B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonuery w, 9 ON THE SLOPES wristbands and a stand-away collar, The top comes in A variety of color eombinations and is worn here with beauti- fully tailored ski pants in a light tan shade By TRACY ADRIAN SKIERS will enthuse over this stunning pullover styled in an exclusive tiger pattern, The fabric is of lush pile that is warm yet amazingly light- weight, Roomy enough for plenty of action, it has rib-knit KEEP IN TRIM Constant Dread Of Dogs Will Make Child Insecure |shopping. As these things get on characteristic confusion of mind (smooth, use 8 good beth off or water softener, I your skin is jes y Ary, Apply B creamy i ig Bs each p "Nour hair is slways 8 per: fect barometer of your general condition,' Madame Bubinstein 'MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Two Months Of Marriage Then Husband Seeks Divorce | | Complexion Suffers From Over-Eating And Lack of Sleep By EDNA BLAKELY Press Stall Writer Dear Mary Haworth: I am age, in matiers of love, sex weather is fun for outdoor en- . on. 8 cast-off wile, 18, and shout 1 social effectiveness thusiasts but it can roughen and Sond i You ian is hang the Jone. wy mind trying to solve the 3» a Brr yin oe much Sader 1 ordinarily pretty com: color, Hair, Ike, facial sin, i". younger creature, ASSUME 3 chould be ire to re ¥ Eo six months ago | met/that his age seniority will give! In fact, raw wintry winds can aL, Aya Joe, 8 very pice man, who is! him a natural advantage, a last- be just as harmful to your Kn and stimulation 36, We were close companions ng edge of superiority, on the as too much strong sin GUring Rest is an important facet of for four menths, very much in SCOFe of sell assurance, savvy, the summer months beauty care, Beguticigns agree love and so happy, The we mar- ©1¢, Bt least in her eyes, | legs, hands nd face "e he that dull hair and dull complex. vied two months ago end have But of course no amount of Press exposed #4 ions are often the result been living with relatives of his, indirect eontriving ever eases # An be Kept soft and lovely with of sleep, Belated New Year's convenient to his work newrotic's hidden stress, Thus|® Bittle bit of daily care resolutions could still include { / i , Hand lotion rubbed into hands getting the proper amount of I thought I was mature 10¢'s characteristic ferment 45 il nt them from|® 4 Pp for marriage, #8 | come Continues to agitate him in mar-|20e E88 V5 J an #leep. from large family where each age ws helore, only more wo\CEIERE GFEOL IEC SUE wer ppv, wecier of us had quite 8 lot of responsi-| "ow, because he no doubt feels|ypyy vo keep them soft, With the festive season over, bility to the others, But my hus. claustrophobic in double Bar "py cin" is a problem faced other women may resolve to lose band now thinks everything 1/Ne%% by many women at this time of weight. Here is a recipe for a do is childish -- for example, Joe is emotionally sick, and year, Indoor steam heat robs the green salad mold which contains BE ee wr re en ot me ne et out, gE, The uredienis are, 1 on mal or sandwich after come under pel eaten during ing, ; r the festive season and the lack velope wnflavored gelatine; 1 his nerves, he feels he is too old so that you, too, feed demoral-|of exercise also tend to make the (hsp. sugar; 1 tsp. salt; Vs tp. for me. ized, The best thing that could! skin look sallow snd dull pepper; 1% cups water, divided; He says I am too young to/Pappen to, you is to make a) It may seem a little early to V4 cup vinegar, 1 thep, lemon understand all the serious prob-|clean break and get him out|h lean but Mad Helena juice; V4 cup chopped scallions; lems that ean come up in mar: {Rubinstein says this is the best|1 cup shredded raw spinach; 1 riage and he is afraid to risk| Joe is in 8 pame state and|fme of Year to spring "his. bios JShopped A elery; Ys cup win on. A Cc A coo yg Rg gy | ) J : i a 1 Py A { ' facial skin snd always apply pepper thoroughly in a saucepan SAYS WE LOVES MER help after getting involved In Wis\yith upward strokes, Dowpward and add Y eup water, Place (or TE RELYORs BORE Y FA He hysterical pattern of Dehavior.| strokes tend to make the facial over low heat; stirring constant: frets about everything Mary Haworth counsels] Many women like to cream ' + rer muscles droop ly until gelatin is dissolved. Re- move from heat and stir in re I came to stay with relatives through her column, not by maiiltheir faeces while soaking in the maining 1% cups water, vinegar 50 he could think things out and or personal interview. Write her bathtub and lemon Juice, Chill mixture to when he came for me, he had in care of (name of newspaper).) To keep your whole body silky already filed suit for divorce, | was 50 shocked and hurt, He cried, too, and says he is hurt more than I can ever be, but that is impossible, He says he loves me deeply and I love him more than life and I feel if we were off by our- selves, taking problems as they come, we could solve them with {love and faith, He says I'm still young and can find happiness with some one else, but I know in my heart I will never love another man Besides, 1 consider divorce and remarriage adultery, I feel my life is over, I have begged him to reconsider, What more can I do, that I may find peace he fore I lose my mind? - C, F MISTAKE FROM START Dear C, F.; I think you will of your life, ¢ I says City dust and soot dulls heir have MARY HAWORTWS MAN, (compared to normal people Wel TORONTO (CP) -- Winter apd hy hats keep owt @ir. accessory sections! Every surh I towel unbeaten egg white consistency, Today's Bathroom Accessories Are Pretty And Practical By ELEANOR ROSS (continue (9 use thet plain old one? No wonder so hn Danes Choose such little accessorie time from we Lous one and thet we M | New ders for bathroom deco, UW you need a sheli--and who, ration centre these days on|con't use more bathroom #helf] walls, for wall space bs shout! --get @ decorative one. the only space for achieving de- Brass is not only handsome corative effects in most | bathroom fixtures but it will 700mS, ias long as the bathroom Mself, The new bathroom wall acces. Some bath shops are adyocal sories are geting both hand-| "8 somer and more practice) Lr the day, Wowk , shel mirrors) opie for # three : 6) Shelves fan Smension racks play the most 1 pa decorative ole f= dens fowsrs are moisture Y're necessary, they might 85" if these don't appesl, then try well he good to look ot, And A " pretty they are, indeed, to find wall space for # righ A BUNGEE moisture of the bathroom. Your The : her decorating on #8 budget ean florist will advise you, start iii A these practical Don't rely only on pretty tow: fixtures one by one, K neces 618, on shower and window evr SArY, {tains as. the only source of Substitute brass or tinted plas-| PFEYINg up the bathroom. tie towel rings for the plain| Tn quite small bathrooms, towel racks you've taken for|though, take care not to have granted, {an overdone look, A soap dish can plso be |" charming ornament, 0 why MOM'S THE WORD I MONTREAL (CP) --~ Mathers | Fold In scallions, spinach, eel-|coach all six clubs in a peewee ery and carrots, Turn into a hockey league in suburban Ver:| three-cup mold or individugl dun. A league rule stipulates molds and chill until firm, Un-|that a youngster cannot play on mold and garnish, ihis own mother's team, real plant, one that wil in the warmth &ndl Pa { Instant coffee FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR ere Cups tothe og, imme -- BRODIE HOMEMADE DOUGHNUTS : eges cup sugar | ey bt 3 tablespoons melted butter 4% cups sifted Brodie XXX Self raising Flour V2 teaspoon mtmeg V4 teaspoon cinnamon or mace BEAT pes and sugar together, Add milk and melted butter, Mix unk smooth, feel much better as soon as you SIFT in the flour, nutmeg and cinnamon or mace to make a soft dough, Chill 30 minutes, By G, CLEVELAND MYERS |insecure, but how am I to cope realize clearly that the collapse Terrifying to 8 young child with it in such a way that lof this marriage isn't your may be the sight of a certain can help him regain his happy, fault, Your only mistake was in dog. Even some children eight secure nature?" getting married to a fellow who simply isn't able to maintain a PAT the dough to % * thickness or ten may be in constant dread, My reply in part; of a neighborhood dog My heart goes out to that boy From Conneciticut, #8 mother scared of the neighbor's dog, | writes: "My younger son, 3%, has always been a happy, secure, gay child, "Two weeks ago we moved to a new home in the same neigh-| borhood. It is only a few min: utes away and we know many friends nearby, "At first the transition was fine, Bobby slept in his own room for the first time and accepted it well, He and his side If 1 were you, I would try to| buy that dog from the neighbor and sell her elsewhere, even if { had to pay four or five times what she is worth, and provide them free with a gentle puppy, quirements, then I think you seven-year-old brother shared a ought to consider moving away, room next to ours before, Now That child is too precious to be they are in their own rooms up: | Subjected to such terror, stairs, while our bedroom is It might be well to let this downstairs, 1 expected some child share a room with his trouble, but was pleased when brother for some while they accepted the new arrange: pARENTS' QUESTIONS ment so well, Q. At what age of the ehild "A few days later 1 noticed may gne begin to read to him? Bobby would not go outdoors A, Long before he is two but was content to play in his years old, Continue until long room alone or downstairs in the past the time he has learned to den (read AFRAID OF DOG "When asked why he didn't go out, he sald he was afraid of a boxer dog that is loose in the area, The dog is quite gen tle, but my son developed such a fear of her that he turns white at the sight of the animal "For over a week he would not go outdoors at all, Then gradually he advanced to the side door and has been playing alone there, He won't advance to where other children he! knows are playing because the| dog is theirs and is usually with them | "I went to their yard with] Bobby one day and he became| so frightened that my neighbor| locked the dog away so hel would play with the Wi PRINTED PATTER 4738 Even while playing with the others, he clung to me and kept checking that 1 remained | "Last night at bedtime there| was a distinct clap of thunder Bobby became hysterical with) fright, refusing to go to sleep or stay in his bed. He suddenly| didn't want to sleep alone, Each time we quieted him and left his room, it began again, "Finally my husband sat with him until he fell asleep, He slept through the night and this morning asked his brother to) take him to me. He hasn't left] my side since WHAT TO DO? "1 realize he is suddenly very, JUST MARRIED AUCKLAND, NZ (CP) -- A wedding wasn't allowed to inter fere with voting in the Zealand general election in De- cember. Unknown to groom] T. J. Phipps, friends arranged | yo. for him and his bride to stop| PF 2D sndratest TH off and cas thei ballots on the Party sehdrates, The oak way to the reception, The en-| Choose vivid, vibrant cottons. tire wedding party also voted Printed * Pattern 4738: Teen at the same tme. [ake 10, 12, 14, 16. Size 12 outfit MIX - MATCH TRIO New By ANNE ADAMS > one to match, one to thse clever pop-tops with slim skint or = takes 33% yards 35-inch + | BETTER HEALTH Send FORTY CENTS (40¢.) in] OTTAWA (CP) -- The health coins (stamps cannot be accept: | department says today's chil. © for this pattern. Please dren are taller, sturdier and|Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- healthier than those of previous DRESS, STYLE NUMBER generations, Health League of Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Canada records show that much £37 of The Oshawa Times, Pat: of the credit is due to education Oa, Ontario of parents in values of nutrition, cOLOR-IFIC! marriage relationship The fear must be very real tojies, it is a truism that when a him, I hope some older person bachelor 28 years old or older is always with this boy, right marries a teenage girl, he is beside him, when he goes out: ysually making a very neurotic choice, That is to say, a choice dictated by his secret sense of |inadequacy or inferiority, as Eskimos Faced With If you can't meet these re: Re-Adjustment 'To Canadian Ways of Ottawa, {to the Indians and Eskimos According to marriage stud EDMONTON (CP)~Eskimos must bridge a gap of 300 years in a decade, says Ethel Martens a federal govern: ment specialist in health edu. cation for Indians and Eskimos, As the white man moves north, she says, the Eskimo must make a startlingly sudden adjustment to our culture, "It is said that the Eskimos have one foot in each of two cultures, Sometimes both feet are on slippery ground." The Indians, first confronted with the white man's culture in the 17th cenutry, had been able to maké thelr changes more gradually, She described some of the unfortunate results of the sud. den impact of 20th century culture, In one case, Eskimos at Coppermine carved up all their soapstone lamps and cook: ing utensils to take advantage of the boom in soapstone cary: ings. Then they had to do with out such necessities, TEACHES HEALTH Miss Martens has been re- sponsible for health education with the directorate of Indian and northern health services since 1058. She has worked with the staff to find the best meth ods to teach health education Last summer she was granted a travel fellowship with the World Health Organization and visited Navajo, Apache and Pueblo reserves in the United States and saw work being done for native populations in Mex: ico, Peru and Guatemala. She was born at The Pas, Man., 'right next door to the Indians," received her bachelor of arts degree at the University of Manitoba and took her teacher training there, | She began public health work| in 196 and two years later went to California to study for her master's degree in public health on a Canadian govern ment bursary Her teaching experience in| cludes three years with aborig ines in Australia, There's a big difference in results because there's a wonderful difference in the flour, What is a self raising flour? Simply this, BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR is a finely milled high quality enriched flour with baking powder and salt already added and thoroughly pre-blended, Now you can enjoy all the extra convenience, and dependability of self-raising flour. Try the recipes on the right and see why BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR is the flour with the wonderful difference, there is a difference in flours. ..and WIFE PRES If you've sprinkled more Ry Deautiful, clothes than you have time to) i all an 'inter iron, i pasteurization, fluoridation and! pattern Catalog has over 100 on wrap the remainder in| mmunization against con styles to sew ~~ school, career, /erator to keep them from mil aglous diseases. 'hall-sizes, Only 35¢.! dewing paper and store in | You'll get Better Results, Here's Why- BRODIE XXX SELF-RAISING FLOUR gives you these three big advantages: on lightly-floured board and cut with doughnut cutter, FRY 3 minutes in deep fat heated to 380°F, Turn once, (A 1" cube of bread will brown in 1 minute at 380°F) Drain on unglazed , paper, YIELD; 2}4 dozen, § THE FINISHING TOUCH Sugar doughnuts: Shake doughnuts in a bag containing granulated sugar, Honey doughnuts: Spread honey on on of doughnuts with a brush and sprinkle chopped nuts of almonds on top, Chocolate doughnuts: Spread butter and chocolate leing on doughnuts, Sprinkle with ot By leing sugar doughnuts Sift feing sugar on top of doughnuts while still warm, May Na al MAING pagy ODIE SAA MEA 1, Accurate measurements , , . you sift only once, 2, Even blending , . . no chance for 'hot spots' with too much baking powder or 'flat spots' with too little, 3, Perfect leavening . , , Brodie's exclusive baking powder is heat-controlled so your batter cannot rise prematurely, 'BRODIE xxx SELF-RAISING FLOUR makes the wonderful difference!