The Oshawa Times, 25 Jan 1961, p. 21

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foton Test TH, WH Rove a Pang Kerr 091, Auetive sights plding op Sx points me Deny Te Fan Sweety M5 (58, BPD), pan, down Masiewiak (G0; ond 1, WEY Thompson 555) he ine Row mews. (Rogier Pm Dentorm (4, mal, 29), Ron Brown TIE (3%, Esters 3 Top Wets 3, Question Marke (BRAKE GAN WESTIE OF TRErsAey 1Igne aller the Withe Brown 6971CRenie Severs (W]) were the Pik oF 507 J Swiey Powiess 198 (206, § cos Ravtaweent owes Bo Wersy WOVNEL We COMPS wd 16 wes fe # Ww, the Coats 55. ZA), Pere Swast 09 (8, 8, Tew Sands 5, COs M1, By afl mt WW. Preis oniry adad thet the slaty wold slohley w% 3% ; ha ew a ' Remite - Ehials 8 Faging (7 deta a vid a (25s. 245. B05). Jowndes 16 EY ive 4 i chev, thie thy URE PIakOp WARE Jet he OFPOHBOR SUNRE The Real fares weave 'y # Rey oiare AT "w 87s (BR. Tk, Eiess Raters 8. Top Hate 7, * wr Master a pir Agi pind An pA Ag 7 Wend wns i LX be at 8 Crs hays Tesed 958 Juot mosh 4 Poy 9H Conn I mgr? Yawss 13 a ey "genie et Han 4 4 the ries fell di A / Kay Batley HH wh (aww vepy cies. Tre: with Vieser's Tovnes 8, Merry Box 31, Fi Bawls 35 wns Jest od bak ats (he ad -- i Simanes % Harry Son's Mo ( THE OIMAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonuary 25, 61 2} were Savin 78 723, Mew Eotwiun 7 wr To Via's Bashmenhop ewiley Waih 4 poems dd iy nd Gewge ills Jue tow men for he Bomen Bes) [fs dAa% mi is sles sweep pw he ES Wilson srow Back nis # OW OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Colts #4 Fy Bait CIORIE FARK | EAGER more WEE left thie 11 2h Sia = Jou Frye Ho gg Pos Mars KEL PLATE LEAGEE organ 20, At Brows 20, Wes\Bagier 11, Lions 18, Ietw A sui m « top #78 een Ral with CROWS 4th oo we HN another ame th the TINY Hate 2, 1%: Beh Pees 209, Worl 1a, Chiets 1h ond ¥#lcme # some Westiaha SM (ih, ore We, Over 608 ~ B. Sos 190 (46 BT. L000 LT maniere HF Cwwions hook wit "Sven the Terrie" Morr sce Havishors 1%, Rey bviers 1h, wk| Top Tew J Weidmepey fh 0. J gag Aird ji 134 dy Inswranes (on # tW0 (6 He Vatry Ind 195 Bowheg # Pipher 28, Dow ang Rg i nlf. Beatin 8 A H. Ken Cobb Fowler $08 (304, B05), Herty U1. 5 was fust tow much lntthonded bowl THE Actomsties pad Sweers white Rangers 54, 15; Jown Fiesw 355. A y (0, Sawer, 3 " : 5, M Somes 79, Ast anes "Wo (318, WY], 1h), Ein Lanhsner 857 (06 we thet BAW with sovihpews Lioyd washed he Gyros snd Voliners Ais Vewing 34, Zits Jon Walk 203 Brave | Lanbioim 9 (I), hameny Wit), Wed Malesse T99 (099), Wasry 00), Howerd Weer #13 (18, 1%) end Samins ond Matt Kotetns Seng fhe BE snd the Tankers took the Minsvs Sevow 56, Porsthy Fite 796, 4 Kanias '1 (rant 5 RAST Fitahats 715, BA Leswick 107 (318), Rose Wasking #0. (78, 19%) posi Wr # seve of Bid aw Staten B55 35; Jowm Gatanty 99, 54 and 6. Turner 923 Gotewy 16 (005), Erste , Iahey fi var 99 ~ Fahne Witahell 254, Las ys statat to Ray Wenn for # THE Bghtened the reas for the sec « Prat 0. iW: Melly Hertehorn! Wah Averages y. Wantey Wy, J 1%), Juck Metiomud I ne $15 nd. have son We the gui. section wus we hud the Towers i, Airey Hipenck Wy Losses We Mesawich 1%, 4. Viamem Oh © fons 755, Rats Wieon pid A ps gy bl + ranting, Ending with 11 poate pressed Wy the Frmwia B65 ak jewn Pratt 296 Brain 135, B. Pots 174 and 1. Lopes "7, fi w ior" : Wigers with 16, Shmers th, Grioe 15 The end of the send section vest | wie Faken #9 Vdd Facheon. V8 (213, Westiahs #16 (51), Ev Ei (2 wh Fronathy Ma mn Pani Colivny S12 (9 Alan dormiesm 807 (T we . dl Avrwine Peeties 775, Mae 'i Sok Ermey 5, mer 40 (188, 2, #5 the Alomatien ad Plate Patties he wey mE and witiord. 92. ad Fd we, F in Gr your satan for Pork ta maved from we (hey thelr [epdey with $46 with Rely from (92%) and Georges Twrner A wemtare Wapked or, Ww Beal's § (40), Oshaws TV moving Lasky Sire Grill by toking #' ma Baliem 89 (101), Boh Mervhy we. Thies fifth plaen 27, Pe Pen Prats "» ond Polishers he Hornets In fan pace wth Ganes ov 8, _H_MsKmeris 195, & Vic's Barvershop snd Fusivy Rng of he yi 5s ind cory (20, Wh), Pawei Anderson 415 CHE Wally od £. Gras 195, Bile Rone: 668, 5. Benwarty 4469, W. Sagant 651, 1, Aodeey Trick 199, Low Seviie 795, Karior wars Vhoin PIRES ¥ey Sot 79, M. Rely 105, A, YVilsahatt y- ion this week, so gph ¢ we, i Fane Wilson 215, Wiha RBueneti week, Resp wp the good Howing ay B. Biscy 06, A Romemels #3, #§ Lemon Lesgne Flo Johnston 8, ly and wih Thess weeks (59 §9 WB he cog © Corr #11 wi FAW LEAMGEE Hopetiis 1: Slowpokes 17, Hesdgine (Vi), A. J iwson 8g (5), 6. Vermeen wher teams Bvid deie's 5 (31), Flonws 4 (9), Berg's 1 the sating party #t Rado W's Mastan Jackson 16 is Want by winging 8 soins tn Become Finglas Seott Smith 84, 3 prove alluring to the organiza Cranioh's WW iy game of Sephensow's Garage and Tony's Reg gies (4 Bond's 3 (48) 6. Fitehes Wi 3 g Hatter, W058 fiom Twnw's Men's Wepr wid arr h MOTOR CITY WIXED LEAGUE Vi Keer 313, ©. Weksy 18, whe fim Bond Cling ) Collage WH IGA id the fast i #36, Ray Mann 805 (300), Har / The Jets 705 triples were : bent Howdaie 5 146), Fred's § (40), Hende's B (9), two 19 one Victory snd Secretary Row (30), Baws Sarnoviey 791, Boh Galleg: week snd one 399 (note the 09 triples pointe with Scotti lites 9, Lovenest B, pers vie Logeman, Joan Behiottke, Jan A) A WOR BYET Rellerens 4 (00) snd Vieser's 4 (19). Murphy picked & good time 16 Kove # her, Mickey McMaster 715 (931), Save lor this), 6 _ConErptiiations (6 these wing (ops ert Wore Tia, Single; Frowk Gront 358; Mews er et ioe Cm Irie; Warnes Haviehows 995 (49, 197, 4 ' ' ENPLY Way 1, yo Vida Morey , ' ' ' with V1 pots ponte, following rit atind | aftine FR ; Ritnen 251. Evelyn Feonets a on A GH fia Bente 247, Jain frrenh B56 i. Redo 076, F. Osmok W165, 6 Me 7, Rel Demerse 35. 01. Pave Bont aa to HK the AREiBon By # ERR of Progress 11, Winners 15,0 There were some Veter sees (o- L00 29, Dos Fone Thaorok 197, Jos. Baste 26, HW. Cotbing, Knight 018, ©. Wimes S07 (106), b. AR 56, Audrey Baker 4, 2ii, Beth Fon oe are. Wakes Welkastar, We Bave wn even down In the Nieto 295, &f T 3 baidiar 214, Josn Ginter 68 (58, 118) _ a FIREWEN'S WIERD LEAGER Lamon Lesgue Games -- Walt wi, Fuson 105 and HB. Witkiomes Roden 655, 1. Toner 691, W. Osmon Lowe Silos 3%, Joyce Spth 1%, Shim 4 Wo, 1), Witeowm #56, WW. Besch #45, J. # f iy the Bower's and Raw Lane $04 (D8, 19%) ed by hia sine 71, Batty Amm P %, Les wi 97, B._ Volley $5, K. Code 691, CRN 1% Yernn Corton 5, WE wn 47% Forestali 656, 4. Sash 05, 0, Lewis Jat Gein. (ver I serves Were 4ooh wer yo how 4 b.seh nd Agnes Wilson 29% Howar Holi Simi 740 (316, 28), Stovin #.5, wd E. Gatlamt § Fat WeaCloskey $9 snd Wisma 1al series ¢ owt oncnng he 6 Hating the LANDEESTARE "CLASSIC" Prints Washes 3 Satellites 0; B. Templer T5201, U6, BH. RK BITE ON SCHEDULE I, Joe Crysdute and Cu were. Blanding, Gr Goals 18 (39), latte 5] io ® Ws » " ' ERY or 08 He a ! wan fone Hanks Fesiy me MONTREAL oP - lee fish 4 SIR (25, 2, B. Mellstie #6 Wenge with (25) ¥, Proty WW Eosnowsi 215, F. Tay new lengue leaders, two pownts ahesd Slonding ~ Jesters 13, Was Beene 11 . A ENS MAJOR nd " 5 25. KB pA of the second Place Colts. Jowm at Hopefuls 18, Jokers 8, Batelivies 6, DH Goch Sopertast nd TRTE Go (1. Aaadion 18 (16), SEphensow s OSHAWA WEN lor 215, V, Yessy 225 yd ! iE smith 74, Jb ¢ shawn Ao Tr Look & Command Templar 54 ropes ition man when word gels 2, | pokes 2 A Bowden 221, A Prot 285, As 4, wom FrRERImEnts Lith Semied shitimis 8 Gr Gr. Cannings § (89), Aust one |emon id this week wd Gunes Brwbin with We HH over Dove's Service Blation nd AVs Wy. 8 (40), Als Ewen 7 (90), Barr's Conon From wie the Arving (wee Ww g vidual High scores~ilovd Babine snd thet is KK. Balser with & sappy 75. bined (6 esd the "Wis" to this ox Chan's wom the second seein, Con might 16, Beryl Gervett 28, G td " seventh (0 gratuintions! Points Charms 15, Bovisson 192 nd June Brovgh 292 Ld wad Hetterings of 11, SlowPokes 18, Wopwy Gong 15 nd Bro WEN, Dorie Vermeen nd Pom ond of Yiomeeal Island say their 0 - A g 7 gas 9 od George three, Wer Richords 721 (281, 216, Bi Pin Ficsen n, s 12 Fah j nibble daily at noon and e tw sto 4 WIRE AND HARNESS Fo My Ag. With \ammals: Roy Hara it vi Hor ae To, 24), Fred Glove 78 (WI, BH) ( id Machiermaid 927 Points Taken COvs 3, Jowndos 1; Tamm Biandings -- lucky Botkes 9, FA nl Soren Beal's roficd » Gi WW V4L to whet owt Oshawe w, fis v ¥ Rok Camphess 208, dos ( AVA peg AT . 12 Waohe's 15, Go lars Aey with flows Gowties: Harg Tick Koveinak 0, Dorvihy Sykes 5 28, WH. Nerton 215, 0. derson 1, W. Meeson 857, A Privy wer 216, Ford Kowmen 216, WW, Wor inns? omother ttt) wid Denwy Corde wits | Morrion 9%, B A wi als Marg Sawyer We have some rest oo Aen even made the Lemon argue owt B25, W. Stewie #2, 5. Linton $18, 05 Cuider 9% The standing Pas Behiened wy Tite Thoowbiry Wi Gibson $4 WF § wp 2 Jestars 3, Iowers 0; Was Beene 72, Keys Ti6 (206, 205, BD), 6G. Browah 65% worry doe Flunw's Corrs B (45), Thna's 1 (38), Crys. Don't forges ts bi ike 6 § £9 iW OA 14, eget | agead the vest of the leaps Fridey monn and J. Gaeveth $13 (205, BD) ing on Lake St. Louis may GRrnge with Corw's BA § 1960, Tony's 1 (347, Dove's § (22), MWY Tend in the HARIME By LekinE the Barverehow 8.0 Morgen 213, €. Witheme. 290 wa ' wi 9, in Hand Pins #, Mayhells 5 and Slow: eaves ys 4 drey Keys 223. Lopraine From 05, 295; Bille winle Acidan Cleaners 6 (30), Howdeitie § (W), Lose Wh), Harsid Bell B54 (909) COV. TRAIER aationt effort Fo 4 4 gwen) Black Devils 22, Commer Ping 25, Baial Lamon aegis Bow Batian 4 in the $t Lawrence off the west Grant ig a : Le is Geens 3, Firs te8AIME, Wilson Furniture led by Wank Reg Wickey 767, Low Hyman 756, M Arn Gresn 1% (208, 39%, 31%), Both the Eagles snd Chistes had pro) @, Ts, om, George Wests BiB, Smokies 3, Leggers Is Beers 3, Firs oaoih Fred's \AL 41 Io am AA" 111, 23-tube Chassis Much below Usual Price! Increased picture area is approx. 10% larger than the usual 21" console TV A brilliant new Viking" specially designed and specially priced for this Great Sole, Features many of the most wanted TV features, Powerful 23- tube transformer-operated '"Ultronic" chassis is designed for increased pic- ture power for sharp, clear pictures with added contrast and detail, Keyed Automatic Gain Contol to maintain picture quality and minimize interference. A new "trouble saving" feature this year is the addition of a circuit breaker to help prolong tube and component life. Three speakers: one 8" and two 314", Separate bass and treble controls, Phono input jack allows you to play record player through the excellent amplifier on this model, Curved safety glass Is laminated to face of picture tube, Approx, size 3012" wide, 35" high, 13V2" deep EATON Semi-Annual Sele, 3 49. 00 Model TCE 474 walot or mahogany veneers, each Swedish walnut or Frultwood finish 359 00 Each | PRE REFIT gl . ® Full year warranty on all parts plus 90 doy service contrast ot NO EXTRA COSY EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 PHONE RA 5.7373 Much below usual price! Beautiful furniture styled cabinets with hand-finished hardwood veneers 6 speakers; tweeters, balanced and co-ordingted in acoustically designed cabinet, Garrard RC210 4.speed changer with dual meeting switches, and 45 rpm, spindle, plays new stereo records as well as your present monaural records with new depth and tone, Custom control centre includes individual cons trols for treble, bass, velume, sterea balance 20 watt function gontrol and 5 position selector, Added features include watt dual channel amplifier with frequency response from 20+ 50,000 eps, tape input and connections for remote speakers, 13:-tube FM/AM transformer operated chassis. Digmond LP stylus Approx. size 48" wide, 18" deep, 3114" high EATON'S emi-Annual Sale, Model RCS 473 walnut or mahonany veneers, each 369.00 Swedish Walnut or Fruitweod Veneen, esach RASS * Full year warranty on all parts plus 90 day service contract, at NO EXTRA COST EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 PHONE RA 5.7373 Traditional VIKING engineering excellence features two 8" and four 314 378.00 Decorating can be a delight with the help of EATON'S PLAN-A-ROOM SERVICE Why? Because so many of your Jerplexities can be swiftly solved , or come in for a questionnaire; QUESTIONNAIRE, , If you're re-doing a room, telephone, write Il in and return, and our Plan-a- Roem Service will send you a neat, packaged, co-ordinated scheme containing actual swatches of paint colour, fabric and rug suggestions PHONE RA 5.7373, OR VISIT THE FURNITURE OR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT FOR YOUR are easy to attach, cost little! ® Choice of single or French cuffs, BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 @ Collars in regular or short point styles, fused or soft COLLAR and CUFF REPLACEMENTS for MEN'S SHIRTS A shirt may be in good condition except for the wear at collar and cuffs and these collar and cuff replacements ® Made of good quality white cotton broadcloth ® Neck sizes 14 to 17 in full and half sizes PHONE RA 5.737) COLLARS, EACH CUFFS, PAIR J Store Hours: BOYS' WASHABLE FLANNEL TROUSERS Good quality Melbourne flannel slacks for school or dress-up wear, Styled with pleated front, belt loops; cuffed ready- to-wear, May be washed or dry-cleaned Sixes 6 to 12 witha boxer waist, self belt at front Sizes 10 to 18 with regular walst Colours of Loden green, Grey, Brown, Charcoal, EACH 5.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 BOYS' SPORT COATS AND BLAZERS An excellent choice for all-oceasion wear! All-wool blazers, wool-and-rayon tweed jackets; well tailored, in 3-button single- breasted style with back centre vent, Plain shades of Navy, Black, Gold-colour, Loden green Tweeds in blue, grey, beige tones Sizes in the group 6 to 16, EACH 0.99 PHONE RA 5.7373 Floor Clearance! Reg. 189.00! "Youngstown" Portable Dishwashers Save 40.00! EATON Special Price ...., LEVEL, SPT. 436 Demonstrators, floor models, slightly marked, 149 EACH TONE RA 37 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights

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