Hreatest January sale. Wilson's Fumiture Co, 30 Church Street, §1-=Lost & Found LOAT -- Female boxer, sued APRTOX- ar BRAGLE Round, Taal, predominantly white with blagk and hrowa patehes, alton on inside of ear, Reward far in rmation leading to return, Telephone Bort Salter, RA 53073 after 8.30 pw, BLACK and tan hound, collar and twe fags, Answers tn "Butoh. " Vicinity Gan ard and Thickson Read, Reward. MO +5380, Soy ad SEAGER, iaale, Toul, Whe, Back and taxes were not coming in that STE with any information {well either, Councillor Foster WATCH. gontieman's lost vieinity of (Said that Canada was the land Rossland and Carnesie. Telephone RA lof oppartunity and that by giv STH With ai intarination ing hotter ser ices the tawnship PAIR of men's eveglasses, lost Satan could induce better assessment AY WMOTAING, on Simeas Street South, oward please SBN, 10 the area, Parkway Television, 918 Bimeos Street North, Color TV on display, Full-size CRIB OUTFIT, Rona | [WE fuk Tosh wil sled, 34.357 0 tone finish, teething rails, NIN adjustable spring, plastic: hd tia TA covered spring+filled mat. e Fox, 413 Bimeos North, tress vo $3295 | ot motor, 1050 Johnson, Thistle Prom=sivle BABY |Eoamwied, $12.13 va seveivini it CARRIAGES, AY | EA tachments, 878, Telophane MO 8:3907 FOR BALE ~-- Ti Her, tak or wean curbed 43000 (BAA Ma 0 §.PC. Chrome KITCHEN [Eh 4 lo and SUITE, Double leg table, 4 (MATER I6F Sie, And Sulivared Moben sturdy chairs $39.98 ads CC GENDRON baby eavriage, Light blue Living Reem and Bedroom d white Vik y vorts | MATS, TO CLEAR, 14 PRICE [Rod 'May to "soon st" Sei coming Avenue Bouth EASY BUDGET TERMS NEW Oriental Fis in VATIONS sisen, for NO QUTSIDE FINANCING == le at low prices, Telephone RA YOU DEAL DIRECT AT, . BIGHT © piece 1ving room sulle, per feot condition, Ideal for apartment, $110; 30" deluxe heavy duty Frigid RELIABLE Alte range, as new, S185; pocioet hi) ning vefrigevator, 840; reel he 4 A FURNITURE CO olothes line, new, sill in earien, rest of Clarke's roads run down ' Phone RA 2000. i a Wile we are Song ork " his 96 , EAS ATURE oT thilances houdhtiapen." he 8A ouneil is te aR Baty Thoms fhe doa or om Hamblen "8 | meet ng view the area in the " aa. near future, ML MALIV Eee fi ol | Peuty-rocis Savery, Cone ond andi 1 one lor Chater, Messrs, W, ell, BEST QUALITY Juries HIRAL y or 4 Drew G. Watson, A. Hollingsworth, FURNACE FUEL OIL abinet,[Mrs, G, Gamshy and Mrs, H, STOVE OIL Joie | Bilson were appointed to the oard of the Orono Community EXPERT SERVICE wal BM ork x " y RB son, clerk, as DIXON'S council to consider a revision of RA 466 oar mileage payment which was referred to the finance commits GET THAT tee, The surveyors report on the FREE ESTIMATE fifth line of Clarke was refers Ied to the road committee, On that wom out bathroom In a general discussion of the today, phone: township farhge piiated - Orono Councillor Foster states Guscott Plumbing that in future planning the couns RA 5:85132 207 Simeoe §, oil should we er 0) Yuly \ Wnt brown, white DUIlding, "We are eventup SALE dew, pA a going to move the building 'out Numinum, Products of he Finder please phone' RA S168 [in the unr, he sad, "Ve , are a long way hehin 0 prices Jilly Quaranteed, times." In this discussion Couns Souble UND windows only cillor Stone pointed out that 4 Ca 0 How, c this year there would be an ine ymer Aluminum Go, crease in school costs of from . RA 8.53835 f ta 7 mills and couldn't see All aluminum products = Doors windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down, For "ree estimates call $10,000 or $15,000 in such a building, He also stated that RA 5:9363 ANYTIME