20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Jonuery 26, 196) ! . : SPORT OUTDOORS -- By Jock Sri This One Could Be | men) what A Bargain! What Value! er Johnny Bower's Year | FRI & SAT ARE ay 3 lO oy ety . - Johnny Bower Is the type of|the Vezina trophy, which goes J the 195 Jruion Sons i guy who has people biting their|o the netminder who has played|' " By 8 af Mg i finger nails when he plays goalithe most games (or the 1emmi coor cory perform for Toronto Maple Le Helwith the fewest goals scored A artiry hers nes fidgets around adjusting Wie against 4 cated the hazards of the goal pads and, at times, Jooks a5 | If Johnny gets all theres wis| keeping Job & few years 8go he's worrying meell nto aibank acoount will he enrichediafter 5 game in Montres)| hospital bed with a case offs 56000, The NHL presents| Forum, The oldtime NHL ex wleers and tatiered nerves 51600 in each case and Leals|ceutive watched Detroit's Terry A vise vos Ho But Johnny could he the will match this i Sawchuk in action and asked a I re Tie brightest light in the Nationa Only three other goalkeepers friend Sawehuk's age CRIA CLR, OF 16 EVES, Hockey league (his season (faye won the Hart trophy inl "Twenty-four," was the reply, Right now, he's shooting for 190 5es 26 year Wstory, They were, "Next year," said Gorman individual awards plus a B09 AT fioflins of Chicago in 1634-54, "he'll be 34." on the Jriss tm AILEY Chuck Rayner of New York -- mr -- team and a fistful of mon Rangers in 1940-90 and Roy It couldn't happen to a nicer Worters of the old New York REMEMBER WHEN? [Sd fellow, And it's not had for an) Americans in 192829 By THE CANADIAN PRESS old erock who has been kicking Chicago Black Hawks traded | around in pro hockey, most of 1 MOTLY IN Minos ondeys Howie Morenz to New York | me newmom: in the minors, for 18 years, We) owe 8 one 0 i WOnAETs pg ongers for Glen Brydson 25 ig oe says he's somewhere between 75|@ HOGER - day big leaguel ore ago today. The great cen ' and 4, which makes him the{hockey, The native of Princel, "ooo oered win Montreal PULLS I) GEESE HEAD Bid we MHI Athert, Sask, played eight|'r® ; FH HOES OF WATEZ AT oldest player in the NHL trabeht years in the Ameriean|Cnadiens for nine years before We iL og RATED MOST VALUABLE, | League with Cleveland, starting! £0Ing » Chicago, sumed sitet TE WHO DVI THE It didn't come as any great|in the 1945-46 season, and sipee|the trade but regaine $0 ri ©5570 THE! CANT Fils surprise this week when the|then has been shunting between|(0rm when he returned to the fivat bh po : : |Habitants the next season, Death first-half balloting for NHL tro-[the AHL, Western League ond short his career in March CL SF phies showed Bower at the top! NHI, 19 WILY, FIGHT GALINA (day night. The American willl of the heap for the Hort frophv | He Ymows the occupation]? ---- MADIID, Spain (AP)~Davey get $7000, the biggest fight|it's given to the vlayer ad hazards of his job, Goalkeepers! Mor of Springfield, Ohio, the purse ever paid in Spain, Moore! judged most valuable to Wie have retired at the peak of their! LADY'S AID world featherweight boxing substitutes for Mario Vechiatto,| team careers because of the pressure | Jacqueline Kennedy, new First ehampion, agreed Tuesday to\"talian lightweight, who was! A week earlier he topped the Someone once made a count!lady of the US, inherits a meet V uperancio (Fred) Ga [taken ill, Moore, touring Spain, noll amongst the league's goal [that showed 25 goalies per (White House staff of 70 whe, fir wanish lightweight king, took the hout "to help pay for Leepers on the first all-ster| formed at various times for thelamong other things use in a 10-round non-title bout ¥ri-'my visit," team, Then, of course, he's In a' six teats in the NHL over a'60 pounds of floor wax monthly, EE L THIS IS YOUR KEY || 2.» To a GUARANTEED || [Bl yori. save Safety Checked Used Car || \'" 55 SSS and SSS Every car on our lot has been inspected and put in bf good repair by our expert mechanics, When you \ | buy 0 "Goodwill" car you can be sure you are get- / ' J \ WEEKEND ting the BEST car for your money, The "Goodwill" AT . sign is your guarantee, You con buy with confi- oy J] dence . . » where you see the "GOODWILL" sign. |i © D U Bd By y po sm-- Picture Yourself In One of These Beauties Special | = TTIE=% 1 SAVE! 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Cuttom Gel the Take Worn Ye : SHED, SLASHED PRICES to away below Cost in an effort -tadio, Low mileage, A real buy in an Re Best A ing : ot to appease his wrath, We don't want to lose our jobs , , 7" @cenomy car wv $150 : so won't you please come and take them away before he $1495 Yt ai 1 gets back, There's Quilted Lined windbreakers, some leather- va trimmed, Gabardines, some made of Meavy Frieze cloth, Al Gars Cary 1957 NASH ° AMMA | LCT ous Tris WEEK, Yoyo Tin! 1957 CHEVROLET \ The "Goodwill" METROPOLITAN Bates 8 2- Guarantee || iY Buy Now for Yourself PICKUP, Automatic transmission, " A real buy for the handyman, Canary Yellow $745 ig (The AN $205 | F421 Or for Gift Giving!! 1957 PONTIAC STATION WAGON 1958 PLYMOUTH DELUXE Custom radio. Red & White paint job. A per- 2-Door, Custom radio. Exceptionally clean, fect car for the family man, Green color, 1195 $795 MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR "Where Smart Men Shop" 230 KING ST. W. LIMITED ra 5.6651 || 36 KING ST. EAST i cownrown osnawa