$4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonesy 14, 196) Coll The Direct Clossified MWumber RA 3.3492 f SKIFIED AD Ls Vo--Ansurancs WERAD AE Revest Jos raies Ip ming Lossrancs or Bap) hE of be ak, id 5 Goeneiw inevrancs. Bh 548 ye ASTATE NV _Acsountonts dad Ld WONTEITH WIEN, " £9. Charters Actoiipmts, Bh § rh Wi "risk Bernst Worth, Dehaws; Aix BATES vis of £ - vb rd PB CSRAECIT ITE PR ER TIA b CIRC OL)T are BA Ho nt Bow £ avs W9 Foy "a Ya ra BE RINE 18 Phy seEvine $M yovi eins w "FE DEWAR pd 14, sud Auditions, Cals Rien Wig fess Blysst, Gvisws vip A Yasir sud op Ba PHAN "and "Reon Chana es Becounienis, Vi Biyept Boyik (shape. Bowed F Wilson, £4; I Edumni Yaad Rd orders for ARLE J G88 GEshY A Yer pg abd £if i Toney + to ? Loon Viki ila Hen Bon Basrans, Fel BA B07 Lg or CLANCY'S Oplany brcosiling Services oiler compile bokkeryng ig P fF small buwibess. hy Bonk West, Fn, R; Oitics BA $901 Residence Bb 4 THE TEA TE, WENTER oh £0. pecourtenis sof pidilns. Licgpeed Trisies 10 Bavkiipicy, #4 King L Fhlons Osbawe; Yale, Bb riegis #7 ia 25d secoBd gg Bikly HEEL paE suimempnis W BE. VW Keg # ones Qekaws. BA Ls Ean wis Ee La der, B comp, (FA £ Fy WOVEING 80d Compa) Public Accouplapts 177 Hind East, Oshaws, Obleris BL, SERVICER -- Copiieie bokseen | 178 ! Ing services for small bUsBesses, werk ory ' 1, mopinly pr as desired. Elslements hides piepeied locome tax reluine. ME HT BIFIEREEr BITIRE ortgege Biover ne 2 nd np 08 fam po saree pt of 1geis (Alo g lisyhis #8 Phys Lert 8 Tr " CAIENTN mopey 16 grin, Morigsge snk Puichases, BHA wh A cand Fras £4 inch MONEY TO LOAN 660 Of Fire 87 Oi $50 immensia Les 0 for M GIBBON pd BASTEDD Barn att, or ' Boliciiors. FCLrnte InAs Is firsh mages w con Bl BA 53066, Conries Meleibly Edger F. Bastedn, Rf David 1 ' North, on, NE; §olic) 49 Bes dees BA £ hui iT A CAMEBAN ¥ ubl Wh" 174 k ' is King Bireet and ala BUMFRBEVE hyn Barristers, Bolichn phreys, BE; 6G. 6} Hillgsn, LIB Phones: lice $4604 or Whit Money 1g lows GREER "e ys 1088, Sis Eim Digl BA Hes er resi, ba Ha Ay V. Kel FA, BC] BALPH JONES, BA, #0 Gress As ale Baprisiery cilors, 14) Bing Bliesl Eas, Mortgage 10a bviilabie THOMAR M. BUNPLE gilor and Bolary Breet Eas Phone CREIGHTON, FRASER PEYNAN onde MUBDROCH Bast ers, Bb f tary Publis § Simeone iar Groth " a8 L » King Sliest HA HI; Bed MO B26; BAS MONEY TO LOAN 12-~Dressmeking REVERSIBLE skirts 5 specialty. Minor ellarations on ladies weir, wise ehil dren's BA 4473 Eimgrove) Ave Fark Hi | 3=~Gardening i Supplies ANY King of garnen work By SEs reasonshir ratfs RA B-1634 Balled Both Bes fh I #F £063 Barnsters Bloesl 3100 £ Ph HA BA Th ¢ a nas HW od hal BA phils barrister We King {TURN Hora s Bo /. ICE MELTER 3 melt ioe and ase f J an A BUSSEILL Barrister East, Lshawe JAMES A. MpeRONALD alicitor and percisl Bullding Mortgages IMMEDIATE MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS BORROW $1,600 REPAY LOW AS ).00 MONTHLY Holes MURFHY. BA 18g Soligitar, 8 King BA B31) BA LLB Ontario less sidewasl Leme RA Free [Al SWARTZ Maney 10 In wan' 1 SNOW REMOVAL King Biveet East, RA $3607. | : Br ame? VW SIDEWALKS CLEANED FAST SERVICE OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING a RA 8-6366 dence, RBA $6973 JOSEPH FP. MANGAN solicitor. Money a loan King Street Egst, Oshawa Residence RA 5-5405 ir SALMERS, HA or, she 1¥ Difice RA 53741; Resident BOWMAN, David 1 nme | | fH ousehold Repairs | 3A--Chiropractors FU Reres WE W. BROWNLEE, Doctor of Cbir stored. See im eprastic Moved Hn BM Fark Roading. Bruce BR South, Oshaws i | RA 17813 od | YOUR logs! shimnsy a Nursing Services Aeyy blll and FepRIFed (sailed, furnaces vacuumed fee. Guile FUFFOI F444 we Houth Brook ol PAINTING and paper hanging wokiin, 0 "RA LR] | Fates Telephone BA S730 Ini BUNNYBRAE of Dshaws Core for eid: {information erly people. BN supervised, Inquiries Wied, reasonable rates. RA 533550 Joes WEIELNS And oid chairs re | 5 gaveired like he ' the dl [11] LRERLY folk welcomed in our home [at Modern | 143 of b Wrsing cars cellent | South, Call RB a free esti pelerences { male 6--Optometrists FNERTERLIELIS ¥F RICHARD BLACK, Ni. of Optom like new hy pay more | ain reasonable, Batislagl elry the examination of eyes, ¢0 dF Srmill, Dahoke isnses, 136 Simeone North at Colborne) | 5.64 evenings by appointment. RA 3-418] iH OW TUCK, RO, aplometrist Pigs [FRAFESRION AY ples ay accounts at dowalews Dominion hades Juaranteet wail | Re | ym af 74 Burk Street Taval'ds LL HH ree estiinpies I KING amined at hame Dial RA 54587 | &-HE MURKAR, NEIL ©. BO, optometrist VIHOLATERY al lis hast for less We Phone RA 3 Bute 3 The Pitados Ridg, 30h Dundas [Specialize 14 chesterfields, pe-eaveres For Da j West, W MO #9871 Ola remodelled, vepaired. Free y Easy terms. RA 5.3604 Appair FURNACE SALES AND SERVIC H Mackie ( i RA 5 5964 Servi MANNING itor Notary my Barriste East Real 8, barrister Office 14% BA B5038 barrister, & Bireet Ni ¢, RA 55548 Bolle Hest repaired and reuphol: | ma erale 10F FR-eOVEr alton, 78 Charles Blresl 3 fergst HA tigl Service cleaner i gsr Linings If ! Conve Tursing winter further 2] Cost 58 Maorigage Ar Al To halstering Bim §-6451 fn i Unie " Teleph nes Ged }& ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY AT. E 1993 An 4 itments ered, | ig ates) an guaranties Upholstery Disl RA rebut and and painter Ripe nie ale re time ening estimates, | AFFILIATED OFFICES ACROSS ONTARIO 7- ian 17 fT NORTON nd Surveyor aif 06 Dundas Sly MO 88081, Alas 734 PONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN tarin Land oi printing. 1 | Membe ONTARIO » BROKERS M ADRTGAGE ali A Clganout $7 labor FURNACE 23% Hours Per toh JOHN'S HEATING Wg WL MO 8.2387 ewer 8 Spe Free burner ¢ for fuel i asanahie rales customers cs S81 s res OB AR _-- RA SAE J # 179- ~Personal ELECTROLYSIS he Antari pive part Avenue and 26 FL Trollope PF Adelaide € EL -------- ERVICH B--Building Trade fo | Wullding HA L] abd, f Murdutt | i; il Kem ir Maile supa fliuous will 8 and rep ha Hatel an rep alvs, rooling f ide be In |e [s T "Garda May. | and nealing new and seplie tank | installations at 5 PLUMBING Hogs, | ¥ ippalntment CHILD FOR ADOPTION UDETTE and hiv HA ABD A ROOM KITCHENS? PANEL A WALL? REPAIRS OF | | REMODELLING | | and heating supplies Harald HR. Stag and engines; 3881 plumbing, heating WwW. WARD WELL DIGGING MACHINE IALIZING IN 30 ONTARIC MO 8 TNUT ST, W | BOX 329 WALL: TO WALL CARPETING | 11---Business Opportunities CLEANED IN YOUR HOME hd BATARLISHER heauly parler business he Aik 10 years old, showing good profit on Qu cleaning at lew prices mvestinent, has steady olisntale and RA 8.7 t lovely dawniown lpeation Frown any br F 488 A sof mixed month uipment, supplies ingluded in CRE fait Brier aon $508 down. Call new - EGERS snd ib } Harey Millen, Heal ae and ask bor] Rug and Upholste aners atholi¢ Yoh Field, RA &1 - \ od making about Claud DODD & SOUTER option should wiita | PAINTING & DECORATING THE MINISTER Of hat TORS . growth and expansion, An Ah Ron PUBLIC WELFARE ather partner 1s required with WARY | y A PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS $4.500 I purchase A of pra Qintin i ITO Ws Oppoer, a he LARGE OR SMAI CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL ! RA 8.5103 hy f only bec ol HID KING 51. OSHAWA } acial arigin. Claudette AIAX REPAIR AND f mixed parentage CONSTRUCTION LIMITED h and Megs uy Ww operma SPEC \| WHITEY MO 8.2563 04 This very Id has by negreid fea ky skin. She particularly but needs Weep her baby sh wn f M '] wa and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE areas) IN every » ality backgre man { up hes ite's d arawih of new a additional capital is needed 10 gontinue Due 10 ¥ limited aj company QFO! |20- -Cartage JOHN'S Moy {Whiths. Rea pd and insured Phone NIGHTS RA § - ------ ag and Swrage Aahle vales ll 15 --Instruetion HA 8 ARCHPETRA -- Cale dain Iv L Furapean and An See 21- Caley al Oalarie Barbershop tf Wie AL y 12--Dressmaking phone RA 33001 ITER | ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men, [BEARN 1a dance, sxpert nstcuction tn | FH 2604 " 3 ballroom dances. Private ar class. For women afd children. Formal dresses } iment. Dial RA §5W saversinle skirts & specially. RA 55486 | ARPA a (L, SCHAPELHOUMAN fel COMPLETE BOOKEERING FURR | ER and CRAIN hid aia Juice sdue Ne. iday < 'AE ph NREQSAMAKER PR TR bali, pradchonl. character ¥ New quip LA Am rica Adia's ~Personal Service Pan day Win musk 1H a all Simcoe g 3 Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA HARVEY BANCE ACAREMY - Baton, -- add LILER OSHAWA RA 5 TREE ONT 2953 Aer Low Price 22 ROWE STREET RA 8.4708 TE. ee Remock land Negister pow. 4M King West RA wi student counsellor renee, by Inlarview enlw ns | ZT Basin, : 21 Persone! Service TRY OUR BARBED CHICKEN Chicken plate, hell chicken with trench tries, figh snd nips, nomioyrgs, ht Ags, mily. err ee MEOATERN GR /E¥ FA WE | RE / WATCH REPAIRS J, Cornish 299 King St. West Cpetin £ ANNE SHOP BYROM 57 HIHITRY ot SPECIAL or ip ongt 7 REG. 65c HOW #5¢ 22--TY » R TW, nds, rm sins. Thompson ot Avenve. BA SUPERIOR APPLIANC E SERVICE of 0 + Ronge ras 1ep¥ss A Fleckinmice 7 $0Ik (Fick) ME OF K THI ¥ ROLIGH TSH Ri Jeff RUDY'S WHA g/ il WE DE OLR HWZED REF MEW ALL GALY AI RADE TOWERS ned piely he HOveid 64413 IIR Rees Bliss 1 orontn PIANO wanted sie HIDEA) 18 Howard minster ik Res Toronie lL] WANTED LRA IRON, PO AND FEATHI I. TURNER TELEVISION | pu sloluAN 87 EY A - 35- 67k YounNG ehang ielailing WHEN WANT |(h4076 PAY OF NIGHT | REVIABLE young Dich and RADIO £8 hiisewir £ fal RA B-5286 (ivi '* emiin Werk Guess Of HA WA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS AGI. sell -supp Hat dip gul let J EA 171 BOMI KA E rv CALL Al | J executive rela Lim (7 EEPEFIRNLE ERY I 36 NEFICE cler haythand + teed Must be Blais whi we 7) Oshaws Time sedintely housework, bw pay Emily ment, ing | Telephone £1 [EARN extya mone Cantt ta coast pubis rir npinin alle ven set guarantesd for Al mi TV Enterprises deilie Bax Ber Ville 10 i (WOvEE KERTH req red eliahle, fie Hi HA } SAMSON Osha Time INTELLIGENT chpaiie | oh AoRFathes for Oshawa Must have all hi ba week. Write Bas house 4/7 # ""CHICKEM IM Wh L3 ) ! £5157 THIS MOMTH MEV SPRING PRIMTS per yi ENVOY RESTAURANT m he Ar Best mks x Bligsl Ean Tf 3 [] 4 ~Employment Wanted depres pal Telephone TICKS /4 Ly £ Ey woman fe gd Lele phone 1] n nia mmediately | f 1eley wi Female H Help Wanted we knoll fypisl EapEE rr |] $b week) IN ¥ONF spare Ly pan and pure l nies but nol Dshaws Musi pecielay machinery MOBERN Brick gansthand i Cangenial| lease $105. Apply 464 Fernhill Bivd, RA MER T TV, Tous | a i i eapahil RA B.BI1BO ios A ves, Bos OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS §7 phlesman, w a me Estate Board, conta! lay (YOUNG 40' TOWERS $45 man, 1681, w 10' ROOF ANTENNAS $30| cor a all an nbw eubtomers 84 8 GNF Taike fuinisiied rao, newly dee | Fast promotions for am 20" ROOF ANTENNAS $22! billy i8 person. Good remuneration. KA jad ie verifier Al Sp 0 EO mission pl arty 0 LEN & LOU'S |vevwi im sing a vessional accountant. Mu CITY '1.V | ariel RA 5.7844 ach friends and other AIF. Buaraniesd | ha ag hold and farm 802 SIMCOI X| esaful Ahlesmen gan \ Hex Pradusts, Dept | | Mantresl YOUNG mar hans CH) ansinilites in selling (HOR a8 Aasel {Times TWH men $00 per wee pom. daily | 803 Oshawa { EATON'S with Campletely Installed With 2:Year Warranty tn Perry man prodiet 0 | EaE---------------- ---- 23~Wamen't Column SPENCER Foundation warments. 1h dividunlly designed, alsa Bpirelia Res, Carsebier, Mrs, John Headershat Admiral Road [24---Market Basket [CARBOVE, dio. wos bag, Bri nari af Whith 0 Hi mile east on rel Canoe farm an lel ORDERS $3.00 for uida ™ furniture Writs Tunlay Box (1 h $50 work 0 hay Als § men Per week Times ere | Weaw Ay ang § al san, fest Yo years, velall Telephone HA View in Oshawa reg An three taken for ya-paund hag ly, Phone HA A5-~Pets and Livestock [POONER == twa whily [alsa eight week puppies male, All vegistered stoek Phone Cedarview Kennels REGISTERER female dachshund manths ald, goad pet. Telephon VANE For more into mation REAUTIFUL baby budgies ready training talking strain. Apply Hroad 114 Elgin slrest Bast REGISTERED gold velriaver Lahea: [ROOM for dar wale i» months, sired hy Mak I Hdd dame, Sweet Sun iol 26---Farmer's Column [HORSE twa old, hlack his LRU DEAN faim slack Meked wp promptly |e hone callect, Hampton, COs 33781 | Margwil Fur Farm, Tyrane At & Wood InRY ard wood ands, suitable for uy | men elose a dawntawn DARGES, slaves, Mraplaces, ele. 88 large | Slrest East. Telephone 108d delivered Plioks RA S08 ROO ai" based IVArtigles For Rent feals, lunches packed Mantra ve | LRT | FLOOR SAMDERS [ROOM and hoard, ge y IANUARY SPECIAL 1 meals, heds Y Y [Vale sniranece. 8 | Reduced ate Clearangs RA AHA ; prices ¥) basement i {ROOM and hoard If desired paint. Al kinds of hand a 0 shay gentlemen pawer | Ran antral. Apply 38 near Rison Row FOR TWO gentlemen shape, single beds five seven days {Broek Stree! Basi Ontaria Del +400 Fathtoes ured Bal Ream & Board [THRE ar fur gentlemen have, 316 per weok grown females | fve ar 0 days five male and te Noh General Motors Heusanable, | 5 8047 RA A A0R five HA fram Blrest minutes Chatles four eainhers for Mrs Avale beds, meals Hf dosive faoilities Mrmation gentleman, Telephone RA 30am mann and hoard And share Alhart Blieet Call | ROOM and be home privile (Mirest South ar telephones CLEAN que Ger home oooked mes! wemmeee | CORNAUARE hot Walser Ing, bus at door {ROMS hoard Wf desired | | for Apply YAS ard hin hy RA far ¥ § Carney! vd Is vial S¢ HARE 14873 SALA three woekl ¢ WEBBING RA VARE 12- -Articles Wanted ust have Ith finer nf the Rea) phan ban Howe Real reliable sell fuel oll contrasts NASH ROAD, fiasnling supplied Ap Wh Blads heeame sl { Bel |] i I] in Wille ile [1 [) have al da he | ta in a protepted necessities | { an per your ni LL if | Fam 1600 Delmer Epahle of secepling ye well as a keen interest Matrigula in, Oshaw work &8 Pox young mare exparienos ol hoard leh minutes walk fram centre of sity, | gentlamen funches packed, Fv 1) Telophone RA 8.443 gentlemen LLL] ATIANge i hoard aptinnal, mines Felnphane [WOON TRA TRE Tor BORTTRIAR ARR ROOM for ane or twa gentlemen Telephone WA 34610 for niey nile al from HA Hu sp Parking | in aplanal, | alngle with 1p RA S800 1) far Apply 37 fond heds 81 Fak Road South man hame, expailent packed Park welitle 1 Elgin LIL} gentleman, Tanndry Avenue dane HA A preferred \e Tunehes packed wri Avenus single and Preferred King Sires! Vary Fast willing ta meals dally + lund y Wt | wee | 43==Wanted To Rent ih twa ohildren or five Ground fleas of Oshawa COUPLE « 3 Bw ment viglRity | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO \ . . 4 i Bh 1 . | st N n RA JAI I mélals, ¢f Lpan SOLVE merehanding 52 fsbaction Oshawa [RAS eam | ant ay all day, Phone Hg iv 211 89 BLOOR E. [MiG ™ Hw would Hike Auples preferred Nath Apart 1s Whe and hone Clas or General a | ment day, | ow thiee | LANG'S MEAT MARKET 272 MEERTY SY HEE FREEZER Sip OR SPECIALTY # £4 § "7h WILSON PLAZA SEA COVE RESTAURANT featiriny "OLD ENGLISH FiSr AND IE LE YEE £5 IE Ek STYLS CHIPS kA B Ad--Howses For Rent Fivk aa: Cadilin. jr pray wis o Fin DAREMA Y oh, oi hel a enelinn binge, 1 Fatstsnon Febuary LWA # FIORE oy ert, Rua WN BF BN ERs hone BA §4348 FIX thom hase, 046 Bepted, conven ent fur 1 Py $56 Bing Blresl East Five rent Aowpinwg #kd Fm RPRILIHEM oars plapt awn io8 po ! Ae ded Akrhrwten 85 mpi Wh oF ele ph 4 wiy rr Fnm Aly 4 wie BA 5-484 [ro Wl THREE Fn WEAR kiichen worm, Aownsaiie nt LIne, Biba i Alex, Whitehall FARGE pure HE ro0m hues tal, parking SIX room Hiison-Aribyr ame finished yRerep! or sent, on Lake For Iniormastion oh Ena Mikehie tar milive hth hesled VERY G60 Felephone BA 6-534 house, oil healed, Ebrbgs blreel vieipily Tele {hone BA 827107 Inr further particles MODERN five piece hath, ainay Motors rin ung low, Tour fhe, lane 14 anuilh telephone RA 3-440) Fm ol heating, wa REE, MARern conveniences. Telephon Wh BT0I8 Mller § pow Foun manihty KA 5-446 nN AIAK 444) Ld Timi ne h ¥ SILKE om apkrtment with k MM Simeone North. BA ola rom hung dlow num Rie In ele coraling avalintie Fehrusry | ephone Willowdale. BA 1997 bedroom brick hb ihksle v, MARR EORYEN BN oh anh ln mediale wit nk HH Ww eT five hed sehaols an Blin wine his plas 1o ¥ Leslie mam oll heating ospitil. Apply FRE MUGEN Ran FOR RENT Bungalow ar hest {Times in ned) Wille Wh thy, tour hedgon passesdion, Sil Box 589, Oshaw Her, volt 000 MONTHLY, 45 roam house, double Soren whinge 11 ehekian ample Eng ROLEARG, pul Khrhpe hid rie | venient sehos BA Libel hl hewled Lio Five mam Boye Behe); wil furnace bathroom Natures NEWLY decorated paved drive lopaled nm near Maple Groy inside waler, » bis antler ne HN SEVER FARK niage, 1 Ni, central) Tolaphe 1-0 aliey hinisn, carport, hand tn schanls, ehuiches, shopping LRLLE Five hungalo three hed fateh Jonni # hile vet bo cellihin wre | 0 ith RA 550 Ho KF fny Lh heated A 3561 HE Park Rap Fr rent, four hed ol plose ta hus HA manihly Call K NEW with VhEO4 roam house, $68 aption to buy i desired paaking facilities, sentieman on Apply arated §7 wie Rly HA ] LR] nie Courtice, five two hedponmas i sehnals {brik hungalow heate garage. velvigeratar, slave all heal, hydre, clase to ERO FIVE Avenue, all $05 manthly phone BA 38 heated, newly v a ant February 1 clase lo Bork Oshaws PERE Bouin Generwl ergs living FIVE Alan lumi Miyaet Tel @h8100 Lek: elas Lo schanls and shopping. BA Bo031 es or | 560 Shaping and transports Telephone BA §-8008 Reasanahis Tele 2 Elena Ave roam panne Belek bungalow Alghind | fAeenraied Tele: | PP oi ote | ddd Tr iieR The [PHs, oN wes ped, FY » wit as FATT RA RRAR, BYR E VHA Wi Me prelerish. begly Oi Brew Elian di so fhe wid! fi rd ssid g p 7# bi dha BOWHANTIAE Hawise, Fits 120 15 THERE FORE, WH EGER W had py abd doimmsatdasnd cent 4 4 atic ted ol cle d A KEW #ERITIRAIE TRE flrs veiy cle, #5 # a clon. Phone Bh $F im Hing Was FOr aan d Wii oh wa KI Rp dia ME Srey fies, PRIEibE, apis BA Henly Aes Waiah. 95 Toaphone Bh SEE GROLENR Fri, lok » Koi bRh iting: BRALY TOOIR, PERE Weth hd aha, WRI ig; 45 Teidne Raid. RA ud we 1% hen ely rai oi ci Pin Beinn WikT BRE WK, CRIA IB BHERER wh Yds ww £ bl jae ¥ FRIWILE pries g ¥ #4 2 waned wii 47 TI hailing Frans Homi pre ie povs yd BER ENP RIRE dt pring 04 for Imes, wil y Ria E oily fyimis paiving inet Kast or Ble phonk (ry om i REE pl ii y A Ebi far ld Mair ari a dd Wiss paid, 86% & wink BRAND pay Lment en WEEE 8 Wa pianih Eh A Bb 40s Fog kpeitmemt, close to Bork fGenerss Motors pant sid Bowe 19%h slave and Teirigaraior 1 desired. Tele ihane BA $4185 wo Ingerat rapes lad THREE : room apartment, heavy duly Wing, Pe 3 Space, Eels pra ie nme piety phone RA 53d NEW, modern ment rly epee dryri 9% mnt ertinemt, Turpished, "Privaid bath ahd oh Couple or mingle &F 4 ] Tele hedronm phil free washer sid North of shopping cenise. Coll HA SH044 41 0008 furnished hasement Apart hithronm and shower i' Wah if ol Flinn Bpaiale Firelrigeislor and slave Immeninte py wi | ment HA b3s8h ieih i" slate sEABHIN FOUR uniuinished ooms snd Foam, BEWly Aesaruled, cuphasids Irigeralor, Mave, parking. Apply Kir eel Basl PFIvY refrige 8 Bis tment for rent, w sahing Apily FORM Bit Park Available paw, Be AVENUE etl ¥ alg ar hus alle 1 THRE} ' Breoklin north very clean §4has pri mani FOUR - ronm spsriment, central, glase 1a dehodls and shopping Avalishie now Telephant apartment Bee oly vile enl Telephang heat eA Ten | 864 LALA] illding near hie st 18 phi | ARGE Lwa-bediann mn Kitchen, privat 8 Oathiaem IV sublet "1 door Heasanahle FELT OFFICE i" HA big apsriment, mod entranee Parking: Bus Telephone SPACE # WH k A S| FOR RENT { Senger elevator service New building, Centrally lo downtown ereg rent, Leases new available THE TIMES BUILDING Contaet 7, L. WILSON Phone RA 3.3474 4-ROOM APARTMENT LOWER DUPLEX cated Moderate d| in | | A i desired, | RA | i Aa, & Flats For Rent MORERN four « ream apartment, Bhopping Centre, refrigerator, of hambia drapes, parking Avail RA 34378 ar RA 0181 wo ram (large) modern Kilehen an seeand coniral laeation, reasonable rent Mary Street, KA 81043 THREE « roam modern apartment, ie frigevator and stave, three | Arby 8 Centre Aires! SECOND bioek fram Shopping Centre fh roam: and private Bath, parking | § Blevansan Road North pL VOOM ARAFiment, ROWIY ARs arated modern Kilehen, vefrigepaios parking Telephone WA #0038 APARTMENT ell vides furnished apart oF Ww In fre I, Lots ard Madern kitehen toa kept building that of eupt space | 3 Excellent Balcany Paved parking Complete laundmy fa Central logation | PLEASE PHONE | MO 8.4770 | ~ | TWO BEDROOM | | APARTMENTS Excellent location, New build ing, with or withaut lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 APARTMENTS sleatrically equipped large one smal mtormation call RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6485 APAR TMENTS $ plan ities and WW alegts hia Fal In AVE, LLL] ve | Marth Mary Street A February | RA 8-2418 F HEDROA IM APARTMENTS AT BUS 5TOF | SIMCOE AT ROSSLAND | 4 | Ste ailahle 0, refrigerator, 5.3302 MONTH FREE RENT ADELAIDE TERRACE 329 Adelaide W., New Mod ein Apartment; luxurious 2 bedroom suites, brogdieomed throughout drapes, slave and refrigerator; allsehanne! TV, laundry faellities® and parking. Immediate posses $ Apartment 2 ONF MONTH FREE RENT Medern one: and two » bed om apartments, $85 and up, Best lesation. Phone Ee Park Lane Apts. early possession BACHELOR SUITE ¢ BEDROOM SUITE elevator service paved parking parking plese hath, | | Don Howe it antach insurance RA 5.7732 67 King St Eg BEDROOM APARTMENT iToP iL AND Bua MEOE AY RA AT RO -3302 N] wn plove, RA haspitel and wnt on ni before Fehrusry fro FA - REE pn we FI bes IWREE eh, ios oh hers (aks Bribie Tmiephone bib en # rd pi Viera WA tad adi] oy rd [oe vile hath KA wort y sw + td RELA il Haw ree: wi ren H we # em Wein im he tinert ri | in J ne for $54 # BYEIN wm Ein firme ig bEW mew, Park aa w He is #h fos [} wu Hh NORTH Oshaws, hedeionm apartment, PA ee (PIP wo Jeary Inlaermor he. bron Five * ia ek Wiihes § wie We RRR IRERE Wwiding # Haul by Have Fh i 1 £ ow Ua bievensin Rows Va Bim ene HONTHILY Ibs Tm » shove id we shirence, WH Wk HA THREE a Have Loud EIR BGT, Lid Twi Ln ty iV Fem willing Irigerate; hing ners Brinks downiown wd Telaphons R THRE Foroam ham nei mi 1TH newly decorated, W f | Baw ring wil lon # wah id ¥ Auly ar Baulh nedinlely REF [7 Wh THREE fiom !HFn [40 i HA TW {bra manthly | Furt wm sill | Tele wo Gulet distrigt fare Ing hath, f Hd LL in PAN slay flant vale Parking THREW VR le wd THREW Wii i 8-7 hd ORNTHAL apartment, immediate {Arthur Brest or BA S818 or KA 87404 n es Fink hea her HEN 18, voy phane oy Cedar rely) Hien, yl ) apartment Fhonge MO 83083 » Craydon HK Hoa #, free heavy hath, he wks, be ww Eris wd A Ra a bus. Appiy FIR RRL meRt Hove hie al nighed, Reasonable share mare Intarmetion working Ahstainers only TWh $8 monthly A BAY THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS NEW BUSINES UNLISTED NUMBERS FABRIC A & Flos Fai Pv ol) nd A rig aad Pog 1 Phin: 44 Weddin ih i a prienid Ay MW fren Blasst Pras re, isd Fei ArIRACTIE fomlonsiie Aging x io pg 7 AR) | Este for Sole ¥ i ordidd Sora, (DRIED We BD SudeiadPorcind FOI Bien, Remi oi own Avy 9, How pish, semen, # Rr a 41/8 14 sid (a wae oi Bassam» we fee 4 FR chlioh Buiding od Fons Basiness comple, Wo LN 2 sige: FURUNISHER oom, poiteine "ith i Reh Araien om wel Rome Wh Cele FImeR Bhi ine pre 4 in mils yhane (6 yA RE gorie nh Tel at add » beds in ied rr yA RIL ED WRNES, BEE BEag BROIRE Bast ment nen! kath Senn AFH TY HA hes 1p ad Newvy BEB cad Sphitment, |: Fane, UN mie level wn id TOO BRR FIIent - WH 4 ri ed Rh i priv ale #IWIRE IF LE OFFICE HOURS EAM. 1e5 P.M, MANBAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY # 70 12 4d8--Rooms For Rem ---- on viata tial cdl ries io, sed whos my - ud Th Wiad. Re tbaidiiisd taal itd Hum FR 01h Ryn a. ili did FRAARBEON FO LEIRERE Fenced io IEE sam tina rah wh iin rides, LA a "Vian, prey [7 Lous" Wir ment ad fd wr ¥ mi Sesh ne past » ow ad {WW pt Copies. Ap We mawih wler. ¥n wtiet. Range adder ol Aly Wniehed, re £5) RE Huron Miset | CL he Fal free | Atl bliss 14h) ada LL mn BERL ent, Thre four Have, Withe BA #4545 Bri ment, 0 Whats, or freeplyce, clam pasly EE Fle bg Ip and | THIER Jurnished roms, relrigerpior hing whapping nue, TV fieneral RA 84704 Fahim heat, ho REE Available HA b-1565 Om Bpsitment hath, 18 close Mulls, Ham Lipwl couple JY Miahie Febuary | Telephone " well -conthl mn led i Lment, hia * central, HA Bian ain Spariment, centrally le mathe HA 8604 hedranm apartment and Thomas ermine, slove A hedronm apartment in modern available pm ng ey Rand, ahd Api a ing CAF ment In new bullding JAfrierater Iaundiy Jae S06. KA #460 rom 13... 0h Nround euphaards, BEpArAle entrap shopping and bus ] wiring, RA werial Mators Apartment Falyhink telephone KA B46 Fam apartment, ane bedroom, eAlERnER, ih rRIng, bedioam apartment In modern WA (7 10F further information Foam partment, unfurmish possession, 81 nd wales Felephons YUken S-4080 for Infnrmetion ron unfurnished apartments, PRTKIRG sphos, *, parking facilibies Veleihons BA 3108 vive hydro, hawt Phine wales Liphied, Wilyrniohed. Tels, modern two: | ¥ wach Jeth, Aryer, LN 2 NEMAE, Blt hi pe hi VY serisl, 6 19 o len Eapt Wily fur na central 16 ponte. Quist BE sliernaune apartment, refrigerator, parking avaliable with hath L Whisk, heavy iE Simeone oh Nround Fy Agu plown, Telephones 0 a pliable far hed bachelor private #n LL i desired "Tir a ru 4 new hulld favrpleee washer a vallkble Feb ik F APRlY § white twa hedroam ' Pr £8, class to ko Hagen MY Adul ing Ea cant, Appl ONE air visto Vale SING ran 154 THR |ant Sout urn Appl HA able Nari Able | North, 8% pm [TAR | float ege ew panile NOON for washing privileges hotwesh ¥ and § IATARAFTIVE Hewes, aie TWO large bedsltiing fuphaurds, on hus slap, Bimeos Jackson Apartments. FURNIAHED light housekeeping ream North Tieneral Motors, stores, hospital, and hus, een tral, elean and somfar(able Elgin East near Blmens FURNISHED bedroam with Kite "Ht far gentleman, oe litles NIC! " Warm Berk ahslalngy IR Ho von for one or twa girls, use Fy Berator layye fy Whe FURNISHED front home, central, Spaee Talophina RA 387 tu Ll ro including stove, erva Pale ne machine and lt an a Ath 1ady LE, housekeeping of, well William bE atned 0 | HOURER BERING ve flean 438 Athol Stree! Fast shed! y ER LLL] ATTRACTIVE Private home w hy 8 ¥ Wy (1) ho i downtown Brivale entrance [sanahie. Apply BIA Osling or HA S258 THREF hylghi large far a 3 |} ton 0 14 re w ARM We | RVR for We Keepin LANE hotplates Tady 448~~Rooms For Rent FURNIBHER vonin, five Minus WATk fram south General Molars, Parkin S806 for FURNISHED bedroom for spaee, 7 they BEALl0 man, fF oolt King near oe. Ap, furnished W eantinuous ni and reel, HA FEY ¥, nif ark fa Flemmone NA BA Wo furnished for Lehi housekeeping, Ing wleotvie refrigerator uf teal to downtown and SE working couple, ARY WAFM Panma. [ll Washes ha a "hed wood roams fo NE Taras Thad Foam WALK pr nl housekes Fivileges antrally Sia? Peal) ly pH] Warren Avenue rh ished W desived heated and Nivest Fasl roams, an Deaw Street, Apply 308 Oshawa Heanlevard TORm, ry \ furnished y 4 RA -§ We ~ CORA (a) [a] ate home, 82 RA & 8671 WS REOPARE on cheery hiss girls oy [elase 1a downiawa, AMnseReening Pry Kingadale, RA 846 eam, shod. Apply Lit keeling ar Unhirn am Ww share i desiied, oling Street singh partieulars rams, Alreel | loeation nil eyes Innabion, hedratma, furnished © home priv elephone HA housekesping Apply # Hast Bullt-In fefn ent ators North RA Vadis Apply 13 Ld King Steet edronm, va hot water, Hiren oad LRELL] al Navi eampleiely nolud ave and tele ULL ping Centre, weekly A PAIN, BriVale parking | lady Froud | WFAN, Lie | aphone. RA Tih Separate on enmibariahie RA ARIA well campletely ary central Telephone oom, avail Hal Road and I RA S4168 am, Park Vall oad om, malin 194 FOAMS, ane §ontlamen, main wi RES BREE Wick Replies dad adi d eetrigsrs Femhein Walowell, BA § 8 Woncn Rapitny SEVEN WRIST with oi PRIRIRE, Vo) on OWN ow Ress 1500 ul B08. Jnseph FIVE oom 14 Laity FI IHER RIE or sas0inn wiring Best ia FRrviky woes. ColARER Wil Mend) Siieiiive five dl od FRRER By ie Priced bods Also eenbipl th | hy eA Wiig Tih KIARRIR - ivi RARE 1h Claes flocind eels WH Revel. ne Aw. 20 Vent Bod RA SAR ee ih SR biti Hid #8 Bown pyran. 7. putt cf NEW fis 8 Fomin i ll ld price hae, Apply VB Lorteine Sirest FIVE thom Innieion with £47 rd Pd is dog Ph Retro us Sm BIN told a add Be per Ard waving, Voom porn th of pc Manis payment iw 4 possess nn. Calf bl [Ly " KA, Dovglas 1. Gower Resiior independent! Yow can be, LLY. Hid with very 2 7 ay Cad howe, oniisl, WA REPRE, Row Eaidgs. RA Js wh 1m VERY Wisk five rah Oshpwe Shopping Prick Charms wy Harling Harey brick home wenied, wi hepied, low Must ER 145e8, HA BW) idl LL ph fence "AR. doh Wh & ii ved Anus, FURY ERILRERS io sell JOHN A BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE $§ RA 5-6544 $7,400 FULL PRICE Beautifully designed 3 + bed roam mmgalow with attached garage. Oil heeting, mederm Both with shower, large med: em kitchen with built-in cups boards, Taxes only $94.00, balance one mengags., Call Howard MeCobe ot RA 56544 INCOME PROPERTY Tercom brick bungalow with garage; one apt, with 3 rooms, one with 4 rooms Only 3 years eld, a real good desl. Call now to inspect Anthony Sibleck, RA 5.6544 ow B:A4362 $500 DOWN $500 $75.00 month for this & room heme In geod location close to Rison , Hardwosd floors, ofl heat, stgrms and screens, Toy 1 size lot and all for +7900 full price, Call now, ask for Bill Swarbrick af RA 5:6544 or 5:8342 ANNAPOLIS AVE $1,000 down will buy this beautiful bungalow; 4:ps, bath, basement, Carries for $75.00 monthly, taxes Far appaintment, Howard MeCabe 5.6544 $7,500 FULL PRICE Five rooms, thre bedrooms, on large lot In city. New kits chen, 4-pe, bath, oil heating laundry tubs, Low taxes; will take $1,000 down. Call Bill Ratcliffe, RA 5.6544 HERE IT IS FOLKS! Only $1,500 down, a beautls ful 1 4 stomy, :-ra0m home with fireplace, garage, fenced yard and extras ae, Call now 10 Inspect Anthany Sib lock RA 5:6544 or 5.4342 MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD Ristow & Olsen REALTORS INCOME HOME Six rooms Including two kits chong on the ground flear and twa extra finished roams In a spacious basement, Forced hot air oil heating, Separate entrance, large lot, private drive, geod renta district, Immediate posses sion, eonvenient financing, ane ten-year open morigage Far more information eall Ray Flintoff at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3454 evenings DON'T BE FOOLED From the outside you sea a neat, clean eut bungalow hue once inside the front door a warm entrance hall welcomes you ta 1400 square feet of tine living. Separate bedroom wing with bath, plenty of closet space, 14 by 18 foot living reom, 10 by 12 foot dining room and kits chen with laundry area. Two fireplaces, themmapane win and large serviced lot publi and separate chools. $17,800, terms. Call Paul Ristow at RA 8.5107 or RA 58153 evenings FULL PRICE $6,500 One and a halt storey frame close to North GM. Lage living mom and kitehen on the ground floor, Twa bed rooms and bath up. Oil heat ing. monthly payments of $58.00 including taxes. Yeu can't duplicate this for price and terms. Far mare informa. ron all Roy Flinte#t at RA 5.4165 or RA 5.3454 even. ings RA 5.6145 RA 8.5107 IS ATHOL ST. W OSHAWA Members of Oshawa and Distriot Real Estate Board. you 2 + bedroom full only $132, cantaet at RA dows near