"COMING EVENTS f : ' f [77 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Jenvery 14, 1968 3 | THE LIBRARY WORLD CITY AND | - -- 1 THE EA Jovell Wome snd Sehon | : DISTRICT \ Aeneinian (lovmeriy (AB e Moret) i¢ Ym ooks Can Be | T ian ol - Form, hn vitation x weiepden 19 for ROTARY MEETING WET (RREWETE BOA PRTERIE (6 Mea C . 1 The meeting of the Rotary | Club of Oshawa, at Hotel Gen 4 P ab 153 losha next Monday, will be eon MEETING ducted hy the club's new mem-| | TUESDAY The following hook reviews hookman in search of American hers, They are expected to pre- JAN, 24 ot 8 PM were written by & member | Wslony, by Charles P. Events, "ens & novel program under the § Oshawa and Districs Homes of the Mclaughlin P ub lie [As an office boy in & hook store direction of Rotanan Mike Clay-| Je and ¥ and Senet Come Library staff Kvenit became ecurions about 10. E. A LOVELL SCHOOL A shell of hooks amongst Americana, began fo learn) FINED $18 My. Den Coughlan (Director which it is possible to browse at whout it, and hecame an ex Patrick O'Toole, 42. a tran of Probation Services. for On leisure daunts no one, tit the PEL THis is not just & recordl ooo, Good $10 or 19 days 16116), GUA SPRGHEY finding of an enjoyable hook to 0 fabulous prices for rare jail, by Magistrate F, 8. take home seems to present dif, Nas; the author talks ahowt| oo C00 Go, "Uren ve pleaded y 2 {what was in the old hooks and "7" iy, w pleaded BINGO ficulties to quite & few of us hihi ie tonnes the! GUilty 10 being drunk in & pub- There are always Wbliogre Domsible sm he place, Jan. 12. CORONATION plies available on vanous sub wowing American aalion, at ORANGE | Jets, and of course, the library wy ForUIAR BOOK.» NAME MISSPELLED 7 | eatislogue, But will that help ws ell Te" les David Hart The name of Mrs, Hubert) TEMPLE io find the companionable hook oes 0 (ell 7 revoking ih 4b misspelled in listing SATURDAY, JAN. 141k we long for? Fortunately a mime gue oc ine literary and 4 {the four surviving daughters of / J Ler of book lovers have written] Sr ie Merary ihe late Mrs, Ettie Little, whose Pm p 4 mesie civilization of re a 41 0 gl ghit ed Frida 2 about hooks and reading just for wary mppean y on 20 Game $8 eer pleasire of Hing America, suggesting the if page 3 SHARE- THE WEALTH April gor IVA INE uence of hooks on the COUrse i -------------- 4 $40 Jackaots To Ga about some of the Berry (reas or oo orican history = £150 1 Op ures which are usually avail" oul making of many Kil _ . {able in our libraries hooks would be quite impossible] ar y One of the most delightful of Loe paper, that commodity 13 Soroptimist Club such works is hy the Wibrarian Jol pm Le 0. much for 1 of the University i alifotnin granted, One ol the most Inter a er ; : BOOKS IN MY BAGGAGE, EAMES. wie a a Dessert Bridge adventures in reading and col Sing avishiographies - te 4 ONS ; Oo Rebot ok lecting, hy Lawrence Clark MY IPE WITH PAPER. rescoll, i-year-old father ol Powell is} Gide AY FI was killed instantly Friday night U AW Hall, In these essays Mr, Powell J A Rare Humer 5 Mr, HAF') Gye struck by a car as he 44 BOND ST. EAST sharing with the reader his Joy it pra the hi chine nae Siossed fighway Na ne 3 ful experiences in reading, and : 5 Shidis "BET pont poo a eommunity Tuesday, Jan 31 ; although thet was probably a Oshawa. The oo j he even describes the places 3 "ORD miles north east of Oshawa, The Dessert 7:30. Bridge £.00 . where and circumstances under never 4 £anaclous motive, Hel gocident occurred shortly after LA i Prizes and Fovour which he read particular hooks; | **" actively engaged in the g pm : * nu ; fextrs 7 REUNITED AFTER 36 YEARS wih he esd pear Vonks, wllucture of taper vr vad Ws pros wa crossing he AUSTIRARIAL wy" Pig ickets available from 6 forms a vital part of this man's | a x | vighway on his way hack 10 "resi Yickars of the 3 and ju Jack Sern ir becky over family picture as they 1025. My Merszon came from | jife, the hook reflects the chiar methods of apes « ingiing and work, He Vas struck by a north} OUTE oF "OBJECT" Bassett"s Downtown Store Merszon and Max Stern look are reunited in Toronto for the | Argenting for the reunion with | acter and interests of the writer, I'M! ii 4 H i ) Pan hound car driven hy 23-year-old " 3 first time in 36 years. They | her brothers Thursday night Although he is mainly concern ielis about he ellos to Je an Shirley Clement, Eglinton ave Its radio station at Shemya | dé area. cross. about $00 were separated in Warsaw in CP Wirephoto led with books as reading) 'hese ancient sible, [hs emer nue east, Toronto, police report:| (1% rade station at Bicmya | Gay In Area, Cross, Aho material. there are interesting PHses where fine handmade 4 Island, Alaska, detected an | miles west of Midway appar: bits about hook collecting # paper was produced, and his My Prescott was employed by, ect with missile character ently headed southeast along a His opinion and interpretation ate! travels in search of fOr (he Penartment of Highways as| istics coming out of Boviet | line from Kamchatka Penin- OBITUARIES of the work of a number of mod. MAHON about traditional meth: 2 weiner He leaves a wile, Vion moving in a southeast sula toward impact area, blast NDAY 4 p M ern writers may he of consider: 9% of making paper by hand 1 Mabel, and 11 children erly direction, the Air Force | symbol, used for missile fire EV RY p JV, able help to readers who find YAHOuS Eouni ries 2 ho Ai It is reported that the family. said last night, The Navy said | ings from Russia, Area Is FUNERAL OF in 1014, lived in Oshawa 38 (hose writers a trifle baffling fas To in the Bouth Bed pas heen helped in the past hy three Soviet missile instru- | about 1200 miles from Hawaii, ST GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM DELL COOK ears, She resided at 1020 Glen The fact that he has not yel ry unter did: not travel @ the Salvation Army ment ships were sighted Tues: | ~AP Wirephoto Map " A The funerl service for Delf Mreet, Oshawa rend. WAR AND PEACE (but) Mr unter aid no travel as -- rephote Map 90 ING E. AT FAREWELL Cook ho died -at the Oshiw She wis # member of St intends to when he retires) may? wealthy American Observing CAPSULE NEW | af h 690 KIN \ ARE . i ! Y ab Bendy Wa hn BE tl a ' VRS how backward people produced after an army exercise in the enevnl Hospital Wednesday, John's Ukrainian Greek Ortho: comfort some of us, His read : : hig pi CKPOT Jan, 1), was held at the Me dox Church ing discoveries amongst the & commedity by prtwiive and area, 100.00 JA \ intosh - Anderson Funeral Home Her hu hand Jahn W aduck classics of English and Kuro paper-maker looking for fellow DIRECTOR APPOINTED £7 NL JER at 2 p.m, Friday, Jan. 13 predeces ed her in 1920. A pean literature may Inspire us craftsmen in the older eiviliza PY TORONTO (CP)=Dr. J, N, 2 NUMB ) Ihe services were conducted anil iy | ; oe A by Franke, 10 puplore Jame of Ahase Splen: ions so that he could record SCA £es iven Swanson Friday was appointed CONSOLATION $20 hy Re : i A Mellow ini toy S100 ) i " seus by VOICE FROM THE pric, their methods before another medical director of the Ontario " [ ¢ 4 of Northminster United Church WIFVIVING are a danger, ¢ I en Li "fine art would be lost to division of the Canadian Arthe 20 GAMES 16 PR |ZES Of D 10 interment was in Oshawa Union in Peter Przednicki | Mary) by Rabe Ln Davies, is oh mankind | ritis and Rheumatism Society, I ' £ Cemetery ind twa sons, Alex and Niche. B08 HE hoR rol One of his achievements was He succeeds Dr, Donald GC, 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 ("fhe veimearers wore Davia lan. AU tires live i Oshawa, ain' ihe est "curiont DOK io "printing on paper he had XIIQ [crm . - ap . Weldon, Carl Cook Victor There are nine grandchildren, B09 he § \ made himself of several hooks y 7 4 - - ' Davies redntroduces old friend ) 4 . 1 ANTS i " SHARE THE WEAL IH White, Douglas MeDaugall, Ron The hod " re ting 0 the iad hho ier and (in limited editions) (hich he v SUDBURY (CP) -- Harvey as & spy. Frank Beatty, United wo ANTE WHEAT SENT od - -- ant Po in \rmstro i 1] wi ¥ ape py 1 y # ] | r IE p N Yelm : f ADMISSION CARI )S 50) CE NTS Hull and Cecil Elliott 3 i " : 8 Me. encourages the beginner RA te vad imey Dare h, 21, JJnd Tohn I ress International newspie: onureh of Canada Thursday DS 5 . D | rvice in ohn vill be! "Tein ADVENTURES oF A A150 yi vi Richard Markham, 26, of Fer. tures bureau chief in Miami sone appealed to Prime Minis . AA Mis . | JAMES BARNETT conducted by fev, DD, Luchak on ppp ASURE HUNTER; a rare designed and cul and printed gus and Goderich respectively,/was released as a "goodwilllj, »fenhake y GOOD PAR NC fond / 1 f LL ' the hooks hand press, He » at] : ter Diefenbaker to send wheat a LA 2 James Barnett died in the his MONG in, 16, at 10 am ie hooks on a han pres were sentenced Friday to one gesture" towards the Bwiss| " ramine-stricken Red China dt Hal : sth vear after & short illness Interment will be in Oshaws speaks with relief of the publi: additional year each for their|l2mbassy, which took over han: phe church's international als EX [RA BUS E RVICE fan. 11, 1961, He was the hus. Ynion Cemetery C LEBRATING | ation of ane o his later books Jan. 10 escape from Burwash dling of US, affairs after the fii committee requested in a and o elle Purse Mo ad! hy commercial printers Industrial Farm, At the time of U.K, broke d y rele hd dl po antl CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED hah of fs Pursel of Mont! pRrEpERICK A, LITTLE fou physical exertion on his part. | (he phy nae None Oth pig diplomatic relations ojo ram *a substantial gift of He was sergeant in the Frederick A, Little died in IRTHDAYS [All that (the printer) requiredivear to serve on charges of : (wheat for the people of maine e INGO ROMP aid was In charge of his 95th year at Hillsdale Manor ( avatulations and host was the manuscript for the abduction, breaking and enter WILL HIKE AGAIN [1and China, KINSMEN B /\- the fingerprinting department in 00 Monday, Jan. 9, 1061, Hel pi J ii pe resi. | 10X1, the photographs for the ing and possession of stolen) LONDON (AP)=Dr, Barbara TRY DENTAL PLAN 20 . $20 GAMES Ottawa until 1947 when he! WAS the father of Roland Little dents of Oshawa and district illustrations, and the original goods, Darch was serving a 12- Moore announced Friday she| VICTORIA (CP) = Canada's 4 : moved to Montreal of Oshawp ho are celebrating births [samples of Indian paper." Iimonth term for breaking, enter: Will hike across the United fiyst dental health insur $150 Jackpot--520 each line plus He is survived by his wife, He left the Mcintosh Ander: | hii hin weekend all sounds quite simple; J uit ing and theft, tates a second time~in March! program will likely he tried $50 Full Card ane daughter, Mrs, K; H, Paul/son Funeral Home on Tuesday | Those who celebrate 10 write the hook and leave the KILLED BY TRAIN |or April=hecause John Ken-|in British Columbia late this p 9 Judk (Peggy) of Oshawa, ono sister, And @ funeral sevvice was held op, © carmel Hamlyn vest to the printer, Besides be ME ! nedy won the U.S, presidency. vear, The B.C. Dental Associar 5--$30 Games; 2--$250 Jackpots Marie of Toronto and two bro. At Christ Church in Fast Angus, | ail Gibbons streets Mrs, |iN8 8 skilled paper-maker, Dard) NORTH BAY (CP)=Charles The 67-year-old doctor hiked tion plans to try out the scheme oT NUMBERS "2 | R92 thers. Keith of Kitchener and Quebec, on Wednesday, Jan, 11 fda A Slo . 58 Keewatin Hunter 1s a master of English Berry, 30, of Capreol, died Fri-|ahout 7,000 miles last year, in- with a group of children of pres JACKP w we ANA Dé Robert of Arkell The Rev, Thomas Hardy, rec 4 Bar Wo Kiem. 82% Bloor | Prose [day when run over by a switch: | cluding a trip across the United high school age, If successful, Extra Buses : The body is resting at the Ger tal of Ve tHurch Sitieiuted at] re at Mrs. Harold init engine While Jorking a" a (Slates it will be extended fo othe TEAM 1 row Funeral Chapel where athe service ntombment Was 4 Buus ' street . irakeman with e anadian ! "wp TRL roups, funeral service will be held in/in Westbury Vault at 1 ast } nnn Wo Riper igh Small Waists National Rallways, He was LONI LOKE EYE grou) ------ --r---- JUBIL EE PAVILION the Chapel on Monday, Jan. 16 i jun Rowmanwll Myers street l] married with two children pital AB (ChI=A hos 1; , he in "allhearers were George ; . A me f Friday by 3 pan. interment wil be in a ih iy a Borie (George Van De Walker, 137 T n In Fashion CLAIMS SPEED RECORD Gerda Heyerink, 7, of Mount "WAIT! FREE ADMISSION TUESDAY, JAN. 17th requested not to call until Sun. Marchant and R. Damon Golborne siisel Gas da LOS ANGELES (AP) = The Ifin does not anpear to have WATCH FOR rr ayne Jeffer wif ACUg APY = T 9 | » Force Fride y ol | SUTTETEd permanent eye injury | day morning 2 Stoke 8 NEW YORK (AP) To be U.S, Air Force Friday elaimed 2" | y ) 1y mornin Mrs, Elva Van Slyke, 184 ready for next spring's fashions 8 world speed record for its/from a smoke homh explosion RUG SALE Mitchell avenue; Fred Ta B58 Hustler jet bomber, If|® week ago. Army officials are| MRS, PEARL WADUCK M E A oo 1a woman will need a good sun mA Te ore astern her, RR 1, Brookhing Rusie fe Tmo ah waistline, large! flew more than 1,200 miles-an. [Stl investigating the accident, | NU-WAY In poor health for some time taivlaigh RVANUE m p Halt O Nn ste I B N @ Mrs, Pearl Waduek died at the ews Li {HH 481 ; airielgh ave ne. closets and a husband to button hour with a payload of 4 don The girl was Injured when she 0 hawa General Hospital, 1'ri Pits To Close I'hose who ¢ fn her up the back pounds over a 621.mile closed andled the bomb, believed left 8 ay are: Mrs, Mar " uw day Jan, 13. She was 1H. hey Sunda HY (Je. Mariani I'hese truths were self 0 Thursday " . 78th year SYDNEY A HR i today after a full week of fash. NR ; 4 | "0 IYDNEY, NS. (CP)y=Domin ) , 781 Roweni ) 0} WV I 16 f RIZES OF $ 0 | Born in the Ukraine. Mrs jon Coal Company said Friday Bons Louw, p +8 4 Sind jon shows set up by the New DREW SE VEN YEARS Waduck (maiden name Tach: | ii has no plans to operate three! Ahad atreet Mis Mar [York Couture Group BRANTFORD (( n to Ratio . " . . | uk) was married in Montreal Cane Bre . p i : a TP These trends persisted through | Nollar, di, of Reve stoke, B.C, | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 iy. Roi JT Ahihed Lan garet. Arle, M3 Muchel line week 8 was sentenced Friday to seven Yines Y BE al Jive. norsans 10 Modest bareness begins in (he Years in jail for manslaughter The first five persoh in connection with the death of SHARE THE WEALTH D Cl ek, amen 1) i eres da¥me With ince {eng Lh, A tial ony hid oveles ag Loses (00Orge Anguish, 78, strangled onevan Faltley, Jb. Wha a aid the ol thelr birthdays each day Seoveiou, So LL He oy Yieites bavi dh breakin at he ve Yender EAT'N ( Wny | |] se y wweive double LICKeLs bi ¢ ol 5 ha Ro i / ---------------- -------- . SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th ' &, | company, mut ether dove the i Romont Theatre, good [introducing strantens costumes tere, JP ib por oto] EAC SS CL / 0ys eams Mosure dates set this week are| for a four-week period. The (With low-plunging backs, [had pleaded guilty to the re: sbi ' ue 1" y | final current attraction is "Under | duced charge 12 KING E, -- RA 3-3633 Ten Flags" ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM Score Wins ciow, Mr." Fairiey sad in an| he ods on hirtlutays wil IMCOE STREET NORTH [iesva there was no posal | the hours of & a.m. and 10 SIMCOE STR JR : bility that the mines employing 8 NOU R am. § fy BARD GREEN 1.000 would remain in operation] mM: Phone RA 33474 ADMISSION 50 CENT S nDurin the hl { week ol tree longer anevan atemate Istitute hoy basketball team han 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 tm. junior and senior = wore. WEATHER FORECAST tunendous victories aver O'Neill WILL MEET MONDAY' OTTAWA (CP)=Representa- tives of the federal and 10 pro : vineial governments will meet Meat Specials ! Mon, & Tues. [here Monday and Tuesday for UT -------- [a steering committee discussion SHOULDER of plans for the "resources for | tomorrow' conference at Mont: PO SE GE) DORK RIBS 2 lbs. 25 oO REln {ENE : S. c | WILL NEED LICENCE I TORONTO (CP) == Operating licences for liquor, wine and beer salesmen will soon be in] TENDER troduced, officials of the On tario Liquor Control Hoard said Friday, The Ontario legislature | Cc Collegiate and Vocational Insti CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED tute teams, This is a good in a | WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO imei en [7% Sunny Weekend CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH WHITBY veek with junior and senior . ye & oO " ames at O'Neill, T am sure we Mize \ 's I Wednesday, Jan, 18th, 8 p.m, wii do ax well as the boss 1111 oliqaer Muhorized 4 lieenaing system Y The girls on the senior basket {last year Purpose of the li Be boat Oe OF $200 (Must Go) hall team WNL WAPRWUM mORONTO (CF) -- Forecasts! - Forecast 4 Re h lo dicoirage legal FETAL GAG OF "400 tain & on he tte iho TORONTO (CF) = Forecauy Forecast temperatures delivery of lua by saison. | Mom, Omly! | Tues. Only! $20 each horizenta $100 a | ad 1am sure these big SORE 8 aw 1ST i Ml Low tonight, high' Sunday KILLED BY SAW $25 ADDED EACH WEEK, NOW WORTH $200 hays don't boeome cold as quick: * Synopsis: The mild spell in Windsor vii 0 1 | LONDON, Ont, (CP)=A pa: SHOULDER SLICED IF WON IN 54 NUMBERS y as gl Southern Ontario will end today St. Thomas , 4 i IS PARTNER tiet at the Beck Memarial . . a London ,,.,, 13 0 S as de q < $30 $20 NEW HORRY with colder air waving in from N \ Sanatorium was decapitated by i games at $3( 2 at $2¢ me Kitchener 0 \ lurt R, Waters, CA, has : Friday nig alle nes ot ti 4 the north hv this afternoon. The \ a bandaw Friday night, Police TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES A new Rabb far several mem GI, Tot Wn to the law YARRA "wi 10 | become a partner in the firm (said Syril Dvoran, 37, appar BACON Sh BdoS. $30 ¢ hon o the Donevan teaching nercely Hath HN a the Hamilton ,yyviv00s 13 0 of Monteith, Monteith, Riehl ently fell onto the bandsaw in 1a as hecome matrimony x 3 ¢ h St athe n 1 and ( Oshawd A § \ a N $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUL ONE CARI Pwo in particular are sporting older air arrives, A return to res 20 N 8 With og 18 fe a & Workshop 10 the: Sumario \ Pp h 1 5 § % A h Mi py ALE } PE Eh 4 aN y : \ ; % : . : a Fund diamonds and another is a Mulder Weather ia forecast tor Peterborough ..... 19 's past nine years and since bes FREE PHOTOGRAPHER lbs C 1b : : hanpy future groam : Lake Evie. Niagara. Southern TPORLON «yon isns 1] 3 coming a Chartered Accoun HAVANA (AP)=Cuba Friday , ha [| S. . WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE A scene from Macheth was ax agar Killaloe Cat sane id) of | tant in 1937 has specialized in night released a United States " wesented in assembly Wednes: Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Hal yjuskoka MN "0 weeounting sv stems instal: [ress photographer held five i \ LT] 0 ans a FLEA : N y 4 " A a [da by the Drama. Cia hurt A resi " indy " . NOMI BAY rae s <10 \) lation and come tax. My, days and ordered him expelled {actor were so good alent U0 amula arena A Sudbury 0 0] | Waters is married and has CB a A RN SE 3 1) n hile wy ON 3 a 0 the andience im Ne eine pay, pine Earlton ., a! ap | two ohildeen. He is treasurer ately offered them contracts ne WPRIRE COIIRT Ka nuskasing y y Al Wotary ( . ~ » . fhe best supharting actor was Ms afternoon, Winds ht, bes white River " EH { a ol the RO ih MONLC AY. JAN. 16 Angus. Who ocowldn't get his COMUNE Northwest 30 hy (MS IMaosonee ........ 13 13 | Chapter of the Society of In Ronald F. D, WILSON, CA ard hack in his seabbard dlernoon, light tonight and Sun lustrial i N \ ' : ni : : ; : hy TORONTO Pp dustnial and Cost Accountants AND $100.00 DOOR PRIZES We on Aun ie I Yonr Hook Northern Lake Huron, south: temperatu TCP) = Gusorvod and & Wether of National Of . RE ma ot nderway ing to by H A wperatures fice Management Asso JACKPOT NOS. 55:59 so the best in the history of Osh. OM Georgian Bay regions Min Max, |= SU, Ard . Edmond BURROWS, $.A. 2 £500.00 JACKPOTS wa. However vou ane Cloudy With occasional SNOW DAWSON «yes nise od 4 wish 10 announce the WON IN NUMBER Rt En HEN GAME ou must pay your fisst instal flurries today, Sunny with a fow| Vietoria yy... 1 4 formation of a partnership ARE REGU CAR $350 Srp gi «BS HEN eo 33 ent now cloudy intervals Sunday. Tam Edmonton «cova. 90 10 for the practice of theif ; EA \ CUNARAA TR ng colder today, Winds north: Regina o.oo... we 17 Notice y profession er the tum ADM A ' JACKP 1 CLUTTERED LUNCHROOMS west 15 increasing 10 20 WHS Winnipeg «vou asas { 13 name and style of ILE ORS v 8 v Since some lunch s are alternoon and becoming ght White River, & 7 4 . (IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR Li 5 0. {( LATION MUST Of eft cluttered with al © al tonight Rapuskasing 0 0 RON'S WILSON & 20 GAMES AT $40 we have been threatened! Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk North Bay , ras MW 37 GF WON IN 17 NOS' OR LES $20 CONSOLATION) y i " 9, supervised sysiem 1S! I Lake regions, North Bay. S8 Mane , i 0 in WATCH REPAIR BURROWS ] ] GAME SAT ¢ 30 00 Cane wi of the people at Sudbury: Cloudy clearing and Sudbury cosas NM h ¥ v FMVILD *2y Donevan are clean and well turin colder this meri A | X ' $2 350.00 PRIZES imannered, 1 would like to Sunny Sunday. Winds br IURRORR +111 viar n 3 All customers watches CHARTERED 2.35 ) ZES W unda nds northwest Windsor o..oia 1] 1 ACCOUNTANTS | "™ remind the ha who remain to 20, becoming hight hy this evens London .. Ms 41 should be picked up at sa EXTRA BUSES (Observe this notice ne Toronto i 38 13 WITH OFFICES AT ¢ IHL. RED BARN ADMISSION 1 00 PS = All pigesties will be done Timmins Kapuskasing region: ONawa (vvyavaanny <8 » RINKERS CLEANERS, 313 SIMCOE §T. § : i V away with \ ¥ AR " 3 ) N \ \ RIC ABNISHOH (1 GIVES YOU NANCE OG 3 a : L a Wn 3 ol today. Panly Mon eal | 19 23 Athol St, W, a RON OSHAWA, ONTARIO DOOR PRIZES {Cham L ACY clouay J pring wilder Sune Queber A 13 soon as possible, ALD F, WILSON RA 8.231 6 EDMOND BURROWS hambers i day. Winds light, (Halifax \ n LL { i wy 5h