T. EATON EXECUTIVES TOUR NEWSPAPER PLANT of department heads, from The Eaton's of A group ! ! i : : 4 the Canadian Press transmit Shown from story coming over the teletype | ment heads how their display | machine in the news room of advertising is set up and how ! ter at Toronto The ma Hockey Week Because minor hockey is the very tosmdation of all hockey ip Canada, the Canadian Amalenr Hockey Association, is branch es and wifilintes and their many affiliated ovgemizations, Jn in emphasining Hs importance" 16 mr young people and to ovr Cry Your participation in the fifth annus! "Minor Rockey Week in Canada' which starts Seinrday Jan. 21 snd continues 19 Satur: day, Jan, ia is sobicited We have taken the liberty of assuming thet "YOU" do want 19 co-operate, to make this the greatest "Minor Hockey Week in Canada' yet. We know yom will cooperate! Don't Send Take your boy to the Arena! Encourage Hockey -- and you'll disconrage Wookey from School! Briefly, the purpose of "Minor Hockey Week in Canada" is two-| fold (1) to direct public at] tention tn the many AAvaMALes sociations of participation in Canada's Na tional Sport; and (2) to attract Sinanciuiby CABA Branches reported §19.904. spent in Wp port of or though grants 19 minor hockey, Add eo this the tremendous pmownt spent by players and teams for cqpnp- Went, rena resale, and trans portation, then you have the peture. In Ontane, & survey indicated that #4999 dollars had been spent by 1eams and 244 the wxpenditure of teams in other Branches of the CANA ond we can realize that Minor Hockey puis more than & mil lon dollars snnuslly into the pockets of the small business man, gas stations, bus compen les and local mremas. Truly "Minor Hockey Is A Million Dollar Business!" Your active support fifth annual "Minor Hockey Week in Canada" is enlisted! and there pre countless ways you can participate, Contact your local "Minor Hockey As and watch your locsl paper for details Your effort will be sn impor of the Gddle 2 2d tad ad Ao THE WEATHER OFFICE | and Quebec. Mainly supny (~ skies and cold weather are forecast for Thursday CP Wirephotn) says the Arctic gir which moved across Omane yester- day now covers all of Ontario WEATHER FORECAST - THE OONAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Ionwery lon DESIGN ADVICE LONDON (CP) ~~ Llewelyn Davis, one of Britain's leading architects, has gone 16 Amman [to advise the Jordapian health | ministry on the design of 8 new add 4 I | the Oshawa Times | chine in the foreground is the photophax machine which re ceives 28 news pictures daily 1 over an electrical circuit from it relates to the rest of the newspaper operation, Oshawa Times Assistant General Man- | ager Kenneth Tipney is point. ing to a Canadian Press news are: K. Jones Fred General, Reginald Tan: ner, C. H. "Bud" Jones, Mr Tipney, and John MeCardy OBITUARIES REUBEN BOLLS Reuben George Rolls, 92, died at the Oshawa General Hos pital, Tuesda Jan. V7, alter a hort iline resident of the Maorfield, Om area, he was in Oshawa visiting his son, Wil bert #0 Ritson road south The deceased is survived hy daughter, Mrs, George Bie (Ruth), of Kitchener ons, Wilbert in Osh ' { hion, in High River, Alta., He is also survived hy 13 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 'one great great-grandehiid He predeceased wife former ton Bory and Mi most of field. He Canada Store at the Oshaws | left to right Shopping Centre, are shown | on tour of the Oshawa Times Building. The of the tour was tn depart County Holstein Club, Meeting Big Success Holstein Friesian rpos show the A The annual meeting of tha Artificial Insemination was tak-|the ASS0 of Ontario County Holstein Clubling in the breeding of Holstein ciation, gave @ detailed report was held in the township hall, cattle, In 1960 of all regis-'on his work, He congratulated Manchester wi thi irations the result of the exhibitors from Ontario around 12%, Holstein hreeders Artificial Insemination Units County on thelr splendid su in attendance and the various purebred Breed. cess in the show ring at the President Ross F el impionship show in Peterbor the meeting at 1045 a.m He said that butter is in h and at the Royal Wintei opening address Mr plus supply at the present time Val He presented B90 lang gave detailed summary and will likely be a problem for term production certificates (o the projects carried out bh some time in the future. About!2l Ontario country breeders club in 1060 half of all the milk produc McLaughlin ed in Canada goes into the pro STRESS PRODUCTION duction of butter John Powell, chief of exten He recommended sion for the Holstein-Friesian As: marketing control for sociation of Canada the regardless of whether it guest speaker. He emphasized|ysed in the boitling trade or the importance of. type i to g irk al directors, brought greetings andiprocessing or for butter. Hi th ve 1 Sy production in Holstein cattle address was very timely and /om it Ik ! Fr neo and recommended olstein uhs ( y that contained a very great deal of "WY greater interest he taken on the worthwhile information DIRECTORS ELECTED part of Holstein breeders ini Cecil Disney thanked The election of directors for having their herds graded and Powell, on behalf of the Hof ted a3. follow ( . j y He ling - : 1061 resulted as follows ech in record production ing, for his splendid and Disney, Brooklin, RR 1 Le also emphasized the Importance formative address Smith, Port Perry, RR 2; Rob: NICHOLAS LAVAL PROJECTS APPROVED ért Flett, Oshawa, RR 2; Hugh| pollowing an line of two Hospital Gets The various projects carried Ormiston, Brooklin RE 1; R, J. weeks the death occurred at the Many Gifts out during the year were dis. Smith, Blackwater; Ronald Oshawa General Hospital Tues cussed and it was decided tol Werry, Oshawa, RR 1; J o hn|day, Jan. 17, of Nicholas Laval, sponsor the following projects 1eask, Seagrave, RR 2; Ralph of 10 Colborne street east. He n, § g 4 a § WIth year in 1961; Bus Trip, probably to/Chambers, Wilfrid; Mae Chris-| was in his #9 " g pt AS » late d La Donations to the Oshawa Gen.|00¢ of the neighboring cham- tie, Fort Perry, RR 4; Harold| A son of the late Fduard Laval eral Hospital bullding fund, net previously acknowledged are as follows ANONYMOUS over rree $1000 ni phenson ang two aw and wh recently were i rel yans opened sociation In hi Evans of the i by his Fmma Creigh December, 1956 the son of the late Mr Alhert Rolls, he spent life around Moore retired in 1958, The deceased a member of the Moorefield United Church and a member of the Loyal Orange nil ge Aidh The funeral i will he from the Harrison-Cibhson Funer al Home, Listowel. Interment will be in the Listowel tery wi the George national director, geve an interesting re port on the work of the na tional association Wak Roy Barker, Woodbhridg® and Jim MecCague, Alliston, nation an overall all milk wa 0 0 a f jes Mr meet of in 50.00 te ht on, Unie, i 1 at rin, Sr (twilight meeting; black and] Chas, Hadden was selected as| "4° V8 5 SE0T 8 vesident of {white show and a banquet, (the Ontario County nominee fo Bay for 80 years he spent a Gerry Nelson, fieldman for'national director for 1062 short time in Montreal after Maracle Press Lid, | coming to Canada employees ,,,, 3.00 | | Mr. Laval was a member of (additional pledge) CAPSULE NEWS the maintenance staff at the Miss Jean Felterly ,,, 10.00 | Coulter Manufacturing Co, He Charles Wilson Ltd Iwas a member of St, Gregory's Toronto r+ 100.00 | Roman Catholic Chureh; the Lester Hartley ,,,, . %.00 n | Hungarian Roman Catholic So Pitney-Bowes of Can © S © eqar ciety and of Local 222, UAW Lid The deceased, who never mar Turnbull Elevators ried, is survived hy a sister Ad % Mrs. Gearge Varga, California Rev. Paul M. Dwyer 150.00 and two nephews Hdmund and Remington Rand Lid. 500.00 IT WO 1 £5 Bala 8zaho, of Oshawa. Two sis Christmas Appeal=Dona ters and two nephews reside in tions to Jan, 17, 1060 385.00 MONTREAL (CP) Jeans, WOULD ANNEX SUBURBS | Hungary In addition, $100 was donated Paul Boisjoly, 41, an account| QUEBEC (CP) --The city of| The remains will he at the for the Nurses' Christmas pres: ant, salesman and onetime fed. Montreal has placed before the Mcintosh Anderson Funeral bats eral election candidate, was|Quebec legislature a bill asking Home for requiem mass in St sentenced to one year In jail|power to annex seven suburbs Gregory's Church at 10am, Fri [Tuesday for stealing two miles with a total population of about day, Jan. 20. Rev, 1, TM COMING EVENTS [of Canadian National Railways|65,000, Montreal also seeks au- (ough will sing the mass, Inter track from @& siding here inlthority to build a subway and ment will he In §t, Gregory's anon, athe Park, Bulale Avenue, |1958. Boisjoly was also ordered expressways and to organize an| Cemetery Thursday, 2 pom Euchre Saturday, 8/10 pay the CNR $12,871 for the identity card system for Mont Whist, Monday, § p.m stolen track. Defence Counsel|real residents FUNERAL OF Ivan Sabourin said he will ap FRED HANSEIX peal KILLED HIMSELF, FAMILY Funeral services for Fred GRAND BLANC, Mich (AP) Hansel, 611 Hortop street, who {Police sald a Grand Blanc man died at the Oshawa General HOSPITAL BOARD {shot and killed his wife and Hospital on Sunday, Jan, 185 {four children Tuesday, 'then were held at the Melntosh An NEWS IN BRIEF turned a deer rifle on himself derson Funeral Home Tuesday, {Pead are Thomas Clark, 7, his| 17, al 2 p.m - (wife, Janet, 37, ¢ J ; . ¥ " T. L, Wilson, chairman of the dren, Carl, and heir hi The services were conducted Oshawa General Hospital Karen, 10, and Kurt, 8 by Rev, H. A, Mellow, minister Board, Tuesday night welcomed : lof Narthminster. United Church three new members to the {Interment was in Mount Lawn hoard, The new members are : Cemetery Ald, Walter Branch, eity coun an ne Pallbearers were Ray Hay eil's representative to the : lack, Lorne Havlock, Ray Han board; Dr. W. G. ¥Y. Grant, ol, William Watson, Brian newly - elected president of the osts Southern, Mervyn Melean and medical staff and Dr. G. RB ' Harry Grant Doherty, newly elected vice president of the medical staff, | In Fatal AMBULANCE CALLS | he Os fire Depar p THREE APPOINTMENTS | . . W. he Oehawa ep rtmont Three new appointments were| BOWMANVILLE (8 ta ff) «|i 000 oqils since Tuesday morn made to the hospital medical Wallac @ KE. Rosseau, 33, of New ing. There were no fire alarms laff at the board meeting Tues castle, was fined $30, and costs day night. Dr, Hugh A. Rich:|®4 had his driver's licence mond was appointed to the asso | uspended hg iy months, when WANT AD LOCATES ciate stafl with privileges in| und Bullty Tuesday of im : s || paired driving general surgery. Dr. Yin Ching| "Rossen was identified by THUG FOR POLICE eung was appointed to the police as the driver of a car : associate staff with privileges {hat crashed.a tree last Oct. 1 | French police Knew a in anaesthesia and Dr, Chung causing the death of his broth:| ¥N!ed eriminal was an ex. Yeu Kwan was appointed to the er, James, a passenger in the perienced wine "cellar man associate staff with general car, The accident ocourred at| '0 restaurants, They placed practice privileges [the corners of the Clarke:| ® help wanted' ad for this | Darlington Township line and! occupation the oriminal AHEAD OF SCHEDULE the Tth Concession answered, and they nabbed W. A. Holland, hospital super The deciding factor which led) MM intendent, reported that con. Magistrate R, RB. Baxter to To locate the extra cash SITUCHon NOW in progress on the| Present this minimum fine, was Joi heed sell worthwhile new wing at Oshawa General/# report presented by a staff ani 0 Las p longed use Hospital is now about a month Member of the Attorney Gen i J Ny piv ah + ines Shuts ahead of schedule eral's Crime Laboratory, To lod Ads, Make FOUL ist, vonto, which stated Rosseau's then dial RA 33482 te place ELEVATOR REPORT [blood sample had a 19 parts) YOUU ad H Washington, hospital alcohol content, equivalent to building committee chairman, five pints of heer. This proved said Tuesday night his commit.|the court decided, at the time Was not marked as an tee studied the difference in/®f the accident, hours before! section, He said there had been cost of installing automatic and|!he sample had heen taken, a fatal aceident at the same manually operated elevators in Rosseau would have had a 1.6 spat in 1950 and that there was the new wing. He said the com Hi Ba hi Soy ot he hie y doubt in my 0 Tee ande: . be D ¢ Im) iltee recimmended the instal: goc cai™ of no time denied mind that Mr, Rosseau was im ation of automatic elevators, hat he had © | ad at the 4 {because it would cost the board ! a 0 had consumed thisinaired at the time of the acel about $14.000 to Tun one and amount of ale. On being ques: dent," said Magistrate Baxter tioned, he admitted to drinking "and any five 1 would sugges) a hall elevators manually for a least seven pints would. only be superficial in He it would cost pefence Counsel Terence \ son punishment SLL000 to install an auto: Kelly of Oshawa told the with due to matic elevator (that this was "a dangerous'the death of his brother," ] pm WHITEY BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW Wednesday |B Special extra in 54 Nos 54 Bus 'leave Terminal at 7:30 AT THE AVALON THURSDAY, JAN, 19 8 p.m., Eastview Park Neigh borheod As 20 gomes at $6 ond 6 jackpots at $40 Share the Wealth NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENIN 8PM at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and J n S18) Games $6 $20 May be double tripled $120 JAC January $100 Jackpots 54 and Oshawa Prize Door ular $10 Also al 3 OF i KPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 ST. MARY'S BINGO WEDNESDAY, JAN 8PM MARY'S OF THE AUDITORIUM 18th AT ST PEOPLE STEVENSON RD AT MARION N King street bus at door, Bus will be waiting at auditorium after bingo over 16 GAMES OF $8 | GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD CHILDF i 5 ADMITTED is type of intersection that ut 3 at year said \ oourt he al a th A about ° y is now livin Ceme-| inter | ] children's hospital Sunny And Cold Chance Of Snow TORONTO (CP) Forecasts evening. Partly cloudy tonight issued by the weather office pt and Thursday, Winds north 29, 4:40 am, EST hecoming northeast 15 Thurs. Synopsis: Arctic air which be: day gan sliding southward across Eastern Lake Ontario, Wisg Ontario Tuesday reached the op. eastern Lake Erie regions lower lakes about midnight and Foronto, Hamilton Cloudy. now covers the province, Thurs clearing. this morning colder. day will he mainly sunny and partly. cloud y tonight and cold over much of the province, 'phurcday. A few snowilurries NEW Triple-Action HOOVER of a new low, low price! Beats as it sit pie & Hoover can. Features ine clude throw Away dirt hag automatic rug adjustment ,, instant conversion for suction cleaning, 89.50 NU-WAY RUG 174 Mery WN, RA 8-460) BIG SAVINGS On Broadlioom See Our Ad On tern RsRRRY ONLY {Muskoka ,,, 8,|North Bay ,, Sudbury sisrenese Earlton +,4s Kapuskasing sever 20 White RIVEr ,eeess MOOSONEE 10000 es of SUITS Block's January Store Wide Clearance Is still going strong , . , join the crowd, drop in today, see real savings ! SUITS All wool English worsted suits tailored in 2 and 3 button, single button style, Grey, Blue or Brown, Sizes 36 to 44, Regular and talls, Reg, $59.50 to $79.50 SALE PRICE 39 a5 J FROM NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners, more parents to games in WW tant part of the observance, The their boys participate National total of success of this In addition, the week should special week is made up of all serve io.--direct attention to the individual efforts in every the character-hwilding, physieali city, town, village and hamlet and moral benefits of partici: across our great country pating in hockey; to encourage, Pow't let Minor Hockey Down further promotion of minor ~support "Minor Hockey Week hockey in every community niin Canada" and in OSHAWA! Canada; encourage parems tol We're counting on your help take an interest in their sons'! THANKS participation; invite parents to I take part as sponsors, mana . gers, coaches, league officials 18 T aft referees, ete; direct attention I iC to the ability of hockey to help our youth by teaching them good sportsmanship, develop compet Cases Heard tive spirit; teach them how to 'Give and Take"; how 10 co- 4 4 others: to respect! A total of $240 in fines was operate with ofl A whee levied in 18 traffic cases that| Western Lake Ere, Lakelymis moming and again over| id appeared before Magistrate A,[Huron, southwestern Georgian picks Winds north 20 today people's property 8, Mitchell, in the Oshawa Pay regions, Windsor, London: |eqst 15 tonight and Thursday, In other words, to teach good ourtroom, Tuesday, Five of the Mainly cloudy and colder with g " y citizenship and: thus lessen the poo "00 primi SBA) a few snowflurries, clearing by , Fasten Lake Ontario, Hali possibility of teen-age delinquen- "ro Wayne burton, northeastern Georgian cy; honor those who by their street and Steven Peter, of 4) Kan Kiriiana Lake, Pimuing. activities as volunteer workers| io t FE 8 ere | each * . te Pusiasing Fegions North fo Mitwr Hocker eoniiivule to fined $20 and costs for careless 1SIM1SS A cold A uty the adyvancemen anada's 4 4 National Game; inform the pub or iired G. Parish, of 150 Ver hyd orth Thursday. an o lic what your group, your 4 4 al 4 | branch, and the C.AHA, are un oud, was fined 47 N Charees Forecast Temperatures | doing for the boys of Canada; | oo. 0 qiing charge agit {| Low tonight, high Thursday: and present to the public statis Thomas English, of Brougham : BOWMANVILLE (Btaff) = Windsor 15 tical information ahout Minor ha Gramioaen d The charge of careless driving Bt, Thomas soeeese 19 Hockey, its ever-growing regis" Wiggers. of 88 Cadillac against Floyd Serviss, 22, of London [] tration 2nd its finances 1? A Et a a4 Oshawa, was dismissed by Mag: Kitchener ,oviv0ee 0 : ; avenue south, B, Lesenko, of 534|istrate BR. B, Baxter, Tuesday, Wingham ,..eeeees 0 Keep Canada First = Bupport prey gireet; and Ivan Allin, of when it was suggested by De- HAMID vores {Minor Hockey! Keep a hoy "A RR 4 Oshawa, were each fined| fence Counsel Terence V, Kelly, 8t, Catharines ,,,, [ice and you'll keep him out of\gsg ang costs for failing to yield| Oshawa, that at the time tHe{TOROND ,.,11e0ess hot water! At the last annualijy, vighe.of way car was out of control, Serviss| Peterborough ,... meeting of the CAHA., Jack! "wifiam Fukobels, of 470 Rit-|had been thrown from the Ve-/Trenton ...e...... Roxborough, president, andi on rood south, was fined $10|hicle, thus the car was running Killaloe chairman of the Minor Hockey sng oasis for driving without an|free Committee, reported that 102-1 0.000 Jicence, Robert] The incident occurred Dee 916 minor hockey players had\mponncon of Kingston, was on Highway 2, west of the CPR been registered in 1068-1060, and yinoq 590 for disobeying a traf-| bridge just out of Bowmanville, 122,310 in 1060-1060, an increase gi. sional, Berviss told the court that he of 10,904 over the previous sea-| 1 aug gieinfield, of 543 Simcoe| had been blinded hy lights of 8 son, This is only ® partial ples geef north, had his charge dis-| oncoming car, that he ha ture of Minor Hockey i Canada | missed He hed been charged swerved to She shoulder of the There are thousands more e le el highway an ue to the slip: . youngsters playing In teagues| in driving io the 4 no he pery surface of the road, had VIAN SPACE SHOT? under the supervision or author: |g aici of 601 Grierson avenue, | Dit the ditch and was thrown WASHIN yon, (AP) = The ity of the CAHA or its affiliates, | oer "ean sor failing to yield| (70m the car before it had presence of . y i Russian but not registered under CAMA |; re od crossed. She highway and fange ship In adv hd wounced off a tree p 3 gy 8 story can be told wi wt Kya, of Brooklin,| ""sagistrate Baxter suggested Tuesday, thereby increasing | ied $16 for overcrowding. | nat 'the charge of careless|speculation that the Russians (Stanley Cook, of RR 3 Frank: driving was no longer valig|are about to undertake a major | ford, had been charged for mak-| under these conditions, Ispace test, CITY AND ing an illegal right turn on a} rr : - red light, The charge was dis missed g DISTRICT Paul Castonquay, of 65 Sunset | ' | shraet, Oshawa, was fined $15 Y/.) a . {for speeding and $10 for failing | _ TEMPERATURE DIPS 10 come to & full stop at an in | The local temperature dipped iio contion, Clement Albert Bed: | {sharply in the night, It was Te dows, of Sunderland, was fined {ported that the high tempera-|gis for illegal passing, A charge [ure in Oshawa Tuesday was 38 of failing to report an accident, degrees above zero, The low! laid against Clarence Joseph last night was eight above zero, Banks, RR 1, Brooklin, was dis missed The same charge STREETS CLOSED against Donald Whiteman Me The following streets will be Quay, of Kingston road west, {closed to traffic today Elgin|Whithy, was dismissed {street west closed from Park | - road to west end of street; Ste. venson road south, from Gibh| [street to the CPR; Stevenson ORGANIST {south closed at the CNR, When| {ever possible these streets will 9:12 NIGHTLY {be open to local traffic Johnny McMann muck wheeken || HOTEL LANCASTER A pickup truck driven by [Robert Slack, of Ajax, was a total wreck after it clipped off a hydro pole and went through a {hedge, on Simeoe street north, | {Tuesday morning, Slack had |been driving north on Simcoe |street when the accident ocour: | (red, His truck came to a stop | (facing south, Damage to the | (hydro pole was estimated at $150 | | SHAVER STOLEN An eleetrie shaver was taken | {from a car awned by William J, | Douglas, sometime during Tues: | day night, the Oshawa 'police Department reported today The car had heen entered and ransacked $57,645 FOR ROADS The city will pay $57,645 to [the Oshawa Suburban Roads] | Commission as its 1961 share of| |area road costs. The province | pays 50 per cent of the cost of suburban road building, Ontario {county and Oshawa pay M per {cent each, This year a portion of {the Part Perry road, between Columbus and Raglan, will be| repaved, | SPORT SHIRTS Quality shirts tailored by Coneda's leading shirt makers, All sizes and colon, Reg. to $6.95 3.79-2 for 7.00 | | | Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Street RA 8.4681 SHOES Spedial Seletion of DRESS SHOES REDUCED UP TO 25% "The House of Style for Men and Boys™ BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD, Sailing dates now available~Book Early , Nuttaseen SEE DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY -- OSHAWA -- BROOKLIN PHONE MO 8.3304 | { 74 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 3.3611 1