The Oshawa Times, 25 Jan 1961, p. 16

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Coll The Direct ice ry Classified Mumber a, $ AM. to M, RA 3.3492 SATURDAY 8 10 12 Assountonty CLASSIFIED AD RATES J72=H RM | Lond | ne Hele ve bogs LTT Ay & Flots JAA STEIN. WONTEITN. WENT, 4 oo Poo {Ea tose expert 19 Tn BIDERE vesiad Io Torus, Tebiey PE see erst oe : Eg Th [£4 "rum gos 0. Private 4% Hoes yor omens. § 1. For mine, 19 EH ar 8 WO ey dd 3 Wun Beret Worth, iRewe, 1144 "See posi riiing Tt Kb Boe [ime Ro 4305 EK or ado smsment. Wh 54 a pus fe or of Ls aid dei rddid w 4 235 2 ! png TE dA o Cadiciiie 4 4 Vo--tmuroncs : ELECTROL® YSIS | Ti--Thsle or Female Welp [rte om Vy lad AY dita its ritdosnd 4 motors rk fling Api ad Lo 4 hadiling, €ok . 3h A "a am iets WLI A cE UNLISTED NUMBERS ops on apg RE dk wi . we a & ie wi / SIG A Pines Pol ¥ =" EG rarer Waid : oh Go Tr add | food i #44 4 oe he A ht dad? i 4 Ne owidien. Clos to we, Are 15iws SiR) GIy 19 | Marie Marddt wil be in AEE Ir ERE RIT. haragare inert oriennd of 5 7 is Eo ee. WH one, Jon, Bit ond Feb, bites, ¥ ed fw, i Ps ne Ade el PRE fail, BE ites to ey. Fir Medel oe { oes ty Dew woh A ew. fotar dais sorstiting & rev engined B44 ap p Loa SE -------- " . L. 18 DEERE eEvice #6 TNE Bone, EM I$. Phone Genoshe Hats! on | pe --hoom Boar RIA, ads CA Bervices oiler Oy ri of Professions lishings df old HA ibis these dates for "Ep Antment, ANN'S FABRIC L1. 4 Baan 4 Mo y+ oo le, Wo da ment; fir & Hogs Aey We fife of 5% WIL ga | Ttoney fo Count Gorrecs . SHOP MEAT MARKE CEL lo i 1 CA TT sings corde 1V y 14 $n pre) | #0 Rendener | -- -- | # ; Lx on YALE. VEIEDLANRER, WONTER Al ##, 1m wok fi B Moving sad Borage. Ewe i138 BYRON 67. § o woh Sia rns sux sotions caput] "rg may, Noch, cin or 6 Frealiy --- (vod vit nied Pui ht ote | TRY il BRIE | 72 MBERT 5 AAA hls re Bidder is Fomoer, 44 Wing Sat] § Wor Birgu 18, cditiondt poo Ar AE RE remanent SPECIAL THIS MONTH HOME FREEZER SUPPLIES [ZA wh fie oo" 4 bod toe Cy leihione £1) Pings ay; ' aly Gebaw od J hb /4 Lh; discs, comm, CP) Ai" Closing Adrariisgments AX it 21 Persone) Service MEW SPRING PRINTS OUR SPRCIMTY al Votive? omen | SF. Ld Ay low Bish" pret & # fb oe Por [4 bol EAL Aas ue Fr oa U REG. 65 NOY 39: per a WE DELIVER RA B747) fle feo East Teint 7 faves hong ist A [Phas Wiig Aoi Fast yo emoriam, Cor ins See Bit, ose 47 who ; . - Str, 18 Fore Very viene ban 7 Me po ot" uh 417 da Ky --- - ENVOY RESTAURANT HSN PALA (i son of ---- ay fl ' » -- Sm baie. 7 wd bod id $78 AVERe ! women ; Jeans ® 4 ad ba ring vt it ERE Wn BAR || SCHAPELHOUMAN HOME OF | SEA COVE raid hl Tt 1 Bonin s of oe Gildas REC ATION Whithy Vilesmme Fiiding. Wh COMPLETE BOOKEEPING "CHICKEP IM RESTAL RANT (Rome LA a Ld i a. | ry wl fats he wih Vesry, Prepnied Income 18% phn 7" 7 y Tin of bo RCLIRDTE money 16 nan on Bint mort 7 CE iid 1855 oy Crone ny in aha ing ing A REreemsnt of shis SERVICE, INCOME TAK Fibs THE RO LG 4 feqtinir . re 17 ad . 0 : om Fry, eeBarritien ments wamitted othermise en In pit chased y 18 Iara Jr #4 TLRME {8,814 "OLD ENGLISH STYLE" 2 ole Fr wi Ad find oA (iif <amiained, Ll wif nor or more hen ane REESE F ' 6 £ ETYREF yi ROTH i, FRIAR | . # Birest Weal bo dock 666 OSLER STREET 522 RITSON RD, § FISH AND CHIPS 44s ir oes dr oh a TER ~ 4 correct ise hion of ony adver RigsR ah Ws) 5 efi non £08 BASTERN, Berrisars § yicrent, ner beyond the price OSHAWA, OMT Vaiss, ki ed oi itinant Ving, brgh; Cheng funds wyaiabie Tox ion 1g WE DELIVER~FA G-B57R HWE DELIVER--RA B-316) Firnes. 1 Bimbge Street Honk a or ged fe eu vie oe i Co " MONEY TO LOAN £ OOK" y - 18 10g, Iie wt bo, H Pere od WOVRIERERS Wet 41 Y. ake & Mellon, Wit yy EE harry the right $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for RA Jr 9 eK) RUDY'S re MA i ir se , Hines, Plog 7 Boma. i dT. RET er. Bae In. aly pede e oeseriing 19 immediate loan on First ond FASHION HAIR STYLING do--Female Welp Wonted | (ot # yi A eevhine rg] THERE © artim ent oe 4 A ow hs faaadd ao THEY A) v " als Bimise Gonth. WA 590, Raw | "FS ne oie of delay savant) Second Morigeges. Agree i TRY OUR AND BARBER SHOP EEE sles Must he good typist, HIE FOR (0 werk ot vs, Ng a Ra +h yd wii po of Gd Bt ir Sa oe ih Bind 0 ments The Times will nol be held ments for Sele, nn yusent and BAR-B-CUED CHICKEM y siarthand widionel, Bale Fs, past Fy leds ahd Spthinem, IF seven 818 Wasenen rgd Bi # i. Ay JOWN A. CAMERDY, barrister, Solel || repcreiole for more space hen improved prapsiry, Tes aen: | offers the newest and kes is | ur, Hatha, SHIREY REPRE [yy V7 Himidwilie a 'Weekes Pee, Chicks igre ' ' en rdreseing for #8 and Li Fie TERA RE Thine . for aod Botary Puiic, 1805 King Bisset] thot in which the oclug se dustricl cit i i i n : hai bh / A ys Al iad [oom NST 4 A aN a vale x Y RP 4/1 PPNIRIT A) tiol and Industrie Y, MN A " 44 : . G ---- Weude "i Re ol dining Joins PRR Writ A pa push ud srban and country, and Sum with trench fies, | and every membre of the family. [WANTER w= inimadistely, sopsiie #ist! THREE wrt of - bi P14 1d hs, nad "y "pt Runes WUMVHREYE, Boschon snd Wilma dd Es # f iy mer Eot1GgGEs EE, Nema igy hol A588, Satistaetion Guaranteed for Kensal BL 4 faen, live ar seven Aas, f . J 2 iain ion mens Worth. BA 4-98) , ; i Hum: ' id is 4 ll HB / hii 8 erlond Securities Lim milk shakes For app, == call BA B:235) Ukelephons 1, Her ie ind rid iti Whit foils cali hiss iW 14 44 iment, of advertisement arg EONIGH Summeria Eecuriti ' WODERN GRIL : 4 li, He entrance, heavy Aun Sy | MODERN GR EARN #xiin money 16 VORr Woes Wink | gona Sid Tinid Tor BEREAN, 4 f Add he Airman Parking since hares Blreet Bi 0 «Bim Ame, TIER. Te thers ( 112 Simese Street Phones' (flies LTR ih [7d y Oshows, Phones RA WE DELIVER RA 55667 | 26--Farmer's Column iin Bo riya AA piawies Team IouE sOIReRs 004 or W ny M Moser ta loan 3 a a --- v od HORSE Lon years oid black Call EORAREL AGRE 1 Rar Ie VIEws In thls GIT Uy ad 1 5] WVREE Limg, Gh conpimer goods and | ROOM pnd how ior or are # FRIKE, VEY Eoin] ARERR ond Kelly, Barisiers Boil e| TT=Drewmabing WA TCH RES AIRS HA # "it i ie - services, Hasle Fale A el Horo | wo KERR neh Lk fle Wi : on. Phone BA BIO, Cle to bus Apply I88 Wirn Bleset Wh BA sal esnence & Bones MAERATIONS of sil. Kinde for men T0 J C J (REAR Jag # tx Licks fA Ji ii Masts UE) 7 Va Sr 8 Ww - pod ont AN lriger sion ] u Genet, BA, Be wit S08; Ter |women and children. Formal drenses, | arnisn Warewill For vor Tone: Me bd a tn Bo a, hans | the , (fi mah level ny vale yd v Keli FA, I FRVEIObiE Blirts & suscialty, BA § 4488 | a H id we 1 La ¢ " id 4 (Re o La o Wind kad we shes V. Belly 1 299 King St. West | Ww {Flings ivi » ale Hiall id a) ! A rh | ples a A (F717) [27 Fuel & Wood |WAVSEREEFER Taaitint 1 an pl i eft igs. bo v8 wh: B : «ol ing RALPH JONER, BA Th ma, W KEVERSINLE hE i ¥ specilh Ag LOAN Speciglizing sutomotic yi is, fireer, Aseorisls Basrisiery Fi A Ball Allssation ey WEN, aiches 0 f y ' rab. BODIE, | a Fam RA 3.4545 Ti ttrd DSN Find? 0 "in od D--Wanied Vo Wont d Be es THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Warrisier, poll: T3--Gardenin & Supplies Monies for all types of ment emer | INTELLIGENT, GROWS BERR Hol ah EA 6044 oF 00M, FIVE 9, AR A ll a "Fina of Fo pups gages; for first and second (22---TV » Radio Repsi | 31 rticles For Rent | he i we ey OTT ig Ki gh WA yd iirnisked" Ya CREINTON, FRASER, DRYNAN bono? Toit: Wa 4 martgages on all types of real w= 1V = Radio Repoirs -- Ee [amilactarer, Must Wave shorthands) bb firguea Wons Etelerred. 18 tne) WER 0) WUROOCH, Barristers, SoNelors Tey | warage goods Eo Tos eaih | estate Including vacant fond ACBL LL FLOOR SANDERS wiikey "halon an. wind Uarmniian Bent, Gall ster 7, Phone p on > i oe vb a, Ht i, RV fa k SAiee Bonsws Mined Ciasnied Ade| BOT ETO cond (EAL Avene, Rb 30h Vrods, _ | JANUARY SPECIAL [Sit a a WA bys u ar ane p v |B pert ah vr Crelhin 7 ¥ { Wiiders; fir is ' mel Reduced cl y ies tg fh Bos 48, SOLVE merehandih hie w Cre on, BC; N. 0. Fraser, pot Fd $5404 now to place your sd educe rales eqrance £4 lg Dshaws ies, Bos sony Werhandiee [3d lenis Ld RA 4 ort SHILA SHY aow to place your od; marigages and Sqreements SUFERIUR prices on basement floor | : "| aah tian Sehves Hine Class early possession tol oi ws wie 3 pe th Hoies arranged for sale purchases Apply cant. All kinds of hond and. | Hei sna 3 ¥ Mii Te ----e MELTER Bo ine oi -- via APPLIANCE SERVICE | power tools 61 on "Rental | FULL or bitin Feil BACHELOR SUITE Ni Barrisigr and BoleHor i" ib qsf, oy awe, Telephone Television - Radia » Range Service -- litt i Bact, tomnans, Oniaris, RA S71 where 30 times faster nd | 5% | elavision ; Radio - Range NG. HARBWARE PART-TIME Ad--Houses For Rent 2 BEDROOM SUITE Fa hone Py 1] ha A LB. more powerful than Reck Salt, a - 4 ORE Tor downtaws Bi hdl Nor ind (Hk and Nolary Pub gle pause gliminated, harms Control Repalr Specialists | RA 34873 {hid itll harhershop Tate elevator service le, TH ial Pulling, 16 King : . A A 3 R - Sevecral territories open for [ion ar sult ether small business, Tele: oo oars EE Wea hover, Onleris sd askind oe Viguaike od hove HOLID, Y C SH igo) Bald [32---Articles Wanted women wha are interested in hint HA $4344 lier LN 2) paved P arking Eo hy available men 160) 4 | Bind y IE / Clark Biresl, oll FIANO wanted immedipiely, any make BIE - room house, 355 Clark Brest, | " MANNING F. BWARTE Rarister, DIAL RA 39020 Fast Service - Sensible Rates Ih BARR oii aiely: a mA having & geod steady income, |Riuted, convenient for (we coupiss. Ap: | please contest WE solicitor, Notary, Money 10 loan PHONE FOR A LOAN (Tmtneter £008 1578 Quen Birest Basi, Exporionce unnecessary, |B $95 Wing Breet East ! on Howe ERAS om, Ai ont rain iat clate, Bree V, Mackey vid 0 DID YOU SEE OUR Toranks ) tmept, clage ta Worth eral Mole Hee pr oy An A Sha gin " Fil SNOW REMOVAL $30 10 $2,000 NE Ay GALVANIZED ikyn wailed mmediniely, any make AVON sells Itself, Coll LE Noarsi Shtand ian i y i Aw town, Immediately A bie Hy Sve gt un v ole . all cash. Howard #9913 of 60627, collet, immediately, slave and [ALE if Aeslred, Tele resitor = insuranes THREE START Ti Ta RONALD BLARE oe Sirant Eat SIDEWALKS CLEANED . inbie fai 1378 Queen Blrvel Kast, | Hi RAS _- ho fewly Meco aod Li a Walel, heavy and Solicits rt granta -- de enr ited ®, FIRE, i lib FAST SERVICE Seaboard Finance RADESS : Fr ula ele oy sr (01%, gi mine ot Ne RA s.7792 Rll a0 4 Wie " - - - - 4 ald a wos wh wy I V TAIN as odd 4 ie " TOSEVH F. MANGAN. "QO Barripies CO, OF CANADA LTD, I ) WE KR § SHAW bate experience and wager mauled: |p pln OE | 67 King St E rig SR LDN he i ro Fast Osho FH . Riv, OSHAWA HOME 29% SIMCOE 5T. § AUTO WREC KING CO Feply to Box 43%, Oshaws Times mem, kitchen Jliiehed rire isd ' MON? x "| mare information, telephone BA § 4 Mrivdad F o's , ' : in Wan bid rahi A rain, ouneiiFy, for ent, on Lak ONTH FREE RENY FOUR = room spartinent, oie heli FA a eter, J OSHAWA Tol Xi Wave nae | in rh i T iii | IF YOU ARE him ho when Enigma ADELAIDE TERRACE privale enirance, clone he i af its Simeos Street North 4 } 3 A syed parking, adits, fice Ha Bator: Residence, HA Libis LANDSCAPING 18 --Martgages Pid Yeu Know het We | and metals, gic. be uiht. ¢ Cpen BETWEEN THE AGE KARGH Hore, Hiltabie lor offles Ales ig Atlee W. New Mods A R080 For further Information 1 ter, Boll -------- Have Same Day Services aturday all da J Ef Sa-mam hay th ¥ Ti 3 00m Bpariment, BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Bollel o Ent expert Technicians | RA 5.2311 a4 Bl OOR F OF 25 and 40 tral, parking, Telephone BA B50 bedroom suites, breadigemed an Wiliam FAY alinturol lor lor Bimeas South, WA 50503. Resi RA 8 6366 - a / J oll hepted, garage, | throughout, d slab descr, HA H0064 IMMEDIATE wTake Service Calls till 6:30 | HAVE A LATE MODEL CAR [BIE vaam House. olf bested, dt Sroughant ionn | dio i, li ' le Febuary 1 tiephone 3A--Chireprastern = emu ---- WE Ww ibd ed Tesier oF EW T4=--Household Repairs TRY US 4 MONEY pm ARE AMBITIOUS AND plans KA 53717 far further iritaul + leundry facilities & 3 nw, WANTED wot Ore make [HOGS ua SPLMRRLT) JER morking: mediate "Souter A Labi or ha 7 J } 3 y Moved to Wk ROM RATING aiding, savestrouding SCRAP IRON, POULTRY SELLING REAL ESTATE A [root ius tuerhint BA OTN] AL i a iy a a PR tid th a RA 8 4 V hoped Wok . 4 ; : N in torvieae Tervices " Karan eed. ¥elephons Ro aba, 1 R A 0) AND FEATHER TICKS CAREER == PHONE huni #4 Bimene North, RA 38118 oF ONE MONTH enti elepinane YUkon 50080 for = we ng Yo 4 iy A Ever AVAILABLE TO TE EV|S ION | I. TURNER DAYT IME RA 4 4268, ALL Wr WHER TRE ew. With FREE RENT ma. Fon [iralatiod hasemenl bart He i . b > - 4 A ¥ } en 4 AME andnie Sratiale Rurune toes' WX SH ™ Paitin V9 Enabler Strutt | - v | RA 3:2043 RA 3-3374 EVENINGS RA 5-1726 Ee Net bata ti| Modern ane: and tw : bade IPEIRNera SN Sones oath and hdwet pa beautiful surroundings. | RA #7818 " n " "m0 oh iets | RT RET TART HOME OWNERS 171 BOND ST. EAST (eollget) And ask for Bill MeFeets [iio tn sehosis and shaping, KA 86981 wom apartments, $88 and | Are tmiedisle possession, HA bine, hi An #6 TTR & " . q + 1) SUNNYRRAE, of Oshawa, Cure for eld (Dees bull and repaired, gas Bnings 1a ers, Real Estate Manager [NINE + room income house, five hed up, Best |esation, Phone Nor Ui Er vom' [ar 4 A LR LLL I UT Sle Ns iabidba BORROW RA B.4781 {1 CASH FOR SCRAP I! | Schofield Insurance As angi r Aaly $8 Lavin Sireeh or RA B8-8676 1a iain tule Sow, Beat big "Aoi i ELD BLY folk welenmed In aur home. | PAINTING and Raker hanging winler | WE BLY sociates | td mare lnformation A ---------- a ------ ng eae Mf hess elfant [Fates Telephone ad LLL | STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, FOR WENT -- In Wilh, Tour badraom ONE « bediaom apartment in mass rier ¢ Telephane RA plarn in a oT BAR ox: Members of Oshawa and Bungalow. Immediate possession, $100 2 BEDROOM ghartment billding hear hospitsl an SERVICE HEM YOU WANT PAPER, RAGS, Ete J bus stop, vacant an or hel "shruay . Catomatrett HESTERYIX| ns and oid chairs id $1 600 I" DAY OR MIGHT | Onan Al Bev Zahid District Real Estate Board, af hen affer, Write Bos y Oshawa APARTMENTS hi Fettenn As Baan are Fehriary o | Modern Uphalsf 14% Slmeos V. and RADIO « Pp Member of Oshawa and » WEY, sid oam house, daunie AT BUS STOR TWO = woam apartment, fully Rirmishe RICHARD WEACK, TFB Anim: | Roath. Call RA B6181 Toe a tres etl | py c c ! A M. GREENBERG & SONS di : Fil MONTHLY, gis di A od, frail % fr pi : nation of eyes ear fos aut y . REPAY AS | Ow AS | cAL L RA B8-52864 | Tn + Ontario Real Estate Board garage: br Jind ale pd SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND A 0 Ei Brive Ba or he lense i et North al hihirke) | CEs TEREIF LN rebuilt, repavered. | $35 00 MONTHLY / | ; i Meniber ef Canadian Assos at or Sian ing and EFAREROFIS HA § eveniiign by appointment. BA tas Ike new. Why pay mare! Ou i ' . R All Vk Qutigrieed | RA 3.7333 308 Bloor 51. E ef Real Estate Boards tpn. KA 3-088 Stove, refrigerater, parking, ih EA en Fob ar LW TUCK, BO, optometrist. Please | are reasonable Katty th On Buaraniesd bo | - ie Grave ment, private hath entrance, snd y af is al dawnk inion | M byl Uphalule Current Interest Ra -- i s FIVE « paom house, pear Maple Gra [nt J oe | Ft RRR SRL PER RTE ont Interest Rates ELECTRONICS ~~ |34=--=Austion Sales 34=--Avetion Sales ht nen nite, Wll| RA 5.3302 Fy lin dp REE how ial RA 54587 15-0811 Fast Confidential Service . To " y : * | ast niidential Servi | NEWLY desoraied seven : roam belek REAND new Arariment for rent, In hd BEAR. NEIL HO, aptametrlst, IPRAFESBIONAL painter and paper ~ " TV anien apartment bullding, twa bedrooms, The Dundas Widg, 306 Dundas (hanger. Guaranteed work and fats Ne Hidden Bonus | AU T ON A E a. "skattalle located To dA OFFICE SPACE hd We 1, Whitt "Woe wie losed Wed [Wala ¥ roe antiimate Al Con "al | C | S L il centrally "lorsted slephone RA Be RA" A Melos, M0 month 3-0086 Ne Chattel Martgages G0hed after § p.m H TUCK, BO, aptemetrist. Please - y 0 THREE « roam apartment, heavy dul y wits at downtown Dominion | UPHOLSTERY af 11s best for less Ne Ca-Signers { 40:1. selt:3upporting tawss Of Peter Fyfa's imparted Antiques, Consisting of aver 200 lots [MONERN hele Jigs, cerprt, handy FOR RENT 41H Raking HH siiahle 1% y in ole treet. Invalids eX specialize In chesterfields, ve povered 4 4 1a sehonly 3 Pr vill py Dial RA 34587 {rh-modelied, repaired. ree Ratvered | Payments ta Suit You { Hat dip galvanized. No paint af peried funiture, ching, silver, brass, copper, figurines, ete lease $108. Apply 464 Fernhill Blvd, RA HOMER TLE Immediaiely TE m-- ANY terms. BA 8-464 Budget | Complete with new Marina At the Armaries in Orena, Ontaria, § miles narth af Neweastls, ih Passenger elevator services 4 | £1 all: channel antenna in Fra 7- Surveyors 4 All: channel antenne Building is heated, Sale en Saturday, January 28 at | pom, [FIVE ota bungalow = thee hed | New building, Centrally los [44B==Rooms For Rent | Absalutely Na Cost Ta | Taral rice installed and i i rig hb aq pve Hid FURNACE SALES + | You Unless Maitgage Ar ay TANI ed for vear $59.95 Pre-sale display, Frida lanuary 37 fram 2.8 pm. Catalogues HARE HH I widths on a; a A) ANInED Hat Jiuachesping -- i vesng Ll ! . ' 4a M | Pundey Sires! West AND SERVICE | ranged Alsa prompt set service available at deer. Terms Cash, For further information een HAVRE = Tor SRI BF Tent. our Bai phi dh n Rie New Now shorty: haanital North pu oral pis Bis ne M. Mackie i pr - a tact roams, all heated, close 0 bus, Tele Fa AN AAA cominrtable, Apply 13 NONEVAN ANI FLEISCHMAN, On 4 WT Al LIED [ V Enter prises phone" RA 43361 Elgin kv) Rap Almeas ata Vaid Sdiveval, Sommetcial Witt RA 5-5054 . 23% Brew 81 H. BRUCE SNIDER, AUCTIONEER, WARN ROAD COTTIER: He fam THE TIMES [romwsnen wont oi wariia i o i Cleanout Service INVES TMENTS RA 1 hriek hutEa law Wi Reeaamy, heater foupe K) gentlemen Hank houaekens " " { 3-455 ) " a ade, Ihara lave eared, RE, peivigeralar | |) FLIM and Traliope, Ontario Land $7 labor plus parts 2 " b PHONE QDESSA 195 (Private Line) RATHER, Bie, lode 10 schools RA BUILDING froin four sornees. HA Bain A 8018. SINGLE clean, warm ami front " I Adelaide Avenus Fast COMPANY | ' . ------------------ A ~~ 8 § hl w=] FURNACE SERVICE | 1 KING ST. 6 SAMSON A5--Emplayment Wanted 37-=Male Help Wanted [TIVE < room belek ha uiishiand Contact 1. L. WILSON OAM nn haste nes in ing mivinges - : iding Trades : tral, Bul Trade y | WIN Avenue, all healed 8 uilding dey 23% Hour ' Per Day Phone RA 3.3993 Anviime YouNG ln we. dentin a VOUNG man, eapable of seeping re Mh A aa Xaeant Fahriary 1, Tels Phone RA 3.3474 || HH 10% wore ale bullding repairs, realing t Dy ve tYe bail 1 p SPURsiRItes ax well as & keen Interest . \ ah TNERe Foam single beds, i in | Far Day er Evening elailing experience. © Telephone RA Fem WA § 4 Hulk 80 n firgplapes, side JOHMI i AT IN , 8407 In selling furniture, Junlar Matrieuls i P IWe 10 shave, Als Bane: hoe ST, HNS | i 4 G| Appaintments RA B-8180 APVIANER Sag THEN Waa [tian 4B Asset, Wells Bax 431 Oshawa EARRIN Volophans RA 33800 : Pp RKWOOD ER seniral ah nesting i " res 1 M 7 STORE for rent suitable for harhe A : : oe ' AFFILIATED OFFICES | OSHAWA I V. Ries. hausewark: Mie ul, good gH nes rem phon. [1 UE pH Tneation, iy LARGE room, single heds, Fuitahie tor tor new fd used, chang = \( TH ak boii Hg Free burner servi hid ACROSS ONTARIO . 5 $a FOr Iniarmation: telephone W TWO men to work § (YH 5 day, | hy RAS MANOR faite Jehiiemen. MLLER HW AE hoard, WAT Ar ame priv este allatinns ab reasanable rales | Eustomers | 361 GIBBONS ST $00 per week. Also 3 men 0 work §8 Fi aa ERRATA ADD A ROOM? Memb . | . : "| 36---=Female Help Wanted Gino dal ale Wad WA--Aptr, & Flot APARTMENTS WED © in | \ | KITCHENS BNTARIO MORTGAGE 40' TOWERS §45 WANTED 4 anst, Wainan Wilk Few |e (EE ny For Rent py Wing oan wilh Kilcher she. oll Ae BR PANEL A WALL? BROKERS' ASSOC 30 ROOF ANTENNAS $30 fbi "i Ai thii "Hi dh (mba with '40 TANT 0000 | RNY oar Tout» vi ATERARY oN RETIRE I HH Beating and angl RERA IF $ Of z (20 ROOF ANTENNAS $22 drug AR not an ahy's needs, oto, dy Telenhons MH HEL vo HEY EE . Parking, 8 Verdin ay FV : th . 5 Wn street Bouin MN MC DELL : nd and 3rd FArVment in Sakina mace. Fisasn dite [10 F300 SAGUENAY AVENUE ov SERERRG FCC LARGE OR 5 LA Completely Installec salary expected, ete, fa Rox 43, Osh | " vil IL vivale Sioa ined RRUGIRR, _e10a8 10 \ Ww WARD CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL \ With Veer Naved, a4 Tn hos ' (RAL Fine arisen, Mes ha Hg HH) PRON hae i I hl (PARK RD. & KING §T, Fie a p Rg hh WELL DIGGING BY | RA 8.5103 Mort anes , HL WEERLY for wearin a far? PHRER, eomeet on flows Wont sre fc Wk ABE cup, DISTRICT) OMFORTARLE oi, Ward 1% MACHINE | 110 KING ST. OSHAWA g 0 LEN & LOU'S [Ronit iar oa s a wo | iihert RA 3d - Quiet, residential strant, [RA Sorin oR Sel Mista Hath SPECIALIZING IN 30" TIL friends, No canvassing, \vesin - PARY wipe wa wanted, Apply wn ATTRACTIVE - roamed, sal Wi \ i BY ONTARIO : AJAX REPAIR ANI , pm AXETIRES | neeeasAry. Narih Amatl [wrikiag 10 he weerelary. Canadian | oantathed apartment, heavy Sty Wit | & bedroom Apartments, FURNBHED housekeeping roam, with ¥, R CONSTRUCTION LiMiten | TO PAY ALL | CITY TV a0 ¥gakdon Fraskhe, Lud. 113 ow (Nate W Rithinond iteets ne Winmatie wather, ol heating Rd Stoves, trigs, TV. outlet, relClgeTalRG far He a INO geRlemen, M( 563 MO 8.380% . on ------rn : £0 vo fiat || Pept G-3401 WN real op! Oshawa MBAS enple, ia \ ie Fah private suivanoe, alse PaThing space $ {ES Y QUR BILL S TE -------------------------- ay 1 "A LR) alter 3 diapes, parking fle Apply It Agnes Street he CHESTNUT ST. W h e : ' 50. BOX 32% WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING TO PAY OFF RA 5.7844 38--Male ar Female Melp |38---Mule or Female Help [nawNTOWN tue ar hiss vans an] Res tom A900 monthly, ATTRACTIVE furilahed TY xo rm m-------- : and | : Wanted § ented in" atria ith, oan, del PHONE CREAN WAT iv Business Opportunities | UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE | A MORTGAGE 802 SIMCOE ST. §, - - TIAL HW Galatia Street RA 5.7272 RA 8.5787 ARGE Nea POM, : | . FTA WHEN beauty parler business] CLEANED IN YOUR HOME | | C BOWMANVILLE -- Free real 10 Fob | ORF: AOWRIAWR REI Ale Sab . Ihe a, showin' saod wh Quali elesning at tow poss | "10 BUY A HOME | TV. Service Cali $3.00 SUPERMARKET PERS ONNEL Am Sai WA] TWO BEDROOM [ihe Akh NEXT invest LL has # ¥ CHeniele aw ! - | | w WASRGL, siediie downtown ing Atle Wieseat onl $30 per RA 5.7488 | FOR ANY 23---Women's Column My FT $) FA An LTE THREE . shanty go My hnh Fa hah sunnite eluded ta SEGERS PURPOSE SPENCER Foundation mens Tl A new LGA. Supermarket will be opening [BNE wes Bowmanville APARTMENTS late 10 Swain Muchouhiie, WV { 0. 0 down. Call now i A \ Ry i ; y dividually designed a Spires Heges, WT Kingsdale Harry Mitign Real Exide aod ask forl Rug and Upholstery Cleaners | Mee Ihe Hentiersho: Wi shortly in Oshawa. We have openings tor 2 BEDROOM Exonln Yoeation. New build i A BE Joka Field, RA Low Monthly 8 i . . : h \ | " | | people with supermarket experience in the APARTMENT with or without nas Hh Lr ahed ar ari aned ARR growth of new DODD & SOUT ER Payments EY arket * Be \ Park Road South oF telophase RA --M avkot 1 BOS tH y following positions AT BUS STOR LLOYD REALTY AN SISA Teams far Madv. | Bren \] any, additional PAINTING & DECORATING y CARROTS, 3 N eeded 10 continue CONTRACTORS | No Bonus aovih of i a Ta SENIOR GROCERY CLERKS SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND WORE Slave, Tefiieratar, wee : required with Fainting Paperhanging, No Extra Charges " Ri] a Cancer on, tint) ENIOR GRO RY LL : Stove. refrigerator. parking RA 8-5123 N ashing WAchiNe and telephone. RA \ quired Gvatex, Full Wall Murals, i . AV ; N Ld puichase ¥4 af i SARA Rebates for [AMBER aren or Baiaie Potstotic| JUNIOR GROCERY CLERKS RA 5.3302 A ------ 1 BT eda. ig opportunity will 107 BYRON ST t SAN Wpeund hag FAN sie Sak | "ASHIERS ' ) : a ? . honsekesning desived an vicieat Investigation ON ST, § WHITRY Prep sent {sds only. Phase RA 3 CASH (full or part-time " . -- Rabe well heated and edm i an ERR Ypavnen ie + m MEAT WRAPPERS (female) 2 APARTMENTS fits S35 il WME ve than morlgage NIGHTS RA 3 . Loans Life Insured 235 Pens and Livestock \E/ 4 3 (female APARTMENT % THREE © 100ms, on Drew Sioeel, self Ww. We invite in 15 Instruction ENGLISH pol ps RF sale Tee | MEAT CUTTER estas goMtalned. ABA WA Oshawa Boulevard expansion. An + § In well kept building that ent ta PO A phene Frankia 3a LR Lil : at 0 RD OEE Ca Anis SUPERIOR Ehaget Nisal, Gabon PRODUCE CLERK provide: wqwpperl. Avattabie Fab, fat, [AITRACEIVE fraiche topna, Salk ew BR . HA "Waa oh Ro al roanRLE TTR han AR Nae Laks of cupboard space 213 MONTRAVE AVE Noth, 801 fm RA ae 2---Dressma ing phone RA B30 Discount Limited male A remiviacad Weck. Woas Sav. | | Applications from gh wheal students wil A aeeepied or Modem kitehen APY. 8 Ly Mw hae WW » Hiker aud and N Mas Marah datice -- hone Cedarvinw heanels. HA 3 S08 POR ime positions a ck bows and carv-out bovs Only ex J ee [WAY (igs. central LILLIAN Mae Marsh dation educator \ 3 Excellent | heiweeh § and § nw FURRIER and dancing shoal. Ballel van. Datel, sore] THE FASTEST GROWING BEAUTIFUL bad budgies perienced people will be interviewed It vou are presently Bakes APARTMENTS ANF twain hos Chk RRA. i : Pre sehen haracies day A ANADIAN LOAD x IRIE tAlKIRG sb ain Apply | emploved and wish 10 investigate a change in oh please feel | \ ) Saturday. Masonié Temple. RA 3 130 bh CANAL A "W Broad 114 Elgin Street Ba ! hb a PMN . N 3 . WRAL off Park Row arin ORE SSMAKER HARVEY ANCE ACAREMY Raton. | 17 SIMCOE ST. RYGNTERY " LL [Yee 11a | over in confidence, Interviews will be held Paved parking | 1 We slstvically equipped. . [islihaas A'S a8 h 4 BART aT AREMY i RA 5 854) PH tetcions wa: | omplete laundry tosilities | One Wigs, ond one small ewe TIED WAT Toon vomPIVeLS MAY * Re Wand Register Bow 484 King West Riack (old TWcker, Home h Genosha Hotel, Oshawa -- Ream 214 ?. Ce cation For information ealbem MTRIINOA 107 BERL Nonsokoening. Mod | ROY Ww Prices sin | . 54 i # i penn Wednesday 'Til 8 PM seh RA 3am " nN Ng tleoitie reRIGeTAIT Wave And tele 22 ROWE | PRIVATE Tasker. SERA CURR. | Oot Wednmadin 12 Noon TRAPIAL U3 ska Ws Thursday, Jan. 28 from ? a.m. to 12 neon SE PHONE RA 5.3815 or HABA, We OF Wiser aud der ten \ 4 i , Wal 1 downtown and Shope \} I R A 8.4206 8 years' he +. hy Wervew oaly | Af ' goo Aa) F | any 2} . RMpMORL. several vatielies. will "i i am 1a N ai working conti S18 . al® soo... g ' Tew rarest ARE hie WW swear aS. 1 CYTHMIY; SRT Ef TV dary OLE foun RA 8.448% : '

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