The Oshawa Times, 26 Jan 1961, p. 21

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Vt | A Fishing veteran Harry | scoavs loose chips from the | ham Left tn Fight are Susan | Hodgson (standing) chips | NOE Getting a lesson in ice | 11, Lynn, 13 and acl J ¢ isi | fishing from these experts are | huts on the lake hel ind them hole in the ice of Lake Simeoe | ce ohildren of Mr, and | indicate the popularity of this while friend Charles Fatema Mrs. W. F. Sherwood of Mark winter sport. lee fishermen OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Cordie Howe a y Canadiens of (he National ambassador from scoring star , T H d BANTAM HOCKE Hockey League, The ch im has exceeded the wildest ex or 00 ar ] mediately signed him on 10 seotations of the club mensge travel around Canada, promot: pc. vO I T Be Potent WLT Pls ing good will for hockey In gon He's booked solidly through 0 Westmount 71044 or and the Canadiens In PAF january and February," he 4 qf f p Are Not Too Far par VANCOUVER (CP) = Gordie King Street 6 1 113/90 E oo the toughest. league ting tu 8 ] P ne 1 i Fd y Howe In gelling 100 Mud lee 8, Paul's B11 rye ever played in' he said POPULAR IN ONTARIO By M. MeINTYRE HOOD he third 4 wn standing, onl oy ag on "te Malo him nh Simcoe Street 8 2 8 WY Tuesday during a brief stay at And one of the most re Special London, England hree or four points behind the for the National Hockey ® Knox 3 3 210 home with his wife and their markable things about it all | peer 4b ' tard are thiChase Lop the NEHOR ing |X Northmins 5 gs six ~hildren that the heaviest demand comes Correspondent dey v Pare in moth yg £ sHAlme engl - scoring % Northminster 1 B19 tn The Oshawa Times fi team { , CM ' Rick i th XH Hh 200 "Hockey was a lot easier thanifrom Ontario, This is a switch a . ' fret tinited, elected : N thar + Lind oh Sd A n this, Not so many bumps and from his playing days when LONDON Fie ap 1 pa ourth 4 on for the ld id it ket it, Mathews 07 0 Bipot so much pressive, 1 find! Maurice was usually cast In thi ards of ' i eel i : y : 4 4 in a nd I lou OF of i 4 ed (X) Denotes 4-point games role of villain at Maple Leaf divisions of the Fnglish Foo " qa ress conference W He a pi ¢ ni ond Ta ot; and look ¢ 4 p we | ' : y araens Dall League Ras " hi for motion 10! by 14 " ' i" i FUTURE GAMES SPORT BRIEFS Richard leaves today for the considerab) th ad bg on aflar 0 the Time yr 4 ¢ tng Thursday St, Mathews at Jest Coast and the Prairies, as evident in the third na H f #168 100 19NE. 184+» Paul Saturday North well as a coup! f Is p ' ' £16 aals: wh y i Wi f g ' IN y f ouple of ealls on the the Fnghish Cup, wh 50 1 | ard 0 core goa hen! inster ab Harmony: King 8 TOURNEY OPENS United States West Const first division lean UL AHOCK OF THE WEEK ore 14 anal At Simeoe 86, and Westmount, HOLLYWOOD, Fla, (AP) eq out | Sea fine sui { few days after win. Wel ho cored hid oR it Knox The 16th women's international " third and 16 i divisio , I owing headlines by de: Gur . EASON At W fourhall golf tournament opens in the lower divisio 5 Pottenham Hotspur NHI Ih ah id K. : ow . today with 1050 titlists Marlene Vv. 10N8 4 kA d In Sols f 'off { {| ed to i] Fett} od will Eastview Park End treil of Toronto and Ann Casey f ers an ! { f thy § { '] | | f i Oe 4 fr I tha i rr 4 ih defo Es Toe ton Araus Johnstone, Mason City, Towa " . 01 th y 4 } 6:0 to lLeiceste i id or 1lie ' ' » p ' ' favored to regain the crown| min t hanging on to them, hare " rs, they could How ho this son on has Zion's Win Streak favored tu Fegun te rewn| sultant improvement ir k i othis rong, AEain @i- heen taking h egular tu ) . : A 8 the lower level lar they could do nothing|the ice, then playing on power| Zion's eight game winning Joanne Goodwin and Dorls Phil VT PF Another indie mn of the nar teanwhile. Tottenham re: plavs snd pe iv-killing assign: streak was broken on Saturday Nps 1tizens rowing of 1h ) y' WINEL ined their 10-point lead in the|mer has scored 10 goals this evening, hy Tastview Park, in LIST SUBMITTED ahility is seen in the 9 i on ating Arsenallvear 1 arrow the gap to B4&, [an exhibition game al Neweastle p : tions' being held hy teams first division by bean Richard made his comments|Arens NEW YORK (AP)=The Na:| VANCOUVER (CPy=A plan to thi 1 #8 to i re fo i eha maa 7 A " " i ' 4 ee : A which won promoien Ue hy 42, Ar | took the leadlduring & visit io participate in - Eastview opened 'the scoring tonal Football I4 REE futtied out hi od Cinhdian play end of last season. | {ong arly in the game, but the pow: minor hockey week events in the first period with a goal|0Ver @ Hist of bh Players Jo in ors wi be presentet 0 the cases, they are agai CRA S er of the Spurs half-hack line (by Kennedy, assist Hewer from nesota Vikings Wednesday for nadian Football League's annusll go pip CANADIAN PRESS ing for promotion ta even WEW| Log em down, and they were Bowen, selection of a 6-man squad for (meeting in Winning next month uf " - |] p N itd (s/ 3 er levels unable to stop Tottenham from Zion eame back with one from|the 1061 season. Each of the by British Columbia Lions of the ars dit ill or teams racked! Wer ora undatented promoted from #00 ednesday won their games| RYe The second period, Route ofan "segm whic must General manager Werh Ca-| 08, first divisions to make a good| with Fverton and Fulham re 1 t d e Hastviw ited ne and Oyler chosen by noon today, Dallas, porst wd Wednesdny the Tons! Gomls = Mahovlich, Toronto, J . thel spectively to hold on to second if Zion added two goals on as s logue A propose that a player from the| 3 showing in their first year in the spe ¢ y hold on to n sists by House and H Kk toll the league only a year, was . ton bracket, Yet Aston Villaiand third places, But both lied Aid And Hircock, 10). oiuded from the draft, United Btates, before he can be| Agsists = Beliveau, Montreal, and Cardiff City, promoted this) Burnie and Fverton 1081 2 tie up the game | classed as n Canadian for foot) 84 season. are doing very wel round bh th ir de feats n 00 oney: 4 The third period saw Zion out GETS VOUR MONTHS [alt PUrDoMH, be Foiuited or Shutouts=Hall, Chicago, 6, Aston Villa are in sixth place in| Kheffield United and Ipswich) . kit od: Tuhstylew went on to win) VANCOUVER (CP)=-Former Nave Nave SE Penalties--=Pllote, Chicago, #4 the first division behind Totten: are lengthening their lead In| NEW YORK (AP) = Former!# to 8, With goals hy Kennedy, 'moronto salesman Frank Ken. Pers and to have spent A Aub: mi y | ham. Wolves, Sheffield Wednes-|the second division { hited be: 0) mpic athlete Mike Agostini Hewor, towden, Bligdon and yody 80 was sentenced Wed |ftintint part of his life in Can a ing seven points ahead of third says a good amateur runner can Hrabin ada day, Burnley and Everton. Car : y iardalt nesday to four months for "me. oo w ! diff are well placed at the mid Er bik Livi J i | . aud If wwich earn $10,000 a year hy accept {breaking into the hotel suite of [Jee n poral, wpbarently le dle of the tahle i pois hi vg Sheffie Id, have | yhders ayes etn i FIGHTS LAST [three Ottawa Rough Riders dur horn in Canada but moved to Southampton and Norwich one DEINE BE Ha a i elie 10 8 ing the early morning of Greys U8, at an early age and mIme 0 the second diy Bobbin 8 Hm nHcIale not on Cup « ov, 20 ; same up Mito m the HS man] Postponement of games OW pandoning hut even encouraging NIGHT [ i day Nov. YW. canal in the played all his school and pre 1 this sensor p y slon this season ing to flooded grounds kept the [i11¢ gal expense accounts in some Southampton Art i toy Li no ition in the third division un linstanee Agostini. save. in Place and Arh Hith and th Clehanged, with Bur Yusen & storey written for Bports Hus re THARE still 'have @ chance] PATH i" ANEOrS and Grimshy Hedi atad of making the jump into the! tap iy Craitalin Agostini, who competed for first division In the fourth division Crystalimpinidad in the 100-metre dash " Palace led with 42 points, Dublin the 1056 Olympic games FOUR NEAR TOP Peterborough, with 37 points, Ismaihourmne, savs $10,000 a vear Four teams were promoted| have two games in hand, Brad: (for an amateur track athlete is from the fourth to the third divi: ford with 36, and Northamplon| pg ible in Europe. with Sean slay Walsall, Notts (Count vith 35, are well ahead of thelgi,.via particularly happy Torquay and Watford, Al pre jinwe; teams and should mae hunting round, He said he re ent, Torquay are fourth, Walsalllup the four to climb to the thirdiagivad illegal fees in 1952 fifth, and Notts' County sixth Hvision In Chicago, Avery Brundage president of the International Olympie Committee, sald OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS We are not a police force here are three signatures on every entry blank. If what Agos "(CE FISHING ON LAKE SIMCOE POPULAR WINTER SPORT ~ |USE WINDSHIELD WIPERS TO FISH THROUGH ICE PORT ARTHUR, Ont, (CP | they got into the car, started The wee of automobile wind. | it wp, and, turing the wipers, shield wipers is the latest in- | on, sat there in cory comfort novation in the technique of | derived from the car's heater, fea fishing for trout while their baits jigeed uy snd Bill Love tells about it in bis | G09R ia the Wipers | Outdoor Jottings column in When the conservation of- The BiewsA bromide ficer came along and repri- tte reports on two anglers manded them for not holding 7" the lines In the hand as re whe favor "jiggling" (contin. fi a4) they wansty moving the bait up and quired by the regulations, tied more lines on the end | down) as & method of going | |. Yor 120m fastened 10 the wipers, fed i | them through the windows and They drove out onto the ice | sat back holding the lines in and cut & hole on either side their hands of the car "As far as | can see, Ws "They baited wp, put the | legal, warm, comfortable, and Wines in and tied them to the | 8 wonderfully lazy way to windshield wiper Wades, Then | fish," 'The Rocket Woul Rather Be Playing MONTREAL (CP) ~~ Maurice myself making speeches in my (Rocket) Richard is finding aet- sleep |v as goodwill ambassador for, "And Vve shaken so many Montreal Canadiens & lot hands | think I'll have to switch tougher than being thelr greal- to southpaw greetings est star on the jce "The pay is good but my He says his new job takes schedule is rough, And to think him away from home so often [| used to complain about all that his children are beginning those overnight jumps and long use the evergreen hranches 19 mark the thin spots on the ice where holes have heen enipped out Previous CP Wirephote (to think he's only a relative seasons when | was playing." dropping in for a brief visit Vranke Selke Jr. mans i 4 anke Selke naging Richard retired last fall 816 givoctor of the Canadiens, says 18 years of stardom with the the CHURCH LEAGUE flocket's switch to good will An 'Amateur' Fountain, assist Taylor, league's members except Dal-|Western In te rprovineial Foot: Ins submitted a list of uh hall Union, whioh three professional foothall in the Aly THE at|iunior featherweight title) suite when one of the players od Biates. Sur " ASROCIATED PRESS awoke and phoned for aid, Po Rbited Stat Ju a is Tokyo--=Ieruo Sakamoto, 122, lice found 8121 on Kennedy, The | fonthall purposes, Tapan, outpointed Arab Junior, Ottawa players were Kaye| Also classed as a Canadian 1s 120, Philippines, 16, (For Orient| Vaughan, George Brancato and|a player horn in the US, of Gary Schreider, Canadian parents Yown AND COUNTRY | AOE (fas Fat Huxtanle $87, Bing nin tinl says 18 true, then three per 54, 8 } | b, We Ms ol 3 ha n faves He sons lied when his blank was J Ande J, Yau sua Seve Loveloek Joh ivr Rena 811, filed nin § Wanoaeh hi | Clary fin 206, Olive Melntash Ia, If the officials he is sunposed BD Oman Laigh : ) hi Mg . Hath she te have made contact with are he wl y vas AUN ($19 i ! {Bart oi (named, then an investigation rani ! ( 3 § Hi Liwill he made id (9 Ro Phinne JL d \ \ ¥ § " aa © i Bante 3 | BASKETBALL Leagig = M, Mauntioy 47; © | : / 3 LL A [0 J hd ni yy tH Palo Ftichards b MeFartancs b. Hausian RESULTS Pearls Max JLT h i . Dias nds di : Ra) a 1 es 1By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i Foes WEDNERDAY u URED APREL NOR jah he Mh mi oran Rime (St. Louis 118 New York 100 Richard 743, 4. Ar wpson 638; high! Detroit 138 Cinetnnati 125 Jacenty 688, R Spence 0 "Los Angeles 117 Syracuse 112 sn 648. 6 Rid andall 88; low scare 83, T. Halnor 837 il BL Boarman Saslgrave 618 B.A 'e 203. 0%. Art Pavey 200 Avi MeBEachern $00 Lehman imate BR PEIOY and Kew Johnson 29% High Sin J a 4 Team Staniin Pinheads 4, Na frgwn Bie Rattae RF "5 Wea 3 Unipuehables 3, Would -Be's §, ni, | het " yf Hy Free 207, 830 Goatnix 1, Happy Gang 1, Hubby: Dabs ameskl 81 \ 1 and Aces 0 HA an a 3 f R Vi Ro » : Ihe Executive would Hike ta take this aley 288, fini ase Rupert § ) ty to thank al 3 08, D. Canfield 3 A Poser 306i Mah triple ie h - We b Bs a and 1. Keeler 200 nw ne Mads ve Ives. We hope to see you LT hu. : bw at Roar Wp next da 10 he held v 4, yach tt So until next Sunday so o Ross A, A. Parish 88 and A J oni aver Avdrey Harton 188, Ang Dawiers or should we say Blowers \ noo Uehavds 213, Dat Price 188 Team Sanding A Group # Hose Rupert 203, Dot Tosep 283, 207 SEROEANTS MESS LEAGUR and Outs 14, Instigator 12 Vi Cornish 197, § Te Standin % in ATI dolls 11, Strtvars 11, Bix Aces | Team Standing APRON' ATIWOUF Guys anit Dells yn 14, MoKinley's Operatars $3, CITY STORE LREAGUY Grant's Wireless 68 MOTOR Con tulations ta Gedd Medal Clean Murphy's Mochan Fghtnalie 4 LE Hure's Instruetors 66, Weleht's poup! Blowers 11, Lueky Hix 10 Da Littles % Siealerns Losers 6, 'ans Winning the second seothan a Aorrawdate's Gun Aums § and Untouchables § i AL H 14 Bo, 270 Mae | ng 5 d MeCarmack's Loaders As Famlosan 448 (164, 368); Hea Raramak | ni ittors 4 ™ \ PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES HT and Dorothy Flotohes | ons a + Fi { and Ellegelt's Driv George Taylor Wek aver tap spat Pris 48 13] High Trip) Bolly Rackelt 609 day alent with aid (386, 310, 204); Tal | 30 Vera Hels Annette te [cant 1100 Role Fan Te, PiShen Ryan 738 (259, 374, 917): John Hobbs 120] 230, Nichais 2 Merle Pach B18, nan' Carswell 674 (353, 253); Gord M 330 308); Bev, Gutsell 248, 351, Ann M b lie Wassel 306, | Carmack B40 (840, 286); LOAN Smale Meo. | OHAFR MoNetl 303, Odie White 300 a0 aq (308); CGearse Fox 83 (318, 264) ¢ ' Jack M \ t Mabel MoNell 630 (340); Betty Geant 08, I Carl. Lealie 883 | Standing Gol Medal 381, Coawell's [618 (333 308); Opell Mills 618 (340, 200) il Baker & BH, 38, 10-20. N eh's B48 NuWay LI8, Jon Ril Ratrowdale 6 3 205): and i] We ¢ A 2 n via 678 (340); Ray Rian 0. 01, Modern Up, 010, Borex Wright 608 (207. 8145. © and ay " Pert \ & Jury and Lavell 17, Pew | High Singles Linvel Corson 340 8); Haw Keys O58 ple' a Jack Sackelt 284 d Nah Paradise SiS ) Win: Tomnle 334 #4, 318 Gwen MeConkey 853 : LEGION LEAGUE 4 8 Goarde Robbins MA); Fred MoeKee 830 (343, 314); Boh] The second section staried aff to a well 913 Jack ALN Glaver 643 (885, 214, 204); BIL Barta \ Pinheads as they : Ms Me 312 Carol Wright 637 (38, 340): Oscar Moy V a L four points fom the Aves. No i311, Helen Anderson 310, Jim Bowman WA): Lily Rae 636 (334, 32 a | Ide plouehanies and Would Be's 0k [300 Stew MoKinley 308, 300. Jessie Dan Llealie 833 (33, 336); points from Goals, Happy |iols 308, Sadie Matthews $08, Vera Hele | mm Les Gray LIE] ably Diahs NE, Jack Jahanssen B08, Helly Sheridan Bruce Dalton 811 (330); Ann Cor Horh Bathe 664 (398, 83135 (301, Fred Porter 301 and Bv Clough SOF (Jah, 30); Dat Paradise 804 (310) BG (36, 341) Ele Lan [hea eal § (HN try 638 10); and Frank Johns Ha Fayie LiL) + wh ¢ at wily | ' H a B ) 2383 Helen. Fisher Bib. ¥ i p : : : UNDER GROUND Harr Ne 3, Peis Fay Sin e Pen Bravey the number af arganisma that Bark Shemil 238, QO | Pad \ Ww \ ta live 10 a depth of three inches Madeline Marrin Folna Haker (Vi Brows 3 Teil Bathe 24, Gow A £50, Det Haley 30%, Jerry Dickens 338, | Brown 208, BUI Smith J 8, Lon Hat | 0 ANY Square foot of forest floor Salmon (B08, 206), Harold Commish (805, Anne Landry 04. Edaa Bowers! May total 104,000, WEATHER FORECAST... ... CONTINUING COLD, TILL MID-APRIL 3 More Months Of Starting Trouble . . . Drop In And Save On . . . Western Batteries |- IGNITION Block He Suivm 948 Up Guaranteed .. VOD Up viet oes 380 Starting Ether condensers. 9° u, | | Battery Chargers fart oo 1B] [peewee 9.45 up Rotors yy: 21° Up anrerneeze .... 89°] [eon 3.76, Ignition Booster ye 00 [one 090] [ie 1.08 LICENSED MECHANICS ON DUTY IN OUR SERVICE BAYS Guarantee of Quality Western Auta parts are guaranteed to perform equal te, or hatter, than original equipment, We will cheerfully REPLACE ITHOUT CHARGE, any Western part that fails, through any defects in material or workmanship, iv estern TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO, ASSOCIATE STORE Whitby 125 BROCK §. MO 8-3763 Don Pindar Bowmanville 85 KING ST. W, Oshawa 145 KING W. RA 8-1607 John Kent MA 3-3134 Al Boyd Pa Dave Keon of Toronto Maple Leals of the National Wockey League, is highly favored ps top rookie in mid-season hal lating for the annual NHI, | awards, He received 79 points in balloting for the Calder Memorial Trophy, Whitby Bantams Defeat Oshawa In Ex. Match Whithy PB of Oshawa Bantams intdams took measure f the in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Therdey, Jonwery 26, 1961 19 Oshawa Dairy In First The weekly doubleheader of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Ju venlle league was played off Tuesday evening in the Chil dren's Arena, and as # result, by Behind flawless Bill Braiden, the Oshawa Dairy team made Tony's one week, Hayden Mac squeezed through 10 tie Beaton's Dairy 33 to remain close to the | leaders in the league standings | LEADS VOTE RACE | Considering the extremely cold weather, & good crowd was in attendance, The only accident of serious proportion occurred Lo the referee Vinee Genge when he was cut, requiring six stitch | 5 on his hand, OSHAWA DAIRY VE TONY'S Bill Braiden continued 10 re duce his goals against average by holding Tony's scoreless as his team mates, Nell Arm strong, Larry Vernon, Dave Viliott, Paul Gibbons and Andy atthews each tallied once OSHAWA DAIRY gon, Braiden defence, Kolesnik Cover; forwards Malthews Vernon, King, Alternates, Lut ton, McNamee, Porteous, Arm trong, Gibbons, Viliolt, Kemp an exhibition hockey game by Cheeseman, and Bradley, the of 5 to 2 at the Osh BOOT iwi Children's Arena on Tues day night The home heeking diligently outhustied the every to keep the visitors team al Oshawa hoys off halance for most of the game, Sandford of Whithy, while not getting on the core sheet, played a very SiYOng game The gon) carers for Whithy were Maundrell, Reeson, Dalby Btewart and Dair, all with one onl each, Don Barnoskl Bob Hobinson potted the Oshaw WHITRY Maundrell # gonls Spencer Cookson Neeson Dalby, Stewart, Adams, Mit chell, Sandford, Bell, Lane Younge, Lane, Bryant, Dair OSHAWA Dionne Kidd MeGraw sarr, Robinson Stroud, Moore, Kiniski Carl Noakes Referees Vince Genge turn, | and Allon (Bruins sarnoski, | h lou {drop in butter prices in 1961, Waite, Loach, Leaming, Button, canada now has a butter surplus Kemp and NHL LEADERS Standings--=Montreal, won 27, lost 13, tied 6, points 60, Points = Geoffrion, Montres), MAURICE BERG TONY'S = goal, Neault; de fence, Glaspell, Linton; for fired five unanswered) | | goals to win 59 over Tony's Re- | | freshments, ¢ | occupation of first place a short Aonald) tother goal YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE, CANADIAN PRESS Toronto's Frank who scored two goals the winner defeated the Montreal diens H3 New York's Johnny Wilson WO who scored the winning goal as the - angers defeated Boston PRICE CUT VERNON, B.C, (CP) = Ever: ) lard Clarke, vice-chairman of the Lupel, Bradley, INational Dalry Council butter sharp! committee, predicts a of 131,000,000 pounds, Mahovlich including as. the Maple Leafs Cana| Spot wards, Dowe, Dudley, Watt; &l termates, Chemmitk, Johnson, Costello, Mason, Gerrard, Rog cieh, and St, John, | the Oshawa Dairy hustlers have ACDONALD BEATON taken over the lead, "Mu Bob Bishop scored two gos to pace Benton's Dalry to 5 well * deserved 33 tie with Wayden Macdonald to keep their hopes alive. Jim Rowden scored the Gary Gray, Mike wand Don Cullen MACDONALD = H. gost Noakes, defence, Veters; forwards, Ean, mark, Yahn, allernates, Kirk, Nemis, Gray, Porteous, Mont petit, Michaels ve BEATON'S DAIRY ~~ gosl, Russell; defence, Branton, Bal som; forwards, Bell, A Soloman; alternates, Cody, Rowden, Bishop, Melson, Referees ~ Vince Genge and Wredmark | scored for the Mac's Carl Kemp, : | 4 4 EXPORT PLAIN OR FILTER CIGARETTES re | BOYS! Any boy 14 or. under accompanied by his FATHER ADMITTED FREE | TO THE PLAZA THEATRE TO "THE SUNDOWNERS" OR MOTHER THURSDAY NIGHT Maurice Berg's MEN'S WEAR CONTINUES! We would like to thank all our patrons who took advantage of the tremendous savings offered, Although our stock is depleted considerably, we still have many outstanding offers which you will benefit by, SALE MERCHANDISE ON CASH BASIS ONLY !! ------ 1 LOT SWEATERS ® Pullovers ® Cardigans ® Vests, ete, Reg. to 10,00 SALE 2.99 AN AR, A FEW LEFT OF MEN'S SUITS and COATS Reg. to 69.50 SALE 10.00 39.50 Alterations Extra a TERRY CLOTH DRESSING GOWNS Sale 5.00 PRICES SLASHED ON VIYELLA RAVELA and BROCADED GOWNS WARM WINTER JACKETS 5.00 MAURICE BERG'S se smo. MEN'S WEAR RA 3-3082

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