3] Hillcrests Host * Brampton Squad \Whithy srens as the Whithy i Hillerests, currently on & three game winning string, will play {host to the Brampion Seven Ups, | Tere is plenty of rivalry be- § tween the two teams. The Hill- 2 Jere played the Seven Ups in ° Brampton earlier this year and ES ON NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL pal, will head » wall of five nipped the Pop men 32 in » FINISHING TOU inishing touches sre being ( be opened by March 1, the ( he taught at the school. This Robi new i, A pid pri school will hold he- il erminats the shift system fulltime enehers and one Kin. [hard hitting game that hed 3 Blair | tween 160 and 200 pupils, | that has Nn operating in rgarien iegcher w will | § son Ruths Schad in on a i I to Grade 7 will | Whithy, D. H. Hogg, princi- | teach half days [plenty of color Park subdivision. Scheduled to | Another reason for sn much Ve fo between the (eams Is the fact that there gre & num: ber of the Brampton fellows whe Inlayed lacrosse last year on the {Seven Ups team and they still WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS Couples Club HONOR FORMER MEMBER ing to see this group, which is hy David Ress, whe moved i Whitby councillors two minutes' silence in memory of Alex Scott, g former mem ber of the council and & Lown employee in charge of the new sewage (treatment plant, who died this month. The period of silence was proposed by Coun eillor Harry Inkpen whe sat with Whithy, cut Hs request for grant in hall," observed Coun eillor George Brooks, The re quest goes to the finance com mittee for budget making MARCH OF DIMES siond in A0ing such & wonderful Job in there after leasing the property 2 from the town, Before the house was completed, council cancel «£4 the lease, The matter is now - the subject of litigation TO SIGN AGREEMENT The Mavor and clerk were Members of the Kinettes Club authorised to sign an agreement of Whithy were granted permis with Len-Rae Limited for the Skating Party The first 4 Ws Couples Club the form Members met at the church at 8 p.m, and meeting of 1961 took of a skating party the skaters left for the Stone house farm. Spill-filled but en joyable two hours were skating. Non-sketing remember what Whitby Aid te spent members them In the playofls these fellows include players like Ron Pettibone, Don Arthurs and Boh Bingham, These are just three that come to our mind right now. The Hillerests on the other hand have Eimer Tran and Tom 'Tushingham of the Fed Wings team that ousted the Brampton club Some of | game time for this one is the usual £90 so come on out and support Jr. B hockey in Whithy and bring slong your friends, The Incal team has not been getting enough support of letegeachers afl is finding the going & litt rough, especiglly with sevefil Whitby Knights Have Breakfast, THE OSHAWA TIMES, - Yusedoy, Jonwory V1, 1967 § | WHITBY And DISTRICT [Maritime Shown Trip To Club of fhe sures, Miss M. Rowe, Execnthy Whithy Garden Club was re Mrs. J, B. Wilkinson, Mrs. BR, Hear (cently held wt the Dundas sirest G, Yan Horne, Mrs. 0. Moors, \school at which time reports for Miss Marguerie Ross, Mrs, E, eaklast was NE Past year were presented by 1, Elliott, Council 499% the searetaty, frenswier &R 4 Mes |, 7, Vallaise asisted by on Sunday |PIendent. In her report, the Mics Jean Howls, showed some ohn The Evangelist President, Mrs, . Poted excellent slides which had been oh, A good attendance was ?'h action, that the nm taken on & (rip 16 the Gaspe Com. [Per of in cli hows Peninsula and the Maritimes, of he wine ad Increased during 1990 These pictures, so clear and Mierwards 8) In reviewing the cb activi-ifified with beautiful colour, Wn the par- ties she said thet the benches brought back happy memories commitiee of Maced for pile use had heenito those members who hed had \incressed in number, and nati the privilege of Making the sama fourth ue(sithough the hanging baskeisirip, at some, tia, rs, Val Ur eho had not, been put wp his Dastiieise wos greatly impressed were present, The Pmmer, she hoped they would with the flower gardens in the brother Maurice|Pe for 1961, , YER Very poor homes guest speaker] The election of officers for lovely beds of flowers, of the Serra the ensuing yesr was conducted nasturtiums, She #1 Club" of Toronte, who gave alby Mr. Fr declared that there were very interesting talk on "Cristy the fol ed: Presi] of old fashioned in the shortage of vocations" dent, Mrs, B. Burns; vice presi-|all 10 add to the beauty He said the prime importance dent, Mrs, J, 8, Paterson, sec|of the landscape, in fostering vocations io the re- (retary, Miss L. Pellow; press| The mecen of artists, P ligious life is the need for aisecretary, Miss M. Price; (red Cove was shown in seversl ms ns AAA # ie Ins n owr . ahs, dren at » very esrly age and many other famous the parents have a real respon WHICH MIKE Maritimes, Halifax, Bt J sibility as part of their duties WAS LIVE? St. Andrew' shy theSes 1 paren § (0 rear ey ehfidren) ol represented by fete in & religious atmosphere, Every, Te ne Hr vi me PALA should he given! OTTAWA (CP) ~ The CCF to start as Xlving trip of to the children by their parents, gnd clergy to help them to know if their vocation is for the religious We" he said Mr, Seott when he was & coun pH nd Mi construction of & shopping cen. remained at the church and par- ict @ March of £0 y shopping rch end par : . cillor and later deputy reeve Slag 48 Bebidas in Whitby en re and apartment house on ticipated in games of shuffle La Middiston Pletired here 15 injuries along the line / Mr, Moren was thanked by ! 24 Dundas street west board, hockey and eronquinole, | 1erding scorer for the ses: On Feh 7, the front runing Deputy Grand Knight Ed, Sam DECEMBER BUILDING Jan, 23 Unon the return of the skaters 0 0 the Whithy team and the Guelph Royals, in the Av, Alsnski, Grand Knight James Ipan the : p Building Inspector Charles MEET UNEMPLOYED ROAD BYLAW 0 The: chareh A. Shor Adina big fellow was never more ef-joacue will be the guesty of the Smyth thanked the speaker and fective than he was here on Hillerests Saturday night, Big Lyn picked Hp three gorls and two assists to be the big point getter. He will ne well worth watching every time on the ice tonight and don't be too surprised if he doesn't blink the light before the game 16 Loo far gone, Remember for an exhibition the members who attended the match at the arena here Communion breakfast, Three readings were given a bylaw setting forth the 1061 road construction and maintenance yange & meeting hetween Whit: brian A] Jour 0 the gman opened hy a prayer hy Rey The Canadian National Insti by council and a committee re sid ho $34 000 VIaw 10F gunith, The president Jack gave Wu a Blind and the Si presenting the unemployed d y 4 A speech of acceptance on he 4 oy e requested, hy WOTKETs Union fo investigate SEND BOUQUETS half of the new executive, Jack Horg reported that 17 building mits were issued in Decem r to & tots] value of $160,250 REQUEST GRANTS meeting was held, presided over by the new presidents, Jack and Virginia Wall, The meeting was Councillor George Brooks, of the committee on protection of persons and property will ar Committee Will 5 letter, grants from the town in WAYS and means of alleviating! retters of commendation will Wall then gave an account of the A go from council to Dunlop guard Peter Fimaskie, Brock street north, the Police and Fire De partments and the PUC for thelr prompt action when a fire was noticed in a high voltage line the amount of $60 each, The two requests were handed over 10 Councillor William Davidson's finance committee SEEKS LICENCE | unemployment in this ares MINOR HOCKEY WEEK The week of Jan, 21 to 26 will Hockey Mayor Minor hy proclaimed Whithy he Week in Council received a letter from Stanley Martin following & Ye: wyunnineg through town earlier Allan Curtis, of 161 Hillerest drive, whe noted th' he is now | a home owner in Whithy and | asking If the three-months resi-| dence clause in the auctioneer licensing hylaw could be waly ed hecause of his status, The quest hy the WMHA ZONING INFRACTIONS said avert heen a this month, Their action, Heeve Fyerett Quantrill ed what could have Town assessor Robert Hard (raged ay ing reported that he has found # 187 infractions of the town zon ing hylaw.. His report, contain NEGOTIATE CONTRACT Mayor Stanley Martin, Coun hylaws and applications commit: INE Names of the persons alleg: cillor Paul Coath and Council tee will study and report on the edly hreaking the bylaw, was lor William Davidson, chairman request GOOD NEWS Council heard some veally| nod news on Monday night. The| sent tn the hylaws and applica tions committee GET LEGAL, POSITION The town will consult legal hithy Minor Hockey Associa-|counsel to verify the town's po tion requested a grant of #600 sition hefore taking steps to present of the finance commitiee, will |6it with a representative of the [Industrial Relations Institute when the town negotiates a new| contract with the employees of the works department, The contract expires n for 1061, exactly half last year's/remove a house now on fown April grant of $1000, "It Is refresh: property, The building is owned executive meeting held Jan. 3 1061 and presented for the ap proval of the membership the program for 1961 this Program was by Gordon Mifflin and seconded {ice in Whithy, 1s now tackling| ; o hy Les Reed, The reser (anal Must {the problem of seiting up DUS meeting. doen not that _avights fev wis read hy Norman {stops for what appears 1o ei permanent bus stops at the shworth : : two hus services in town. Almain intersection, Deputy: Guests of the club were intra:| OTTAWA (CP)=The Bt, Law: meeting of the special commil-| Reeve Warren Mowat intro: duced: Lorne and Jean Pen.[Tence Beaway Authority served|iee will be held tonight for thet| duced a motion that parking found meeting adiourned to end a very enjoyable evening PLAYERS FINED BOSTON (AP) Rookie goalie Bruce Gamble and winger Vie Stasiuk were fined Monday hy Milt Schmidt, coach of the Nationa! Hockey League's Approval of moved VHF Radio equipment will he compulsory {in 1062 It also said in & statement that it is anticipated vessels will he required to have such equip ment In all sections of the sea |way for the 1062 navigation sea son Seaway rules and ecireulars would be amended al a later 'Set Bus Stops Councillor George Brooks | special committee on bus serv Hoss and Bernice Law,|notice Monday that VHF (very| purpose | Jim and Lois Broughton, The|hgh frequency) radio telephone and a de: } licious lunch of haked heans|on the Welland Canal effective] .iyi0"s0uce Bins that the new and chill con carne was served | With the opening of navigation| yc corvice is perpetrating a | Top on the meeting's agenda | {will be a complaint from Coun-| traffic hazard by stopping right at the four corners, Councillor {William Davidson joined in the | complaint and called for an im | mediate halt in stopping there lin that no parking area because, {he said, if could well result in |someone being killed Police Chief George Rankine REGIONAL last - place Bosto n Bruins yd i date to clarify requirements will be advised of council's . PLANNING BOARD Schmidt slapped a #60 fine on). in vespect to VHF radio| feelings in this matter, Chief Mayor Martin appointed Gamble when the goalie failed|"' Rank is member of the ev avl ars d Councillor George Brooks and|to show up for a scheduled *eheduling _INankine 1s a memher of UN . Deputy-reeve Warren Mowat te| practice, Earlier, Stasiuk was take his place at the Oshawa|fagged with a $25 club fine, Retires At St. Andrew's ter a J Hh an Chureh in Whithy for the past 22 years, will retire on Jan, #1 Mr, Marshall took ever the St, Andrew's congregation in 1080, arriving here from Brit ish Guiana fle has an enviable past in the ministry of the Presbyterian Church Mr. Marshall served for three and a hall years during the first world war in France with the Royal Army Medical Corps, and the First Fourth Yorkshire Lancers He was born in Auchterarden, Seotland, and received his early ministerial education as a member of the Auchterarden Kvangelistie Association. Later, he attended the Bible Training Institution at Glasgow After the first world war Mr Marshall became Chaplain al the Deaf and Dumb Institute in (ilasgow, About 1000 male and female patients attended the in stitute at that time. Mr, May shall held the position of & relig ious advisor there for about 1ly Years During the following nine vears, from 1021 till 1936, My Marshall was minister al Si Thomas Scots ehureh in British Guiana, From 1020 till "38 he| served as minister at the Pres 4 nAviD MAR shall was the former Nellie Whytach, They were married in Seotland, She was survived hy her hushand and thelr twe chil dren, Mrs William. Marshall, Whithy When Mr, Marshall arrived in Whithy, church and Sunday School attendance was low, Al hoth of Lloyd Jackson and Regional Plapning Board #ny occasions when he, resent Juveniles Whithy Juveniles, who finish ed second in thelr league, begin semi-finals on Thursday, Jan. 10 at the Whithy Arena against Lindsay, The second game of the series goes to Lindsay on! Jan, 3 Topping the six-leam loop was Bowmanville. In third slol was Uxhridge with Stouffville, Lind gay and Port Perry following in| that order Howmanville, Whithy and {Lindsay are A Minor elubs and | will play off in that group. Ux: | bridge and Port Perry are B JUVENILE SCORING Ron Moore, who has lately seen action with the Hillprest! {ta Toronte Maple on matching the 845 the Wing owes asthe NHL, for swearing at an of mayor and the town's represen | fietal in Sunday night's 6:4 loss o| tative could not he als Start Semi-Finals Here Nine Units Form Security By STEWART MacLEOD Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)~'The British security system, which guards the country against information Juniors on occasion, leads the Whithy team's scoring race with #0 points. Becond is Pletcher with 2% Following is the team searing PAT Maonie 1h 30 40 Fletoher 1h 14 90 Law | Fyerelt Thorndyke Tran MacLean Bremner Mitchell Hharman Be il Ga SB Fide TD = ® clubs and Stouffville is a € elu, | Christie 1d Bowmanville takes on the win | favene: | 4 ner of the Whithy Lindsay| Law S00 ne series, also in & home and home| Claremont naa series, This final 1s to open on] Other team members are I'eh id : I'ownsend, Holley, Osgema, Ing Morrison and Camphell Manager of the Juveniles is Alex. Hrown, Coach 1a Gene Melean leaks, 1s actually formed hy nine separate organizations, leach responsible to a separate government department, but operating as one efficient unit The system represents a com ally for war and then stream. lined for peace, Few know much about the internal opera tions of any of the groups Perhaps the best known is MIA Military Intelligence, Fifth Division, This depart ment, directly responsible to the prime minister, functions for security at home and fo controlling enemy agents, Most of its personnel are ex-service: men, ex-policemen and lawyers The special branch of Keol [laid Yard specializes in watch ling aliens and political agita {tors, Hpecial branch agents {carry out arrests for MIA which has no power of arrest, COUNTERSPY ARM plicated structure, built origin: | Outfit land germ warfare and army weapons Air intelligence operates for {the security of the RAF, A [bigger, but similar department {is operated by the ministry [of aviation to protect atomie {weapons, guided missiles, radar {and secret research stations, Its | agents are also stationed with private firms fulfilling govern |ment contracts SCREENS APPLICANTH | The atomic energy authority operates a separate security {force which screens applicants This force is responsible to the minister of science The work of these various military intelligence forces Is co-ordinated hy the joint intel: ligence bureau, operated by the ministry of defence, It in turn (reports to the joint intelligence lcommitiee, comprised of the committee which will choose the bus stops meters be removed there to allow the buses to stop at the corner, hut back of the no par king area, This motion passed, In a report on the progress of negotiations between council and the two hus companies, Councillor Brooks reported; "A meeting of the committee was held on Wednesday, Jan, 4, at 7.80 p.m, Present were Coun- cillor Brooks, chairman; Mayor Martin, Councillor Davidson, Chief Constable G. Rankine and Town Engineer C, C, Hoag, Mr, Walter Church of Chureh Bus Lines 144,, and his lawyer, Mr, E, P, Coath, were also In member for Port Arthur end the minister of national rey: | enue had some fun in the own, preferably similar £ Commons Mondey zi the ex pense of Liberal Leader Lester B. (Mike) Pearson Douglas Fisher of the CCF asked Revenue Minister Now: WHITBY PERSONALS lan whether he would check a "perhaps apocryphal re: port" relating to the CBC and last week's nations] Liberal The report That the embarrassing incident of the |; live microphone on the Lib: eral rally platform during the television program was an at tempt by the CBC to guaran tee at least one 'live Mike' at the Liberal rally." Mr, Pearson's televised ad dress to the convention last Wednesday night was cut to 2 minutes from 40 because of demonstrations hy rank and-file delegates which pre- vented him from starting on time, Mr. Pearson's efforts to el convention organizer Paul ellyer to shush the enthus- iastic delegates were duly re- corded on TV, Mr, Nowlan, who reports to Parliament for the CBC, said he did not watch the program $0 he could not comment, "I understand there was & great deal of difficulty in de. termining who was 'live Mike' and 'dead Mike,' and pos sibly the CBC may be for- given for having made some mistake," he added wryly, attendance, "Your committee Sina od with Mr, Church vegar his bus line wserviee and recom mends as follows; "That Mr. Church be inform: ed in whiting that - Bowman avenue, Dundas to Crawfroth; Crawforth, Bowman to Stew art; Lupin, Dundas te Dunlop; GENEROUS WRITER Horatio Alger, the American writer whose fictional heroes all went from rags to riches, died poor in 1800, having given away most of his income to youths he Wednesday, of Mr, and Mrs, J, celebrated her ninth birthdey, For the occasion a family din ner was arranged, $t. Andrew's Preshyterion Church Young Women's Group held & committee meeting on rally here, Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. C, Barles to make ar. rangements for the annual 'Burns' Night" to he held on Jon, 25, at the church hall, Miss Judith Ann Meluhan spent the weekend in Montreal as the guest of her friend, Miss Fran Larken. Miss Jean McQuat, daughter ,, MeQuat Mr, and Mrs. C, ¥, Mesher, formerly of Byron 8t, 8, now of Dunlop St, E., entertained a group of their friends at » "House Warming. guests r Douglas Sapman, former resi dents of Whi dale, Mr, and worth, Mr, and Mrs, David Cal- den, of Toronto, also Mr, and Mrs, James Gallagher, former ut of town were! and Mrs, by, now of Willows rs, Ceell Bag: residents of Whitby, now of To- ronta, Other Whine were from Oshawa and Whithy, Mrs, Larsen, of Port Whithy, and her daughter, Miss Chris tine, will be col at 8 Cover Leaf members, Miss Mary Barnett, of Port Whitby, visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, A, hefriended Barnett, of Dunbarton, and Dunlop, Lupin to Craydon, are not officially opened town streets and that the council does not approve of routes using the above mentioned streets, "That a letter be sent to Bur leigh Bur Lines inting oul that he was not interested in running & local bus service without subsidy and that this committee would therefore appreciate the opportunity of immediately discussing with him the recent extension of Bur: leigh Bus Lines operations in the Town of Whithy, "That whatever bus stops ave finally approved and passed by bylaw, that they must be used by all bus services "That a recommended loon tion for bus stops he submitted to this committee by a commit tee composed of Mayor Martin, Councillor Brooks, Chief Ran kine and Town Engineer C, © {directors of all other military (Intelligence units hyterian church in Richmond » ; Hill. Ont [one time {1 was even considered The secret 'service, or M.1.6,| Mr. Marshall returned is operated by the foreign of fice, and maintaing officers | abroad, It is sald to specialize in counter-esplonage Naval intelligence specializes in gathering infavmation on for . {alt close down the chureh. Since Ra | ; his arrival, both church and 1 wa & a Beitiah Guiang, in ag or ine Sunday Hchoeol attendances have | Rus 1 I i L Black eign ships and protecting naval | defence and research outablish:| and served for six vears as a 'M reased greatly heart attack, Resides heing the | ments minister of St. Andrew's he also] Ry BORIS MINKEW ule alix | ) § iminate uneconomic] \ 8 | serves as chaplain in the Royall ganadian Press Statt Writer [services and gol vid of vedund:| MUNEY Inieligerion yi id Poor health 1s the reason for Rev. Marshall's retirement, He, [has heen in 11 health since last] November when he suffered a Presbyterian minister in Georgetown CAME TO WHITRY In October of 1930 Rev. May shall maved ta Whithy ta take charge of the 81, Andrew's Pres byterian congregation, Since his) Canadian Legion Aranch 13 in| LONDON (CP)--The govern ant staff J (same arrival the churoh has under: Whithy, After his retirement Wel mont is trying to make Britain's. The matter has finally noon! IY, and ia charged with pro f gone a complete redecoration will be residing with his daugh: railways ao hie ve something brought to a head in a govern tenting secrets surrounding gas and a new manse has been ter and saninlaw, Mr. andiihey have heen. unable to dol ment white paper which out | v [ built ; . Mrs. Lloyd Jatkaon 3 Re under private or public awner lines drastic changes, including ways, will not have ceased to On Feb, 26, 1860, t hg entire Henry street Wthy ar ship--~pay thelr awn way the scrapping of the British exist," the paper adds. "They congregation of St Andrew's his time may well he spent Hsho| 1§ hopes to achieve this within transport was deeply moved by the death ing for Mr. Marshall 1s a keen sive years years the eammission has been 0 the public in another form." | of Mrs. Marshall, Mrs Mar 'angler | The mave will give the man/the top authority eo ordinating| Because the transport com. -- {In the street a double jolt. As all aspects of nationalized trans. Mission is "far ton unwieldy," | taxpayer, he will have to help port its functions will be split up commission, Far pay for a major capital rem he white paper says vailvoad AMORg separate regional BROCK Evening Shows ' a0 $4 ganization, As passenger, he operating losses now amount boards, each holdin try OWN | WHITBY Feature Starts 1:15 4 O faces increased faves and outs! £60.000.000 a vear assets, being Bio Ty for its! in_services Although legislation bringing] debis and coming directly under The British railways, ohronie: jin the new program is not ex-|the transport minister f ally inefficient, debt-ridden and pected 1a become effective untill A new Rriltsh railways hoard expensive in relation to Cana 1883, the government expects|will be limited to essential] dian fares, were hrought under the vailways 10 begin standing| ventral functions such as han public ownership by a Labor on their awn feet hy 1985 {dling national stat! and wage| government in IME. When the! AN past deficits--afficials es negotiations, holding ever . all Conservatives took office in timate they mow exceed £300 - [financial control and deciding 1951, no attempt was made to 000 00) written off [future size and shape of the denationaline et ih 4 to relieve the railways Wi from ihe stay ® Lon yailways of the interest ay yt = X servative polioy was that the two-thirds of the Et 300 000 to | FARES MAY RISE vallways must earn thelr own capital attributable to them andl, N° government living. Conservative members will meet deficits in the next tl Old of Parliament keep saving that five vears "Hirificed through nationalization the ratlways should be treated will be vestored with the set strictly as a commereial opera. TRANSFER DERY {ting up of autonomous regional The total debt of the railways boards. It hopes the workers nen 3 i : as a result will be out to roughly will put more pride inte thely URGE DRASTIC CHANGES £400 000000 from the £1800. duites They want the rathvays 10 he 00D 000 at the end af 1859 Emplaveas will ba axpected to free to t pa These hea nerease efficiency "If thely You can't put out the human fires that burn in... are to bs The treasury 1s hopes that Yeampany morale" sac Restricted he ECAC OLON q rdw LION SPER IE OIL TORTS: Notant tu MILTON SEUNG i Comat wd Going tp LIONEAD S0SCUAY © Dewnd w TMNIEL ETRE SREY Yares V Hahilities »n 2 sohed. thauah SRC Wage Ch AE HLF freight moved from the rath lvelihood is 10 de assured = 0.H.A. Junior "B" Hookey TUESDAY, January 17th 8:30 p.m. Adults 75¢; Students with Whitby Community Arena BRAMPTON 7 UPS (METRO JUNIOR 'B) Vs, WHITBY HILLCRESTS cards and Children 50¢ Hoag," DODD and SOUTER PAINT and WALLPA PER STORE 107 BYRON &V, &, WHITRY «= MO &.3380 le wallpaper and int sale held over all this week Free Estimeten an Painting and Besorating Ral. I ------------------ _ ne BREAITATE RT