, 1967 I ------ st A THE SWAWA Times, Tessdey, Jenvery 34 % i sp BUH 1% CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY wm Mr Poi wedding Khar sBay Heron miso BIIRYEFsaTY fanuery 13 celehraied Mr snd My Witham T. Heron, BR 1, Whithy, whe celebrated thelr forty Aourth Ajax Red Cross Annual Meeting By GRACE MILis silding of the AAX Mrs, J. P. Allan ming Pool by the e elected president of the Club, who are Branch of the Red Cros waject, the Red Cross anne! meeting hell at'ed to sponsor the training room in the town Red Cross Life Saving person nel, which will he needed at the time of opening and through the nwmmei POLICY THANKED On hehalf of the Branch, a vole of thanks extended to the members of the Ajax Police force, for looking alley the Tul cuphoarag which 1s across the hall from their office, when Mrs. Milley Was not available Chief George Dunn Hemonial Ajax Kinsmer sponsoring the has offer im was I Ajax #t the the Bed Cross office tmilding Mrs Ken Miller he Loan Cuphosrd articles from this source had heen of constant help in! needing nursing care in home, criches being the biggest demand Mr W. Cain pital visiting, reporied 46 its had been made, and 70 gifts sent to the "Lighten the bhannw program commitiee # Christmas time. Mrs. Wm carff, Civilian Emergency Re lief eonvener, reported that the group had shopped for and packed the Christmas baskets for needy families, donated hy the various churches and other Organizations Visitors at the meeting Mrs. BD Crichion, president of the Pickering Red Cross Branch and Mrs. VV. 8. Hertzberg, Dun barton, chairman of the Home makers Committee for that dis trict DISCUSKE SERVICE In discussing the proposal o form 'a Homemaker Commiliee in Ajax, the matter of financing 5. Miller and Mys, W. Scarll the project seems the main workroom, Mrs, J. Bnelgrove hindrance. Due to the fact that and water safety, Leslie Pearce of in charge of reported that Red Cro Wis 466 convener for ho said it had of help ent Miller op made heen a pleasure Lo he and that in case ye Were unable to contact My My searfl, if the al the Police Biation, gi name and adadre need ed, and signed for if have the needed article The of 1961 ulted us follows dent, Mrs. J. P. Allan; president, Leslie Pearce urer, Wm, Bearff; secretary Mrs, W. Cain, convener for hos pital visiting, Mrs, C, K. Bush ell; civilian relief, Mi w Scarf; Loan Cuphoard, Mrs gral in article they vould wet fo Presi we election officer Ie reas Rie ed al al looking forward (no ombily hy movin 40 * Fl Wamen's hy LY) the funds from the annual cam. Chatrman for the spring cam palgn are never enough to fi paign was not appointed at this nance such a much needed proj. meeting ect (the initial cost specified] Volunteer sewer needed hy the Hed Cross headquartersi and material is available for is not less than 82000), the|layeties, etc, and wool for haby Incal group now has an agree-|sweaiers, hootees. Those wish ment with Pickering Home: ing to serve can contact Mrs maker commitiee, to he able| J snelgrove, 97 Hurley road, or tn Place i call for one of theiricall WH 2.2614 members In an emergency of ros , This plan will he on a trial basis; Revreshme ig Word 46) for & period of six months 18 cioae Of the evening It 1s hoped that sufficient funds will he forthcoming in the y campaign this spring, to start RIAX PERSONALS a Homemaker Bervice, The Red Crops advocates this service, us By GRACE MILLS It enables the breadwinner in the family to continue working AAX William TT. Heran if the mother is il in hospital [pH I, Whithy, celebrated his or home, and supplies the need 0th birthday on Sunday, Janu ad care of children and the(ArY 19. With six of his eight home. If the trial plan is accept.|"N!dren, and 16 grandehildren Ajax branch will pay the |e ent to offer congratulation subsidy for the ; manths | AMong those attending were period Rey Lorne Hevon and an H the Philip, of Val D'Or, Quebe Mr. and Mrs. Ho Heron and family. Claremont Mi ind [. [] Mrs. Bruce Hisev (lsnbel) and 1Cl1a 1s1t family, Lome Park, Mr and . Trs. Harold Heron and family P d T Lod Port Union, My. and Mrs. Arn al 0 ge old Heron and family, Mr and By GRACE MILLS, Mra Earl Heron and family of AJAX Sister Louise Clarke "Piekering president of the Rehekah As On Thursday, Mr. and Mis a mhly of Ontarie 100F nad Heron celebrated another occa or annual official visit last sion, their 44th wedding anni week to Ajax, UAW Hall, where! opsary the White Dove Lodge wa host tn visiting lodges fram Jov Bolton OC. Falby, clerk-treasut Lodge 355, Rrougham and Wel: er of the Town of Ajax, who was come Lodge J} Stouffville taken to the Ajax Hospital a Opening the meeting Ajax week ago, seriously ill, wa Fe formed the guard of honor, in: narted last night ta he slightly troduced hy Jay Lodge, Beoug improved. Mr. Falby suffered a ham heart setzur he & president wa introduced PAP Sister Ei Mr. and A Ine MeWaltey lean Masters. Sister Mabel Dis have véturned to take up vesi ney was introduced hy Sistep once here after tn Lee Beer, assistant conductor, Montreal twa yeas M Sister Ivy Avksoy introduced hy and Mrs MeWalters wey Sister Florence Carter. Sister 2reatly missed, due to the Gladys Stapeberg DDP was in tive part they have ilwa traduced hy Sister Irene Phillip taken im Community afta Initiation degree was con ferred on six candidates, four The Alay Institute from Sunshine Lodge 339 Osh. WH hold its January meeting awa, one from Benevolent @ the home of Mrs. H. Huchi Lodge 133 Whithy, and one 300 3 Birch crescent, Wednos rom Kinoven Lodge 333, Brook. 48y, Jan. 25. at 8 pm. The Un group 1x selling tickets on a On reliving to prepare far the AIL made by the members initiation, Sister F. Carter took 80d the proceeds will go to the he place of Sister Eileen Wil Aldon Schoal for Retarded Chil ams NG. Sister Lee Roer, the dren place of Nister Marion Slugg - va Sister June Michell] . . MOP, the place of Sister Pog El ] U " Gerrard, Inside Guardian ectrica nion niavable talks were given] ] the visiting danttaries: Jo LOSES Fine Appeal Lodge, Brougham, closed the Lodge with the usual ceremony. TORONTO (C1) The Ele A social hour followed the trical Contractors' Association business meeting and lunch was!®f Ontario Monday lost its ap served poal agamst a conviction and Representatives were in "at. 37,500 fine selling up a com tandance from Whitevale Men's bine 1a lessen competition Lodge, 100F, Brougham, Kin:' The Court of Appeals, in wen Rebekah Lodge 333 Rrook: judgment prepared by Mr. Jus lin, Sunshine Lodge 323 Oshawa, tice R, E. Laidlaw, upheld a de fay Lodge 33% Brougham. Ablcision of My Justice DD « hart Lodge 262 Markham. Osh Wells § that trade hen awa Rebekah Lodge 3 Oshaua fic seanted here oda vas Sister Elma Dewey, of showed Benevolent Lodge, Whithy, jcambine ASSOUIANION Was a Fig WIIRARY BNGaY 15 Phen n Driver Fined $50 And Costs AJAX (Biaff) In File conrt on Monday pleaded Carel fieth January L211] by Ahn ma i Chey guiny to anving rawlord rywona man tharge of Magistrate " before Cones Frank ed ore { her, 21, wa by ph jax Police fr mience (harg lowing a arving mn bax Dec. 18 In Ying the vestigating officer, Bgl. Witham shaw, told His Worship that at HA pm Monday, Dec. 19 he followed the accused in the police cruiser along B iy treet east, north on Burchar Admiral road and south to Bayly he we Fhe drove failed SENS hiding cher gi evidence in on a idl east on treet where Loppea officer said that Bypher up to 45 mph three top mi taxi-cah al speed 10 and narrow! with a top al ed col on Bur road pher that he ed for the is ined days fold 1h heen no worship unemploy od six and naa jas LRU] mongh In cosls of Appoint Firm Of Architects AJAX Fhe firm of archi tects, Craig and Zeidler of) Peterborough ha been ap pointed to prepare preliminary drawing cale model and Curae for a new Ajax and General Hospital architect will work in ch-aperation with the hos pital committee and with the firm of Agnew, Peckham and HESOCIale Lhe present hos pital consultant I'he Hospital Board has de cided to vetain the present hos pital site and are negotiating to purchase steam from the Central Kteam Plant in Ajax It is not proposed to autho ee the architects to proceed with working drawings until adequate funds for construction are assured Plans Talk On Electronics Man's role in a world of ele tronie and mechanical brains is the modern-day theme of an ad fre to he given hy | { lim" Forster, Bell Telephone representative, al the Ajax High Sehool Auditorium on Jan. 25 at am The talk, entitled Masio minds al Work will he us trated hy a machine that can do card tricks, another. that can read writing, and devices that machines thei mem ft cos Miokering I'he lone give aries' I'o support the claim that in creasing mechanigation is the key to continuing efficiency and economy in a modern society Mr. Forster will show how, in the telephone busing as in ather industry, men are putting machines ta work to make the world a better place in which tn live Federation Elects '61 Official Man riaon Cahoilie, Sunderiand BE Bo. 2, was reelected presi dent. for 108i, #t he regier menting of the Sectors of On tari County Federation of Agri ewltiore #t Hall Way Howse Myrtle Also clecied were Wallace Maclean, Udney, as viee presi dent and Lioyd Wilson. Asien #4 Viespresident Edna and Leshe Meyers Goodwond were appointed fo carry on the duties of secretary treasurer and fieldman The [liowing committees Were set wp Education ~ Lawrence Doble Unhnidge RR 5; Mrs. John Ha mer, Myrtle, Mrs. Boss Shier Sunderiand. Women's Representatives Mrs. Rongld Stiver, |easkdale Mrs, Kdgar Evans, Claremont Poultry Lawrence Doble Unbridge BR 3. Douglas Ashion Ashburn Mehowrne Smith sanford Wallace Maclean (Ir.), Udney Beef orden Clarence Fart on; Viger 1 vl Brace Hunter Hew! Windatt. Beaver Ward, Claremont Yom Harrison. Beaverton Insurance~Mrs. Jat Hamer fydtie. Ansem Gerrow Wallace Maclean, Udney don Ward, Uxbridge RE 3 Windatt, Beaverton: Lorne Tin dall., Goodwood ile, Sunderiand Land Acquisition Brooklin: Allan Clarence 2. Grant fi nage Beugng Gor Bay Ing Crosier Werry Windatt jeton Blackwater Oshawa RK Gamebridge, Fdgar Ward Claremont: Tom Harrison, Bea erton; Ralpr Jones, Claremont Anson Gerrow, Bey gog; Lawrence Doble, Uxbridge RR 3: Lorne Tindall, Goodwood Morrison Colville, Sunderland I Morris Martin, Udnes and Lorne Tindall, Goodwond have heen selected to partie) ale in the Rural Leadershi Forum which is being held this al Februar Finance eal Viagara Fall ill Dave Crone fieldman. re explained the href which was presented hy Ontaiin Federation of Agriculture ta the Prime Minister and members of the Ontario Cabinet, stating that it had heen favorably accepled hy the government Assault Costs Youth $35 Fine AJAX (Staff) Charged in Ajax Police Court on Monday with common assault an Ajax pleaded guilty helors Magistrate Crawford Guest Barry Bryant, 18, of | Mar treel, Ajax, was fined 836 and costs or 10 days in Jal Crown witness Gerald Bren nan of Whithy told the cour! that on Saturday, Dee, 17, at 12.80 p.m. he was driving east on Highway No, 2 to Whithy when on wo occasions a cal tried to "cut me off the road" He said that he chased the car into Whithy and laid a com plaint with the Whithy police de partment, who at that time had topped the accused Brennan continued that on Nakurday Ded M, he drove into the Ajax Bhopping Centre with his girl friend, and they proceeded to enter a restaur ant, He said that Bryant and two other youths approached him, Brennan sald that he told his girl friend to go into the restaurant when Bryant said 0 him want to see you Brennan and struck him In the face with his fist I'he court learned that Bren nan, who later laid a charge against Bryant, was knocked oul hy the blow and had to be treated al Ajax Pickering General Hospital In passing judgment Magis trate Guest told the accused "You are lucky that you have not been charged with interfer ence with a crown witness." lew ana outh DUTCH DISCOVERY The Spitsbergen Island group, of a distinctive national flag Monday handed over to a Brit: dio says the Russians have de helieved to have heen discovered Which doesn't contain the em: ish bank what was believed to veloped the world's first atomic hy Vikings in 1M, was redis cavered in 1506 March Response Said Gratifying HOWMANVILLI he re more than 150 Bow manville women who have val unteered their services to the Monday night's Mothers' March af Dimes sald My Hooper Chief Marching Mother ha Deen most gratitying, and 1 wish extend a personal word of thanks "If the rest of the community ame enthusiasm Mathers march our 161 cam resounding sue sponse of no th the doo show when uw thew patgn will be a March work rohabilita In one the finest Causey Know af said My Hooper, "and 1 anly wish | could BOL across tn my fellow citizen vhal their donations can mean 10 polio and accident victims as well as to those disabled from mherited causes. Thy activities of the Rehabilitation Foundation hatd 4 of Dimes Hon of op they h ok ra ons hay Wy t hw appreciated She then explained that the March of Dimes hopes to raise $650,000 in this campaign Mathers in 300 Ontario centres will take part th the one hour blite In the past twelve months alone he said, "eleven hun dred and four new patients were referred to the Foundation. No one has ever heen turned away and the March of Dimes com mittee in Bowmanville hope that no physically disabled person will ever be turned away from lack of funds Our Marching Mothers ready to gu concluded Hooper, "and we earnestly ask people Bowmanville to give generously to this vital Community Service ale Mrs ol SENSITIVE FINGERS he extreme Manan fingers enables Han with a movement of sanity af ab a vibra 0 efa © 10 be seen to be fully{ micron to be detected Earl Morrison Col } | Non meeting ov the South On| Economics # BIRTHDAY awa | Mr. and Mrs | Ajax, and Mrs Oshawa Reproduced hy | Her grandparents are 4d. E. Johnston Clara Lott, of This tle lady will he one year old on January 26. She 15 Jamie Maureen Lott, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lott, 18 Gibbons street. Osh Greater Hospital Interest Urged IA A. Horton (Staff) I heard unfavorable comments or take an in- the meals operation and ad- charges can be of the hospitals of small pajority who have communities so as restricted fo pecial tand the prob or because of recent medical al the would he tention "wolldn't eal a sieak Kiwamans were i, were served them'. VI know aid Mr. Coulter in me not ton long mistake sald Gord Coulter He then suggested chairman of the Uxbridge Hos: service club hould take pital Board of Directors, in his greater interest in the adminis talk to the Bowmanville Kiwanis tration and function of their hos Club regular meeting pitals and in so doing I'he stall and medical per fully understand the problems sonnel are often, because of mis: thus ending a lot of misinte information, accused of favoring pretations individuals, which is nol true I must pay (tribute lo heir only thought is to give staff and medical personnel for thorough care to the. patient in/their cooperation 10 one an arder to gel them on their feet other, even through trying and back mm civeulation," said times. "They are asked (oo oflen the speaker ta give up their free time, hut This ton may be misinterpret: seldom complain concluded ed by the patient. "Some feel as! Mr, Couller {though they are being rushed! In attendance al out the door hefore they are/were guests from fully ready, which is wrong," mount, Peterborough He then asked the guests and clubs and the Uxbridge members, "how often they hadlwho sponsored the program Canadian Flag Question Again A his WILLY VES BOW] the public terest in th ministration their variou fo al) naer mvolved in by been taried # em I# rica) told Monday However agn that hospitals dn make the the Wes! Lindsay, Habel (L 10-year-old = Lachrane) niece, who By Canadian Pross Stall Writer OTTAWA (CP)=The question of a distinctive Canadian flag supplied the Commons with day long debuting material Monday As usual, there was no deci sion The popped Regnier gre Ive ARCH MacKENZIE I sald him to ask why Canada didn't have a distinctive flag Tohn Smith (P( the matter is one for the govern ment to decide Arnold Peters (CCK = Timis kaming sald that if the govern ment had any gumption it woul declare a national flag tomor well ventilated topic up again Laurier French speaking Pro Conservative member for the Manitoba viding of §t |row | Boniface, moved. that the gov If ernment ponder a referendum! longer delayed asking Canadians get a flag from Ate vou in faver of a flag Blates -- "one slay consisting of (1) a green maule| stripe leaf on a ved and white field or 4 (h) the Red KEnsign.' | Speedily injected in the day {given aver to private members [motions was an amendment hy Yvon Dupuis (Le=&t, Jean-bher ville - Naperville) recommend ing that the 1061 census include Fl were Canada woul the and the matter Ford Passes Biggest Chequ LONDON (Reuters) The hlem of any other country?" MOSTLY FROM QUERE( change hands in Britain | The precceupation of French: The cheque far £116,300,000 speaking Canadians with obtain: | (5334,600,000) was paid by Ford ing a flag shorn of any connec lal the United States to buv 17 tion with Britain or France was 726 8M ordinary shares and out reflected in the preponderance right control of Ford of Eng of speakers fram Quebes land No cabinet ministers joined Lord Hampden. .a company the debate and Lionel Chevrier director acting for Ford of the (L-Montreal Laurier) was the(U).8.A.. handed the cheque over lone Liberal front « bencher tolta Frank Keighley, the peak as the mation was "talked general manager of the British Ont whew 15 fol 40. the matte \0onal Provincial Bank. The Mmaney will be distributed of a lengthy list of other motions fejtish which are in line for debate be | fore the flag issue comes up again Mr. Regnier proposed that his [referendum be: put at the next federal election, Personally, he felt humiliation every time he saw the Red Ensign used as Canada's fla he Canadian Coat of Arm Was subservient to the Hritish [Union Jack although he was not eriticizing Britain as a country The Cammans split aver favor mg Mr. Regnier choice he tween the Red Ensign and the SEOUL (Reuters) maple leal motif as against a ballroom dancing for AELOIND answer on WARURE & jaa) in South Kovea for the first distinctive flag all the country's since 185. A high count own me WANTS ON CENSUS has ruled that operating a dance Harald Winch (CCF : WoL ansnan wm the they oul their interests TOF AWARD MOSCOW (AP) = Pianist Sy vatoslav Richter received a Peo ples Artist award after veturn from his triumphant US Canada concert tour. The prize 15 the top artistic award given hy the Soviet Union NOW LEGAL ng Teaching a fee B Vanoou institution is not illegal as long VON 6 Wi \ 3 Wy y \ wduected Ta by Ww hethe {uve lag, anted a dishing simply PEFSORS In a manner not muri {us to public ardey and peace." These " if it happened all a would meeting, Club! tive, gave an interesting and in: | lives in Toronto, had written to elub work, Mr, Ivan Rell Lincoln) sald| members were Les Smith, On much Unitde one fall @ NEWS IN BRIEF | be the largest cheque ever to erep-sowing machine, It says the chief Plan 10 (Reuters)==The hoard of Prin shareholders who sold ness Christian Homes for Indi Farm Group 'Holds Meeting (BROGKLES ~ The reovgami | lovw geded of far fa Department OAL, Guelph tane Farm Management Vii analysis by Jan. 3, 19% ciation was held in the Town The nent miacting will be held | oii Hall Brovklin, on W ehdnes fin the Township Hall, Brookiin day, Jan. 19, with Cecil Disney! on Prides Feb, 17, 1960, wt 1.30 pam. with Mr. 4. Grant Webber 74 W. Wright oe Farm Sales Supervisor, Hiden ment Agriculture oi |Flectric Power Commission of Woy signi OAC Ontane. as guest speaker Limp ent a onl The election of officers result ? ay i % for 1061 |€8 #8 follows. Honorary presi Hits iF wineilin. BR 1. vice-president, Lorne [ieney, BE 1; secretary, BK. Lymn Far, Un Fidge p- - MINOR WOCKE, WEEK IN OSHAWA January 21 to 28 "BOWT SEND ~~ TAKE YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA SORRY DANCE PARTY SATURDAY, JAN, 18h Bot. forecast any maior dent, Cecil Dioney, Brookiin, BE ik Is concerned, but recom: m that individual farmers emcentrate on keeping n their production costs For beef cattle he forecast | that prices are not likely 19 he better, and may be lower for i (Slates, as well. He forecast a | fairly steady market for hogs for the first hall of 1961. with lower prices for next fall. The numbers of hogs in Canada are nereasing at the present lime If this trend increases, the LAST BAY: prices for hogs in 1962 will like iy average lower than for 1961 of new members A | number were present wha received sug gestions and assistance in set ting wp their account hooks fog the first time. Completed farm pecount hooks for 1960 will be THEATRE GUIDE Brock (Whithy)=""All The Fine Young Cannibals 7.06 and 0m p.m. Last complete show al 8.00 pm Regent = "Swiss Family Robin son", 1.45, 4.20, 6.55, 9.15 p.m Last complete show at 8.05 pm | Bilimare = "Goddess of Love 248, H.18, 753 036 p.m Secrets of the Purple Reef 110, 3.50, 6.30, 8.13 p.m. Last catfiplete show at 9.08 p.m STUDENTS 50 slable from a Hender Plata =» The Sundowners O.CV.I. DRAMA CLUB Present s-- THE HEIRESS A Drama by R, ond A, Gootz Directed by Ernest Winter Thursday, Friday & Saturday JANUARY 26, 27 and 28 0.C.V.l. Auditorium any Of i. Book ADULTS 78s / | Store tudent and at 1.66, 4.20, 6.45, Last complete 1 show at 0.00 p.m 4-H Leaders Hold Meeting UXBRIDGE A number of +H Agricultural Club Leaders from Ontario, Durham, Vietoria Peterborough, Prince Fdward and Northumberland Counties held a ane-day conference in the Department of Agriculture office, Peterhorough The program began with a film on 4H club work, followed by a discussion on the Ontario 4H Agricultural Club program (hy My. ¥, CC, Patterson, Agricul [tural Representative, Pelerhor tough, Alvin Blades, Assistant Agricultural Representative, Ux bridge, gave a talk on 4-H Club program aids, Mr. A, 0, Dal {rmple, Agricultural Representa: | diet THE GREATEST ADVENTUR STORY OF THEM ALLY oon Today Feature al 1/45 20 formative talk on Parliamen tary Procedure The general chairman for the day was Mr, Dale Miller, Assist ant Agricultural Representative Peterborough | Seoondtork! AFTER-SCHOOL MATINEES DAILY AT 4:15 P.M, Mr. LeRoy Brown, Agricultur al Representative, Lindsay, led the group in a brief discussion of the 4H InterClub Cham: | pionship Show at Lindsay Exhi:| hition each year The highlight of the program was a panel discussion on 4-H | Agri: | Pieton, | cultural Representative panel was' the chairman, The Harold Bealty, Victoria County; Francis Jose, Durham County and Allan il Drummond, Peterborough Coun iy The 4H Club Leaders attend ing the conference fram Ontario | County were les Smith, Port Perry, - Ron Werry, Oshawa Boh Holliday, Brooklin, Alan Uxhridge, Lloyd Wilsen Uxhridge, Don Hadden, Black water, John Leask, Seagrave and Alan Ross, Beaverton tario County | GINS fs meso -- | | HVIERS this question: "Are you in favor Ford Motor Company of Detroit machine uses radioactive 150 topes to regulate the seed [spread TECHNICAL AID TOKYO (AP) Japan hopes tn send more than 100 techni clans to nations In southeast Asia in the coming fiscal year The move is part of Japanese co-operation in the Colombo NAME CHANGE CAPETOWN, South Africa GOL'ATH AND THE DracoN wCoLor ScoPE gent Old Ladies here is consider thangine the hame's name Members said people had hon, known toa misread it as "indecent old ladies™ or as "indignant old ladies." NOSE OPERATION RABAT. Maroeen (AT) Af scheduled Far Eastern tour this nonth by King Mohammed Vf has been postponed for health reasons, the government an nounced. Informants said the king will have a minor nose aperation POOR SOLES BERLIN (AP) -- BEulenspiegal Communist East Germany's weekly humor magazine, has appealed to autharities for better NOE coment The magazine say 1 has received numeron: lets from veaders complaining that {their 'shoe soles fall off,