The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1961, p. 5

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1] equ » ren h glinted In ; some a Wing. | {| WHITBY And DISTRICT |' oroner's Jury Urges | {Better Safety Belts LA coroner's wiry on Thrsdey : that an investiga TRAE A sie Lam Jah Liaw 55 hors wikis Riviel (4. Lime wih ik wih one lai lewis oie, The martine, he said, wee GYRIRERLS Ws salety Wels wah In periect Conmition I sircralt. The pry, ot Wins , Was nam ning wig the New He seid thet 4 Taylor had trimmed We cra lor landing ears Eve death of Donald there wowid have bess oy ree Taylor, , of Scarbor ih, # sludent pilot, whose pis Whe ERENCE LWRBeRier Crash # Goodwin grpon he Jury ied the death pec and absolved the girport #y Wieme. They (ound thet f 4 ° They made three recommen 4 : ¢ thet there be B mors CBA medical examination ht Dhlots; that grester sale precaytions be laken at air pris; and thet some ny po made 19 improve safety constriction During the hesring of evi ww, Dr, G. Beatty, Oshawa , 191d the jury and # ye 4 ner Pr. Thomas Lennox, of ridge, that he hed found that "ylor sullered multiple frac es of legs and srm, He ssid Chat death was caused by shock In cross - examination hy as Crown leck, he said thet he found Indications in the ly that he suifered from any pl thet would render him Ven temporarily unconscious, AID BLANKED OY s PC Harry Hestherington, of mkoutivilie, 8 pilot, said that he md 1a with Taylor shout 5 yree weeks helore the accident w Taylor had old him that he tiblanked owt" while making ARort right rms in his aircrafl th Jan Falkowski, chief flying pynatructor al the Goodwood Aly Me ayior out that slternoon he Fire he Look off. He said that the aff®lety hell was properly fasten he pl 051: He told the Jury that Tayler J m, t. the possibilities of J director being ap p hen the town employed ¥. A meeting Is being almerston Avenue Tha®ing appeinted J onal Whithy's first roapefition di Thaeetor was Gordow' MeMahon ndiho came here in 1046, He was Nirecior for five years and to Biay many organizations ean ekmok hack at their origins in the ra of the town's First organ ed recreation program Mr, MeMahon, now a partner | ® motor sales business, re plis that when he arrived in hithy he was assuming # new unieipal role, with In fact no recedent to follow. He started director in November and und that all that was supplied a8 council's confidence in his ility to organize a recreation ogram, There was neither ereation centre nor equipment the next five years, he said found that being a recreation rector was almost a 34-hour vr day job. In fact, he re ls that he used to eal his eals heside the telephone, so any calls were being made to § home, Since he started in the win: ir months, his first activities neerned winter activities hich Included minor hoekey in 0 ald arena, then known as e Taylor Avena. This in itself [las a considerable project. The vena was nol equipped with tificial tee and relied on cold iB ieather for its ice surface. As a sult volunteer coaches were Pt ton enthusiastic about being hand ENA MANAGER ! Eventually, the awoner of ie arena decided that it was longer a Raving raposition operate and the Whithy Kins: nN Club purchased the build: and the recreation director § named arena manager. For h years he aperated the arera well as filled the role of reation director ® recalls that he was ably sted hy eight layal v BROCK FEATURE STARTS 6:35 & 9:30 §verrbod ody's shouting its praises! METRO GOLDWYN MATER pos ko A FREED hot BELLS ARE RWGIVG CINEMASCORE + WEY OM MR HOLIDAY Diab MARI Every FRED CLARK wo 6008 AL & + yior died of multiple injuries hock, Attorney Bruce man's wu [BYS, sald that he had checked Ishin damage, YER WIhoW # 4 The only wey the plane Could Bave Teceived Bs Wh Aamage 7s i M4, he seid, Wis i the stick were shoved Aon WATCHER CRASH Howsrd Biome, & fying Ww srncior, sid thet he watched Taylor approach the nimwey (or 2 landing. He said that Tayler Fide & normal approach wth he wis ahoul WW [eel from the end of the runwey nd 75 19 10 fee n the air. Then, he said, the roll went from & ghde to & dive end Misappesred in a depression beyond the end of the runway He found Tevior, pitched thivneh the windshield of the crit, shout two Leet Wn front of i Other witnesses of the crash included contractor Bruce Tim hers, whe was CleRnng show on the runways; Hing Instructor David Manifold and 13-year-old Ricky Thompson, whe Wves near the gir stnp SKIDDED 61 FEEN Department of Transport In spector Christopher Oliver said that she pirerait struck the ground gimost level, st 2 point 0 beyond the end of the run way. Then, he seid, it had skid ded 61 feel to 2 slop He said that sl Indications showed thal the craft was prop erly trimmed for a landing. He said that he had come 19 no con clusion as to what might have happened Oliver said thers was no rea son to assume the aircraft had falled and he padded thal he found the alrport ise In ex tremely good shape, The whole organization at Goodwood, he sald, was extremely competent, irst Recreation Here Ambitious Program Announcement this week the! teers, rink rats, and these nine sent representatives and the i public meeting 1s to be held found themselves with quite a Kinsmen Club again came io task, The heating system would | not adequately heat the dress: ing rooms and at night, the ony rings 0 of ties that|arens stall would have to drain (scrap drives, ete, and work on place here a decade ago|the water from water close! ts|tanks and elsewhere to make cleg™ full-time recreation direc: sure no lee formed to damage during summer months is still to held atithe equipment, There was also the most aitractive spot in town nv uhlicithe matter of making lee when! Gordon MeMahon eho! on Feb. 7 to discuss the|the weather was cold enough although ne longer recreation wssibility of another director and he still recalls the diligence director, is and assistance rendered Hy Ken and Jim Corner, Clarence Hew son, Harold and Ted Brown and others Eventually the rink was do: nated to the committee organ iging the present community {arena and was torn down But there were many other getivities besides hockey. It was during this era that the first summer day camps were oy ganized and when the recrea Hon director resigned, the Vis count Greenwood Chapter of the 10DE carried an with the day eamp program, ROD AND GUN CLUB A rod and gun club was or ganized under the direction of the director and eventually be came the present Whithy Rifle Club. The Duplicate Bridge {Club was organized then and still meets regularly for weekly games fie noticed thet the weal be, i the Pits seat wie it. neh when he srnves Hh Bay Whether W was Pp for the hell in £4 hesawse of the Charies Bateheion, saher | the wireraft normal prior 16 the crash, The selety hel, he noted, showed mo, evidence of wy Senos physics Hiagin He gave the opmon thet hed the bet heen fastened, Taylor may have heen held in the sr: rift, Biome, recatied, sd that) i was Wis theory W was he | far the impact 4 Loree the hel s EYEE 189 PER BLACK? Before sending the Jury mk 14, FERCR RB verdict, Mr, Affleck sg | gested that they might find thet) the crash came #6 i result of & Lempnrary Wacko He said that i would sppesr| that Taylor wiastened Wis sile-| ty belt, It could well be, he seid} that while he would have suller: £4 serous Inwry Wn the crash) with the helt, he may not have! died | He suggesied that the wry ight recommend that research he done to develop a fonlproof safety helt which has no possi-| biiity of error He glso suggesied the wry might recommend thet {he whale area of sialety helts he in vestigated and the authorities he requested to investigate whether PEGREE Instruction 18 Even in heir use It was also suggested by him that the Jury might recommend thal the physician whe examines student pilots for the Depart ment of Transport might have a letter fram the prospective stu dent's family doclor Lon, 10 #6 sist him in Lrying to come 19 8 conclusion on the condition of the man applying for a licence the public aid and donated the pool site at Kinsmen Park, Funds were raised hy suctions, the pool was largely donated. The pool opened in 1051 and incidentally, chairman of the town's pool eommiites Minor baseball organization also came under the recreation director's attention. Playground supervisors were named for all the public parks | Probably the most memorable organization was the Children's Theatre, which at that time was the largest organization of is {kind in the province, Some 180 {ehildren belonged to it and (some productions had as many {as 100 children In the east Mr. McMahon recalls that one of the most active members of the group was Mary Frances Ebbs, daughter of Magistrate and Mys, ¥, 8 Ehbs, of Osh Awa, She took a prominent lead in many of the plays and he {ikes to think thal she got her I81art in show business at the Whithy Children's Theatre, | There was also an adult the: #tre group, the Modern Play: ars, who put en many plays in There were no home and the eld town hall, Mrs, Ralph school associations in those Wilson, for & time, was diree: days and they also found theiv/tor of the group and later Mrs beginning out of a recreation [Mavor Moore came ta Whithy program. Mr. MeMahon opened (to diveet hath theatre groups, a class in child psychology, al "It was a very aselive and elass which ran 10 weeks. Local|successful program." said My and outside speakers conducted McMahan, "hut it took a great the classes and as they ended, deal of time and hard work." a committee was set up to delve] ™ n io the Maller of organizing "| ome and school association. | J} kt The next autumn, the fivst such rea ast Orianzation was formed here, S irl Guides, whieh at that ssful Hime hy Jotunet, were re: | ucce organized, James Ross, owner of a business hlock at iret JOOF Project and Dundas street, donated the {top floor of that building free off The regular meeting of East [charge to the recreation pro: 8M Star Lodge No. 12, 100F {gram and here classes in art, | Was held at their hall an Tues leathereraft and weaving were AY evening. General husiness old was despatched quickly and ef. | | figlently ! SWIMMING POO) Siok brothers Stevens and It was the recreation director TOWN were reported home fram who organized a committee ta NOspilal and pragressing faver alun- | bulld the swimming peel. Var ous organizations In Whithy (WHITBY) 's singing the songs! ably her Darling was re { partefl an the mend and in goad SPT, A very good report an the ve | sult of last Sunday's hreakiast| Was given with the announce ment that the next would be held Sunday, Jan. 3, at the same time. The second degree team will be journeying to! Rrooklin tn exemplify the de gee an Monday, Feb, & All members were again ve minded that tiokets far the Grand Master's Dinner an Jan 3 ave shill available but the sup ply 1s dwindling, Any whe have not made reservations should de MTURRAY MAY. 10 #0 immediately After lodge Eastern Star Dan ball team defeated Phoenty Lodge team of Oshawa hy a scare of 3 ta 1& Lunch was served hy Brother MoeTaggent and committes to wind wp a vary enioyahle evening. ! PARADE By GERRY Bi AIR of it ie whims thise yenis wie Chartie Bwins lest eppenied in # Whithy Dunlop worm, Wh # gene sgeinet Sudbury, prior tn their memoreiie World Champion excision ty Ose Borvey, Hockey fans in the Wiithy BHA CIERaNR WIRE PIR RILEY BW Fe ing bis return on Monday, Jenuery WW, when the Whithy Dunlops congiegste nee more in # benefit gre pEgindt the Bull-Ottewa Junior Canadiens, The entire procesds of this game will be used to wipe off # 82500 deficit stihl tn the posession of the executive of the defunct Dunlop hockey chub, 18 was becuse of thie det, (which was considerily terger in Septem ber), and the lack of & sitable league, thet forced the manegement and directors 19 cesse operations for. the 1960-61 senson All thet comes owl of the gale TEEPE Wii he the travelling expenses of the Junior Canadiens, The BYE] SPI FRREIVEA BY VISWIBE CHINE NRE PEER EFis fously doneted by Sem Pollock, genergl-menager of the Habs, Sem hes vivid recollections of the tense rivalry constructed over the verrs between the "Duns nies end the baby Habs, Montresl Canadien player Baiph Backstrom displayed his superlative talents many times in the Whithy Community arene, ks 4d Bobby Rossean, 4. C. Tremblay and Gilles Tremble It wes while furthering thelr hockey eRreers in the OHA Benior "A" Essiern aw thet mentioned players received recogni Hockey League careers, Pollock many Himes hi pressed his gratitude fo) calibre of opposition put up by the Whitby Duniops, "They sey & Player 15 only Bs EoO4 RE Ihe IERENE NE performs 1 Hud the Cenadien's adversaries been of & lower le is possible thet these talented Habs might net have developed to their fullest potential Other favorites with Whithy and Osheawe fans were Bobby Attersley, Harry Sinden and AM Treen gil three wre producing capably with the Kingston Frontenacs of the Eastern Professional Hockey |eagus Another member of the Frontenses, John Henderson, a definite mainstay for the Dunlops in their drive ie their first Allan Cup, will assume & familigr the nets, We will never forget the tremendous goal tending thet John gave forth with in the OHA Benior "A" finals against the Kitehener-Waterloo Dutchmen especially in that suspense-filled seventh and deciding game in the Twin-Cit After suffering a humili wing B=1 shellacking right on Whithy iee on & Friday night while holding & 8-2 edge in games, the experts gave the Whithy Dunlops little or no chance to come back. Those in attendance at Kitchener the follow» in night will verify our alleglations ahout John's outs standing netminding, We also remember & tremend ous defensive exhibition by Ted O'Connor, who wae #t the height of his career during the posi=geason play-offs, Ted has heen practising a great desl of late, not only in preparation for the fortheoming ex« hibition game, but also to work himself into shape for & possible chance of eatehing on with the Kingston ¥rontenaes, Ted dressed for the week-end games against Sudbury and Hull, but felt he wasn't yet ready to try and keep up with the fast-skating hockey displayed in the Eastern Pro, We would like to see "Oke" work himself inte condition, because he could be & big asset to the Frontenaes in their stretch drive TOWN AND COUNTRY , , , .. Whithy County Kpovis apen their OMHA Juvenile Miner "A" first pound play-offs tonight in the Whithy Community Arena, apinst Lindsay, Game time is 8:80 pm. Ronnie Moore, the elub"s number one polnt=getter, is expects ed to lead the elub in tonight's play-off encounter, Ron scored two goals for the Whitby Hillevest Junior "B'e" on Tuesday night against the Brampton 7-Ups ST these glove for Bationg) ry tne El, i role in « I's Minor Hockey Week in Whithy, starting | Saturday, January 21, until the following Baturday, January 28, when they conclude the week's activity with & triple-header, starting at 7:00 p.m, with twe local Pee Wee teams. At 8:00 pm, the Bt, Mike's bantams play Whithy bantams, and then in the final game of the night at 8:00, the Whithy midgets host Bt, Mike's midgets. Two Pee Wee clubs play this Sate urday night at 7:00 p.m, prior to the Cobourg-Whithy Junier YB" contest, Parents and friends of these youngsters are urged to make a special effort to get down to the Whithy arena some time next week, and encourage the youth of Whithy at the game of hockey, Next week's activities inelude: Midget league Monday : ! Whithy Fad Cl id # 1 iy wie Seren Bi Ronin. now es W edneiter § HOR RE EREITIRAR IR RET hat L may serve the Boers move RE EPY WW WY best yer' gC TRI IREEting of The Schon Bowed, Mr. Ing smd "These 12 JERS were wel spent very wine of H was # PIeRswIE RRA TRIRRIRE Hie tim Richard Matthews was voted chitrman of the FS Bosrd VON Officials | Rep Mere iid Frdegrnde {inne prrsiatant strvggic | waned 19 erika the lergne Ald hey Bini ra By Rw ever fagd whem Jit Jon ind Warne rom Lamy s (Wiarbriias §4 Y lied, sav WH VamiR BE CRNE ye bE back tn the dest minies of The, gg game with fowr gomle 10 Aelent Fu A | Yigond | ADITTIONAL oN THE GSHAWA TiS, Frdey, lenvery 18, we 5 Lead The rests of Sunday after Independent # first period lead games gave the Winthy of 371. Cowie fox Ravbhow were whtiie [argue # Rew [cage scorsl by Johw and Past Trem 4 In the second Fad pendant §@ les wer # Rowssenn sewed wy god Cand the score 47 fr the tied period Rathow ang (ntamtwiias Man's Weer (qnelly & 7 # & & 4 INGapendent s As Bd. Chairman | Mercantile peat the) firet mein. wn nents of the game TH wel and Mel Brown ech SEOTER twice 10 ve ans To Deas 'gave ™ the win r---- =| LARKKY'S Wik -- WHITBY NEWS In the game between Larry's PAGE and Otienbrites MM MeDongld Ld Gowls by Fim Beire Visit Whitby Two visiting officials from the Victorian Order of Durses re they were plessed with the FRED ING Essay Prizes To for Lerey's In the second period, F | Stoneman made i 18 when BOARD BRIEFS | sored wnessisted in the first H scored the lone first period gos! PUBLIC SCHOOL | YON service Wn B weTU Miss Elizabeth YM, Beed, ps Be Given Y sistant Mrector in chief of the VON for Canada snd Miss Cath erne Mandrinrd. regong SUPETVISor, vised the Whithy Branch on Jan. 9 and 19 Taal number of visits made by the VON nurse Miss A. J Mel end in December wis 142, Visits were divided helween Nursing Care, #2 and Health In strnetion, Nurse Melesd reports he ember of PUISIRE CRITE Vis have heen slowly Nsing since September Eight howrs were spent wt Bathurst Containers. Dr. Bulls has heen replaced by Dr, John ston #t the plant Prenatal classes for ex pectant mothers will he started sometime in the early spring reports Miss Meleod H&S-Board Link Turned Down MOBY Meng Mh ident, opened the meeting with # praver and # hymn, Venous reporis were read and approved Mrs. B of the devotions! jr aia which prizes sre awarded children whe have wrlien essays on "Temperance Mrs Mitchell was In Charge of ine hp sheet The meeting closed with pray: er and & hymn. A social hail: hour was enjoyed with Mrs Kean and Mrs, Gibson as lea hostesses the auditorium to Hillerest Sehool sometime in the future {mated it would cost between $25 | In my 12 years on the Board, and §30 thousand dollars to build which|l can't remember ever receiV:the auditorium | A motion put forward hy Trustee Tom Edwards would facilitate communication ing any deputation from the Women's Christian Tem be pu chased from Mayer Vies| pearance Union held Ws regia? Co. of Toromin MW was decided THesORy at the Whithy #liernom wt the United Chien meeting parior, Mrs. B, Quam, Pres Fioee other bids were tendered Wiss Robinson was In EhATEE enter the new Public Scho in) 1. Blalr Park sometime in March," Kean gave # reading on "Tem: said grehitect Herhert Cole, Mr Tentative pans Were cole architect for KB, A, Hite made for the March meeting wt on 'Sopaol told Public School the third period was scored by 19 (rustees construction was "pro- Lloyd Seymour making the fine! |gressing well" the butlding now," he said School are not getting as good an education as the rest of the pple since they lack an audi tanum," Public nesday night ino Wiimites Ottamrites R bsdnd eVEr When Cacdad #1 SCHOOL, SUPPLIES and Carl Karl scored within School supplies for 1081 willl theee minutes Two gawis by Ken Musslemsn and one by Al MeDonsld gave Parry's # 372 Jead going Wie the third period in the final period, Larry's otscored Otlenbrites 41 18 wrap wp the victory, Al Me Donald seared two more for Larry's to hing his afternoon total to four gonls, Butch Maw and Keith Keine added sin The lone Ouenbries' goR Soha night Putie Wednesday NEW SCHOOL, OPENING "Pupils should he able (0 n rewit 4-4 poop & SOUTER PAINT ond WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYROM SY, 5, WHITHY MO 8-5231 Youn C.I.L, Paint Dealer Painting & Decorating "7 Contraston ap "The finishing trades are in POORER EPUCATION "Pupils at Hillcrest Publie ime memher of the School Board said Wed The Board discussed, briefly, possibility of adding &n Architect Herbert Cole esti heiween Home and Behool Home and School peaple," said groups and the Public School Mr. Ing Board was defeated st the! "The Home and Behool was) Board's monthly meeting, Wed: never meant to he a liaison he-| nesday night tween themselves and the Mr. Edwards urged that "a Board," argued Mr. Ing | great deal more useful items, Mr, Ing supported his state: would come to the attention of ment by adding "is constitution the Board" if some method of sets oul that it is strietly a lai-| communication could be ar son between the parents and) ranged teachers," | "This could lead to something! Discussion terminated after) we might not want to cope Mr, Ing remarked "parents are with," stated Fred Ing. My, Ing the most interested people when argued that the Home and their children are In Grade 1 School members were allowed Afler that, they appear to lose to come before the Board any-|interest as their children gel time older," from 6-780 == Tuesday, Midget league from A-8:00 p.m, and finally en Thursday night Bantam league, 6=8.00 p.m Last Thursday night at the Port Perry arena, in United Union Hockey League action, City Hall and the Plumbers hattled vigoursly to & 0-0 stales mate, Certainly a rarity in any league! Both goals tenders were tremendous, Bernle Mazgurk, netminder For City Hall, has recorded five shutouts in eleven games, A very enviable record The Plumbers host last place Eleetricians Local 804 in tonight's opens er, and Public Utilities Local 2028 tangle with City Hall in the nighteap, City Hall have lost only one game thus far, and that was on opening night to Pube lie Utilities, Perhaps it ean he duplicated tonight! ev oo George "Goose" Gosselin had a most profitable weekend with the Kingston Frontenaes, scoring five goals, and drawing four assists, "Goose" had a sine point night against the Sudbury Wolves on Baturday, then seored the only three goals of the first period SALE ENDS THIS SATURDAY ENTIRE STOCK Men's All Wool Stock Suits Reg. 59,50 Now gpnly 4500 Mercanfile Depl, Store WHITBY, ONT, in Hull==all in all a splendid effort, TO PROPRIETORS OF SMALL BUSINESSES... Manyfacturing - Wholesale trade - Retail trade Service LOANS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE ROYAL BANK For MOVABLE EQUIPMENT, amounts avallable wp te 80% of cash purchase price or of the cost of the project, on: JOF purchase and improvement of equipment on Jor improvement and extension of premises For FIXED EQUIPMENT, amounts available up to 80% ost of the project, of cash purchase price including cost of installation, er of the cost of the project, For PREMISES, amounts available wp to 90% of the All clases of loans are repayable Bn instalments, wanthly where practicable, Foe ut parieniors soe te Manage of oy bid THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Oshowe Branch «= §, F, Donnelly, Manager a '

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