The Oshawa Times, 20 Jan 1961, p. 9

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ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH EXECUTIVE HOLDS FIRST MEETING | 4 mewn. Ewes | She Oshawa Times Mayor Will | Areq Municipalities Open Hockey , A WeekHere 10 Get Plan Details The week of dan, 21 10 6) wo poopie the members of meeting that the city this yearihe provided 1n serve the lands has heen sel aside as "Mino planning hoards and engineer- plans to have a major trafficlin question." Hockey Week in Canada," Right! g staffs in. the individual siirvey, He suggested that 8! "That no further suburban across the Dominion, hockeyl ou, ioiociiies to hecome better major street plan for the area development take place within people of every classification acquainted with the detgils of would tie in with such a study | the designated area unless a will be setting aside this weekly "s os on iineering study, re-\ns the city's program would not municipally-owned water pnd for hockey activities. In On ooniiy completed hy Municipal] stop at the city boundaries Con-\em is available or can he pro- THE NEW EXECUTIVE of | Hall, Shown in the photo, left | president; D. Iverson, presi- | D. Sevenish, A, Cocker, C | Not shown are M., Proctor, tario, it will A wow #5 Planning Consultants Co. 144., sultanis to do the job have Moti vided 10 serve the lands in ques: Branch 43, Royal Canadian | to right seated, are C, Smith, | dent; 1. Mitchell, past presi- | Oke, W, Beaton, H, Bathe, | second vice - president and Minos Hockey Week, bit Wo, Oshawa Regional Planning heen selected : tion." Legion, held its first meeting | treasurer; B, Jacklin, service | dent; A, Will, secretary, Back | I. White, sergeant-at-arms; = W, Hungerford ; 7 Oshawa ; ' , Board Thursday night recom- Reviewing the work done by| "a, Wandless also felt that Thursday night at the Legion | officer; H. Brown, first vice- | row from left, are A. Elliott, | N, Hircock and A, Walker Oshawa Times Photo Here in Oshawa he ney mended the consultants explain the board during 1960, Mr. Lofl- another recommendation was of y Hockey Association has BYrang- their report to the hoards in the house emphasized that the paramount importance, F his . ed a curtain - raiser to MInor\six participating municipalities, board dealt with problems of Breads as follows [Han key Week in Canada when! RI. Roberts and M. H. Sin long-range nature. He was firm: "That discussions he initial alse {they parade representative play: clair of the Community Plan-\ly convinced, he said, that re- ed between the various municls ' ers of every division, ever yining Branch, Depariment ofl gional planning is essential and) oeiities and with the Ontario team in the Oshawa Minor Municipal Affairs, attended the! must deal with all phases of Water Resources Commission . By ongregation (Hockey Association "Citylmeeting and commented favor: the life of the community, leading to a report on the fea: League" (32 teams); the Neigh-lably on the planning study . ! C ' ; | 'FERENC sibility of the formation of # horhood Parks Association (16!They emphasized however MANY DIFFERENCES inten A utili Com i f teams); the Catholic Youth that the study only laid the Mr Lofthouse commented J i po " 0) y ol Han ¥ ' ¢ at the (ri-coupty planning '0F Ie supply of waler ar Org H Leg I g a v pt | HhA > i hy ne dicating healthy progress in bership of 341 in the two auxil fr nigation (4 Le hs) and he £100 ons Ri eva lope 44 vorkshop he attended ha d!1he treatment of sewage in the { y HE W ngn i i » q RR BA pg many phases of the church's aries, mission and hahy hands om Cnt Wireh Horses J bis They ureed that one of S17essed the benefits of county entire area . 4 Leams VEATS 3 (7 i work were presented with the WOMEN ACTIVE, . the aims of the group shoud "Anning. It was his opinion) pispogas, PROBLEM annual meeting of Simcoe Street. The nine groups of the pLAYERS TO DRESS he to acquaint residents of the that there are too many Gif: yr or 00 thers of Bow United Church was held Wed. women's association, with a On Saturday, Jan, 21, af 10 aren with what can he dope (ferences between the north and| opine noted that the consults osday y combined membership of 520 ( every te the d p i south sections of Ontario County ' 8 nesday night am, from ever) am in the along the lines of well-planned ants' map, dealing with sewer The meeting was told that §23- raised $5080 of which $5016 was ahove - mentioned organizations development In make this practical disposal plant in his municipal: 724 was raised for all mission: given to the building fund, This four players. the coach and The effectiveness of ar ity should he located near the ary work in Canada and over 1s in addition to a pledge of $10, yp anaoer' will be dressed in his CHAIRMAN RE-ELECTED hoard lay in what it is able to}, seas, Of this amount $17,202 was 0 over the next three year team sweater and skates on the, During the meeting George accomplish, Mr. Lofthouse con le sai e under w contributed to the missionars Fhe 50-50 Club, with a mem: joe at which time. the mayor |Lofthouse was re-elected chair-[tnued. While it was difficult to 1, b Sild, Pliha are idol way and maintenance fund, Contribu- bership: of 100, raised $085 of "the City of Oshawa Her/man and Ralph Vound as secre: make long range predictions prese plant, arv-treasurer. 1 : 2 » bene rive near Highway 401, to take care tions to the latter fund were through various projects, the worship Mayor Christine Thom. 1@ry-Areasurer, The office of he felt the benefits flerived from of a population of 15.000, The $320 over the high total raised principle one heing the turkey as, will officially declare Minor vice-chairman will he filled at the education of sotldems estimated cost of the SXpaNsion the February meeting rea Is importan d in 1058 nppey fockey Week in Oshawa, Along A is $450,000, He did not feel the Campaign Chairman Wari The choir reported a most suc: with the mayor will be the offi- 10 view of the fact that no Mr. Wandless stressed the town should Ay Lo foe its Smith reported that $102,334 had cessful year of leading the con cials, dignitaries and hockey ng." Ninja Hy i for Ag b iis ations foaled in present plans if it had to ] 5 p i ng ih i" Wi { er 1n ane relerres 1 memners ) 4 heen raised to date in cash and Bregation in the. ministry = of (abies who will declare their Ne : ol : ahandon the plant within 20 i tribution of $106 per the land use, zoning provision vd A praise under the capable direc: ' CLK a con I 4 pledges to underwrite the cost | I support during this week municipality to finance t helproposed water supply, sewer: Years of the Sunday School renovation tion of Reginald Geen, The! "phis Saturday. morning fea hoard's work. tt was explained age facility and storm drain: Mr. Roberls expressed the ladies' parlors and chapel, con: membership is 46 ture, Minor Hockey Week Jam:|po"" poard started 1060 with #lags maps which were shown for|opinion that the plant might he struction of which hegins thi Other groups, sueh a he horee, will introduce to the PUb-thatance an hand of $3428 andlthe first time constructed in units hut it spring Helping Hind Groun, the younkijic a cross = section of the play: |e ved © sein in revenue, Al He felt the first two vecom-|might be cheaper in the long 4 9 51 . peoples union and the Scoullars™ (Atoms, Pee-Wees, Ban total of $1480 was spent, leay-\mendations were essential, [Fun to erect the plant near the A PRESENTATION was | tation was made "for zealous- | by Harold Eaton, provincial 862,559 RAISED Broun commitiee, reported en-iaine Midgets, Juveniles, ete ing a halance of $2548 on hand. These were lake as, in the event of develop made recently to Cameron | ly upholding the traditions of president, Canadian Legion It was reported we ola couraging progress and a great or all hockey teams in action in "That no further urban de- ment of designated industrial Oke hy Don Iverson, Presi- | our organization and devotion | The presentation is made raised for all purposes by the deal of financial assistance BWV: Oshawa during each week MAJOR TRAFFIC SURVEY elopment take place within land, sewage would have to he dent of Branch 43, Royal | 10 the furtherance of its ideals | every yeas church and its organizations, not en the church through variou throughout the hockey season.| 0. A, Wandless, Oshawa plan (he designated area unless a pumped back tn the existing Canadian Legion. The presen: | and activities." It was signed Oshawa Times Photo including the building fund, a-\project It will he your opportunity for\ning director, informed the yunicipally-owned water sys: plant mounted to $62,550 Klders elected to the session|you and your entire family to lem sewerage system and drain:| "You have to gel down io . Fhe Jeporty Showed iy Hawt were Rowland Arnold, Hugh see for yourselves just what has age system is available or can what the present population is FAMILIARIZATION members. had heen added to the Gilchrist, Wiltrid Haminy, DY. heen going on In the minor CELEBRATING able to pay for, It requires care: {church roll during the year, Andrew W Harding ful planning," commented Mr Knest hockey way in Oshawa; to in {bringing the total membership! Hilts, Martin Libby, Norman Me spect the Children's Arena and BIRTHDAYS Jur Rules Robert wr | JURY . ito 1875. The sacrament of hapt Alpine, Walter Roe, Bruce Son ally sit back and Iness A ism was administered to 62 in-\loy, Stanley Taylor and Roy tinally i" ack and » tne 1 Congratulations a PROCEDURE EXPLAINED om 0S1 o£ » 00 S fants and 22 couples were Weatherbee games. Bince this morning is Wishes to the following rest Me Tiprevemtativer of Ua [married Funeral services were lected to the Blew: | fo ay Fo dents of Oshawa and dis 'Ruto Death community planning branch ex- Board of for all children, they will he [romorod for 39 bereaved fam: ards wore Fronk Hino A Loi bat sanaral ad trict who are celehrating plained that in some municipal: Most encourgging reports in- ary society which has a mem ilies lewell and Fred Jones Mision Tor ide: Iran their birthdays today ities the Ontario Water Re- \d The. y as i jihe i ) § 8 Commission has taken Y Phe Sunday School reported a, The. meeting was ably con: pens : Donald Gibson 0h Kent » uroes Wy y ; Discussed B Board total enrolment of 547 with 44 ducted under the chairmanship id Whithy; Malcolm Smith CCl enta over the operation of the Water teachérs and officers The a-lof Fred Britten SUPPORT NEDED 11 James street; Maleolm and sewerage utilities, The of Minor hockey in Oshawa is Smith, 560 Stevenson road commission provides adminis blooming and will expand in the, north; Mrs, Cathy MacDon A girl testified here Thursday stration while the munieipali- The educational policy com- debenture issue of $2,062,575 toed, the hoard agreed the gen. Mount raised was $1075, Education met Thursday night request was turned down. the Sterling Construction Co missions total of $3783 was| all the city hockey organiza to acquaint new heard wmem-| He pointed out that a pro. raised by the women's missions! f CiLy hockey organiz : Fs Breit : np Aum | TRUSTEE DISTURBED tons will welcome full & hers with the hoard's proposed posed slope floor auditorium TRUSTE) dad mE O'Neill pai on thei Rime your provide| Mahaffy, Darlington Blvd she sald nothing for fear of he: | systems to be linked and serve R, 8. McLaughlin Composite|and swimming pool were then / y have : ary Leach. 776 Griers y (0 at i iver! |severs ipalitie Bd AcLaughi om a ik kJ ol yen plans, [54d he was "disturbed very Wil we jave to ng in sy n er alne an opportunity for the develop] Barry Leach, 776 Grier Son (ing called a "hack-seat driver", (seve ral munieipatiti § It was [much ahout the new school and| Shs from the outlying areas to ment of the physical, character | Jeet Jo nr a Vos ate i) fo cn wht | mittee of the Oshawa Board of (build its proposed school, 'Theleral contract would he let to Which Bam, was contributed tol Old Foll Children's Arena, weekly, and| 8d, 417 Fairleigh Ave; |she knew the car which carried|ties involved pay on # share Mrs. Oral Hogg, 30 Elgin [her driver to his death was hasis On this basis it is pos: | Bowmanville; Bandra [passing through a ved light, butlsible for water and sewerage ™ . \ y The board chairman, Trustee, Rev, P, Coffey said the hoard J fill the shops?" she asked Oshawa; Stella Tvanoff, 526 y : . vate hill to accomplish what is 8. G, Baywell, said the purpose|felt the school could he huilt the letting of Jenders haing dis- Mr. Roberts pointed out boys » building and other benefits of Dunkirk Mrs: Stanios Tack University of Western Ontario desired of the familiarization discussion|for $1,750,000 without the extras i180 In en y al I th, ne start their shop training in B msmen hackey far our youth, Watch| son, 161 Bedford Ave: Roh. | VA% testifying at an Inquest in: During its meeting the hoard of the proposed plans was toland city council intimated je wo going o Hal i on Grade 9 and about 40 per cont your hoy playing during Minor art. Mason. M3 Findcan io phe de in ob Donald William |g tentative approval to the enable the trustees fo vote onwould approve a debenture! , A , of the hoys are recognized hy : ania Hockey Week in Oshawa, Hock Lynda Snudden, 840 Thorn bh *, 8) ollie) Oromo: | ovapased Dwyer Heights subd hi f build 1] hool A . the question when it arose dur- issue of $1,000,000 problem of building this schoo ; My h noevening of entertainmentley is Canada's national sport on Oct, 16, at King street and pid big. J I F Asue 000, bids dl i hole context (the department as shop stu ul lsd bad ton's road north; Virginia vision, on Garrard road north, in ing a hoard meeting Father Coffey said the hoard ise ig in its y wis con ext dante was sponsored hy the Oshawa helping boys become hetter Smelko, 228 Ena: Tedd Ritson road Whithy Township. The fourth ye 2 . 9 A the: problem of education Kinsmen Clu y 38 3 | > k uy Ld ' y She se . " L 4 Trustee Saywell said he did yequested council's approval for| in i 3 He said the teachers are pep. 1" Jb Wednesday, Jan. meh : Milgate, RR 3 Bowman: | She tld Arh Was driving her! go.op housing development in not feel the new hoard mem-|a debenture issue of $1,889,000)", Poa Wes ype | SUAdING boys with the ability|yy! By oe The executives of the hockey| ville: Gloria Goulding, 215 (from a wedding reception 10 linha "area, the subdivision will hers were familiar e b ! Prustee Leo Glover said there [Manor in the Manor Auditorium. | leagues. the coache. p tel where her relatives were ers were familiar enough with yan 8 to build the new school eemed to he "a great deal of 10 do so to take a general A Youn Seen ig | 16 agues, the coaches and man Grenfell Ave. Janet Kirk [mote where her relatives were pave 15 lots and a shoal site, the board's plans for the new|ppe request, due to its Iateness | 4iccon ion among the hoard ©ourse with a shop option, He Hat yl D Eroup tom ie Feneiagers of your (hoy(s) on regu] hride 85 Rowe 8t.; Darlene | staying fhe said she knew he yf will be serviced from a coms school to vote on questions|in the year, was referred back who "iho new school was dis. 581d a straight technical course Arve MAnCing Academy per-ljar hockey mornings, after] Rouse. #9 Oshawa Blvd, [had been drinking hut thought| mon well located in the subdivis dealing with it. He said the|in the "board, Father Coffey! y avd ie does not permit a hoy to furthep|formed a delightful variety of poops, and nights need your| north and Linda Oliver, 848 (him competent {o handle the sion to the north, meeting was the first of two or{gaid "lensed by the 1060 hoard his education afte he has loft|9ances well received and ap: moral and financial support and| Adelaide We Cal [ ee the t . ie wanted .to know why the hoard(" ication after he has left weciated hy the resident hid, Lota aetalde est 4 ? three the hoard will he holding Trustee Saywell said the was ing together during|Mgh school I i 1y the residents everyone should attend the The first five persons ta hey were going east on King to discuss the new school hoard had : decided on what its uli oo Me pki! y 1a 1 gun Ruth Ann Debosky, twice (Minor Hockey Jamboree if al inform The Oshawa Times [street and, as the car approach: HISTORY OUTLINED firm, or firms, to whom it building : CANNOT BE SEPARATED medal and trophy winner, per:|aii possible, See your (hays(s)[ of their birthdays each day led Ritson north, she said shel Outlining the history of the would award the contracts for Trusten O'Neill promptly re He A hool phineipal said you formed a solo twirl, followed hy and his friends in action against] will receive double tickets to [saw the light was red hut said school, Trustee Saywell said the construction of the school. He plied "because it wasn't dis [tas Jeparate | 0 JOYS who are ten-year old Judy Kewin, CN "lather top hockey players of his| The Regent Theatre, good {nothing hoard asked city council for alsaid, when tenders were open-loussed from. an ducational 4 NE Shop course lini pi hronze medal winner in a solo own age group for a four-week period. The "IT have sald things before tandpoint biti A, Sherel Loita Bish hen Peftormnce foto a Let's make a date right now| current attraction is Walt [and was called 8 hack-seat driv IPather Coffey said that he|ghans together D be Sight girl "Tartanette ang be there on Saturday, Jan| Disney's "Swiss Family [er," she said | PRESENT PLAQUE objected to the size of the tech: "myustes Saywell said the ril Ly went through theiriay 'hy 10 a.m, Don't send your| Robinson The Ash car went through the nical wing, He said when the ROAR TE 10 Ti nag |naces Us team has also dis hoy take him to the Chil Reports on birthdays will | ped light and collided with a plans were first being prepared members with whan tinguished itself in competition dren's Arena. This is and should he received only heltween southbound car driven by Clar ants 1th it of the ¢ y he hours of 8 ¢ 1 It was thought there should bef. na aehianl to do Ba ow around this part of the country, ne a family affair, It will bel the nurs of Ram. am 10 lence Beaudry, of Newcastle $ as : h qs 10 shops in the technical wing as with its plans for building the David Hare 14-year-old piano the responsibility of every coach| #:M Phone RA 3-0474 Ash was thrown from the oar | Ir (o] rou He said he felt six would be| ow school, He said the 1060 soloist, did a professional job onland manager to see that every | {and killed, Miss Labatt suffered) [sufficient, but he would settle hoard, by a vote of 10 to four numbers throughout the player on his team will be in!Association and the Neighbor only minor bruises | for eight (rogram playing Serenade inlaitondance also hood Parks Association plus! The jury ruled the death was . decided what it wanted the G ty Handel. Pe LD i At 1 OBJECTED TO SIZE school to do A ; if bik J Feunant Lane od ) Gh ather dignitaries ; accidental but added that it] u inner Trustee O'Neill then spoke Following the hour-Jong com: vot Hoven, Ronating by Kurkley OPE NG PROGRAM 10.16 am, = Grand Parade might have heen avoided if the again, This time he said he Mittee meeting the board wag And Pre lude in GG hy Handel 10 A M Official Opening by and introduction of all teams| Ash car had been equipped with turned into a hoard meeting to Mitoh Miller recordings weve Mayor Christine Thomas, Others in Minor Hockey Leagues inlsafety bells | : y p 9 shded 18 {objected to not getting a meet. : i eS, 2 Bhi i jd Altended 130 Kiwanis moet ing of the Bi fy policy [80 into committee of the whole Played and lunch was prepared officiating will ho the Presidents Oshawa { It recommended the use of The Ioh of due ol | a hos ng committee for a whole vear to/'® Show the new members and served by "the Kinnettesof the Oshawa Minor Hockey, 10.80 a.m Fram 10.30 10] safety belts and the installation] i 4 J p stohe y we X vg 5 y wie aven- As W a (Vs y r \ y y , a 0 | mount Kiwanis Chub at Adelaide! PERFECT ATTENDANCE discuss the school, He said he/Sketehes and specifications for/ending a most entertaining even: Association, the Cathalic Y outh 1.00 pm, there will be hackey|of street lights on the north side! It the propesed composite school, |ing |Organization, the Inter-Church/games as your entertainment fof King street | House on Thursday was also pointed out in the objected to the size of the President Henry Reed was in Westmount Kiwanis Club salute school and he could not see charge of the program that went '@ Mr. Stroud that he has had where it would fit in with the on lg i 1 i OO ) ou y hack to toil the story of 'Mr. Perfect attendance for 13 years, other secondary schools in the | 6 a 6 | | 3 M or er | ROBERT CARBAUGH Stroud's life as a member of mn Chaltman of the Red Cross city me 3 : : Fa | : Be | ¥ Kiwanis, Assisting with the pro Hood Donor Clinic, which the Another newcomer to the w x 3 X 4 : T i d t gram and narrating the story local olinie led 'all clinics last hoard. Trustee Robert Stroud, Bs : a : Ri a 0 on uc were Peter Simpson and Dan Year with more than 4200 bottles questioned what avea of the city { Jd ns Ormiston of blood the new school would serve 3 ] : F Ty 3 3 d i | Sacred Program Mr, Stroud not only takes an how many students it would : > 3 : a ACTIVE KIWANIAN active interest in Kiwanis work, accommodate at present and % sf i : 8 ) 1 : For Idea | Robert Carbaugh will conduct AN paving tribute to Mr. but also finds time for his hobby What was the long.range plan . i & ai. : k 4 § ' N the Women's Glee Club and Stroud, it was noted that he had op photography, and last vear for the school, rw & iF | a & . ; Handbell Choir from the famous served on committees at alllwas elected to the Oshawa 4 0 a 0 a : A 3hyoar-ald member of the Mood Rible Institute in Chis levels of Kiwanis, both District! Board of Education 1H PUPILS ; : : i 3 ; Sal a 3 a " accounts receivable Section alioage, Tlinais, in their concert andl National, In 149 he became) "yy "oy 3 event tribute to a TTUStee Harold Armstrong { ; ww {ieneral Motors of Canada has of 'saered musie in the Calvary A ig - ot Jhe Dunbarton Club) an who has given much of his Replied he hropesed school § of 3 8 n 3 4 heoame the fivst winner of the Baptist Church, Contre and John and in 1950 he weame second time to help community proj world accommodate 1140 - stu } E 5 § $5000 maximum award under streets, Oshawa, on Sunday at Vice previdont In 1931 he took oc the peaple of this com. deNS and populating it was a 3 EJ the GM Suggestion Plan, the 7 pm ar the P 1 § BV y 3 A ; or 1 aver yh Dunbarton club as' pon AC PANicaiaY five year plan He said he ex 3 : company announced today Mr. Carbaugh is a gifted mus presidon : pected it would be filled within 3 4 q Ross Souech, who joined the jcian, plaving first violin in {he \ In the ¥ i 53 My Steud PLAQUE PR NTED four years Ti : ; company five years age, ve Honolulu Symphony Orchestra District 6 is Led hu re . Follow ng the list of . Ay He said he did not agree with w fir 3 A ceived the award for suggesting and founding the Honolulu Jun travelled 17 000 lo ea y Stroud's achievements, Presi: two schools above King street i : pd : 3 | ¢ changes in storage and distribu: jor Symphony while serving as ravetiec [Ba miles built dent Reed presented Mr. Stroud to accommodate 2400 students 3 4 ; tion procedures for Vauxhallla missionary in Hawaii far fif three new Kiwanis clubs, and with a plaque on behalf of the as against about 14 schools he- : F 3 § : 3 i ; hiles destined pp altonded 170° moetings of Ki ih I Hdl ) 5 3 8 3 and: Envoy automobiles destined toon vear visti J) § me m a 3 the Westmount K i+ low ing street He said he ; k \ 3 : 4 J o for sale in eastern Canada His gifts are now employed on In 19 h " holding the wanis ub in appreciation for would like to see a breakdown 3 a 3 1 3 Mr, Souch had previously won the teaching staff of Moody esi olding 0 his work with the Westmount of the population figures to see " ll : 3 ; \ y ast as secretary of the D , 3 ; the minimum award of $10 un-/Rible Institute and he is also | \ ( { \¢ Wh Club and Kiwanis as a whole, [how the new school would he \ v \ \ bartan Kiwanis Club, Mr. Stroud k apulated ? : dev the plan, He is mavvied and divectar of music in the great was the district attendance and fwanian Brack Wells pre | ( \ I Prin pal G. LL. Robert § lives in Oshawa Moody Church in the same eity membershin chairman The dis. Sented Mrs. Stroud with a gift ent Be ad b gh, \ GM increased the maximum Those trained hy him are in 0 renteg J | ON § p 3 triet swelled its ranks hy over on behalf of the club. In reply Tamm We Lali we XN the award possible under the SUE fspived to give of their best in M0 members that vear Mrs. Stroud said she was proud this time the se ool has pH gestion Plan from $2500 tojevery performance, and it is § $3000 in 1938. There had been!anticipated that the sacred con A trond's \ 0 he dance » Ve Ir. Strond's record as a Kit © In attendance at the meet been on shifts or staggered $93 wanian is known far and wide. !ing and thanked the club for timetables for 18 vears several winners of the S200 cert here on Sunday night will . ' § not only in Canada but in the!their gift ¢ maximum be ane of the greatest musical United States as well. His list of Following the presentation of QUESTIONS SHOP NEED x $ : GM of Canada people have programmes hronght 10 - this achievements include, chairman his plaque, My. Stroud told the. Wanting to get to the bottom ) { heen paid $450,000 in suggestion city this vear district club building committee, club that "as 1 have travelled of the need far 10 shops in the BL awards since the plan started in' The Calvary people are mak 18 new clubs built that vear, 1958 acrass the country attending Ki- technical wing Trustee Mrs ; 1, Payments in 1960 of $112 ing provision" far extra seating charter member and' huilder wanis meetings 1 have found Margaret Shaw questioned how § 32 set an alltime record for 'afin the auditorium. There is ne Westmount Kiwanis Club, 1958 that | am thought more of and many technical students do the i single year, The second largest|charge for admission bat an governor of the 'Ontario, Mari- my office of governor respected schools have between Grades 10 . - I suggestion award, $3800, was offering will he received for the td a Qu hee Sistricts > mire here in OShan \ and this n i 12 to ke tau ap ra. un on CH ie hora) aw and of 1 the largest | GM President, E. H. Walker Comptroller | Pierson, [paid to Lewis Daniel, an Osh: work of the Moody Rible Insti Stud albu Re ut strc, $ far aws he y " ¢ A VS > ars eo ounts Receivable | award paid by GM of Canada | presented the $3000 cheque ta | left nd Supervisar i [Awa north plant inspector, in tw The doors open at 6:30 Hes place dents to occupy 10 shops, orf section won a suggestion | under the Suggestion Plan. | Mr, Souch, Looking on are | Pierce GM Photo 'May, 1960 pm

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