The Oshawa Times, 17 Jan 1961, p. 3

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MARY STREET PS Beenes like the one ghove wre becoming popular around this time of year, when public school children in all the pub: lie schools in this area are (; carnivals, 'The shove photo, taken at the Mary Street School skating carnival shows # number of the student body participating in the free skat- SKATING CARNIVAL children not only take pert in | the carnival to display their talents on the "blades, hut | they show mn great deal of im: | seination In the costumes | enjoying their annual skating | ing period, Of course, the ' they wesr Ld school for "ear: Make Plea For Pigeons Oshawa's racing pigeons could be homeless, or rather loft-less, within a generation, With théadvent of the city's Zoning Bylaw in 1087 no new CAPSULE NEWS 401 Accident Drama Club Program Set By JO-ANN BARGE Ceniinl Collegiate presents two one - get comedies nd scenes from Macheth on Thirs- dey, Feb, § snd Friday, Feb, 19 wh pm, in the ; a » » - - » -- ~ ng Ld 13f 1 3 production scene from "The Merchant of nivel day' Even the teach. ers get into the set on the students presentation of "Mar: di Gras on lee", CITY AND DISTRICT MEMBERS HONORED Three members of the Rotary Re ~~ | Tocones fi = 1A : | Shariow, this yerr's pr | Member will act 8 nation Venice', Hr, Hagerman, Gree: tor, will present Shike- From { he Jn ""Macheth' sre Richard The costume de ment hesded hy the me Hi i f i] £13 3 4 i is iH § 8 2 3: 3 2 YeRY presenting Hncheln' sen, aon, Robert Babe and Poll Judy Bro lane Haas, Findley, Peter Moffat, is SE d § 3 T 3: x 3 is FisF t i 3 il 4 ¥ Ei i ts ] if x 3 i Hs = $i : ils : § 5 Tom Wright Jerry Ty 8 Sally Economics teacher, Miss BRK Guisole, Gord McRae, Ted Mon- {leaux, Is busily preparing the chesky, Peter Krawetz, Leis! COstUmES, PREPARING SCENERY Mr, Bentley and his erew in| the workshop sre making ready the scenery, Blage manager for uetion is Sten Bork, Tickets will go on sele [this week and 1 hope thet beth Feb, nignts mre sell-outs, Good luck to our hard-working Drama Club | ~Cshawa Times Photo | The "Forum" will meet Tues: SUpporin day, Jan, 17, wt 10m, in the h-| brary, The meeting will take the form of # model United Na- tions, The theme -- Cubsn Ag: gression towards the US, Each UN, All are welcome to come \FINE MIXED CHOIR All students present for the 1 0 i a 0 0 celebrate Assembly Dee, 22 will surely Club gf Oihawa, Who sei Weve| know just how wonderfully -our| honored at Monday's club meet-| Mixed Choir presented Smith, Sharon Behm and Bill Huzar The prefect sysiem will get underway In ® couple of weeks, There will he two wp coming BAA dances -- Jan 27 when CCL plays Donevan end 17 when CCL plays (Neill both at Central, Cen tral hes # brother! Our school has undertaken the project of # refugee ehild, His name? Ghersssimos Raris, # 15-year-old boy In Greece Money for (his project has heen raised by dances and candy sales, We are allowed to in the write him & letter once 8 monthischool student was located al and we in return receive one from him, Council elosed with & five minute open debate on the topie "Should Grade § be Eiven i hall-vote on election day?" The next meeting will (ake "Phe place January 25 in the form of Bnd thought it it | FORECAST SHORT WARM SPELL A | Hs The wether office says warmer sir which has been covering the Prairies and most of Ontario will slowly Lost Boy Is Found Ted Thompson, 14, sen of Mr and Mrs, Joseph Thompson, Rose Bonk road north, KR 2, Pickering, who had heen miss: ing since Tuesday, Jan, 10, was re-united with his parents, Mon day, Jan, 16 | The Pickering district high Smithsville, near Grimshy, by the Smithsville OPP detachment The boy was located when a of the missing boy in the paper, day should he partly cloudy and North BaY rreeveee B BUdbUEY rerereenns Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Ni-|Earion ,ireereeee looked like a) cover most. of Omarty nd Quehec. WRAITH short ved os A will he wir Is expected arrive ~CF Wirephots WEATHER FORECAST Cooler Air Moving South TORONTO (CP) = fice at 4:80 a.m, EST ning to edge southward a producing cooler in all regions Forecasts London issued by the public weather of: KIChener reereerer W Wingham reeeeeeer Bynopsis---~Aretic air is begin HamiMon (rir ereee W 15 8t, CRItharines (roe 2 snowflurries in the Toronto oioevrveee extreme north, The colder air i8| Peterborough reve. 18 expected to make its way slowly Trenton eceereeees 18 across the province, reaching Killaloe oeerverees Grimshy woman saw & pieture!the lower lakes tonight, Wednes:\Muskok® ceeverere § vereeerereee +H A§ ES TERE ATATE RT ] D 1 V Kills Il er ing, Those honored were Al |lAttle Drummer Boy" This #s:\an open council meeting in As: hoy who worked on & nearby | p 4 A fs al § , Bhe ¢ | / Ontario regions, | Kapuskasing «reer 718 |B ' : p sembly was the first public ap-|sembly, |farm at Bmithsville, Bhe called agarn, Lake y ! lofts before the bylaw were al:| TORONTO (CP) ~ Zygmunt PRICES RISE | van, 8, J. Storie and M | pearance of the Mixed Choir, 5 ithe OFF at Smithsville, | Windsor, I don Hanlon, Hite RIVEF rovvre on lowed to continue, |Pigiel, 89, of Toronto, wes killed) LONDON (Reuters) - The [hich now IUMDErs APRFOXS: BANTAMS WIN was host M78 Thompson would ony | Toronto Sunny Heh € uly " AOOSONEE 11rrrrer Effect of the bylaw is to(Monday night in & four-vehicle price of eight national Bunday| HELP CHILEAN TOWN mately BS students, Mrs Stew:| Ia ay, Central was h ervals today, Cloudy rr slowly eradicate all lofts in the smash on Highway 401 north of newspapers in England rose ay that the boy was home and ! 4 , - olor bite three boys' baskethall teams| P07 hat | few scattered snowflurries and 4 The members of the Rotary art is the director and Barb lis fine, 8 id not say why! eity, and thus sll racing Pig-|the city, Police said his panel|Sunday, 1x newspapers in: Club of Oshawa, at their Mon-| Karolak the pianist "from Bowmanville High School ke be wor ould 10L WRY WV 1g little colder tonight, Wednes:| §0nS. for racing Pigeons 4 truck Slipped over the raised|crensed prices to five pence day meeting contributed $163.60) 'This choir has been ented in| Central Bantams were suc {day mainly cloudy, Winds west GOOD FOOD Ways make eir nome In 1ofis, f Joulevar BREAKFAST, LUNCH, BINN "slid on its side intolfrom four and The Observer io assist in the rehabilitation of the Peterboro Kiwanis Music| cessful as they played an excel. Ted Thompson left home with 15 to 25 today, light Wednesday, 4 eon fanciers were allowed to hi] lofts, Only those operating E33 ve SERENE #4 on. & day when he told his unlike the common variety of the path of easthound. traffic/and Sunday Times raised prices the town of Anca ehureh and three cars crashed into It. |to six pence from five, pigeon who inhabits spires and the eaves of homes, Roy Burness, secretary-trea- surer of the Canadian Racin Pigeon Union, inaccessible ban, "We are askin centures-ol you to honor sport," sald v. Bumness, "We are asking |Kulezyeky, 82, also of Toronto, you to let it grow" He pointed out that sanitation, and unsightly lofts, the two most common complaints of | bird-haters, are dangerous to a pigeons, "fhe CRPU is constantly warming its members of the rs of dirty lofts, Buccess I racing of pigeons depends on cleanliness, Disease Is a great enemy of the pigeon," Planning board will take » look at the request, WANTS INCREASE LONDON (Reuters)~Canada is anxious to see an increase in British imports, High Commis. gloner George Drew told the British Newspaper Conference at its annual luncheon here Monday, He sald that "While the total of your sales to Can- ada last year was substantial, it was only a little over a 10th of our total imports." HEADS AEC PALM BEACH, Fla, (AP)= Glenn T, Seaborg, chancellor of the University of California and # Nobel Prize winner in chem: istry, was named chairman of the Atomie Energy Commission Monday, President - eleet Ken: nedy chose the 48 - year - old selentist to succeed a Republi: ean businessman, John A. Me: Cone, DIES OF INJURIES TORONTO (CP) Frank Ganster, 25, of Toronto died in | man were pushing along the Queen Elizabeth Way Just west of here. The second man, John {was in eritical condition In hos: pital, KILLED BY FIRE TORONTO (CP)~Mrs, Doris Anderson, 49, died Monday in a fire that caused an estimated $1000 damage to the bedroom of her north-end home, Firemen lage, SETS FRANC VALUE blamed smoking In bed for the V | LEAVES FOR RUSSIA ] | TORONTO (CP)--Dr, Wallace Graham, Toronte specialist in| asked council hospital Monday of injuries suf: rheumatic diseases, leaves this) Monday night to review the by: (fered when 8 car struck the week for Russia to address the law with an eye to lifting the hack of a truck he and another|Soviet Union conference on (rheumatic diseases which opens in Moscow next Monday, R. M. W, Chitty Is Speaker HAMPTON = KR, M, W, Chitty fe guest speaker at the Dar ngton Ratepayers meeting Sat: rday evening, stressed the im: ortance of & strong organized ody, He sald this was the only LONDON (Reuters)="The Na: tional Bank of Katangs, In a large display advertisement in Monday's London Times, an nounced its newly-issued Katan: an francs will have a value of 0 to a dollar, 8 Depart : "+" For Hearing An eight-man group of Oshawa elvie officials and business men left Oshawa Airport Monday night to attend a hearing of an abplieation for charter hein Maced before the Department of ransport in Ottawa, If Quebee: alr Ine, is successful in its ap: plication, an air service from Oshawa te Montreal, Ottawa, Kin ston and Windsor Is sched: uled, COMING EVENTS HN ey A FH ghpotai door prises, ~~ KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, JAN, 17th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES TEAM | Jackpot Nes, 52 and 52 JUBILEE PAVILION SPAGHETTI! DINNER Sponsored by St. Anthony of Padua D, of |. St, Gregory's Auditorium, Simcoe North, Oshawa, Sunday, January 22 S pm te 7 pm, Adults, $1.00, Children 50¢ NIGHT OF CARDS (Sponsored by the Marion Group) St. Gertrude's Auditorium Jan, 17, at 8:15 pm, ADMISSION 75¢ Nordair Lid, which recently acquired control of Sarnia Alr: lines, is also applying for a flight charter, The Nordair serv. lee would link Montreal, Otawa, Kingston, London and Sarnia, with no stop-over in Oshawa, The twa Quebee airlines are battling for 8 licence to be ranted to an airline to service these various southern Ontario points, One point of contention ad: vanced by Maurice Tessier, counsel for Quebecair, and E, G, McNeely, counsel for the eity of Oshawa, was that Oshawa in ravelling time would be as close to Malton Alrport as down town Toronto, ! Among those scheduled to fly to Ottawa today to testify are Mayor Christine Thomas, Ald John Brady, three years on the Airport Committee, Ald. Gordon |Attersley, City Clerk Ray Bar rand and Oshawa Times Pub lisher T. L, Wilson, Nordair Lid.'s went before the Aly Transport Board Monday, unexpectedly moving up Quebee Air's presen: application Refreshments and Prizes tation date, SCOTTISH RITE REGULAR Dinner Meeting TOMORROW (Wed., Jan, 18th) Speaker: REV, W, G, SOLINIUK GENOSHA HOTEL 6:30 P.M, All Scottish Rite masons in the district are requested to attend, HAROLD OGDEN, Secretary way politicians can be made to listen to what has to be said for it means "votes", The guest speaker, who prac: tices law in Toronto was a pilot officer in the First World War, is # writer and editor of several hooks and has been associated with the Property Owners or: ganization for many years, Chitty stated, the right of property Is the only fundament: al difference, the dividing line between the welfare states right down to the communistie system where the state is supreme, He said, our system is the only one under which property can: not be taken away from its own: er without compensation being made, The speaker noted presently {our big problem is planning, For {many years there was no plan: (ning at all, then suddenly thinks {have gone to the other extreme, (Property owners must get to: gether so that as few people as |possible will be hurt by plan: (ning, If we are to retain our democratic rights, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and in unity is strength." He admonished the ratepayers to "fight the battles of the com: [munity In general, keep inform: ed and elect people to office whe will listen to the wishes of the! ingly, Any government will lis: ten and pay more attention to a group than te individuals," Chitty stated, "the total eost of education should be borne by the province to ensure equal in Chile, art in this projeet which 1s dh as "Operation Paul Her ris," LETTERS PATENT Letters of patent have heen issued to Keith's Car Markel, (Whithy) 14d, it was reported in the current issue of The On: tario Garelte, CONTRACT AWARDED York Steel Construction IAd,, Toronto, has heen awarded the contract for the Gamebridge Trent Canal bridge, Gamebridge bypass, to supply fabrication, shop painting, delivery and erec: tion of structural steel at a ten der price of $40,870, VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the Monday lunch: eon meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa included D, Watkin, Montreal; W, Hinds, Oshawa and Alex Middlediteh, Niagara ontheLake and Rotarians M, MeKinstry, North Bay; Vernon Rowe, Charles Thomas, Ted Aims and Charles Ryeroft, Whit: by; and R, Briars, Toronto, #10 FINE Gregor Kaplicz, of 108 Annis street, was fined $10 or 10 days in all, by Magistrate ¥, Ebbs, Monday, when he plead: ed guilty to illegal possession of wine, $560 DAMAGE An estimated $550 damage re sulted from a two-car collision at the north-west corner of the Oshawa Shopping Centre, Mon: day, at 10.20 a.m, One car was driven by Line Panatallerisco, of 515 Palace street, Whithy, The driver of the other ear was Myroslow 8heyan, of #7 Luke street, Oshawa, CITY BREAKIN Drapak's Hardware Store, 124 Wilson road south, was bro: ken into early Monday morn: ing, The Oshawa Police De: partment reported today, A pane of glass had been remov: ed from a basement window, A pair of men's skates, a jig saw, and a drill were moved from majority and legislate accord: their place on the shelf, but no: thing was taken from the base: ment, The upstairs had not been entered, FOR TRIAL Ronald L, Watkinson, of | educational eppertunities for all children and even out the sehool | taxes," | LOCAL RATEPAYERS The speaker noted that the local ratepayers associations Brooklin, was committed for trial by higher court, Friday, on the charge he stole equip: ment and scrap metal from the CNR, In Oshawa and Whitby, between Dee, 10 and Dee, 31 Festival, which takes place In | Many Rotary Clubs are thking!the second week of March, Bix: ty members will be able to make the trip and the compe tition is "Ride the Chariot", a negro spiritual, "Lots of luck" from all Centralites will travel to Peterhoro with the group, BUY BAND UNIFORMS Three years ago, the party in power in Council had for a platform "Band Uniforms', This platform is now coming into realization, During these three years, money was obtain: ed for the uniform fund from Counell, Musie Night and dona: tions from various School Organ izations, The uniforms, which will be bought shortly consist of maroon blazers with fos, trim and 8 school crest on the blaser music department &t pocket, The Central has grown considerably in the past few years, The Ren: for Band consists of all musie students in Grades 10 - 18, The String Ensemble and the dance hand are smaller groups which we hear in assemblies and which we hope, In the case of the dance hand to hear at a few dances, This week a Jun: for Bund will be formed, con: slating of all Grade § classes, During the last week of Feb. B.lpuary a. Music Assembly will take place in which the entire musie department including big game, h 0 i lent game, the fing! score heing 86:12, High scorers were Larry| Plancke, with 22 points, and Larry Horne with 18 points, | Congratulations to Coach Far rell and his team ! | Central's Junior team eon: tinued its winning streak hy de feating BHS. 46-86 in a hard: fought game, The first half end ed In a close score but in the| second half Central broke away to cinch the win, High scorers for Central were Oley Bkochko and Marcus Hs mits with 12 points each, and Ken Hickey who netted § points, In the last game, Central was again successful ss high seor: ers, Marshal Nicholishen, with 28 points, Jim Longley, with 18 points, and Bob Breen with 12 points, lead Central to an K2-20 vietory, Keep up the good work! BG GAME Next Friday evening Is the Jan, 80 at 6 pm Il plays host to Central's three teams, After the last ame a dance will be held in ¢ auditorium, Both Ocavites and Centralites sare welcome, The dress Is casual, Come and support your team, Ryans having any news that he wishes printed in the paper, please contact Jo-Anne Barge, 18A, in Room 308, no later than Friday, the choir, will be presented to the student body, Many words of thks must go to Mr, Wink: ler, our musie teacher, for put: ting musle inte the curriculum at Central, TERMS INTRODUCED This past Wednesday the stu: dents viewed a very enjoyable assembly, The theme? Basket: ball! The Bantam HBoys' team was presented if coach, Mr, Farrell, Mr, Mellveen introdue: od his junior and senior teams, The girls, ten, were. present, Miss Nugent, coach of the jun: ior and senior girls teams pre: sented the players, All teams put on a few drills for the students, Then both the hoy and girl cheerleaders went through a few cheers, A new cheerleader has joined the ranks, David Dafoe, Then a five minute game was played, the boys versus the girls, refereed hy Shella Pollock and Harb Pollock and Barb Olinyk, The score -- Hoys 8, Girls 0, (Don't worry, girls! Mr, Mellveen 'just happened' to ju his tallest players on the floor.) BASKETBALL CONTESTS Last Wednesday the Junior and Senior Girls' Basketball teams went to Whithy far an exhibition game, Central Seniors oan be affiliated with the pro: vineial association, and in this (way gain strength for them {selves as well as the associa tions across the country, He said "In every town, far too many peaple forget that it is not just individual battles that should be fought and then fade aut, but one for all and all for one, "The Darlington Ratepayers association is affiliated with the Property Owners Associations of Metrapalitan Toronto and is en titled to receive legal advice and other assistance from them." During the question period fol: lowing the speaker, the question BEAUTY METHODS FOR THE LEGS Nylon - stockings, impreg nated with oll or cream whieh, hosiery makers claim, will give legs an autos matic beauty treatment are headed for retatl counters, One manufacturer offers a line of stockings treated with a mixture of mink, turtle, lanelin and sesame ells, plus royal jelly, You'll find cash buyers for just about anything you want to sell with an action getting Oshawa Times Clas. of, "the $400 land separation tax was thoroughly discussed and those whe are directly invelved sified Ad. Dial RA M92 now for a helpful Ad Writer with it are invited to write to the Darlington Ratepayers Asso-| elation." A slate of officers will be pre sented to the general member ship for ratification at the next (general meeting, REATS LORSINGER WALKETON (CF) = were defeated 23:10, Diane Mas: sey was high scorer for Central with eight points, Central Jun lors were successful as they defeaetd Whithy 183, Diane Haas was our high scorer, On Friday, Jan, 20, Central 1s host to Bowman: ville's girls teams In a league game at § pm, Good luck, Con tral! SCIENCE FAIR Central's Seclence Fair will get underway in February under the sponsorship of the Science Club, Entry deadline is Jan, 2§, [There are five categories this year: ohemistry, biology, phy: |slos, Grade § and others (which [ineludes health, nuclear sel: [once, and electranios), | Two prises will be given in {each category -- a first prize lof a certificate and money, and! Reeve a second prize of a certificate, her of Commerce, it was an COUNCIL BRIEFS A suggestion that Oshawa consider providing a muniel pally owned golf course was rejected by ecounell Monday might, The Royal Canadian Golf anssociation will be Informed that "the present financial po: sition of the city dees not permit consideration", of such a plan, Council will not consider placing advertising poster pan els on either the Hond and Chureh lot or the King street east parking lot, Request came from Mechanical Advertising Lad, Ald, Cecil Rint took tempor: ary leave of council to formally receive a $2100 gift of machin ery and tools from the Oshawa Lions Club, on behalt of Hills: dale Manor, Gifts will help outs fit the Manor's woodworking and oraft shop, Council's 1961 Low Rentdl Housing committee will be chaired by Ald, Gordon Atters: ley, His fellow members will be: Aldermen Norman Dawn, Albert Walker, Cephas Gay and Walter Lane, A 3100 fee for 1981 member ship in the Ontario Municipal Association was okayed by couneil, The CRA's 1881 nominees to the Oshawa Recreation Com: mittee are the same as 1960: | George Lofthouse, George Flet.| cher, N, K, Johnston and BE, Rind, TO HEAR WELLANDER MONTREAL (CP) = A na) tional business conference of | employment will be held in Win. nipeg Jan, 23 sponsored by the Winnipeg Chamber of Com merce and the Canadian Cham: | Douglas Kreutaweiser, of Hep:!An overall prise will he award: nounced Monday, Among those worth Irwin Lobsinger, of Walkerton, on 3 votes to 15 for the ward: enship of Bryce County, less af category {Anis is the second year for the YScience Falr', so everyone get Monday defeated Reeve od to the best project, regard:|ta address the conference is) and goade, [George De Young of Welland, | |RRsaideny of Atlas Steels Lim: tod, school ehums that he was going to "play hookey," The boy's mother said that Ted had never skipped sehool in his life before, Bald that he had| gone to Pickering that morning on the school bus, arriving at the school at 8.15, With some time to kill between then and the school opening at § am, she said, he and other school companions went to a restau: rant in the village for coffee, Mrs, Thompson had said that ihe had learned since the hoy's disappearance that he had re: ceived poor marks en three papers at the Christmas exam: nations and suggested that he to run away from home, City Plans For Meeting On Jobless Local 223, UAW, will present # brief outlining problems of the unemployed to Oshawa eity counell as soon as a meeting ean be arranged, The local 1s asking the help of councils in Whitby and Bowmanville in dealing with unemployment problems, Proposals brief; Welfare to unemployed work: ers consistent with health stan: dards, Moratorium on all debts of unemployed workers, Federal and Provincial money for developing munieipal proj: ots, Federal and Provineial publie works program, Established maximum 40-hour work week in Ontario, Ontarie Minimum Wage Act be increased to $1.95 per hour, Training program in new skills for unemployed workers, Increased Canadian content in Automobiles, Increase Unemployment Ine surance Benefits by 50 per cent, Unemployment benefits for the duration of unemployment from the general revenue fund of the government, Workers on Unemployment Insurance must have medial coverage paid for out General Revenue Fund, vw NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS ® Dyeing and Repairing * Binding and Feinging * Mathpreating outlined in the Wall-tewall curpaty sloaned in your home . mA 8-4681 174 MARY STREET FF VN might have thought that ressen) Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake, Haliburton regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly cloudy with a few snowflurries this afternoon and evening. Clear and cold to night and Wednesday, Winds 16 tonight Timmins » Kapuskasing re: gion: Cloudy with eceasional light snow and turning colder today, Partly cloudy and eold tonight and Wednesday, Winds north 20 today, light tenight and Wednesday, Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Wednesday: Windsor oooererneee 80 LL] Bt, Thomas seveveee LL] OBITUARY J, HUBERT EASTWOOD PETERBOROUGH ~ Funeral services for J, Hubert East: wood, 66, vetired head of East: wond Construction Company Limited and one of the district's best known professional engl: neers, was held at the Com: stock Funeral Home at 2 pm, today, Interment was In Little Lake Cemetery, Mr, Eastwood was horn In Pickering, the son of the late Dr, John H, Eastwood and Geor: gla Paxton, He came to Peterborough with his parents at an early age and attended Central Public Sehool and Peterborough Collegiate In: stitute, He graduated later from the University of Toronto as a civil engineer, He was a mem: her of the professional engineers of Ontario, and of St, Paul's Presbyterian Chureh, Mr, Eastwood 1s survived by his wife, the former Edith Me: Kay, Also surviving are one daughter, Mrs, Peter Halley (Barbara) of Toronto, and two sons, John M, Eastwood, of To. ronto, and Alex W. Eastwood, of Winnipeg, A brother, Willlam P, Eastwood, Peterborough, also survives, BUEHLERS: BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 13-2 HOTEL LANCASTER southwest 20, shifting to north |= rr are you a little short this month? Seaboard makes both smell and lerge Loans from $50 to $5,000 home: down Special leans to owners for somplete payment, to close exist mortgages, and te eensells date debts, Ne bonus, ne pre-payment charge, Terms arranged up te 60 months Life Insurance protection, PHONE RA 8-6283 20'/: SIMOOE 81. 8, OSHAWA SENGONRD PINANGE GOMPANY fel Y Tender EAT'N LU ' «, TRUE -TRIMBEEF (\ «os» RX 12 KING E'~-- RA 3.3633 of the| : Meat Specials! FRE L Py Wed. & Thurs, BUY § LBS, SAUSAGE MEAT for 1.00 GET § LBS, REE! Wed, Only! CuT.UP CHICKEN! no 3 Thighs Breasis Wings 4. 1.00 Necks 2. 19° Thurs, Only ! LAMB In-A-Basket! Roast @ Stew Chops

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