The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TINS, Fridey, Jensen 19, WHY : | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT BIRTHS | Today's , Stock M arket Listings on Toronto Exchange | Wellare Aids FROUD. porenie: The pews # yor TORONID I AN. SIGCHS Pa a how i Oh bo Peter gh how bn Pu os Deir Th how he Orr oh i Sees A iy bute I on. w . Teen 4 Ti Br ane vw mw we 1h 5 i Om we 7 0 0 ih ] if In Fis, gw EW AIING | EGE NS BW LO we With HH =~ Famanive 15 #6 Ws wn » 3 e surance Fr Wascad Erne son be By Vie Conedton Frese 7 vi BVH Th TH BO WGes FO Sh 10% 1% vw » Ww Ww i Labwadonr TH I% W% Wh ' Fg Jun py IRAE Be ARATE ABI FRIAR i 1 wa Hg rr by hd hsv fe sp flag I 7 1A sig A € Five A win 6 # " wr i a or inw 9s WE We BE Be Longin oe # # 0 oh VE BE EB i ot bo 4 we ! - ¢ ag a i 2 2 de " 3 po on as Korads wie wan 4 # + he TORONEO (CP) ~ Welare dies, Mr. Holmes described con ig o # Ti * fhe wet Kram a Lis sin wh ah iho 7 My w Bont 1 fhe oh M4 Wanfie pt ue meroures hove Increased the ditions wider which the come or had Wish Low 0.1m. CF 8 : ws 85 . / a ow ow Hn |Fmortanitics for private We in- pany operates in Cita #8 "very Theta to py sir # ¢ " wo Wily He Bh 4 gy Bs A To TH in 28 28 2 ng [surance pales, rather then de:iunsatistactory" yo Rd hy Ew 4 4 v wo Sn Wh 9 i Gv 10% 10 won "# pid resident of W111 ae 6 pyle the Fone, Pi [ president Of ME 1 0 f RELUFRT 8 foreign business me wd Mey. fav M AE ds & Balada i 1% 1% 4 Mastin 569 iq { iv % SAF) Ay 4 aks We " 7 r- Life Insurance Com He Fs Sorrento 150 A » ob Rriads via. Herr 4 # pany, 44 from the east ~ Indig, € i Bo #9 io ith bn wd shoe Woh HH a Bo agtazegttaealiie £58 » Ter sia Fis wy 41 "5 - By ah emg. TT WO Jan ond. Fgypietut, the rise 7 2 4 oh Yom ton Mew Jinn ' is in nationalism had graduaiby re : i | Bros Wonk said Mr N Kalra "Life insurance, Auesd 1h 7 N Uoleme Holmes, "has aieys been # on a he guher Uf couiiries Hew Rowen a Ry ilwark between the average operated company emid citizen and the Warards of 07- goooesstitiy EIABEE ~~ John Rash wf Com pes Lapdhetiar) sen Pasess (4 ug Rovsae he serve of her 5 - ¢ ' : 1 : Bapiast ml » i > Brisin Buranda f . Th : ng ton soon or owtiving sam, a. ling power Recently," Mr. Holmes eon Bork Con 188 His 1. | The basic benefits provided wed, "we have had & resus rchen | Hw 15 15% HA by state and employer seem to FENCE of nationalist fasting in Vem 8 oo» produce an incentive for ayers Canada. This is understa &. 7 5% 8 : rer Wueriane 1 : - to increase thelr protection to 4e 10 our rather belated r tans Ganeinl Hows Wha i bh fovnr Br 4 $n 1h 4 7 io Wh + Piacer 9 $159 19 levels that would not have heen Hon of the large par nd Kathlern " wa . Vag A : . : . 49% ' Preston i considered possiie years ago, As been taken by non-Canadion Jana i rr fo ; a 0 1 am 9 in fo WwW 4h yi j Fins Ae 405 7 § #} Instead of & stop-gap provision IDVESIOTS In our expansion since Kaipaion) phe [hing RL ¥ 55 $2 hv ; : ; ow #g 7 f a Ge Tin A AR dig EAD "the war, the sizeable non-c, Koreas Tha 077 Ag Ne the hes # / 44 . po i Ti Ti% # 0 ' i ff gy 7 4 19% tension "7 for his family, the pverage an Bg ig wd ons fot 9 Troster, lire ly i % Wy ~ : ; NA ? be Sr ne. now can bay @ more complete A ome vans 16 I. Wb, hi % mH 4 pos" # , 2 Wh wh Th #4 ' 09 12 1% BI program of protection industries and the great siinin 74 ; " y iy AL it [} ' wh i on 1 # Mr. Holmes said this new ai-|™ pid lane A garments # " 5 uh" Inter WI, un a : v mate in the market % oe calls We fre 19 mee and RISTION = Wetsr and Dowsy #5 : 2 ist 64 ¥ Wy why y ' € Marien i. B® 4 4 : mite AFH Plas dividends on these assets with. yr Pemonee the TAIT hort ; in # Yor Bom A Bib 83 "" My wn oh 7 ih 4 oe te 171 for a more Imaginative ap-'nl 4 : bY gr eisiera hme, oh Thos Tr bit 4 ¢ sn ob ; : ; th = ¢ Wom i b ec 5 TT proach tn the potential buyer M9 additional heavy borrowing Cheryl Ass. 4 Wy Bel pes foi Farhan i : oA J i" p i 4 y 5 f Naot PE» oad et bi Kir . "8 7 ord : "% r WF Fiore sidsdumsmein How Arwm Tow Eley ] " i ; Rox Mar BF ERIE ma Mes B of $ 4 G I Power a. Guach ia wiv th rn tha WiTH Y . Gh. Pow w 3 3 4. 2 ot oy oy Wakneehoy, Jwhidiy He i - Ciky Rak - y 3 diskay 2 ir 4 lhe Omens ' ov y 4 wm os Pu £ Mosher 9 # f 1 % / ¢ 54 Tana Ao Samers boi, Brod verents, ie R Fein bso h + Fre og i Ws % + Coprand os " or Cont LE and development of services OF the sale of Canadian meses ioe and_Dighe, with spesinl thems 101 wh § e' ohn ' dh Beer Hom Vow # W% 1 vn ain 24 24 that will fit into this new econ "I would hope that this prob Pr. 4. 0. hadersm. Fa ik 4 y Lowen 21h bik bh I } Rn ane 8 Verh] ¢ cept of life insurance in finan lem ean he resolved hy the en y ' / yi : " p / $i terprise and initiative of Cans ON = Jae snd leahetia (pes GAL 3 oo 4 4 A " ! i i p i § f cial planning Pa dnt we hoe bo Raponce Ihe 15 wh wh 2 on i ; ¥ 9 vn we Fuieon 44 / h dls. 5 0 Mr, Holmes sald that in 1960 dien investors rather then by 2erival of thete son oh WeAResdsy, ARH hem wh 1050 25 ns | f it y ! 1" J po Aisi Saris : his company sold a record undue restrictions on non-Cang- f Leper k " ' ' b # i# ' {4 A fis iA ' } rH Flue 7 4 3 vy H ¥ J iM Hot ot the Omens te A id Hv 14 in S57 1 ont Det i wh : +1 hau 544 1 "Th " Te E0.000000 in new Insurance, dian investors, since it Is im : . y 4 o- ut wy ps ir wil wrt 1 vad nd its Business in force now poriant for the continued de 1A 2m 55 NE =% w¥ Whip Wom OW ot bis ii : Wh . gin p exceeds $3,500,000 900 velopment of Canada's re DEATHS dod 1 A Tf ion a" Yn iy Bath BMG : ip A " is 0 $64 8% ~ ) "wo | d New business in the United sources and trade to maintain ih : : ig a ih WA Kong Pome 0h #5 45 4 oh Bay AH BL 0 BH Word Ore a i States comprised 40 per cent of a sound climate for foreign in - York i 164% 4 Wielkrsas 0 0 bp ; 9 1 = Vikon Con #000 $5 89 the 1660 total and was consid-| vestment," BROOCHES ~~ MM Memorial Hos { $7461, Bote Doth w= § ] iw ¥ Marigmia oe He Ya whist 1 wm or % y p ams . -------- Pa manrilie, on Wednesdny, Joh no "an oe on Ben Rr or 4% Wie Hi AT Medit a iE Kerr Add VT A 14 Bales (0 10 B05 $06,000 erably larger than the amount gs | ; bh - written in Canada ALLOY AGENT 1561, Arthur Dies Roch , IB] College AveRus | ny Willis, Anthony, » received calls from worried was not aware of reports of un He was replying in the Com-|centre, who asked about reports OUTLINES OTHER BUSINESS Copper, oo Yore sliovhis fe hh rks fs NET EARNINGS ict home owners at Klliot 1ake employed men heing evicted) mons to Opposition Le a d e that the men were gelling evie:| Other business outside Can agent from early times, was the ! . (Mrs, Emile J pr-- from their homes in the North | Pe tion notices because they were ada was largely concentrated in standard of monetary value in late Demise hes Lewonssd, Theress } | 56 emhbe [i af Blane) and Ayer. Dear brother of Mr | OPTAWA (CF) ~ Labor Min- ern Ontario mining centre of arson, member for Algoma unable to make mortgage pay- Britain, South and Kast Africa, ancient Fgypt the early efi Mass : akes Fe et mary: Folie Corn,| By THE CANADIAN PRESS Elli Lister Starr said Thursday hel Elliot Lake | which takes In the Wranium| ments Ithe Khodesias, and the West In- Roman Empire ; jot Lake |~ ---- Mrs. Evelyn Brags, BWaRses, Sees Canadian Breweries 11d YER : : die _ it the Morris Funeral Chapel, K fh 14d, y& Ben manviie Funeral mass in Holy | ended Oct, $1 1960, $13,761,464 Crons Roman Catholic Church, Oshawe, | 83 75 & share; 1950, $12. wh, wl, on Saturday ot 9 am. Interment Bt Hy Grego v's Cemetery esi en FOSTER, Florsnee = tn Pot| TORONTO (CF) = Industrials) = Perry on estes, demmary 1h Jo: moved ahead strongly at the, TORONTO (CP) =~ Albert ¥ ¥ eioved wile of the 4 : . . J 4 Horenes 3. ¥. Fheler of Oshaws and §| Cok 5 of light , trading in the Wren, Liberal member of the Belleville, The tate Mrs, Foster bs vest: | Stock market Thursday, while Ontario legisalture for Kenora st Mcintosh Anderson Funerdl | gil other sections sank into the! said Thursday that the Royal Service In the chapel on Batur dold nk if i ; Wy day, January Gi at 1 p.m, Interment| G0IGFUMS sank 0 anada has obtained Belleville Cemetery, approximately 39 On index, industrials were up Writs of possession to evict 20 2.07 at 599. 38=having earlier in! families at Elliot Lake because Mel EOD Entered into rest in the| the day reached two new highs they cannot meet mortgage pay OMawe Gonersl Hospital wh Fras |for 1960-61, Golds were off 78 ments o" hi, (1) td ae . . . M ; a ms Sy an of the late John Ewart |B 03.16, base metals 14 atl He sald in a statement that Sal eod, and dear mother of Mrs. Wall 170.44 and Western oils 11 at/he was Informed of the wrils ter Morgan (Dawn-Marie) of Oshawa, 89.08 Thursday in an urgent call s her Bird year. Resting at the Arm | 4 aks vagids veond Funeral Home, Oshaws, with Volume was 1,724,000 shares! {rom Elliot Lake residents who Memartel Bervies in the Chapel on compared with. the 2,266,000 are facing one of the coldest adey, January 2, at 515 pm . p L ory entombment in the Oshawa! shares traded Wednesday wine rs in Northern Ontario his ni Cemetery Mausoleum, perma nelo « Canadian Pul @ Union amen be at Bouiampton,| A " " Nd : | hn Kan od! Onis heartless action on the Ontario, st # ister dale, (Friends are 1 a onsolidated Paper t of leading hank and the asked not ta call ot the Funeral Home was up % at 43%, and Howard pat 0 8 " / il an i before Batupday evening.) Smith: and International Paper allure 0 je federal govern 4 torium f 1 al 89% and 8%, [ment to provide a mora BD, Elissheth = On Thursday, | Went ahead ¥ a 4 4. | Pid, 18, 196) ut the Queen Elizabeth | Bathurst A and Great La for Woligage olde " Is A IT ar. Hospital, Elizabeth Freeman, formerly both eased % at 4414 and 4! {ing indictment of 8 gavernmen 3 Salem Avenue, Toronta, and Of (JH refuses ta o ig wife uf the late Samuel Ward,| Utilities moved in a narrow| whieh refuses 0, admit nies dear mister of George and Maud Free range, while steels were mixed Are Serious {] anana, man. Resting at the Earle Rilo pu to lower. Wren said nernl Home, 718 Dovercourt Ros tl ; . south of Bloor), Beryies in the ehapell Dome proved a drain on the! He Aald that When the are Saturday ab 11 a.m, Interment Prospect gold index with a 7h-cent drop egislature reco ] Femelary, at 95%, Other losses were in the Tuesday the Liberal party will mo-- ema fractions while, among WHEE Fremicr Foal 1 i hase metals, Labrador "and Nor:| " LOCKES FLORIST anda influenced the section with La ot ke (Jeaidents, dec\are. a Funsrel arrangements nd losses of Y at 2004 and 41% We'll as Wm » | oélare | rol requirements for International Nic kel gained § (fA | moratorium on morigages in fcCasions a at 8 " Northern Ontario = where de " ht YA ad Senior uranium ' were| pressed conditions exist--to at OSHAWA SHOPPING |dtronger, Denison up % at 1, (lohet, Selon, hou Bo, v - Rio Algom up 15 cents at $8.75 | change of government o CENTRE Ottawa," he added ------ _ - . aaa - He sald Eimer Sopha, Liberal ANGELES SIGN RICE member for Sudbury, had also GERROW FUNERAL LOS ANGELES (AP) = Los CHAPEL Ange i 4 sald Tuesday the y have P Kindness beyond price i 'of 16 National Foi Yoo! sea atients sons, to a plaver contract Al yet within reach of all spokesman sald he was a free RA B-6226 agent, Rice, BK, started his maj Should Know 390 KING STREET WEST or league career with the St Louis Cardinals in 1045, Last Of C : year he appeared in 10 games IN MEMORIAM for the Cardinals and Chicago ancer j A GENERAL MOTORS VALUS Cubs, hitting 222, He was re , ddl, TORONTO (CP) = Most ean EMITH In loving memery of all ased hy the Cubs cer patients should he told the dear mather, Mary mith, wha passed | truth, although each case has to ¢ Every day, 1h home Smal way, CARD OF THANKS he decided on its own merits, a pe Rag LR A panel of doctors sald Thursday BUI missed, still Javed and ever dear, | FLEMING = a night ¥ ate A " ap Sadly missed and Jovingly remem: [ren Marine Fiona Taio 4 he late The panelists, appearing at heved hy Mary and son-in-law Marshall | hoie sincere thanks far the many acts (the women's service conference f kind I » -- of Kindness, messages of sympathy ar " M : SMITH In loving memory of my [fram friends, neighbors and fop fiom | of the Ontario division, Cana Y dear mother. Mary Ann Bmith, wha | tributes, in the recent death of a wan: |A1AN Cancer Bociety, sald per passed away January 80, 1958 derful and loving mother We would [sons today are not as afraid of Sweet memories will linger forever, especially like (0 thank the Kinoven! y Time cannot ehange them, it's te; | Lodge, Brooklin, stabi of Fort Perry |CANCET AS they were at one A Sears that may she sannal saver Hospital, andl he wanderful eare given [time Nr loving remembrance of you hy Dre, John MeKinney of Broaklin | watie asks ank Ever remembered hE Aanghier Hilda | Will and Cora V, Peel [he PIR Balen haks poivt bi a son + In + law Bd, and grand | aah union ' ' todd 1 1 . Baio nd Blane | [I M, Janes, professor emeritus Because GMC's Big Breakthrough ushered in the Sixties with the outstanding success of the AMITH = In loving memory of 4 Please Note {Taronto, "Felling the patient is tf ate EEA coats mow tn aie tor [he focors ob, wk hf : finest trucks GMC has ever built! Here are some of the reasons for this great success, n memory, & dally thought, this eolumm y's," n heart, a silent sorrow : RB 1 | w, KB, J D ) ph Lavingly vemembered hy Jack, [| PEATHS == Dr, ®, A. McCulloch of the Voohne and 4PoAL BFaRdENIdreR 11 AM, SAME pay | Ontaria Cancer Institute's vio Because of GMC's performance! You cut costs with ~~ Because GMC has the big choice in trucks! There'sa ~~ Because GMC offers more safety and comfort! logieal vesearch department SMITH = Tn loving memary of a |] Births, Memeriams, Cards of |said many. cancer patients ap GMC's great engines! New GMC Twin-Six boasts the truck=specially designed and tailored to your particular ~~ GMC's are softer riding and simpler handling, thanks to dear grandmother and great grand: | Thanks = preciate a sensible account of athe, MAY An Sih) wha passed 9 AM SAME DAY thelr ness, highest performance of anystandard gas engine, Unique job from the tread up~in GMC's new lineup for '61! independent torsion-spring front suspensions, And away January 8, | | " 3 A + 3 Wil memary and life departs DIAL RA 8.3492 % a Who should GMC V-6 has a built-in endurance of up to 200,000 miles ~~ From pickup to tilt cab , , , from % ton to 60 ton, GMC GMC's new Vari-Rate rear springs on heavier duty a Ti | of temperament," he added ~and GMC V8 Diesels give more power per weight and offers a most flexible choice of power téams, chassiss ~~ models make every ride smoother--more comfortable Just, "Arandehiieen * Rethy, Paul ; ; more power per dollar | cab combinations and special duty equipment, empty or loaded | ent 10 i mes so MERRY MENAGERIE BA Ty HE iin : Bocause of GMC's dependability in every phase of ~~ Because of GMC's dollar saving features! In. Because of GMC's fine service network! Go to your ea in Distributed by King Features Syndicate your trucking operations ! New ideas in engine design, ~~ geniously designed frames are lighter but stronger,,, nearest GMC dealer for the advice you need about your You fought ta gel yell But al) wae In VA) big breakthroughs in chassis and cab engineering, new: engines=built to outpull, outlast, outsave com= new truck, He's a trained truck man=like his When God ealied on home To Hix FATAER of TeRb We -- ol improved structural strength throughout the entire parable size engines . , . trucks designed to increase experienced servicemen, They sell and service the best It's true what they say, He kos only the Beak iY Ee range of trucks mean more efficiency in your business, earnings a hundred ways | trucks in Canada~trucks by GMC | wEver vemembered hy husband Harry, GNC-S61A SMITH = In loving memory of a doar mother and grandmother, whe passed away January Like falling loaves, the years pass hy Bul wemaries of you will never dis, In our hearts you are there 1h slay, Loved and remembered every day, Ever remembered hy daughter Bike), soi-inlaw Herbert and graddehilren, BMITH = In ving amar A | 1 doar mother, Mary Ann Smith, Ua passed away January 8, 1958 X Mather, You ate Bol forgeiien, Ee 4 held Though af earth you ate 8a mare, SUL IR memary you are with ws, a & AS you Always were helure = ] - F Ever remembered hy davghier Alles, 3 dou and grandehidiven iid NN "i . . Lies ea S e wa SMITH \ ' Eo LL aa - loving memary of a dear mother and grandmethel, wha Paved away January 3, 1958, The siden Sale Sood ApeR } Thies years age teday LT \ ' ty With farewells left wiapaken TPT Re You quickly slipped away af A God KRew Thal YOu Weis Wears, . © 1 The Ni voup wh LIN { hsnty Pros ho BB Your A wn His CNG 1=20 oo Bah Teer And whispered "Foace be Whine™ ER RL He wd Ha Boy! Waa I thiswiyl®, © 266 KING ST. W. -- OSHAWA WHITBY, ONTARIO

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