2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, Jonuery 17, 1961 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN A DOWNTOWN BLIGHTED AREA Mr. Eugene Henry, a man with a fine sense of civie pride, is busy these days beating the drums for some fast action by the city to remove those sears from the Istest downtown blighted ares, that fire-gutied sector sround the northwest corner of BSimeoe and Athol streets razed in last week's $500,000 blaze, What Mr, Henry would like the city to do is to buy that property around the Bank of Montreal site for possible use as a badly~ needed downtown parking lot ~ later it could be sold if needed, for some type i of new building which E would lend dignity and grace to the sector, Mr, Henry deserves a hearing; as a downtown property owner, he has done more than his share to improve the appearance of downtown Oshawa bad~ ly in need of an urban re~ newal plan, His business (with ; - industrial development EUGENE HENR company) keeps him away from Oshawa for long periods, unfortunately, but he has repeatedly pumped vigor and leadership into the Oshawa Downtown Businessmen's Association, He has al~ ready contacted the ODBA, with a view to making an early appeal to City Hall, The city, hard-pressed for funds for new projects (however worthwhile) will more than likely give Mr, Henry and his associates a close hearing, Mr, Henry pumped hard for an urban development study here and this seemed to be pretty well on the then the CMHC turned down the city's proposal for federal aid (for such a study) for reasons that seem an MYSTERY BASE IN GUATEMALA "There are no aggressive in- tentions in connection with the activities at Realhulen," the Guatamalan defense minister | 'Knights Rap Drug Makers OTTAWA state council of the Knights a A B26 plane is shown park group of bombs is stacked in | ed on the airstrip at the | foreground. Guatemala denies "mystery base' in Retalhu- | the base is being used to | | leu, Guatemala, last week, A | launch any invasion of Cuba | ROUGH RIDE 'Art' Display Just A Gag TORONTO (CP) Two stowaway kittens rode nearly 148 miles in the undercar riage of their owners' car Sunday night, and each ar rived at its chosen destination unhurt WINNIPEG (CP) The wife of an artist whose works sparked a controversy in which haums, One of the burned sheet kitten number one articles was named the Bard's Bays army." ~(AP Wirephoto) Columbus has charged that Ca. ports earn and imports cost=hranch of the Ontario Supreme " nadian drug manufacturers are widened to £681,000,000 (82,486, Court to handle divorce cases hushand were visiting the Teitel- distributing salacious literature 500,000) last year, an increase would be an improvement in| PEEP RIVER (CP) ~ The through the malls The charge was made here compared with 1959 They wre just routine activities by the Guatemalan (CP)~The Ontario Britons Told | Accountant Jailed Must Make On Fraud Counts Sacrifices [ VAL DOR, Que, (CP)--Andre!d Or, 218 miles northwest of OL Lemieyx, defeated Progressive tawa By DAVE OANCIA (Conservative candidate for Vii-. Eudore Dumont i Canadian Press Ball Writer Fu , AR en) i fenewve in the Yoid federal Shag Smployed Ad federa | | : ition, was sentenced Monday 0 lic wo) riment, i| LONDON (CP) ~~ Britons| 18 months in jail of each of six charges of ncceming bribes ia | were warned Monday they must charges of fraud and con connection with the same works {he ready to make sacrifices spiracy, Jreques Fournier of Montres | [fw In an tion 10 MEmEIn| The sentences are (0 run con pein] prosecutor for the fed: their country's economic health. currently Charges were laid in 78) government, said Temienx "We intend to be ready 10\opnncotion with 8 series of jr- nd Leclere admitted having make sacrifices at home thet we, ; i (falsified various cont dur: judge necessary to keep infla- regularities in public wo rg Whart a ni of f | 4 Hon # Hon under control and to keep Jts n hy Ma FUE iver cleaning jobs, confidence strong In our eur reney abroad,' said Selwyn Marcel Leclerc, an account: HIRED LECLERC Lioyd, chancellor of the ex-#nt from Malartic, was sen The Crown claimed Lemieux ehequer tenced to three months in Jal) received the contracts then His grim warning, coming|oh each of three charges of hired Leclere as his foreman, hard on the heels of the an-|conspiracy and two of fraud. Names of many persons, some nouncement of Last years|The senignces also are (0 run|of them existing, others dead or gloomy trade figures, was/coneurreftly, fictitious, were added to the vaguely reminiscent of the ex-| Both men pleaded guilty, They payroll, Cheques were sent reg: hortations of the post-war aus- had pleaded not guilty at pre-\ularly to these names and Le- terity period, liminary hearing last Decem-clerc endorsed them with The Daily Herald said Mon- ber, but reversed their pleas! forged signatures, cashed the dar's rade Jieutes showed tha Monday, | heques, hen spit the money "was ackest year for er © isi vw Lemieux, Britain's (rading halance Scere To river anne] The first Indication thet any: (the Conservatives came back 19) contracts in the Duparquet ares,|tNNg Was amiss came when | power in 1951," are to be laid today in_Amos ome of those on the payroll re- IMPORTS INCREASED against Lemieux, Rene Leroux ceived income tax Jorms isting This 15 a result of the fact nd onvh Bedard, wih | lig ig Baglin that Britain's lmports durin ednesday, Malartic plumber 4d the last year Napena much! Yvon Magnan and store-owner| WII in false expense mc: . more than her exports Louis Gravel are to appear fori ™royociootions have heen wn: ineer pub: Total figures for 1960 show trial on similar charges in Val » on ro ama te er LS wah MM or worth £3,678,000, 208, | eusat "a 4 iron un sn or oon on Separate Court [swim vr mend, bi pared wi . | Com: But the goods bought abroad| For Divorces ? feneive. in the house of Com cost £4.550,000,000 ($12,965,200, At that time, Lemieux denied 000)~14 per cent ahove the pre: TORONTO (CP) =~ AUOIMEY: the peeusations saying they vious year's figure General Roberts of Ontario! yore for publicity reasons," Hence the trade gap -- the\Monday raised the question |e refused comment Monday, of | difference hetween what - eX-\whether establishing a SEPAFALe DEATH ACCIDENTAL (81,005,200,000) of [the province's divorce law ad:|death of # 12-year-old boy found ministration, (hanging in his bedroom Sunday £349,000,000 more than a little strange to civie officials, Tiger, Wilten numer a University of Manitoba in Incestuous Shets Preserved for during the weekend at the coun. In his speech Monday night, Mr. Roberts told the John| The CMHC report found that "even the poorest of Oshawa housing is well maintained -- and no resi- dential area is deteriorated", This hardly makes sense, Mr, Henry feels that the fire damage gives the city #& golden opportunity to build-up what he terms "a shabby area", The Bank of Montreal purchased two buildings (eight stores on the northwest corner of Simcoe and Athol last February for $136,000 as a site for a new bank building, but there was no indication given by the bank as to when they would build, Perhaps the city will quietly suggest to the bank (which now has 100 building projects under way in Canada) that now would be a good time to go ahead with the Simcoe-Athol building, The bank did have its own building inspectors down here last week, but what their recommendations will be, or what action will be taken, is anybody's guess, "MIKE" JACULA ON SICK LIST "Incorporation and Income Tax in Canada' (CCH Canadian Limited)--written by Gordon W. Riehl, an Oshawa chartered accountant--has gone into its sec ond revised edition following 1960 publication, It has goined wide acceptance in the legal and accounting fraternity, especially with tax consultants, It sets out tax implications of incorporation to owners and advisors of small and medium-sized businesses , , . , Michael "Mike" Jacula, of Cliff Mills Motors Ltd, has been in the Oshawa General Hospital for two weeks with a heart ailment, but is on the mend , , , Sam Horwich, president of the Beth Zion Hebrew Congregation, and Saul Einhorn will represent Oshawa at the 18th Region~ al Conference of Canadian Jewish Congress in Hamilton January 21-22, Speakers will be Samuel Bronfman of Montreal, Congress national president, Dr, Samuel Blumentield of New York, director of Education and Culture of the American Zionist Council; and Saul Hayes of Montreal, executive vice-president of the Congress, STRANGE SIGHTS IN THE EARLY DAWN They would rather play hockey than eat, or sleep, They are the little tykes who use the Oshawa Children's Arena, Some of them are no more than eight or nine, but they can be seen in the early dawn on Saturdays as they trudge along lonely city streets hefore 7 their little frames w elghted down by (skates, pads, etc,) Some come from Cedardale, some from North Oshaka, Some walk, some ride in cars. or hiteh-hike but they have one thing in common they want to get on that ice and play their little hearts 'out, "Bill" Smith, arena manager, says that it isn't un» usual for as many as 10 or 15 of them to be waiting in the cold outside the rink as early as 6 am, (the doors don't open till 6:30 a.m.) on Saturdays, "They're mostly a game little crew, says Smith "and many of them arrive at this early hour accompan= led by kind and loving fathers who sometimes appear to be badly in need of sleep themselves." These boys are part of a vast hockey network using the arena, largest unit which is The Oshawa Minor Hockey Association (organized in 1932) with 48 teams and 736 players and operating under the direction of President Harold Hudson, Also using the city-owned Arena (first opened in 1956) are: The CYO with 19 teams and 96 players, The Church League with six teams and 96 players, The Neighborhood Association League with 16 teams and 256 players, Mr, Hudson, who recently succeeded William "Bill" Kuerelo (now chairman of The Children's Arena Com= ission) as president of the OMHA says that there is a throng need in Oshawa for facilities for hockey players in the 18 to 21 age group, Don't forget that the fifth annual "Miner Hockey Week in Canada" will be observed across Canada Jan» uary 21-28, inclusive, The Oshawa Children's Arena has arranged a special program to mark the occasion, am, equipment belonging Lloyd Hills' daughter Joy, and son Anthony, decided his fu ture was in suburban Etobi coke, When the Hills arrived there from their home near Huntsville ahout 148 miles from Toronto--Tiger alighted "How like our kitten at home,' thought the Hills fam ily But Posterity JUST A GAG "My hushand didn't even know the meaning of the phase she said, "I have de- cided it is time the public knew the whole thing was a gag." "My husband manufactured them, and Mr, Teitelbaum man- ufactured the names. Neither of them considered it art, but it all semed to go so well with pub: licity from every source." fhe said her hushand tok an arts course in Germany but most of his income in Canada came from painting and decor: ating houses Since the cofee shop exhibit her hushand had left the art school, structor was dismissed said Monday it all was a gag that hackfired Mrs, Dieter Rechenberg that her "gullible husband" 'doing nothing=-no painting working, no earning He was the originator of a so called art display in a downtown coffeehouse, one article being an old sheet with holes burned in it, The latter was praised as exciting and controversial hy her hushand art instructor Mashel Teitelbaum of Toronto Mr, Teitelbaum later was dis missed hy the University nf Manitoba art school, being de: seribed as incompetent as a said is no Tammy, kitten number two, appeared under the car outside the Hospital for Sick Children in downtown Toronto, it was too much of a coincidence, The Hills family fed their pets and carried them home comfortably == in side the car when teacher Mrs, Rechenberg said the pro No Proof etic tietini i Of Gold Uranium, Cement Black Mart Merger Planned MONTREAL (CP)~Top Mon treal police officials said Mon day there is no evidence to sup (CP) Denison ditional 350,000 shares at $3 a Mines Ltd, big Northern On-|share, TORONTO tavio uranium producer plans to] A meeting of Lake Ontario acquire a substantial interest in| shareholders is expected to he Lake Ontario Portland Cement held in February, Co, Itd,, the two companies an: Announcement of the agree: nounced Monday [ment was made by Stephen B. Under the agreement, subject| oman, president of Denison, port elaims that Montreal| "racket bosses' are smuggling gold stolen. from Ontario mines into black markets in Europe {and the Orient A Timmins report last week ident It was accidental, police said Mon- day. Donald Furnes was found by his mother, He had heen playing in the house with two other boys at the time, BIG RUG SALE at NU-WAY SEE PAGE 9 TOMORROW'S PAPER | Employment ~ $13,500; one at Royal | and thareugh Veterans Affairs, Toronto, ing en qualifications and e cine In a province of perience in the field of Ne to approval of Lake Ontario and George H, Elliott, pr of Lake Ontario, shareholders, Denison will buy| mp Roman said the proposed [760,000 common shares at $2.25 acquisition fits in perfectly with a share, Of these shares, 440,000 Denison's diversification plans Mr. Elliott said the additional capital will expedite the com- {pany's expansion both in Can: {ada and the United States, Harvey J, McFarland, chair: man of Lake Ontario, com: provincial police said, "it hasimented; "It is particularly heen many years since we have pleasing to see Canadians buy: been asked to investigate a case|ing back shareholdings which of this type [have, until recently, been in the "Mines in Ontario, and in|United States," Quebec for that matter, Lake Ontario, with main their own security forces, When plants at Bieton, started opera. ! : ih {tions in 1058 and now Is operat. we are called in it is usually toling at its capacity rate of about of the assist the investigators." 2,000,000 barrels a year, said at least $1,250,000 in gold was stolen from nine of the 11 operating gold mines in the Porcupine area during 1060 The report said officials esti mated that some $700,000 was brought to Montreal last year to purchase stolen gold, Most of the profit had gone to a small group of "fences." RCMP Superintendent Rene Belec said Monday that he has not officially heard of Montreal racketeers being involved in such transactions, "In any case," he said, "the theft of gold is a provincial mat ter." "It would come to us if smuggling it out of the country was involved," Inspector J are from Lake Ontario's treas ury and 310,000 are to be sold by present shareholders, Denison will also get an option on an ad have! Gauthier ternal Medicine) of an airport or governmen a number of yea 61-895 SENIOR AGRICULTURAL A OFFICERS (1 eil's quarterly meeting, the chancellor noted the latestiwhite Society of Osgoode Hall| Samples of advertising at the| figure and said Britain will doliaw school such 8 branch might meeting included circulars and all in her power to expand ex- he patterned after the present booklets on planned parenthood ports and maintain a healthy\ English system, where the di- and a price dist of availahle| balance of payments, voree courts are presided over| {drugs and contraceptives hy local comissioners of the! | Vietor Conps of Hamilton, . d court and not Racossarily by Bu. state warden, d pe aints ] reme Cour £8, iri iii vlan Un icence ' The an ues. also said three month period, . he was impressed with some of "In one case, 8 mother re: Private E es the arguments advanced by Tor: ported her six-year-old daughter onto awyer Joseph Jediwick (brought homie o samble'of seh) gypn1n (cm) -- Three man, WG Secenty sutgeviod auligh The council decided to make One 8 United States citizen, sidered sufficient evidence for an effort to have the post of. Were each fined #25 Monday for the granting of a divorce, fice department refuse such ad acting oi private investigators RE tis | in ario o 4 ' yer! ising. " [A fourth man, Francis Ed- ward Taylor, 85, now a bailiff in Chatham, had his case re:| | Us Bans manded to Feb, 17 without plea, Fined were Frank Dyck, 42, of Port Huron, Mich; George| # T ] Francis Hewlette, 28 and| u d rave Thomas Dickson, 40, both of . . |8arnia, All pleaded guilty, WASHINGTON (AP) The| The charges were laid on or United States Monday banned ders of the attorney - general's travel hy Americans to Cuba, department after information| saying it can no longer protect was received from Mr. Justice] U.K, citizens there |W, ¥. Spence who presided at The only exception to the the fall assizes of the Supreme travel embargo will be persons Court of Ontario here last fall whose visits to Cuba the state| for two weeks starting Nov, 21, department decides are "in the|Those charged gave evidence in best interests of the United divorce actions during the as. States," sizes, This special permission wil] Hewleite said in a Matoment Be given to newspaper men and read Magic My ® 30 'ex: 0 who already ) phat have established business inter: Jenson, by a Sarnia law firm for ests In Cuba, PING | : . Cuba thus joins four Commu: observation. Ho sald he was Ue nist countries labelled off limits aware 1a BR Tay to Americans, They are Com oy owns a detective agency munist China, Albania, North in Michigan, His defence coun: Kurea, and North Viet Nam, der "Hugh Garrett of Sarnia, told wir Cu #, they have no diplo:| oii his elient had attempetd Matic relations with the United 4 obtain an Ontario investiga: States, [tor's licence but it was difficult Monday US, action, ang find anyone who would hond nounced by the state depart-|an American citizen, He sald (ment, is a followup to President|gll of Dyek's. money transac: Eisenhower's Jan. 8 move cut:|[tions took place In his Port ting diplomatic ties with Cuba.|Huron office nursery stock), Agriculture, $11,200, Competition 61-2 legs, with Hull, P.Q. $8,120.59,800, (Civil Service of Canade) DIRECTORS OF STUDIES, Canadian Services Colleges (with Doctor's degree from recognized university end a number of years of university teaching experience at a senior level), one bilingual at College Militaire Royal de Saint-Jean, P.Q, 500, Competition 61-2025A, MEDICAL CHEMIST (with certification Medicine or Pathelegy by the Royal College of and Surgeons, or equivalent form or specialist recognition, scientific training PENSION MERICAL ADVISERS (with licence te practise medi nada, end a number of years' ax: Canadian Pension Commission, $11,000-$12,500, Competition 60-903, GENERAL AIRPORT MANAGER (with many years' senior ex: perience in the construction er maintenance and operation ! senior administrative experience), Trans: port, Frobisher Bay, NW.T. $10,985-§13,260 (including overtime allowance), plus isolation allowance, conduct research In the fields of Animal Genetics, Quantitative Genetics and Diseases of forestry ANIMAL PATHOLOGIST (graduation fram a veterinary cel related post-graduate CIVIL ENGINEER ~-- SOILS, PAVEMENTS AND MATERIALS Opportunities Roads, Victoria, B.C, = $12,» cialist In Physicians as a in bielogical chemist 00 1h Se eg) aires xperience, Competition 60-904, or Ins urology, Neuropsychiatry ttawa, tal or military installations and Competition ND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Ottawa and Saskateen, Up te 201 training), Agriculture, Competition %0.895 don area village, Children's 'Dogs Shot MOUNT BRYDGES, Ont lost eight dogs, in the past five years, the farm home near this Lon.| Mr. van Overloop said he has worth more than $500, in the same manner "Where do I go from here?" | (CP)="1 just want my kids to/he asked, He said it appeared| have a dog." as though the dogs had been| It was farmer Mac van Overs|placed in the road after being/ loop speaking Monday after hisshot to make it appear they children's newest pets, two beagle pups, were found shot through the head. His children are getting used are investigating, had been illed by cars, Police! "It's not the money that mat.| to finding their dogs shot, They ters," the farmer said. "I had/ cried, though, when the beagles a dog when I was a boy, Why Toronte firemen woman trapped in a hotel fire in downtown Taronte Monday rescue a | down the ladder, another per son is helped from the win dow, Six residents were res were found in the road outsidejcan't my kids have a dog? | While two firemen carry her | cued by firemen. Two bodies ~ po" SF ® WOMAN RESCUED FROM HOTEL been third is believed still in the [Withdraw some of its troops By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer The cold war is hitting the [United States hard where it hurts most--in the pocketbook. At a time when President Eisenhower, now stepping down from office, would like to have shaved military outlays and {perhaps leave a farewell gift of tax concessions, move is de manded of taxpayers as pro posed defence expenditures rise to a peacetime high The huge US, defence outlay, estimated to climb ta more than $42,000,000,000 in the 12 months ending in June, 1063, {5 one of [those factors aggravating the Amoriean dollar and gold prob lem I threatens to unbalance the © [budget and add to a national debt that has reached moun talnous proportions, As the debt rises, it tends to undermine world confidence in the Amer loan dollar and encourages the flight of fnvestment funds to other countries : DRAIN STILL UNPLUGGED | The Eisenhower administra {thon has tried ta plug the drain fon affioial gold reserves LO" [through a variety of 24 [conservation moe as ures, This BRL hasn't stemmed the flow Ie and now there Is talk of new . measures dollar "Same changes in United States force deployments may become advisable in light of continuing studies of overall {US programs," says Eisen [hower In what seems to he a {faint allusion to the possibility and a [that the US might have to have recovered from Europe «(CP Wirophoto) | On the other hand building he re Cold War Hits U. S. Pocketbook | professionally qualified, to carry out studies of construction procedures, tests and techniques in soil mechanics and as: phaltic and other materials in construction of runways and related air transportation facilities), Transport, Ottawa, $6,840-$7,860, Competition 61-1253, FORESTRY OFFICER FOR LOGGING RESEARCH (university graduate in Forestry, with a therough knowledge ef Cans adian logging methods and practices), Department of Fars estry, Ottawa, $6,840.47 860, Competition 61-1451, ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEER (professionally qualified Ene @gineer with experience in management and procedures de- velopment to plan and eenduct organization and manage: ment studies as related to engineering, technical and scien: tific fields), Transport, Ottawa, $6,840.87 860, Write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, giving details of edu. cation and related experience, Please quote file 61-1201, Position 1, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY (with Doctor's de. ree and specialization in Geography, Royal Military Cols ege, Kingston, Ont, Up to $7,860, Competition 61-2002, MEDICAL OR VETERINARY BACTERIOLOGIST (for bacteris ological research in poultry diseases), Agriculture, Ottawa, Up ta $7,120, Competition 61-1701, PIETITIAN (with university graduation, and specialization in foods and nutrition; a number of years of successful rele. vant experience), Indian and Nerthern Health Services, Na» tional Health and Welfare, Regina, Sask, OR Winnipeg, Man, $5,460-$6,180, Competition 60-959 ECONOMISTS (to collect and analyse information required for of our allies has highlighted the) the formulation and administration of the policies and pre- need for greater shaving of this grammes of the Department, and associated agencies), burden. Risenhower Savs in Agriculture, various centres, $4,560.45 880 and $4,240. : ' $7,140, Competition 41-264, his new budget { State department authorities CHIEF OF SERVICES, RADIOLOGY (graduation from Medical amplifying this remark, said School, with licence ta practise in Canada; must be certi- they are satisfied with Canada's fied as a specialist in Diagnostic Radiology by the Royal contribu'ion to North Atlantie! College of Physicians and Surgeons), Veterans Affairs, Sun- defence | nybroak Hospital, Torente, Ont, $13,000 and up depending on qualifications and experience, Competition 61-720, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ---- DISTRIBUTION AND BUILDING SERVICES (professionally qualified), National Defence, Amy, Ottawa, Up to $8,700, Competition 60-1158 Tima limit extended ta February 6, 196) SUMMER EMPLOYMENT IN GEOLOGY for 1961 Univer- sity Graduates at $325 to $515 a month; Undergraduates $245 10 $305 a month, Geological Survey of Canada, for various field parties across Canada and in laboratories at Ottawa. Competition 41-X:219 minds Congress that "the men: face of Communist military | strength is growing; the North Atlantic alliance remains "vi- [tal ta the security of the U8, no less than to the security of other NATO allies | The incoming president, John| Kennedy, is even mare deter mined that American defences he increased; he wants to ne goliate with the Communists from a position of strength and he feels that the US, has lagged behind the Communists especially in the field of mis silos | | UN, WANTS HELP As a result, the US, is sure to increase pressure on its al lies to lift some of the burden of military outlays from Amer: lean shoulders "The recent improvement in the financial position of many| PANCAKE SHORTAGE RUDAPEST (AP) -- The Com: munist newspaper Nepszabad.! SAE reports a young engineer ing student quit his Communist! hostel because it was short of) pancakes, A budding young Communist "should be able to resist not only plates of table delicacies but also more potent temptations," the new s paper scalded { Except where otherwise stated, write for Information Cireulars and application farms ta the Civil Service Commission, Ottawe, Please quote i her as ind d Lg