- THE OAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Jonuery ", 1961 1 WHITBY And DISTRICT Hockey Talent Array Ambitious Plans SET Site, the frechold of which is lh by the Tegel and General jl Here For Exhibition For Piccadilly "a in the otossional BY M. BLNTIRE HOON thei the work be done in two The Oshawa Times saves The first stage would and every member of the tegm hat mingers Hockey lane yr . the |#ague. He is currently top of i 4 yal district will see quite an hy 4 won two Allan Cups #08 0 hockey. stars in the Whithy World Ice Rockey ( hampionship Penpington lassi season played measuring U8 feet hy 205 feet Community Arena on Monday will be taking pert in the game. in Kitchener and was & member |9pment of the whole of Picea between buildings, with Eros night when the Hull - Ottawa Jt. However, the Rull-Ottaws Jr.\of the team which renvesented|@lly Circus has heen Iai hetors moved to be exactly in the Canadiens and the Whithy Dun-icanadiens are not intending 10 Canada ai Squaw Valley the | Lon von - ye Janell nha. ont lf J Buf loos meet in an exhibition U1. he taken entirely by surprise.' Li Author » Bis yi 5 plan A PU it will be the first time the Dun. They will alse Gave fine ar- FROM NHI, T00 is Sir William Holford, Britain's ad Jniidings J frontage lops have played as a 1esmiray of professional talent on Bobbie Rousseau, row with most eminent town planming eon hii Oe id 2 et since last season's close and asitheir roste the Montreal Canadiens in thelsultant. He has modueed the " Ee ROT many of the Hull - Ottawa team NHL, may also be in the Hulllnew plan six months alter being oy Ving i on ; one that nsed .to meet the Dunnies! FOR ALLAN CUP lineup. He is o" the i Shaders called in by the LEC 10 advise a Dis biog i ad # as can be arranged will be on! The Hull-Ottawgz team, Wel lineup currently while Boom on the area's development y Abia : hand tin 4 dentally, although & Jr. A team, Boom Geffrion is sidelined with, His appointment followed the Y od i not Jets that Shere wil Heading the lineup for Whit-|is this year setting their sighisian injury But if Rousseau can rejection by the Minister of oe any poi A ste ) 338 £3 in by will be Charlie Burns, nowion the Allan Cup. They play ibe available by Monday, he willl Housing and Lace! Development WE ld bs og Am i P 4 ith the Boston Bruins, Mana- an Ottawa Valley league and if he at the Hull Whithy game. of a controversial scheme put DOSRIS here are many bres ger Lyn Patrick, of the Bruins, the; v out of thet league ini John Annable, now a mem: forward by property multi ems of sign Basigiri 4 g has permitted Charlie to comelplayoff time, they will start for ber of the Bull-Ottawa Pro! millionaire Jack Cotton for the ™ gigs 4p De ore : will be to Whithy for this game. Dun-ithe Senior A cup, rather then team, will also likely be onierection of a grandiose 13-storey fh he 3 one and ore | his Po nies manager Wren Blair, whoithe Memorial ( usuel!yihend to bolster the Jr, A's. Bill block on part of the area, Mr. # 1g DERIOG BF | gp on he also works now with the Bruins|sought by Jr. A clubs Carter, now on the professions! Cotton Wid already acauived the fore the plans are Sally ap organization, was talking to! Hull manager Sammy Pollock list and earlier this season with site for the building, and demo proved by the London "ml ¢ Charlie Burns earlier this weekl|is planning on having as many the Boston Bruins, will alse beljition work on it has heen going|' neil and the minister of IL " 7h ALE Kk the scoring lists in thet league INDON A CIRUAREY REV PIOANCE RB MBIT OPER SPREE dtd dd THRIFTY set of provesals tor the redeyel - and is advised that Charlie willlof the former team lined up asia likely starter in Monday on for some months, Sir William "OUSIDE and local development fly from Boston to Malton on|possible, though some of theipight's game Holford's pronosals envisage the] 1ack Coton, one of the FRI Monday and will arrive here ininlavers who used to come to! [Ii is expected that some 00 inclusion of this site in the new 7% NETS of property " 1063 time for the game Whithy in the Dunlops' heyday|fans will be at the game be plans which he has presented for dilly ( Ireus whose own ove op The Dunlops will have other are now in the professionslicause this is the first time the the complete redevelopment of ™* nt plans were rejecied, com professional talent in their line. ranks Dunlops have played since the|pPiccadilly Circus mented Ei : up ton, Four members of the It is expected thet Cliff Pen-close of last season. The Wulll The proposals are far-reach Kingston professional team, now nington, now playing on thelteam members are Amatingiing and they include a sugge managed by Blair. will he back Hull - Ottawa professional team their talent io the night to Bel ion for moving the famous Fro in Dunlop colors for the game. in the EPL, will he on hand. the Dunlops as they strive 10 gaiue (0 a new site, but still HUNTERS They are Bobby Attersley, Alf. Pepningion is ne stranger oy 2 enough money 10 COVEY Rin the central area of the Cireu Treen, Harry Sinden and John Whithy fans and this season is deficit left hy the "elub at the Other proposals include the Henderson. They and nearly no stranger to most of the nel-iclose of last season huilding of a 1,000-room hotel The Worth Weeds INSULATED py : Memb Placing » shallow pool, Wh ect] ORLON VESTS FIRE IN BARBER SHOP . Township Moves New Members (iu hei ie col snot Fock 0 BUY THE BEST = TR TEE -------- _------------------------_---------- Ty WW WE WW TE WE TER TR ER WE TW WER WW 4 AMEE roofs of buildings, a fine flight X . i g 8 igarel was be mated $300 damage ron f Steven is seen here putting | bershop. A ciga a ¥ i ur n us 'if { lof steps rising in an easy gradi Holden & Weed REVERSIBLE cout ot @¥8 lent along the west side of the Hunting COATS Circus, a . eourage industrial and commer # no held its regular meeting onifender around the streets SPECIAL p h strengthened A report of progress of cor I i ff1 C t With Companion - cial growth were strengthen dations gf the committee shall/Monday evening al the United, The famous advertisements n ra 1C our ment of a four-man. Industrial Mrs H Soller opened the horizontal rather than vertical ing of council at the commit f . Stayed Longer Commitiee tee's convenience, but not later meeting with fhe Lord § Prayer areas of colored light UNDERW EAR Magistrate A. 5, Mitchell dis- of Toronto was fined $20 and Moved bv Councillor Johnithan the first regular meeting followed hy the Mother's! Sir William's plan proposes Curon lined, the het liquor law violations and levied OBTAINED LIQUOR wiice to be allowed to accom-|,o5 mittee progress report The committee shall be The president welcomed D0) nisms sini | 21.9 dig Tuesday Violations included were each fined $10 and costs| Sentembe A Mrs. Foster and Mrs. McKay estions were asked when he A ng in Beptember Do feQua question Fe Aske jot on vagrancy counts in Whithy|'"® | to add During the husiness meeting PAINT and ng, three charges of speeding F'4 tet on Tuesda I ir, Orville and three charges of overload." dedi Jame Lockwood, 25, of To , . sam od was read from Mrs. H, ¥. Stan. Gost's hair lined. Guerantesd te He was charged with obiain- ronto. and Daniel John Ga A committee known as the committee members If deemed ih Jead from on an 107 BYRON ST. §., WHITBY I A a a A Whitby town employee | the finishing touches on a fire | Heved fo F started t € 'W ] fire floor level for Pedestrians ONLY : er ¢ i I w y Di which se # € ef com e inchides car 'parks on the and volunteer firefighter Glen | that started in a Whithy bar fire which caused @&n | 1 Ire nd raising the level of , if 18 Cases Pair ied Stay Whithy Township plans to en-(and commercial growth within re Mothers' Auxiliary of the the centre by several feef, auio Curon lined, Reg, to the township fourth troop. Beowts and Cubsimatically creating a sort of || 34.95, 24, 50 onday night with the appoint be made to any regular meet- Church Hall, The president, would remain, but would be in woken & Wood MYMON COBtS A i : ensed justice on 18 traffic and co 5 youth and a man who asked novden the motion called for|in Septembé Promise ont on bu a total of $320 ir fines at the Ken Crevier. 17. of 45 Ade. PANY & companion who Was wuioh will be submitted not councillor Jim Brook George NEW member fy Robin SALE Ma 1 ! it 4 ( Ar Zed wi el i Mrs Kp 3 A i fagistrate's Court at Whithy on straot. Dshawn. said. no, CHATEE i with being intoxicated |1ater than the first regular meet ofthouse. Tom Nicholson and 1 Kenned ir Minizon pon & SOUTER three charges of car dr 1 d . I a ' / urchased heer in an Ajax re Council Asse the motion it shall have power ' il on I oh read not more than wo. person as offering was taken and a letter WALLPAPER STORE BAMA LINERS eh rea 10 ) an IRTEON ing 3 i A 8 p y op 3 advisable, Council wili honor a eather . ing liquor under age and fined izoheyr 17 ¢ a% tally | Industrial Committee be ap- ad ) Eu 4 al a hd Charles Peebles, 16 Durham Of (HUGE BOC Be ehen. He REner, 1 of Ala lentally pointed, Its duty to be, if con: per diem of $4 per meeting of lation and requesting that M = ? Magistre i ; jail : pent th ore h street, Ajax, pleaded guilty to a 95 for litte pent Hires Jno " idered feasible. the study andlattendance per member and $1.00 fee would he charged to g was also fined $25 fo FINE than their fr i J ) Q + -_ harge " Far of : giving and the highway on Jan, 2. Th -l "y J fem did the velopment of a plan for the will budget $200 for any expense e com a ] itie YOUK SPORTSMANS was fined $25 and costs b ia Al y ne oneniai nl ie ES SAAS ¢ d industrial required in its worl entative WANs Vert made fi gistrate Mitchell, The char ge|CHATEE Wa ald when he Was wyihe Police Department, said ®NCOUTaES ment. and - indy | for the "Fathers and Sons" C.I.L. Paint Dealer g ate if d BE her 1 wing be hottle 4 dds | IETS arose from a two-car collision observed throwing beer ho that at 1:30 am, Jan. 21, he| banquet to he held in February Painting & Decorating CORNER 2 1 from & car window on Broel : ; on Highway 401 on Dec. 5 Mr had been on cruiser rol when definite date to be announced in Contractors | oo street south. A charge of havin 4 or > kw i RT Bo : ; 105 BYRON ST. §., T8Y Peebles said he had been a pro liguor was withdrawn by Ma oe h fou etson yalung ncome ax e ues the press, The meeting of losed | Gyprex, Paperhanging Open Thurs, & id AL, fessional chauffeur for 27 years gistrate Mitchell, Magistrate north on Brock St. N, He sald with the Scouts Mizpah and re-| Full Wall Murels | ' Robert Owen, of Pineridge stra th J ih hat 10.2p he heard a loud blood-curdling freshments were served hy Mrs Mo drive, Pickering, was abse t| also warned a ) BP | yell and stopped the four I, Bland and her committee, | , : Ee ---- Wwf A A p o One of the quartet was drunk,| n ar es Mitzna nea Re a coos A fine of §5 plus court costs pe said and ug! arrested. The igur THE charge of careless driving. Was paid by Danald Wells, 613 oper three, including the two) | WHITBY | an totalling $2200 rvesull-|Henry street, Whitby, when he|accused, were told to go home,| Judgment has heen reserved his, Since then, he added, he { TH RIFTY | ing from a two-car collision on WAS Tain guy of Das ng on! he said for two weeks in the ease of a|has recieved another cheque to PERSONALS : : 9A the right on Highway 401 on cover the rebate ro ico is Highway 401 at Highwa Dec, 8 WANT TO STAY Pickering Township woman| caused the charge to be laid ¢ | Pp M trate gs Il fined Har. Norman Vi of Lot 31, Cor Fhe two accused, he sald, ap: charged with two counts of forg-| MIXED MAN Mr, Edward Murphy is cele wT ew we ww www | : gisirate che ie a *Yy pH a" 8 d | A ald apis id Griffiths of Toronto|4, Pickering was fined $10 and peared al the police station 10) ery involving ine me tax rel He told the court that on sey-|brating his birthday today, For ; ' i ' | i | fo & ay p $75 dd ORR on a charge of COsts on a ef » of failing to) Minutes later in a belligerent hate cheques owing to the ofher| eral occasions he has received|the occasion they will enjoy an Sateloe driving. The charge Nave proper lights on his ve. M006 and wanied to gel their) pesidents in the ares, Pleading mail for Mrs, Stewart and on|evening out and dancing NEONS ZEBRAS " 5 4 Charg 3 { | i i i 4 | Intoxicated companion out of no eo to h counts ns i CORE 8, Mrs, Mewart arose from an accident involving Mele Ar. Vivian was not pres not guilty to beth coun in-| several occasion Mi | Mrs. J. A. Nixon. of Ontaria 2 thw 'lent 'at the hearing jail, Finally, he said, they start: yoiving $110, was Mrs. Elsie| has received mail intended for|c ™ 0 n, of 4 two cars on Highway 401 or Magistrate Mitchell fined © piling their belongings on the grawart RIL 1, Whiths hin Bt. W. 18 convalescing at her MOLLIES ® ROSY BARBS Dec, 8. Damage to the cars was Dor #1 Tames Bishon of 1 St counter in the station and asked A : ny 4 Frederi Albert! home after undergoing surgery $1200 NA Ri db : ihe was charged that between His sor rederics ) al the Oshawa General Hospital | | estimated at ? to be locked with thei George street, Bowmanville, $25 H : iH March 28 and June 1, 1060, she Stewart ho lives with hi 2 : nt J i Viarch 23 and Ju ) Her friends wish he omplet Douglas Henderson of Toronto and costs. for unsafe movement friend torsed 7 nade aul tol fahter taid that he had inquired I 1 ish her a complete b cheque A 1 4 y rn i recover was n.d 0 and Sat Ta, on Highway 401 on Dec, 21, My hey would not leave the sta: frederick Albert Stewart in the about his rebate cheque of $70.60 « arg Mit i pt ie by A Bishop pleaded guilty tion, hie said, so they were lock: a onint of $70.00: and that be: and had also received a photo]! Miss Lois Northey has a1 trate Mitchell. Mi } "A charge of failing to have ed up tao w t present 1 ! tween March 23 and April 1,|stat of a signed cheque He has|vived from Vancouver and is at| a8 not pr ; marker lights on a vehicle cost| Gallagher sald that he had| 1660, had forged a cheque made not yet received a new cheque | the home of her parents, Mr. | Davis Karl Eberhardt of To-\navid G. Rivers of 511 Stewart| gone to the station only to see gut to James E, Stewart in thel Document examiner Wilcox, of and Mrs, T. L. Northey, of | Cc Sante and can Meag 3 LA o street, Whithy, $26 and costs if he could arrange hatl for his! amount of $39.25 the Attornev-(ieneral's labora-| Greenwood crescent | 'eterborough were each finec A charge of failing to use the| companion who was in the cells B hoi shih its ul James Stewart told the court|tor told the court that he had M | $10 and costs Ma win oy we passing beam again t William His Warship told the pair that| that he also live at RR 1 |examined samples of writing al n, " hii Johnson Ly Mend: PP Th speeding h an rate Dean Squires of 68 Lloyd street,| police have enough trouble with-| Whitby, but on the Pic cering|legedly made by Mrs Stewart| 1 of i) AS Mr and] oof or . ithe men were J ( or PATE [ chell, Neither of the men were Oghawa, was dismissed hy Ma- out putting up with their antics! Beach road. He said that he/and also the signatures on the ye Ben Rogbie ! ® SPECI AL ® present In the courtroan gistrate Mitchell. A charge ofl as he fined them 810 or four|had filed his 1969 income tax|two cheques in question, It was) HEN HEED | On charges of overloading a failing to yield the right of WaVidays in jail. Since the pair had! return in February, 1860, but|his opinion, he sald, that the pg, Raymend Johnson, of| STAINLESS STEEL REG, 8.95 vehicle Harry Bage of Scarbor-lon a divided highwa again t] served four days in jail they had not received his rebate of| signatures and the samples Were greenwood crescent, is econ ough was fined $20 and costs John Karl Sanders of 160 Ad-lwere allowed to gi $30.26 by June and had written|all made by the same hand lvalescing at her home after AQUARIUM 164% » 1014" x § 6.49 Nino Liberatore of Toronto $30 miral road, Ala vas also dis Late lice reported thal|ig the income tax branch ahout| Mrs Stewart denied any| undergoing surgery at the Osh: | 3: n'a and costs and Dean Smith also missed their friend had paid a fine out|j knowledge of the cheques and|awa 'General Hospital Her f court he following ; A 01 court on the 'allowing morn He said that the department|swaore that she did not commit] friends wish her a prompt re ng and had been released leay | ; forwarded a photostat of his|the forgery alleged. His Worship| covery S t r Stol n { 'ar Was |ing the twa aceused in jail until cheque, bearing a signature J.[then adjourned the case for two por sman Ss orner Fuesda IL. Stewart, which he denied was! weeks for judgment WHITBY 105 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY Looted, Burned Nemelxecutve moot Pills, Beer, DAY-BY-DAY | vet ven for com tn tn std nd Scout Auxiliary rg IYI PE Open Till 9 P.M, Thursday and Friday vo friend vith previously| he and Wallner had been friend { unblemished records who tooklin Woodstock before Waltner| Tne ladies' Auxiliary of th ] : 1371 John Roland, 80, of Uxbridge art in a car theft which both third Scouts and Cubs of All al e or riving |township, was fined 850 and admit was stupid, have been re.| "4™Me 10 Oshawa, He sald he hadi gains' Anglican Chureh held its |eosts or one month in jail when manded one week in custody| come to Oshawa that day to monthly meeting on Monday An Oshawa man who told] Both said that McGarry was "® [ leaded guilty to a hreach of for sentence. The pair, Bugene|visit former friends from Wood:| evening at the parish hall. The . : intoxicated recognizance. Boland admitted Anthony Waltner. 80. of Oshawa |stock and the theft had taken|meeting was onened by Rev. § | Magistrate F, § Fbbs in Whith MoGarrv said that he had consuming - liquor on Jan, 21 and Robert Leslie Cornforth, 81,/place, He sald that he did not| Armstrong with prayer. He also police eourt on Tuesday that he duratned nly twa hohies apy | while on the interdicted list, It of Woodstock, appeared before actively steal the car but drove presided ove the election of was more woozy than intoxi: peer that day. He said that kel \V@* his second offence, He will Magistrate F. 8. Ebbs in Whithy|a friend to Harriet St. where officers as follows ated was jailed for 14 days had taken three pills to settle be able to serve a 10-day pen- police court on Tuesday and/the car was stolen President, M H. Inkpen; when convicted of Impaired jis nary es and had gone to alty imposed in December on a pleaded guilty to theft of a car] He also denied any part in|vice president, Mrs. G. ldrivin Charged was James Whitby to visit his father-in-law, | Similar charge and will have $20 owned by Arthur Caver 600) the burning of the car but ad. [Browne SOCTRLary Mrs Allan MeGary 3, of Mj e was returning home when 0 that fine refunded Magis: | Harviet 8t., Whithy on Sept. 24. mitted that the four tires had Gagnon treasurer, Mr 3. | Arthur street he was stopped by police trate FS. Ehbbs told him of ali-vagetable Blue | Bonne! Margarine offers you convenience end | sconomy. Each pound d individually wrapped = you can keep the unused | portions frah, ALL-VEGETABLE BLUE BONNE MARGARINE £4 EEE TL Cornforth also pleaded guilty/been used on his car. He also|Christie; press convener, Mrs Cpl, James and PA He said that the pills tended 1 . . : am i and ! I f } SEVEN D N to three charges involving the admitted that he had used). Naylor; sewing convener, pric Ericksor the Whithy(te make him feel woozy and| AILED SEVEN DAY use of Cavers' stolen credit|Cavers' credit card to purchase Mrs, M. McKenzie, assisted by paiioe Dy nent, said that at|added that night fel aeNY partmer § at ats ght he fell sleepy A ala 4 ard involving purchases total:|four new tires, The new tires, Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs. Jen-10'99 p.m. on Nov. 6 they had/but not unsteads Sugh iy Tuesta) jailed bb Talk to anyone whe has ling $107.38 he told the cowrt, have since kins: social convener, Mrs, M li iiowed a car as it drove east! His Worship f . days and his licence to drive 4 . po v § ) 8 . p found him guilty v0 lh h > one! Th ry it==Y I Mr. Cavers told the court that been seized by police Stuhbing, assisted b Mir from the traffic light on Dun.jas charged and when he learn A pended i montis when he il ey ' y ou his 1939 Buick was stolen from| Both accused told Magistrate SWith; phone convener, Mrs. dag street, They said that theled that this was McGarry's sec lintaxicated t Magistrate F8 buy it! his driveway on the night of| Ebbs that they felt it was "a/C. Sheppard car weaved from the centre linejond offence, sentenced him A R hd Sept. 24. He next saw it in an|stupid, thoughtless act." Walt:| A vate of thanks was given io the south shoulder and was/the minimum 14 days wis/E0bs in Whithy palice court, | ; A BERNINA FOR '61 2 Pro Avid s he 0 Oshawa garage, he said, the|ner said that he had not given|to Mrs G Lomax, retiring pres sianned at Thornton's road, in|licence to drive was suspended Rvidenes was heard earlier this | vheels and tires missing and the|it any serious thought until the ident, for her wonderful work (ghawa {for one year \ 2 | a Fulle- SURAT +4 ti Skdia interior of the car completely|theft was pretty well completed wecomplished during her term | machine can be burned out. He estimated the! While they are waiting sen if office. It was mentioned that PROPOSES PLAYOFF loss at $2500 tence, His Worship has ordered nk a I mix never | pared any . | PROVIDENCE, RI. (CP)=A ' -- Prog sod 8 serviced bY a world: Cornforth toid the court thatla pre-sentence repor! Ne or eilarts far the groun a Ions. 1 ren proposal for a round-robin play- J Yee Shain of aver 3 ual _---- During the business meeting {off for the top three teams of 3 arnina dealers ve lifetime guaran {plans were made for the 'Fy the American, Western and tee ean be yours for as little as $2.00 per wee thers and Sons" hanguet to be 8 Kastern Professio : 8 warn of Flee Barber Shop Fire Eastern Professional Hoc ke ¥ BERNINA- OCK Evening Shows at {parish hall with Mrs. Lomax as AHI he , v 'k i WHITEY 7 and 9 p.m. [saeial euntener: assinied By Ho a Newbers in New Yark a masterpiece or Swiss SAVAGES TN TvY EAE § committee It took the Whitby Volunteer|Sam Adams, was in the bar nex wee : P i i hgh LAN Cg oN The third Mothers' Auxiliary Fire Department less than: five bershop getting a haircut at the Richard F. Canning, AHI recision Metra:Galewyn: Mayer saw vill help to sponsor a leading/ Minutes to bring a kitchen five at{time the fire broke out and President, said in an interview Natalie WOOD Robert Wehr {Scout of the district to attend] 112 Brock treet south under| was for od Jo depart hurriedly Tuesday J feeeived Rl the Scouts Jamboree in Ottawa. control, Tuesday afternoon | because oi Moke tan of Ottawa, EPHL president AL \ The fire at Brock barbershop! Mrs, Cormier was in the kits[*™ a L 3 FINE {1H SELF.COMPETING started at approximately 4 p.m. /chen when the fire, broke out h hy 1 have J he ve R LONDON (CP) One of thelA -cigaret was blamed as the(and hurried next door with hep '¢IE Gur annual meeting in MLLLIEETSY OOLOR a {« ne ¢ le el wee. children Noels Gary t [New York next Tuesday and 1 For A FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Phone , . . ions a annual conferend any of the Clerical and Administra-( 2nd two chairs were burned as/and Deborah 18 months, Noe! wouldn't like to say anything _ Susan ROHNER Rear Hw tive Warkers' Union complained Well as a wall which was scorch-| Cormier, the proprietor of the about it until after that." 1 a \ g {that firms often advertise under €d by flames building was the only ane in 5 a box number, "Because of this) Damage was estimated at less/jured at the fire when he MANHATTAN OASIS wactice says the mation, th $300. The barbershop, fill ceived burns on his hands Construction of New York' s Y -- nany staff employees have ap- ed with smoke during the fire! Whithy firemeén arrived at Central Paik Sesan an i807, 13 their own de-/was back in operation 10 min./the scene minutes after the|vears after the idea was raised] - riments vorse still utes after the fire had been ex:|alarm had been turned in. An/by poet William Cullen Bryant 111 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY ADULT ENTERTAIN T § i plied for their own tinguished oxygen tank was at first used'in an editorial in The Evening MO 8.4981 I An Oshaws Times carrier,! because of the heavy smoke Post, \ Liarry Legree, of Peterbor