FIVE-PIN RULERS fon there into the Canadian Associa. fl members snd rightly so, as( bowling has never ve Five-pin Jamized and 100 In the organization they certainly have the poten | tial ability to handle any posi foto, the present en. JAgienburg and Murphy wi awd en n er det il which exists mast! onduet a campaign locally and) WESIASI hb exists in mo lity af eal - or. 0 Oshawa in an effort to on In] Jominion-Wide SE 3 A gh a St ganization 1s nth oh wil affiliate with the Wn re ¢ % dla femme WM 566 nn if arontn on ils ' th dele essiy shi es from Hamilton id x being in attendance main reason meeting was to Nears from Jim t petgrned from Vaneouve Wr trip west with th } se of laying plar or- top Fa anization of a ( Pin Bo would the howl all o conrding tn thie sented be oll Fhe ire i entres it would appear that the Tov officers" in the "ont an Bowlers' Council #t Bunda ' ow lers' Council As ay Sou these Hays ting pad great re ef fo ACC SiN wa and ons wr this, community #5 # ho hed for 109 Sil 4 that a truly national as in fivepins was # 0€ gp I hot nd ge se ground. work will he start 0 10 oronts hawa, and : fd py Fonte the Western howlers CF £4 when WeEsEnt year for the All The Oshawa delegates al Bn gs Pin Champion. day's meeting, Ale if dson ers' Council meetings held in St, and Ed Dut chy rg league officials appointed to explore the tn give ration the the come Fast this eoort Canadian Vive ¢ Trig hich will he over the Easter were assy Beetorth whe 5 ern acighion re. 'v inize this will make the repre enting Dutch En g in all elas treasurer of the ath ef with ai how viers vel four top officials oF representa: the ne A or " tives of the Ontario Bowlers' Men's "Aajor league wa eotimately coresent Council to finalize the forma winted to the Omarion Bov wh all ov tion of the Canadian Associa Council executive and w tructed to enlist the service all out effort Bob Murphy, secretary of Osh ested in the ompletely or- awa Major group as ano v fi vein gam representative, Both these oe 4 ' regarded as City Lanes ang m. Phone 3-3212 ft and will me Oshawa Hoh and Muri apacity who are with Lugtenhurg in: an a4Yisory of league officials reno wee Lin LTP Be % yi Meantime, an he made Lo ¢ nize all the five pin league Canada ime the On: youngsters are nerally tario Bowlers' Counci i an dia fre om valuable ma terial by the Con un-7 p wived Any inter fey elopment of the enerally, should mtact F 7 "5 nhurg at Motor evening afler| i can vans af five pin leagues are n the formation of a cal associat.on, the next m ee thal proper 4 tion will go from thi | SM Sali on 10 all future Bow} All loc all are requested these hoys all the co can in their cam new as will represent fica OH Donatdeo on will act along! hy, in OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS " OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHANA woop PRODUCTS LTD. Introducing . Our Salesmen at Courtice Showroom Photo shows, left to right: John Yenning, John Watson and Ernie MacNeil, who are im at Courtice on duty at our new Showro They are trained and well qualified to assist you in your building requirements, whether it be lumber, hardware, paint, tools, electrical supplies, elc, "«PREWAY"" Bilt-in Appliances Do Wonderful Things for YOUR Kitchen GAS and ELECTRIC BILT-IN OVENS and RANGES Everything about a Preway Wallchef looks wonderful , it's automatic, clock-controlled even with large capacity for baking, broiling, roasting and rotisserie cooking, Automatic 60-min, Minute Minder, new 140 degrees low-temperature regulator, rotisserie and even light. Biltsin Counterchef Range hes Control thet lot's you diel the heat you need, Litt-out slements for eosy ¢l or I steel surfaces thet never ship, Model 1328 with satin chrome surface Model 1344 Deluxe, illuminated control Panel, stainless steel surface Model 1332 with stainless steel surface " / Sine BLOWER POWERED y y 4 TO GIVE YOU . 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Weekend Sp Right Quality Meat Features FEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF FROZEN FOODS Fancy Quality A«P PEAS 469: Reg 2 pkgs 39¢ BEEF SHOULDER Full Cut Ib BLADE SAVE 9% Blade Bone Removed ROASTS SHORT or CROSS RIB C WELL TRIMMED PRIME RIB EXTRA SHORT CUT Lean Meaty, Boiling Cute BRISKET PLATE Lean Shoulder Cuts GROUND CHUCK Super Right Park = Brown 'n Barve = All Mest Sor phy 49: SAUSAGE PATTIES Fancy Quality CHICKEN LIVERS Fancy Quality, Sliced PORK LIVER Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEAT Sweet Pickled = Vas Pas COTTAGE ROLLS Schneider's = Vas Pas POLISH LINKS Canned Foods Sale WAFFLES 4%: 49. Reg 2 pkgs 29¢ SAVE Se 12.01 phy 49: BEEF BOLOGNA nd PORK SHOULDERS ~43: Jollind Park == 12:0x Plastic Container HEADCHEESE wh 3 Se Logs, Thighs, Breasts »37: Lean Maenty, PORK SPARE RIBS ~47: Game = 16:08 Minimum Super Right, Bmeked, *THICK SLICED", Rindless SIDE BACON 24:99: Allgood, Smoked, 8lieed, Rindies hohe 3 9c CHICKEN CUTS CORNISH HENS «+79: SIDE BACON 23: »59: » 49 »35¢ Y +1 57 A&P Fancy Quality Reg: 2 tine 28e--~BAVE 7s TOMATO JUICE 4:43: CASE OF 24 TINS $2.58 ~~ SAVE 42s Reg, 2 tins 370--BAVE Te 3 0ain Qe = SAVE ie Choice Quality AtP PEAS CASE OF MM TINS SAR. Reg: 2 tine 38e--BAVE 11s 4 15.0x tins 5 Q: SAVE Me AAP Fancy Quality CASE OF M4 TINS 0M Henley Cheles Quality Reg. tin 100--8AVE " FRUIT COCKTAIL 23 5c CASE OF 24 TINS $8.40 -- SAVE 9s From our Froxen Fish Department Cooked and Breaded HADDOCK PORTIONS :47: Sea Seald = Canada Inspected th pky 3 Qe SMOKED FILLETS 369: | Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials ONTARIO GROWN, APPLES GRAPES GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS CABBAGE ro ri7. LIFLOW - CARROTS | & PEPPERS CUCUMBERS "io sous wi, 5 *25¢ POTATOES DATES FANCY GRADE, McINTOSH en 39 California Emperor, No, Large Sete | Florida, Marsh Bead dle Ne. 1 Grads, Sine " Golden Ripe, Ne, 1 Green, How bing Whi ® 1 Grade, Large California, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Green Tons ported a A, hi N SLL Hard head 3 Oc 2:n25¢ wh 19¢ 10.39. 201 collo pkg 49. New oer Pag Table took | California, phaney Grade, rade, MEAT PiES Special! 24: Off Deal "Plus extra savings J KING SIZE at A&P" Jans Parker Jans Parker, 4 Flavours LAYER CAKE crime iCiD Jane Parker "hor BREAD 2:¢eriem 33¢ COFFER CAKE PINEAPPLE RING | Jane Parker Quality Bakery Specials Reg, loaf 100=8AVE bs SAVE Reg, 490---8AVE te each 3 5¢ Reg, 3e--8AVE Ge each 29¢ Jane Parker, Brown 'a Serve Wheat Jane Parker Jans Parker KING Size ARP Reg, Price $1.29 Save an Extra de i TOTAL SAVING 28¢ TWIN ROLLS DROP COOKIES AP Super Markets og phy Mo-SAVE 2pkgol 1249 Reg. pkg e~8AVE Ge pho 29¢ pkg Me-BAVE de BLUEBERRY Rte ws Qe | All Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through COCOANUT BAR COOKIES pho 2 3¢ GREAT ATLANTIC & PACING THA COMPMNY LTH, Saturday, January 28th, A ----------