The Oshawa Times, 26 Jan 1961, p. 24

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Thursday evening 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jansery 26, 1961 on New Brownie choir held 5 social hour after 0 ment for the organ The Mothers f uns and Be mile business day | meeting was held to choose of. Mrs i The meeting opened with the Lord's February 25 ficers for the new year ack Forme ree" natn". de arom Frey, Spencer. the Mrs, [the Auxiliary should meet fhe freshment the regular pering ! Hrs, Ross Lee served a del je ous lunch. A shor practice treasurer KEDRON To setve the been formed of which the presi mittee Mrs needs of a rapidly growing com-\dent is Mrs, Jack Carr, the sec. Mise Caroline munity, # new Brownlie retary, Mrs Pach bas been formed st Keddy ron th Pack, Oshawa . James Bremner. Until f Mrs meets on Wednesda nights ot Seema bon] the ac Ted Collis Sine x hook 0 the Sunday to meet in the church on the [ft was agreed thet the choi room at the church. The fourth Mondas Brown Owl is Mrs. Peter : Hughes and the Tawnie Owl is Mrs, Jim McNally ix of the Brownies Shane spent & yesr In ok, ond & few months in the 13th, waiting for the new pack io be) formed. These girls are Ann Glover, Donna Glover, Kars Carr, Gail McNally, Wendy Hit chens and Carol Chatien. New Brownies registered with the sre Susen Brown, Bever Brown, Barbers Brown, Debble Boyd, Debbie fchwass, Charlene Schwase, Shirley Stin on, vo Bremner and Nor ms ward e girls are from Coronation and Kedron| A Mothers Donald Spencer Norman Wood Karen Vascoe and Mr Auxiliary has -------- we | Brotherhood | Sets Ideals TORONTO (CP) Brother: hood Week in Canada~Chris tians and Jews getting together to promote common |deals--will be. observed Feb, 10.26 Prime Minister Diefenbsker hehds, as honorary chairman the Canadian Council of Chris tisns and Jews sponsoring the week, an annual event In Cana didn eommunities since 104% Many other countries around the world, the number growing sinee the movement was started! in 1987 at Denver, Colo, hold] Brotherhood Week on simultan. | sols date Purposes of the week will be putlined in schools, colleges, ehurehes, synagogues, commun: it organizations and labor and! management groups and by press. radio and television They are to }. Give people an opportunity to, rededicate themselves to babic ideals of respect for other people and human rights éhich are essential to our wa) of life" ?. Dramatize practical things which ean he done to promote| an understanding and realize tion of these ideals 3. Enlist the support of more| people In year-round activities to "build brotherhood' PROMOTE AMITY The Counell of Christians and Jews is an association whose members seek hy education to Prerident t Special/ PLUS STAMPS promote Justice amit on y operation and understanding! among people differing in race 11. religion or nationality," ox, aris The council is not an inter. faith movement. It does not| [) A . deal with forms of worship or President t Specinl/ PLUS RYAMPY religious doctrine oe atement an. BOSTON BROWN ~ PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE || nouncing Brotherhood Week that **it recognizes that there AYLMER BEANS 3 190, are fundamental and important 'e or. TINS religious differences, and it In no way reduces religion to the) » ' . / lowest common denominator." | Pretident t Special! PLUS STAMPS Along with My Diefenhaker,| . s Baptist, ag honorary chair:| CHOICE ASSORTED man, the eo chairmen of Brotherhood Week are former prime minister Louis St. Laur Lia ans oF this enl, a Roman Catholic, and 4 Hen. I, €. Rand, retired justice of the Supreme Court of Can ada and now dean of the law| sehool of University of Western Ontario at London, a United Church of Canada member National vear around cos chairmen of the council are Rhys M. Sale, Protestant, chair mhn of Ford of Canada; 0. B Roger Jewish, former vice president of Shell OI in Can ada, John DD. Hayes, Roman Catholic, chairman of the Laura Secord candy company, and Hen. Gaspard Fauteux, Roman Catholic, former Speaker of the Commons and former lleuten apt. governor of Quehee - ENNISKILLEN JENNISKILLY N = The Ennis killen WMS held ity first meet ing of the year, Jan, 17 at the, Thy of the president, Mps, 1.} Wearn, who presided for the blisiness and reports, An appro. priate devotional was given by Mrs, F. Beckett, the theme be: ing, "The New Year is your op: portunity to live. The seripture| from the Tth chanter of Matthew was read hy Mrs. K. MeGill Mrs. F. Beckett closed the war ship with hymn 208 and a poem "YT shall net pass this way again' There were 24 paid member | shin fees In answer to the rell| esl! Mrs. GG. Yeo read the sched ule drawn un for the 1941 year cards, for the approval of the meeting, before having them printed The annual reports were re ceived, showing an active and] profitable vear, with special mention to the younger groups for their splendid work Aring| the vear I was decided na hald the] meetings the second Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m, until June | Mrs. M. Stainton, Christian Stewardship Sseretary; read a lefter stating aur allocation for 1881, alse our Missionary for Praver is Miss Mary L. Mans. field, Huntsville Groun t with group leaders Mrs. |} Trewin, and My K MeGill, served lunch and all en javed a social tims WATER THROW The Jet d'Eau de La Rade foyntain in Geneva, Switrerland can throw a column of water <t8 hgh as 428 feet in calm weather, they whieh wold eventually be used, WRG ras purchase # chimes W. BR. Hancock, The Music com. (third Monday of ever Gibson, month Missibe on March 20. This newly The WA Billiformed group is interested iv ing of svecial interest for Wed Mr and the treasurer, Mrs. Rosnak, The Gown commities, the support of all Mother George Mitchell and Mr hava Seouts or Cubs in the 2160 fF aonas. of Taunton roed, willl Hospital last rom ' Mrs. Vincent Ward evening of eachishould set some of the money inied 10 act as Itheir treasury aside in a fund Mrs, Allan Wilbur was forced 10) show some examples of South' weeks' time because of her hus Amencan crafis attach band's iliness will be in the church hall was # Anxiliary of the the devrted 10 Rosnak: Patti, Cathy and Jim Mrs met on Mon plans for the turkey supper the my might at the church, with mothers will serve @t the first nary given by Mr Harry Rose presiding. The Father and Son meeting was honor of Mrs decided that! The meeting closed with re Oshawa. The panty was a com: ion served by Mrs. plete surprise to Mrs. Palmer, py, ON SOUTH AMERICA out, for » Bunday ¢ planning a meet Grive The nest meeting will who! nesday, Feb, 1. Mrs. CV Sunday evneinz hright attack, 1s mak- the and bo speak should her experiencesiwith & coronas volgmteer (when she and her hush fived ing salis.aciory Progress treasurer, sincelin South The meeting, Miss Olive Luke, of Toronto Much of the business part of, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mrs were guests at # birthday io leave the hospital this week and Mrs. and spent a few days with her Banquet on Ken Palmer of Bowmanville in gon, Mr. Orville Greer Nellie Palmer, returning to her home at Burke Cubs second Harry Rose and Mrs. J. Elliott who thought she was only 800g thoroughly enjoyed their skating on Sunday taken 10 the Oshawa Generalinerature akting was ideal warmed America. She will hoves 10 be home in about two, the house with hot chocolate and Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs. G 'eookies afterwards tion this week. The project has Mr. A. E. Billets before community Through a quirk in the heat ing, the temperature in the The new rink at Kedron Pub Mrs, Derek Barnett on fiat weskend guest of Mr. lie School will go into opera urday attended the funeral of Ross Les Walter Bryan was able been sponsored by the Commun. United Church ity Centre for the use of the Groat Osha school children as well as the Robi 8 poi 4 avs. General Hospital this week. Janice Selleck entertained » group -of her school friends ot 8 ot Hampton the 21st Pack choir loft of the church rose " party on Wednesday in marked con trast to the outside tempers minister, Rev, Ronald Love, the{home of Mr. and lo but with choir members moved down tol Mountjoy and no wind |the first row of seals in the and thelauditorium for the sermon. Kee snd Danny themselves mn Mr, and Mrs, RB $. Bishop. 'ma. Miss Sybil Langmaid was » aflemoon party on Saturday afternoon af ; the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ver.|1re. Atl the suggestion of the Seturdey dinner guest 8t the Allan Wilbur, whe was non Powell, Columbus, The tem Mrs, Everett Mr. snd Mrs, Meredith Me- were enter. "Wr. and Mrs. Charles Bishop |tained on Sundsy by Mr, and B. Reeves and Don- President t Speciol/ rus STAMPS CHOICE CREAM STYLE AYLMER CORN ..2.~37° Provident t Special/ mrus sTAMPS CHOICE HALVES Aylmer PEACHES 2.1.3 President t Special! mrus sTaAMPS BARTLETT FANCY HALVES AYLMER PEARS 2. EG President t Spetial/ PLUS STAMPS REGULAR PACK MONARCH MARGARINE 4 President t Special/ PLUS STAMPS SWEET MIXED ROSE PICKL President t Specia// PLUS STAMPS HELLMANN'S BLUE RIBBON MAYONNAISE -- Prsident t Spevisl/ PLUS STAMPS SAVE ALL 16PL, 97: | we, Plus 100 extra Lucky Green

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