The Oshawa Times, 17 Jan 1961, p. 11

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"LIONS ASSIST HILLSDALE RESIDENTS | The Oshawa Lions Club Monday night presented a complete set of carpenter tools to Hillsdale Manor, Osh awa's Home for the Aged, for use by its residents, More than $2000 was spent by the club to equip the manor craft shop and physiotherapy equipment Scugog Man Elected Head | Arthur C, Powell, well-known throughout the Oshawa district and a permanent resident of Secugog Island for 15 years since his retirement, was re cently re-elected for a fourth term as president of the Vero Beach Tourist Club, of Florida It was reported in a Florida newspaper that Mr. Powell was reluctant to continue another year as the group president however, a canvass of its mem bership failed to find a candi date to oppose the popular Can adian winter visitor for his top executive post in the tourist club, The Vero Beach Tourist Club is rated in Florida, as one of the first attractions to tourists It has a large Candian follow ing and its membership runs around 800 Mr, Powell has a daughter Mrs, A. W. Campbell, living on Prestonvale road south Man Pleads Innocent To Assaults Charged with smashing a bottle of heer on a detective's head, Hugging another detec tive and hitting his landlady, | Peter Beaton, of 200. King street west, pleaded innocent in the Oshawa Magistrate's Court, monday, He said he didn't know they were peace officers, "I had been drinking, | fighting with some guys, don't remember who 1 hit," 'he sald, Magistrate ¥, § the accused guilty Kbbs found on each k | for use hy the residents will he built in the newly equipped shop, under the direction of re tired carpenter, J, Morse Hatt, | Hillsdale Manor resident, | I. Porrill (centre) is shown | / demonstrating the proper way | to plane a hoard. Shown as they tour the craft shop are, | president and left to right, Lion John Kent chairman of the Lions health and welfare committee, Dr Ww. C, Bands, Lions third vice official home physician, Mr. Hatt, (hack: ground) Ald, R. Cecil Bint | chairman of the city council | Hillsdale Manor commitiee March Of Dimes Tourist Group Aids Disabled Fo make them fit to earn a livelihood again" is the defini tion of Rehabilitation, This statement was made today by Mrs. Earle Southern, General Chairman of the March of Dimes in Oshawa I'he March of Dimes Rehab ilitation program has to include whatever it takes to bring the disabléd man or woman to this ald Mrs, Southern. I include surgical, medical and vocational aid; and for Ais abled mothers of small chil there must be housekeeping help as well, Rehabilitation fae ilities are readily available to any adult man or woman dis {abled from accident, disease or inherited cause "The comprehensive rehabil itation program of the March of Dimes is available to dis abled mothers at home as it is to the family breadwinner, Eley en hundred and four handicap ped persons were referred to the March of Dimes Re tion Foundation in the past months. Each was individually different as fay as physical dis ability was concerned, Each dis abled person required and is receiving individual attention "Sometime expensive equip ment is needed; some patients need treatment and training; | others need corrective surgery Whatever form the rehabilitat ing process takes, the aim is in dependence and self sufficiency for the patient, Medical science provides the skill, The March of goal must | man # HO % impromptu public speaking cor MRS, EARLE SOUTHERN habilita:| committee in Oshawa hope that Were no one ever will be turned away from lack of funds "At this time of the year residents of Ontario know that the Marching Mothers are final:| iging plans for thelr annual door-to-door Mothers' March, Here in Oshawa the local com- mittee, organized hy the Kinette Club of Oshawa, is planning the higgest campaign ever On Monday, Jan, 80, between 7 and 8 pm, every home in Oshawa will be visited in the Dimes makes it avallable--any: where in Ontario "In 1960 the March of Dimes required $570,000 to meet the remember| needs of rehabilitation for dis. still needs more volunteers but 1 abled men and women, This was| You can spare one hour of your about $530,000 more than in 1060 Hach year, more patients are referred to the March of Dimes None have ever heen turned campaign for 1061, Marching Mothers in 200 Ontario centres (hope to raise $660,000 in the one hour blite, The local committee If time of Monday, Jan, 30th, call the March of Dimes Commitiee at RA. 5:0142, The hour you give will help to make someone charge, and remanded him al away and the March of Dimes! fit to earn a livelihood again," Minor Loops Plan Church Services week for sentence rs, Mildred Kimmerly, the landlady, said Beaton hit her on the cheek when she asked his after-midnight guests to leave Jan, 14, She said she then call od the police to quieten things "Later in the morning," she told the court, "he had two more guests, so I called the police again. There was a lot of noise." Detective Sergeants Kenneth Young and George MeCammond sald they answered this call Sergeant McCammond said he had just told Beaton he was a olice officer when the aceused it Mm on the chin with his left fist. Sergeant Young said when he saw this, he went and sald to the accused "You're under arrest.' Young said the accused then hit him on the left side of the head with an almost full bottle of beer The bottle broke," he said Sergeant Young sald it wa neeessary to use his "hilly" to subdue the man and put on the handeuffs "I thought he was drunk first," Young said, "but he very well in the fight" Assistapt Crown Bruce Affleck asked for the maximum penalty on the charges. He said, "a peace offi cer needs full protection when carrying out his duty.' Betting On Car Crash CHATHAM (CP) An anti quated automabile will hit the jackpot for somebody when it crashes through the ice of the Thames River in the spring Chatham Junior Chamber Commerce Monday obtained city council approval of a fund raising scheme in which the car and the public will be In vited to pay to register guesses as to when it will fall through The most accurate will earn a prize al did Attorney estimate Ihe fifth annual "Minor Hoek ey Week in Canada" will be held January 21 to January 24 Youth and adults across Can ada will celebrate this week Minor Hockey Week is pro claimed because Canadians are proud of hockey; it to learn more about the and to appreciate what it doing for the youth A special celebra planned by the of of the Oshawa Minoy \ssociation for "Minor Week Hockey" 1s all hockey better men, For reason, Oshawa will be holding special events through out the week, This is one way of informing the peaple that minor hockey is doing its shave to develop better citizens and thus better Canadians TEACH SPORTSMANSHIP Hockey 1s a game of skill to teach youth true sportsmanship to develop competitive spirit and ta teach them how ta "Give and Take It teaches them to co-operate with others, play with athers, wark with athers, to respect those in authority, such referees and team officials pect other folks' prop other words, the abil game to act as an paison that has Teenage Delin gives Us a echanoe game can do and § of Canada ton 15 bein Heal Hockey Hockey Minor lation of bays hecoame that the 1} foun help AS and to re erty. In ny ihe antidote for the named of heen quency Family atlays that "The Tagether Realizing That Pra Togethe 0 attend i are invited church citizen - t special ser the variou Ia $ in n, 22, when the re riest and rabbi service. "Don't Your Boy to conduct But Take Ww Send churches on ®f especially on this dat is the slogan Church ed Sunday ENCOURAGEMENT NEEDED Parents are encouraged to lake a greater interest in thelr son's participation in Canada's National Game by encouraging their boy ta play hockey and attend the hockey games av ranged during this week, There are four separate arganizations in Oshawa the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, the Ca tholie Youth Ovganization, the Inter » Church Hockey League and the Neighborhood Parks Association. A host of grand fellows, young and old, are spending considerable time and money organizing, coaching, managing, refereeing and pro viding the appartunity te learn the fundamentals of minar hook oy, to campete in good, olean recreation and have fun at the same time The know that minor hockey builds better citi gens and it is hoped parents will agree and support "Minarvy Hockey Week In Canada' hy at tending the games and the spe cial chureh of their faith, The success depends on and the committee in charge is certain that "Minor Hockey Week In Canada will not go unobserved or «Minor Hockey Week Oshawa" el ther associations services everyone mn that every ex coach, manag referee and hockey enthy siast, young and old: and par ents of the hockey players in Oshawa will attend the special church services that have been arranged for this occasion, They expect ecutive member Coliihond Fire Chief, The Oshawa Times Department |: PAGE ELEVEN D SECT Mayor Christine Thomas led oor -- Oshawa city council Monday : Eh in commending Fire C Rae Hobbs and the city's) firefighters "for the splendid] wey they handled the fire" last Tuesday, i Police, Board of Works and public utilities crews were. also thanked for their cooperation, Mayor Thomes recalled thet the #lerm had gone in at #15 mm, and » minutes lnier, 'every piece equipment OFD could spare was at the scene," In less than two hours Whithy, Brovklin snd Bowmanville units were at the fire, Crews came from Ajax, Pickering Town ship and Village, East Wood-| lends and Garrard road | Ninety - three men from Osh-| {awa units fought the blaze, said | Mayor Thomas, slong with ¥ lother firemen, She said 429 {ladders were used and seven hydrants were tapped | The mayor said Athol street {should be open today but Sim- lene street would not be open 19 through traffic for about 19 Obedience Classes To Start Soon Congratulations are in order to the handlers and dogs who (4 / de recently completed a 10-week { training course recently at the Knights of Columbus Hall, The / class, which was capably judged A A i hy Reg, Scott, of Port Credit, J Vay # was sponsored by the Oshawa iki aiid Obedience Association | In the novice class 3 dogs ere on hand for the judging as . ' wel as three in the advanced Seen here are the Ottawe- club's Monday luncheon meeting category, The three top qualify bound Oshawa civie officials at Hotel Genosha, Rotarian Mi ing scores in the 'novice class) and business men, They Bre chael Clayton was the chair aoe turned in by # Gelman to attend a hearing before the 8 J owned by Ron Krag te he senior members of tel heVheT0, owed In Kos KEKE | lr Trangport Bourd of wn ap leluh were | 3 . ! 4 : plication for an air charter to ) were subjected (0 (helg German Shepherd, owned by| Coro mo aif charter | indignity of having to eat their jack Stewart, with a score of a rve points in Southern On: meal without the assistance of 188 and a Kerry Blue, owned hy aro forks; while interruptions from|fejen Lang with a score of 170 the floor were punctuated by thel Also in the class were; Mrs explosions of cap pistols, The|A, Tryon, Samoyed; Mrs, D new members displayed ban: Beember, Samoyed; Mrs ners expressing their opinionsSchmid, Doberman, Mrs, Mac lof -some of the senior members. |Gregor, Boxer WwW. Carnwith, The list of visitors was an|Labrador; Sheryl Dodwell, Min nounced hy Rotarian Arthur/ Poodle; Mary Hogenhoom, Ger: { Doyle while the birthdays were man Shepherd; David Mel aldon given by Rotarian Sam Don:[Min, Poodle; D, Gardiner, Robber, Aubrey Laffin, 38, of nelly, Rotarian ¥. J, Francis|Kerry Blue; Katherine Gardiner, | 138 Summer street, told police, conducted the sing-song Kerry Blue; Barbara Evans, "well now, I'll he honest with A novel touch was given the Welsh Corgi; Mrs, BE Rastedo, you, I thought I'd he smart and program hy the holding of an English Setter; William Exlet, get myself some money, Now 1 :|Collie; Richard Bradley, Boxer wish I'd never done it and M, 8, Southern, Welsh Corgi,| Laffin pleaded guilty, in the Scores in the advanced class Oshawa Magistrate's Court, Ursula Floeter, Kerry Monday, to snatching a cath y ' Franc Blue, 194; Jean Goode, Collie, (box from Francis Lee, night Wools | and | hy THANE. 176%; John Webbing, German cashier the Athol street test were ANE PRY Ross Mills Shepherd, in. Vebraaky. Ui Municipal Parking Lot, Dec nD eginning Ir p : Jt AW, Armstrong, Rev, C. OshaWA Obedience Association ¥, 8 Kbbs re Cross, B, F', Everson and Presi gi "ne polding monthly meet dent John Lowry ings at the CRA building on the sentence, He asked for a pre: [first Monday of each month at|sentence report, CELEBRATING f p.m, Lee told the court he had just left the parking lot to walk west on Athol street when he BIRTHDAYS GC : passed the accused on the ouncl street, Laffin had said, "just a Congratulations and best minute, I'll take that," Mr, Lee wishes to the following resi: dents of Oshawa and district M t who are celebrating their 0 ee birthdays today hox, There was about $05 in it," . a Lee told of a struggle in the it nion middle of Athol street, while he called oln, Police '" Then, he LE (Staff Atlsaid, three policemen came Millan drive; Michael Betty, MAN ILIE of the Bow: around the corner, Police Con: 125 Rosedale drive, Whithy, [stable D, W, Dillabough told the Arthur, Andrea and Anne Fernandes, triplets, 571 Vet erans' avenue; Mrs, Neil |© gi VanderHeiden, 37 Park |Smith, president of Local 233, mtu "eel "out of his hand," road south; Charles Wickett, (UAW, concerning the assistance, SA and co-operation of the Council with the Unemployment Union| taking the money when he came of Oshawa, with a hrief drawn out of the hotel and saw the up by the union designed to help|oashier walking on Athol street Sharon Oliver, 342 Adelaide |ourh the unemployment situa:|He said the only reason he could west; Peter Kent, 813 Gib hons street The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will | . Hive st and sees [Just got mixed up," she said receive double tickets to The Wag ha nt § to pro.| The accused's landlord said hibit the discharge of voof [Ne Was a very good tenant and water inte the existing sanitary i diel paki hte the system), It was passed by COU Constable Dillabough said the SON oil that a deadline for the Cor 00 c0d4 had heen drinking, but Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of & am, and 10 a.m. Phone RA 3-347 by Councillor Ken Nicks that arwas sober F d Ch request for a licence for the sel eare arge ting up of a janitorial contractor business in Bowmanville by 'Fled From Law Garry 'Smith and Robert Nich: 3, Bowmanville, was fined $10 ! us . ols, both of Kendall, he referred or 10 days in jail, by Magistrate TORONTO (CP) = John Car iq the Industrial Commission for| I, 8. bbs, Monday, when she Steeves, 20, was acquitted Mon in the Town day of an assault charge avis I was passed by Council ne from the aceident that the seven tenders received Carmount and Steeves, ofigan consideration for the exten nearby Port Credit, approached sian and enlargement of the off duty Constable Raymapd Liberty street sewer system he Tackey, who was with his g'liretemred to the Engineering In an ensuing souffle Steeves paceria and Sons, $71,861.63; fell inte the lake and Was Gearly and Riece Const., $80. drowned, Carmount fled after gse a0: Clairson Const. $67.1 Const, Tackey went for help. yaq 00: Dundas Const. $89.979..! 235 Paul Rosa Const, $67,913.60 4 Ww ANTS INSPECTIONS and Dick King Const, $54,149.08 TORONTO (CP) = Deaths on, Further correspondence ve SOVEILMAR Brand Jury recom, ang nurohase materials fo mended Monday to Mr, Justice . erials Ton D. C. Wells. The jury said there the construction of new liquer are licensed motor vehicle awn. Store, in Bowmanville as much ers who are either ignorant of as possible the most elementary mechanics Reports passed hy Council conducive te safety, or are de: were: Police: Dag Contrel and sald Mrs, Bertha Johnson, RR ille Town Council Monday (manville [court he thought the accused 46 Fairbanks street, Apt, 1 ition in this area give was "overdrinking." Regent Theatre, good for a rection of this problem by the was nat drunk. Detective Ser qmount, 17, of suburban Etobi consideration pleaded guilty to three charges friend in a car on a federal Consultant for farther investiga: Ontario's roads could be vo oeived and filed hy Council wae (iberately negligent (the Industrial Commissioners. # | # 3.7% 4 Robert president, Don second vice: Douglas Johns, Manor superinten- dent and Lions first vice: president, Harold Phillips ~Oshawa Times Photo Rotary Club New Members Take Meeting To the accompaniment of rau cous noises from a recording, the new members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa conducted the Pornll, . Lion club Lions Ww Mr Brown Branch president Hillsdale | Man Guilty [test in. which the names of the speakers and their subjects X drawn hy Rotarians Barry Were atl Magistrate $10 FINE "There was a little serim mage," Lee said, "He got the 4, Townline south; Bryan Rowman, 288 Haig street; Mrs, Edith Kinnea, #1 Me |consideration was given to the| 0 did ance 0 f aloolm | Was going to get away, "so 1 | correspondence M [tackled Him on the sidewalk David Kemp, 187 Patricia street; Mrs. Annie Derrett 754 Nimeoe street south; Council agreed to meet with] Taffin's wife said she thought |afficers of the union January 24, [his debts were on his mind that lat 7 p.m day. "I think after drinking, he four-week period, The our rent attraction is Walt Dis ney's "Swiss Family Robin [home owners be set for June 1 |geant William Powell, who had It was maved by Deputy:|iaken the statement from the Reeve Ivan Hobbs and seconded accused, said he thought he coke, who feared he was going Roth men agreed should they of shoplifting involving a total 0 he charged with murder Wn oad help in this business in thelof $16.60 in merchandise, the drowning of his friend LOR fo ture they would seek the same government dock Jan. 6 and tion demanded he help them push a The tenders listed were stalled car, Const. Tackey said Crosstown Const. $66.905.80: D.| duced hy mandatory regular in inat of the Internorth Com spections of all licensed motor, | R tractors and Engineers who a vehiole 4] p | ehicles, the provinee's first greed to hire labor and trades Al ume, where these hundreds of people spend leisure hours skating, Oshawa duck hunters, during the open { season, came in droves to pan one wr This picture, taken at | Oshawa Airport shortly before | manded the accused a week for and Albert streets, Spplied for id | Laffin said he first thought of Barbara Mirunski, 22, of RR HUNDREDS OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 196) II AI Sas) "LEAVE FOR OTTAWA HEARING take-off, shows the eight-man | ford, proprietor Mercury Taxi, | group, They mre, from the | From bottom, left, seated are, | left, back row, W, Edwards, | W. O, Hart, vice-president, president of the Junior Cham- | Chamber of Commerce; T, C, ber of Commerce; J, D, La- | Russell, president, Russell mont, manager - owner, Im- | Bteel Co.; Douglas A, Fisher, port Customs Brokers; L, M, | general manager, Chamber of | Air Transport Board Monday, Cond, Whithy Industrial Com | Commerce; and Dr, W, J, | unexpectedly moving up Que: missioner; and G, B, Ruther. | Langmaid, The group shown | bec Al tation date, here is the first Oshawa cone tingent to be called to testify by Quebec Air Ine, Their de- parture, originally scheduled for Tuesday evening, was ad- vanced, due to Nordair I4d,'s application going before the 'Council Vetoes By 7 Tod Planning Board Decision | City council voted 7-4 Monday hearing, after which the de. night against Planning Board's cision was made not to recom- recommendation that Douglas mend rezoning, Leaseholds' Bloor-Albert street could not be built on the prop. erty, but a truck service garage was within the provisions of the zoning bylaw, (Last night, council agreed fo amend the Zoning Bylaw te allow underground oil storage in M1 zones) Mr, Wandless continued that a second application was received from Douglas Leaseholds Ltd, rezoning when it was discovered |the present zone (MIB) didn't | allow service stations, On the recorded vote; Mayor | property. he NOT rezoned [IN GOOD FAITH ayor Christine Thomas Planning director G, A, Wand: promptly threw the matter to|less ssid Douglas Leaseholds the Board of Works for what Was at the top of a list of names she called "clarification of Of those to whom notices were terms", | sent Douglas Leaseholds built al, Mr. Douglas said his company $70,000 service station at Bloor| Nad proceeded "in good faith" as the now erected service sta. And A service station was erects wih Soproved ulin panei. was: Dull, Dovgia roved building plans", ' "I feel we are Fria fault" Leaseholds applied for reroning wid Mr Douglas, io C3, Sommercial, in order that [Christine Thomas, Ald, Jol { a planning board meeting| the service station could be (Dyer, Ald, Gordon Attersiey and In September, | 0, it wat pain. operated, he said, Ald, E, ¥, Bastedo voted to up: $% 4b ihe original application HEC held the planning hoard docisian| for building permit had "service DE NS Ech Douglas ad [not to rezone, | station eliberately marked) pifted that he had hor - oo The no's: Aldermen Walter Out It had been replaced with) gq the city's Zoning By! ig v (Lane, Finley Dafoe, Walter|, Yuck service garage", which pad he applied to cy ry [Branch, Albert Walker, Hay|1 8llowed in this zone, This ap jieence to operate the FB {ward Murdoch. John Brad plication had been made by the... | Cephas Hh y and former owner of the property, once it was bullt, ) i (Although a service station H, M, Mackie | MESSY CORNER Some members of the plan:[MAay be built anywhere the ron. Ald, Finley Dafoe supported| ning board felt the issue should| Ing allows, only city council may the application to rezone, saying| be between Douglas Leaseholds| Brant a licence to operate a sta: a service station on that corner| 8nd H, M, Mackie, because one| ton.) cleaned up a messy corner, |0f the conditions in the deal] "We had plans marked 'sory. [Also, he doubted that the pres: had been as follows: "The ven:|ice station'," he sald, "Our plot {ent soning, Industrial, was the|dor to supply all necessary per:|plans had the appearance of | rah, ohing for the ares nu for the erection ole gas:| service stations, alter Branch, who sat/oline service station to the pur: q on last year's planning board, chaser prior to closing." R in The Diobetty. wis Jurchated called the whole deal a "mul Others felt Douglas Lease:|we have received 'permits for tiplicity of misunderstandings,|holds had gone ahead with the| pumps, signs, ete, with no We must be practical,' he|service station knowing it was|trouble at all. i said, "This service station is/against the regulations; but ex. Th : | erected; the cost is around §70,.| pected to apply for rezoning A "Ne Fehived a letter in 000, We must help these people] When partly finished i bd rom Mr. Tome {elty out of their problem," Others felt the owners had wf pd we us we couldn't Said Ald, Walter Lane: "It is|been honest in presenting their A letter f : lor obvious there i considerable Position and had been misled by, Jer fram 8 Woronto band. ground for misunderstanding, I 8 combany's solicitor to Osh awa, asking If Douglas Leases holds was within zoning regula. tions, resulted in Mr, Crome's a confused roning area, and an (feel they (Douglas Leaseholds) ignorance of the regulations in acted naively, However, we letter to Mr, Douglas, the MIB (industrial) sone, could question our (the city)| There seemed to be a possibils own thoroughness here, I think ity that Douglas Leaseholds had we are duty-bound to approve been misled by the city engi: the rexoning." ° neer's office, since several plot Mayor Thomas promised an| plans of the area in question {early council » in » committee each marked 'service station", | meeting 10 "get all the parties| bore the city stamp of approval | together [At last Tuesday's p Naid the mayor: "In all fair hoard meeting Mr. Wandin ness to the engineer's depart: (oid the hoard Mr, Mackie ap: ment, if a mistake has been| plied for vesoning from MIB to Rade, we must see that iti My in arder to install an under: yh Rove Again ent g| Sround Motage tank for gasoline y ouglas, president of and fuel for a truck service sta: {Douglas Leaseholds, told coun:|tion last i said Mr at the Second Marsh, 'Three cil he had not received notice Mackie was told at that time a/routine ambulance calls were of the recent planning board| gasoline retail service station!also completed, SMALL FIRE Oshawa Fire Fighters were called to extinguish twe bon- fires within minutes of each other last night, The first fire call at 510 pm, was to the rear of 1868 Laurel court, The second fire call at 545 p.m, summoned firemen to a bonfire | hc] ahs ¥ RL MA OF SKATERS ENJOY OUTDOOR SPORT take of their favorite sport, | still go to the area to watch ; skaters of all ages, There is Since the inception of the Dar: | Wildlife "as it is protected, | at least a foot of ice covering lington Provincial Park, hunt: | Puring the winter months, the | the marsh so little danger ex: ing in the Third Marsh has | entire marsh is dotted, espec: | ists of the skaters falling ially during the weekends, as | through | been banned, but thousands | it was last Saturday, with -Oshawa Times Photo,

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